Two Bulls for Damian

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Feb 2, 2016


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by Boyatt Hart

Chapter 5: The Big Day

I woke up Saturday morning on my side, Luther's big right arm and heavy right leg draped over me, the head of his morning erection firmly planted in my crack. It felt good. I snuggled back into him and savored his warm skin. The giant stirred to life behind me.

"Morning, sport," he sighed as he hunched his hips and gently pressed the head of his big wood against my hole, "Am I crowding you?"

"Not at all," I said, grinding my butt on his big knob.

He ran his hand down my belly and began nimbly tracing his thick fingers over the contours of my swollen glans.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m..." he moaned, "Nice!"

We lay together like that for a good long time as we gathered our wits, our hard-ons getting stiffer by the minute.

"Sixty nine just to dull the edge one more time before he gets here?" I asked.

"What better way to start the day?" he asked in response.

"What time does he get here, again?"


"Okay, then, it's only 8:30," I noted, "that's plenty of time to suck some dick, eat some breakfast and freshen up."

Luther threw the covers off and rolled onto his back, kicking them to the floor off the foot of the bed. As I rolled over to face him I saw that his bloated cock was fully engorged. I rose to my knees at his hips and leaned forward, then took my dick in one hand and his in the other and rubbed their heads together in a good morning kiss. He smiled then scooted down in the bed and rolled onto his side again while I positioned myself so that we had each other's hard-on at eye level.

I fed mine to his open mouth and watched him start to suck on it. He looked incredibly handsome from that angle, his jowls dark with his heavy morning shadow. I then quickly went down to do the same with his dick, our bellies fitting together in a sort of yin-yang arrangement, and lifted it to my lips. His cock head reeked of my crack, but it looked so beautiful I couldn't bring myself to care and stuffed it in my mouth anyway.

We nursed on each other, noisily sucking and slurping, for close to twenty minutes when he suddenly exploded in my mouth. I loved how strong of a shooter he was first thing in the morning. I savored it with him still in my mouth as he continued laboring for mine.

I finally pulled off him with a loud slurp so as not to lose a drop and swallowed. Just then he threw an arm over my hips and roughly pressed me to his face, forcing my cock head into the back of his throat and successfully squeezing my trigger. He received a similar sized spurting load from me then we rolled onto our backs to catch our breaths and regroup.

"Thanks, sport," he sighed, "I realized after we got going that my dick head probably didn't taste too good after being in your crack for who knows how long."

"Don't worry. That's what friends are for," I said, echoing his sentiment from the previous night.

He laughed then asked, "Breakfast?"

"I think there's still some room in here," I said as I thumped my belly.

"Good! Can't have you wasting away before you get back to those weights," he said sounding proud of me, "I'll get right on it. You mind stripping the bed and changing the sheets?

"Not a bit."

And with that we rolled out to get the big day underway. I stared in awe at his huge frame as he turned to leave, studying the deep furrow down the middle of the slight V-taper of his broad back. As slight as the taper was, it still gave him an authoritative look as it spread to meet his phenomenally wide, swinging shoulders from atop his big rolling haunches as he thudded off. I felt like the luckiest man on earth.

I made good on his request and then decided to help a little more by tidying up a few odds and ends around his bedroom. I then went to the living room and straightened up there, occasionally walking into the kitchen to throw this or that away and marveling at his nude form efficiently tending to the task of preparing our breakfast.

Back in the living room I spied the fuck mag and started to ask Luther where he kept it when it struck me that the kid was coming over to get two men with a combined weight of just over 600 pounds and right at sixteen total inches of cock to fuck his mouth and ass...probably not necessary. I pitched it back down on the coffee table.

"Ready!" Luther hollered.

I walked into the kitchen/dining room and spread out on the table were a large platter piled high with scrambled eggs, home fried potatoes, bacon and sausage, one plate laden with toast, another with pancakes, a bottle of syrup, a bottle of ketchup, two big steaming mugs of coffee and two huge glasses of milk.

"How did you do this so quickly?" I asked in amazement.

"Years of practice," he replied in deadpan, "I expect all of this to be gone when we're through, Muscles, so dig in and pull your weight."

I kept pace with the behemoth for the first twenty-plus minutes that we sat just stuffing our faces in silence. For the last ten or fifteen he admonished me every time he thought I was slacking off. It meant a lot to me that he wanted to have a role in my lifting that way.

He finished his last plate before I did and pushed his chair back from the table, closely watching me to make sure I finished mine as he made a deliberate show of slinging one big arm behind the back of his chair while reaching down with the other and scratching his balls.

