Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Feb 18, 2015


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Thank you all for the kind words and critiques. I can only hope each chapter gets better than the previous one. All sexual contact in real life should be between two consenting adults in a safe and sane manner.

Any grammatical errors are mine and mine alone. Editing is not my strongest suit.

Twelve Days of Domination-11

I think it was the first time I'd woken up before Daniel and I just wanted to see him sleeping. There are two times in our lives when we are most vulnerable, most exposed. The first is during sex. Even a Dominant is exposed during sex. Our desires, the deepest, darkest parts are betrayed but the narrowing of our eyes, the growls that are born and die in our throats, the involuntary curl of our fingers and toes, the way a hard cock gives an extra jump of attraction.

The other time is when we sleep. We trust the person with us won't harm us, that they won't take advantage of our bodies. We're splayed out across the bed, dreaming of flying or of floating in the ocean, eyes closed, senses dulled.

I watched him breathe in and out, on his back, his face turned towards mine and his mouth open. The dark hair on his cheeks and chin intrigued me. I watched the slow rise and fall of his stomach just above the white of the sheet. He made a soft noise and it made me smile. Somehow, seeing him so vulnerable made me smile, made me feel my own disadvantage to him less keenly. I stared at the dark curl of hair in his armpit and the thin, fine hair of the back of his hand. He coughed and I could feel his legs stretch out.

He looked at me and smiled. "Good morning, puppy. Did you sleep well?" I nodded and his hand reached out to cup my chin and scratch along my jaw. "Good. You go into the kitchen and put some coffee on. The filters are in the cabinet to the right of the sink, but first bring me the paper. It should be right outside the door." I hopped out of the bed and went to get his paper. I returned to the bedroom and he was already dozing again, lost in that haze between sleep and awareness. I left the paper on the nightstand and quietly went to the kitchen.

I found the filters and the coffee and started the coffee maker. There were some dishes in the sink, so I cleaned them and left them in the drainer to dry. I realized I didn't know if he wanted sugar or milk in his coffee, so I found a small container that I could put some milk in and a small glass that I spooned a bit of sugar inside. I took a plate from the other cabinet and piled the containers on it, placing the coffee cup carefully in the middle. I went back into the bedroom and he was sitting up in bed reading the front page. He smiled when he saw my makeshift tray and moved his phone out of the way so I could place it on the bedside table.

He'd thrown on a pair of boxer shorts and socks and was lying on top of the bed spread now. He was wearing a pair of dark rimmed glasses and I noted he put a tiny bit of sugar and a large pour of milk in his coffee. He Looked up at me for a second.

"Rub my feet, puppy." I went to the edge of the bed and took one of his feet in both hands, carefully kneading it. He continued to read and sip his coffee and while he wasn't watching me, I felt as if I was staring at him with every ounce of attention. I moved to his other foot and kept my eyes on him. He read slowly and deliberately flipping back forth between the pages to finish each article that interested him. He set aside the first section and continued to drink his coffee, but he turned his gaze to me. He met my eyes and looked at me intently. HIs attention was almost overwhelming and I blushed red and looked away, feeling my neck get hot. He laughed. "You only look at me when I'm not looking at you, puppy. Why is that?"

I shrugged and kept massaging him, now looking at the soles of his feet. "I like it when you look at me. I like when you study me. It's like you want to, I don't know, burn an image of me into your brain. You should know me. You should know what my body looks like. You should know how I react to you when you're touching me. You should see how my body moves when I'm especially enjoying something you do." I looked up at him and he smiled again. He crossed his fingers together and rested his hands on his stomach. Closing his eyes, he let his head lean back and just enjoyed the feeling of my hands on him. I looked at him while his eyes were closed and studied what I could. I was fascinated by the way his socks bunched around his calves, the way the color of the hair on his legs was a shade lighter than that on his chest. I sighed, so happy and content at the moment, that I teared up, knowing it wouldn't last.

