Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 14, 2000


Hey all. Bet you didn't think you'd see a chapter this soon, but you know I figured that I left just at the beginning of V-day, and there's still 23 hours left to cover! Besides, who wants to read about Valentine's day after the fact, right? Let's see . . . anything else . . . oh yeah . . . WRITE ME WRITE ME WRITE ME! Actually, I have been getting a lot of e-mails with suggestions and what not, and I love it. SO don't forget to send you thoughts, wishes, and desires to .

Now for the legal lingo: If you are underage or not supposed to be reading this due to local laws, please don't. If you are offended by male/male romance and sex, leave now. This story is fiction and does not reflect the real lives of the members of NSync in any way.

Now for the fun!


"Chris I had a really fun time tonight"

"Me too Sarah."

"This is my first assignment where the clients are actually personable and fun to be with."

"We try!"

"Well, I guess we should head upstairs, huh?"

"Yeah. Um, Sarah. You know tomorrow, well I guess today, is Valentine's Day and I was kinda wondering if you'd like to have dinner. I mean nothing really romantic. There's just no reason to be alone, right?"

"I'd love to."

With that the two headed to the elevators and up to their rooms.

"You know it's one thirty already?" JC commented.

"Yeah and I'm still wide awake." Kyle responded.

"That's because I'm such a wonderful person to be around!" JC joked.

`You're right' Kyle thought to himself.

The two sat on the couch in the room, string at each other. Lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions.

`God, those eyes. I could look into them forever' Kyle thought.

`Wow, I think I'm falling for him' JC's mind wandered.

After staring at each other for a while, both became aware of the situation and quickly looked away.

"Well, I should be heading off to my room now."

`You could always stay here' JC thought.

"Yeah, I should get to bed. Not that it matters. We have the day off and all." JC added

"Yeah, and what better day to sleep through than Valentine's day." Kyle laughed.

"Yeah" JC sighed.

"You sound depressed. "

"Well, it's just that I hate being alone on days like this. And I don't want to just go out with anyone. They like me because of NSync, not because of the real JC. I just gets to me every so often. Don't worry about it though."

"JC, I like you for you." It took a minute, but Kyle soon realized what he had said and try to cover himself.

"What I mean is you are a really great guy and all and I'm sure you'll find someone very special."

JC stood there with a cheesy smile on his face. He eventually spoke "So, seeing as neither of us have anything to do, you want to catch dinner or a movie or something to forget about this `wonderful' day?"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Kyle answered. Kyle debated leaning in to kiss JC, but decided it was best not to. He still wasn't sure what JC's true feelings or intentions were. AND they HAD only met like 18 hours ago. Kyle said goodnight and walked down the hall to his room. JC leaned out the door and watched Kyle walk down to his room. As Kyle entered his room, the two waved to one another and closed their doors.

Once JC's door was closed, he leaned against it and sighed.

"I've never felt like this before. He's so much fun to talk to and be with. "

JC's mind flashed a warning signal, replaying what had happened with Kevin. Part of him was saying "Watch out. Don't get so close. You're trusting him a little to much." JC just kept smiling and said "He wouldn't do that. I just know it."

JC hopped on his bed, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. He wasn't going to have to spend Valentine's day alone after all.

Morning arrived and everyone felt happy to be alive. Of course there were a few exceptions to that rule. Joey had called Chris to see if he wanted to hang out and Chris said he was spending the day with Sarah. He then called JC who said he and Kyle were going to "get to know each other a little better." He knew Justin and Lance would want to be alone, so he didn't bother calling them.

His mind went back to last Valentine's day. He was going out with Kerri then. His mind raced back to their relationship and their breakup. A tear slid own his cheek. He jumped up thinking to himself `I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to sit here all day and feel sorry for myself. I'm just going to find something to amuse me.'

He got up, dried his cheek, and went downstairs for breakfast.

There was another less than happy camper that morning.

"Good morning beautiful." Lance said rubbing up against Justin.

Justin only groaned.

"How are you this morning?"

"I hurt. A lot."

"I'm so sorry honey. Is there anything I can do?"

"Promise me you'll never come near me with that baseball bat again."

"Oh. Okay. I won't."

