Twink and geek

By blondguy blondguy

Published on Jan 29, 2025


Twink and geek - Chapter 3. Butt what next?

After `the Italian restaurant incident' as it became known, Dan and I often seemed to be mischievously trying to get each other aroused in interesting public situations. We knew all the buttons to press in each other and it only worked because we were besotted with each other. It was embarrassing in some ways – we were behaving like teenagers, but the serious work and public environments just seemed to encourage us. We talked seriously about our own behaviour occasionally and effectively agreed that we needed to just get this out of our systems before we became a boring old couple but hopefully happy! However, this did make us realise that we were and should be a couple, so maybe we should start living together. But that didn't stop the mischief...

It was Dan's birthday so I bought him several things I knew he liked, music, books, jockstraps, flowers, and of course something mischievous. It was a vibrating, remote control butt plug! I didn't know how he would react and was ready to insist that he wears it in some specific situations I had in mind. His reaction surprised me again – he was really excited. He wanted to wear it at work knowing that I had the remote control. It claimed a range of up to 50m which might cover from Dan's desk to mine but there were walls and stair cases too. Anyway, first to try it. Dan lubed-up his arse and inserted it. Apparently, it felt good and stayed in place. I switched on the remote and looked for reaction – nothing, but then suddenly Dan jumped – it was vibrating and Dan was grinning. We went through a range of settings and one in particular had him getting wild. Another had a similar effect and the boost button had him cumming in no time.

We had dinner at mine, slept together and went to work together the next day. However, before leaving Dan inserted the plug. For the first hour I didn't touch the remote then at about 10am I selected a moderate pattern of vibration and pressed the button. I got a text minutes later saying "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" then another suggesting coffee time. I replied with a couple of boost button presses.

Dan said it felt great but not to do it too often as he really did have work to get done. I had checked Dan's calendar and I knew that he was in a meeting after lunch in a big glass-sided meeting room and I worked out where I could see in without being seen hopefully. About 2.15pm I was in position and I could see that Dan was speaking so I hit the first setting that he really liked yesterday and I saw him react. Then he was looking through the glass to see whether I was out there but didn't spot me. The next setting, the one that made him cum yesterday, I thought I'd better do when eyes were on someone else. His boss got up to speak at the screen and I hit the setting and the boost button. He reacted but I reckon he had anticipated this as a big grin appeared on his face – quite tense, eyes wide and concentrating but he was clearly having a moment! A very contented look then went across his face – he had clearly creamed himself! I came out of my hiding place, walked past the room and glanced in as Dan gave me the finger behind his work papers.

I met Dan for coffee in the afternoon – he was wearing his jacket to cover the evidence. Sure-enough, he had creamed himself as I observed but he was very happy about it. Ok he had expected it, well it was all sort of planned, but nevertheless fun. And he thanked me for choosing a good moment in the meeting that didn't get him sacked. I said I'd send him a signal when it was time to go home but he suggested using text as he really needed to go clean up and remove the plug as it was getting a bit sore.

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