Two College Roommates

By Harlan Blake

Published on Apr 24, 2005



I am sharing two true college experiences with you. Names, places, and miscellaneous are changed to protect... Period is late 1980's and AIDS nor STD's were not discussed much in our college. I never "officially" came out on campus but everyone knew and never had a problem. If you are under 18 years old or it is illegal to read this where you are do not read any further. If it is illegal for you to read it and you still do, well, what can I do about it anyway? If you want to copy my story and spread it to kingdom come, you have my permission-I do not care. Sorry I do not write better, after all, I'm only a college graduate.

Story One - Wayne

I'd lost my roommate at the end of the fall term. I was going to a small rural college and he'd not adjusted well to college life and decided to call it quits and return home. He was a nice person, kinda cute in a nerdy way but not really my type. Plus, even though I'd fooled around quite a lot during high school and when I was home on breaks, I was quite closeted at college. I had chosen the school because of its forestry program and liked being in the mountains, not because of its gay life. I lived in the dorms, which there was a woman's and men's. Each dorm had 48 rooms-12 rooms to a wing that also had a common bathroom. Returning to the dorms after Christmas I had not thought about a new roommate. When I arrived, I was surprised to see boxes and stuff on the other side of the room. As I said, I never thought about a new roommate. The town and county were pretty set in its ways and I thought no one would transfer in or move into the dorms halfway into the school year. The dorm room was of standard fair. As you entered on either side were hardwood closets with storage shelves above. On the right and left sides were beds build into the walls with shelving units above. Then there were dressers and desks, also built into the walls. The desks had windows over them that looked out onto spectacular mountains. I've seen some dorm rooms since and these rooms were very nice. All the furniture built in, hardwood, and the view beautiful. The only problem being you could not move the furniture so my roommate and I always had a view of each other when sleeping, studying, or whatever. As I was unpacking, the door opened and in walked my new roommate. Now let me preface my description of him by telling you he was the exact opposite of me and any man I'd ever grown up with or been with to that point (not to say I am a wimp or anything, just that I was raised in a metropolitan area and rarely been on a ranch or around animals except our dog). He was also one of the reasons why I wanted to get into forestry and work in rural and mountainous areas. The first thing I saw was his black cowboy hat. The next was his Fu-Manchu mustache. Then was his oval silver belt buckle, followed by his tight blue jeans and finally his cowboy boots. I almost fainted on the spot. His smile was warm and lifted up his eyes. His name was Wayne and he was from Idaho. How in the hell he had found our school, two states over I do not remember, but I was thrilled. I later learned he had curly brown hair, beautiful green eyes, and his mustache framed beautiful thin red lips. He stood 6ft, about 165lbs, and wore tight t-shirts and blue jeans, and ever-present brown belt with the silver belt buckle and cowboy boots. He also chewed tobacco that I never got use to but I forgave him. We soon became fast friends. He was just that kind of person. He would meet someone and people would warm up to him quickly. He was in college studying animal husbandry but like many kids there he was just happy to be away from the ranch. We had great sports teams and spent much time traveling to other colleges watching basketball games and such. Wayne also introduced me to Black Velvet Whisky (of all things). God-awful stuff but he liked it. We'd go to parties and he'd love to get plastered on the shit. I cannot remember how many times we staggered home from the girl's dorm or apartments close by, slipping on the ice and snow, barfing up Black Velvet and beer, finally making it to bed. Soon though he got a girlfriend whom I thought was not good enough for him. She was a dog in my book. However, he was happy because she put out. He had a girlfriend at home who from her picture was beautiful but the girl he picked up at school was a pig and I never had enough bad things to say about her, which Wayne found amusing. It's not that she was a bad person but I felt she was not pretty enough for him. He was stunning and to me she looked like an albino. Many mornings we'd take showers together. The john was communal in the middle of the 14 or so rooms and had around six showerheads. There were two bunches of three showerheads placed in a half circle. Many times we'd end up next to each other and my eyes would linger over his body. I'd wash my hair keeping my eyes down letting the water cascade over my head as I'd pretend to enjoy the water massaging my scalp. But, in reality, I gazed upon his dick and balls and rippled abs. His dick would never get over two or so inches in length but I'd love looking at the water running down his stomach then pour off the tip of his prick. I wanted to kneel in front of him drinking the water as if he was a fountain. His prick was dark brown as he had some Lebanese blood in him that helped him keep a light tan all year long. I loved watching him lounging in the room or dressing and undressing. His body was perfection. Not overly muscled but muscled from working on his family's ranch from an early age. He was taut with not and ounce of fat. He had dustings of hair here and there but no major patches except his pubic, underarm, and of course his wonderful mustache and thick head of hair. He never let on about knowing if I was gay or interested in him sexually but in my gut, I knew he had figured it out. It was a four-year college, I had two and a half years to go, and I am sure people had their suspicions. I had