Twenty Years

By Alain Mahy

Published on Apr 3, 2020


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The days following our visit to Snowway, we felt ... how would I put it?... Lighter? Probably it is the best word to describe it. Carefree would be another one and happier would certainly define our state of mind as well. The two bottles of the river water were soon empty as well and we actually felt cleaner inside. I know... I know... it seems weird to say so, but it was the exact feeling we had. Mike tried once again to open the page we had visited, but the same error came on the screen. Laura came by and before we said anything, she looked at us.

-What happened to you two? You are both glowing as if you had won the lottery!

Mike and I both went to the mirror, but didn't see anything in particular, but Laura insisted. We told her our day at Snowway, without entering in details about the sexual part of it. She was stunned and couldn't believe what we were telling her, although she knew we wouldn't lie about it. We could admit it was hard to believe. Telling people you received energy from a rock in the middle of a clearing in the woods, was not the most common story you heard. Fortunately, it was Laura who had told us about the web page where we found the information, so she was not as incredulous as most people would be and of course, she saw the results in front of her eyes.

We had the doctor's appointment. Mike went directly to lay on the examination table and the tube with camera went into his mouth. I followed it once again on the monitor. The examination was thorough and took more time than the other examinations he had performed on the previous appointments.

-Sorry that it took longer than the other times Mike and now you can talk to me directly, not with pen and paper. I guess that you followed my orders quite strictly, isn't it?

-Yes, Doctor, he said with a very clear voice.

The doctor had a surprised oof on his face.

-What else did you take as medicine?

-Nothing at all Doctor, just the ones you prescribed.

-There are two things that surprise me and that I don't understand. First of all, I am surprised that your voice is so clear. Normally seen, after leaving the vocal cords rest for several weeks, I have never heard anyone talking so clearly and you don't even seem to have problems to talk at all.

-No, Doctor, Mike said. I didn't even know I would have problems starting to talk again. You even mentioned in a previous visit that I would probably have to see a speech therapist. What you say now, does it mean I won't have to see that therapist?

-You certainly won't, that's obvious to me. The second thing I don't understand, and it is why this examination took longer, is that I don't find the slightest trace of the nodules that were there before, absolutely nothing. It is a good news of course, but it is really strange they disappeared completely in a week time as I saw them clearly last week. The antibiotics worked well, but I didn't expect them to work that well in such a short period of time. There is no need for you to come back anymore, except if you feel pain or have problems talking.

Running ahead of the story, we never had to see the doctor again for Mike's throat. He advised Mike not to force his voice for another week, but he could talk all he wanted. We went home and on the way, Mike talked like never before, using a hundred words per second, as if he wanted to say all the things he had not been able to say in that month of silence. Oh how I had missed his voice. I had a sudden idea.

-Do you think it is the water of the river that healed you so quick?

Mike looked at me as if I had said something of total nonsense, but thinking about it he slowly realized it was not nonsense. I reminded him that when we were filling our bottles at the river, he had rinsed his mouth and throat several times and that in the following days he had drunk almost the two bottles on his own.

-That can't be, can it? It was just clear water, nothing else...

-Are you convinced about what you are saying? You have to admit that the whole place had some magic. I am sure you remember how we felt when we touched the rock, how are kisses were, how we made love in a very unusual way. Why wouldn't it be possible that the magic of that rock was also to be found in the water of that river? Have you ever seen any water that crystal clear in any other part?

Mike was suddenly deep in thoughts, trying to answer the questions I had just outed. For me, it was almost obvious that that water had a magical effect and had done a lot of good to Mike's throat. I am not a doctor, but the mysterious way in which the nodules on his vocal cords had disappeared, had no other explanation.

-If it is really like that, Mike said, we have to go back as soon as possible. Don't think I am foolish, but if the influence of the magic of the rock expands to the river, I think we should go back and show some gratitude. I know it sounds stupid to go and say thank you to a rock of thank you to a river, but I feel we should do it.

