Two for the Price of One

By T. J.

Published on Jun 10, 2020



If you're not looking for sex -- including rough sexual use -- between guys (over age of consent), then look elsewhere.

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Incest -- Authoritarian.

I was just getting to the end of my workout, spending some time on the treadmill when I saw that perfect arse. Straight ahead in my line of sight a young guy bent over to change some settings, it looked hard as a rock and perfectly shaped. I nearly fell over, and even once I'd steadied myself I couldn't stop myself from enjoying the view. When he stood up I could see the rest of his body - he was very young, still working on getting his body into shape, but there was practically no fat as far as I could see. His arms were perfectly smooth and with definition which he was clearly chiselling into shape. I tried to focus on my own workout, but every so often my eyes would involuntarily flick back to him.

My time was up, I took a few swigs of water and headed to the changing room. As I stood in the shower, water flowing over my head. I couldn't shake the image from my mind, whatever I did, that perfect arse with shorts stretched over it was all I could see. I cleared the water from my eyes so I could open them - I was careful as I noticed that there was somebody else in the showers, he was facing away from me but I could see a pert tight arse. Then he turned round - it was the same guy. I turned away to he wouldn't see me perving over him.

"You sure you want to turn away? seemed to like what you saw before."


Instinctively I turned round. Now he was facing me - I had a perfect view of his body. His chest was like his arms, smooth and with the beginnings of muscle definition; below that he had a gorgeous six-pack. There was a small patch of pubes, with a sweet uncut cock resting on top of the balls below. He smiled at me - at least he wasn't pissed off at having an older guy perving over him. Then he walked over and kissed me - wow I couldn't believe what was happening. But this was a public space, I broke the kiss.

"Want to come back to my place? It's more private than here."

"You close?"

"Yeah - just a couple of minutes away."

"Sweet - my dad's at home, so couldn't go there."


"Yeah - don't worry, I'm 18, you're not about to get arrested..."

We left the showers and dried off and dressed as quickly as we could. The moment that we were through my front door, our lips locked again. I reached down and felt his cock - he was just wearing trackies, and I could tell he was hard already. I dropped to my knees, briefly nuzzled through the fabric, then I pulled the waistband down - his cock flopped out, I swallowed it immediately. I'd guess at 7 inches, I got the whole thing in my mouth quickly and worked up and down. He rested his hands on my head and started to guide me in and out - this made me moan deeply. He senses that I had a pretty strong submissive side, and immediately took over. Soon the hands weren't guiding me, they were holding me so that he could fuck my face. His cock was rapidly pounding my throat, from the sound of his moans he was getting close. He decided he wasn't ready and pulled out, I immediately went to work on his balls - he shaved his sack, and as I nuzzled, kissed, licked, and sucked at it.

Then we went through to my bedroom - he quickly pulled off his clothes and lay on the bed, legs wide open. I pulled off my clothes too and crawled on. I worked on his cock and balls, then lifted his legs and rimmed his hole. Throughout he moaned, but then made sure I wasn't getting the wrong idea.

"Enjoy the rimming, but you're not about to fuck that hole."

"No way - my hole's your hole."

"Fuck yeah, bitch. Let's get on with it."

I pulled back, staying on all fours, arse pointing up. He went round, he rimmed me quickly, then played with my hole, pushing a couple of fingers inside and pulling them around to make sure I was ready. I passed him some lube from the night-stand, I think some went onto his cock, but it was clear that my comfort wasn't his main concern.

I felt his cock resting against my hole, but it only rested there for a brief moment before he started to push inside. It only took two attempts to get the whole of his cock deep in me - I felt his balls against my arse. Soon he started fucking, quickly building up the pace and within a minute he was banging my arse properly and fully. He may have been young, but certainly knew what he was doing; he swapped between rapid hard fucking, and slower fucking going the full length of his cock. He worked up to the verge of cumming a couple of times, but stopped right on the edge - he would freeze, his cock totally still until he was ready to get going again. As he noticed my response he started to talk dirty to me, calling me his bitch, telling me how he was taking me and making me into his...he had sensed that I was a sub, and his dominant side was coming out rapidly.

