Twilight Tale

By moc.loa@loocosllenoj

Published on Dec 24, 2009


Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction based off of the `Twilight' series by Stephanie Meyer.

Authors note: Okay so if anyone was wondering about which book the story is taking place in, it starts in the third =)

Twilight Tale- Chapter 5

It was still dark out when I woke up sweating, and gasping for air. I couldn't breathe and I was burning up. When I tried moving, I noticed my arms were pinned. Looking around, I remembered where I was; in the Blacks' living room, with Jacob on top of me snoring lightly. I tried moving into a sitting position, but Jacob was too heavy. I even tried squirming and wiggling, but that was no good.

"Jacob," I wheezed.

"Hm..," he mumbled into my chest.

"I..Can't breathe," I said in between breaths. Jacob smothered his face into my chest, inhaling deeply. He wrapped his arms around me, bearing all his weight down on me. For a moment I thought he was awake, but when I looked down I saw that his eyes were still closed. Realizing this, I became annoyed..and uncomfortable. In the position we were in, I could feel his hardness pressing down on my inner thigh.

"Mm..Jacob," I moaned. He opened his eyes then and began slowly, gyrating his hips into mine. Slowly, he lifted his face to become level with mine. His gaze penetrated my entire being. In that moment, my thoughts were his and his were mine. We both yearned, craved for the same thing. I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his. Closing my eyes, he started at my neck, kissing it tenderly. He nibbled his way to my ear where he whispered my name,


I sat up with a jolt, breathing furiously. There was a hand on my shoulder shaking me roughly.

"Aden," It was Jacob. "Hey, you okay? You must've been dreaming something fierce for you to have been rolling around like that. You almost fell off the couch."

I stared at him, my expression blank. It was just a dream I told myself, inhaling and exhaling evenly.

"Charlie just stopped by not too long ago. He dropped off some of your clothes and he said he wanted you to call him when you get a chance," Jacob said pointing to the small, neatly folded pile of clothes sitting on the kitchen counter.

"He did? What time is it?" I asked looking around the room for a clock. Jacob pulled out his cell phone.

"Its 8:19 now, we'll head over to the Cullen's place at around 9. Is that enough time for you to get ready?"

I stood up to stretch. "Yeah, that's fine with me. Can I take a shower? I still smell like grass from yesterdays events..It's pretty gross."

"Sure, sure. Follow me," he said leading me down the short, narrow hallway of his home. "Here's the bathroom. As you can see, it's pretty small so if you need some extra space, you can just get dressed in my room." He finished, pointing at the room directly across from the bathroom. "If you need a toothbrush or some lotion, just look under the sink. We keep spares just in case."

"Oh. Okay, thanks." I said, not really looking at him. Jacob walked back into the living room as I shut the door to the bathroom and took a seat on the toilet. "Oh my God," I whispered to myself. I was thinking back to the dream I'd had. I could still feel his touch, his embrace. Every inch of me tingled at the mere thought his kiss. Reaching up, I traced my fingers delicately over my neck in the places where his mouth was, it seemed so real.

"Get it together, Aden." I told myself, standing up and turning on the water for my shower. Glancing at the mirror, I saw how big of a mess I looked. The red shirt that I had on was covered in dark patches from dirt and had a small tear on one of the sleeves. My face looked as if it had been bruised up, considering all the smeared mud that was on it.

Stepping into the shower, the warm water felt like heaven to me. I spent the first few minutes just standing there as the water cascaded over my body. My ankle was feeling much better so I guess it was just a minor sprain. I noticed a bottle of `Head & Shoulders' and instinctively reached for it. Remembering that I'd be skipping school today, I was fixated with the thought of what Charlie would think of me. I just started school and I'm already skipping? I don't want him to think I'm rebellious or whatever, especially with him being a police officer.

After finishing up in the shower, I stepped out and looked around the bathroom. "Crap," I thought to myself. Jacob never gave me a towel. I checked the bathroom again, making sure I didn't miss a crack. There weren't any towels!

Cautiously, I cracked open the bathroom door. I wasn't sure if Jacob was still in the living room so I poked my head out from behind the door and called out for him.


"That's my name," he said, coming to the doorway of his room. "Need something?"

"Yeah, a towel would be much appreciated."

Jacob took a step forward. He already had a towel in his hand.

"I was about to go get your towel, but you had already turned on the water. I didn't want to bother you so I just thought I'd..." he trailed off. I noticed that he was looking everywhere but at me and I think...he may have been blushing?

"Well I guess that was my fault then...Sorry," I added. I was embarrassed about having to ask for a towel, but at the same time I was stimulated by the fact that I was naked, still wet from my shower and the guy from my most erotic dream was standing in front of me with only a thin wooden door between us.

"It's cool. Uh, here," he said, handing me the towel.

"Thanks," I replied. We both stood there, neither one of us was looking at the other which made things a little awkward.

"Well..I think I'm gonna get dressed now..." I said, closing the door.

"Oh..I mean, I'll be in the living room if you, ya know..need me," he said through the door.

