Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 13, 2000


Hey there readers. So here is the promise Valentine's edition. For those of you who haven't checked it out, I wrote another story 'J and JC' for the readers of this story who like the couple of Justin and JC. I won't keep you long - 'cause this is a long chapter. Hope you enjoy. Let me know at

Legal stuff: If you are under age or prohibited from reading this story, please stop now. This story is a work of fiction and implies nothing about the real lives of the members of NSync.

Chapter 10:

The guys were all gathered in the conference room of the hotel, awaiting the arrival of Kyle and Sarah. The food had already been brought in the room, but they thought it would be rude to start eating before everyone was there.

"Chris, you look like shit." Joey remarked.

"You try sleeping when the fuck bunnies are going at it all night." Chris snapped back.

"Fuck bunnies, huh?" a strange voice said.

They all turned to see a young man all of about 27 or 28 years old and a woman of approximately the same age.

"You must be Kyle and Sarah" JC jumped up walking over to them.

"Bet you can't guess which is which!" Sarah joked.

"Wow, a sense of humor - and from a management person no less. How did we rate?" Chris joined in the joking.

"Well, you all must have a great sense of humor to live with that!" Sarah laughed pointing to Joey's freshly re-dyed red hair.

"Oh sure. Let's all pick on Joey now. I've been so good and quiet, but feel free to just gang up on me whenever you want." Joey whined.

"OK!" JC and Chris screamed jumping onto Joey's lap.

"I like the lap dance and all, but I think Justin and Lance are getting all hot and bothered." Joey teased.

"So, I take it Lance and Justin are the two ... what did you call them ? `fuck bunnies'?"

The guys were silent. JC and Chris slowly slid off Joey's lap and all eyes turned to Justin and Lance.

"Well," Justin started "seeing as we'll be spending a lot of time around one another and you 2 seem cool and all, we should probably tell you everything up front. That said ."

Justin grabbed Lance and kissed him passionately in front of everyone in the room.

"Way to be discrete Just." Chris laughed.

The comment was soon followed by a round of applause for the two who were still entranced with the kiss.

"Shouldn't someone put an end to their tonsil research before they set off the fire alarms?" Sarah asked with a giggle.

"I like her!" Chris said walking over to her and putting his arm around her. "Excuse me ma'am, but I was wondering if you had any plans for breakfast?"

Sarah followed Chris over to a table and they sat next to each other.

"Well, I feel like the odd man out." Kyle exclaimed.

"Hey, JC gives a pretty good lap dance if you're lonely!" Joey stated plainly, earning a slap across the head from JC.

JC immediately began jumping up and down yelling "MY HAND! MY HAND! I BURNED MY HAND!"

Joey turned and got up from his chair and immediately tackled JC.

"Umm, pardon me if this sounds forward - but are those two `fuck bunnies' also?" Kyle asked.

The room was immediately filled with laughed as Joey jumped off of JC, dusted himself off and said, "Uh Uh. No way. Not me."

Kyle smiled thinking `Good, cause he's kinda cute.'

Kyle reached out his hand and helped JC up.

"Glad to see someone around here is a gentleman." JC said, looking at Joey. The two proceeded to stick their tongues out at each other.

"I am a gentleman - when there's a woman involved." Joey defended himself "Oh wait!" Joey jumped up and pushed JC back to the ground "I forgot. You ARE a woman. Let me help you up!"

Just as JC was about to pull Joey to the ground, Kyle yelled out "CHILDREN!"

He continued "I am greatly amused by your displays here, but if you don't mind I'm kind of hungry and the food ain't getting any warmer while we sit here watching the battle royale. So I suggest we all eat something and THEN these two can resume killing each other."

Justin turned to Lance smiling and said, "I like these two."

Lance answered "From the looks of it, so does Chris."

They looked to the other table where Chris was listening to Sarah, completely entranced by her. The two quickly became the center of attention and everyone let out a big "AWWWWWWW."

Chris turned every shade of red imaginable and Sarah very calmly stated "Sorry to disappoint y'all but I don't put on displays like Justin and Lance do. " She quietly said to herself "Not in public at least."

Breakfast went very smoothly and both Kyle and Sarah were quickly assimilated into the group. They were able to make a breakthrough none of their predecessors had. The guys saw them as equals, not as `management slave-drivers.'