gotten a few comments during the last year and a half but nothing serious. It was mainly from a student from New York City who was straight but had been around gay people and obviously more worldly. However, I think others were starting to notice I wasn't attracted to girls. It was obvious who I was interested in hanging around with. Mainly the sports nuts, jocks, ranchers, cowboys, etc. The masculine dudes, hot looking guys, hard drinkers, etc., but very few girls (I've never been much of a fag hag liker). I was certainly learning how to drink a lot, though not learning how to hold it very well (during this time I blacked out a lot). Wayne became the best, best friend and roommate I could ever have hoped for. We did almost everything together. One school night, shortly after Easter Vacation, Wayne and I turned in together at a normal time. I don't think we had been partying or anything. We were laying on our beds parallel to each other and maybe 7ft apart. His stereo, which was over his bed, was on playing music softly and its lights cast a soft light over the room. I was lying on my side looking at him as he lay on his back looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. He was beautiful with his brown loosely curled hair laying on his pillow, his thick eyebrows, eyelashes, and mustache all gleaming in the glow of the light. His eye's glistened, his profile making him look like a Greek God. I watched as his chest rose and lowered in shallow breaths. His legs and knees were raised and spread a little and his arms and hands were under his blanket and stretched down resting between his legs. Aside from his breathing and his eyes blinking, there was no other movement from him. I knew he thought I was going to sleep but finally I couldn't take it any longer so I asked him what he was thinking. After a moment, he told me about his girlfriend at home, how much fun he had with her during Easter Vacation, and how he missed her. They had been together in high school and he wondered if he should marry her. He told me he was feeling guilty about messing around with albino girl. I thought better of saying anything bad about the albino so I didn't say much of anything. He talked a little staring at the ceiling not moving much so I only watched my 18-year-old cowboy rancher god of a college roommate (I had to throw that in). He was kinda conservative when talking about being horny and stuff so cussing and sex talk wasn't really his style, even when drunk, so when he started talking about being a little horny I was a little shocked. He told me he was worried if he stopped seeing the albino for sex he didn't know if he could go for the rest of the semester without someone. He thought he would go crazy before he saw his girlfriend again. About this time, I noticed he was moving his hand, though very, very little, around his crotch. At that moment, any ability to parse rational from irrational behavior left me. I had years to go at this college, very possibly living in the dorm, and very possibly with Wayne as my roommate, but the moment I detected movement where his dick was all sense of reason vanished. With more than a suck hanging in the air, I spoke and I will never forget my exact words "Have you ever thought about doing it with a guy?" Time stood still as he continued to look at the ceiling, his profile perfectly shown by the light of his stereo. To this day and for the rest of my life, I will never, and I mean never forget what he said in reply, "They'd never do that in my town." I about died. How could I have taken such a chance? I was in the middle of redneck country putting my forestry schooling and career at jeopardy. I did not turn away and did not close my eyes but watched him. He had not changed his position but still looked at the ceiling slightly moving his hand over his crotch. We went on like this for a good five minutes when finally, he closed his eyes and his hand seemed to move a little more. In my mind I'd been yelling at myself saying how I was a looser, I'd blown my cover, that Wayne would move out the next day, that I'd have to change colleges and such. All that changed as I watched him manipulate himself a little harder and again I struggled with reason. Either because of lack of oxygen or hyperventilating, to this day I'm not sure which, I guess idiocy took over and as if acting like a zombie in a horrible Sci-Fi flick, I quietly pulled back my covers, got up off my bed, walked the few steps over to Wayne's bed, and kneeled down next to it. I knew he heard me but he did not react at all. I slowly, lightly put my right hand in the middle of his blanketed chest that caused him to suck in a deep breath but not open his eyes. He had stopped his hand moving over his crotch by now so I put my left hand up to his leg and started lightly rubbing it then moved it over on top of his hand. To this point he still had not moved. I moved my hand up to the top of his blanket and moved under it feeling his warm skin. He did not have a top on so I moved my hand under the blanket and down his chest cupping his firm pectorals moving my fingers over a tit. I watched his face for a sign that all was well but only saw heavier breathing. I felt comfortable in my role as seducer rubbing my hands across the expanse of his chest, rubbing his tits and toying with the sparse hair sprouting up here-and-there. Pulling down the blanket, I moved my hand down playing with the ridges framing his abs then twirling my finger around his inny bellybutton. My left hand was still lightly on top of his with my fingers and thumb lightly rubbing it. My right hand still played with his bellybutton and having still met no resistance I moved it to the top of his boxers and moving my fingers lightly over them, found myself squeezing between them and his hand. As I worked farther down he suddenly, throwing my left hand off moved his hand aside. Looking up I saw his eyes still closed and aside from his breathing being somewhat ragged and his hand moving he still showed no movement or emotion. Once his