Twelve Year Old Daddy

By James Peters

Published on Aug 4, 2013


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Part - III

(The dialogue that followed would be too long and too difficult to type if I attempted to be 100% accurate. So I will cut to the chase and describe close to the final version of the dialogue)

After 15 minutes of mutual exploration, Brandon initiated an interesting and 'hot' piece of dialogue. It started like this:

'Seeing I have a daddy cock and you have a little boy dicklet, it is probably time for Daddy to give his little boy the 'birds and the bees' talk, don't you think?'

I was caught by surprise on this and was not sure just how to respond.

'So, the little boy needs to ask Daddy what the little boy needs to know about growing up. Do you get it? I nodded a 'yes.'

'But when you ask the question, you must use the words 'daddy, little boy, twelve and seventeen. Do you get it?

I had to admit to 'no', so he described his idea.

'Well, when you ask a question, you need to say: 'Daddy, I am still a little boy, When will I have a big cock like you?' No, let's start with the hair.

You need to say something like: 'Daddy, you are only 12 but you have so much hair; I am 17,and I don't have any hair. When will I have as much hair as you?' yeah...that's a good question. So, say it.

I will still trying to understand the directions, so I began: "Daddy, you are only 12 but you have so much hair. I am 17 and I don't have any. When will I have as much hair as you?'

'well, little boy, Daddy started having hair at around 9 - 1/2, so daddy has had hair for nearly 3 years now, as he is not yet 12 1/2. You will probably get a few more hairs next week and each day, more hairs will appear. So....seeing it took me nearly three years to be this mature, it

will probably take you three years to catch up...which means you will be 20. BUT, you might never have as much as me; it might be just a small bush that goes from here to here (pointing to my crotch.)

Next question....come on, next question.

'When will my penis grow?

'No...put Daddy , little boy, twelve and 17 into your question !!

After some silence, I formulated the following: 'Daddy, you are so big..' (How big exactly, said he)..'you are 7.8 inches and you are only twelve. I am 17 and only have 2.8, so when will I be as big as you are?

'Good question:...well, you might never be as big as me. You will probably get to about 4 or 4 12 inches when you are 20. So, at 20 you will still not be as mature as your 12 year old Daddy.' Next question. I looked at the side-by-side comparison as he held both and made another comparison. Our eyes met 'Another question.'.

'Daddy, when will I be able to make cum?'..I am 17 and I still can't make cum.

'Well Daddy started making cum when he was 10, that means he could make babies back them. You are 17 and you still can't make babies. Now, as your hair grows, on one night soon, you will have a wet dream; you will dream about something with sex in it, and when you wake in the morning, your pjs will be sticky. that will tell you that you boy dick is growing up. So, looking at your dicklet now, I think it might happen when you are 17 1/2 or perhaps when you are 18. if this is so, it means that I am 7 or 8 years ahead of you and what is awesome is that I am nearly 5 years younger. Does that put me 12 years ahead of you in development? Umh....interesting. You know what this means? If there was a 16 year old girl in this room right now, she would want your 12 year old Daddy rather than a 17 year old little boy.

I blushed, my heart pounded, it was humiliating, yet it was exciting and I was excited by these proceedings.

'Ask another question;

I couldn't think of anything as it was all too fast, too overwhelming. He then suggested the following: 'Seeing you haven't made cum yet, what question

do you want to ask?' I just wasn't sure, so said, I don't know.

'Well, you could ask what is it like when one makes cum? Go on, ask.

'Daddy, even though I am 17, I have not made cum yet and don't know how to make cum. You are 12, then and you have been making cum for some years, so can you tell me what to do.?

'Good question: well, you hold your dicklet like this and move it up and down, and when the cum builds up you will feel a feeling build up, then it will squirt out and you will get a new feeling you have never had before. Do you know the feeling I am talking about?

I had to nod a 'no.'

'Ok, let's see if you can make cum today.' he then used two fingers on me and quickened the pace over the next minute. 'Tell me if you feel a different

feeling happening in there. 30 seconds later: 'well, do you feel something different? Yes, something was indeed building and he could tell as my breathing began to change. As my body tensed up somewhat he let go and watched my 2.8 twitch in a way it had not twitched before. I felt the feeling but had what I now know to be a dry orgasm. just had a dry cum wank.. that is the feeling I am talking about. did you like it? I nodded a 'yes' That's how you get the feeling, but when you grow up, cum will shoot out Now, do you want your 12 year old Daddy to show you man-cum?

I nodded a 'yes' and he proceeded to show me. He stopped abruptly and told me to do it. So I placed my slender hand on his massive appendage, not know ing exactly where to place it, top or bottom or middle. As he got close, he took over, finished off with a flurry and pointed his now 8 incher in my direction.

I shot all over my groin, rope after rope of white cum. A 12 year old with a man cock showing a 17 year old for the very first time, what male cum really looks like. He smeared it over my area, telling me that his protein might make my hair grow and everything else grow.

'Now, it seems we have finished our 'birds and the bees' talk. 'what does little boy have to say to Daddy.'

I was grappling with what he might have wanted for a reply. so I settle for : 'Thank you 12 year old Daddy for teaching me about growing up. Even though I am 17, I didn't know about some things.'

we looked at each other, and I know he found the whole event just as erotic as I did. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer. I hugged him and felt his V-chest against my smaller frame. As my head was now leaning against his, he whispered: 'Say thank you Daddy again.

'Thank you Daddy.'

I then had this irresistible urge to kiss him and did so.

He ended the session by suggesting that we have a shower and before I could move, he picked me up and carried me to the shower. We washed each other, he washed my groin and I washed him there too. By now, my little boy has shrivelled to a half-inch nub. Strangely, I was not all that embarrassed and it stayed small when we exited and dried off. He noticed the size of it but did not give me a hard time. I felt he was very caring about my situation.

It was now about 11.00pm and he invited me to sleep in his bed and to hold his appendage if I wanted to. The alarm was set for 5.00am, so that we would be in separate bed by the time mum returned.

Today, at 20, I can report that Brandon was correct. I am only 4.5, my bush is not as extensive as his was at 12, and I made my first cum after my 17th. birthday.

Next: Chapter 4

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