"This is nice," he observed with a satisfied smile, "I could never just sit nekkid at the breakfast table like this and scratch my balls if I needed to while Jean was here."

"Didn't know what she was missing then," I said openly ogling his show as I finished my last bite and pushed away from the table massaging my tightly stuffed belly with both hands.

"Good job, sport," the giant said with a grin, "You go shower while I take care of this mess."

"On my way...your bedroom and the living room are already taken care of."


"Should I get dressed?"

"The boy's expecting us to fuck him, not take him out on a date," he said with a smile as he reached down and hefted his sagging balls into his hand, scratching them again.

"You sure know how to drive home a point, big man," I said, beginning to erect at his display.

After my shower I could still hear Luther in the kitchen. I hung my towel up and went to check his progress. He was down to the last few pans and skillets and it was going on 11:20.

"I'll finish up here, Luther. Go ahead and hit the shower," I told him.

"An offer I can't refuse," he said vacating his place at the sink as I slipped in to fill it.

By a quarter till twelve I had them finished and dried and had put away the stack of dishes that remained. I went to the living room to sit down just as Luther strode in, freshly shaved with his hair Brylcreemed straight back.

It was actually the perfect look for his old fashioned man-among-men persona, but I couldn't resist pointing to a place on his head and teasing him, "Missed a spot."

"Smart aleck," he replied as he sat down in his recliner and I on his couch.

"I'm looking forward to this," he said running a hand over his sexy 'bay window', "You'll really like this kid."

"I expect I will," I assured him.

We then chatted about work for a few minutes and at straight up noon the doorbell rang. Luther got up and answered it, leaning out from behind the door just far enough to show only his face to the outside world. I suddenly worried about how Damian was going to react to being received by two big, butt naked 'gorllas'. I needn't have.

As soon as the door closed behind him he lit up like a kid at Christmas and excitedly threw his arms as far as he could get them around Luther's great paunch.

Luther patted the boy's back then looked at me and said, "This is Damian, the young man I was telling you about."

He then turned his adoring fan around like a child to face me and said, "And this is the other man I told you about, Terry Anderson."

He was exactly as Luther described him, stout, shorter than he'd said...maybe 5' 3" but I doubt it...pretty features you could easily mistake for a girl, titties that jiggled when he walked, small mouth with big full lips.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Anderson," he said in a beautiful Latin accent, stepping forward with a hand extended, exactly as small and pudgy as Luther had described as well.

I rose and extended mine. His mouth dropped open as though he was meeting a celebrity and he shamelessly studied my body as we shook hands. His short stature, boyishly pitched voice, lack of any sign of facial or body hair and his totally deferential behavior made him seem much younger than his ID had told Luther, but I trusted him on the matter that we were dealing with a legal adult. The man was never one to be careless.

He turned his head to Luther and beamed, "Such BIG MUSCLES!"

"Didn't I tell you?" Luther affirmed with a smile.

"I've never seen them in front of me before! Only on television and in pictures," he said in awe.

Then he turned to me again and said, "So handsome! You must be VERY strong! May I touch?"

"Yes, of course," I said turning my palms out with my arms at 4 and 8 o'clock.

He giggled as he approached and went for my pecs first as I expected. Even though they were not the pecs of a bodybuilder they were still very meaty and thick. I snapped them to attention under his hands, then again one at a time for good measure, eliciting excited squeals from him. I heard Luther's warm laughter.

Damian looked up at me as though asking my permission to go further. I smiled as I looked at Luther, sporting his incredibly warm smile and beginning to erect. I nodded at Damian and his childlike hands immediately began caressing my belly, still stuffed tight from breakfast.

"Such a big man should be very proud," he praised.

"Thank you, I am," I said as I laid my hands on his and guided them over its full expanse to his delighted giggles.

When I released them he looked at Luther and spied his swelling cock beginning to lift off his balls. He looked at my package, then up into my eyes again. I nodded once more.

His hands slightly trembling, he reached under my belly and weighed my balls in one small hand while he traced a finger down the middle of my cock as it lay on my scrotum with the other.

"May I kiss?" he asked.

"You may."

He ducked under my belly and pressed his full lips to my cock head, causing it to spring near fully erect before he was done.

He came back up, wide eyed and blushing.

"BIG!" he squealed with delight.

"Thank you," I said, smiling as I took his right arm by the wrist and placed his open hand on it.

He cupped his small left hand under my balls again as he squeezed my cock in his right until it was hard as steel.

"I think he likes you, sport," Luther said, his fatherly smile radiating his approval of the scene unfolding before him.

