Twilight Morning Sun

By Joseph Foster

Published on Apr 7, 2010


The Twilight Saga: Morning Sun

Chapter 3

Life's Implosions

"I CAN WALK!" I snapped at Edward who insisted on escorting me everywhere, he even forced our teachers to let him escort me around I wanted to hurl something fierce but I knew it would do no good against his marble slab skull.

"Why do you insist on making things more difficult?" he rebutted

"You know something buddy, I am two seconds away from screaming, so back off, I can walk you don't need to coddle me, I am a fully capable teenage boy gimme my space goddamn it." He looked surprised and hurt at my words and I felt instantly bad, "I'm sorry, I'm just a little on edge, ever since the whole James ordeal..."

"Don't talk about him..."


"Just don't." He said slamming his hand against a locker and denting it

"I'm sorry, but we can't deny what happened, because when we do that we forget how real it was..."

"I have to protect you, it's my job to protect you, I love you..." There is was again, the words I hate slash love hearing

"And I care about you too, but I could always protect myself... If you would just..."

"That will never happen, I won't do it."

"I've seen it happen... it will happen... In time." I said

"Wait you've seen it? Like the way Alice does?"

"Are you telling me Alice sees me becoming one of you?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"I'll still tell you... you do it... to save my life." I said and pecked his cheek and hobbled to class

"Are you telling me he's right, that's what you've seen, I thought he was bluffing..."

"We have a major issue then Edward... if the Volturi gets wind of a vulnerable telepath they will change him to benefit them in a way we can only imagine, likely to torture him into being their knave."

"So you think they'll go after him...?"

"I'm sure of it, I will keep an eye out for any information."

"We have to leave..." Edward said


"Because... if we aren't here then the Volturi has no reason to be looking at this area, they won't send anyone, not a single person, he'll be safe, we have to go..."

"After his birthday party?" Alice asked hopefully

"What? You planned him a party..."

"Well I didn't PLAN it, but I was going to, his birthday is in like a month, so come on.. pretty please, how many human birthdays do we get to celebrate?"

"Alright, for you." Edward said


"Happy Birthday son." Dad said carrying gifts

"Gee, don't remind me, its another year... and didn't I say no to presents..?"

"Mine doesn't count cause I didn't wrap it." Dad said and handed me a lime green laptop and matching camera

"It's too much dad."

"No it's not, you're 18 years old, and I have missed too many birthdays... I got your sister the same ones in pink."

"Well as long as you kept it equal its perfect."

"This one is from your mom, we coordinated... or well she told me what colors to buy and bought you something to go along with them."

I unwrapped mom's gift and it was an engraved IPhone 3GS with a lime green case and photo albums... "She says now you have zero reason to not call, and somewhere to put all the pictures of senior year to look at with her."

"Wow... You guys really went all out..."

"Our kids only become adults once... We wanted to do it right... Gee you're getting old..."

"I'm 18... it's not that old..."

"I don't know son... is that a gray hair???" Dad said and ran his hand thru my messy hair

"What!? No way..." he burst out laughing, "Real funny, and you wonder why I don't like you very much." I said jokingly and we gave a small hug

Edward picked me up for school that morning...

"Good morning Chief Swan..." Charlie only grunted in response

"Dad, what did I tell you?!"

"Morning Cullen."

"Fair enough" I said and came out of my bedroom decked out in some of my best clothes... even though I hated my birthday before I started dating an immortal being, and hate it more now, doesn't mean I didn't wanna look nice."

"You look sensational." Edward said with a small gasp

"Thank you." I blushed

"Bella, you want to ride with us??!" I called to her

"I'm okay with the truck... Happy Birthday!"

"Fuck you!" I thought... "Thanks You too boo!"

Edward and I walked to his car, ever the gentleman he opened my door for me then sped over to his side and started the car

"Charlie seems more friendly than usual."

"He's not convinced you didn't push me down the stairs I supposedly fell down..."

