Two Fullbacks

By moc.evresupmoc@lleBTsemaJ

Published on Feb 11, 1999


Two Fullbacks-College Days: Shawn Gets Spanked

By JimboTx

Tommy and I had gotten settled into to college, we had gone through our two days and were now well into our football season on the freshman squad. Shawn, one of the quarterbacks, had become a real close friend to us. We also had Alan, the middle linebacker, who we had learned was gay, as a close buddy on the squad. Tommy, Alan, and I weren't sure about Shawn's sexual leanings, he didn't have a girlfriend nor did he do any dating. He said that with football and studies, he didn't have time for girls. The girls were, of course, wild about him as they were most of the football players. Shawn was 6'3", weighed 210 lbs, had brown hair, blue eyes, and a gorgeously handsome face. He was soft spoken and sort of child like in his demeanor. He was one that us gay guys wanted to just take in our big strong arms and hug.

I loved the times in the locker room before a game. All us offensive backs were taped as a group. I would position myself on the trainers table next to the one Shawn was on. The trainers would start by giving Shawn a rub down before they taped his ankles. Shawn would wear only his jock which would be full to the max. His cock was about 7" long, but it was thick and he had big balls. He would lie prone on his back on the table, with his arms over his head. I would feast my eyes on the hairy arm pits, the hair between his pecs, the hair around his navel, and the treasure trail down to his jock strap waist band. He also had hairy legs and a thick patch of hair on his thighs next to his crotch, which the jock strap didn't cover. I would watch with envy as a trainer would rub Shawn's muscular legs in swirling motions all up and down his legs, nudging his jock pouch as he rubbed the area around Shawn's crotch. Man, I would have to always be sure and put on my football pants before having my ankles taped, so as not to show the boner I would pop while watching Shawn in almost all his naked glory get his rub down.

Shawn and I would leave the trainers area together and then help one another finish dressing, I would help him get his shoulder pads on, he would help me, and one of us would help Tommy as all our lockers were close together. Then we would help one another get on our game jerseys. There is nothing sexier than the smell of athlete sweat in football pads, pants, jocks, etc. I would get a high on smelling Shawn's and Tommy's sweat stained shoulder pads, helmets, etc. After the games, we helped one another strip out of our uniforms. If you have played football you know how hard it is to get sweaty gear off your body. The pads want to stick to your sweaty skin. I have helped Tommy and Shawn both by pulling down their pants, pulling off their shoulder pads, pulling their shoes off, etc. I love the smell of sweaty football gear after a game or practice while its still warm with the players sweat. Often, I would swap my dirty jock for Shawn's when he wasn't looking and take his home with me to wear, smell, or chew on while it was still wet with his sweat.

We had a great season going, and Shawn was our starting quarterback. He had thrown for some great yardage and had also been able to gain a lot of ground scrambling whenever he was nearly bottled up by the opponents' defense. We were about 3 games from the end of our season and were playing an opponent who had a pretty weak team. It was supposed to be an easy win for us. Shawn was off on his game that day, he threw several interceptions and he was sacked more times in that game than he had been all season. Instead of winning, we lost 6 to 3. The 3 points were scored after Shawn's backup quarterback got us in field goal range at the end of the game. Shawn was pretty much down in spirits and was really beaten up physically from the sacks he endured. We all went to the dressing room with our heads down. The coach was screaming at us and telling us that we sat on our lazy asses and let a bunch of no counts beat us. Shawn went to his locker and I to mine. Nothing was said between us. I pulled his shoulder pads off him and had him sit down so I could pull of his shoes and pants. He started to get up and reciprocate, but I could tell he was really hurting. I told him to go on to the whirlpool, that Tommy and I would help one another get undressed.

Tommy and I undressed and went to the showers. We both lingered under the warm water of the shower and let it soothe our tired bodies. I enjoyed watching the water plaster Tommy's thick hair to his chest and run down in rivulets over his hard abs to pour off the end of his beautiful cock. We got back to our lockers and were some of the last players in the dressing room. I put on a pair of cutoff football pants to wear home as well as did Tommy. We were both shirtless since we could just skirt across the practice field to our dorm. I told Tommy I wanted to check on Shawn in the whirlpool before I left, so we both headed to the sauna area. We could hear the coach screaming at Shawn and telling him that he had cost us the game. He asked Shawn what the fuck was wrong with him that day. Shawn couldn't give the coach a reason for his off performance.

The coach said, "well if you want to stay on as the number one quarterback you better get your act together.'

He asked Shawn if some incentive would help. Shawn asked, "what kind of incentive."

The coach said, "well mister, a good ass beating might just wake you up and keep you awake for the rest of the season."

Shawn replied, "Coach, I have had a terrific season, why would you want to do that to me for a one game screw up?"

The coach replied, "because Shawn, you have a lot of potential, you are one of the best quarterbacks I have ever coached. I think with some incentive, if it means physical punishment, you will do even better."