With huge arms akimbo and his cock by then lifted completely off his balls he continued, "You know where the bedroom is, Damian. Why don't you go and get out of those clothes."

"Yes, sir!" he exclaimed with his big doe eyes, as Luther had also accurately described, glued to the giant's corpulent member.

It was fully inflated by that point so that even Luther could see his own cock head jutting out from beneath his belly and both Damian and I had delightfully unobstructed views of the behemoth's bulging scrotum.

Luther and I took our seats while Damian went to get naked.

"Good job, sport. You did me real proud there," he said with a grin.

"You were right about him...sweet as a puppy dog."

"I'm pretty sure he'll prove me right about a lot more than that the way he took to you."

"He does seem to like me, doesn't he?"

"He's as impressed with you as I knew he would be," the giant confirmed with a satisfied smile.

About that time Damian returned naked, too. He fairly skipped around Luther's recliner and jumped in his lap like some lewd Norman Rockwell parody of a department store Santa.

"Thank you for inviting me again, Mr. Bruchner," he said wrapping his arms around the big man's neck and planting a boyish kiss on his grandfatherly jowls.

He turned to face me squeezing himself back into what little space he could find between Luther's belly and the arm of the recliner.

"Mis tios abuelos," he sighed as Luther lifted his arm from behind him and draped it over his shoulder.

"What?" the big man asked him.

"He said 'my great uncles'," I explained to him.

"Oh, I didn't know you spoke Spanish," he said with a smile.

"Un poco," I said holding up my thumb and forefinger close together, "It was my foreign language in college but it's a little rusty now."

"It'll still come in handy," Luther said as he started running a big hand over the kid's softly padded torso, "You miss him, huh?"

"Si...I mean...yes," the boy confided.

"I'm sure nobody can take his place, but we're going do whatever we can to help you not miss him so much," he said with his hand on the kid's tummy.

"Thank you," Damian said, looking sincerely comforted by the big man's promise before hopping down and walking over to stand between my legs.

He reached out and ran his hands over my beard.

"So soft...very handsome," he said with a beatific smile.

"Thank you."

He then ran his pudgy hands down onto my traps and began kneading them in wide eyed wonder.

He stood before me fully erect and I saw that Luther hadn't been far off in his assessment. He was uncircumcised, which I hadn't recalled him mentioning, but although unquestionably small, actually closer to the size of the giant's thick ring finger. I ran my calloused hands over his fleshy tits, decorated with tiny areolas smaller than dimes.

I turned him to face Luther and he seated his soft butt on my left thigh. He slid his right arm around the back of my neck and began exploring my belly and chest again with his left hand, tugging at my erect nipples, not as big as Luther's but still several times the size of his. I sighed from the stimulation and my hard-on unexpectedly flexed beneath him, nudging the back of his plump thigh. He giggled.

Luther laughed, too, and said, "Maybe we should just go spread out on the bed."

Damian lit up as he rose from my lap. Luther and I stood up with our swollen cocks jutting out beneath our bellies on either side of him.

"Vergas GRANDES!" Damian squealed in delight.

Luther looked at me.

"Big dicks," I translated for him with a smile.

Luther's handsome belly shook as he laughed and led the way saying, "Ah, yes...I should've been able to figure that one out on my own."

I invited Damian through the doorway before me and we walked single file behind our fearless leader.

"Enter, gentlemen," he boomed as we reached his bedroom.

The big man and I flopped down on our respective sides of his bed and he patted the space between us looking at Damian. The teen scrambled onto the mattress on his hands and knees from the foot of the bed and eagerly crawled up between us.

He looked like a kid in a toy store as he switched his gaze back and forth between us. We rolled onto our sides, each facing him, and our bellies trapped his arms as our hard-ons flopped onto his chubby thighs. He managed to get one of his arms free and reached down to fondle them one at a time, sighing as his eyes closed.

"BIG men," he cooed running his hand over our cocks, then began wriggling between us as he exclaimed, "I must see!"

We rolled onto our backs to free him and he scrambled to his knees, turning to face us from between our thighs. He took a dick in each hand and shuddered slightly as he tightened his grip on them causing Luther and I to chuckle. Damian blushed as he broke into a grin.

He began slowly stroking them and said "Magnifico!"

I looked at Luther and he smiled as he said, "THAT one I got."

Damian and I laughed. He climbed over in between my legs and started kneading my balls. Luther rose onto an elbow to watch as the kid maneuvered his boy sized cock and mine together in a head to head comparison and began laughing out loud like a miner who had just lifted up a pan full of gold nuggets.