As he picked up the pace again, I could tell this was going to be the final time. He just got harder and harder, faster and faster. - there was no going back this time. Things got more and more intense as he got closer to the edge. Then with a final shout, he grabbed at my hips and plunged as deep inside me as he could, then froze his body as his cock erupted inside my arse. Once he was spent, he pulled out and pushed his cock into my mouth - I sucked the remaining cum out, and liked all of my arse juices off. Once he was done, I grabbed his clothes and dressed quickly as I lay on the bed.

"Sweet arse you've got there."

That was it, he walked out without even saying good-bye.

I lay there for a a few minutes - my arse was spent, I felt filled and thoroughly fucked. Then I suddenly remembered that I had a dinner party I was due at - I quickly showered and dressed.

To be honest, I wasn't overly keen on the dinner, but it was with one of my oldest friends. We'd met at university and had stayed close ever since. He wasn't the problem, it wasn't even his wife - she was a damned fine cook - it was more the whole couples thing. I seemed to be their only gay friend, and their only single friend too - the conversation would be all very long as you were part of a young married couple.

As I pulled I was a bit late, but not so much that it would seem rude. I gave Andy a man-hug when he opened the door, everybody else was there having drinks - yes, they were all straight couples. But then we went through to eat, I noticed there was a spare space next to me - not sure what it was about - but just as we finished the gazpacho the doorbell rang. The seat was now taken - a new guy came through, Philip. My gaydar went off immediately, I didn't need to ask any questions to know that this was a set-up - and clearly he knew too. Without saying anything, we made a silent pact not to give them the satisfaction of knowing whether it worked, but quietly swapped mobile numbers.

As I fell asleep that night I thought it had been a seriously good day. A damned fine fucking, from a damned horny cock; and then who knows what would happen with this new guy. I wanked off thinking about it, the load still in my arse, then fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

It was just before I took my lunch-break at work the next day that I had a text arranging to meet for a coffee a couple of days later. It had been a couple of years since I'd had a proper boy-friend, and even longer since I'd tried to date - I was somewhat nervous, I should have had low expectations, it was just a set-up and part of me reckoned that both of us were meeting just to satisfy some straight friends who thought we'd go well together just because we were both gay...but somehow, there was something deep in my stomach making nervous. Fortunately when we met, I could tell that he was as nervous as I - this made me relax somewhat...but I was still far from totally calm.

We met after work, both grabbing a coffee rather than the more suggestive alcohol. We chatted easily enough, swapping much of our histories - he was a widower, having married young and having been totally faithful to his wife until she died about three years ago - it was soon after that he had come out to his two sons that he was bisexual, and had decided to stay faithful to his wife by never going near another woman - so it was that he was exploring his gay side. He didn't say explicitly, but it was clear that he'd slept with a couple of guys and hadn't liked the sense of being used for sex rather than building a relationship - I certainly wasn't about to get a quickie out of him.

He was fifteen years older than me, 46 to my 31; but he looked after himself, even though it was covered up by his clothes I could see he had a trim waist and worked out chest. I had no idea what was inside his trousers...but I was already getting hopeful at finding out in due course. He wasn't `gorgeous', but was certainly not ugly - despite both being nervous, we enjoyed each other's company and conversation was relaxed and easy. When we went our separate ways we weren't about to try and rip each other's clothes off, but were both keen to meet again. This wasn't a relationship, but it might well turn into a friendship - at the time my preference would probably have been fuck-buddies, but that seemed to be off the table.

A couple of days later, I was back at the gym for a session after work when I saw him again. That sweet arse came into view again, this time he didn't wait to meet me in the showers - he walked past me, and told me to follow. I couldn't do anything other than follow. As soon as we were in the changing room he turned to me.

"I want that arse, bitch - let's get going."

There wasn't any way to respond other than to grab my bag and leave with him. If anything this time he was rougher than before. He knew I was submissive and he could be as dominant as he wanted. When we got to my place, he went straight through to the bedroom - we were both in gym kit, and both had worked up a sweat before things got started. He dropped his shorts and I couldn't do anything other than drop to my knees and start to sniff at his jock-strap - fuck, the scent of his manliness was over-powering.

"Strip off, bitch."

He was a man of few words - but they were effective. I practically ripped my gym clothes off and stood naked in front of him - my cock was already fully hard.

"Sweet body man...just for my fun too."

