Two Juniors Less Than a Sophomore

By joe rubes

Published on Oct 20, 2008


Disclaimers: the usual disclaimers apply. If you are too young, you shouldn't be here.

Introduction: I could have titled this true story 'Quiet domination' or 'thrown off the deep end.'

My name is Cameron and when this event took place, I was 16 + years of age. The school year had begun and this was my Junior year. I wasn't looking forward to it, not because I didn't think I could handle the workload. School work is a breeze for me. It was the fact that I was a late developer and was the smallest boy the previous year. As I hadn't grown much, if at all, during the summer, I could only imagine the physical gap between everyone else and myself being even more pronounced. If you saw me for the first time, you would probably think I was 13 or 14. So, when I entered the school yard, I did look around to check on how much the familiar faces had shot up. In that act of surveying, I also spotted some new students.

It was only in the third period that I noticed him...another boy about my size, although perhaps looking just a little younger. He was about an inch shorter and definitely looked a little younger than myself. Well, there is someone else like me. He seemed to keep to himself so, being the old hand at 'X" High, I initate contact by introducing myself. He and his family had moved from the south owing to his father's work commitments. Oh...his name is Craig. He seemed appreciative of the contact and as the weeks unfolded, I begain to notice that I was probably his only friend. We had similar interests and conversations would often drift on to military aircraft and the latest naval ships.

There were other new kids at the school that caught my eye. One that certainly did get noticed was a biggest kid, at least 6 foot tall, with longish brown/blonde hair. He has quite a physique, and if you had to guess his grade from his size, most people would probably say he was a Senior or definitely a junior. That was my impression on Day one...however I did notice him lining up with the Sophomores, whom he towered over. He had looks that turned many a male head as well as females. The best way to describe him is that he was a slightly smaller version of Travis Fimmel. (check out Travis in Google if you don't know who I am referring to.)

I found myself wanting to stand close to this 'travis' person and would try to stand behind him in the canteen line. The first time I succeeded in orchetrating this, I mentally measured myself off against him. The top of my head reached his shoulder. His squarish jaw reflected facial hair when it was angled somewhat towards the sun. This guy was hot...and if he was not a repeat student, he would be 14. I discovered that his name was Barry.

For some 10 weeks, I would try to spot Barry in the yard and find some excuse to walk close to him. I often did this when I was not with Craig. We were now approaching our first Term break and where I live, that is a two week spell. Craig asked me if he would like to hang out at his place for a couple of days. As I was an only child, and generally had to entertain myself, this was a novel idea and I eagerly accepted. Craig lived slightly close to the mountain so I suggested that one of the things we could do was to ride into the hills and float down the river on rubber tubes. This was something I had been doing for years, and as Craig was a city-dude, the whole idea appealed to him

The last day of school arrived, and I was filled with enthusiasm that I would be staying with Craig that evening. Upon arriving at school, I found my host sitting alone on a low wall, looking completely dejected. 'What's up? look like s...t?' said I. "Awh...nothing. Just pee'ed off at my brother and with myself.' he replied. Up to this point, I didn't know he had a brother. I never thought of asking, as he never mentioned anyone apart from his mom and dad. 'Who'se your brother?' asked I. 'You know...that big kid in Year 9...the one with the long hair, that is taller than everyone else...surely you've noticed him?" "You mean the guy called Barry?" asked I. "Yeah...that's him...he a fking man...he's 14 and a fking man.'

"I didn't know he is your mean to tell me, he is your kid brother...and that huge guy is only 14?"

'Yeah...he's got a chest this wide ...he even has hairs on it...everything thinks he is like 18....and he is even huge down there'...pointing quickly to my crotch...and you can't even get your fingers around it."

At 16, I was no counsellor and just gulped and remained silent...looking around the yard to see if I could spot Barry.

'You will see what I mean when you meet him tonight' said Craig. 'What do you mean?...and before Craig could answer, he was saved by the bell.

'Tell you later...come early mom and dad get home at 6.30pm...but come earlier."

All day, I was unable to focus on the various lessons. The sentence Craig spoke: "...he got a chest this wide...he even has hairs...etc' could not be eradicated from my mind. Obviously, even though I was approaching 17, I had no hairs on my chest. Actually, I only started getting armpit hair about a month prior, but had pubes at around 14-1/2 yrs. But my manhood was only 'four and a bit'...four and a quarter, to be exact.

I arrived at Craigs at 5.00pm, to have the door opened by Barry! He was topless, wearing only an old, tight, cut up pair of jeans. Standing one step down from him added to his height. Remember, I only came up to his shoulders on even ground. My eyes were immediately drawn to the 'happy trail' leading from his waistband up the center of his chest, and above the level of his nipples, were visible a fine spread of chest hair. This was well ordered and visible enough from five feet away. The smile on his face recorded the fact that he had noticed me noticing ! He informed me that Craig had gone for a haircut and to pick up some dessert from the super-market. Small talk was awkward as I was speechless before this 14 year old adonis. He asked: "you're one of Craig's Junior friends, I take it?' "Yeah..." said I. "Well...I'm a sophomore myself" and breathed in as he finished that sentence, thereby expanding his chest. My 'four and a bit' began to swell and tented; Barry noticed this as I tried to cover up. He smiled.

