Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jan 19, 2000


Well, after being an avid reader of stories from the Nifty Archive for some time, I've decided to make an entry of my own. I hope you all like it. If so, let me know and I will continue. My info is at the end of the story for your comments, etc. As a fore-warning, this story is written how I most enjoy stories - some romance, some sex, and some unanswered questions to keep you coming (cumming??) back for more!

As for the formalities: This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexual orientation of the members of NSync. This story is fiction and meant for amusement only. If you shouldn't be reading this because of your age, where you live, etc. don't. If you are offended by male-male relationships/sex then this isn't the story for you.

With all that said - on with the show.

2 out of 5

"Another day, another boring bus trip" Justin thinks as he stares out the window. Two weeks into their tour and already he wishes he could be back home and asleep in his own bed. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't heard Chris and Joey sneak up behind him. Next thing he knew he was covered in silly string and his two band-mates were on the floor laughing. "Great. We're stuck here in this stupid bus and you guys get this stuff in my hair. Now I have to wait until we get to the hotel to get it out."

In between laughs Joey responds," There's a shower in the bus. Use that one." "Oh no." Justin replied. "After last week when you took all of JC's clothes out of the bathroom on him, then the pictures you took of Lance while he was showering..I'm not taking any chances. I'll wait until I have my own room with a lock you guys can't pick." "You know Curly, if you got your hair cut once in a while it would be easier to get out." "Oh please. Mr. `dread-locks' himself is giving ME tips on hair?" "I had those cut off ages ago" Chris quickly responded. "Yeah because there was somethin' growing in there" Joey said under his breath just loud enough so everyone heard him.

Their handiwork being done, the dynamic duo' headed off to see who else they could harass. As they were leaving the lounge Chris asked Joey "What did happen to the pictures of Lance in the shower?" Joey responded "I don't know. Why don't you ask Justin." Justin felt his face turning red. "He couldn't know, could he? I mean I had them hidden. Damn I knew I should have..." Justin's thoughts were interrupted by Chris, "You ok J? I've been talking to you for like a minute and you just sat there getting redder by the second. We just want to know if you've seen the pictures. We don't want them falling into the wrong hand." Justin quickly answered, "Nope haven't seen em. But yeah, I'm sure the vultures. I mean press would love to get their hands on some of those. I'll keep my eye out for them." With that Joey and Chris left.

Once outside the lounge, Joey turned to Chris and said, "I know where the pictures are." "Where are they?" "First you have to swear not to tell anyone." Chris was getting excited thinking Joey was using them for a really big prank. He wasn't prepared to hear what Joey was about to say. Joey started, "A couple of days ago I heard Justin in his bunk and he was going at it like crazy." "Huh?" Chris asked. "You know" Joey continued, "beatin' off." Chris just stared at Joey and said "Do you stand by all of our bunks and listen to hear what's going on?" "No dumb-ass. Who's bunk is right next to Justin's?" "Well, yours is Joe." "Well, Justin was being a little loud and there's only this little curtain so it's not like sound proof or anything." "Uh huh" Chris responded trying to figure out just where this was going. "Well anyway, the next day I was feeling a little . uh . frustrated and I thought maybe Justin had a good magazine or something that could help me out a little. That's when I found them." "Found what?" Chris asked completely lost to what Joey was trying to tell him. "The pictures." What pictures?" "The ones of Lance in the shower. " "Okay." Chris said looking like he was going to run away from Joey at any minute. He went on, "I think I get what you're telling me Joe, but it'll take some time for me to deal with you jerking off to pictures of Lance in the shower." "NOT ME YOU MORON! JUSTIN HAS THE PICTURES UNDER HIS PILLOW. HE WAS USING THEM." Joey yelled.

"What pictures does Justin have?" They both froze and turned around to see Lance standing behind them. "Uh nothing. Never mind." Joey said as he ran to the back of the bus. Chris looked at Lance's face, trying to read his expression before slowly asking, "Um, Lance.. Exactly how long .. were you . uh. standing there?" "Well, I wasn't standing here until I heard Joey yell and I ran up here to make sure everything was alright." "That's our Lance," Chris said with a fake laugh, "always on the job as full time babysitter for us." "You know I wouldn't have it any other way. It would get mighty boring touring by myself after you all killed one another if someone wasn't babysitting." "Hey! We're not that bad." Chris responded trying to defend himself. "No, of course not. That's why JC is all of a sudden afraid of the bathroom on the bus and Justin is in the lounge pouting because he has pink stuff in his hair," Lance laughed. "It's just silly string," Chris said bluntly "Not like we sprayed his precious hair with paint of something. I'm going to find Joey. At least HE thinks my humor is funny." Lance shrugged and went back to the lounge.

"Hey Just." Lance said as he entered the lounge. Justin immediately jumped up and went over to Lance. "Hey Lance, what's up? Doin' anything exciting?" "Well J, let me see. We're on a bus for the next 6 hours, so no, nothing exciting. Anything good on TV?" "No. The damn Sat. TV can't get a good signal in between these mountains. Everything's fuzzy and is starting to get to me. I was thinking of heading back to bed." Justin went on talking to Lance but he wasn't hearing a word Justin said. He was looking at Justin's eyes and lips and 'Oh God. What are you doing Lance. If you keep sitting here like a moron, he'll know you're thinking something about him. But look at the way his lips move when he talks. I bet he'd give great head. Oh great Lance. Keep thinking like this and you won't be able to stand up with making a fool out of yourself."

