Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Jan 27, 2015


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This story is about sexual and non sexual Domination between two consenting adult men. All sexual contact should be between two consenting adults and should always involve safe sex practices.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I had a computer break down and spent several days trying to recontruct what I'd lost in the crash. This will teach me to back up my work ore frequently.

As always, thank you for the feedback. Please let me know what you think of the story. Both good and critical feedback will only make me a better writer.

Twelve Days of Domination-8 Self Control

I slept quietly, without any dreams, until Daniel's alarm sounded early the next morning.

"Time to get up, puppy. Work. You'll wear something of mine today." I followed him quietly to the shower and made sure the temperature was right for him before stepping aside to let him in first. He let the water run down his body before beckoning to me. I stepped in and took the soap, gently washing his back first and then his front. When I was down on my knees I saw some of his body hair clinging to the soap. I wanted to take it off and rinse it and keep it in my pocket for work. Keep it safe and warm and protected. He looked down at me while I was hesitating and smiled, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Let's go, pup." I finished washing him and rinsing him off and hurried through my own shower, not wanting him to wait before I dried him.

I rubbed the towel on him carefully and then dried myself while he told me to wait. He left the bathroom, naked and came back a minute later with a small plastic baggie. Grabbing a pair of scissors he clipped off a small amount of his pubic hair and put it in the baggie.

"This is for you. I'll expect you to bring it the next time we see each other." I followed him to the bedroom and he tossed me some clothes. It was the outfit he'd worn to the restaurant two days ago. "You'll wear this to work today. I don't want you to wear any deodorant or cologne when you're wearing it. I want you to smell me." He indicated that I was to get dressed while he picked out his own clothes for the day. The pants were slightly too big for me and I could feel my dick rub against the fabric, causing me to get a slight erection. Passing close to me on his way to the mirror, he laughed and squeezed it. As he was dressing, he looked at me in the mirror, is gaze causing me to look down.

"I want you to take this week and think. Really think about whether you want to continue down this path. It won't be easy and I want you to do it without the haze of being around me or being in the middle of some sexual experience. Some decisions need to be made in the harsh light of the day. The only thing I want you to do this week is edge yourself every day for at least an hour." He sat down on the bed to slip into his shoes and tie them. "Text me when you start edging and text me when you end, but you are not allowed to cum." He stood up and wrapped a tie around his neck. "If you have a wet dream, that's fine, let me know, but I don't want you to knowingly orgasm. Other than that, unless you have some emergency, I don't want you to contact me. I want you to think. If you remember the images you edge to, that's good, but not necessary." He slipped his suit jacket over his shoulders and looked at me. "If you want to continue then I'll see you this coming Friday at 6:00 pm. Do you understand all this?"

I nodded, numbly wondering how I could go five days without his touch, but realized that, as usual, he was probably right and knew what was necessary better than I did. After the emotions yesteday had brought up, I needed some distance. I quickly put my shoes on in the front hall and grabbed his coat holding it out for him. He shrugged into his coat and waited for me to get my own coat.

We went to the elevator and when we stepped inside, he kissed me gently on the lips, smiling at me.

Neither of us said a word as we went our separate ways to work.

As emotionally wired up as I was, I was glad to have something to focus on, and other than a few 'New outfit?' comments from my co-workers, I had an actually productive day. After work I went to the gym, fixated on building as much muscle as I could. I could never compete with Alex, but the way he'd called Daniel 'Sir' (should I call him that? He'd never mentioned it.) made me want to be as solid as I could. If I had to take more pain it would be easier to endure with more muscle than flab.

I went home and ate, trying to relax. I was feeling a bit tense and trying to figure out what to do with myself. I logged onto my computer and answered a few work emails, before switching over to a new window in my browser. There weнннre a few video sites I usually watch and tried watching some of the rougher edged scenes, but they didn't remiond me of Daniel. They seemed, somehow, inauthentic and I couldn't get into them. I texted Daniel quickly that I was starting my edging and started clicking randomly until I found a homemade video.

The submissive was on his knees, wearing a blindfold, and the view was from a handheld camera the Dominant had in his hand. He kept up a steady stream of instructions telling the sub how to please him. The Dom slowly worked the blindfold off and the sub blinked a few times and looked up. I didn't know if he'd known he was being filmed or not.

