Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Feb 3, 2015


This is a story about Domination between two consenting adults. All sexual contact, whether involving BDSm or not should be safe and sane and between two consenting adults.

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Twelve Days of Domination-10

I sipped from the wine glass gingerly, as I wanted to make sure I was in the right frame of mind when I answered Daniel's questions.

He pulled one foot under his leg and I stared for a moment at the socked foot as his toes flexed and released. "Puppy, there's something very important for you to understand: this is not a one size fits all type of situation. I can only speak for myself. You could lock ten Dominants in a room and every one of them will have a different experience and definition of what it is to dominate someone. The same thing will happen if you get ten subs in a room."

He sipped from his glass and one of his fingers rubbed along the condensation on the outside of the glass. "Alex is a big man, bigger and stronger than I am, and he has a body that could be on a magazine cover, but am I inferior to him? No. You actually have a flatter stomach than I do, and maybe you make more money than I do, but does that me inferior to you? No. Superior and inferior, I can't quantify those words, because they're subjective. When it comes to cooking, I'm sure you're superior to me, because I can barely scramble eggs. But that's just one thing. Do you understand me so far, pup?" I nodded and he smiled at me, reaching out to scratch behind my ear. "If you make me happy by sucking my cock and swallowing me, by letting me rest my feet on you, how could you be less of a man? Some people might see it that way, but I don't. Why would I want someone who thinks they're not important serving me? I've already told you that I want you to be proud of who you are. Let me ask you, of any other relationship you've had, they've lacked something, correct?' I nodded again and looked down into my wine glass. His hand came under my chin and he made me look him in the eye. "You probably always held back and waited for someone to come to you, waited for them to call, for them to plan. And I'll bet it's always fallen apart, because they were waiting for you to do the same. Some men want an equal relationship, but that's not how everyone thrives. I don't want that and I don't think you do either. You want a man who will lead you. I want to know that when I tell you to kneel you will. I want to know that when I tell you to suck you will. I want to know that when I ask your opinion you'll tell me honestly and truthfully. Do you understand me, puppy?"

I nodded again and he leaned in closer to me, speaking softly. "I do not want you to ever think that because you serve me that you're not important or that you deserve cruelty. You will deserve punishment at some point. That's normal. But it will be in line with what you need to improve. I never want your self esteem to suffer because of me. Whenever anyone looks down their nose at you, you need to remember that you're a real man, serving a real man." I could smell the wine on his breath, the odor of his body rushed the blood into my cock. "Get on your knees between my legs." I immediately knelt down, the now familiar scratch of his carpet was almost comfortable. "Did you hesitate? Was there any part of you that didn't want to do that?" I shook my head. "Good, pup. Inside of you, where it matters. You're just a man who needs to be taken care of by someone who's in charge." He looked down at me and I lost myself in his gaze. "Are you happy right now, puppy? Right now, at this moment, on your knees in front of me. Are you happy?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Good. Sniff."

I put my head in his crotch and inhaled deeply, taking the strong smell of him in and heard the TV click on. I'm not sure how long I stayed there and, frankly, I didn't care. He didn't slouch down and so I strained my neck a bit, to make sure I wouldn't take one breath that didn't include his scent.

"Take my socks off without your hands." As I moved my face under his foot, I could almost feel him watching me, even though I could see nothing and feel nothing except the material of his sock. My teeth grabbed the heel of his ankle sock and I moved back and forth between the heel and toe, working it slowly off his foot, until I could feel the soft flesh of his sole against my face. "Now the other one," he said to me softly as I knelt in front of him, the ankle length sock in my mouth. I dropped it, and went to work on his other sock. I was torn between the enthusiasm of wanting to complete the task quickly and move on to something even more intimate and the desire to savor each second of being physically underneath him.

I tried to find a balance, and I felt his foot jerk a little when I accidentally tickled him with my tounge. He had me put the socks aside, and rested his bare feet on my face while he watched the news. Daniel did not start rubbing his feet over my face, or start verbally abusing me as if he were in a porn. Some men are like that, reacting as if they are being filmed. Instead Daniel just rested his feet on my face, ocasionally flexing his toes, but content that my face was just a place to relax. I closed my eyes and breathed and relaxed myself. The news ended and he flipped through a couple of stations. Finally, he stood up, and looked down at me. "Crawl into the bedroom, get undressed and stand facing the bed. Wait for me until I'm there." He didn't wait for me, simply took his wine glass and mine and went into the kiitchen. I moved as quickly as I could and practically tore my clothes off, folding them because I knew he liked things neat and stood facing the bed. I gasped when I saw what was there.

There was a ball gag, and a blindfold. Some rope and a few other things I couldn't easily identify. I heard his steps behind me and a hand came around my face, shoving his socks into my mouth. His voice was directly in my ear. "If I'm hurting you and you're not gagged, you say 'red' and I'll immediately stop. If you're gagged, shake your head back and forth quickly and repeatedly. Do you understand?" I nodded and he reached down to grab the blindfold and place it over my eyes. I could see little slivers of light from the bottom, but nothing else. I jumped slightly when I felt the slick texture of the ropes on my skin. He didn't tie any knots, just rubbed it along my back, and across my chest. He took my hand and led me to the bed, positioning me so that I sat on the edge. He lifted my arm and I could feel him wrap the rope around my wrist. I felt him do the same thing to the other wrist and then he pulled his socks from my mouth and kissed me. The kiss was wet and deep and he replaced the moisture the socks had pulled from mouth with his own saliva. He pushed me down and I fell onto my back, his weight on top of me. The feel of him was intoxicating and I reached around him, pulling him closer. He grabbed my wrists and pushed them down. "No." He didn't say anything more than that and I held my hands flat on the mattress, my fists clenched because more than anything I wanted to grab him and feel his body. This might have been the worst part of this. Not being able to touch his skin when all I wanted was to feel his flesh underneath my hands, but it was about his pleasure and I would take mine from making him happy.