I agreed wholeheartedly and we returned to that sacred place the very next day. We carried various glass bottles with us. It would be heavier than the plastic ones, but we felt it was better and certainly worth it. The three hour hike was easier this time as we exactly knew where we were heading, but most of all it was because of the anticipation of what we were going to find. Before heading towards the rock, we stopped at the river and drank of its water and thanked the river. We would fill the bottles on our way back. Even before we reached the clearing, we were walking hand in hand and we both had huge smiles on our faces.

The rock had like a luminous aura around it, gold colored and we could feel its warmth from a distance. Once we were at the foot of the rock, we undressed and hugged the rock, thanking it for its magic. Silly, isn't it? No, it isn't! Our whole relationship was based on Love, Trust and Respect and thanking that rock was showing it just that, plus a lot of gratitude coming straight from our hearts. We never lost physical contact with that magic stone, always touching it even if it was just with our hands, but most of the time we tried to have our complete body against it. Yes, we made love on that same spot. Just like the previous time, the kisses were really intense. The energy we felt was superior to anything we had ever felt before. We penetrated each other more than once and our orgasms were strong and fulfilling. Our lovemaking took hours and we surprised ourselves with our stamina. We couldn't get enough of each other. It was even better than when we made love the first time we were there.

It was again de setting sun that warned us it was time to go down again. We dressed, hugged the rock and thanking it once again for everything it had given us. At the river we drank quite a lot of water and filled our bottles. Just as before, we thanked the river for its generosity and walked back to the car, holding hands. In the car, Mike had this crazy idea he mentioned.

-It would be interesting to find out who's the owner of this land and if it is for sale. Can you imagine what it would be to build a wooden house here and live close to that rock and the river?

I thought about it for a moment.

-I don't think it would be a good idea Mike. First of all we have to think why there is nobody living here yet. I don't think we are the only ones knowing the existence of this magic place. Why is it that nobody else had this idea before us? I am sure we are not the only ones feeling the rock's magic. The second thing is, and even more important, that we would directly disturb the peace around here. Yes, I imagine we would love it here, but what we love here most is that incredible feeling of peace and quiet. Coming here, building a house, having to build a kind of road to reach that house... I don't think it would be good for the surroundings. A third reason I can think of to not doing it, is the fact that if we buy this land, other people would not be able to reach the rock and that, my friend, would be really selfish on our part. We don't own the rock and the river. They are available to everyone who finds his way up here and enjoy what we have found.

-You are right, my love. It was silly of me to think that way, but I could only imagine what it would be to feel that incredible positive energy all day long.

-It would be quite extraordinary indeed, but then again, if you feel it every day it would not be extraordinary anymore. I think that any person who comes here, has to deserve what that rock is giving, even deserving it with a three hour hike. You know as well as I do that not everybody or anybody will find his way to the rock and the river. Don't ask me what we did to receive the necessary information, because I really don't know. What I do know is that we shouldn't talk too much about it with others. It may sound weird, but I think that the rock actually choses the people who will find their way to reach it. The only other person I would ever talk to about it, is Laura. She knows about the rock, she has seen the website that disappeared immediately after we saw it. Now, it is up to her if she wants to find her way. It will be her choice to `deserve' to find the place. Or was she just an intermediary so that the information would reach us?

-I don't know, but you could be right. If she ever wants to come up here, she will tell us and we can give her directions... Do you remember that the first time when we reached the rock, we couldn't move till we held hands. Laura, I suppose, would come here alone. Would she be able to come close to the rock? These are rhetorical questions of course, but I still wonder. I guess that all the people who reached the rock had a unique experience, just as we did.

-That is also one of the reasons I wouldn't talk about it with anyone at all! One question tough... Do you have the feeling that rock is talking to you?

Mike needed a bit of time to think about that. He didn't want to answer the question without being sure of what he was going to say.

-I don't know if talking is the right word for it. When I touch it, I feel so much energy and I would say I receive answers to questions I haven't even asked yet. My eyes are pulled open to a new dimension and my mind gets it all so clear that words are not necessary. If we change the question to: "Does the rock communicate with me?" I definitely have to say yes, but I won't call it `talking'.

