Twilight in the Afternoon

By Justin Balancier

Published on Sep 21, 2021


"Twilight in the Afternoon"

This story is fiction, resemblance to persons and places, is coincidental.

The faculty, at the school where Kevin Harmon teaches, is a melting pot of diversity. Instructors are tall and short, thin and fat, and numbered in all ages, young and old. Kevin, a junior faculty member, is the youngest, at twenty-seven and teaches creative writing.

He looked about the room to determine, `who was who,' in his class. There were male students, with snarky faces, not interested in creative writing. He knew they were there for extra credit, so they could play sports. It happens often and Keven has become used to it.

What amazed him, was a young man by the name of Joel, who spoke with an accent. He though..."Spanish," but, the accent was "French."

A week later, the accent was gone. Joel was practicing a French accent, every day, in preparation for the senior play. Indeed, they all find their way into creative writing, although this wannabe actor was an exception.

Joel, an impressive gay teen, processed the sensitivity for writing. They got along fine, as teacher and student, actually, more than fine. Joel was eighteen, outspoken, with qualities for a loving relationship. Kevin Harmon, at twenty-seven, could not allow a relationship beyond the classroom. Believe me it was tough.

The academic year flew by like spider man. Exams were in four weeks, followed by graduation on Saturday, the second week of June.

Kevin Harmon stood in front of his senior writing class doling out an assignment.

"All year long, you have faced the challenge of a blank piece of paper. As a team, we wrote stories, `jam-packed' with creative thoughts, on a single topic. By writing well, you speak well, which benefits you're seeking employment or conversing on a college campus." He told the class.

"Yawl sayin, we is smart, Mr. Harmon; shouted Nicky Russo, the class clown. Nick was forever spewing words and disruptive, but wrote surprisingly well.

"That is correct, Mr. Russo. Although, not so sure about you, - "y'all!"

The class giggled. Kevin giggled too.

It was a pleasurable group and the students loved and respected Kevin Harmon. He was their collaborator and teacher. I'm sure being young, friendly, and sexy had a lot to do with it.

"As I was saying," Continued Kevin, "this time, you decide. Write something you enjoy, or something you would like to do. Approach with a thought or a plan and keep it simple. It can be anything you have thought about, or working towards, either now, or in the future." Kevin instructed.

"How many words does it have to be," asked Jamal, a wise guy athlete? He would copy and paste something obvious from the internet. The question was meaningless, but Jamal liked asking questions and being noticed.

"I am not limiting you to the number of words. The object of this assignment is to determine how you form sentences. "Just write a paragraph or two, keeping it direct and well written. There is no right, or wrong answers. I am interested in seeing what you have learned.

A few seconds later, after the ringing of the freedom bell, scores of students crowed the halls once again. "Quittin time," they shouted.

"Hi Joel, are you coming to the party tonight," swooned a bimbo bleached blond jamming books into her locker."

"Sure," replied Joel walking without out as much as a glance her way.

"She likes you," said Jackson, his only gay friend, trying to keep up with him. Joel did things quick and fast including walking.

"She likes `Mr. Dick,' is what she likes," replied Joel.

""Dick who?"

"The dick between my legs," bragged Joel.

"Hell, I like that `choker,' too. Can't say the bitch, hasn't got good taste!" said Jackson chuckling.

"I wish Harmon thought that way. It's all bullshit; you can't know what people are thinking. I say, he is available," confessed Joel.

"Dream on – you're cool, but not that lucky, – keep wishing.

Nothing more was said and they left the building into the bright sunlight. There were a scattering of students around. They seemed to disappear as quickly as they hit the street.

"Gotta split, – today I am the towel princess," said Jackson. I gather wet towels, from naked showered bodies. - `Whoosh'... "I feel pretty."

Jackson would love to have a hidden camera, in the locker room. It was gay nonsense.

"Queer fuck," mumbled Joel.

The day was gorgeous. It looked like twilight in the afternoon, with help from the leaves on the trees, casting a shadow streaked with rays of sunshine running through it.

Joel, a bit of a dreamer, rested against the building, with his arms folded. His slim – trim on time' body, allowing his cock to bulge, was a game he played for attention. He did not play football, but ran track; however, it was naked, in the locker room, where the little dicks,' took notice, of Joel boy's luscious gift from Mother Nature.

Joel was eighteen, believing he was smarter than other teenagers were at eighteen. He was gay, but not in any closet, nor in your face either. He was a young man who thought he knew it all.

He knew most students. The girls giggled a lot. The boys were `cool,' hanging out in groups of sport jocks. He didn't care for any of them.