It had become clear that Chris and Sarah had hit it off very well, as Chris monopolized all of her time at breakfast. A few of the other guys noticed something else too.

"Hey J?" Lance asked "You notice anything going on across the table there?"

"You mean Joey's hair getting spontaneously redder or the fact that if JC and Kyle were any closer they'd be in the same seat?"

"The latter."

"Yeah, I caught that one. This could be a very interesting tour!"

"I hate to break up this little party, but YOU'RE LATE!" Fatima yelled coming through the doors of the conference room.

Joey was the first to jump up, saluting her saying, "Sorry ma'am. It will never happen again ma'am"

"If I only had a dollar for every time I've heard that!" Fatima laughed.

The guys all ran upstairs to change and were on their way to the arena. It was going to be a long day. Rehearsal in the morning, a brief interview after lunch, sound checks, and then the concert.

The morning rehearsal went very well. The guys all sat having lunch discussing the upcoming interview.

"Why do we have this interview all of a sudden?" Justin asked.

"Probably the whole 'Kevin' thing" JC replied.

"All I know is I want to get it done and over with so I can take a nap before tonight." Justin added.

"We know what you want, but sleep doesn't have anything to do with it!" Chris teased.

"See, there you go again, getting all jealous because I'm getting some and you're not!" Justin laughed.

Out of the blue Chris got up, started rubbing Lance's head, and said "I'm just jealous because now I can't have Lance. He's so ... dreamy!"

The guys laughed their way through the rest of Lunch. The interview went well and was more for PR for the tour than anything. When the "sudden management change" was mentioned Sarah quickly stepped in and answered the question.

The guys went through the motions of the afternoon, doing sound checks, picking up their costumes, getting make up done, and eventually getting a few moments rest. Their break son ended as they filed into a hospitality room to meet some contest winners from the local radio station.

The guys socialized with the guests, signing autographs and taking pictures. As concert time approached, the guests were ushered to their seats and the guys got themselves psyched up for the show. As is tradition they turned on the Phil Collins CD and made their last minute adjustments to their costumes, hair, and makeup.

The concert was great. The guys went all out for the show. All of the troubles of the past few days seemed to have brought them closer together and it showed. Well, it was either that or the fact that they had a few days off, starting right after the show!

The guys quickly left the arena once the concert was done. They headed back to the hotel.

In the limo Joey asked, "Is any else starved or is it just me?"

Everyone agreed that they were hungry. They all tried to decide what to eat.

"I'm thinking Chinese!" JC spoke up.

"Pizza!" Chris chimed in.

"How about Mexican?" Joey added.

The three looked over to Lance and Justin.

"What are you looking at?" Justin asked "Don't worry about me. I'm eating at Chez Lance tonight!"

"THE HELL YOU ARE!" Chris yelled out "I'm eatin' then I'm goin' to bed. I'm not stayin' up all night listenin' to 'Oh yeah. Oh Lance. Stick it in further! Oh Yeah!' all night.

"Sucks to be you Chris, because I plan on rockin' his world tonight!" Lance giggled.

"Joey? JC? Can I stay in one of your rooms tonight? I'm afraid I'l get sea sick form all the 'rockin' in the room next door!"

They all laughed hysterically and Joey agreed to let Chris sleep in his room.

The limo pulled up to the hotel and the guys were escorted inside. They went up to their rooms. Lance and Justin to theirs and Joey and Chris went over to JC's. They all ordered room service and ate. Afterwards they all decided it was time for bed.

"Hey Lance?"

"Yeah Just."

"Can we just cuddle tonight."

"My thoughts exactly"

"Good, 'cause I'm exhausted."

The two drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

The next day meant moving on to the next city on the tour. They had nothing officially scheduled, but it meant a 2 hour bus trip. The guys were up at 8, packed, ate breakfast and were ready to go. The bus left at 9:15 and they were on their way. Chris, JC, and Lance all decided to get some more sleep and headed to the bunks. Justin was on his cell phone with his mom and Joey was playing Nintendo in the lounge.

After Justin got off the phone he went over and sat next to Joey, whose game had just ended.

"Hey Joe?"

"'sup Curly?"

"I need to ask you something, but I don't know how."

"How about opening your mouth and asking it!"