-I understand what you mean and I agree communicate' is a better choice of words than talking'. I had that feeling of communication several times today. I had it in a lesser way during our first visit. But then again, the first time we didn't know what to expect. This time was like a new revelation. I even had the feeling, when I hugged the rock, there was a kind of heartbeat so to say. It could and probably was a reflexion of my own. Anyway, it gave me a feeling of love. Not a love like we have, more a universal love.

Whatever it was, I felt blessed and fortunate. First and foremost because I had Mike in my life. I had never thought our relationship would blossom like it did. I loved him every day a bit more. I couldn't imagine in my worst nightmares that he would not be at my side. And now we had this almost unrealistic experience that filled us both so completely, strengthening our bond, consolidating the feelings we had for each other. Even in my wildest expectations of only a few years ago, I had never imagined I would live such a wonderful life with somebody I deeply loved and shared everything I had and was. We experienced the miracle of love and absolute freedom, being able to talk about any and everything. We had a deep and profound respect for each other and didn't doubt an instant about our mutual trust. We communicated with words, we facts and with our eyes and there wasn't ever a misunderstanding. We felt so fortunate because when we looked around us, we didn't see that many people experiencing the same kind of relationship we had. We had wonderful friends and appreciated them at their right value, knowing what we could give them and what they were giving to us. All these elements together made me realize I had a very fulfilling and satisfying life and it was thanks to Mike as well. He always said that he was what I gave him, meaning that if I gave him love, he was lovely, if I gave him tenderness, he would be tender and so on. If I was indifferent, he wouldn't even talk to me, but that really happened only once when I was worried about a deadline I was afraid I would not be able to respect. He had it even tattooed on his wrist, although in Spanish: "Soy lo que tu me das". You could only see the tattoo if he took off his watch. Anyway, it defined him quite well. Mike had more tattoos and I loved them, in particular the one that starts a bit lower than his right armpit and goes down to his knee. It is an ethnic tattoo but in my opinion it is really sexy. I had the "tree of life" on my right upper-arm and over my shoulder. We are even thinking of having each half of a tattoo that together represent something, but apart have no meaning, indicating we belong with each other.

When we went to the SPA (it's a clothes optional one) we both get quite some looks, as well from women as from men and that is due to our tattoos. Ok, we have nice physics and that helps as well. The last time we went we got some stares from a guy who was literally drooling. We didn't do anything to attract his looking at us, but he did and seemed to be unable to look away. He didn't even tried to. In normal circumstances, at the SPA, we don't get hard. Most of the people there are naked and it is a very relaxed atmosphere. But with that guy looking at us, it brought our imagination working. I have to admit he was quite handsome as well. Mike and I didn't need any supplementary sexual activity and even less in a public space, but knowing that guy was staring at our bodies made us to get a little excited. We didn't have full hard-ons, but we were not flaccid either. We tried to avoid his stares because every time our eyes met, he had that enticing smile on his face. We had no idea what his intentions were. The SPA is known as gay-friendly but that didn't mean every guy in there was gay. There is a huge swimming pool with an even huger waterfall at the end and that's where we were, letting hundreds of liters of water fall over us. The guy that was looking at us from the moment we entered the SPA, swam over to us and said a friendly "Hi" that we answered equally. He introduced himself as Steve and Mike introduced us as well, insisting immediately that we were a committed and monogamous couple.

-I may have given you the wrong impression, Steve said, I am not gay. I was drooling over your tattoos. I am crazy about them and as it is my intention to have one myself, I wondered if I could take a closer look at yours.

We stepped out of the pool, dried ourselves and went to stand next to a huge window that gave on an interior garden and where the daylight entered. Steve first took a look at Mike's and wondered if it had any particular meaning.

-No, it hasn't, said Mike. It is just an extension of an original ethnic tattoo that I just loved. Normally seen it is just something like 30 centimeters high, but I wanted it to cover almost my complete right side of my body. I even have the intention of extending it more and make it go down to my ankle.