Shawn said, "Well, sir, if you think that's best, I'm game."

Coach asked Shawn if he was about finished in the whirlpool and Shawn said he was. The coach instructed Shawn to get out and walk into the weight training area. Tommy and I sneaked to a place in the dressing room where we could see what was happening. The coach had Shawn stand under a chin up bar and reach up to the bar with his hands. The coach tied each wrist to the bar. He then strapped each one of Shawn's ankles to the base of the chin up bar rack. There Shawn was in all his naked glory. His thick cock was lying limp over his big balls, his arm pit hairs glistened from the nervous sweat. Coach walked into his office and came back with a big paddle, like the fraternities use.

Coach asked Shawn, "how many points were we supposed to have beaten those shits today?"

Shawn replied, " we were supposed to have been a two touchdown favorite sir."

"So, " said the coach, "how many points are we acutally down then?"

"Well sir, they beat us by three," answered Shawn.

"So, we should have beaten them by 14 and yet they beat us by 3 so we are 17 pts down huh?" replied the coach.

"Yes sir, thats sounds right to me coach," answered Shawn.

The coach replied, "Ok, mister, I am gonna give you 17 hard licks for your costing us the game. And I want you to count them out as I give them to you. If you miscount or don't count so I can hear you we will start all over again, understand."

"Yes sir," answered the spreadeagled stud.

Tommy and I were both about to rip out the fronts of our shorts with our erections. We were drooling over looking at the naked quarterback tied up the way he was. Pop, one sir, pop, two sir, pop, 3 sir, and I was watching the muscular body swing out from the paddle with each swing. I began to notice a twitching in Shawn's big cock. Pop, 8 sir, pop, 9 sir, now his cock is rock hard and I can see pre cum gleaming on the end of it. Pop, pop, pop, and the beating finally ceased. I noticed that coach had an erection in his shorts. He walked to the front of the beaten quarterback and looked at him hanging there, with his head bowed, tears on his cheeks, sweat running down his sides from his arm pits, and down his chest seeping into his thick bush at his dick. The coach tenderly rubbed Shawn's left cheek and asked him why he had a hard on. Shawn said he didn't know. The coach asked if he needed some relief and Shawn answered with a yes.

Tommy and I watched with amazement as the coach dropped to his knees and began to lick the ample pre cum from the young quarterbacks throbbing cock. We continued to watch as the coach began to suck and deep throat the bloated 7inch cock. We saw the coach pull off the cock and begin to lick the big balls, then to suck on them, making Shawn moan with pleasure. Then the coach went to Shawn's bush and licked all through the thick brown pubes. We watched as he again sucked on the hard cock until Shawn came in spurts in the coach's mouth. We watched as the coach backed off and admired the helpless, spent Shawn, hanging in a weakened form by his wrists, his knees having gone limp.

I nearly shit as the coach yelled, "Jimbo and Tommy, get your asses in here and help your teammate down from the bar. Come on, get in here, I know you are there."

Tommy and I both walked in trying to cover the hard ons with our hands. Coach told us to get Shawn down and carry him to one of the trainers tables for a rub down. Tommy untied one hand and ankle and I the other. Shawn collapsed onto our broad shoulders and we carried him between us to the table. We laid him sprawled naked on the table. I looked at the coach with a questioned look on my face.

Coach said, "Jimbo, I knew you and Tommy were here because I saw you were the last two in the locker room before I took Shawn to the weight area, and I knew you wouldn't leave without Shawn."

I said, "well Coach, why did you perform oral sex on Shawn if you knew Tommy and I were here and maybe watching?"

"Because I know that you two guys are gay. Alan has told me all about the three of you' the coach answered.

"Alan has told you about us," Tommy said incredulously.

I looked and Shawn had fallen asleep on the trainers table at this point.

"Yeah, you see I knew Alan was gay when he came here. His high school coach and I are old fuck buddies. He and I played college football together. Alan's coach had found out about Alan in High School and they had had a sexual relation while he played there. So, that is one of the reasons I helped highly recruit Alan. I have been able to get enough gay guys on this team each year to keep my sexual appetite gratified. Lord knows, I don't make enough money as freshman coach to be able to cruise the bars. And you aren't gonna find a whole lot of college football players in the bars either."

"Man," I answered, "this is staggering. How long have you known about Tommy and me?"

"Oh, Alan told me about you two the day that you caught him sniffing Tommy's crotch in your room. And, ever since that day, I have looked for a way to come on to you two."

"Well, what about Shawn, how did you know he was into this?", Tommy asked.

"I didn't until I saw him pop a boner from the punishment, and when I asked him if he needed relief he didn't object," replied Coach.

"Hey, Coach, I think you're fucking hot man," said Tommy.

"Hey, Tommy, I think you and Jimbo are the two hunkiest dudes on this team," hissed Coach through clenched teeth.