"M'kay," I answered.

I dried off, brushed my teeth and put on some lotion before exiting the bathroom. I walked into the living room where I found Jacob talking with some man. The guy was in a wheel chair and looking at him I would've assumed that he was Jacob's dad. They looked a lot alike.

"Ah, so this must be the infamous Aden Swan. The name's Billy Black," he said extending his hand for me to shake. I took his hand and greeted him with an equally warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you, sir."

"No need for formalities, everyone else calls me Billy, so should you."

"Oh, alright..Billy," I added.

"So, shouldn't the two of you be at school about now?" he asked. I looked towards Jacob for help.

"We should, but because of recent events, we think its best that Aden becomes...'In the know'."

Billy turned his wheelchair to face Jacob. His face became serious.

"And who's this `we'?" he asked.

"The Cullen's. We're about to head over there now." A look of understanding came to Billy's face and he turned towards me.

"Be careful then," he said, staring directly into my eyes. "I'm gonna head over to the Clearwater's place to see if Sue needs anything. She's supposed to come pick me up so don't worry about me. I'll call you when I'm on my way back..Aden, it was a pleasure meeting you." He said, wheeling down the narrow hallway and entering his room.

"Well that went a lot better than I thought it would." Jacob said after hearing his father's door close.

"He seems nice," I said smiling.

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool dad."

At that moment, a strong feeling of sorrow hit me. I missed my dad. Talking with Billy, his mannerisms reminded me of my own father. My eyes started to tear up, but the water works weren't gonna happen..Not while I was in front of Jacob at least. I must've looked worse than I thought because the next thing I knew Jacob started handing me tissues.

"You gonna be okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," I replied, dismissing his attempt at comfort. "Let's just go." I said heading out the front door..

Once we got in the truck and Jacob started to pull out of the driveway, my nerves started acting up. I could literally feel my heart beating in my chest. I don't think I was nervous, I was more anxious if anything. Jacob must've sensed my apprehension.

"Dude, calm down," he said glancing at me while trying to keep his eyes on the road. "If you didn't have a heart attack from what happened yesterday, you'll do just fine."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked, looking at him questioningly.

"Did it help?"

Thinking about it, I guess it did. I guess I needed that extra reassurance from someone.

"Yeah, it did,"

"Well there we go, problem solved," he laughed. I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. About fifteen minutes later we were turning onto a grassy, dirt road. Looking further down it, I noticed a large house hiding behind the trees; it was beautifully crafted, and modern with floor to ceiling windows. It was definitely a sight to behold.

Like their home, the Cullen's were just as striking. They were all standing on the front porch; Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmet and Rosalie. I saw Bella standing beside Edward. There was also another couple with them, equally stunning. When Jacob finally stopped the truck, it was like looking at a catalog from GQ or Prada. Only, they were the real deal.

Jacob hopped out of the car first. I'd almost forgotten that he'd put the car in park. I was still sitting in the car staring at the scene in front of me while he walked around and tapped on my window, knocking me out of my trance. Slowly, I opened my door and hopped out, tucking my hands into the pockets of my gray pullover. Jacob walked beside me as we approached the group. The couple, who I didn't recognize, stepped forward and greeted me with breathtaking smiles.

"Aden, so good to finally meet you," said the male. "I'm Carlisle and this is my wife, Esme."

"Hello, Aden." She said.

I smiled and nodded to them. They seemed friendly enough. For a moment we just stood there, it felt as if everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. This made me pretty uncomfortable.

"Why don't we all go inside," This came from Edward. I looked towards him, hoping everyone would do the same. I saw Bella standing beside him, our eyes met and she gave me a weak smile. I returned it as everyone made their way through the large front door. Jacob was behind me the entire time; he seemed more tense than usual.

I was lead into a large dining room. Rosalie and Emmet walked off without saying anything. Alice was staring at me, biting her lip with a peculiar expression. As if on cue, Edward looked up at her. They shared eye contact for a moment before they excused themselves to another part of their home. Carlisle and Esme were the only ones that spoke to us.

"Well, it appears everyone is preoccupied with other matters. We will excuse ourselves as well," said Carlisle.

"Before we go," said Esme, "Aden would you like anything to drink? Or a snack maybe?"

"Oh, no thank you," I replied shaking my head. She smiled at me and excused herself.

That left Bella, Jasper, Jacob and I.

"Well, I guess we should take a seat," Jacob spoke up.

"Yeah, I guess we should," said Bella, glaring at Jacob. All of us took a seat in the living room, I'm sure we all preferred sitting on the couch rather than at the table. Jasper remained standing however. I wasn't sure what I was expecting Bella to say to me. I was still upset with her for ditching me yesterday. She began,

"Aden, you have to understand that everything I'm about to tell you...Is completely true."

Chapter 5- End

So I finally finished Chapter 5, haha. I really wanted to get it done before Christmas because I already knew I wouldn't work on it over the weekend...Anyways, please email me at and tell me what you think of the story so far. Feel free to ask me questions about the story or myself as well. Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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