Two Fullbacks

By moc.evresupmoc@lleBTsemaJ

Published on Jan 18, 1999


If you are underage or are offended by gay sex then you don't belong here. Adios.

The Two Fullbacks By JimboTx

My friend Tommy and I had grown up together and had been best friends since first grade. We were both good athletes and were fierce competitors. Our best sport was whatever was in season at the time, baseball, football, or basketball. We were exceptional athletes and excelled in all sports.

By the time we were high school seniors, we were both really muscular from the weight lifting program we had followed all through high school. Tommy was six feet tall and weighed about 210 pounds. He had huge arms, shoulders, thighs, chest, and a bubble butt. His chest was massive, his huge pecs caused his nipples to point straight down. His spine was in a trough of muscle about 4 inches deep. This trough ran all the way down to his adorable ass. He also was very hairy, his chest was blanketed in fur. His arm pits were a lush of black hairs and were always sweaty. His shirts in class showed the sweat under his arms. Needless to say, his crotch was full of thick curly pubes that encased his 7.5 inch dick and low hanging balls. Tommy was very handsome, he had a gorgeous smile with pearly white teeth and looked very manly with his heavy dark beard. His green eyes always had a twinkle in them.

I was an inch taller than Tommy and weighed the same as he. My arms were slightly bigger as well as my chest. But my butt wasn't as large as Tommy's. Neither am I as hairy. I have a hairy chest but not as thick as Tommy's. My hair is brown and I have blue eyes. I also am a very good looking guy. I am a Brad Pitt look alike, I just don't have the blond hair he does, but I do have the dimples on my cheeks and the blue eyes. My dick is 8 inches long and is thick. Tommy and I both were the heart throbs of all the girls in our school..

I had desired Tommy since puberty but never let on to him that I was gay. Many nights were spent with us together, either at his house or mine, and I would go to bed and beat off thinking about the hunk in the twin bed next to me. When he would get up in the morning and go to the shower I would get his briefs and smell them, drinking in his manly musk. I would also check them for his black pubic hairs and put the ones that I could find in my mouth. There were occasions when I would hide his dirty briefs and then wear them, quite often jerking off in them when I had the chance. One night I was at his house studying and one of his dirty jock straps was on the table in front of me. I checked it out when he wasn't looking and it was still wet from his sweat and full of pubic hairs. I dismissed myself to go to the bathroom and took his jock with me. I stripped in the bathroom and put his jock on. Then I laid down in the floor and jerked off to the feel of his sweaty jock on my cock and balls.

Tommy and I followed our weight program religiously. We always worked out together. He had a home gym as well as I. Often when we were lifting weights, I would position myself at the foot of the bench press while Tommy was doing bench presses so I could look up the legs of his shorts. I enjoyed looking at the full pouch of his jock as well as looking at the long curly hairs growing on his thighs along side of his crotch and at the hairs curling out of the jock pouch its self. We always worked out shirtless and I enjoyed watching the muscles of his chest, stomach and arms flex and pop out. Also, I enjoyed looking at the thick hairs in arm pits get all wet. How I so often wanted to bury my face in one of his sweaty arm pits and lick them to my hearts and cocks content. Tommy would finish his work out at home and strip to go shower. He would often hang his sweaty jock on his weight rack to dry. This was a treasure I would get and smell and rub in my face while he was showering.

We went camping during the summer between our Junior and Senior year in high school. An older friend had bought beer for us and we tied one on that night at our camp. We had a pup tent to sleep in and were sleeping on top of our sleeping bags in our briefs since it was summer and warm. I awoke around 2AM and heard Tommy snoring. He had drank more beer than I and was really out of it. I eased my hand over to his hairy stomach and placed it on his midsection. He didn't move, so I began to ease my hand down to his crotch. I could feel his semi erect dick and his big balls through his jockey shorts. I gently tugged on his cock and noticed that Tommy continued to snore undisturbed. With that I pulled his briefs down in the front and admired his half hard cock laying straight up his belly amid the curly black pubic hairs. I also admired his big orbs laying on his hairy thighs. I leaned over and smelled the manly musk emanating from his hairy crotch, and then began to lick his dick and balls. As I licked his balls, his dick became fully hard. I licked and sucked his hard cock and then began to lick up his hard tummy. At his navel I tongued into the hairs and sucked them into a wet spiral. I worked on up the torso to his hairy chest and sucked on both his nipples. He had his right arm above his head, so his hairy pit was exposed. I eased up and smelled the sweat of his pit. It put me in extacy. I then buried my nose and face in his pit and licked the soft hairs there. He began to stir a bit and rolled over on his tummy and went back to sleep. Then I eased his briefs down over his huge buns and spread his ass cheeks. His crack was lined with black hairs. I slurped all up and down his hairy crack and tongued his tight pucker. He began to stir again so I eased his briefs back up and had one of the best jerk offs ever. I'll bet I shot cum for 10 minutes thinking about the time I had just had with my stud friend.