He had pulled off his remaining clothes too - except for the jock, he saw how I'd enjoyed it. He pointed to his feet, and dropped to the floor and kissed them and sucked on his toes. Then he pulled me up, and I moved onto the jocked cock. I was hypnotised by the smell, sucking out the sweat which now impregnated the jock. He turned over and I got to work on his arse - there was more sweat here, more scent., more hypnotising. He wanted more body worship before I'd get the cock - I worked up over his body, there had been a thin layer of sweat across his body, I kissed and licked the whole thing. I ended up in his arm-pits - wow they were powerful, I could have stayed in there all day.

Now I'd won the chance to work his cock properly. At first I was working it through the jock, but soon that came off and I got to lick and suck it properly. I slobbered my way up and down the shaft - it became my sole focus, the rest of the world might as well not have existed. I have no idea how long I worked on it, but eventually he decided that things were going to move on. This time he didn't bother to prepare my arse - he took the view that the copious quantities of spit that I'd put on his cock were enough.

It took less than five second between pushing off his cock to being pushed right to the hilt in my arse. The fucking was rough and hard. He held my body hard as he rammed in and out - I was being used for his pleasure, there was no concern for me or my pleasure at all. A couple of times he paused from fucking my arse, and turned his attention to my throat fucking that as hard as my arse, before going back to the arse. Eventually he decided it was time to finish off, the rhythm built up - his cock pounding in and out of my arse, faster and faster. Finally he started to pump me full of his seed. When he was spent he lay back on my bed, I gently licked and sucked his cock - some sweet sweet cum, and plenty of my arse scent on there too. When I was done I lay down next to him, my head resting on his six-pack. Once he'd had chance to catch his breath again, he got up and walked in the direction of my bathroom.

"Shower's through here?"


I noticed he didn't ask if he could use it. I heard the shower start up, and went to fetch him a fresh towel. Soon he came back out, he barely noticed me as he dressed - but before going he turned to me.

"That's a sweet arse you've got there - I reckon I want some more of it. Give me your number."

We swapped numbers, it was clear I was his bitch. Before going he grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss - it didn't last long, but it was enough attention to get me hard again. He slapped my cock and arse as he left. I collapsed back on my bed and wanked off twitching my arse to remind me of the cock which had been in there just a few moments earlier.

Over the next couple of weeks, we fucked again a few times - each time he'd text me telling me when he was horny, if possible I'd be naked at home ready for him. Other than a quick kiss at the beginning and end of each session there was no affection and no reciprocity - I was there to be used. There was no hint of a desire for a relationship either, I didn't even know his name.

Things sort of moved on with Philip too. We met a couple of times, but to say things went slowly was an understatement. I assumed that we were just becoming friends and nothing more. We'd had drinks together a few times, never a hint of anything romantic or sexual - that was fine, I was getting plenty of sex and wasn't after a relationship. Then one night as we left the pub where we'd met for drinks, Philip put his hand on my arm and gave a gentle tug - without warning he leant in and kissed me. He pulled back rapidly.

"Sorry - don't know what came over me."

"No need to apologise - that was a good kiss." I tried to pull him in for another, but he pulled back, then made a quick dash for a passing taxi.

The next day he sent me a text apologising, again. I replied saying that I enjoyed the kiss...but more deeply it made me think about him. Maybe he was properly interested in me, rather than just as a friend - if so, even though I wasn't planning a relationship, I might well be interested. I sent him another text suggesting a coffee - keep things calm and gentle so as not to scare him.

He looked sheepish when we met. But by now I was pretty much smitten, it just made him look hotter and sweeter.

"Look, I don't know what happened last time, I'd probably had a couple too many drinks, and I just moved..."

"Look Philip, that was one of the sweetest kisses I've ever had. I don't know whether it shows what's going on underneath - but I'm definitely happy to have another kiss, and more too if it's on offer. I know you're being cautious, I understand it. I'm happy to go slowly if that's what you want or need - but I've been thinking about it, and I'm up for as much as you want."

I hadn't been looking at him as I said that, I slowly moved my eyes upwards, Philip was staring at me.

"Do you really mean that?"

If I was totally honest, I didn't realise what I was saying until the words came out...but having said it, I was never more sure of anything.

"Every single word - give me some broken glass to crawl over, and if you're at the other end and I'll give it a go."