He flipped me over onto my stomach and I felt him pull the ropes on my wrists back, and he bent my legs up, trying each wrist to it's ankle. He leaned over me after a minute and I could feel chest hair tickle my back and knew he'd taken his shirt off. I wanted to see him naked in front of me and explore his body with my eyes and hands. I was being selfish, thinking of what I wanted and I pushed the idea out of my mind. One hand teased my hole and then I felt the ball gag in my mouth. The hand left my back side as he fastened the latch on the back of my head.

The cool feel of lubricant moistened my hole and I knew what he was going to do to me. I felt a finger penetrate me and I gasped through the gag. "It's okay, puppy. I can feel you're tight. I'll go slow." I felt his finger slide in and out of me and I tried just relaxing as I wanted so badly to feel more of him. He added a second finger, as I felt drips of lube from my hole run down my leg. I felt him sigh deeply, as if he was enjoying this as much as I was.

I heard the familiar crinkle of a condom being opened and my hole clenched for a minute before I forced myself to relax. I worried that he wouldn't find fucking me to be rewarding. I wasn't sure what to do or how I should behave, and then I felt the tip of his cock playing at the edge of my hole. He used more lube and then he slipped about an inch of his cock into me. I inhaled sharply and he stopped, holding himself inside me. He brought his hands to my back and carefully traced his fingers around my body. I sighed into the ball gag and he slipped another inch or so inside of me. I started to push my body back and he pressed his hand hard on my backside.

"No. Let me do it. You're hungry and I need you to trust that I'll know what you can take and what you can't." I held myself still and he pushed in slowly; It must have taken him about ten minutes, but eventually, I felt his pubic hair against my cheeks. He stayed still inside me, letting me get used to him inside of me. He leaned down between my legs and I could feel the brush of his body against me. I loved feeling him inside me and on top of me, and my own cock was rock hard beneath me.

He slowly started pumping in and out of me and I lost myself in the rhythm of it, the gentle rocking of my body back and forth, the friction of the bedspread on my dick. He increased his speed a bit at a time, until I heard the slap of his skin on mine and I heard myself whimpering as he thrust. I could feel his hands on the back of my head and he ripped some of my hair out, undoing the gag and yaking it out of my mouth. He pulled out all the way and I gae a sharp yelp as I felt him pop out of my hole. He flipped me over and looked down at me. It was alook I'd never seen on him before. Most of the the other times, when I was serving him, he looked calm and pleased, almost serene watching me do tricks. This time, he was an animal. His eyes looked as hungry as I'm guessing mine did and his face and body were sweaty. He yanked me to the edge of the bed and positioned his cock at my hole again, pushing in slowly but consistently. Once he was all the way in, one of his hands wrapped around my throat and the other rubbed my leg.

He didn't build up the tempo this time and I could tell from his breathing he was close to cumming. The sweat from his face dripped onto my body and I wished some of it would fall into my open mouth. Instead I heard him spit and, if he was aiming for my tounge, he hit the target. As it was sliding down my throat he pulled himself out of me and pulled of the condom. By the time he was done with three strokes, he shot all over my chest and collapsed on top of me. He was breathing heavily and he ground his body into mine. I winced when he crushed my balls with his weight and he immediately pulled off of me but didn't say anything. I could feel one of his hands working on the knot around my left leg as he stared into my eyes and smiled, looking more like the Daniel I'd seen before. He untied my right leg and I stretched out, letting the blood flow more regularly.

He stood up and stepped back. "Take off the ropes, puppy." He watched me as I worked each wrist free from its bindings and then he had me lay the ropes on the floor by the other items he'd swept off the bed. "You did very well tonight and I enjoyed feeling myself inside of you." He paused for a moment. "Do you want to cum now? What would you like?"

I hesitated as a thousand things flashed through my mind. I wanted him to fuck me again. I wanted to rub against his leg until my vision went white hot with pleasure. I wanted to smell him on my face. I wanted to drink his piss down, and lick all the semen off his body and my own. I wanted to bathe him and inspect every inch of his body with my eyes and my tounge. Instead, I simply said:

"What would you like?"

He laughed, kindly and ruffled my hair. "I'm tired. Why don't we get some rest. You can sleep in my bed tonight. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wiped himself off, tossing it at me as he turned the bed down. I climbed in beside him as he turned out the lights and I carefully asked him if me minded my touching him. Even in the dim light of the moon outside I could him smile.

"Of course you can, puppy."

I traced my fingers gently over the parts of his body uncovered by the sheets and soon I could hear his breathing slow as he fell asleep. I snuggled close to him, getting my face near his armpit and closed my eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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