"Funny! Alright here it goes. I kinda want to give Lance something special for Valentine's day."

"And you want me to help pick something out, right?"

"No, I know what I want to give him, I just don't know how."

"What are you giving him?"


"I'm not following you here J."

"Joey, I love Lance with my whole heart, and I said I would never go 'all the way' until I was married. That's obviously not going to happen but I feel Lance is the person I want to share that with."

"I can't believe we're having this talk right now, but okay go on."

"Well, as I said I've never 'done this' before and I'm nt really sure how it's supposed to go."

"Well, it's pretty simple. You've got a pole and a hole. Now one goes into the other. Can you figure out which one!" Joey laughed.

"I know that part dumb ass. It's just that, well the 'hole' as you call it is pretty small and the 'pole' is big. Really big. I'm scared it will hurt."

"I'm no expert on this Just. I've been the 'pole' once but never the 'hole'."

Justin looked at him in shock.

"With a girl stupid!"


"Anyway - all I can tell you is that there are a ton of web sites out there with suggestions and remember to use a LOT of lube. Lance would never hurt you, so I wouldn't worry to much."

"Thanks Joey."

"Any time. Oh and here." Joey reached into his bag and pulled out some condoms and handed them to Justin. "I know this is your first time, but you should always be careful - plus the thought of where you're putting it ,,, this way everything stays clean!"

"Thanks Joey. I'll remember that!"

With that Joey went back to the video game and Justin went to stash Joey's "gift".

They arrived at the hotel and Justin and Joey got to wake everyone up. Justin crawled into the bunk with Lance and started rubbing him though his sweat pants. As Lance's member started to notice the attention, Lance started to wake up.

"What are you doing?" Lance hissed.

"Waking you up?"


"We're at the hotel."

"So, you want me to walk in there hard?"

"Just prepping you for later!"

Just hopped out of the bunk and went to meet up with Joey and the other 2.

"TEASE!" Lance yelled from his bunk.

"Is he coming?" JC asked.

"Umm . . . not yet! He a little excited to be seen in public right now!" Justin laughed.

The guys all went into the hotel leaving Lance to 'calm down' before he was seen in public.

Justin was laying on the bed when the door flew open and Lance charged in.

"If you ever do that again. . ."

"What are you going to do?" Justin asked once again putting his hand on Lance's crotch.

Lance didn't answer, he just moaned.

Justin pulled down the front of Lance's sweats and freed the rising member.

"Mmmmmm. Looks good enough to eat!"

With that Lance grabbed the younger boys head and pushed it towards his now fully erect penis.

Justin immediately dropped to his knees in front of Lance and began sucking for all he was worth. There was no foreplay this time. No tickling or touching or licking. Just sucking.

"Justin slow down. You're going to make me cum."

Justin just sucked harder and faster.

"Oh God Just, you're soooo good."

Lance's breathing became ragged. Justin sensed this and he reached up and grabbed the older blonde's balls.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Lance growled.

Lance started to thrust his hips forward, pushing all of his man hood down Justin's throat.

"Uhhhh. Baby. I'm gonna cum in your mouth. This is it. Right now. AHHHHHHHHH!"

With that Lance leaned forward, using Justin's shoulders for support as he unloaded into Justin's mouth. Justin continued to gently suck on Lance until they heard clapping coming from the doorway.

Justin let Lance's cock drop from his mouth and turned around, only to see JC standing in the doorway.

"You know, these doors do have locks." JC chuckled.

"You know some people knock." Justin shot back.

"I just opened the door 2 seconds ago and I did knock. I thought someone said come in so I did."

Lance had run into the bathroom to put some clothes on. He re-emerged and asked what JC wanted.

"Well, about 5 minutes ago on your way up here you said you wanted to go to a mall or somewhere you could do some shopping. I found out where on is and I came to get you so we could go."

"Oh yeah - I forgot about that."

"Can I come with you guys?" Justin asked.

"NO!" Lance snapped. "I mean, you look tired and we're just going for a little while, so maybe you should stay and rest. I can get anything you need."

Justin thinks to himself 'I need you to get me off.' But says "I'm fine. You go do whatever. I'll be here."

Lance changed into something more presentable and headed out with JC.

"Why couldn't Justin go?"

"Because we're getting his Valentine's present."

