Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Dec 12, 2014


This story is about men, of legal age consenting to a D/s relationship. In real life, sex of any kind should be between two adults and it should be safe, sane and consensual.

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For my part, I want to thank those who took the time to write me comments about the story. I am grateful that you took the time.

I would love to hear from anyone in a D/s or S/m relationship and let me know what you think of the story so far and what lessons you think should be next.

The Twelve Days of Domination- Part 3

I arrived at his door, hard already. Unlike the last few days at work, when I walked around in a haze, being denied the ability to jerk off made me focus more. I did anything to keep my mind off of him. I worked hard at the gym, I even cooked what, for me, would have been considered a gourmet breakfast. It didn't work and I thought of him often, but it kept my hands busy and away from my cock, which was what Daniel had ordered.

After he had closed the door behind me, he leaned against his closet door, watching me undress. I could feel my face and neck flush red under his scrutiny. He reached out with one hand and grabbed my cock. He smiled at me and we went into his living room. He wore jeans and a tshirt, casual in dress and demeanor. When we walked into the living room, I almost took a step back. There were three other men there, all clothed and they looked up at me.

I actually stepped behind Daniel, trying to hide my nudity, but he grabbed the scruff of my neck, and stood me in front of him.

"Put your hands at your side." I obeyed, feeling both slutty and prudish at trying to hide my hard dick. If the embarassment caused me to soften it wasn't by much. "These are my friends, Scott, Steve and Travis." Each one waved as he introduced me. "They're going to help out with today's lesson. Today you're going to learn concentration and focus." He used my cock to pull me closer to the center of the room. Letting me go, he watched while my hands twitched and moved slightly to cover myself up. Without him saying anything, though, I moved them back to my side and he smiled at my defiance and obediance. He spoke quietly, never raising his voice, but I paid close attention as he laid out the rules for today's lesson.

"Each one of my friends is going to tell you some things about themselves. They're going to do so while they have some fun with you. They won't be allowed to fuck you or hurt you, but they'll play with your mind and your body. You will do several things. You will remember everything they tell you, because there will be a quiz later. There will be consequences for everything you get wrong. You will remember everything they do to you. Again, you'll be asked questions and you will respond to anything they ask you. You'll remember what they asked you and who asked. The only thing you will NOT do is orgasm." He sipped a glass of wine. "Do you understand?" I nodded and replied that I did. "Good," he said, smiling. Then he came up behind me and put a leather mask over my eyes.

Suddenly deprived of my sight, I stiffened up and Daniel grabbed my hands, holding them at my side. Again, I'd forgotten how strong he was. I could tell he leaned forward because I felt his hot breath on my ear. "You've been in my home twice and I haven't hurt you. You know that I wouldn't let someone hurt you." He kissed my neck lightly. "Shhhhh. It will be fine. You trust me, correct? It will be fine."

I relaxed slowly and when he felt the tension leave my arms he let me go. I felt him step away and heard nothing but silence for a few minutes. It felt like an eternity.

I heard someone's shoes, dress shoes, maybe boots, cross the floor. I felt a hand, flat on my chest. "My name is Travis." The hand flicked across my nipple and my cock stiffened. "I'm 35 years old." He flicked my other nipple. "I'm 5'9" and about 165 pounds." I felt a finger, wet from saliva rub across the tip of my cock. "I have a scar on my right arm from a skating accident when I was nineteen." He brought a finger to my lips and I parted them, but he just rubbed the pre-cum along my lips. "Kneel." I knelt slowly, which was difficult because I couldn't see anything. I settled on my knees carefully. The now familiar scratch of the carpet on my legs. "Lean forward. Only touch my body with your face." I leaned forward and felt the top of his pants against my nose. "I studied English in school and work for a magazine now. Find your way down to my boots with your lips." I carefully inched my way down, holding my hands towards the floor, so that I wouldn't fall forward and smash my face.

I heard another voice, deeper, but softer that Travis' right near my face and it startled me to hear it.

"My name is Scott. I'm 27 years old and I love to watch scary movies." The suddeness of another voice made my face move away from it and Travis snaped at me.

"Keep your lips on my boot. Lick them." Even underneath the blindfold, I shut my eyes in fear at the sharp edge in his voice.

I could hear Scott's voice mixing with the sound of my tounge licking Travis' boot. "There is something wonderfully powerful about mixing a man's desire with a little fear." I felt a hand on my ass, caressing it. "The anticipation when a man knows you won't hurt him, but you could. That's something Daniel and I have in common." He carefully circled my hole with his finger. "The name of my dog when I was growing up was Boomer. He was a mutt and he slept in my bed."