We went back to my place, it was the first time he'd been there, we sat on the sofa and started to kiss. Starting gently, but getting more and more passionate - I ran my hands over his body, it was firm to the touch, everything I'd guessed was true. My hand went downwards, I found out that his cock was hard - but from his reaction I knew that wasn't somewhere I was supposed to go and so I backed off. It turned into our first proper date - we got a film up on Netflix and Philip rested in my arms as we watched it. We had another kiss just before he left.

Less than five minutes after he left, a text arrived.

"Is my arse ready for a fucking?"

I was half-way through replying that it was - after all I was horny and ready to get fucked...but then, I realised it wouldn't be right. I didn't know quite what was happening with Philip, but whatever it was, sex with somebody else would definitely be cheating. Before I had replied another text arrived.

"I'm just round the corner - you free?"

"We should talk."

The doorbell went, he noticed that I was dressed as I opened the door.

"No arse for me I guess."

"Afraid not - sorry to do this, but I thought what we had was no-strings fun...well the thing is, I've met a guy and things are getting serious now. It's not like I don't want to get fucked, and your cock's fucking amazing...but at the moment I think I'm a taken man."

"Well, you've got a sweet arse - I enjoyed it, and I'd love to have more...but like you said, it was all no-strings." If he was really sad his face didn't show it. He gave my arse a slap as he left. "If this becomes free again, let me know."

As he walked away my arse twitched, knowing what it was missing...but I couldn't feel sad, I thought I was getting something so much more with Philip.

A few days later I went out with Philip again - we had dinner together, I enjoyed conversation with him so much, it just flowed easily. When we had finished eating, I noticed a glint in his eye.

"We're not that far from your place are we?"

"Five minutes walk at most I'd guess...shall I get the bill?"

As we walked, I noticed that we were physically closer to each other than before. I decided to push things and took Philip's hand - he didn't pull away, I loved the feeling, and the advert to the world.

We soon arrived, as I closed the door behind us I asked if he wanted coffee. But then as I turned round and saw the look on his face, I could tell that coffee wasn't part of the plan.

We kissed, there was a passion there which I'd never seen in Philip. His hands ran over my body, he untucked my shirt and ran his hands inside - even the gentle touch was like a shot of electricity. I followed his hint, and soon both of our shirts were on the floor. I pulled him through to the bedroom - this gave me chance to check out his body. It was damned fine - this wasn't a typical 46 year-old body. There was a patch of hair on his chest which slightly hid the muscle definition, but there were still clear pecs the six-pack was slightly fading but still hinted at.

I could see that he was checking me out too. I was no gym-bunny, but I knew I could be proud of my body. I had a pretty decent six-pack and chiseled pecs. We kissed again, this time my hands went downwards and started to open his belt then pushed his trousers down. He let out a small gasp as my hands moved over his arse, had I pushed things too far? Fortunately he responded by opening my jeans and pushing them down. We broke for a moment to get our shoes and socks off - I looked up at him, his legs were slim rather than muscled, with a light dusting of hair...but like the rest of him, I found the whole thing totally gorgeous. Looking up, he had a pair of tight boxer-briefs on, inside them there was a large and clearly hard cock - I was already hoping where it would end up.

He lay on the bed, and I climbed on top - chest to chest, kissing more and more. I moved down, kissing his chest as I went. I pulled his boxers down, and paused for a moment to drink in the sight of his cock. Then diving in, I licked up the whole length in a single move, then went onto the balls - they were large, like a pair of plums. Kissing, licking, and sucking them; then I started with the head, playing with my tongue I could tell I was driving him mad. A bead of pre-cum appeared and I licked it off. Then I started to swallow his manhood; I took the whole length into my throat. He moaned deeply, I worked his cock hard. He warned me that he was getting close, I pulled off he lay there breathing deeply. We kissed again.

"That was sweet - my turn now."

He pulled my boxers down, and quickly went to work. It was clear that he was less experienced than I, but there was no lack of enthusiasm or desire. I started to get close to cumming quickly, there was something about Philip that drove me wild. Scared that I'd end things too quickly, I pulled him up to my mouth again.

"Want to fuck?" I asked.

His face dropped somewhat. "Sorry, I tried it once before, my arse just didn't like it."

"Good job I'm a total bottom."

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Absolutely. Harder the better."

