Two Juniors Less Than a Sophomore

By joe rubes

Published on Nov 8, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

many thanks to all who have continually asked me to finish this true experience. As mentioned in part - 1, I could have called this event by a number of titles, one being 'Quiet domination.' The next two episodes, the theme of 'quiet domination' becomes more apparent.

Craig and I finished our trip down the river. That took the better part of two hours as we stopped at different bends and savoured the environment. Being a city dweller, Craig found the whole experience simply awesome. The thoughts of the night before were temporarily set aside, however on the trip back to his home, the thought of meeting Barry again swelled in my mind. The house was empty apart from his mother, who informed us that Barry had gone with friends and was staying overnight with them for a few days. I noticed some relief on Craig's face. I wasn' sure just what I was feeling at that point, as the possibilities of what might that second night could have been, were not going to happen. We did the usual stuff guys would do in the evening...checking out TV channels for something interesting, then eventually heading for bed. The eyes were constantly drawn to Barry unmade bed. We showered separately, and eventually decided that we were both pretty tired from battling the downward flow of the river.

Craig was asleep pretty quickly but I lay awake, thinking of Barry and the events of the night before. I then recalled the laundry basket in the bathroom, almost three-quarters full of dirty laundry. "I wonder if..." thought I. So, with Craig asleep, I tippytoed into the bathroom, closed the door and rummaged through the laundry. The smaller underwear was definitely Craig's; then I came across large jock straps and these could only belong to one person. They smelt like you would expect them to after someone had been playing a hard game of basketball !! I found three such straps and not wanting to be caught by Craig in the bathroom, switched off the light and returned to the bedroom. In the darkness, I took off my shorts and put on the first jock strap. Never having worn one of these before, the feelings was undescribable. I obviously didn't fill it...and the thought that it belonged to a 14 year old 'boy' with a man-sized dick meant that my hardon was harder that normal.

Barry's bed was vacant, so I ended up there, smelling his sheets, his pillow, and sleeping in his jocks. I cam undone in the morning, with Craig awakening before me, noticing me in Barry's bed....and pulling back the light blanket to reveal me in Barry's jocks. I opened my eyes to see him staring at the jck strap. Before I could show my embarrassment at being caught, Craig went into the bathroom and came out with another jock. He stripped and put it on. He too was totally hard and here we were, two juniors in tented jocks, jocks that were many sizes too big for either of us. "I see you are like me in mnay ways" said Craig..."what turns you on turns me on too."

My return to my own home occurred later that day. I didn't see Craig nor Barry for the rest of the holidays. School resumed and Craig and I got together again. I started to view him differently. He wasn't just the quiet guy who had fewer friends than myself. He was the guy who was probably servicing his younger brother on a nightly basis, who was been f*ed on a nightly basis, a guy whose self-esteem or lack of it, was totally understanable.

As for Barry, I avoided him at canteen lines. I stopped trying to stand behind him; there was no way that I was going to put myself in a situation where he might comment on my size in front of others. However, there were a number of occasions when Barry ended up behind me in queues (unbeknown to me). As I would wander off, and notice him in the crowd, our eyes would make contact temporarily. The first time this happened, Barry smiled, but it wasn't the 'smirk-smile' that conveyed dominance. Rather, it seems like a smile of friendship and this showed too in his eyes. I didn't smile back in similar fashion, but walked away quickly as if I had an agenda to deal with.

Two months passed. I had turned 17. Family members said that I had grown somewhat so that would have put me around 5 ft 6 perhaps. Occasionally I would ask Craig how things were going at home....and the answer was always the same. "The usual..." he would mutter in a dejected manner. Craig never offered another stayover and I wasn't going to ask. Now, some four months had passed. It was a Saturday night I was sitting in front of the TV watching "Master and Commander' when the phone rang.

  • (to be continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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