That tattoo has the traditional dark blue color of the basic ink, but filled in some open place with gradient red parts. Steve had many questions about how long it took to finish the work, the pain Mike had felt and so on. He then had a look at my tree of life on my upper arm, part fo my shoulder and falling leaves in the upper part of my chest. The questions were very similar. After that it was more small talk and we had to admit Steve was quite a nice and pleasant person. His conversation was interesting and in some subjects even passionate. We went to the bar to have some fruit juices and we went on talking as if we were longtime friends. We definitely liked him as a person. He mentioned he had paid his entrance for half a year and was to be found at this SPA every Friday from 4 o'clock on till 7 or 8pm. We would certainly think about that for our next visits as it was nice to have someone to talk to and maybe build up a nice friendship.

-The first time I came here, it was with my now ex-girlfriend. The relationship didn't last because of her almost sick jealousy. She couldn't stand it when I said I admired beauty in all its forms, being it a woman or a man. She was convinced that every time I looked at someone more than 2 seconds, it was with the intention to fuck that person. Despite my explanations, she left me saying she couldn't live with someone who looked at other people except her. One day, arriving home after my work, I found the famous "Dear-John-letter" and half the furniture gone. At first it was hard, but with time I realized I was better off without her. I kept coming to the Spa though. I just love it here as it is clothing-optional and the amenities are fabulous. If you haven't tried the Finish sauna or the Turkish Bath or steam-room, I advise you to do so. That is if you can stand the high humid temperature of the steam.

Unfortunately, Steve had to go. We exchanged cellphone numbers and promised to see each other again. We were not ready to go yet. We were intrigued by the Turkish Bath or steam room as Steve had advised. We hadn't tried it yet and we thought it was a good idea. For those of you that have never tried it, it is wonderful.

We entered the closed space of the steam room and couldn't see a thing. A heavy and very hot fog was filling the room. As it was a first for us, the humid heat got on our breath. It took us some time to get used to it, even sitting down a bit lower on the concrete and tilled benches. In no time we were sweating like never before. Steve had told us that sweating so profusely cleaned the pores of our skin and in a certain way we could, indeed, feel the sweat pushing out all the toxins out of our bodies. That first time, we didn't endure the heat more than five minutes. We almost ran out and to the showers to cool down. A lovely woman saw us coming out so quickly and apparently she had some experience with the steam room and gave us a few pieces of advice to enjoy it to the fullest. Our second session took a little over ten minutes and the third we were in that room for almost half an hour.

If we stayed in so long, it was because we firstly enjoyed it enormously, but also because we got so horny in that heat. Mike was the first one to put his hand on my thigh and caressed ti each time a bit higher, till he had his and in my crotch with the usual and desired effect that my manhood grew to full extend. There was no risk that anybody would catch us doing something like that, as the steam was hiding everything. You couldn't even see something that was right in front of your nose. Mike bent down and for the first time his mouth was cooler than the air that I breathed. The contrast was quite surprising but very pleasant to feel. Being in such a heated room, my heartbeat was faster and stronger than normal. My breathing was ragged and with the additional sexual excitement, I didn't even realize where I was. Mike forced me to lay down on the tilled bench and covered my body with his in a 69 position. It is superfluous to say it was very hot in every sense of the word and we really enjoyed it to the maximum. As always with Mike, I didn't want it to end and I longed to feel him inside of me. I pushed my finger between his ass-cheeks but without penetrating him. He knew that signal as me wanting him to top me. He stood up, pulled me with him and turned me facing the wall and standing behind me. With the steam and our sweat, our bodies were slippery and when his cock-head made its way to my hole, I relaxed my muscles as much as I could. Only a small thrust made him pass my sphincter muscle. He entered me slowly, holding me with his arms around my chest and belly, pinching my nipples and stroking my cock. My heartbeat got even faster and I just hoped I wouldn't faint. Even if I did, I knew my lover would do me a mouth to mouth breathing and that would wake me up. I felt his sweaty body against my back. I heard people coming in and going out of the steam room, but it didn't matter. Mike was in me and nothing or nobody would separate us and forbid us to fully enjoy the moment. I don't know if it was the heat, but I very soon felt my balls ready to unload. Mike was very close as well, I could feel it in his way of thrusting into me and accelerating the movements of his fist on my manhood. I was ready to explode when I felt the first spurt of semen in my ass. We orgasmed almost in unison with what was left of strength in this exhausting heat.

