Two Men and a Boy

By Chris Brandon

Published on Sep 2, 2002


Will is a bisexual man I met about three weeks ago. It was just before school started back when I had first sucked his dick. He seems to be a man that enjoys using a 19-year-old fag like me to drop a load in. The first time I sucked his huge dick he would shove it in my mouth so far until I would start to choke on it. He would hold it there for awhile then start pumping my mouth just to choke me on it again soon.

Will being a 23-year-old single man with a body so fine knows he can get any girl he wants and does. He stands 6 feet 4 inches tall and all muscle. He has a self-ego thing that just gets women so hot for him and to a gay college boy like me it seemed hot too. Somehow he picked up on that and gets off on proving his manhood with me. His dick is just over nine inches long and very thick. He never cares if I cum. It's all about him.

I had sucked him off maybe four times when I realized he was more into making me know I was a slut for man dick then I realized. He always told me that with a tiny dick and balls like I have I should have been a girl. He wants at some point to fuck me between my nuts like it's a pussy. Yes that would hurt I'm sure. His comment was that I wouldn't care much for it but he damn sure would.

He bought me a butt plug, cock and ball harness, and some other toys that he makes me wear when he tells me to and as long as he tells me to. I have to wear the butt plug sometimes for days at work and school. He knows he has the control. He sometimes pulls off his jock and puts it over my face while he fucks me.

I made the phone call to Will on the morning that was to be the night I will never forget.

I woke up hard and horny and I had been thinking about Will so much. It's like with him I have to beg or be a slut just to get a chance at having that huge cock in my mouth again.

I called Will before I went to work. I told him my pussy mouth needs to suck some real man cock. I told him I want to be his whore and I would suck him off anyplace he wanted to prove it. He asked me what I meant. I told him like a public place or anything. He said "where people could see you do it?" I also told him I wanted a picture of him to look at when I fucked myself with my dildo. We talked for awhile and I told him to let me know about being his whore sometime. I went on to take my shower and get ready for work. When I got out of the shower he had called and leaving a message for me to call him back. So I did. He asked me what time I got off work. I told him midnight. He asked me if I could come by his place after work. I said sure.

He said, "Here's the deal. Show up after work here. Unless I say the deal is off this is what you do! Watch the clock and 20 minutes EXACTLY after you get here, you get on your knees between my legs and beg to suck my dick."

I said, "umm ok." I asked was his girlfriend going to be there and he said maybe. I'm thinking oh shit. What is the deal? Surely he would never do that. It might turn him on but not me. He said "Like I said, no matter what, you get on your knees in front of me and beg to suck me off!! You tell me what a fag you are and beg to swallow my load."

I said, "umm ok."

He said "can you live with that?"

I said, "Yes, I guess so."

He said "well you DO want it don't you?"

Again I said, "yes."

He said that if I couldn't do that not to show up at all. I did kind of figure his girlfriend would be there. One part of me was thinking about his girlfriend watching me do him or even getting mad about it or whatever. Then one part of was thinking it might be fun but either way I was going to get to suck him off so decided to go for it.

I went home after work and put in my butt plug and strapped on my cock and ball harness both to show submission to him as he expects it. I put on a jock strap instead of underwear. I took one last look in the mirror and felt so taken already. Here stands a 5'5" sub boy totally shaved, no pubes and no hair except for my head. I brushed my teeth and headed out.

Will came to the door wearing no shirt and invited me in. Damn what a chest! He walked over to the sofa. I followed where he sat down and I sat in a chair. He had a friend there watching TV. This dude was straight for sure. He was sitting in the other char across the room. He looked to be maybe 25 but not sure. His name is David and he is really tall also like 6' 3" or 4" maybe and black. This man had muscles like HUGE all over him. Will offered me a beer which I never drink and drive but not knowing what was in store I took it. I was watching the clock on his VCR and when 20 minutes had passed I didn't know what to do.

I just sat there. A few minutes later Will looked at me and said "Hey, what time is it?" I got this lump in my throat. I said I'm not sure. I knew what I was supposed to do but man was it ever hard to get up the nerve. Will used the remote to switch to a CD and the music was really cool. Never heard it but was like dance music. The TV was still on but sound was on mute. He was talking to David about this old car he is restoring. He asked me if I needed another beer. I was near the end of the one I had but said no. He told David that he should see my watch but that I wasn't wearing it tonight. He asked me how I could what time it is without it and that time passes before you know it. They went on talking about the car.