"I see... hopefully he'll come around..."

"This may seem like an odd question... but do you show up in pictures?"

"Why would you ask me that...?"

"It's an old vampire legend, that you could always know a vampire because they wouldn't show up in pictures..."

"Give it a go." Edward said

"Alright..." I said a little nervously and snapped a picture of him driving


"You're there... and even more shockingly gorgeous than you are in person."

"You are the gorgeous one." Edward said and softly grasped my hand with his cold as ice hand. I had grown accustomed to his touch."

We reached school and my new camera got passed around, everyone was snapping pictures of us all together... Edward was just watching, until finally Angela spoke up, "Edward get in a picture with us..." She said it so forcefully he obliged and stood next to me for the photo op

"Now one of just the two love birds..." Jessica said

"Okay..." I said and I looked into Edwards eyes sensing his discomfort, "Just one... it's my birthday..."

"Anything for you, regardless of your birthday." Edward said and kissed my forehead FLASH. They had snapped a picture... "Let's do it." Edward said and wrapped his arms around me from behind me I smiled, I knew it must be a huge genuine smile and they took the picture. "Someone's looking for you..." Edward whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek

"Bennett..." I heard a voice say, it wasn't all that familiar but I still knew who it was

"Jake? Oh wow... Jake!" I gave him a small hug.

"Happy birthday Bennett."

He was huge, just as tall as me and had to be about double my size in terms of musculature.

"I feel I should probably be the one to tell you, anabolic steroids are very bad for you... and your junk..." I smiled, "How did you know it was my birthday?" "Charlie told my dad, my dad told me... the old grapevine never fails... those two gossip like old ladies, and by the way, my change wouldn't seem so drastic if you ever hung out with me anymore..."

"I'm sorry... You should transfer schools..."

"No worries, and no thanks I prefer the exclusivity of the res school, they let any old riff raff in here... but regardless I got you something..." Jake said holding up something

"It catches bad dreams... a dream catcher.."

"It's beautiful... it's perfect actually... thank you." I said hugging him once more, he was my own body temperature which was a far cry from my usual subzero lover, it felt really nice though... almost too nice."

"Hello Jacob..." Edward said and I could hear the jealousy in his voice

"Cullen..." Jake said, "As I was saying, happy birthday..." Jake said and kissed my cheek..." I heard a collective gasp from my group of friends, and saw Edwards eyes enrage

"Jake you need to leave now..." I said wiping my cheek where he'd kissed me, he looked hurt

"You know where to find me." Jake said and walked away... I turned to Edward,

"I would say breathe but since you don't need to I'll just say, imagine happy thoughts... and calm down baby, calm down, I know you want to rip his throat out, but that's what he wants..."

"You're right... thank you..." Edward said and hunched his shoulders

"Jacob Black is the sort of boyfriend you should have..."

"Well when have I ever gone by what I SHOULD have?" I asked as we passed my friends who still stood there unmoving.

"That's true." Edward said and we walked towards out first class of senior year

We were watching some stupid Shakespearean movie, so we were just talking, "I've been meaning to ask, why are you so hesitant to talk about James?"

"Because it reminds me of what I almost did."

"What do you mean...?" "When I sucked the poison out of you, if I hadn't been able to stop, I would have killed you... I would have been the one responsible for your death, and I would not have been able to live with myself, I was considering suicide... its so easy for you humans, a knife the heart, poison... but for... someone like me... it's not so simple..."

"What do you mean, what would you have done?"

"I would have gone to Italy, and provoked the Volturi, they are like the leaders of vampires, if I revealed myself to the humans they would kill me... the same way we killed James."

"You can't think like that..."

"I couldn't live in a world where you don't exist Bennett... I wouldn't...

In the hallway after class Alice jumped over the stairs yelling for me, "Happy Birthday Bennett..." She said kissing me on the cheek and handing me a clothing box from Saks


"Don't argue I've already seen your reaction and you love it, you're gonna wear it tonight, our place at seven..."