Joel chuckled silently, wondering how many of these `shit-heads' would end up being politicians or sluts.

"Do you need a lift someplace, Joel?" – It was Mr. Harmon.

"Naw, I was just thinking about your assignment." Joel immediately realized, that a lift, would have meant being alone with Kevin, but he blew it. Now, it was too late.

"What's to think about; it isn't due until a week from today? You won't have any problem you are creative – just write about it."

"Are these essays confidential? One never knows, what some `dip stick,' is going to write about. It could be sexual thoughts."

"Are you asking for yourself?"

"Not necessarily... um - okay, yes, I am asking for myself," confessed Joel.

"Anything you write stays with me. I am not suggesting sexual thoughts. I am interested in only the writing, not your fantasies," he said, flashing a wide smile and a wink, before walking away.

"OMG, thought Joel. His teeth are beautiful and Mr. Harmon winked at me." This may sound trivial, but to Joel it was a big deal. He believed that Mr. Harmon was flirting with him. He was sooo hot.

Kevin Harmon kept to himself and Joel didn't know if he was married, engaged, or visiting from the planet Jupiter. He knew he was completely his type, not set with muscles, only solid hunks of man flesh. His hair was short sandy brown with matching beard. His green eyes had a numbing affect like Novocain... a guaranteed hard on, every time.

The following day in class, Mr. Harmon talked again, about the assignment.

"I neglected to mention yesterday, that anything you write for this assignment stays confidential; so pour out your thoughts and create with feeling, fun, or just plain gusto.

"Any questions?" continued Mr. Harmon.

"No questions."

While erasing the black board, Joel watched Harmon's fierce sculptured body. His cock was hard looking at him, just as it was every day, before the bell rang. He knew what he wanted to write.

Kevin Harmon had a body made for comfort at twilight time, and Joel was going to expose it all on paper. He decided to practice a `ground plan,' for his composition.

He wrote" (just practicing)

"There are probably a dozen way to describe, how I feel, it so I won't even try. However, there is a way to describe our first night in bed together. It was a passionate scene of cuddling, kissing and lovemaking. My teacher gave me an overwhelming explosion, to the point of trembling; when his lips devoured my cock."

"Everything came out fine - loads released - lips chapped - cocks sucked, and bodies licked. The balance of the universe restored and all is right with the world! I am leaking, writing and thinking about it."

Joel stopped and looked, at what he had written... "Naw, it's `overkill' and pretty awful. - How about this?" He wrote...

"There comes a time when everybody thinks they are right; I know I am correct, so don't fuck with me. You're gonna love today's confession that is surprisingly painless, from a gay student putting his thoughts on paper."

"The class has left and I am alone with the teacher. I feel warm in sensual places on my body. A stiff prick, is what, I have. The room is colorful, but color is unimportant to me; I must be a geek. How I wished the door was locked."

"I long for an older person, beautifully mature and educated. How does one apologize for wanting something like that? I don't think you do."

"The shades are drawn. The teacher is leaning on his desk and pressed against me. Our eyes meet and the invisible vibration of our hearts are leading us down a path panting, touching and kissing. I think my heart is about to jump out of my chest," - he writes...

"What do you want from me, Joel?" the teacher breathes in my ear.

"I have no agenda, but getting my lips around this could be a real possibility, I say nervously brushing my hand across the front of his protruding pants. Cock is not to be looked at, it is to be used," I tell him.

"I don't decide anything. I wait for it to happen." The teacher replies.

"That is selfish. I am so close to you and yet so far away."

"I know – I am very selfish, but not against sharing my load with you," He admits.

We kiss. "Oh shit – I am dying here; how can anyone be so lucky? I am beside myself going from zero to hero with just one kiss."

Joel stopped writing and scratched his ear.

Harmon will know I am talking about him. He re-read what he had written. Joel was smart enough to realize that, we don't know, what we don't know.

He was optimistic that Harmon was gay; being comfortable around him seemed so logical.

He printed a hard copy of what he had written and studied it, looking for errors.

"Fuck it! The complete message is probably an error; I am turning it in anyway, just as I wrote it."

"Kevin Harmon has to know sometime – then again, maybe he shouldn't."

Thanks for reading part 1 of the story. If you like where this is going, let me know, I appreciate your comments. - ALSO, please keep Nifty in mind. I know you read this often. It is costly for Nifty to keep you updated and supplied with free stories from all around the world. It's fun reading and although time consuming, fun to write. - THANKS

Next: Chapter 2

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