hand was aside, my hand meeting no pressure shot down faster and before I knew it was laying on top of his very hard cock. I was shocked to feel its size. As it had always been only a couple inches soft in the shower I imagined it to be maybe 5 to 6 inches hard and normal girth, but what I could feel with my hand laying on top of it, it was definitely longer and fatter than that. Looking up at his noncommittal face I pulled the blankets down to his knees and stroking his hard cock down his boxers leg reached up and ran my hand under his waistband through his pubic hair to the base of his cock then down to the tip. I started rubbing up and down using my palm and fingers jacking him off inside his boxers. My left hand was rubbing his legs from his calves to the tops of his thighs every so often touching the head of his dick. I leaned down to the bottom of his boxers pulling them up, the head saw smeared with his pre-cum and I ran my tongue over it. Barely a whimper escaped from my roommate's mouth but I knew from experiences guys enjoyed my mouth and I could bring him off as no girl could. I swirled my tongue around his cock head. I still could not get his entire size down but I knew he was larger than I originally thought. He was cut and had a large head that was dark purple. He was leaking a lot of pre-cum, which I was rubbing around and licking off. I wanted to pull his cock through his fly but I had problems getting it up the boxer's leg so I eventually decided I must pull them off so I started yanking them down his legs. When there's a will (especially when a fag wants a cock I've learned), there's always a way. At first, Wayne did not help but soon he got the drift and pushed up a little and I was able to pull his boxers down to his knees. As soon as his cock sprang free, it hit his stomach. It was a remarkable sight. It was good 8-inches and 2 or 3-inches round. It was dark brown with a wonderfully purple head. His robin egg sized balls were hanging down his slightly spread legs. I started rubbing his balls and jacking his dick that caused copious drops of pre-cum to appear. I took in his beautifully rippled body thrilled by ragged breathing knowing my manipulations gave him pleasure. I leaned down and extending my tongue as far as it could go placed his prick on the back of it then slowly dragged it over its entire length spreading as much spit as I could. I rooted into its base then cupped my lips around it and moved up and down digging my tongue into its underside. I teased Wayne's cock head burrowing into his piss slit feeding on his pre-cum, which was sweet, yet tasted slightly of the minted Skoal he liked to chew. I sucked his cock head up to my lips then pushed it into my mouth wetting it moving and pushing it to my tonsils. I pulled back then threw myself down then back again. My hand was playing with his chest, playing lightly with his nipples, then underarms, Adams Apple, and abs. I rolled his balls around and pushed onto his perineum. I worked on his cock like the cock hound I am trying to bring my college roommate the pleasure I had wanted to give for months. Soon I heard moans coming from deep inside his being. I knew I had him. I knew I was giving him the best blowjob I could. I was making love to his body. I was sucking his cock that was starting to choke me. I was trying to push it past my tonsils. My throat was being pushed wider than it had been pushed in ages. I was deep throating Wayne and I wanted him to push harder into me yet he was laying still. Soon his cock was expanding, air was being pushed out of my mouth and I was rubbing his chest lightly pinching his tits. His balls pulled up tight then a shot of cum hit the back of my throat then another close behind. Wayne's cock was pumping against my lips and cum was filling my mouth. My right hand was on his stomach, the fingertips of my other lightly danced upon his tightly packed balls, and I was swallowing his seed gulp after gulp. I worked hard not to spill one drop. Nothing that went past my lips went back down his cock, nor onto his skin, or into his pubic hair. I let his cock deflate a little and making sure it was clean let it fall from my mouth then kissed his stomach. I moved up kissing his chest then swirled my tongue around a nipple. I stood and got a towel and stood over him and dried him off and turned and went back to my bed. Somehow, I knew I couldn't waste much time at his bed once he came. I watched as he opened his eyes looked down, wiped up a little, pulled up his boxers, reached up and turned off his stereo, pulled up his blankets and turned away from me then went to sleep. I got into bed with the taste of his cum on my tongue and lying on my side fell asleep watching him. The next morning I woke up as he was leaving for the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around him like normal. Hoping things wouldn't be weird I decided to go through my routine like any other day. I too went to the bathroom like normal and after taking a leak and brushing my teeth walked into the shower. I took the shower next to Wayne and started washing my hair, we started talking and it seemed like everything was okay. I rinsed my hair and as I was looking down pretending as if I was letting the water massage my scalp, but of course looking at his cock, I got the shock of my life. Like normal, his cock was about 2-inches in length but he reached down, gave it a nice tug and leaning down into my ear, and said in a low very questioning voice, and I will never forget this, "Will I need the albino any more?" Somewhat taken aback I looked up rubbing water out of my eyes and found him half-smiling with raised eyebrows and a serious/questioning/nervous look on his handsome face. A flood of emotions poured through me from being grateful he wasn't going to deck me and tell the world I was a cocksucker to thrilled he seemed interested in me sucking his cock again. I was stunned and all I could do shake my head and say, "No." I gave Wayne blowjobs nightly, sometimes twice daily from that day on.