I kept massaging and he giggled a little when I hit a tender spot. After, I would guess, about twenty minutes, he pulled his feet away and looked down at me. "How about a hot shower, pup?" He stood up and dropped his shorts and pulled off his socks. He went into the bathroom and I followed. I went to grab the handle to turn on the water, but he grabbed my hand. "Get in." I stepped inside the tub and when he pointed to the ground, I knelt in front of him. Daniel held his cock in front of me and let loose a stream of piss. It soaked my chest and I shut my eyes, afraid it would splatter. "Keep your eyes open," he snapped. "Look at me!" I don't know if he meant his voice to be that sharp, but it startled me and I stared at him. He looked back at me, soaking my body in his piss. He didn't hit my eyes, but I could tell he was tempted. "Open your mouth, puppy." I opened and he aimed directly for my mouth. "Just keep it in your mouth and leave it in there. Don't swallow it."

The stream lost some of its intensity and trickled off. He looked at me and I could feel a bit of the urine trickle out of mouth and down my chin. " Now you can swallow." He watched my face as I pulled the piss down my throat. I couldn't help making a face as the salty liquid went down my throat. He smiled at my discomfort. "Do you see the problem, puppy?" I wasn't sure what to say or do, until I looked down at his cock and saw a drop of piss on the tip. I leaned forward and licked the head of his shaft, swallowing the last of his piss. He looked down at me when I pulled away and arched an eyebrow over the frame of his glasses. He held on to the base of his cock and I leaned forward to take it in my mouth. He put his hands on his hips and I tried to look up at him as he hardened in my mouth. He moaned. When I moved my hands to grab ahold of his cock, he spoke calmly but sternly. "You don't need hands to give a blowjob. I shouldn't ever have to repeat that." I moved my hands down to brace myself on the edge of the tub and pushed my head forward, moving swiftly up and down his shaft, feeling the head of his cock against the back of my throat. "Slow down, pup. Savor it. Enjoy the feeling of me getting harder in your mouth." I sucked him deeply and went down only about half way, nursing him gently, taking another inch every few moments until his pubic hais was tickling my nose. He moaned again and sighed. I pulled back slightly, letting my tounge run along his cock.

"Do that again."

I inhaled deeply so I could take all of him again and I held back when my body tried to choke. It took me a minute but finally he was all the way in, and when I pulled back I swirled my tounge all the way around him. He exhaled and I slipped the very tip of my tounge into his piss slit, licking it as best I could.

He pumped into me slowly and I took the time to inhale his scent. He smelled so powerful. Not that the scent was bad in any way or overwhelming. Just that he was powerful. He smelled like a man who could walk into a room and take charge. HIs heavy breathing and the sound of my slurping filled the small room. The acoustics of the bathroom magnifying them and they echoed in my ears. He took his time; each time he was close to orgasm, I could feel him pull out of my mouth and wait until he calmed down. My jaw ached and each time he pulled out completely I chewed silently, hoping to not cramp. When he pulled out, I studied his cock, each line, each vein, the color of the pink head against the pale skin of the shaft.

He pushed in all the way and held the back of my head, keeping his cock inside of me until I chocked and gagged and saliva came out of my mouth, getting caught in his pubic hair. He took his hand off my head and I fell back on my knees coughing. In a second, though, I was back on his cock, almost diving on it, needing to feel it inside me. I didn't want to see the look in his eyes, not knowing if he was proud of me or horrified by my need.

He didn't warn me. He just came in my mouth, filling me with his semen, gently pumping in and out. He sighed and I felt his hand on the top if my head, just resting there.

"That felt nice, puppy." He pulled out of my mouth and stepped back. "I'm going to go out for a little bit. I want you to shower and then clean the kitchen. Supplies are under the sink. If you need to piss, you can use the dog pad in the kitchen. If you get done with the kitchen, you can fold my laundry. You'll be okay for a couple of hours right?" I nodded and he walked back into the bedroom, while I turned on the shower. I showered quickly, not wanting to waste any time and by the time I was towelled dry, he was out the door and gone, the apartment strangely quiet and empty without him.