With that Tommy dropped to his knees and pulled down the Coach's shorts. Coach was wearing a jock and you could see precum soaking through the knitted pouch. Tommy began to lick and suck on the pouch. The coach pulled off his knit shirt over his head revealing a hairy chest and lush arm pits. Tommy kept chewing on the jock and licking the coach's legs along side the pouch. The coach was groaning like crazy and had bent over Tommy and was massaging Tommy's big glutes down inside his cutoffs. Tommy now had coach's jock down and off his legs and was sucking coach's cock like crazy. Coach had Tommy's shorts off him now and was really kneading Tommy's big glutes.

I turned to Shawn, and shook him and woke him up. He looked at me very quizzically looking.

I said, "Hey dude, you are so fucking hot, man can I have a taste of your body."

Shawn answered, "sure man, I have wanted to get it on with you and Tommy for a while, but haven't had the nerve to approach you guys. I thought you were straight."

"Man, Shawn, we weren't sure about you, thought you were straight, are you a virgin?" I asked

"Yes, I have been in the closet all my life. I have masturbated everyday of my life since puberty, thinking about hot studs like you that I have seen in the dressing rooms," replied Shawn.

"Hey, baby, lets not waste any more time," I growled, "raise those big guns and let me at them hairy pits."

Shawn placed his arms over his head lying there on the trainers table as I had so often seen him. I stooped over to his left pit and it was ripe with man sweat from the game. I licked his pit until I thought I was gonna lick all the hairs out of it. I then went to the other and worked it over good. Then I went to his tits and sucked and nibbled on them. Shawn was moaning with pleasure and I noticed his cock was at attention again. I worked my way down his belly and over his defined abs with my tongue. Then I licked his navel and followed the hair trail to his cock with my tongue. Then I took the big thick cock into my mouth as the coach had done. I sucked and twisted his cock as I bobbed my head up and down on it. I was massaging his big balls as I sucked him. He began to stiffen and I felt his balls tighten around the base of his cock. He shot another big volley of cum, this time in my mouth instead of the coach's. Man, that was some good tasting q.b. cum.

I was bone hard and dripping precum. I pulled my shorts off and told Shawn to roll over so I could give his beaten ass some attention. I took some massage oil and began to easily massage it in to his sore bruised butt cheeks. I began to work the oil into his hairy ass crack. And then down to his sphinxster. It was surrounded by bristly, brown hairs, and was a cute tight pink pucker. I lowered my face to his ass and lubed up his hole with my tongue. I was licking and probing my tongue in and out of his rose bud. He was moaning again at the sensation of my tongue in his ass and my whisker stubble rubbing his tight cheeks. Then I inserted my forefinger into his ass and he almost came off the table. He turned his head and looked back at me. I told him to be still that I wouldn't hurt him. He laid his head back down on the table. After I had loosened him up with my finger I crawled onto the table between his big hairy legs and inserted my hard 7.5 in cock in his ass very slowly. He cried out that I was hurting him and I slowed my entry. I took my time sliding my cock into his hot steamy ass. Finally I was in him all the way, and I lay down on him, running my arms under his arms, feeling the heat from his pits and the sweat dripping onto my arms. I brought my hands together behind his head and then began to pump in and out of his tight hole. He began to moan and beg for me to fuck him harder. I began to piston in and out of him like my legs do when Im carrying the ball. We were fucking and sweating so that I began to slide all over his back, but my cock remained planted in his sweet ass. I fucked until I shot a big hot load of cum in his ass. He shot his third load with me, when he felt my cum churning in his butt.

I pulled out of Shawn's ass and began to rub and knead his sore ass lightly. I looked and coach had Tommy on another one of the tables and had Tommy's legs over his shoulders and was fucking away in Tommy's ass.

I said, "Hey coach, that's my property you are fucking with there."

Coach replied, "I didn't think under the circumstances you would mind, since I have had my eyes on Shawn too."

I laughed and said, "Well it looks like you're about to juice up Tommy's ass, I wish you would save some cum for me."

Immediately, coach pulled out of Tommy's ass and shot a huge load of cum all over Tommy's hairy belly and chest.

Coach said, "here you go Jimbo, eat all you want."

I went over to Tommy and began to lick the coach's cum out of his hairs. Tommy was hard as a rock and leaking precum like crazy. I went down on his big cock and he immediately shot a big wad of cum in my mouth. That was three loads of cum for me in the past little while, one from Shawn, one from Coach, and one from my lover, Tommy.

I turned to see the coach licking Shawn's last load of cum off the table and off Shawn's belly. We helped Shawn to the shower and Tommy and I helped him soap up and wash off. We then all dressed and went to our dorm.

After that, the coach would give Shawn a whipping if he played well and we won the game. Tommy and I were always on hand to help the coach get Shawn down and get him rubbed down, etc. The four of us would have hot sex just as I described above after each punishment was awarded. It gave us all three an incentive to win. Needless to say, we didn't lose another game that year.

I trust that this addition will be as well received as the others. I appreciate your comments and critiques. Stayed tuned for more.

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