I passed him some lube and he started to get his cock ready, while I rubbed some lube into my hole. He pointed himself at my hole and pushed gently, when nothing happened he started to push harder and harder - still very gently though. Eventually he got hard enough to push inside me - I could tell this was the first time he'd fucked as a top, I could also tell he was loving it.

Soon instinct took over, and he started fucking my arse properly. I moaned deeply as I worked me, he started to get the hint and went harder. He wasn't a natural Dom, but he clearly enjoyed being a top. A few times, he would calm things down for a while, grabbing at my cock - this was hard as a rock throughout. After a while I pulled off and turn over to lay on my back, legs in the air. This time he pushed in straight away - we looked into each other's eyes as we fucked. He bent over and kissed me, with his cock deep inside me.

He crossed the boundary, knowing that he was going to cum he started to pick up the pace. Fucking me more and more - we stared at each other. From his eyes alone I could tell how close he was getting. Suddenly he shouted out as he pushed deep inside me; this pushed me over the limit too, and my cock started to spurt cum all over my abs - I'd never cum from fucking alone before.

Philip pulled out and lay down next to me on the bed, he was shocked when I leapt into action and cleaned his cock. Once he was clean, we lay next to each other, kissed some more, and rested in each other's arms. We hadn't planned it, but we both fell asleep and he ended up spending the night.

From then on things went like a dream. The next week I spent every evening with Philip; we fucked every time, and several nights he slept over at my place. We were like young-lovers, giggling at each other over everything - I don't think that my smile faded for a single moment.

One night, after fucking, we lay next to each other..

"I think we need to take the next step."

"What step is that? I mean, you've had my arse several times..."

"My sons. My eldest is back from university next week, the other one still lives at home - they know I've met you, I think it's time you met."

I'd actually forgotten that he was a father. Certainly it made sense, we were getting serious, why wouldn't we meet. He told me a bit about his sons, Jake was 21 and in his final year at university; Zeke was 18 and just finishing school, not sure what to do at university yet. They'd both accepted his being bi without batting an eyelid, and had seemed to accept him getting a male partner too.

I was going to go round to his house for supper with both his sons there. I got a taxi round, Philip had made it clear I wasn't going to be spending the night and wouldn't be able to drive back for myself after a few drinks. I stood at the door, my heart beating wildly - finally I steeled myself enough to ring the doorbell.

The door opened soon, a young guy stood there - a slim 6 footer with a killer smile.

"Hey - you must be Andrew. Jake here." He held out his hand and we shook. I walked in as Philip dashed out of the kitchen. We hugged in a bizarrely unromantic way.

"For pity's sake Dad." We both looked at Jake. "He's your bloody boy-friend, give the man a kiss."

We both blushed, but had a quick kiss. Philip got me a drink, I certainly needed one, while Zeke went to fetch his brother. I heard them both coming downstairs together walking in behind Jake was a familiar face - here was a guy who'd fucked me several times, here was that guy I first met in the gym.

The meal went badly, Jake tried hard to make things work, but Zeke and I both felt totally awkward. Philip could tell something was wrong, he looked crushed by the whole event. I left as soon as I could without being rude - I didn't know what to do or to say. I pretended everything was fine, but Philip could see through the façade, even if he didn't know what the problem was.

That night I cried into my pillow - things had been going so well, but I thought I'd screwed it up because I was desperate for a few shags from Zeke. But now I'd been fucked by both father and son. Now this potential relationship with Philip was done.

The next few days were horrid, I was busy at work, but totally unfocused - I hate to think how many mistakes I was making. My mobile had loads of missed calls and texts from both Philip and Zeke - I deleted the texts without reading.. I arrived home from work, as I walked from my car Philip appeared out of nowhere.

"We need to talk."

"Sorry, work's been crazy mad..."

"Rubbish - Zeke spoke to me this morning. I know what went on between you."

I walked in, but left the door open for Philip to follow.

"I'm so sorry - I had no idea he was your son, there's no way I'd do anything like that. I met him before you, there was nothing emotional there..."

"I looked at the dates that Zeke gave me. I looked at the dates we spent together. It seems to me you dumped him as soon as things looked serious between us." He paused. "Yeah, the whole thing's screwed up - but you didn't do anything wrong."