"I didn't mean that. It's just. Well, I don't know how to explain it. It just hurts. And it feels a slippery and I'm a little scared that I won't be able to control certain `functions'."

"I feel so bad. I knew we shouldn't have done it."

"Okay. I've heard enough talk about this. I'm over it. Now get back here and kiss me!"

"YES SIR!" Lance yelled as he jumped back onto the bed, snuggling up next to Justin.

Justin giggled as he grabbed Lance crotch. "Do this thing EVER go down."

"Not when you're around!" Lance reached down and grabbed Justin "And you should talk Mr. Perky!"

Justin groaned and Lance gently stroked him. "I could stay here all day letting you do that."


"I think we should get up at some point. Plus I'd really like a shower."

"Why? We're only going to get sweaty again with all the wild sex I have planned for us!"

"Listen Scoop, I don't know what you've got planned, by just leave my ass out of it. I'm not going to be dancing for quite some time after last night."

"Don't let Fatima hear you say that!"

"I'm not afraid of Fatima. I'll just tell her it's your fault!"

Lance just looked in shock at Justin "You'd do that wouldn't you."

"Oh yeah Lance. `Sorry Fatima but I can't dance today because my boyfriend Lance stuck his big fat dick up my ass!' That would go over really well."

"You know something J. You're adorable."

"I know!"

"That's my sexy boyfriend. Mr. Ego!"

"Damn straight!"

"Um, Justin. After last night I don't think damn straight is a word you are allowed to use anymore."

With that Justin jumped on top of Lance and pretended to mount him. Lance quickly flipped the boy on his back and lay on top of him. His now rock hard penis had found its way to Justin's tender entrance. Justin winced in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'll get off."

"Lance, I love you and I'd love to do this right now, but I just want to wait a little while to make sure I don't like leak all over the place of something." Lance laughed and said "Okay."

Justin slapped Lances ass and laughed "Come on sport. It's time to hit the showers. You smell."

Lance jumped up and gave his hand to Justin to help him up. Justin was definitely feeling the effects of the night before and was walking a little bow legged. Lance picked him up in his arms and carried him into the bathroom. He set the boy on the counter by the sink and turned around to fill the tub with hot water.

When he turned back, Justin pulled him into a tight embrace and they kissed passionately. Justin wrapped his legs around Lance's waist as he go into the moment. Lance then picked the boy up and Justin's legs dropped to the ground. Lance held Justin's hand as the younger blonde got into the tub. Justin moaned from the relaxing feel of the warm water.

"Aren't you getting in?"

"I took a shower when I got up earlier. You were still sleeping. Besides, it would be a tight fit for both of us in there!"

"Okay. I'll be out in a few then."

"Un Uh. That's not what I have planned for you." With that Lance took out a washcloth and started to gently wash Justin's body. His arms and shoulders and back, then down to his chest. Lance skipped down to Justin's legs and feet. Justin was getting into this and his penis was standing up, breaking the surface of the water. Lance put more soap on the wash cloth and reach between Justin's leg. He gently washed both cheeks and the went along the crack to wipe off the excess lube from the night before. He then reached Justin's rosebud and slowly wiped it while massaging it with the slightest pressure. Justin felt the pain ease away and began moaning in pleasure.

"Oh Lance. Yeah."

Lance rinsed the wash cloth out and started to clean Justin's balls. He gently rolled them in his hands. And then made his way up to Justin's aching cock. He delicately rubbed the ridge under the head causing Justin to almost scream. He then wrapped the whole cloth around the member and stroked it gently. After about 5 strokes Justin pulled Lance into a kiss as he ejaculated into the washcloth.

"Was it good for you?" Lance laughed.

Justin could only moan "Mmmmmmmmmmm."

Lance got Justin out of the tub and dried him off. He then escorted the naked boy back to bed where Justin said "I think I want you to fuck me again."

"I think you mean you want me to show you how much I love you again."

Lance went to the door and opened it slightly. Just as he had arranged, a bouquet of roses was sitting outside the door. He grabbed the vase and went back inside. He set the vase down and removed 1 rose. He went to the bed and slowly ran the rose up the base of Justin's foot. Justin giggled and tried to get up, but Lance pushed him back down of the bed.

