Two Juniors Less Than a Sophomore

By joe rubes

Published on Nov 3, 2008


Comments: many thanks for all the feedback asking for the next episode While some of you have made suggestions as to what should be included, this story is a true story, so I wish to be true to the experience.


The usual Disclaimers.


Part -III

The next morning, Craig and I stirred at around 9.00am. Barry was still asleep. We went downstairs to rid the fridge, and hardly spoke a word between us. Actually, I couldn't look him in the eye as a result of the previous night's activities. "You have cornflakes?"...'Yeah" was the sum total of our chat. We buried our faces into our bowls and made a rush job of woofing down its contents. I asked if he was still interested in cruising down the river, to which he provided an inaudible 'yeah.' So we hopped on our bikes and headed for the mountains.

I was the one who knew the way, yet found it embarrassing riding ahead of him and found myself dropping back so he could take the lead. Finally we got to the wide stretch of the river which was the picnic area, where we would end our downhill cruise. We found a place to stash the bikes where no one would probaly look and began the long 4 mile hike up the dirt road to a spot where I normally used to begin the downward journey. As we walked along that dirt road, hardly a word was spoken initially. Both of us were embarrassed, I guess. Craig broke the silence.


Yeah...sort of.

Do you now see what I mean?

Yeah....but what exactly?

You know...about him being a man and all that?


He's had pubes and all that since he was 9...and I didnt get them until I was like 14. too....I got them at around 13, I think.

From 9 to 12 he had pubes....from 11 to 14 I had none.

That's awesome

When he was 11, I was already 13 and a bit...and I had none....and he was already huge and bushy...and that's when things really started.

What started?

You know...sucking him off every night, wanking him, making me compare all the time... He made you ask the questions, didn't he?

What questions?

You know...what are you now holding?


He started asking me that when he was 11. 'What are you holding?...say it: "I am holding an 11 year old man penis."...and what are you holding: Say it...'I am holding a 13 year old boy penis.'

Yeah....he got me to say that too.

Did he make you ask any other questions?

Yeah....about his 14 year old hairy chest...and my smooth 17 year old chest.

Yeah....and that is another thing....his hairy chest....he started getting hairs there even when he was still 13. Last year, just before we moved here, he had a senior in his bedroom.

What!?...what do you mean?

Well, we would take the school bus home every day. We would never sit together, I was always done the back, but he sat closer to the front. Well, this senior from another school who was on the bus, used to give him the eye. You knew he was a senior because of his uniform. In our school, seniors and juniors wore blazers and a white shirt. Everyone else had a different uniform. So that senior would have known that my brother wasn't a junior or senior, but because of his size, he would have figured he was in Grade 10. One day, this senior sat next to my brother and asked him his age. He was expecting to hear 15 or 16, but my brother said 13. I could hear 'Wot?' even though I was a few seats away. Even though I didn't hear the whole conversation, I knew what it was about.

This senior used to get off before us...but one day, he didn't and continued to our stop. As they got off in front of me, I could see that this senior was a couple of inches shorter than my brother and wasn't as muscular. The started walking to our house. My brother looked back a couple of times to check on where I was..and I knew that they were going to our place. They entered by the back door, so I hung back a while, 'cause the senior didn't know we were brothers. When I entered the house, there was no one downstairs, so I snuck up the stairs and listened outside the bedroom and peeked though the keyhole. they were already kissing and he was taking my brother's unifrom off. Barry just stood there while this senior was all sexually excited. All I could hear was stuff like: "'re bloody're, you are no kid, you're a man....f'* look at that !!"

When my brother was totally naked, he flexed both arms like a body builder. He had 8 inches even then and this senior just went for it and sucked him big time. My brother told him to take off all his clothes and made him do a side by side comparison. His dick was only about 6 inches and not as thick. Barry eventually ended up f*ing him...he was screaming in pain Barry just muffled his screams.

When it was all over and they came downstairs, the senior saw me. Barry then said: "He my big brother." You should have seen the senior's eyes widen in disbelief. "

The above is a short account given by Craig. We were now nearing the spot for our river descent. I knew of a rock ledge off the road that gave a good view of the valley, so suggested we go there first. We had to make our way through reasonably dense foliage and sat on this narrow ledge. No one would ever find us there. Craig spoke: "I'm really horny after all that. Do you want to strip?"


and we both sat naked on the rock, looking at each other's 4 inchers and skinny frames. As we each surveyed each other's dicks, we instinctively reached over and held the other's...for me, it was like reassuring each other of our own manhood.

Next: Chapter 4

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