I felt the surge of the need for a birthday party, "Sure, why not..."

"GREAT! Seven, our place!" Alice squealed, I suddenly felt normal

"JASPER! That is not fair!"

"All's fair in love and war Bennett, and trying to stop Alice from throwing a party... well that's a war... by the way Happy..." I eyed him daringly, "Nevermind."

"So why does everyone even Jacob Black get to give you a present and I don't..."

"Because every moment I spend with you is more precious than any gift you could buy me."

"Well I'm going to give you it anyway..."

"Fine... its only fair I suppose..."

"It's the one thing I have of my fathers..."

Edward produced an onyx ring from his chest pocket and fitted it on my right ring finger, "Just like I thought, it's a perfect fit..."

"Edward, you can't give me this... it was your fathers..."

"And his specific instructions when he gave it to me on my seventeenth birthday was that I should give it to the most important person in my life... a woman would wear it around her neck, but seeing as I fell for a guy, it works as a ring."

"Thank you..." I said and we continued on with our day

It wasn't long before I was wearing a perfectly tailored suit and Edward was to be picking me up for my birthday party

"You look amazing..." Bella said from my doorway, "What's the occasion?" She jokingly said with a half smile and sat on my bed

"Edward's sister is throwing me some ridiculous birthday celebration, and I guess it's a black tie affair... I hate ties..." I said and took off the tie and undid the top button, and funked up my hair a bit

"Much more you..." She said, "That suit looks... like really expensive..."

"Alice buys a lot of clothes, you two are roughly the same size, you should become her bff or something..."

"I'll get right on that..." Bella said before walking out

"How bad could it be..." I said to nobody and looked in the mirror... Alice has taste I'll give her that.


Edward concluded his guided tour for me, "You wore the ring..." he said and I saw a smile threatening the corner of his mouth

"Of course I did, you got it for me, but I brought you something."

"Why would you do that, it's your birthday..."

"I know, but this was too good." I said and pulled out a gift bag

"Alright, let's see."

"Our first picture together." I said as he pulled out the newly framed picture, he was holding me from behind and the memory from the school day made me smile, almost as big as we were in the photo.

"You look so happy..." Edward said in a breathy voice

"Of course I do, I'm with you... I love you..." I said... It was the first time I'd said it to him

"I love you... Forever." Edward responded and we shared a tender kiss, Edward became a little more insistent, "mmm..." I was melting and my legs buckled

"Wow... Talk about weak knees..." I said breathlessly as Edward effortlessly lifted me off the floor

"Indeed... They are ready for you." Edward said as we made our way down the hallway and to the glass staircase

"Happy birthday Bennett!" Alice said snapping a picture, "I hope you don't mind I found this in your bag."

Lots of pictures were taken and we as in I had a nice meal and then I ate a piece of cake, it was strange celebrating a birthday where I was the only person consuming any of the food, the cake was almost too beautiful to eat, but Alice insisted so I gave in compliments of Jasper I assume

"Time to open presents..."

"Wait.. no presents..." I said

"Here!" Alice said handing me an intricately wrapped present that was obviously a jewelry box, "It's from Rosalie."

"It's a necklace, Alice picked it out." Rosalie said bitterly

"Thanks guys." I said and took a look, it was a nice chain necklace very shiny and pretty

"Me next!" Emmett said excitedly

"Alright" I said with a giggle and unwrapped what felt like nothing

"A box..." I said with a smile

"To your new car stereo, already installed in your truck so you couldn't say no... Bella helped." Emmett said in his childlike way

"Thanks." I said noting Bella was in on this and to yell at her later

"Don't be too hard on her." Edward whispered to me.

"How did you...?"

"I know you."

"Esme and Carlisle next." Alice said

"You've been looking a little pale lately."

I opened the envelope and two tickets to Jacksonville were in it, "For you and Bella so you can go see your mother." Esme said I smiled and as I was sliding the tickets back into the envelope I cut my finger, "Ow! Paper cut..." I said and all of a sudden everything seemed to slow down, as Jasper began his charge, oh no...