As soon as the last drops were out, we exited the steam room to hurry to the cold showers. That contrast gave us an extra energy boost and we let the fresh water take away all the toxins and our sweat. Feeling totally refreshed, we dried and had a last fruit juice before dressing and going home, promising ourselves to come to the SPA more often. Once outside and breathing the cool evening air, we heard our stomachs rumble. We went to our favorite restaurant just around the corner from my house, enjoying a fabulous dinner and a bottle of excellent Spanish wine. I tried not to eat to much as to keep some space for dessert. The speciality of the house was an authentic Italian Tiramisu that I could never resist. Once at home, we treated ourselves with a small Brandy before slipping between the sheets and sleep like babies.

The following weeks, we made it a habit to go to the SPA every Friday. We were glad to meet Steve each time and were always happy to see him. Seeing his reactions, he was happy, too. We often shared the experience of the steam room with him, without the sexual part, of course. We also discovered with him the Finish Sauna that we liked as well, but not as much as the Turkish Bath. Steve was someone who always had something to talk about and the hours at the SPA seemed each time shorter. It was of course because we had a very good time. During one of our meetings, we learned that Steve was a traveling agent and what he lived in his shop was short to unbelievable. The requests he got from time to time were just outrageous and total nonsense. He told us stories that were difficult to even imagine. He had worked years in tourism and encountered the most strange people. Some stories were just hilarious and others indignant to the highest level.

The weeks and months passed by far too quickly. We had the feeling that we had to love each other in a hurry! Mike and I had reduced the amount of work we had by being more selective in what we accepted. We wanted to enjoy life to the fullest and not work to the fullest. We were financially stable and had steady incomes. Since the early days of being together we had plans to travel, but apart from some city-trips, we hadn't done anything yet.

Before I realized it, it was Mike's birthday. I wanted to invite some people but sometimes it is really difficult to reduce the list. If I didn't restricted myself, I would have to do it in a restaurant or even a hotel with events rooms. I wanted to keep it cosy and do it at home. I made a first list and tried hard to keep it to a minimum, but still reached to about 50 people. I reduced it several times more, but couldn't get under the ten people. With my final list we were thirteen at the table. My God ! Thirteen ! I couldn't allow that, even if I knew it was a stupid superstition. I had to look through my list of bachelors ! My final decision was to invite Steve. He had become a real good friend and I didn't think he would have a problem being surrounded by a majority of gay people as there were only two straight couples among our best friends. I made the invitations and kept Steve as last for in case everybody accepted... and they all did, so I invited him and he accepted enthusiastically.

It was not going to be a surprise party. It was impossible to dress a table of fourteen people without Mike noticing it. The day of the party, the house was a beehive. A few friends had even come to give me a helping hand with all the preparations. It was around 2pm that I realized I had completely forgotten to buy a present for my loved one. I had absolutely no time at all to go shopping! The only idea that flashed through my head was to call Steve and ask him to make a nice paper that would be worth a travel with flights and hotels and all costs included for a week in Venice, Italy to be used at the most convenient time for Mike (and me hehehe). He had often mentioned it as something he wanted to do. Fortunately he said there was no problem at all and that he would discreetly slip an envelope in my hand.

The evening was a huge success. Mike received several presents that made him happy. The Champagne flowed freely. The canapés were beautiful. The meal was delicious. All our guests mingled and it was a joyful event with a lot of laughter and happy faces. When I looked for Laura, I couldn't see her. I went to the kitchen where I found her in an animated discussion with Steve about how to prepare God knows what kind of dish. They didn't agree with each other, but respected the fact that there were different ways to prepare it. I noted that they both had quite a character and temper and before things would climb to an argument, I told them that in the next week they could both come to the house and prepare the dish like they tough it had to be cooked. Mike and I would be the referees. Of course, they accepted the challenge.