"Told you it was big," Luther said to the excited teen.

Damian laughed with glee as he then scrambled over between Luther's legs and repeated what he'd done with me, laughing that much harder at Luther's even more decisive size advantage.

"Muy guapo!" he exclaimed.

"Very handsome," I translated.

"Thanks," he said with his eyes glued to Damian's uninhibited display of admiration.

Our guest saw me smiling at his aroused state and quickly crawled over to me, straddling my hips as he draped himself over my belly, poking it with his tiny hard-on. As he eased down on me he reached back and pressed the length of mine into his parted crack. He then reached up and began sinking his stubby fingers into my pecs, delts and traps as he pressed his butt to my hard-on and began working it up and down in short strokes against it.

He then reached up with both hands and stroked my beard as he softly cooed, " strong of a man!"

I snapped my musculature to attention underneath him and his eyes grew huge.

"Fuck my butt?" he asked in a near whisper.

"I'd like that," I said in a reassuring tone.

Luther proudly beamed at me and winked as he softly announced, "Looks like you get first crack at his crack, sport."

Damian got down between my legs and stuffed his mouth full on just over half of my length, slobbering on it profusely but being careful not to suck on it. The small opening of his mouth made his full lips looks pretty as they stretched a bit on my girth.

Luther scooted down in the bed to get a better view.

"You should see how much of your dick is sticking out of his mouth, sport," Luther approvingly reported, then looked up at me and chuckled as he said, "Makes him look cuter than a kitten with a ball of yarn!"

Damian stayed on task.

Luther watched the kid a while longer then said, "I better get his hole ready for you."

He rolled off the bed and sauntered around behind the boy as he continued liberally coating my meat in his saliva. The big man slipped his middle finger into his mouth until he thought it was slick enough then pulled it out and slowly worked it into Damian's hole. A deeply satisfied moan escaped his lips from around my dick.

"Damn you're tight, boy," he commented as he slowly worked the thick digit in and out.

Damian pulled off me and inspected my dick while Luther continued working his hole. Rivulets of his saliva were running down my shaft onto his hand.

"It's ready," he announced.

With that Luther swiped his thick middle finger over his drooling meatus and slathered Damian's hole in his slippery pre-cum. Damian started to get up but Luther placed a hand on his back.

"A few more," he admonished our guest as he repeated the operation several times.

I was struck by how dominant yet protective the giant looked as he liberally applied his natural lubricant to the boy's hole. It occurred to me that maybe Damian and I were attracted to the same qualities in this rare beast of a man.

"That should do it," Luther said.

"Thank you," Damian replied as he stood up on the bed and carefully straddled my hips.

Luther moved up beside us and lifted my balls as he said, "Bring your legs together, sport. He looks a little unsteady on his feet."

I followed his instruction and he let them tumble down onto my thighs. Damian inched his feet closer together for more secure footing and squatted down far enough to brace himself with both hands on my belly. Luther grabbed the base of my cock and stood it straight up for him, then I felt Damian's hole come to rest on the head. He struggled a minute or so trying to open himself up on me.

"Stop," Luther finally instructed him, "lift your butt for a second."

The boy did as told. Luther took a few more swipes at his cock head then at mine and mixed our pre-cum together on me, smearing it around on my glans until it was fully coated and very slick.

"Okay," he continued coaching the boy, "sit on it again, and remember what I told you last week about bearing down on your hole. This thing's a hell of a lot thicker than my finger and you got to help it."

"Yes, sir," he obediently replied.

Luther steadied my dick at the base again and Damian sat back down on it. Within seconds his tight ring yielded and slowly swallowed my cock head, bringing a pained groan from him as his eyes drew shut.

"Good boy! He's in!" Luther praised him, "Now...have fun."

"Thank you, sir," Damian gratefully replied.

The teen cautiously lowered himself on me inch by inch, eyes tightly shut, teeth clenched with his jaw thrust out in determination, moaning in pained lust as he slipped down over each additional inch, until at last he snuggled his parted butt cheeks down onto the warmth of my balls. Luther had been right again, even his chute, as soft as it felt, was as tight as a rubber.

I took his face in my hands and his round eyes opened, staring into mine as I said, "That's all, baby did it!"

Damian beamed as he rolled his butt on my balls.

"O-h-h-h...'baby boy'...that's nice, sport," Luther said, grinning as he ran his fingers through Damian's hair, "baby boy...I like that!"

Damian apparently did, too. He beamed his beatific smile back and forth between Luther and me as he continued rolling his butt around on my balls.

"Feel good?" the giant asked him with his fingers still in his hair.