Edward hit me and it felt like I was hit by a car I flew into the back wall knocking down a painting and onto the table breaking the table and my arm landed in a vase shattering it and I felt some pieces stuck in my arm, everything was a little fuzzy. I felt Carlisle appear by my side.

"It's not as bad as it looks... Alice I need my kit..."

"I'm sorry..." Alice said covering her mouth and nose, "I can't..."

"Edward you need to go talk to Jasper, you are the only one he'll listen to."

"Come on Bennett, we'll have to stitch this up in my office."

"Rose, Emmett, help me clean this up." Esme said as we walked back to Carlisle's office

He began by grabbing some sterile equipment, and removing the pieces of the vase from my upper arm, luckily I only had one deep gash the rest were just small pieces.

"How is it you are so able to be around human blood?" I asked breaking the silence

"I have had years, and years of practice, much more than the others, I always wanted to be a doctor, to help people, I was before I became this way, and I will always be, I could never harm a human, which is why I only convert the dying."

"So that's why you changed Edward, because you knew he'd die?"

"I had made a promise to his mother, to save him, no matter what, I still to this day feel she knew more than she let on, as though she somehow knew what I was, the only thing I can't understand is why she would want me to do this to her son, the change isn't exactly painless, although I feel like I can tell you, in reference to my wanting to help people, it required me to be around their blood and ignore the thirst, and eventually the desire faded, I no longer feel the urge to drink human blood, and seeing as I want to help people even if I am damned, I can't very well harm them."

"Carlisle... you could never be damned, you just couldn't, you are too special, and to much of a good soul."

"A soul, that is what Edward believes we lack."

"I can see one, in each of you, a soul is something you maintain by the choices you make, you made the choice to help people, and for that you spared many human lives you could never be damned, ever." I said not realizing my hand was on his cheek. As I looked into his amber eyes and he looked into mine, I gave him the green light subconsciously and he leaned forward kissing my lips I was so taken in, I felt him pull down my suit pants and underwear, he unzipped his fly and pulled out his rock hard cock, it was smaller than Edwards but I didn't care about that at the moment, he spit on his hand and rubbed my hole, and spit a generous amount onto his cockhead and gently thrust forward breaching my hole on the first try it felt so good, I had never felt so good on initial penetration, I moaned quietly and slid forward taking more of Carlisle into me, and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed mine, and sucked very gently so he wouldn't mark me, he was being so careful and deliberate in each movement it was as though he was a human lover, no visible restraint being made, just shear enjoyment.

He pushed me back so I was on his examining table, cock still inside me as he climbed on top of me gracefully, and repositioned so we were in missionary position, he gazed into my eyes and kissed me once more I returned the kiss, and he unloaded inside me, it was such a different experience from Edward, it felt somehow better, maybe because of experience, I don't know, but Carlisle making love to me on that examination table was probably the best sex I'd had so far.

As we got cleaned up, Carlisle spoke first. "Edward can't know."

"Do you think I want him to find out?" I asked

"Of course not." Carlisle responded and looked at me, "I hope you don't feel as though I took advantage of you."

"I wanted it too, but it's not my mind Edward can read, so you are the one that needs to be careful with your thoughts."

"Edward doesn't read my thoughts, out of respect..."

"Well be sure not to think about this too much, because if someone thinks about something enough Edward picks up on it."

"I'll keep that in mind, would it be awful of me to say you are the best sex I've had in all my life, mortal included?" Carlisle asked

"Not at all, you were my best too, and Edward definitely can't find out about that."

"Agreed, let's get back to what's left of the evening."

The rest of the evening was a bit of a blur, Carlisle and I kept stealing glances, and the occasional wink to the quickie nobody could find out about.

Edward drove me home that night in my truck, his Volvo was waiting at my place

"Dad and Bella are out tonight, do you want to come inside?"

