Two Lives Two Loves

By Michael Garrison

Published on Jun 26, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This story also deals with love and consensual sexual activities between men. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by such themes, do not read further and leave this site now.

The author retains all rights to this story. Reproductions or links to other sites are not allowed without the permission of the author.

Two Lives - Two Loves

Chapter 3

We raced upstairs.

"Your room or mine?" Jon asked.

"Yours," I replied.

Jon started to close the door behind me after I entered his room.

"Who are you closing the door for?" I asked. "We're the only ones here...except for maybe the ghosts," I said, winking.

"Oh yeah, right," Jon laughed but with a bit of self- consciousness, "They'll have to get their own."

I pulled back the sheets on his double bed and folded them neatly at the foot. Finishing, I felt his hands on my hips and I turned to meet his waiting mouth again. The passion coming from him was almost tangible and I could feel his growing excitement as our tongues played. All the tension I'd been feeling in him for weeks now was totally gone, replaced by the happily expectant feeling of a child on Christmas Eve. Finally, I thought it was time and I whispered in his ear, "Let's get undressed, but leave your underwear on and lie face down on the bed."

"Why am I leaving my underwear on?"

"'Cuz I want to unwrap you myself," I replied with a smile and a wink.

"You're so twisted," he laughed.

It only took us a few seconds to strip off the few articles of clothing we had on. The fading light was just enough for us to see and appreciate each other's builds. For a few moments, we just stood next to the bed, staring into each other as our hands moved slowly over each others pecs and abs in the way that one would caress a finely made piece of furniture.

"Face down," I reminded him, smiling and nodding in the direction of his bed.

Jon did as instructed and laid down, resting his head on his crossed arms. I was struck by the sensual way that the dim light so subtly and finely accentuated his gorgeous physique, particularly his tight ass, encased in the skimpiest and sheerest of fabric. I could only think that he must get his underwear from International Male or something, 'cuz I guarantee those little things didn't come from Macy's.

"What now?" he asked.

"For now, you just relax," I told him as I climbed into bed. The antique frame creaked as I straddled his waist with my knees and gently but firmly grabbed a handful of the traps on either side of his neck and began massaging. I hoped this bed would hold up.

"Oooooooooohhh, God, that feels good," Jon moaned as I began to work my thumbs into the base of his head, slowly working down his neck.

"Is that too much?" I asked softly.

"No, that feels great!" he quickly shot back.

I worked my palms firmly around his upper back creating soothing warmth, slowly working my thumbs around his scapula and down his spine. I heard a faint pop as one of his vertebrae popped back into alignment.

"Sweeeet," came his hissed response.

Jon's eyes were closed and he was enjoying every bit of this as I worked downward over every inch of his broad back, finally finding myself at the branching of the sciatic nerves in each of his gluts. Those nerves were deep, and I pressed firmly into his hard ass with my thumbs, massaging them in a circular motion.

"Awwwwwwww, damn," he moaned. I stopped for a second.

"Too hard?" I asked.

"NO, keep going. It feels great. It's just I've never had anyone work me this way before."

"If you're a good boy, it won't be the last time, either," I assured him. He only moaned in acceptance.

I don't think Jon had ever had a real massage in his life. His body was tight, as you'd expect with an athlete, but it felt very knotted up, like you'd find in people under a lot of stress. He really liked the deep tissue work I did with my thumbs as I moved down his hamstrings to his calves. He loved the feel of having his calves worked. As I did each one, he sighed and kind of burrowed his upper body into the pillows.

"Feel good?" I asked, knowing the response I'd get.

"Mmmmmmmmm," was his only reply, and I could not help from grinning broadly.

"Don't fall asleep," I cautioned, "we're just starting."

I heard Jon make deep, satisfied sighs as I dug my thumbs into the soles of his feet. This was my favorite part, too, when I got a massage. It always seemed to put me into a trance. I spent a little extra time on his feet to make sure that he was as relaxed as he could possibly be. Finally, I slowly ran my hands up and down the entire length of his body as the finishing touch.

"Okay, Jon, roll over," I whispered in my best bedroom voice. "Time to work on your front," I told him with a wry smile.

He rolled over and, in the last few seconds of the fading sunlight, dimly revealed his sculpted form. His hair already had that bedroom tousle to it, a blond lock fallen over his eyes. For a brief moment we ran our eyes over one another and I could tell that Jon was pleased with what he saw, I certainly was. Starting at his thighs, staring into his eyes and smiling, I slowly ran my hands up the length of his body and gently massaged his pecs. I glanced down to see the growing expansion in his briefs and I looked at him with a mischievous grin and a raised eyebrow: "So what's up with you?" I quipped, unable to suppress a slight laugh. Jon laughed in return and began to stroke my forearms with his palms, his eyes never leaving mine. After a few more moments, my hands glided leisurely back down over his abs. Jon lifted his butt a little as my fingertips took hold of his briefs, slowly peeling them away and tossing them over my shoulder after they were free of his ankles. He was gorgeous. A full, cut seven inches, I estimated. I couldn't keep my hand from gliding over it and Jon twitched slightly at my touch. Gently, I eased down to lie next to him.