We would climb in, drive into the mountains, he'd get nude and lay on heated boulders, and I'd get in between those beautiful legs of his and suck. He would love to drive his truck on logging roads as fast and reckless as he could and have me between his legs sucking his cock. Actually, this was a favorite time of mine also as we'd be flaying down these dirt roads with loose rocks and such shooting everywhere, I'd be sucking his cock and occasionally I'd look up and behind us would be huge clouds of dust. Sucking his cock and the danger of his reckless driving was a huge turn on for me. We'd also get blasted at kegger's and shit faced on Black Velvet (I still can't drink the stuff after all these years because of that semester) and he'd take me to the back of the football stadium and I'd suck him off in the moon light. We had a great time. Unfortunately, he didn't return to school the next year. I was heartbroken. I don't remember if I ever found out why he did not return. Occasionally I get on the Internet and see if I can locate him but so far I haven't been able to. Cannot find anyone in Idaho with his name. He was a great person, a great roommate, and a lot of fun and I hope he's doing well. Extremely good-looking, beautiful eyes, body, cock, sweet, and generous (and I forgot to mention one fine ass). I hope he got married to that pretty girl and had many children. If Wayne is out there and playing around on the side at either rest stops or bookstores, he is making some queens very happy and I am jealous as hell.

Story Two -- Andy

My second and last dorm experience happened the following semester. Somehow word leaked I was gay. I guess it was bound to happen. Probably Wayne leaked it out or in a passive-aggressive move I let it slip. As it turned out nothing bad happened because of it, but I did move out of the dorms at the end of fall semester into my own studio incurring more expense, but ultimately it was better. How my second experience happened is kinda funny though. I expected Wayne to return after summer but as I was learning, nothing was certain with these straight ranchers with their high school sweethearts. Well Wayne was no different and one semester was enough for him, at least at our college. Therefore, I was assigned another roommate. When I arrived he was already settled in which I found strange as the only guys who could be that settled were football players who'd been there for preseason training. The other reason I say strange is that football players and other jocks were housed in other wings of the dorm. Well, I figured if I had a football player as a roommate that wasn't the worst thing that could happen-especially if he was cute. I unpacked, made my bed, etc. and went off doing errands. When I came back, I noticed my pillow had a huge dent in it. I thought it was strange but didn't think a lot about it. It had been a long drive and the cafeteria was not yet open so I went into town getting something to eat and goofed around a bit, then wanting to go to bed early drove back to the dorm. When I got back my roommate wasn't there so I unpacked some more and was watching TV when he and another football player named Wayne came in. My roommate I didn't recognize but Wayne I knew. I come to find out that the cats out of the bag and the rumor around the dorm is I'm gay. Wayne says my roommate, whose name is Andy, wants me to change rooms. I soon learn that the reason why my pillow was dented is because some of the football players were in our room earlier and one of them punched my pillow. Wayne was a levelheaded person, which is one reason why I think he came with Andy to propose the room change, but I could tell Andy was tightly wound. The problem with their whole request was, one I had seniority as I had been in the room for the last two years, and two, where did they expect me to move. The dorms weren't fully open and nobody knew who was returning, which rooms were unoccupied if any, etc. I made it clear that I was not going to move regardless if Andy had been in the room and settled for two weeks and that if he had a problem sleeping in the room it was his problem-not mine. I told Andy if I needed to speak with his coaches, the dorm managers, or whomever I would do so, but if anyone ever touched my stuff or ever threatened me again I would report them.