"For a little while." Edward replied in a grim way

"Kiss me." I said as we stood outside my house

He did so and I felt my legs buckling, "Let's go to my room." I said and we went while I changed Edward sat on my bed

I came out in my pajamas, "What's wrong."

"Nothing, nothing at all, is there anything you want before your birthday is over?" Edward asked

"Now that you mention it, there is one thing I want..." I said looking at his crotch

"I thought we decided that we wouldn't do that."

"No you decided, I want it, and it is my birthday..."

"I don't want to." Edward said

"Alright, we don't have to." I said and climbed into my bed huffed and closed my eyes. No wonder I slept with your dad. I thought to myself

The next day Edward was not in school, I went through my whole day wondering where he was and what he was doing, I texted Alice, no response

I drove home after school and there he was, "Take a walk with me." He said and nodded towards the woods, we went into the woods and began our walk, it was getting kind of cold, we stopped in a clearing, "We have to leave Forks."

"Okay, well let me get some stuff together and we'll go... wait when you say we you mean..."

"My family and myself, we are leaving today..."

"Today...? What? This is about the party and what happened..."

"It's something I always thought might happen, with Jasper, he attacked you, I can't keep putting you in danger for such selfish purpose."

"Newsflash accidents happen and you can't protect me from them, I could get hit by a car tomorrow, and then where would I be!?"

"I have to go..."

"I'm coming with you."


"You don't.. want... oh my god."

"You just aren't good for me Bennett."

"You mean not good enough for you, if this is about my soul take it, I don't want it without you."

"Its not about your soul, I just don't want to be with you any more."

"So when you said you loved me?"

"I was saying what you needed to hear, you humans are so easy to convince, throwing around the word love in such a meaningless fashion."

"Meaningless?!..." I gasped as the tears started my stomach was in knots, "That changes things, it changes things a lot."

"I'll make you this promise, it will be as though I never existed, you'll easily forget about me, I'm sure a slut like you will find someone more willing to give you what you really want." I was at a loss, I was crying, "Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid or reckless."



He walked away, "I didn't get to say anything, EDWARD." I called and began to run after him, I ran through until darkness fell, and I tripped over a tree root, I was completely cold, exhausted, confused, and sad. I curled up into a ball and laid there crying my eyes out. Eventually I fell asleep and as I was going in and out of consciousness I heard an animal, I couldn't awaken or move, soon I felt myself moving, but went totally unconscious

"He's alright." An unfamiliar voice said,

"Thank you God." I heard my father, "I'll take him from here Sam." Charlie said I could feel him exerting a fair amount of effort as compared to the effortless arms of the unknown man, my hero, now known as Sam.

I was laid down on the couch, "What was he doing out there?"

"I heard that the Cullens left town today, perhaps the boy came to say goodbye?" Harry Clearwaters voice came

"And left him in those woods alone, I'll kill that bastard."

"The Cullens are gone, the house is empty, but not sold, maybe they are planning on coming back." Another unfamiliar voice said

"Let's hope not, we'll leave now and let your boy get some rest." Billy said

Three Months Later

I was kind of zoned out the next few months, I wasn't clinical or anything, I just didn't care, you know, the way a lot of people do after a nasty break up, I mean this wasn't like hey let's be friends, this was, fuck you and your slutty self. His words, were so intent... intent.. intent... maybe... whatever I can't think like that he's gone and everyone is losing patience with me, maybe its time to pull myself up, "Hey Jessica, what do you say to a movie?"

"Who is this?"

"Oh sorry it's Bennett, Yeah Bennett Swan ha-ha, so what do you say, Zombie flick tonight?"


That night we drove to the city and I got us tickets to the movie, "I was pretty surprised you called, everyone was really like worried about you, you kinda like, sorta disappeared on us..."

"Yeah sorry about that, it was just really hard."

"I like totally get it, but some of the others, like didn't get it, you know you were like dating the hottest guy in the whole school, you can't really top him."