"Aren't you taking your briefs off?" he asked.

"No. Tonight's just for you. We'll worry about me later," I whispered to him as I caressed his face. Our mouths met again for a deep, long kiss as the last of the light gently succumbed to the night. My mouth moved down over his throat and neck, my tongue running lightly over him. Jon sucked in air through clenched teeth as I bit lightly into the base of his neck. I let my tongue slowly find its way over the expanse of his mounded pecs. I gently snaked my arm around his waist as my tongue found one of his nipples. Firm. Erect. I flicked at it lightly, circled it very slowly, and then let my mouth take it in to the moaned approval of my new lover. I felt Jon's hand on the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair and rubbing my scalp appreciatively.

"Damn," he whispered as I attended his other nipple, my free hand kneading his buttocks, his free hand massaging my back.

"Feel good?" I murmured.

"Oh, yeah," he replied almost breathlessly.

My tongue glided down, my mouth alternately kissing and licking at his chiseled abs, until finally, without touching it, knowing he would not be expecting it at just that moment, I took him into my mouth and swallowed him as a boa would swallow its prey.

"Oh, my God," Jon hissed. His entire body jerked involuntarily as I took him in. "Oh, yeah," he sighed as I saw him fall back into the cool sheets out of the corner of my eye.

I moved my lips back and forth over his length, paying extra attention to his head with my tongue. I let my free hand roam over the inside of his thigh, then upwards where my fingers gently flickered over his full sac and massaged the sensitive skin beneath it. Jon's heavy nose breathing and his occasional gasp signaled his approval and enjoyment and, as odd as it sounds, I was extremely happy that he was happy.

Finally, I knew it was time. Jon's breathing was becoming faster, he was starting to pulse in time with my mouth, until, at last, I felt his entire body lock and start to arch upwards. I held him tightly and swallowed his length one last time. His mouth opened in a scream that didn't come until he erupted into the back of my throat and his grunt was like the loud explosion of a dam bursting. I held him tighter as I swallowed him, his salty essence pulsing into my throat, each pulse accompanied by a grunt of the purest satisfaction.

Moments later he was spent, drenched in sweat. Both of us were. I pulled myself up, sliding across his damp body and felt his arms wrap around my chest. His eager mouth met mine firmly and I felt his tongue probing mine and tasting some of himself. We ran our hands ecstatically over each other's backs and he wrapped his legs around my waist.

I pulled away only enough to ask, "So how'd you like your first time?"

"Fan fucking tastic," he whispered back and our mouths returned to our fevered kissing.

This felt so good being wrapped together with Jon, almost feeling as though we were one person. All the tension was gone from him. He was totally at ease and I was ecstatic that he'd chosen me to open up to, to share his love with, to share himself with. Years of apparent frustration were being expunged and we were at peace with one another then as no mere friends could possibly be.

Jon pulled away from my mouth, whispering, "I want to feel you in me," as he looked, childlike, into my eyes.

I knew he could feel my throbbing erection against his body and I wanted to grant his wish badly, but he needed me this way for now more than I needed him. "Later, love.advanced class'll be tomorrow night," I said. "Tonight's all you and you'll be ready again in a few minutes," I said as I pressed against his mouth and ran my hand along his side and back as his legs tightened around my waist.

The light of a clear Saturday morning started peeking in through the windows of our bedroom. Slowly, groggily, I began to awaken and felt Jon stilled curled around me in a half fetal position, still sound asleep, breathing heavily. I gently stroked the side of his face, smiling, thinking about our first time together. Even asleep, I sensed nothing but peace coming from him. All of his former anxiety was gone, discarded in a pile at the door he'd just passed through. I was happy to have helped him through that door before he might have slammed it into his own face. Now look at him; he was almost glowing.

As stealthily as I could, I unraveled myself from him and went in to use the facilities. Finishing, I came back in and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Jon," I whispered, jostling his shoulder lightly with my hand. No reaction. "Oh, sleepyhead?" I said a little louder, grinning. No response except for the continued deep breathing. Talk about sleeping like a log, I thought to myself. "Oh, well," I thought, "I might as well get a shower. Maybe he'll be up by then."

I went back to my own bathroom and grabbed a quick shower and ran a razor over my light stubble. As I was splashing on some aftershave, I sensed a change in the atmosphere, like the kind I feel when I know someone has entered a room even though I hadn't heard anyone.

