Twilight Tale

By moc.loa@loocosllenoj

Published on Nov 15, 2009


This is a fictional story based off of author Stephanie Meyer's Twilight.

Twilight Tale- Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning at around 6:30. I remembered Charlie telling me that school started at 8:30, so that left me with about an hour and a half before Bella and I had to leave for school. I lied in bed for another 10 minutes before I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

I was taking my shower when I heard voices coming from the hallway. I assumed they belonged to Bella and Charlie so I ignored it and stayed in the shower for another 3 minutes before getting out, getting dressed, and brushing my teeth. When I opened the door, I noticed that Bella's light was on in her room and her door was closed. I didn't want to bother her so I went downstairs to see if I could find something to eat. While going down the steps, I noticed the aromatic smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I found Charlie, dressed in uniform, sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper with one hand and sipping a cup of coffee with the other.

"Good morning" I said, not sure of what else to say to him. He looked up from his newspaper, surprise on his face. I guess he hadn't noticed me come in..

"Good Morning, Aden. Did you sleep well last night?

"Yeah, I slept fine. The bed was really comfortable, thanks."

"Don't worry about it. This is your new home and Bella and I want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"Thank you. You know, I'm really glad my dad told me about you. I had always thought that it was just my dad and I. When he told me he was dying, the first thing that popped in my head was "what am I going to do?" But when he told me I still had family..a feeling of hope came to me."

I was staring at the counter while I was telling him all of this. When I looked up, I could see that his eyes were red and he looked a little uncomfortable. I was almost as uncomfortable as he was. Growing up with just my dad, he was the one I always talked to for pretty much everything, so I wasn't used to talking with other people about my issues. My dad never judged anyone..That was probably why it was so easy when I told him I was gay. This was a year ago so I was 16 at the time. The first thing he asked me was if I was still a virgin, haha. My experiences with guys number up to zero..I haven't even had my first kiss yet! How pathetic is that?

Charlie finished his coffee before he spoke again.

"Look, I'm not the type of guy to show my emotions so easily. He paused, debating on what to say next."What I'm trying to say is that I'm glad my brother told me about you too and if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you."

I nodded my thanks when I heard Bella coming down the steps.

"'Morning Dad, Aden"

"Hey Bella" I said. Charlie smiled at her as he gathered up his newspaper and placed his coffee mug in the sink.

"Okay you two, I'm heading out for work. I've got some extra paperwork that needs some last minute finalizations made to them so I won't be in until late."

"Alright..After school I was planning on showing Aden around the town.." Bella said, turning towards me. "If that's alright with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me."

"And for dinner we could pick up a pizza or something." Bella added.

"Alright well..Call me if you guys need anything. Aden, I hope you enjoy school here." Charlie said, turning and heading out the door.

Bella showed me where everything was in the kitchen and we both decided on Frosted Flakes for breakfast. When I finished eating I washed my bowl out in the sink and faced Bella.

"So at what time do you normally leave for school?"

"I usually leave the house at around 8:00 since it doesn't take that long to get to school, but my Truck broke down about a week ago. My friend Jacob is a pretty good mechanic so I took it to him so he could fix it up. He called earlier this morning and said he got it running and that he would drop it off.." She turned to look at the clock. "..In a few minutes actually."

I looked at the clock as well, it read 7:48.

"I'm gonna go wash my face, so if the doorbell rings it's probably Jacob. Would you mind answering it for me if I'm not back yet?"

"Um...yeah, sure."

"Okay then." She said, walking towards the steps, leaving me standing in the kitchen staring at the clock. A full three minutes had passed when the doorbell rang. Now, I wasn't the type to get all nervous whenever I met a new person, but I was a little curious about meeting my first local...especially since I was introducing myself to one of Bella's friends...I hope she mentioned me to him `cause that would make things a lot easier.

I opened the front door to see a tall, extremely attractive guy standing in the doorway, smiling and holding out a set of car keys in his hand. He had short black hair, the same color as his shirt, which clung to his chest, showing off his muscular physique and stood out against his bronze skin. When I said he was tall I wasn't exaggerating either; he had to have been at least 6'6 if not taller. I was literally staring up at him. I noticed his eyes were a deep brown, like chocolate. This guy could have passed for an adult, but if he was friends with Bella he couldn't be THAT old, could he? I guess I was staring at him for too long because a look of confusion came to his face, which then turned to anger.

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing here?!" he shouted at me. For a second I thought he was going to hit me. I saw his fists ball up and he started trembling. What the hell was with this guy, yelling at me and then having a seizure? I may not look it, but I definitely don't take shit from anyone, especially someone I don't even know! He may have me beat in size, but I was pretty sure I could match his voice..

"Who the fuck are you yelling at?!" I took a step back so I could look at his face better. He wasn't trembling anymore but he was still pretty pissed. I took the initiative and spoke up before he said something else.

"Are you Jacob?" I asked, glaring at him.

"How do you know me? Where's Bella?" he asked, pushing past me and running into the house.

"Bella!" he cried.

I heard Bella rushing down the steps. I was standing behind Jacob because he was blocking my view of her with his large frame.

"Bella! Thank God, I thought something had happened to you."

"No I'm alright..Why would you think something had happened to me...And what was with all that screaming?" she said, trying to see around Jacob's large frame.

"Well when this guy.." he turned and faced me. "Answered the door, what was I supposed to think? And he kept staring at me so I got a little annoyed."

"Well its not everyday you see Bigfoot standing on your front steps." I said, trying to defend myself.

"Bigfoot?! You little.." Jacob began to say, but Bella cut him off.