We sat through a lovely two hours of blood and gore, it was glorious... as we were walking I saw some guys outside the biker bar on their bikes, for some reason I was drawn to them, I don't know why, time for a hookup?

"Hey you!" one of them said, a younger one, with a scruffy look, he was probably 23 or 24 definitely a far cry better looking than the other guys

"What are you doing?" Jessica asked

"I think I know those guys..." They reminded me of the guys that were there the night Edward saved me from being a party favor

I pointed to myself and the guy yelled, "yeah you, come take a ride baby."

He was rude, lewd and absolutely not the kind of guy you ever approach, sleeve tattoos, and gauged ears, I could tell under his cheap leather jacket and ripped jeans he was a hottie with a body the bad boy type, very appealing after Edward

"He seems great, but we need to go."

"I'll just be one second..." I said and began walking towards the cute one, he looked like the type of guy you'd see doing porn and riding the Harley his well used body parts earned the money for but I wasn't in this for the long haul.

"Turn around." I heard Edward say as he appears in front of me, I stumble "WHOA."

He disappears, and I continue walking, "so you want a ride?" he had beer breath, with a hint of Jack, ugh, "Sure" I said and straddled his back, "Please don't." I saw Edward again, "You left me remember." I said back

"You say something there?"


"Then hold on." He said and we were off, it was such a rush the wind the fast pace of your heart racing, it was such a turn on, we fucked in the alley, with protection of course I don't know where this guys been, and he pulled out and came on my ass cheeks.

"Here." He said and cleaned me off with a bandana he threw it in the garbage can I'd been bent over

"By the way, I'm Jason Spencer, I go to your school." Shit

"Hi, I'm..."

"I know who you are, that's why I called you over, I didn't realize I'd score though."

"Look, I'm not normally one to do this, but..."

"Your boyfriend left town, I get it, you were just getting in a hookup to get over him, it's fine, its not like I have a chance with you under normal circumstances, let's face it, I'm not exactly the kind of guy, a guy like you is gonna bring home to meet the Chief of Police father."

"I guess not, but Jason, you're only as bad as you choose to be, that's a lesson I learned recently." I said and he looked at me questioningly, "what?"

"I know this was probably just a one time deal, so would it be too much to ask if I could kiss you?"

"I suppose a kiss couldn't hurt." I said and he leaned forward, and gave me one of the best kisses I've ever had I felt his tongue ring on my tongue and broke the kiss.

"You must have a pretty good fake id... could you hook me up?" I asked

"One condition..." He said

"That is?"

"Go out on a date with me."


"Yes, that's my condition, fine but get me back to my friend, I've been gone for like almost 20 minutes."

"Hop on." He said and we went back to Jessica

"What the hell was that?!" She yelled at me as we walked away from him

"That was Jason Spencer..." I said

"Wait, like the same one that goes to our school?"

"Yeah, I knew I knew him from somewhere."

"Oh, okay then, he is really hot, but definitely not the kind of guy you're gonna bring home to meet Chief Swan."

"He asked me out."

"Really?! He doesn't date... he's a certified player."

"Well he asked me out after we hooked up so I guess if he's playing me I'll find out soon enough."

"Wait, you fucked him? You were only gone for twenty minutes..."

"That honey is why its called a quickie."

"You get all the hot ones, even if he is kinda scummy."

"I don't know, take those over sized earrings out wash his hair, shave his face, change his clothes, and we've got ourselves a regulation hottie."

"How was he?"

"Not that good." I said, that was his drawback, not a very good fuck

"Aw, really, size?"


"Workable...?" She asked

"Maybe, I just don't know if that's a road I wanna cross, or am ready to."

I was out drinking all the next week with Jason, we were becoming really good friends, he was always there for me, he even held me a couple nights when I was crying in my sleep.

"How can you stand being around someone like me?" I asked him

"I could ask you the same question hon." He responded

"You are a good person, so you ride a Harley and wear ripped pants, doesn't mean you're not a nice guy."

