Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Jan 4, 2015


This story is about a D/s relationship between two consenting adult men.

All sexual contact should be between consenting adults and safe sex should be practiced.

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Any spelling or grammactical errors are mine and, though I've tried to eliminate any errors, I may have missed things.

Any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated.

Twelve Days of Domination-7

The following morning I woke up a little sore but well rested. Daniel was sitting up in bed, reading the paper. He was wearing his sweatpants and tshirt and he looked down at me when he saw me stir.

"Good morning, puppy. Did you sleep well?" He patted the bed next to him. "C'mon, puppy. Up." It was actually harder than I thought it would be without the use of my hands and being on all fours and he laughed when I stumbled back. I got up to the bed on my third try and he scooted over a bit to let me snuggle into him. I sniffed his armpit and he chuckled a little bit when I licked at the hairs. He pushed my face away gently and snapped his fingers. "Settle." I calmed down and tried to snuggle close to him. He read the paper for about an hour and now and then petted me, scratched me. He was so kind.

His phone alarm buzzed and he picked it up, silencing the alarm. "C'mon, pup. Time for your morning piss." He swung his feet off the bed, and stood up, watching me to make sure I didn't fall down and hit my head. I followed him as he walked to the kitchen. He poured himself coffee and watched me piss in the little pet pad. I did better this time, getting only a little piss on my leg, and he wiped me down.

He put a bowl of water in front of me and I lapped at it greedily, realizing I was both hungry and thirsty. "Pup, I have to go out for a few hours, but I have someone coming over to watch you." I looked up at him and opened my mouth to speak, but a look from him killed the words on my lips and I whined like a real puppy. He leaned against the kitchen counter and spoke. "I could put you in a cage if you'd prefer." I crawled over to him and rubbed my head on his leg, leaning my head up and back to sniff his crotch and he laughed, petting my head. "Relax, pup. You'll be in good hands." The doorbell rang and he snapped his fingers, pointing at the floor. "Sit. Stay." I stayed while he left the room. I could hear two voices come down the hall and recognized Daniel's, of course, the other was familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place it.

Daniel came back into the kitchen and Scott, from the other night came into the doorway. He seemed so much taller, now that I was on my knees.He looked at my collar and smiled at me. I saw he had a small bag in his hand. They were still talking and Scott knelt down, while chatting with Daniel and held his hand out towards me.

I went over and sniffed it carefully. He gently moved his hand onto the top of my skull and scratched and petted me.

Daniel stuffed his keys in his pocket and they talked over me, as if I were just a tiny bit of a distraction.

"He hasn't eaten yet, Scott, so at some point he should. Probably sooner rather than later, as I have some more training to administer this afternoon."

"No problem." Daniel and Scott gace each other a quick kiss on the cheek and Daniel left. I heard the door close and Scott looked at me and smiled. "Turn around, doggy. We'll get you food in a couple of minutes." I scooted around and presented my ass to him. I heard the bag he had in his hand open and then felt his hand touch my behind. The skin of his hand was different than Daniel's. Rougher, harder but his touch was almost gentle. He brought something around to show me. "This is your tail. We're going to put this inside of you. It's going to hurt a little, but you'll get used to it."

I felt a touch on the rim of my hole and the cool, wet feeling of lube was spread around me and inside me. I felt a push and I tried to let myself relax. He took his other hand, and rubbed my back, speaking softly and encouraging me to take it. The problem was that the thick was tapered at the front and end, just before the tail itself, but it was so thick in the middle that I could barely take it. It hurt but eventually he managed to work it inside.

Scott reached around me and rubbed my belly. "Good. Good. Just breathe." I leaned against him, feeling his warmth against my skin. He held me for a few minutes and then stood up, going to the refrigerator and poked around until he found something he could feed me. He put the food down in the bowl and leaned up against the sink, watching me dive in. "Hold on, doggy. Be careful. You're spilling food. Eat slowly. Come up over the top of the bowl and push your head down." He smiled as I looked up at him. "Don't just push the bowl around. Eat from the top down." He watched me carefully. I admit, I was hungier than I thought and was less careful than I should have been and now and then, he would instruct me. Once he actually hit my back with a rolled up newspaper, causing me to yelp in surprise.

"I don't want to hurt you, puppy, but you have to learn. I'm not going to let Daniel come back here and have him think I went easy on you. Try it again!" I leaned back down into the bowl and carefully ate, trying hard to make sure that nothing spilled out.

He smiled when I looked up at him. I'd eaten as much as the food as I could without feeling like I was going to make a mess. I turned around and crawled to Scott, rubbing my nose into his hand. "Wag your tail, pup. Happy puppies wag their tails." I moved my ass back and forth, feeling the hard rubber of the tail slap back and forth on my skin. I felt both ridiculous and perfectly happy and I could feel some of the heat from my own shame running up my back. He taught me two ways to sit that allowed me to see without straining my neck. One with my hands waiting on my knees, the other with my hands on the floor, my legs bent beneath me, as if I were kneeling. Each time he rewarded me with a treat of a cookie. "Okay, puppy, lean down so your forearms and your legs from the knees down are on the floor. You can't roll over from just being on your hands and knees without the chance of hurting yourself." I got closer to the floor and he pushed down. "Good. Now tuck your chin to your chest. That will help protect your neck. That's a good thing to remember whether you're in puppy mode or not. Tuck your chin if you're doing any kind of physical throw." He lightly tapped my head and I pushed my chin closer to my chest. "Now, gently push yourself up with your left leg and arm and roll onto your right shoulder and onto your back. Don't try to roll all the way over." I carefully pushed off and felt the slap of my shoulder onto the floor. I felt like I must have looked like a dead bug with my arms and legs flailing in the air. Scott leaned down and rubbed my belly. "Ok, pup, roll all the way over and let's go into the living room. There's more room. I bumped into the wall when I rolled all the way over and I let out a little 'woof' of pain. He got to the living room on his two legs faster than I could on all fours and he was moving the coffee table out of the way. I felt the now familiar scratch of the carpet on my skin and he had me practice again and again, each time rewarding my attempts with soft, soothing words, or the sharp strike of a newspaper when he felt I wasn't trying hard enough. I got more soothing words than I did sharp strikes, so I felt it was a little triumph.