As I said Wayne was level headed and knew I was right and as I was semi-heated and threatening to make waves with football careers (not that I could have) calm heads prevailed and Andy backed down. A couple minutes later Wayne and Andy, with his tail (which was very nice) between his legs, took off and I, after calming down turned in. It was about 10:00 pm when I finally fell asleep and about 2:00 am when I was suddenly awoke by a very drunk Andy crashing through the door turning on the overhead light and talking loudly to himself. He was acting like a typical 18-year-old drunk kid away from home for the first time and proceeded to bounce around the room. I was more fearful he would throw up on me than anything else. Finally, I got out of bed and steered him from the desk chair he'd fallen into to his bed and laid him out flat hoping he would find it comfortable enough to sleep through the night on. The kid was large and hard to manage and I'd never been sympathetic towards drunks so taking off his cloths did not even cross my mind. I just wanted to get him flat on his back with the trashcan by his side and him aware of it in the event he needed to throw up. I then wanted to get back to bed. As I said, he was a large kid. He barely fit in the bed as his feet hung over the edge when I lifted his legs from the floor. His body was so wide that even when I lifted his dangling arm and placed it on his chest it was hard to keep it from falling back to the floor. Finally, it seemed I had him lying pretty straight so I got the trashcan and placing it by his head; I shook him a few times trying to wake him to make sure he knew it was there. After a moment, his eyes opened and a couple seconds later he recognized me then moved his head to the side and looked around the room. He was very drunk but he was trying to focus and he asked me how he got on the bed. I told him I helped him then pointed out the trashcan. He looked at me for a moment then in a very drunken haze told me he was sorry for being such an asshole. It was an apology only a drunk could or would make but he was so sweet making it and I knew it was the only time I'd ever hear it from him. I told him not to worry about it and I was going to bed. Then came something that almost blew me to the floor. He asked me if I thought he was good looking. Again, the booze was talking and I knew I'd never hear those words again so I thought why not and I turned back to him and looking him up and down told him yes, I thought he was a very handsome. Andy was a good 6ft 3in and probably 250lbs. He had long straight blond hair, probably hadn't shaved for a couple days, had a wonderfully developed chest, and a very solid body though not cut. He reminded me a lot of John Schneider in Dukes of Hazard but larger and with a rounder face. He had that very wholesome All American hayseed look. He was dressed in a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and Adidas tennis shoes. He seemed very sweet and out of his element. Maybe he was too young for college, and definitely unable to handle his booze. He was definitely a small town boy that was for sure. As I was looking him up and down telling him he was handsome, I met his eyes and we looked at each other for a moment. Just as his last question took me by surprise and almost caused me to crumple to the floor his next one almost caused me to have a heart attack. He then asked me in his drunken way if I would suck his cock. Absolutely floored I stared at him not knowing what to say or do. Only hours before he was so wound up that without so much as boo he might have pounced on me or run down the hallway screaming of fright. Now he was laying flat on his back extremely drunk slurringly telling me he'd never had a blowjob before and asking me to suck his cock "please." Without waiting for an answer and taking his eyes off me, he reached down and fumbling unbuttoned his jeans then pulled down his zipper. He pushed down his jeans a little revealing the top of his white briefs then pushing those down pushed his hand in and pulled out his semi-erect cut cock. I watched as he lifted it from his pubic nest and pulled it a few times willing it to get harder. I knew drunken boners and had no doubt he might have a hard time getting it up but after all he was only 18. I looked up at him and saw him still watching me and then he asked me again to suck his cock. It was not that large, maybe 5 inches, but it was pretty and it was leaking some nice looking pre-cum. I went over to the light switch turning off the overhead light then went over to his bed and kneeled on the floor. I pushed up his shirt and rubbed his hard yet undefined belly then moved to his chest. He had let his hands drop to his sides but his right hand had dropped off the bed and brushed my leg. He immediately brought his hand back to his side and scooted his body over so he was as flush to the hardwood bookshelf drawers thus giving his right arm plenty of room to lie on the bed. I continued to play with his sparsely hairy belly and chest pinching his nipples once-in-a-while. By this time, I'd moved my other hand wrapping it around his cock, was jacking it off, and was doing my best to get it hard. He