"I'm sure you've heard about my past." He said

"Yeah so what, we didn't exactly meet in the most traditional setting nor did we get to know each other before having sex, so I can't really hold your past against you now can I."

"I haven't done all of the things they say."

"Everyone exaggerates, I don't care."

"You are becoming a good friend of mine, I don't have a lot of real friends." Jason said.

"Me neither, just a few... You shaved?" I just noticed his face

"Yeah, you kept getting mad about my beard when we would cuddle, so I shaved it all off for you."

"Jason... this.. .isn't a relationship, you don't have to do those things for me, you know that right?"

"I know, I want to though, its been great seeing you smile, remember, I saw you so miserable for all those months, oh and while you were sleeping a Jacob Black called you, I answered and told him you were napping but would call him back as soon as your woke up, so don't make me a liar now." Jason said and went to wash the dishes

"Hey Jake."

"Hey Ben, so Charlie told me you were planning on coming to see me today, was he pulling my leg?"

"No, I actually have a little surprise for you."

"Sweet, can't wait. See you soon."

"You call him?"

"Yeah I did, I'm gonna head over there I think.

"Okay, well let's have lunch at school tomorrow... together?"

"Why do you like me?" I asked

"Cause you get me bud, and not a lot of people do, date whoever you want, but you've become my best friend, and I don't wanna lose you."

"You're not going to lose me." I said and hugged him goodbye

"Are those scrap metal bikes the surprise?" Jason asked me

"Yeah, Jake's kind of a mechanic, it'll give us a project."

"Yeah, I ride em, don't build em. Check you later bud."

I drove over to Jakes and when I got there I was in awe yet again, he somehow seemed even bigger than before, he hugged me in a bone crunching hug when he saw me, "I've missed you so much." He said with a smile as he brushed his long hair out of his face

"You're like way taller."

"Six foot six, guess I had a bit of a growth spurt."

"I see that, you make me feel short, and small."

"Compared to me you are." Jake said lightly slapping my arm

"I guess so, but I've told you before about those anabolics... but that's besides the point, I brought you a little something..." I said and pulled the cover off the bikes

"Wow... Scrap metal, you shouldn't have..."

"I figure they'd cost more to fix than their worth, but two handy guys, one of whom is a mechanic type might be able to do it for cheap."

"What the hell, why not..." Jake said and grabbed one of the bikes

"Careful they're a bit..." Damn he lifted it so effortlessly, "heavy..."

"Like I said, you are smaller than me now."

"I guess so." I was so turned on by that

"Wanna start now?" Jake asked

"Sure." I said and we got right to work disassembling the bikes

It was like this for the next few weeks, Jake and I were spending every waking moment outside of school working on the bikes.

"I think if we're gonna be doing this so often we should probably squeeze in some homework at some point, wouldn't want Billy to think I was a bad influence on you."

"You, a bad influence on me, please!"

"Okay virgin boy, let's play this game.."

"Ouch... that hurts..."

"Yeah so that right there, I've had sex so I am automatically the bad influence, I also have tattoos, a police record, drink, and have smoked pot, therefore with you being the straight edge kid here, two years my junior you are the impressionable one..."

"I guess you're right about that... what do you have a police record for?"

"Public drunkenness and lewd conduct, I was giving my ex road head and got caught."

"That's really hot..." Jake said and smiled at me, I returned the smile when two guys showed up

"Hey brother."

"Oh hey guys, Ben, this is Quill and Embry, you met them once before, at the beach."

"SO... the Bennett Swan, so you weren't lying..."

"About what?" I asked sitting on the counter near where Jake was working

"He told us you two have been hanging around..." Jake looked at me with pleading eyes

"Did he now? Well obviously that's no lie." I said eyeing Jake

"How about the part where you're his boyfriend?" Quill asked me

I looked at Jake and rolled my eyes, boys..."Um... look at me..." I said to Jake and motioned for him to come closer, "Not you."