When the Dominant told him to smile for the camera, the sub blushed bright red and closed his eyes tightly, but he never stopped sucking. I thought about Daniel, hoping that I wouldn't find myself in some position I didn't want to be in. I clicked to another video, also homemade and grainy. I turned the sound up a little higher and closed my eyes. I tried to focus on Daniel and the feel of his body on top of mine, but I couldn't focus on one thing and flashes of different things went through my head like some strange music video. My mind flashed to the curl of Daniel's lips when he smiled, the feel of his breath on my neck. I imagined his hand running down my back and how his palm was dry and soft with an occasional callus on one hand. I inhaled, imagining I could feel his armpit hairs tickling my nose, his smell filling my brain. My hand was on my dick and I almost orgasmed before I pulled it away. It took me some time before I could even think about Daniel without my dick quivering. I was suddenly very glad that he'd only told me an hour of edging. I wasn't sure I could go much longer than that. I'd actually be very grateful if I could last even that long.

Once I was breathing normally, I started stroking myself again, just using the videos as background noise. I jumped from one video to the next, listening to the dirty talk. The studio porn, the ones that seemed shiny on the surface lacked something for me. Neither Daniel or I had worn anything that was leather, except a belt, and yet my submission to him was as complete as it could be. I wondered if the leather was just a focus for the Dominant man, something that brought his power to the forefront. I didn't even know if he owned any.

As I brought myself to the edge and back of orgasm, I wondered what he would look like wearing full leather gear, what I would look like in a mask and collar, being led by a leash.

My alarm sounded and I texted Daniel to let him know what I'd been thinking and then went to bed early. The bed proved to be another obstacle as I realized I was humping a pillow and then the sheet, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. Eventually I fell asleep on my back, the sheet only covering my lower legs. It was a strange feeling the way I kept falling back and forth between being horny and being tired, but finally I drifted off into a world of dreams I could only vaguely remember.

By the third day, it was easier. Daniel never answered any of my texts, but he still remained in my head. I didn't need him around me to sustain either my attraction or the submissive feelings. I wanted to be around him to take care of him. To serve him however he wanted. And I won't fool myself, I wanted the security I felt around him. I wanted the peace I'd felt when I was chewing the toy Scott had brought for me, even the way he'd told me what to wear days ago. I had no desire to adbicate everything I was, just a desire to make him happy. It seemed to make him happy to take charge.

I'd stopped looking at videos or reading dirty stories online, I just let the images of him in my mind take flight. I rememberedthe things he'd had me do and fantasized about what he would do. At one point I thought of the Joe Cocker song 'You can leave your hat on.'

I imagined a birthday party for him at some bar downtown and I handed the DJ a cd with that song. It started to play and I danced lewdly, stripping off my clothes, ignoring any other man's response. I simply stared at Daniel as each item came off. When my short dropped to the floor, before I dropped my pants, I reached into the pcoket and handed Daniel the key, knowing that I would only ever get release when he wanted. I dropped my pants and, with no underwear, everyone in the bar could see the chastity device he'd placed on me. Even my orgasms were no longer mine. He controlled them whether we were together or apart. I had never in my life dreamt of anything so slutty and I was so turned on, my dick was harder than I had ever thought it could be.

I let my dick go as I pulled myself out of the fantasty, afraid I'd shoot. I realized he'd done that to me in a way already. He didn't need a device to control me, though. He just told me what to do and not to do and I followed his orders. I wanted to trust him. He'd done nothing that made me uncomfortable, beyond having to walk to the bathroom in a restaurant with a hard-on. In fact, when I had lost control, lost my temper, he hadn't yelled at me. He hadn't asked Alex to beat me into submssion. He'd held me close and explained why he'd pushed me so far. I sighed and wondered if it meant I was weak. Did being a submissive make me a weak person? Did it make me, somehow, less of a man?

By the fourth day, those questions had been floating around my brain for twenty four hours. After I'd finished edging, I knew that Daniel had told me to only text him when I had started and when I was done with edging, but I couldn't help it. I texted him a simple question.

'Does being your submissive make me less of a man?'

In less than a minute my phone rang. He didn't bother to introduce himself. "You are not less than a man. You aren't weak or inferior. A submissive is simply someone who needs some control and discipline in their lives. Some need more than others. You're a man who's come to realize that he needs someone to provide some structure." He sighed. "We'll talk more about this on Friday. Any other concerns, I want you to write down so you'll remember them. Bring them with you. Do you understand?"

I told him that I did and he hung up. I set my phone down to charge and snuggled up against the pillow, holding it tightly.

Somehow, hearing him tell me I wasn't weak had meant as much to me as a compliment did when I was a child and my spirits were high. By the time I waited for him in his small lobby on Friday at 6:00 with the baggie of his pubic hair in my pocket I was more at ease and less anxious than I had been the week before. He'd arrived ahead of me and the doorman told me to go up when he saw me.

I entered Daniel's apartment and he had me show him the baggie and kiss his feet before leading me into the living room. I sat down and he offered me a glass of wine.

"I'm glad to see you. Before we get to anything else, I want to talk." He leaned back into the couch. "I have some questions for you, puppy."

Next: Chapter 9

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