"Enough, Jacob. I'm so sorry about all of this Aden." Jacob's head snapped towards Bella in confusion. Bella looked at Jacob. "Aden is my cousin, I won't go into details but to sum it up, he'll be living here from now on. I had told Alice about him and Edward found out from her so whenever I went over to the Cullen's place we would talk about you, Aden" she said looking over at me. "I guess since we talked about Aden so much, most of the Cullen's knew about you and I assumed Jacob knew as well.."

"How was I supposed to know that your cousin was going to come live with you? Jacob said, looking exasperated.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry. I should've told you this morning at least, but that's no excuse for the way you acted." Said Bella sternly.

I looked at the both of them with the best "wtf" face I could make. Jacob was hot, but all of my opinions about him changed the moment he opened his mouth. If this was how all of Bella's friends acted to surprise, then I'm not sure if I wanted to even meet them. I composed myself before speaking.

"Okay so this was all just a misunderstanding then." I had calmed down a lot more once I said those words.

"That's what it seems like" said Jacob, calmer as well, but he still seemed annoyed by me.

Bella checked the time. "Crap, we've got to leave for school now before we're late. Jacob I'm sorry but I'll call you after school okay?" Bella ran upstairs and came back seconds later with two backpacks in her hands. "Here you go." She said, handing me a brown one with a small Jansport logo on the side. "I already put a few folders in it filled with paper so you should be set for the first day."

"Thanks, Bella." I said, following her out the door with Jacob behind me. Bella locked the door to the house and we got into her truck. Jacob was still standing on the porch, watching us as we pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

A few moments into the drive, my curiosity got the best of me.

"So how long have you known Jacob?"Bella seemed a little caught off guard by the question.

"Well, before I lived with my dad, I used to come up here every summer. Jacob and I were pretty small when we met..When I came to live here and I saw him again, I didn't recognize him. Charlie and Billy, Jacob's father, kind of reintroduced us we I saw him again because I forgot about him." She said with a smile.

"So how old is Jacob anyways, like 23?"

When Bella answered this time, I could tell something was up. She made this face as if she forgot something.

"Jacob's 16." Was all she said. I stared her for a minute to she if she was going start laughing and say "just kidding", but she didn't and that scared me a little. I've seen 16 year olds, lots of them and none of them had ever been as tall or looked anywhere near the age that Jacob looked. Something was wrong. Something had to be wrong.

Bella noticed me staring at her and glanced at me while trying to keep her eyes on the road. "He just had a growth spurt a few months ago..Uh..His doctor said that he might have a very mild case of gigantism."

"Oh" was all I said. I knew she was lying, or at least not telling the full truth, but why? I didn't say anything else after that. The ride to school was tension filled to say the least. We arrived at the parking lot and got out at the same time. Bella walked me towards the main office.

"Okay so this is the main office, they'll give you your schedule. We'll have lunch at the same time so I'll come find you then, alright?"

I nodded and Bella began walking away. I didn't want there to be that same tension between us at lunch so I decided to put what happened in the car behind us for now.

"Hey, Bella!" I shouted, heads turned to look in my direction. Bella turned as well, embarrassment on her face. "Thanks!" I said, we both smiled and walked away.

When I walked into the main office, the lady I assumed was the secretary seemed to already know who I was. She had to be in her 60s in the least, by the way she was acting

"Oh my, you must be Aden Swan!" she seemed way too excited. "It's not everyday you have the police chief's long lost nephew walking through the halls. Here's your schedule dear, it shouldn't be that hard for you to find your first class. Have a nice day!" and with that I was left standing there with my schedule in my hand. I looked it over. I had most of my classes from my other school; Physiology, English, Trig, College Prep, Spanish 3, and they added P.E. to the list. Six classes plus lunch..Oh joy..

I left the main office and made my way down the empty hallways. The bell had rang just minutes after I got into the office so I didn't bother rushing to find my first period class. I hated being late to class because every time you walk in, everyone's eyes are on you. And since today is my first day and random people seem to know my business, it's safe to assume that eyes will be on me

It took about 5 minutes for me to find my class, the school wasn't that big. Before I walked in, I prepared myself for the stares and opened the door.

My first four classes were very...uneventful. Compared to this morning, everything was so normal. I was expecting to see at least some tall people, but everyone was so...ordinary. People came up to me asking me this and that, the usual `new guy' questions like where did you come from or are you really Bella's cousin. Some people weren't entirely convinced mainly because Bella and I look nothing alike; her being so pale and me a light brown. If I hadn't known us, I wouldn't believe it either. The bell rang, dismissing us from fourth period to lunch. On the way to lunch, I ran into Bella walking with one of her friends.

"Hey Bella" I said.

"Hey Aden. How've your classes been so far?"

"They're okay I guess." I looked at her friend, who had gotten silent when I walked up.

"Hi, I'm Aden." I said, introducing myself.

"Oh I'm sorry Aden, this is my friend Angela. Angela this is my cousin, Aden."Angela looked at the both of us like we were joking. When she saw that we were serious she recovered quickly.

"Oh uh, nice to meet you Aden."

"Same to you." I said as we walked into the cafeteria. I had brought five dollars with me for lunch. It shouldn't have cost more than that so I sat my stuff down at the table Angela and Bella put their things on and we all got in line. We got our food and sat down at the table. I glanced around the cafeteria, just to see who all went to Forks High School, when my gaze landed on a table in the corner of the lunch room.

There were five of them sitting around the table. I don't know how I could've missed them; they were more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen. Even the guys were beautiful. The way they sat was elegant even. Their skin was so impossibly pale, it seemed so...Unearthly. I must have been staring hardcore because when I caught myself I noticed...that they were staring back.

That's the end of Chapter 2! I appreciate the feedback I got on the first chapter and I want to thank you guys again for reading my stories. Again, email me at to let me know what you thought of the chapter and let me know if you have any questions. I'm always open for new ideas!

Next: Chapter 3

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