"Oh I'm looking and I'm liking." Quill says suggestively

"Well you should probably stop checking out your friends boyfriend." I said with a wink at Quill

"So he wasn't lying!?"

"Not a bit." I said and opened my legs pulling Jake in between them and brought my face very close to his, "Don't get any ideas." I said quietly and put my thumbs on his lips and pressed my lips to my thumbs, amidst sounds of shock from the two boys, "We'll leave you two alone." They said and left, as they left I shoved Jake back

"You jerk, you're telling people I'm your boyfriend?!"

"I'm sorry Ben, I just, I wish you were, is that so bad?"

"You're damned right its bad, I don't want a boyfriend, I just need my best friend."

"I don't want to just be your friend."

"What do you want some benefits or something?" I asked

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Jake asked with a mildly disgusted look on his face

"What..." I said pulling down my track pants and turning around, "Are you saying you don't want me?"

"You know something, as much as I want you, I want all of you, not just a quick fuck in my garage."

"Well that's fine, I wasn't gonna give you anything anyway." I said and began to walk away, Jake lightly grabbed my arm

"You're not going anywhere." He said and pulled me back effortlessly and put me up on the counter with one hand... "Jake I'm telling you to stop now."

"You started this..." He said and dropped his shorts revealing the biggest dick I could have even imagined, it was well above proportion to his huge body, "I see your eyes, I know you want this as badly as I do."

"Jake, I do, but not here, not like this, I care about you too much to let you lose your virginity in a garage..."

"You're right." He said and pulled up his shorts, "I don't know what I was thinking, forgive me?" He asked.

"No doubt.."

I was zoning during lunch, thinking about my nightmares, and how much they stop whenever I'm with Jake or Jason, they make the bad things in my life seem miniscule, suddenly I was snapped out of it by Mike Newton, the pain in my backside, and not in the good way

"So Ben, now that you're like human again do you wanna go see a movie with me?"

"Not really Mike." I said and went back to zoning, snapped back realizing how bitchy that sounded, "Not that I don't really want to, but I have plans with my friend Jake we're going to see Face Punch, you and everyone else are welcome to come."

"Okay, sure..." Mike said, everyone confirmed they wanted to go."

Jake and I met up with Mike outside the theater. I went to buy the tickets, and when I came back you could cut the tension with a knife I walked next to Jake talking, trying to make Mike feel as unwelcome as possible, I really didn't like that guy and the way he keeps leading on my friend when he's obviously at least bi and into me.

I was watching the pointless blood and gore flying around the screen and noticed that both of their hands were in that awkward hold my hand position, so I grabbed both of them and put them into each others hand, once they both realized what I did they pulled back their hands so quickly...

"Not funny..." Jake said to me quietly in my ear

"I thought it was." I said back and laid on his shoulder, I noticed he was hard, so I snaked my hand into Jakes fly, glancing over to make sure Mike was watching the movie

"What are you doing?" Jake asked me nervously

"Making your cinematic experience memorable." I said with a small lick to his ear he moaned softly luckily there was nobody but us three in the theater, I picked a movie that had been out a while cause I was GOING to give Jake his first blowjob, but Mike Newton ruined it.

"I'm gonna be sick..." Mike said and bolted from the theater

"Weakling..." Jake moaned

"Liking that?" I asked him...

"Its so good."

"You'll like this even better..." I said and lifted the arm rest and began to suck on the huge head of Jakes enormous cock

"Come home with me..." I said


"I want to make you feel good..." I said


"Yeah let's ditch Newton." I said and we left the theater

We left the movie theater and got into Jakes car taking off for my house... was I really going to do this...?

To Be Continued...

So I had to spice things up a bit cause god knows nobody would have stayed totally faithful once he left, but I thought the Carlisle thing would be kind of a hot touch too to make it seem like a less "cookie cutter" romance

Next: Chapter 4

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