Lance snapped back into reality when he felt Justin's hand on his shoulder. "I'm headin' off to bed Scoop. Been great talkin' with ya." Lance wanted to say 'Want some company' but he could never be that forward. He knew Justin was questioning his sexuality but no one knew he was gay. It was one thing to question, but what would people say - five guys on one bus and at least one of them gay. The reports would have every trip blown into an orgy if word ever got out that one of the guys was gay. He decided Justin had the right idea and headed to his bunk. At least there he could think about Justin more intimately without something embarrassing "popping up".

In the back of the bus Joey and Chris were still chatting about Justin. Chris asked "Our Justin is gay? I mean I kinda though Scoop was, but Justin too?" "Chris, I didn't say he was gay" Joey responded "All I said was that he had the pictures." "So he just sits and masturbates over naked pictures of his band-mates. But 'Noooooo' he's not gay." Joey looked at Chris for a moment then shivered as chills went up his spine. He finally looked at Chris and said "You don't think he does that with pictures of us do you?" "Oh God Joe. I didn't until now. That's it I'm going to sleep before this nightmare gets any worse." "Sounds cool. I'll join you. I mean . . well you know what I mean."

In Lance's bunk . . .

'God Lance. Of all people that have to be gay, you have to be one of them. Not to mention that you are always surrounded by 4 other guys who might hate you if you tell them and all of whom are pretty good looking. Especially Justin. His looks, his personality, those eyes, those cute little lips . . He is so innocent. So special. ' As Lance lay there his thoughts continued on about Justin. Thoughts which inevitably turned more erotic. He slowly started rubbing himself though his boxers. He peeked outside his curtain and all was quiet. Plus no one had the bunk across from his. He slowly eased his boxers down knowing it was the only way he'd get some sleep anytime soon. He reached into his pillow case where he always stashed a few tissues for just such 'emergencies'. He thought of Justin laying in his bunk. 'It sounded as if he was having a bad dream. Lance hears him and goes over to check on him. He pulls back the curtain to find Justin naked. Justin says "I was hoping you'd come." Justin grabs Lance's arm and pulls him into the bunk. They kiss passionately. Justin quickly tears off Lance's boxers. Their growing erections rub between them.' Lance was now hard as a rock. He stroked himself furiously as he continued his fantasy about Justin. 'Lance I've wanted this forever. Me too Lance replied. Justin slowly lowered himself down Lance's body and started licking the head of Lance's dick. Lance shuddered with anticipation. Justin let Lance's huge member slip between his lips while thinking to himself 'I hope I'm doing this right'. Lance's moans spurred him on. Before long, all Lance had to offer was lodged in the younger blonde's throat. Lance was in another world. He had never felt these sensations before. It was warm and wet and Justin seemed to find every magic spot that could drive Lance wild. Before too long Lance felt a tingling sensation that he knew was signaling his orgasm.' It was this thought that brought him back to reality as he speed up his stroking until he passed the point of no return. In his mind he could picture Justin swallowing every last drop he had to offer. He moaned out "OH JUSTIN".

That was it. Panic time. Was that the fantasy or did he really cry out 'Oh Justin'? That thought was soon to be answered as Justin pulled back the curtain to Lance's bunk and groggily asked, "You want me Scoop?" It was at that moment that Justin's eyes focused on Lance's state of dress. Simultaneously both blondes turned bright red. Justin stammered "I..I..I'll l.l.leave you alone now Scoop, okay." As he ran back to his bunk. Lance threw on his boxers and ran and locked himself in the bathroom.

Joey and Chris, who had a knack for walking in at the right moment, had heard the last minutes of what was happening. They looked at each other laughing until Chris said, "Looks like we have some potential love birds here!" Joey responded, "You think Scoop has naked pictures of us guys too?" "JOEY. Now I'm really gonna have nightmares. Now before these two jump off bridges or something, lets make sure they're okay. I'll take Lance, you take Curly."

"Lance . . . It's me Chris. Come on bud, open up the door." "Go away Chris, I don't want to talk right now." "Lance we both know I can pick this lock in less than a minute so you can open up or I can just come in." "Okay hold on. I'll open the door."

"Hey J. You okay man?" "Not now Joey." "Right now J. There's no choice in this one. I know about the pictures." Justin shot up in bed and hopped out of the bunk. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING GOING THROUGH MY STUFF?" "Do you want to keep it down Curly before everyone on this bus knows what's going on? Let's go into the lounge so we can talk."

Well, what did you think? I know I'm not a writer by nature so I'd appreciate any comments, criticisms, etc. Actually, I'd appreciate letters of praise, nominations for president, etc.; but I'll accept criticisms too! Just kidding. Actually I'd like to hear what people really think and if I should continue on. If the general response is yes, then there will soon be part 2 to this story. If not, then I'll go back to trying to stay warm by the fire in this sub-artic temperature we're having!

My e-mail address is

Thanks! Kevin.

Next: Chapter 2

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