"Oh, that explains everything!"

Justin walked over and made sure the door was locked. He then lay back on the bed and replayed Lance being in front of him. Gently thrusting into his mouth. His thoughts then turned to Lance thrusting into somewhere else. Justin soon noticed that is was getting a bit cramped in his underwear. He pulled his pants down and slowly began stroking his dick. His thoughts wandered to all of th moments he and Lance had shared these past few days. It didn't take long before his breathing quickened and he exploded all over his shirt. He just lay there, coming down from the high. 'It feel much better when Lance does it, but sometime you gotta do what you gotta do!'

He took off his shirt, balled it up and threw it in the closet. He pulled his pants back up and went to his luggage. He pulled out his laptop, plugged it in and went online. He was taking Joey's suggestion on finding 'directions' for anal sex.

Hey typed in 'S-E-X' - 1,892,376 matches

"Hmmm, let's try this."

'A-N-A-L S-E-X' -128,941 matches

"That's a little better."

He clicked on a sub directory which was entitled "gay"

After scrolling down he came to a site called "The guide to anal sex"

"That was easy enough."

He entered the site and began reading it. He made mental note of some good suggestions for "first timers" as well as for some more advanced techniques for later on. He cruised the web for a couple of hours until JC and Lance returned. He looked at his watch - it was 5:00 already.

"Where does the time go."

Justin went to get up when Lance and JC walked in the room, but 5 hours of looking at porn sites had left him a little 'high and dry'. Well, actually it was more like 'high and a little moist'.

Justin just sat there covering his erection until JC left.

Lance walked over and said "I missed you."

Justin got up and replied "I missed you too."

"How much?" Lance asked.

"This much." Justin took Lance's hand and placed it on his rock hard cock.

"Mmmmm. You missed me a lot, didn't you."

Justin simply smiled and nodded his head. Lance lifted the younger boy up in his arms and carried him to the bed.

"We only have 30 minutes until we meet for dinner with the guys and Kyle and Sarah. Then we're going to a club."

"Well, I've been like this" Justin points to his crotch "for 5 hours, so I'm thinking it can blow 3 or 4 times in the next 30 minutes."

"In that case. . ."

Lance quickly stripped the boy and went down on him. Unlike the blow job Justin had given Lance earlier, Lance was taking his time. He ran his hands around the boys stomach and legs. He tugged lightly on his balls and went to finger his ass. As he began to penetrate the tight orifice, Justin yelled out and came in his mouth.

As Justin was recovering, Lance lifted him up and took him into the bathroom, where they showered together.

The group went out to dinner and it was much like breakfast the morning before. Sarah and Chris were engrossed in conversation. JC was sitting next to Joey but undressing Kyle with his eyes. Justin and Lance were rubbing each other's legs under the table cloth. Once dinner was over they went to a near by club and danced until about 1am. They all headed back to the hotel. It was only a few blocks, so they decided to walk. I was very warm for a February night.

Joey called Justin to the back of the group. He pulled a bag out of his coat pocket and gave it to him. Justin looked at him and mouthed "What is it?" Joey just motioned with his head for Justin to look inside. It was a tube of lubricant.

He whispered to Joey "Thanks. I completely forgot about this."

"Have a good night Curly!" Joey said with a grin.

When they entered the hotel, Lance and Justin went up to their room. Joey went to his room to call a friend from home. JC invited Kyle over to watch a movie, as both said they really weren't tired. Chris and Sarah decided to have a drink at the bar in the lobby.

Once Justin and Lance were in their room, they locked the door, wrapped their arms around each other, and kissed.

"Lance, I want to give you something special for Valentine's Day but I don't think I can wait. I want you to have it now."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, it's after midnight so technically it is Valentine's Day."

Lance started jumping up and down like a kid. "What is it? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"You're looking at it."

Lance was confused for a minutes but then the light went on in his head.

"James Lansten Bass, I love you with my whole heart and I want to be with you on Valentine's day. I want to share all of me with you."

"Are you sure?"

Justin took Lance by the hand over to the bed. They laid down and kissed passionately. Justin slowly undressed the older boy and Lance in turn undressed Justin. Justin licked his way across Lance's chest and then down to his waist and eventually be began to lick Lance's pulsing member. Lance moaned out in anticipation. Soon the warmth of Justin's tongue and lips was replaced by a cool, slick feeling at the tip of his dick. Justin slowly rolled the condom down Lance's length.