Tommy and I were both fullbacks on our football team. We were equal in ability so the coach alternated us in the games. That way we were both rested and fresh for most of the game. We also beat the shit out of everyone we played, and we were the perennial district champs. Our senior year we had won the district as usual and had gone to the regional playoff. We were about four hours from home in the capital city for the play off game. When we got to the stadium and entered the dressing room, our equipment manager discovered that about half the equipment had been left at our school. My equipment bag was one of the bags that had been left. We had all worn our game jerseys on the bus so my jersey was all of my uniform that I had. It was too late to retrieve the equipment and there wasn't enough time to find equipment locally before the game. Our coach decided that only the starters would dress out and that was in borrowed equipment from our second string teammates. But it still left me without a uniform.

The coach decided that Tommy and I could just exchange his uniform back and forth during the game. Our dressing room door was immediately behind our bench, the dressing room being located under the stadium. Coach told us that he would put one of us in for an offensive series and when the defense was on the field we were to run into the dressing room and change.

It was a hot afternoon and humid. We won the toss and elected to receive the ball. Tommy began at fullback. We mostly ran a ground attack offense. Tommy started in the first series of offensive downs. Our team marched down the field in about 10 minutes of play and scored. The offense ran off the field and the kickoff team ran onto the field to kick to the opponents. Tommy and I ran into the locker room to change gear. I was wearing only a pair of cutoff football pants and my game jersey, so I could quickly undress and suit up in Tommy's gear.

Tommy had worked up quite a sweat on the series of plays. He was already dripping with sweat. I told him to begin to remove his shoes as I pulled his shoulder pads and jersey over his head. I could smell the sweaty shoulder pads as I removed them. They had the pungent smell of Tommy's studly sweat. By the time I had removed his shoulder pads, Tommy had pulled off his cleats and was unbuckling his belt. He was seated on a bench in the dressing room and I had him stretch his legs out in front of him so I could pull off his pants by the pants legs. This left him in his hip pad girdle and his jock.

I slipped off my jersey and shorts and pulled on Tommy's sweaty shoulder pads. They were still warm from his body heat and felt wonderful on my hard pecs. The straps on his shoulder pads were wet from his sweaty arm pits and I could feel the wetness in my arm pits as I fastened the straps to the front of the pads. By this time Tommy had pulled off his hip pads and his jock and was standing there in all his beautiful glory, with sweat trickling down between his huge pecs. He handed me his sweaty jock. It was still warm and was dripping wet. I couldn't help myself and popped an instant boner. Tommy was looking at my hard 8 inch cock as I pulled his wet jock up on it. Next he handed me his hip pad girdle and pants, they too were dripping with his sweat. My cock was even harder in his jock as I pulled them on. He asked me what was causing my arousal. I said, "Man I have wanted to tell you this for a long time, and I guess now is as good a time as any, I am gay and I have had the hots for you for a long time." Tommy looked absolutely stunned. He said, "Well dude, you better get the rest of this gear on and get on the field before the coach has a stroke." He went on to say, "We will discuss this revelation later, but for now go out and kick their asses."

Tommy pulled on my shorts and we both ran back out to the sidelines. A few minutes later our opponent had to punt to us and my turn at fullback came. We took the ball on our 18 yard line and marched back down the field and scored another touchdown. This time we went for two points after the touchdown and I ran the ball in for the score. The offense ran off the field and Tommy and I went back to the dressing room to change again. By now his uniform was even wetter from my sweating in it. Tommy pulled the shoulder pads off me and I slipped the shoes from my feet. As I was unbuckling the pants he pulled off my shorts. As the shorts cleared his crotch, his hard 7.5 inch cock slapped his hard abs. I looked at him standing there in front of me. He was grinning from ear to ear while sporting his boner. I asked, "Man, what is up with you, besides your big dick?" He said, "I have wanted to tell you since I was 13 that I am gay and have wanted you so badly for so long." I replied, "All this time we have both wanted one another and now find out during the middle of a ballgame in which we are the stars and don't have time to screw."

As Tommy began to pull on his shoulder pads, I began to suck his hard cock. He groaned and said, "Man you are gonna cause me to miss the next series of downs if you keep that up." I couldn't get enough of him. The smell of the sweaty pads on his body, the smell of the musty locker room, and the smell of his pre cum on his cock made me mad with lust. As he was buckling the straps to his shoulder pads, I was sucking madly on his cock. I reached around and grabbed the big hard cheeks of his ass with both hands as I sucked his fuck pole. As I rubbed up and down on his hairy ass, he started to buck his hips and then shot about a gallon of his hot tangy cum in my mouth. With that his knees nearly buckled and he leaned on my shoulders as I pulled his jock , his hip pads, and his football pants up on him. He put his helmet on as I pulled his wet socks and shoes back on him. We left the locker room with grins from ear to ear on both our faces.