I heard Travis speak. "Find my other boot." I carefully inched my way over to his other foot.

Scott's voice was gentle, which made me feel oddly safe even as his admission of liking fear made me uneasy. "After I moved here, I had a guy I trained as a puppy. I used to call him Boomer when he had a leash on." One hand continued tomplay at my puckered ass and another stroked the inside of my thigh. I was understanding every word they were saying but trying to figure out how they all fit together was becoming more and more difficult. "EVery year on Halloween I have a party and we all watch 'Psycho' and replay the shower scene."

"My name is Steve." His voice was higher. It reminded me a bit of mine. I felt a hand in my hair, and it lifted me off of Travis' boot. I could feel the spittle from my tounge on my face and a bit of drool landed on my leg. A hand grabbed my chin carefully and pulled down, leaving my mouth open and I felt a huge wad of spit land on my tounge and make its way slowly down my throat. "I'm 31 years old and I grew up in San Francisco. When I first saw 'Bambi' I ran out when his mother was shot and I still haven't seen the rest of that movie. When I think of a grown man on his knees in front of me, submitting to me, I get a hard on no matter where I am."

The grip on my hair pulled me to my feet and the blood rushed into my legs adding the distraction of a tingling sensation to the now six hands groping my chest and back and shoulders.

"This hasn't gone down since you first walked into the room." Steve said.

"Don't answer this question out loud, but later tonight I want you to write down what you feel right now. To have your body manipulated however we want. To know that you could tell us to stop but you don't because you want to be controlled." Scott was speaking again. Their voices came fast and seemed to blend into one another. "I once walked a man down the street on a leash. I made him ask a stranger how he looked while wearing it."

Travis spoke directly into my ear. "I want to see you beg." He started slowly stroking my cock, his hand felt slightly calloused on my shaft and I pulled in air sharply through my nose. "What do you think will happen if you cum all over this rug?"

I bit my lower lip and started begging him to stop. Even as he laughed the words came to my mind again and again and I was no longer sure if I was saying them out loud. Please don't make me. Please don't make me. Please don't make me.

"Once," Steve said, "I made someone go four weeks without allowing him to orgasm. I fucked him every night for a month and kept his cock locked up tight. He begged. Scott was there."

The hands on my body seemed to multiply and I couldn't keep track of how many men were touching me at one time. A hand stopped rubbing my balls and another took its place.

All at once, it stopped. My chest was heaving and I heard myself crying, snot running out of my nose. Daniel's voice finally spoke. I don't remember what words he used, just that they were gentle. He lifted the mask from my eyes and I blinked, even in the dim light. Travis, Steve and Scott were all close by and Daniel walked away from me, sitting down across the room in the same chair where I'd laid over his knee and he'd spanked me over and over.

Steve was the first to come up to me. "What was my dog's name?" I replied with the correct answer and he hugged me gently, careful not to rub against my cock. "Nice job, boy. Nice job."

Travis came up to me next. "Where is my scar?" It took me a minute to remember where it was, but as I answered he hugged me close and rubbed a hand across my ass.

Scott was next, as he stood next to the other two. "What do you want to do now?"

It was a simple question, but I was lost as to how to answer. Strangeky enough the first two things that almost came to my lips were: cry and sleep, but after a moment, I got on my knees and leaned down to kiss each one of their feet, gratefully and gently.

When I leaned back, I could see that all three men were smiling.

Daniel came to me and gently pulled me up to my feet. He hugged me for a full two minutes and didn't scold me when I held him tightly, burying my face in his neck. He let me go, holding my shoulders. "Get dressed and then come back here." I walked unsteadily and got dressed slowly waiting to get my strength back, both in my body and my mind. When I went back into the living room, Daniel turned to me. "Travis is going to take you home. He's going to go up to your apartment with you and make sure you get into bed safely. If you get the desire to touch yourself, I want you to think about what you imagine I would say and behave appropriately. If you think I would want you to stop, then stop." Tomorrow is Friday, so I want you to come here by 5. Do you understand?"

I nodded and he kissed my forehead and then both cheeks, and then, finally my lips. That was the first time we'd kissed.

In the taxi, on the way home, Travis gently laid his hand on top of mine. I was sure he could feel me shaking.

Next: Chapter 4

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