He had me sit in front of him and he held his hand over his head and he taught me how to beg, my tounge hanging out, panting. We played fetch with a squeaky rubber toy and there were times when it felt like an animal's instincts were taking over. That was when he seemed to be the most proud. I hadn't realized it until later, but Scott wasn't giving me time to think and lose myself in dissecting each action the way a human being would. He kept moving from trick to trick, until I found myself wagging my tail without being told as he had me chew the squeaky toy or slapping my paw into his hand to 'shake.' I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but we both heard the jingle of keys in the door and I turned and bounded towards the front door, yipping slightly. I wasn't quite as fast as I would have liked and Daniel met me at the doorway of the living room. I sniffed at him and moved back and forth, shaking my tail so he'd know I was excited to see him. He leaned down and I could tell he'd been working out or something from the strong smell of his sweat. He rubbed my head and my belly and tweaked my cock a bit, because I'd started to get hard when I smelled him. A few minutes had gone by before I realized he had someone else with him.

Daniel snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. "Down, pup." I stretched out at his feet, as low as I could get and looked up. It was the waited from last night. I knew he was tall but looking at him from the floor made him seem like a giant. Daniel left me on the floor and went over to the chair, sitting down with Scott and the waiter on the couch. He tossed me the squeaky toy and laughed as I chewed it, rolling onto my back and stomach, gnawing at it and feeling supremely contented. I stopped trying to listen to what they were talking about and simply chewed and then settled down at Daniel's feet when he snapped. He reached down and I could feel him grabbing each of my hands, taking off the mitts one at a time. I felt my fingers straighten out and Daniel put a hand on my back.

"Ass up, " he said. I could feel him carefully working the tail out of my butt and I felt both happy and disappointed that he was taking it out. I gasped when it slid out of me with a pop and he carefully rubbed my cheeks and I buried my face into his side, hiding myself from the other men in the room. He took the collar from around my neck. Like everything the feeling came with two emotions. I was relieved to be myself again, but the head space I'd been in, where I had no worries on concerns beyond being fed and rubbed was one I wanted to enjoy again. I wanted to have no cares beyond making Daniel happy and I felt the weight of reality bring my spirits down a bit. He carefully took my knee pads off and had me bend each leg at the knee to get some more blood circulating.

"Pup," he said, and I realized he had rarely called me by my name since the first night we'd met. "This is Alex." The waited stood up and I realized he was probably about 6'3" to my 5'10" and his sleeveless shirt showed big arms and shoulders from hard work at the gym. "We've played basketball together and he's a workout partner at the gym. He benches twice what I do and he's going to help you continue your lessons while Scott and I watch. You've learned some helplessness when you were a puppy. But what you haven't yet learned is being powerless to someone elses strength. Physical strength." Alex took my hand in his as if he were going to shake it and his big hand dwarfed mine. He started to squeeze tightly and I gasped at the pain, begging him to stop.

"Yeah, beg me," he said and I could see Daniel sit down in the chair, crossing his legs, staring at me. Scott watched from the couch.

Alex looked down at me and I could see his grin through the slits of vision, as my eyes were closing in pain. Damn, this guy was strong. His shoe moved to just above my face. "If you want me to let go, then lick the bottom of my shoe." My eyes shot open as he squeezed even tighter. I could almost feel the bones rub against each other painfully. "Crane that neck, man, and lick it. I wanna feel your tongue on my shoe." I shut my eyes and tried to not think about what was on the bottom of his shoe and where it had been. I lifted my neck as best I could and he moved his foot slightly higher. I lifted again and again he pulled it out of my range. "Reach for it. Reach for it. Reeeeaaaach for it." He drew out the vowels, slowly squeezing each time. He finally pushed his shoe down on my face and I licked as he released my hand. I knew it wasn't broken, because it hurt far too much for that. I kept licking the bottom of his shoe, feeling dirt and grime on my tounge. He pushed down a little harder and I could feel pain in my nose from his weight pushing down on me.

"Damn, Daniel. I love this shit." He lifted his foot off me and planted a foot on either side of my chest. He stared down at me, his eyes dark and a bit cold. "I always love when you call me for this. it's been awhile since I've been able to let loose with someone. He looks like he could handle some power." He brought his foot off the ground and leaned on my chest, letting me feel his weight. "Get my foot off your chest. C'mon, push it off. Show me how strong you are." I slapped weakly at his leg, but that made him only push down harder. "If that's all you've got, you're gonna be in for a world of hurt. The more you fight back, the lighter I go."

I could hear Daniel's voice in the background. "This will be how I get the rebel out of you. You can fight against Alex as much as you want. He can take everything that you'll dish out and more. Feel free to use all that anger you have at me, all the struggle you've had when I make you drink my piss, anything you're angry about. Take it all out on Alex." He paused. "If you can."

Daniel watched as the pain prevented me from getting up off the floor. He turned to Alex. "Tear him apart."

Next: Chapter 7

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