We heard the announcer say, look at the two fullbacks, boy are they having the times of their lives in this game. They have big grins on both their faces. He didn't know what an understatement he was making. Tommy went on to run the ball from the 22 yard line all the way for a touchdown on that next offensive series. We both went back to the dressing room again and he sucked me while I was dressing that time. I went out and scored in the same manner after that. We won that game 29 to 7. Tommy and I were the big scorers on our team. But the scoring didn't end there. We scored with one another many times after that. Now I quite often wear one of his sweaty jocks and he wears one of mine. We happily trade with one another.

Tommy and I both went on to play college football, and I have some great stories to share from those times. But, I will see if this story goes over ok and will relate other stories regarding us if it does.

Two-Fullbacks, Part 2 By JimboTx

My best friend Tommy and I were outstanding athletes. We had grown up together and had come to find out that we were both gay during a football game our senior year in high school. We were having to change football uniforms with one another during a state championship game and discovered in the locker room that we each were gay and had both had a hidden love affair for one another ever since puberty. Tommy and I were both the same size, very muscular with football player builds. This story picks up with our Senior year in high school during the spring. We were both playing baseball. We both played catcher and shortstop. The coach usually alternated us in the games, one would play catcher for about 4 to 5 innings and then swap positions.

The afternoon was warm in April, we were playing Park View High School, Tommy was catching and I was playing shortstop. At the bottom of the 5th inning, Coach instructed Tommy to go to short and me to catch. Tommy was pulling off the chest protector, shin guards, and face mask and handing them to me. They were real sweaty as usual. I looked into my bag to get my cup to put on and found that I had left it at home. My mom had washed it the night before and I forgot to put it back in my bag.

I said, "Hey, Tommy, old buddy, man I need to borrow your cup, I don't have mine with me." He said, "No problem dude," and reached down into his pants and pulled the cup out of his jock and handed it to me.

It was sweaty and slippery as hell, and I pushed it into my pants but couldnt get it to fit into my cup pouch. I finally gave up and just put the sweaty thing directly against my balls inside my jock pouch. Tommy and I had been wearing one anothers jocks, socks, pants, etc. for so long we thought nothing about exchanging gear. It made my cock hard because the cup was still warm from his hot sweaty balls.

We played on and in the bottom of the 7th inning had Park View down by 12 runs, they had scored only one run. At this point the coach told Tommy and me that we would bat our turns and then he would let some of the younger players go in. I doubled at bat and Tommy was next up. He hit a high fly out to center field and I was running for home as was instructed by the third base coach. The centerfielder for Park View had missed the ball. Tommy was being waved on to 3rd and the coach was signaling for him to slide into base. Tommy began his slide and the Park View 3rd baseman threw out his foot in Tommy's path as he was waiting to catch the throw from center field. Tommy's right leg was ripped open by the third baseman's steel cleats. I was high fiving everyone for my score when I looked around to see the head coach and the 3rd base coach kneeling down over Tommy. I ran back to 3rd to see what had happened. The coaches had pulled Tommy's pants leg up and his sock down and were surveying the damage. Usually our Moms were at the games but neither were there that day.

Coach looked at the cut and told Tommy, "Looks like you are gonna have to have some stitches there stud. Are your parents here?"

"No, sir" answered Tommy, "but Jimbo here can take me home."

Coach turned to me and said, "Jimbo can you get him home okay?"

I said, "Sure Coach" and with that helped Tommy up and had him drape his right arm over my left shoulder and around my neck. I could feel the warmth of the sweaty arm pit against my shoulder. Off the field we hobbled to the standing applause of the spectators.

We hobbled on over to the field house and entered the locker room. Tommy asked me to get his clothes out of his locker and to just take him on home.

I said, "sure thing, stud man."

On the way home, we dropped by the doctor's clinic where they put three stitches in his leg. Then we went on to Tommy's house. He was tired, and sore, and hurting from the cut and the doctors sedative. I got him to his room flopped him across his bed on his back.

He asked, "Jimbo, would you undress me?"

I answered, "Tommy, you stud muffin, I will undress your cute ass anytime any where and you know that."

He laughed and nodded affirmative. He has the cutest smile, dimples on both cheeks, beautiful white teeth. I began taking his cleats off. His feet had sweated in the cleats and smelled heavenly, like teen athlete sweat. I smelled inside both shoes and rubbed the bottoms of his sweaty socked feet over my face and nose. Then I pulled off his socks and began to lick his toes and suck on them. His toes and the tops of his feet are hairy. He went wild, moaning and groaning on the bed.