"You're sure about this, right?"

Justin looked into his eyes and said "I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

He pulled out the tube of lubricant that Joey had gotten him and applied a generous amount to Lance's Latex covered penis. Lance took the tube and truned Justin over. He poured some directly in the crack of Justin's ass, making Justin shiver from the coolness. He slowly worked his finger around until one made it's way into the puckered hole. After some time and effort, Lance managed to get three fingers in the young blond without Justin ever feeling discomfort.

Lance removed his fingers and lay on his side, pulling Justin close to him. He licked the boy's ear while asking "How do you want to do this?"

Justin pushed Lance on his back and began to straddle him. He lowered himself until the head of Lance's cock was at the entrance of his tunnel. Justin attempted to push down, but it just wouldn't go in. Lance groaned from the displeasure of the pressure pushing on his dick.

"Justin. I don't think it's going to fit."

"It will fit. We just have to try harder."

"That's easy for you to say. It feels like you're going to break my dick off."

Justin pushed down one more time and Lance yelped in pain. He grabbed the younger blonde, flipped him over and held him to his chest.

"Let's not do this. We can have fun other ways."

Justin began to cry.

"Justin, it's not that I don't want to. Please don't cry."

"This was al I wanted to give you for Valentine's Day. To say I'll be yours forever. And now we can't."

"Shhhh." Lance comforted the boy, rocking him gently. He slowly turned them so they were on their side, Lance still tightly holding on to Justin. Lance wiggled his hips around until his member found Justin's crack. He pushed forward a little. Justin was still crying in his arms.

Lance bent down and kissed the back of his neck. He then took his right hand and guided himself to Justin's hole. He slowly rubbed it at the entrance. After a moment he pushed forward. He grabbed Justin's hips for support and slowly began to penetrate him.

Justin gasped.

"Are you okay?"

Justin just nodded.

Lance continued to push until about 2 inches were inside of Justin. He released his grip on Justin's hips and put his arms around the boy's chest again. He hugged him as he kissed his neck and shoulders. He slowly pushed his hips forward and a little more of him slipped inside. After some time, he managed to get the whole length inside of Justin.

"Are you all the way in now?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay, I'm going to start then."

Lance slowly started to withdraw himself from Justin and the pushed back in. He started pulling out only a little ways and then going back in. Eventually he pulled out all the way to the head before plunging back in.

"Lance stop."

"Are you okay? Am I hurting you?"

"I'm fine. I just want to see you while we do this."

Lance slid out of Justin, who laid on his back. Lance lifted Justin's legs to his shoulders and took position to re-enter him. This time it slipped in with ease, and Lance slid his entire length in with one motion. Justin moaned ans shivered.

"Wow, that felt good."

"You're tellin' me. You're so tight I'm going to loose it soon."

Lance thrust in and out, slowly at first but the picking up speed. He was really getting into it and became very vocal.

"Oh Justin. This . . . is . . . so . . . gooooooooood. I love you man. Uhnnnnnn. So ... warm ... and ... tight."

Justin too was moaning out "Uhhh. Lance. Yeah. That's it. Do it. Faster. Harder. Uhhh. I'm gonna loose it too. Eeep going."

Justin reached down and slapped Lance's ass, spurring him on. Lance's hips pistoned in and out of Justin at record pace. The headboard started hitting the wall behind them.

"Fuck Lance. I'm gonna shoot."

Justin cock began to jerk as it shot streams of cum up onto Lance chest.

Lance growled, pushing all the way into Justin, moving the boy up the bad a distance. He immediately unloaded into the condom. Justin could feel the pulsing inside him.

Lance collapsed on top of Justin, still inside him. He was panting heavily.

"I love you Lance."

"I love you too J."

"You've made me the happiest man in the world tonight."

So there it is. Chapter 10 AND Justin's first. Of course there is still the possibility that Justin will "deflower" Lance. And exactly what is going on in JC's room with Kyle? What about Chris and Sarah? And what about poor Joey - he's all alone on Valentine's Day. I guess you'll all have to wait to see what Chapter 11 brings! Write me - !!


Next: Chapter 11

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