Lance slowly traced every feature of the young boys body with the rose. Justin loved the gentle touch of the petals, although he did occasionally shudder from the gentle touch.

Lance set the rose down next to Justin as he slowly lifted his lover's legs.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

Justin just moaned and tossed the lube and a condom to him.

Lance suited up and slowly inserted a finger into Justin. Unlike the night before, it slid in easily. When he stuck the second finger in, Justin winced a little.

"Just be gentle. Please?"

"I'd never hurt you."

Lance pulled his fingers out and replace them with his dick. He slid in relatively easily. While Justin's face showed signs of discomfort, Lance soon found his way to Justin's magic spot. Upon hitting it, Justin moaned and clamped down on Lance's cock. Lance screamed out. Justin was so tight that he knew he wouldn't hold out for long.

Lance was getting into it but became a little over-enthusiastic. He accidentally pulled all the way out of Justin. In doing so, the condom fell off.

"Shit. I lost the condom."

Justin's head popped up "IN ME?????"

"No, no. It just fell off. Throw me another one. "

"There are no more."

They looked into each other's eyes.

"You were my first, so I know I'm clean."

"I told you everyone I was with, and I've never done anything `risky' until now... "

There was silence for a minute. Justin lay back on the bed and said "I trust you."

Lance smiled, let go of the boys legs and went up to kiss Justin.

"We can finish later after we go shopping."

"Or you can tell me that you love me and finish right now."

Lance kissed him again and repositioned himself. He gently slid inside. It felt different. No barrier between he and the one he loved. Lance began thrusting more and more. Justin felt a jolt of energy every time Lance hit his prostate. In no time Justin coated his and Lance's chest with a huge load. Lance tried to hold out and keep going but the sensations were just too much to handle. He came wildly inside the younger blonde. He slowly withdrew himself from Justin. As he did, some of his juices began leaking out of Justin.

"I think I know why we should always use a condom."

"Why?" Justin asked sitting up. Justin sitting up forced more of Lance's cum out of Justin.

"SHIT! I'M LEAKING!" Justin hopped up, squeezed his cheeks together and ran into the bathroom.

Lance tried to go in with him but Justin shut the door and locked it. After about 20 mintues Justin re- emerged, freshly showered.

"Well, that was attractive. What did you do, shot a gallon into me or something?"

Lance giggled. "You know you can always get even with me!"

"Later my sweet. Later. Right now you're going to go shopping for condoms because I'm not going through that again!"

"Is that wise - I mean buying them in public?" Lance asked.

"So send Kyle. I think that's in his job description. Besides, maybe he and JC could use some!"

"You're bad."

Justin tried his best to imitate Nick Carter singing "If you want it to be good girl, get yourself a . . . bad boy!"

"Ah, there's my little back door boy!" Lance laughed.

Justin picked up a pillow and started beating Lance with it.

The afternoon went smoothly and quickly for the guys. Joey went to the mall and met up with a girl in the food court. The girl knew Joey looked familiar but thought he was a basketball player, not a singer. They hit it off and went to a movie. Chris ran around town frantically looking for someplace that wasn't sold out of roses.

`It's like someone went around town and bought every single rose' Chris thought.

JC and Kyle went shopping and then went to their rooms to rest before going out later.

Lance went for a walk - very well disguised - in search of `Condom Nation'. The address was listed in the phone book, but he couldn't quite find it.

Back in the hotel, Justin got the room ready for that night. Some of the hotel staff was setting up a table for dinner. He had ordered 101 roses, which had just been delivered. 99 red and 2 white. He got out dress pants, a baby blue silk shirt, and a jacket. Everything was going to be perfect tonight.

Before any of them knew it, it was almost time for their dates.

Well, there's Valentine's Day part 2. Stay tuned for the conclusion of this romantic day. Will Chris and Sarah become and item? Will JC give into the dark side and get involved with Kyle? Who is Joey really with? Will Lance ever find the condom store? And who will be getting busy later on? Stay tuned for Chapter 12!!!

Remember - I love e-mail so write me!! Later Y'all!

Next: Chapter 12

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