"Good morning, luv," I called out, thinking Jon had come to see where I'd gotten to. I turned to go out and meet him, "You ready for some breakf...," I started to say, stopping in mid-sentence when I saw no one was there.

"Hmm...weird," I thought to myself, "Imagination." I hesitated a moment to see if I got any other vibes but got nothing, so I got dressed and went to see if Jon was awake yet.

"Mornin' sleepyhead," I said, leaning against the door, when I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, yawning and scratching the back of his head.

"Morning," he said through a heavy yawn.

"So how're you feeling?" I asked as I went over to sit with him.

"I feel excellent. Thank you for that," he said, leaning in for a kiss.

"My pleasure," I replied. "Tonight'll be even better," I said as our mouths met sensuously, deeply. Jon dragged me down on the bed with him, our legs dangling over the side, as we kissed for what seemed like hours. His morning erection pressed against my thigh, inciting mine to follow suit. I wanted to do him right then but I wasn't prepared. We needed to stop at a drugstore sometime today.

"Luv," I started, "If you don't get a shower right now, we'll never get out of this room," I said with a broad grin.

"Somethin' wrong with that?" he asked, grinning back.

"GO," I said sternly, slapping him on the ass. "I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat," I called after him as he disappeared into his bathroom. "And do something about that morning breath!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

He didn't take long to get ready, which I was thankful for 'cuz I was really hungry and wanted to get going. As he was dressing, Jon fished into his suitcase and threw something at me as I sat leafing through some coffee table book that was sitting around.

"Put that on," he said. "I want you to have it."

I smiled as I unfurled it and saw that it was his football jersey. Blue and white with his name and number, 25, summer mesh just open enough for ventilation on hot days and for tantalizing views of the body wearing it. I grinned broadly as I stripped my own shirt off and put his on, tucking it in at the waist. I stood next to him in the mirror, admiring it and admiring his unclad pecs.

"Thanks, Jon, I don't know what to say," I said as I slowly ran my hands over it. I knew right then our relationship was cemented. We were lovers.

"You look good in it," he said, giving me an approving smile.

I retrieved my Polo and handed it to him, "It's not as cool as a jersey, but I want you to wear me today," I said.

"Thanks, to," he said as he pulled it on. Despite our different heights, it fit him surprisingly well and I loved the way his nipples telegraphed through so nicely. We embraced, kissing deeply, thankful for our respective gifts.

"Oh, thank taste so much better after you've brushed," I joked.

"Asshole," he replied, "Let's go eat. I'm starved, too!"

Despite the fact that he'd spent time out here with his uncle, Jon knew surprisingly little about the area so we explored together. He kind of knew where the mall was so we headed in that direction. Fortunately it wasn't long before we found it, one of those big suburban deals, with an IHOP across the street from it. We pulled in there.

We wasted little time in ordering and drank about a gallon of coffee before wolfing down a ton of pancakes and sausages. We ate so fast, in fact, that our stomachs barely had time to let our brains know we were full.

"God, I feel bloated," Jon said, leaning back in the booth with a grunt.

"Don't worry," I told him, "We're gonna burn that off later," I added with a lilt of my eyebrows. "Looks like the mall'll be open in a few minutes. We need to get some stuff."

"'kay," he replied, "I wanna do a little shopping myself."

I checked my watch. 10:05. "Let's hit it," I said. "The stores should be open now." We paid the check and eased ourselves into the car. Breakfast was sitting heavy.

"Gawd," I burped, "I don't think we'll need to worry about lunch."

"No kidding...I think those pancakes had lead in 'em."

A few minutes later we were studying the mall directory. Jon seemed to find something that he was looking for and said, "Brad, why don't you go find what you're looking for and I'll meet you at the Food Court in, say, a half hour or so? I need to find something personal," he said.

I looked at him at little quizzically, "No problem, I'll see you there."

"Cool," he said as he started off, then turning back, "Oh, by the way, what's your waist size?"

"Jon, what are you gonna buy?" I asked, apprehensively puzzled.

"You'll see," he bubbled.

"What?" I half growled.

He shook his head, "It's a surprise."

"32," I answered and watched him sprint off.

I shook my head in amused anticipation of what he was going to come back with. I set off down the opposite way from Jon and found what I was looking for, a pharmacy. After searching around, I found the condoms and tossed four of their larger packs into my basket along with a tube of lube. The mildly surly looking girl snapping gum behind the cashier's counter looked at the single-minded nature of my selections.

"You figure these'll be enough," she remarked.

My first thought was that it was none of her fucking business and was getting ready to tell her so. Catching myself and thinking the better of it though, I just told her, "Yeah, these oughta just about last the weekend." I smiled and stared, unblinking, at her as she quickly but overtly checked me out. "Yeah, right, hon...not even," I thought. With a final snap of her gum, she bagged it all up and handed it to me as I gave her the money. I thanked her, turned and walked out, not looking back, even though I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my denim. "Dream on, bitch," I thought.