When I gave the envelope, that Steve had slipped in my hands, to Mike he looked quizzically to me while opening it. When he saw what it was, their was a very bright spark in his eyes. Steve had added his personal present, being a VIP transfer from our house to the airport and back. But the big surprise of the evening was when Darren asked for everybody's attention and went down on one knee in front of Mike, asking him officially the divorce so that he could marry Markus. Although Mike hard predicted it, he did as if it was a surprise. Most of our guests knew why Mike and Darren had married and were even more happy for the reason of the divorce. Mike looked at me afterwards saying we were in for more costs in the coming months. We were so happy for Darren and Markus and so was Laura who took her cousin in her arms, kissed him and congratulated him for such a good decision.

Laura was her usual self and noticed that Steve was actually the only one who knew almost nobody. She took him under her wing to update him about whatever was happening, introducing him as if he was her best and oldest friend although she had just met him herself. That was typical of Laura to put people at ease. With each introduction she specified to our friends that Steve had the most wonderful travel agency... she didn't even know where it was located, but you could trust Laura to do as if she had been there a hundred times. Laura was the perfect public relation for anyone or anything, even if she had not a clue about it.

When the last guests were gone, I couldn't believe it that everything was cleaned and in its rightful place. The kitchen was so clean you couldn't even know we had been busy there the whole day and that we had served dinner for fourteen people. Dishes and glasses were washed and in their cupboards. The tablecloth and the napkins were in the washer. The flowers some of the guests had brought were in vases on the now empty dinner and coffee table. The left-overs were in Tupperwares in the fridge. Except for the flowers, there was not a trace of the birthday party we had.

Mike and I were exhausted but very happy. He thanked me a thousand times for the trip to Venice and was really looking forward to it. Before we started to switch off the lights, Mike was softly snoring on the sofa. The Champagne, the liquors and the excitement had worn him out but his eyes opened immediately when I kissed him awake and sent him to the bedroom while I secured the house. Reaching our bedroom, he was already between the sheets and softly snoring again. I undressed and slipped between the sheets myself, pushing my butt and my back against his chest. In his sleep, his arm went around me and his hand landed on my chest, exactly where my heart was. I didn't need to do any effort to fall asleep as quickly as the love of my life.

The divorce with Darren went very smoothly and quick. The ten years trial period was over and Darren had his new nationality. He was no longer considered an immigrant. As the divorce was by mutual agreement, it could be done in front of the notary and they didn't even have to go to court. In less than a month time, they were not married anymore and Darren and a Markus could start the necessary for their wedding. Automatically, the subject came to the surface for Mike and me as we had mentioned that maybe it would be a good idea to have a double wedding.

-You still want to do this, Mike asked. You know there is no obligation to do so. I told you before I don't need a paper to know that I love you and want to be with you for the rest of my life.

-I would never marry you by obligation Mike. You know why I want to do this and as you say, we talked about it before. Being legally married makes it also a lot easier for a lot of things and just like you, I don't need a paper to prove I love you. What I was thinking is that if ever something happens to you or me, everything would be settled in question of heritage and taxes. We don't want the taxman to go away with what we have and worked for, do we? We also said we would help Darren and Markus to celebrate their wedding in style without having to worry about their finances. And there is an added bonus: our trip to Venice could be our honeymoon. How romantic does that sound to you?

Mike took me in his arms and kissed me romantically indeed. We had (once again) a busy time in front of us. Meanwhile, I had another idea in my head and maybe it was not the best moment to talk about it. As we never had had any secrets for each other, I mentioned it to Mike without delay.

-I want to sell the house!

Saying Mike's eyes were like saucers, would be an understatement.


-There are several reasons Mike. This house is old and too big for just the two of us. We are lucky it is a solid construction and that we have had almost no costs at all. It is attractive as well inside as out and I am sure it will be sold quickly, certainly now that the real estate market is good. I am getting tired of all the stairs we have to climb. I would like to find an apartment where everything is on one floor. Ideally, I would like to find a penthouse with a decent terrace and nice views. I am sure that with the price we can get for this house, we can find a spectacular penthouse and even save some money.

-Ok... Ok... knowing you, I can guess you have already seen something that you like...

My God, he knew me so well.

-Yes, I have. I saw something this afternoon on the Internet.