I went to the kitchen and started on the floor. The room wasn't big, but cleaning properly, like my mother taught, always took me awhile. If I was at home, I'd have put some music on, or played a DVD in the background and the silence surrounded me. It felt slightly oppressive but I wanted to do a good job. As I scrubbed, I tried to think if what I wanted to avoid was punishment or disappointing Daniel. I didn't want to not smell him again, not feel him inside me again, but if he didn't like the job I did, I thought a part of me would die inside. I hated when he snapped at me and I hoped that I wasn't doing my best just to avoid a spanking. I moved the chairs and tables, but decided against trying to shift the fridge on my own. I would let him know that, so if he wanted he could get Alex to help me. I put everything back and grabbed another rag to work on the counter tops. By the time I got to washing his coffee cup and scrubbing the coffee pot and sink, an hour had gone by and I had to piss. I knelt down, almost going before I remembered to grab a paper towel. I knelt again and this time managed to get only a few drops on my legs. There was something vaguely perverse about pissing in a pad on the kitchen floor in another man's apartment. I wiped off and went back into his bedroom to pull his laundry out.

I dumped it all on the bed and started with his t-shirts so they wouldn't wrinkle. I guessed he'd washed his dirty clothes last night before I came over. I picked up a shirt and held it to my face. It smelled just slightly of him, as if a small part of him couldn't be washed away by the water and detergent. I inhaled and then forced myself to fold it carefully because I didn't want Daniel to come home and find me standing in his bedroom with a t-shirt attached to my face. I kept folding until I was done with the shirts and then moved on to his underwear. A pair of his boxers was turned inside out and I carefully put them right side out and folded them. I finished with his boxers and then his briefs and boxer briefs. I took them carefully and put them away. It took me a minute to find the right drawer and I almost stopped myself. He'd only told me to fold them, not put them away and I wondered if he'd be angry that I hadn't followed his instructions to the letter. I started to second guess my own instincts and by the time I heard Daniel's key in the door, I felt sweat trickling down my back and sides.

"Puppy! I'm back. I brought you a treat." I heard him coming down the hall and by the time he came into the bedroom, Daniel found me standing in the middle of the room with a pile of his underwear in my hands and tears running down my face. "Pup, are you all right? What happened?"

He put a bag on the floor and took the underwear from my hands, tossing it on the bed. I told him how I wasn't sure what I should have done and I started crying harder when I told him how I didn't want to disappoint him and I hadn't moved the fridge and he chuckled slightly as he pulled me closer.

"Oh, puppy. That's okay. It's okay." He held my face in his hands and the window was reflected in his glasses. "I don't want you to be paralyzed by fear. If you'd jerked off, I'd have been angry, but if you want to help out more by putting away my laundry, I'm fine with that. I don't want a robot. I want a man who will be able to carry on a conversation. I want a man who'll know what I want even before I do." He kissed my forehead. "Why don't you finish putting away my clothes and then bring the paper into the living room."

He squeezed my hand gently and walked back into the other room. I put his laundry away and went quickly to the bathroom where I blew my nose and tried to make my eyes look less red.

When I went to the living room he was sitting on the couch, flipping through the TV channels and he had breakfast on the table. Bagels and croissants and orange juice. I choked back a few tears of gratitude. "Hungry, pup?" I went to the couch and sat on the floor between his legs. He hooked one of his knees over my shoulder and leaned over to smile at me from above. "Have what you want. We'll relax for a bit today and then maybe go out tonight."

I hadn't realized how hungry I was and I ate more than I would have if I were home. He flipped through the channels and ended up going back and forth between a football game and an old movie with Rosliand Russell. I relaxed my head against his thigh and nuzzled against it smelling him. He put his other leg over my other shoulder and I wrapped my forearms around his calves. He smelled so good and I twisted because I wanted to sniff his crotch.