Fast forward to 11.00pm: the parents had retired b 10.00pm. We on the other hand were on our first evening of the holidays, so sleep wasn't on the agenda. I couldn't help but notice how Craig had not pulled out of his semi-depression, and as he wasn't in the mood for anything much, he suggested we go upstairs. I had been expecting my own room. Being an only child, I had always slept in a room alone, so it was a little nervewracking to discover that I would be bunking on the floor, on a mattress between Craig's bed and Barry's bed. The room was large, so space was no a problem. Barry joined us about half an hour later, and immediately went into the ensuite to take a shower. Up to this point, no erotic thoughts filled my mind...until Barry emerged with only a white towel around his waist. He walked over to the room door and locked it. His manly physique was everything you would see in a person who engages in body building. That V-shape chest which, from the back, is just as erotic as viewed from the front.

Barry sat on the lounge-tpe seat in the middle of the room, threw his left arm above his head and right arm extended onthe back of the sofa. His left armpit and bush was in full view...he had more hair in one pit that all the pit hair that Craig and I could put togther. I knew that Craig only had about four hairs per pit...I had a bit more but nothing like what Barry had. And Barry would have guessed that.

Barry then spoke: 'Well...two Junior boys' (with the emphasis on 'boys')..with a sophomore...sharing a room. Time for some fun, don't you think?" Craig, who was seated, looked up at Barry. Their eyes seemed to speak to each other; Craig sighed a sigh of resignation, got up, walked across to Barry and opened his towel, then returned to his seat, looking dejected. My eyes popped at the sight of a softie that was at least 5 inches and thick....with pubic hair that was three or four times ore widespread than mine...and of course that happy trail wich merged with it.

"Come on your friend here what you've got."

Another sigh from Craig as he quickly stood up and dropped his shorts and boxers, then removed his T-short. He sat down as quickly as he had stood. All I saw was what appeared like a 2 inch softe with only a sprinking of pubes.

Barry motioned to me with his left hand...I looked over at Craig, who now looked at me with the same eyes of dejection. slowly I unbttoned my shirt and unbelted my belt and let my shorts fall. I stood momentarily in my boxers, still looking at Craig for some signal. Craig's head bowed and I took that as a sign to comply. I dropped my boxers. My 4-1/4 incher was at full mast. Fortunately for me, I had a better showing of pubes. This was noticed by Craig, who now seemed even more dejected.

"Ha!.." said Barry standing. Let's see what these two Junior boys have?" as he motioned to Craig to fetch a ruler. Craig complied and was told to measure me. 4-1/4. "Now you measure my little brother here" said Barry. 4.1 inches. "Now you measure me" said Barry to me. My hands trembled as I sat the rule on his still soft penis. "You will need to hold it if you want measure it' he said quietly. I did as instructed...and saw five inches become six, six become seven and seven become eight and a half. "How big is it" B Barry asked, as if he didn't already know. "8-1/2" said I in a feeble voice. "Ummh!..4-1/4 plus 4.1 = is less than 8 and a half... Ha...two Junior boys are less than one sophomore !!" Barry moved in closer to both of us as our penises came into close proximity to one another. My eyes looked down at his meat and instinctively moved up to meet his eyes...then drop down again to the level of his chest and its spread of chest hair.

Barry turned and put his hand under a cushion on the sofa he was sitting on, and pulled out a petri of those lab dishes one finds in a biology lab. He gave Craig the lid saying: "Well bro...let's see what you have for us tonight." Tonight !!...thought I. You mean they do this every night?? Craig half-heartedly pumped his 4 incher and came after a considerable period. His cum was collected in the lid of the petri dish...and I must say, it wasn't very much eve by my standards. Three squirts at the most.

"Well...that's one Junior boy' said Barry. "Now for the other"...looking at me. Somehow i could not refuse. All this was just too hot for me and I blew after the fourth pump, producing at least six decent sized squirt. "Now that is better for a Junior" reported Barry.

He then sat on the edge of his bed and began stroking his 8.5 inch manhood. After about the fifth pump, he said: " You (meaning me) might as well take over tonight...Craig won't mind, will you Craig?" What, thought I again...they do this every night ?? Barry motioned me to come closer. Instinctively I complied...and held his monster. Craig was correct, one couldn't get one's fingers around it. Actually, I didn't know just where to hold it: top, middle or bottom. "anywhere will do," said Barry, who sensed my confusion. I pumped slowly, mesmerized by the sheer size of this rod. At one point I stopped and took a hand measurment: two hands and still there was head showing above the second hand. As the pace quickened, I could feel the additional heat and I knew he was going to blow. Bar immediately stood up, and Craig, just as quickly, picked up the bottom, deeper section of the petri dish and held it ready to recevie the load. And what a load. He filled the entire dish close to overflowing. This 14 year old had blown more than the two of us combined. Both Craig and I stared into this pool of white cum, both of us sporting hardons. Barry put his arms of both our shoulders and said: " Junior boys....that is 14 year old man cum."..and proceeded to sit down on the sofa, leaving us standing there holding the residue. "I think both of you need to relieve yourselves...look into my man cum and relieve yourself." he quietly ordered

Craig did this without hesitiation, so that prompted me to follow suit. "Look into my cum' said Bary again, as I lifted my eyes away from the petri dish. You guessed it, it didn't take long...."use your own dish" said Barry We both squirted into our lid and added to our store, which was still less that Barry's first load.

This was not the end of the session.

Next: Chapter 2

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