I said, "be still dude, you are gonna hurt your leg again."

He said, "well quit fucking with me then."

Next I pulled off his sweat soaked socks and by now bloody right one and rubbed them over my face taking in the pungent odor and enjoying it immensely.

Next, I loosened his belt and undid his baseball pants at the waist, opening the fly and pulling them down his big hairy quads. Then I pulled his sweaty spandex sliding pants down and noitced a big bulge in his jock.

I asked, "Hey man, whats with your cock?"

He said, "dude, the sucking on my toes is about to make it bust outta this jock strap."

I replied, " I will help it get outta the jock in a minute."

I pulled the pants on off him and then smelled them in the crotch and ass and inhaled his manly scent from the sweaty pants. Next, I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, leaving him in just his baseball undershirt with the colored sleeve and his jock. His arm pits were dripping in the tee shirt, and his jock was soaked with sweat. I pulled off his tee shirt next, exposing his big hairy pecs and his bushy arm pits.

I told him, "its time to give old Jimbo a good lick of those hairy pits man."

He said, "go ahead Jimbo you know i love that as much as you do."

I then dove into the pits and licked them clean. Then I worked my way to his hairy pecs and sucked both nipples till they were hard and pointy and I had him moaning like a whore with a french tickler in her cunt. Next I worked my way down his hair trail and licked the sweat out of his navel, following the hair trail on down again until I reached the band of his jock, where it read BIKE.

At this point, I looked into his baby blues and saw nothing but pure love and admiration for what I was doing to him. I bent over his chest and deep kissed him, gnawing on his upper lip and chin afterwards, feeling the stubble of his five o'clock shadow. I sat on his tummy and began lightly slapping him on each cheek, playfully.

He said "quit fucker, I'm injured and don't want to have to put forth a little effort to hurt you."

"Yeah," I replied, "sure big dude, scare me will you."

With that, I reached into my jock and pulled out his sweaty cup from off my balls and put it directly over his mouth and nose. He began to moan and smell in my musk and lick my sweat from his dirty, sweaty stinking cup. After he had had his fill of the cup, I threw it on the floor and again deeply kissed him, my lover.

Next, I reached and pulled his jock off him and buried my face in his smelly, sweaty pubes. I licked around in his thick black bush and had to stop and pull several hairs from my mouth. Then I swallowed his nuts and massaged them with my tongue. He was on cloud nine by now and then I swallowed his hard 7.5 inch cock. After only a few strokes up and down it with my hot mouth he began to ejaculate. He literally filled my mouth with cum until it was dripping out my lips.

After I had swallowed all the sweet nectar I could, I said, "ok dude I have washed your pits, your chest, your cock and balls, and your feet. Only your ass is left."

With that he rolled over and I spread his bubble butted ass open and dove my nose and mouth into his hot, sweaty, hariy, crack. I licked all up and down his crack and tongued his hole until I had him moaning again. He began tearing at the fly in my pants. I still had on my uniform.

I said, "Whoa dude, let me undress and lets get a shower together."

We went to his shower and got in. He sucked my hard boner until I came in his mouth. Then I stood him up and washed him good with soap and water. Then I toweled him off and pulled a pair of briefs up his hard hairy legs and over his big cock and balls. Then I helped him back to his bed.

He said. "Man, with the hot sex and the pain killer the doc gave me, I'm about to pass out."

With that I helped him back to his bed and he kissed me as he lay down.

He said, "Jimbo, I love you more than you will ever know man."

I said, "I know dude, cause I love you just as much."

He lay back on his pillow and was asleep almost immediately. I dressed to leave and picked up all his sweaty uniform. His jock was atop the pile and I sniffed it all the way downstairs to the laundry. His mom opened the back door and walked in as I was piling his uniform on the washing machine.

"Jim," she said, "what are you doing?"

"Oh, Mrs. G., Tommy was injured slightly this afternoon in the Park View game and I brought him home and put him to bed."

She looked alarmed and asked what happened to him. I told her that he had three stitches in his calf and told her that the doctor said he would be fine, to come back in a few days to have the stitches removed.

She said, "well just let me miss one game and look what happens."

I said, "Well, Mrs. G., I have taken very good care of your son."

She kissed me on the cheek and said "Tommy is so lucky to have a good friend like you, Jimbo."

I said, "And I am lucky to have a good friend like Tommy. We are closer than you will ever know."

Tommy recuperated quite nicely, only missed one game due to the injury. We went on to share more games together and I will relate more of the games and the sex in the future.

I hope that this account is as well received as the first. I welcome all comments on the stories. JimboTx

Next: Chapter 2: Two Fullbacks College Days 1

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