"It hurts...but it is good," he said looking proud of himself.

The big man patted him on the back and said, "You'll get used to it."

Feeling a little bolder the boy began bouncing on me but quickly came to rest with a sustained, "Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

"Don't rush it," Luther coached him.

"Yes, sir," he said seeming to more fully appreciate Luther's guidance.

"Go slow...lift your butt up, then slide it back down on him r-e-a-l easy."

Taking the advice very seriously by that point he followed Luther's instructions to the letter.

"How did that feel?" I asked.

"Good...very good," he said looking earnest.

"Good," Luther said massaging the butt cheek closer to him, "Just stick with that till you get used to him. Then start lifting your butt up higher and higher."

"Yes, sir," the boy replied and then commenced.

Up and down he went on me, slowly milking me in his clutching hole and the tightness of his chute, gradually increasing the length of his strokes until at the top of them only my cock head remained inside him.

"Good boy!" Luther praised him again.

Damian looked at me and smiled, then turned his attention to Luther who was absent mindedly rolling his foreskin over his swollen cock head as he kept a watchful eye on the boy's hole. He came to rest on me and propped himself up with his forearms on my belly. His mouth flew open.

"Like a baby bird in the nest," Luther said with a warm laugh as he peeled his hood back, placed a big hand on the back of Damian's head and proceeded to fit the boy's mouth onto his bulky glans.

Giving Damian his dick to suck on was for the boy's benefit. He had expressed his desire for it in their previous weekend's encounter. The dominant manner in which he'd granted the boy his wish, I quickly realized, was for mine. It was the most arousing display of sexual assertiveness I had witnessed from Luther and it had clearly been performed to give me a green light to assert my physical predominance over the boy.

I suddenly understood that it was this kind of show of gentle force that Luther needed to see from me to properly stimulate him in the same way he'd just done for me. And perhaps even Damian himself expected it given how he'd responded to Luther. I knew I had to rise to the occasion.

Damian let out a contented, muffled moan. Seeing the boys pretty lips so comically stretched out on Luther's immense girth a mere inches from my face almost caused me to cum. He started to writhe on me as he sucked on it and I had to think quickly.

"Not yet," I said, firmly grabbing him by the butt cheeks and easily rendering him motionless against me.

Luther smiled.

"Exactly what you told me you wanted last week," the giant soothed the kid, his hand still on his head, "one in your ass and one in your mouth."

"Uh-huh," the boy tried to affirm, but with his mouth stuffed full of Luther it mostly came out through his nostrils as a nearly unintelligible nasal utterance.

"Just enjoy it till my friend steadies himself," the hulking man said as he began massaging the boy's scalp in his strong hand.

Damian sighed contentedly.

After a short rest to gather myself I released my hold on Damian and gently patted his butt saying, "Okay, go ahead."

He resumed writhing on my dick, moaning as loudly as the huge cock in his mouth would permit him to. Then he began bouncing on me again, obviously finding it painful still, but undeterred by it at that point.

"That's it...t-h-a-t's it," Luther praised him yet again.

Soon I felt his tiny cock head slip into my belly button and he began fucking into it furiously. His asshole clamped down on me as he did, Luther holding his head perfectly still and gently fucking his mouth.

I felt the boy soar into an orgasm only he could truly judge the intensity of and suddenly my belly felt wet as his butt took hold of my hard-on in a series of violent clenches. I could last no longer and I helplessly unloaded in him. The two of us relaxed into each other and only Luther remained in search of his moment of fulfillment.

Damian offered up no resistance to the burly man as he resumed gently working his head on the end of his fat dick like a sex toy. Luther's breathing picked up into a pant and his belly showed the familiar tension of an impending orgasm. He soon let out a booming, satisfied growl as he pumped his load into the boy's mouth.

Damian passively lay totally limp on top of me, freely giving his mouth to the giant to fuck until his orgasm completely faded. At last Luther withdrew his dick from the boy's mouth and milked out one last sizeable glob of cum onto the side of his face.

Damian quickly scooped it onto his fingers and sucked them clean, smiling at him. He propped himself upright with my softening cock still in his ass and rubbed our bellies in admiration.

"Mis dos toros grandes!" he beamed at us.

Luther looked at me and asked, "My two big bulls?"

"You got it, big man," I affirmed with an approving grin.

The hulking man turned his round, fatherly face to the boy and smiled, sinking his fingers into his mop of hair again as he said, "That's right, baby boy...two bulls for Damian."

(I hope you're enjoying yourself. To be continued as time permits. Our weekend continues in the next chapter.)

Next: Chapter 6

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