was breathing hard and telling me how good it felt. Feeling bold, I leaned over, sucked a nipple into my mouth, lightly chewed on it, and teased its eraser shaped nub with the tip of my tongue. I tickled the other nub with fingers on the hand that had moments before been jacking off his cock. Knowing how drunk he was I decided to go all out and I moved up, placed my lips on his, and pressed down. He reached up grabbing my arms and pushed me away and looking at me told me not to do that. I told him sorry but he was so good-looking I got carried away. I think he was pleased by the compliment but not pleased by the kiss. Talking lucidly but still very drunk, he asked me to suck his dick and nothing more. I told him okay and moving down grabbed his dick in my hand and sucked his soft dick deep within my mouth. If I hadn't been deep within his crotch, I think he would have hit the ceiling. As I've learned from experience, he did what most straight guys do; he immediately started fucking my face. I had to push him back, got off his cock, and told him to let me do the work. I told him to let me get him hard and enjoy my blowjob and not to fuck my mouth. I don't know how much he heard but he stopped moving and I went back to his cock, sucked his soft cock head into my mouth, and started suckling it like a baby does its mothers tits and he immediately began moaning loudly. I was concerned about the noise, got off him, and told him to shut up. I went back to his cock and sucked it down and started slow deliberate up and down motions swirling my tongue enveloping it into my warm sudsy mouth and within minutes it started growing. Andy's moaning continued and concerned me so I reached up and put my hand over his mouth, which he didn't seem to mind. His cock wasn't that big but it was a nice mouthful that meant I didn't need to go up and down much but I could keep up a continuous washing machine effect that drove him wild. Many times he started wildly fucking my mouth and I pulled off telling him to stop and allow me to do my job. He was going crazy, as I was not letting him cum. His pre-cum flowed nonstop, tasted sweet and manly and was enough for me now but I wanted him to remember the blowjob in the morning. My mind wandered imagining him telling the guys on the football team of my mind numbing blowjob and the possibility that I might get to suck off some of the players I'd been eyeing for the last couple of years. Finally he had enough and he grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down onto his cock and he started fucking my mouth and within a minute was spurting his jock juice into my mouth. It ran out of his cock more than shot. It was runny and tasted of beer but it was his then mine. His cock was not the hardest when it shot but it was punching my tonsils and it felt good. He had a good grip on my head and with his strong thrusts gave me a good battering. Very soon after he shot he lost his hardness and he pushed me off. Without saying a word he pushed his cock into his underwear and hiked his jeans up, pushed off his tennis shoes and turned on his side. When I got up in the morning I showered and left to eat and run errands. When I got back, Andy was in the process of packing and moving out. He would not even look or talk to me. I did not mind as I got to suck his cock. The semester was hard for me in the dorms. My new roommate was cold to me because of peer pressure. I didn't really care, as he was ugly and uninspiring. I moved into an apartment the next semester that was one of the best moves I ever made. Actually it was a small studio which afforded me a lot of privacy where I got to know a lot of guys I'd never would have had the opportunity to in the dorms. Once word got out there was a bonifide cocksucker on campus it was amazing how curious guys were. Andy did end up spreading how wonderful my mouth was and I did get to know a few of the football players. I have read many stories from guys in big metropolitan colleges with large gay communities and I am sure those were wonderful experiences but I can attest having gone to a small college in a rural area with no gay community and it wasn't bad. Being the only cocksucker I knew on campus had its benefits. There were many guys I had questions about but I never pursued them. I always went home for vacations and had many gay bars, etc. to get my fill of the gay community then. At college, I was only interested in the straight guys who would come over to my place or I'd see at parties who knew of my reputation. I ended up with even more guy friends when it became known I was gay and I moved out of the dorms because I guess I was a novelty eventually not seen as a "threat." I never had any problems as I have a smart head on my shoulders, can talk myself out of a heated situation, and if it came to blows can handle myself very well. In addition, I am a lot of fun and can drink anyone under the table. Well, that is my two dorm cocksucking stories. Maybe someday I'll write about other college stories. Lot's of jocks, cowboys, farmers, forestry students, etc. as I rarely went for anything else. But, hey!

A cock is a cock, right.

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