I switched on the computer and showed him what I found. The building was not completely finished yet but you could see what was available. They also mentioned that, depending on the evolution of the finishing touches, some things could still be changed. It was a penthouse indeed with a very large living/dinning room, totally equipped kitchen with a nice and well organized pantry, two spacious bedrooms with their respective ensuite bathrooms and dressing, an office with floor to ceiling cupboards and shelves, a nice laundry room and two underground garage spaces. The ample terrace had splendid views of the park just in front. The building was located in the center of town.

-If you are really decided to sell the house, we should certainly go and have a look. It is not cheap, but it gives us all we need and it is worth it... I think! The location is great and close to all amenities... the views seem to be spectacular and there is really a lot of space. If it is as nice as the computer pictures they made, I think this penthouse could be a winner for us.

-From what I can see, the sales are in hands of a real estate agency. I could give them a call and see if they would be interested in selling this house as well as selling us that penthouse, like a double deal. It would be a win-win situation, as well for them as for us.

Do I have to say I called the real estate agency the next morning? We had an appointment to see the penthouse just after noon. We were excited. We even arrived early for the appointment. Before we met the guy of the agency, we looked around. The garage door was open and we stole a look at the basement. The parking spaces were wide and even had a kind of storage room for each. At 2pm sharp, we were at the entrance of the building and met James, the guy of the agency. Entrance hall and elevators were already functioning and James took us to the top floor. The pictures didn't do any justice to the reality of the place. It was just magnificent. The constructor had used high quality materials and looked at a lot of details that would make life easy. We had no problems imagining our furniture in that penthouse. James told us that if we wanted to change something, it was still possible, but there was nothing to change at all. It was strange to say, but it was just perfect. The views from the terrace were breathtaking and there was very few to no noise at all from the street.

I asked for a confirmation of the price we saw on the Internet and James said it was that price indeed.

-Ok, I said, we want to buy it but there is one condition to it. The house we live in now has to be sold.

I thought it would be a turn-off for James, but I was happy to see he didn't loose his smile. He said he could take charge of that after seeing the house. It would all depend on the location and the state it was in to determine the selling price. He wanted to now when he could drop by to have an idea and smiled broadly when I said any moment was good. He suggested to not leave till tomorrow what could be done today.

James visited my house from cellar to attic. He wrote down a lot of details and made what seemed like a hundred pictures. Analyzing all the information he had about the house and its surroundings, he came up with a price that was higher of what I expected. I didn't complain. He even mentioned that he had one or two potential clients for my house and that he would call me for eventual visits. In his professional opinion it would be sold before we moved into the penthouse.

-That is the condition to go through with this double deal James, Mike said. If this house is not sold, there is no way we sign the deed for the penthouse. We don't want any misunderstandings and that's why I insist so much on that point.

James understood perfectly well. The potential clients he had for my house, were in a hurry to move. That meant that maybe there would still be workers in the building when we moved into the penthouse. Was that an inconvenience? For us it wasn't as long as it wouldn't be months and months. The constructor had promised to have it all done within three weeks, counting from the day we were talking with James.

He was a man of action and while he was still with us he made a call. We could understand it was with one of his potential clients. He gave the address and when he hung up, he announced that the people he had called would be here in less than 30 minutes. We hadn't hoped that it would go so fast, but crossed our fingers nonetheless. A little less than half an hour later, the doorbell rang and we let James open the door and do his job. It was a relatively young couple. They followed James through all the rooms, didn't show a particular interest but in the corner of my eyes I saw the woman wink to her husband. Once they left, James came back to the living room where we were.

-I have visited a few houses with these people. I know by experience that they will give an answer very shortly.

We talked on and on and James had to go. We were saying our goodbyes at the door when his cellphone rang. He talked for a few minutes and then covered his phone with his hand and looking at us.

-They do an offer. They would accept to buy if you drop your price by 10.000.

I looked at Mike. 10.000 below the price James had given them, was still about 45.000 more than what I had expected. Mike and I didn't use words. We communicated with our eyes like we had done so many times before and finally we accepted. In less than 24 hours between the first mention of me wanting to sell my house and buy a penthouse, all the papers James had in his briefcase were signed.

We were about to have a very busy months indeed, with the double wedding and the move.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at You know guys, your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 5

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