David was into the conversation asking him stuff about the car. I knew I was to make my move but didn't want to at all and Will knew it. I knew this guy was not gay. I got up and walked over to the sofa and got on all fours and crawled up in between his feet. My heart was pounding. They just kept on talking but David was watching me. I got between Wills legs and he yelled at me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I was in shock almost. I kind of froze for a second. Then I said "can I please suck your dick" Will said "What the fuck?" "Damn faggot Hell NO!" "Get the fuck away from me" I didn't know what to do. I really wasn't expecting that. I don't know how I did it but I thought hell go for broke so I said "Please let me suck your dick man. I promise I won't tell anybody" He said "I can't believe it. You're a fucking fag" then came my last request before I would run like hell. I said "Man you are so hot please let me swallow your cum" "I can't help being a fag please let me suck your dick please I'm begging" Will stood up and his crotch hit me in the face, he got me by the shirt sleeve and pulled me up to my feet. He said "You get the fuck outta here you fucking fag" and pulled me walking fast all the way to the door. He opened it and pushed me out. I hit the concrete as he slammed the door shut. I was in total shock. I couldn't believe it. Then it hit me. He did use me and that was it. I was feeling hurt, mad and still scared at the same time. I couldn't believe he would be so cruel but sure enough. I got up and made sure I wasn't hurt.

Then the door opened again. I don't know why I was even still standing there. Still in shock I suppose. He said "You want me to call the cop's fucker?" like really loud. I said no I'm going. I had already started crying don't ask me why. I started down the steps to leave then I felt him grabbing my shirt and told me to "get the fuck in here" he forced me back inside and shut the door. He said "Why the fuck didn't you go? I don't need to have people see a fag hanging out side my door" "Do you know what get the fuck out means fag?" I was really crying then and trying to stop it but I couldn't. He told me to go sit down and chill the fuck out till the coast was clear to leave that he didn't want anybody seeing anything. It was like he almost felt sorry for me.

He went to the kitchen and got him and David a beer. I was not asked if I wanted one. David was staring right at me I tried not to look at him. Will came back and sat down. He was running his fingers threw his hair like he was upset. Will said "so you're a fag?" I said I guess so. I could feel something strange but I also knew I could have been gone and soon would be no matter what. Then Will said "I think I'll call the cops and tell them you tried to suck my dick and I want to file charges" I looked at him and I said "WHY? PLEASE WHY?? are you doing this?" He said "Is the fag going to cry some more?" "Awe awe sad awe" making fun of me. David was laughing at him making fun of me.

Then Will unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out. He said "awe is this what you want? Huh" in a voice still making fun of me. He had it in his hand getting it hard. His cock stood hard when he took his hand off. He said "Ok fag come suck it if you want to" and he was hitting his fist in his other open hand like he was going to hit me if I tried. I was so confused so I just sat there. He said "What's wrong faggot? Don't wanna suck it? I think you do" "Come on and try to suck it. I want you to" I was thinking how can I make a break for the door. David got up and went for a beer. I said "why are you doing this to me and who is he?" He said "you got 1 last chance get on my dick now while he is gone" I didn't think he would really hit me so I got in the floor between his legs and went down on him. I was shaking all over but every stroke of his dick in my mouth eased me a little more. I was where I had wanted to be but not like this.

David came back in and sat down to see me sucking Wills dick. Will said "Yeah suck that dick faggot suck it good or I'll beat the fuck outta ya" I started sucking it harder and taking all of it that I could. David was very quiet. Will kept telling me to go down on it deeper. I was so much trying to suck his cock like the best I ever had. Then he said "Deep throat it fag all the way to my nuts" I did almost then he forced my head the rest of the way. David spoke up and said "Yeah man fuck yeah" that kind of scared me. Will forced my head all the way down on his huge cock making me choke on it and held me there for what seemed like forever then pushed me off.

David walked over, reached down pulled my shirt off. Then again Will forced my head down all the way on his meat choking me bad this time. David said "fuck yeah man" I wasn't sure about this. Then Will pushed me off again long enough to pull his pants down to the floor. He told me to get mine lost too. I looked at him as if to say "I can't" and he got it like knowing I was wearing toys. He bought the butt plug and ball harness for me and makes me wear it anytime I'm with him. He makes me wear them to school and work too so he knew there was no way I could take off my pants.