He laughed when he watched me try to turn around and pulled his legs closer to the couch. I couldn't get any leverage and he trapped me there with his legs over my shoulders and my arms around his calves, pinning me to the couch. "What's wrong, puppy? I want you to sniff me. Right between my legs. Come on. You can do it." I twisted and turned, but he held me there and as frustrated as I was, I joined in when he laughed again. "I'll let you out, if you promise me something." I agreed and he let me out. I turned around, still on my knees and put my face in his crotch, inhaling deeply. "I want you to fuck me."

That surprised me and I nodded, not sure if I could last very long, because I hadn't cum in six days. He led me into the bedroom, dropping his clothes on the floor as he walked. He laid out on the bed, and laced his hands behind his head. "I want you to fuck my hole with your tounge, puppy. Get your face between my cheeks. I want to see how you fuck me." He put his knees on my shoulders and I didn't hesitate as I dove between his legs. I twisted my face so I could get better access. I started by tounging the outside of his hole, the hair tickling me. "Get in there." I stiffened my tounge and pushed it inside of him. He moaned as I tried to think of words to describe how the inside of his hole felt on the tip of my tounge. I tried to form a seal around his ass with my lips as I pushed inside. He moaned and I felt him clamp down, pushing my tounge out. "Nice." He kept me there for some time. As so often when I was with him, I had no concept of time and so I could only go by the way my jaw began to ache.

He pulled my face out of his ass and flipped over on the bed, so he was now on his stomach. "This will give you better access to me,pup. You can use your hands." It was easier this way. I was half off the bed, but I was able to lean over and used my hands to pry his cheeks apart. I looked at his hole for a minute. There was some hair around it, but it was slick from my spit. I pushed my face into him and carefully loosened his hole as much as I could so I could push my tounge into him.

He was wiggling his ass, grinding it into my face. "Kiss it. I want to hear you give my hole a nice big kiss." I puckered my lips and kissed loudly, as if I were imitating a bad movie kiss. "Again, puppy." I kissed him again and again and again. He pushed my head away and rolled over, his cock as hard as I'd ever seen it. He sat up and grabbed my hair, pulling me fully onto the bed and placing me on my back. He grabbed a condom and put it on, shoving some lube into my hand and telling me to get ready. By the time he had the condom unwrapped and rolled on, I had my legs in the air, and he rested my legs on his shoulders, pushing into me. He went about half way and began pumping, each thrust pushing him deeper. I think it took maybe four strokes before I could feel his pubes tickling my ass and his balls slapping on my ass. I t didn't take him too long, before I could hear his breath increasing. He reached down and I felt his hand on my throat squeezing it, slowly stopping my breath. He pushed deeper and faster and his hand tightened on my neck. I couldn't inhale and oxygen and I felt my hands involuntarily slap at his wrists. He loosened his grip and I sucked in three deep breaths before he started choking me again; he watched my arms flail as my mind tried to not fight it, but my body grabbed his wrist. He pulled my hand away, and took his dick out of me. Ripping off the condom, he shifted his body and moved up my body, stroking until he exploded.

The first shots landed on my face and neck and his body shook on top of mine, his ass rubbing on my torso. He collpased on top of me, and slowly recovered. He rolled over and pulled me on top of him. "Do you want to rub on my leg, puppy?" HIs voice was raspy and deeper than usual. "Is that what you want? Want to hump your owner's leg?" I started rubbing my hard cock on him. He didn't insult me or humiliate me, but he kept up a stream of talk, letting me know I was his. Not having cum in so many days, it didn't take me long and I shot a huge load on his strong, hairy thigh. He laughed as I regained control of my own body. He took my head and pushed down until my face was at his thigh. I stuck out my tounge, but he looked at me. "No, puppy. I want to see your face covered in it, and he rubbed my face into my own ejaculate, cleaning himself up with my hair and skin. "Go look at yourself."

I stood up, looking in the mirror and he came up behind me. "That's what a good pup looks like. You look more beautiful than ever when you have both our orgasms on your face. He kissed the top of my head. "Stand there and let it dry." I could hear him go into the bathroom and start the shower, while I stood, naked and vulnerable staring at my own reflection.

Next: Chapter 11

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