I glanced my watch. I still had 15 minutes before meeting Jon so I just meandered around and did some window-shopping until I happened on a Brookstone's. They always had cool little gadgets so I went in to poke around. They had some odd little device, about the size of a Frisbee, wandering around the store. It would bump into things and then backtrack, starting off in a new direction. The salesman saw me watching it, trying to figure out what it was doing.

"It's a vacuum cleaner," he said.

"No way," I replied, a little surprised.

He nodded back, "You just turn it on and let it go for a few hours," he said. "It remembers where it's been. Anything in particular I can help you with?"

"No...oh, wait," I said, snapping my fingers, "Do you still have those little keychain lights?"

"We do," he said, leading me to a rack in the back of the store. "We just got these in a few weeks ago; they're brighter than the original ones," he said, handing me one.

Like an idiot I shined it towards my eye and half blinded myself. "Wow, you weren't kidding," I said. I picked another one off the rack, "I'll take two."

"Anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

"No, I think I've done enough damage to myself for one morning," I said.

As he walked around the counter, I couldn't help but admire the nice ass that was hidden in those charcoal trousers he had on. Nice looking guy, I thought. My age, maybe a little older.looked like he worked out. He felt like a friend. The vibes I was getting were definitely warm and I saw his eyes dart over me as I signed the credit card slip when he didn't think I was looking. I thought I'd try something.

"Say, I'm kinda new to the area; where's a good place to work out around here?" I asked as innocently as possible.

"I work out at the Gold's on the other side of the mall by the theaters," he said. "They run a pretty nice place." He knew why I was asking. I saw the faint smile.

"Bingo," I thought. A gym body. I thanked him and we shook hands.

"Thanks for coming in," he said.

"Thanks for your help; I'll go check out that Gold's," I replied.

"Maybe I'll see you there," he called as I walked out of the store, waving to him.

"Maybe so," I thought. I'd have to remember this one. I was going to be a little late for meeting Jon but he wasn't a real stickler for promptness. Besides, I figured he'd understand if I ran into a nice little piece of eye candy.

The Food Court was mostly deserted when I got there and I found Jon kicking back, sucking on a huge drink.

"How can you sit there drinking that thing after all we just ate?" I asked, mildly amazed.

"I dunno," came his casual reply, "I was thirsty; what can I say?"

I shook my head. We burned off our share of calories but Jon had me beat. I couldn't begin to fathom where he put it all. I noticed a nondescript plastic bag sitting next to his crossed legs. "Whatcha got there?" I asked chirpily.

"Not tellin'," he grinned.

"Not even a hint?"

"You'll see...later. I think you'll like it, though," he said with a vaguely mysterious smile. "What's in yours?" he asked.

"Stuff," I said, grinning. Two could play at this game.


"Well, this conversation's going nowhere fast," I said in mock frustration. "Let's check out the rest of this place."

We spent an hour or so doing the living-dead walkthrough of the place, just kind of meandering hear and there. It felt so great just walking around with him, not going anywhere in particular; just being together was enough. I noted where the Gold's was and mentioned to Jon that we might want to think about joining. Give us something to do when we weren't studying or otherwise, shall we say, occupied. He liked the idea but wanted to think about it. He liked working out at the gym at school and wasn't keen on spending a lot of money on a second gym that he might only get marginal use out of. He was right about that. I'd been planning on doing my laps on days when I had class, going in early to hit the pool before people got there. I guess I'd have to see Brookstone Guy at the store instead of the gym. It might be interesting to see if he wanted to get together with Jon and me some time. You never could tell where things might lead.

We stopped at the local Blockbusters on the way home to see what they had available. The pickings were a little on the slim side, we'd seen most of the new releases. After a lot of back and forth, we finally settled on a couple of the not- so-new releases and headed out. The day couldn't have been any prettier and Jon had his sunroof and all the windows open on his uncle's Land Rover. Life was just fine. Finally, we got back to the peace and quiet of the house. As we were going up the long drive, I noticed a balcony on the second floor adjacent to the corner turret that formed part of the entry roof. I pointed up at it.

"What room is that?" I asked. "I don't remember a balcony."

"That's my uncle's room," Jon replied. "He likes to greet arriving guests from there when he's feeling theatrical," he laughed, "...which is most of the time."

Then the thought crossed my mind: "Hmm, that sounds like the perfect place, I said.

"For what?"

I pulled one of the boxes of condoms from the bag and waggled it in the air for him to see. "Why, so that you may complete your journey to the dark side, young one," I said in my best Vampire LeStat imitation.

With his teeth beaming brightly, Jon reminded me, "You really are twisted, you know?"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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