Will stood up and I kept his dick in my mouth. He said "strip fag NOW" I started taking my pants off seeing David in the background. Wills dick still in my mouth I stripped down to the jock. No one could see my cock and ball harness but the butt plug in my boy hole was there. In taking my clothes off I seen that David had unzipped his pants and was playing with his cock. I was like oh shit! David had like the biggest thickest blackest dick I have ever seen. Will pulled the sofa table next to the sofa then sat back down on the sofa He told me to get on the table on my knees and lean down to suck him.

Yes that was for David I'm sure. I got on the table on all fours leaning down to suck his cock. This position pushed my ass way in the air. Each stroke down on his cock pushed my ass up more and made the butt plug go in and out just a little. David by this time was making noises from stroking and was now standing over me. He leaned over to see more. Will was cheering him on. Then I felt David start to rub my ass cheeks with his big black hands. It made me suck Will so much deeper. I felt him pull my ass apart with his thumbs. Then both his hands were pulling my ass cheeks wide. I felt his fingers touching my hole next to the plug. I was so close to shooting myself then David took hold of the plug and started fucking my hole with it. I knew I was going to shoot from it but nothing I cold do. Then he stopped. I almost shot. That was so close.

Will got up and moved the sofa table away. He put me sitting on the floor with my head leaning back on the sofa and got on me to fuck my mouth. He gets deep in my throat that way. David moved the table out of the way even more to watch me get my face fucked. Will was drilling my mouth like he had to prove something. Meanwhile me on the floor David seen the ball harness through the jock and put his foot on my locked nuts. He started pushing hard on them. I knew he was stroking that huge cock of his. I could feel his movement in my nuts. I could feel Will was getting close as his dick gets rock hard and starts jumping just before he shoots. I felt it for maybe 20 seconds then he blasted in my mouth and kept shooting. David seen it happening and shoved his foot into my nuts hard. I kept swallowing and couldn't keep up with blast after blast of Wills hot man cream filling my throat and the pain in my nuts made me see stars. That did not matter to a stud man with a nine-inch cock shooting in a fag's throat. He made sure that I drained his dick. He shot like 8 huge blasts straight into my throat and it seemed like forever being pinned down.

After Will was sure his cum was all swallowed by me he got up. David made a motion to him. All at once they both placed me in the floor with the top of my head pressed against the bottom of the sofa at the floor. David was naked now and I was thinking Oh no! But it didn't happen. David pulled the jock off of me totally. Then they bent my legs over my head so that my head was in the floor and my legs bent upward over my head resting on the sofa. My dick pointing at my face like 2 inches away from my mouth. David started fucking my ass hard with the butt plug and watching my face. He was stroking hard too. I felt like I was going to shoot and they could tell. I started begging please no.

They pulled my legs up further back on the sofa over my head pointing my dick right at my mouth and told me to open wide. Will moved around to my head and used his hands to hold my head in place with his thumbs sinking deep into my cheeks so that I could not close my mouth at all. Then he told David "go ahead and fuck the cum out of him". David started fucking me with the butt plug really hard and fast. The bottom of the plug kept popping my hole open and closed so fast it was almost anal torture. I felt the build up in me like I was going to shoot. I tried to put it off knowing what would happen but I couldn't stop it. I was begging "please no please." Will just held tight to my head keeping my mouth wide open and David using the plug like a jack-hammer while watching my dick now close to an inch from my mouth. I felt my cock filling up and then it began to shoot. I tried to get lose but I couldn't. It was all going in my mouth. Then David pulled the plug out of my hole really fast and then here come the loads of cum from my own dick into my mouth in gushes. I just kept on shooting. Will said "eat it all bitch, swallow every fucking drop".

David and Will were so into watching me being forced to shoot in my own mouth. Will made sure I swallowed it all yelling "cum faggot" at me. When I was finished swallowing it all, David moved around in front of me jacking on his massive cock and shot his cum all in my face and hair. I had cum all over me. David had really covered me in spooge. Then he wiped his dick off in my hair. Will made me squeeze every drop of cum from my dick into my mouth before he would let me up. I was cum covered and reeking of it. I had to piss so badly so I started to the bathroom. Will yelled NO. I turned around and asked why? He said "No shower!" I said that I just need to pee. I think he also wanted David to see how small my dick is when soft. I was allowed to pee but when I walked back in thinking all was over and what a night. It was not over. One last final slap. Will told me to leave now that they were finished with me. I said sure ok. I started looking around for my clothes but didn't see them. About that time David spoke up and said "the white fagboy will leave without clothes. Goodnight queer boy" I had to drive home cum covered all over and no clothes.

If you would like to see more, please let me know Thanks.

Chris Brandon

Next: Chapter 2

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