I looked up, Philip's eyes were filled with tears - mine were too.

"Philip - these past few days have been horrid, I'm so sorry to do this to you...I never wanted to hurt fact, if there's something I've learnt, it's that I'm in love now."

We hugged deeply - there was so much nervous energy being released. We ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.

We were too sore from sleep on the sofa for anything fun the next morning, but we showered together, then kissed a few times before we both went off to work. That evening Philip texted me inviting me round the next evening - Jake had gone back, but it gave another chance to try things out with Zeke.

Things started off awkward, but as everything was in the open, and as Zeke and I were both keen to make things work for Philip's sake, by the end of the meal we were relaxed. He was actually a charming guy, not just a hard cock and rough fuck - Philip could be proud of his son. It made me sad that I hadn't got to know Jake last time...hopefully things would go well and I'd get to know them both. Once the meal was finished, Zeke cleared the dishes then pleaded school work to go up to his room - I guessed he was giving us some space.

I certainly hadn't planned or expected anything sexual to happen - at the same time, having been separated for a while I was horny as hell...and it became clear that Philip was too.

He passed me a whisky as I flopped on a sofa - he sat next to me with his own glass. We hadn't got more than a couple of sips done before his hands started to make the journey along my thigh towards my crotch.

"What about Zeke - might he come down?"

"Good point, don't want to scare him."

He pulled me up, and we climbed the stairs trying to be quiet to sneak into his bedroom. It was like the classic tale in reverse. One thing led to another - within a few moments we were both naked on his bed. There was so much tension being released through the sex - Philip fucked me harder than ever before. He kept grabbing at my cock, we kissed loads, all of this with his cock buried deep inside me. When we finally climaxed we'd been fucking for a couple of hours - we just collapsed in each other's arms and fell asleep.

The next morning was a Saturday, so we could relax in bed together. I needed to take a piss, and so went to Philip's bathroom - what I didn't notice was that as I was out of the room, Zeke had come in. Being an all male household, apparently they often walked into each other's room, nobody had planned that I was going to stay over, and Zeke didn't expect it either. When I walked back into the room from the bathroom Zeke was sitting on the end of Philip's bed.

He whistled appreciatively as he saw me.

"That's a sight I remember well."

I blushed and slipped into the bed next to Philip. Both Philip and I were naked, Zeke had a pair of shorts on but no top...I decided to retort.

"Pretty good sight this end too - though a bit more covered up."

"Wouldn't want to embarrass Dad."

Philip took my side. "Why would it bother me? It's not like we're prudish at home."

Zeke stood up and dropped the shorts - he wasn't wearing boxers. He didn't seem bothered about being naked in the least. He sat down again on the bed.

"I have to say, it's so sweet seeing you together. You make a great couple...even if it does mean I miss out on the fun I was having."

"I'm sure you can find something to replace it. I mean, you're a damned hot guy."

"Yeah - but there's nothing like having a familiar guy - you get to know each other, and what works well. But then guys want a relationship and all of that jazz - I'm too busy with school work for any of that. Coming and fucking you was perfect from my point of view."

"Well there were no complaints from this end either..."

"Andrew - if it wasn't for me, would you still be doing stuff with Zeke?"

"Absolutely - he's bloody amazing in bed."

"You Zeke? Would you have have Andrew?"

"That sweet arse is perfect - and he's a perfect submissive guy, the harder I got the more he loved it.

"Well, I'm totally devoted to my sons - I'd do anything to help them, give them anything they need..."

"Are you suggesting..."

"Look, I've come to realise that your heart belongs to me. It wouldn't be cheating if there was no deceit. It would just be sex, just physical."

"Are you serious?" Zeke and I spoke at the same time.

"It's difficult...but it's not like you're taking anything from me, just borrowing."

I looked over, Zeke's cock was getting hard.

"You better be serious - because I think Zeke's showing what he thinks."

"You want it now?"

"It's been days since I had anything, Dad."

"You Andrew - you really up for this."

Zeke spoke before I could respond.

"He's a proper submissive, Dad, he takes everything he's given."

Philip just looked at me.

"I can't disagree with that."

Zeke stood up - his hard cock pointing straight out.

"Come on then, I guess Dad doesn't want me to fuck you in front of him."

With that I followed Zeke through to his room knowing full well what was to come.

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