Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Dec 6, 2014


This story is about sexual Domination between two consenting adults. Always practice safe sex and make sure that any sexual contact is safe, sane and consenual.

The Twelve Days of Domination I

It had all started a few days ago. We knew each other somewhat. We travelled in similar, overlapping circles, but I can't say we knew each other well. He was more handsome than I was and more confident, which made people flock to him. They wanted his attention and acknowledgement, while I faded, not completely into the background, but while he was bright and sharp and in focus, the cameras on me would have been fuzzy. I don't say any of this to gain sympathy. My life was good and I enjoyed myself (mostly). I didn't hook up often, but now and then my dick pic on some site was enough to find someone attractive enough and smart enough to meet up with. I say this only because it was a surprise to me when I was standing in the corner of the room, looking at my friend's bookshelf, while at a party. I was looking through some book about exercise, when he came up to me.

"Hello." He spoke formally, without any trace of an accent I could find. His voice was deep, but naturally. There was nothing artificial about him.

"Hi," I replied, turning slightly red. My voice felt high and feminine and I dropped my voice low. "How are you?"

He laughed. "You can just speak however you want to do so. I'm not hung up on the whole `masc gay' thing. Sexy is sexy." He shook my hand. "I'm Daniel." I introduced myself. "Yes, I know. We've never formally been introduced, so I thought I would remedy that."

I smiled shyly and returned the book I'd been looking at to the shelf.

"I came over, because I had a feeling about you. I've been having it ever since I saw you first, but I think it was confirmed tonight. When you were standing at the bar, waiting for a drink, you let three people get in front of you. You didn't assert yourself, you didn't say anything, just looked down at the floor and waited." He looked at me and waited for me to react, I think. Waiting for me to say something that would have asserted something, taken back some power, but I didn't. I looked around, hoping that no one was listening, hoping that someone would come near. "Don't look around. I'm speaking to you, so you look at me." Speaking to me, I noted, not with me. Still my head snapped back to look at him. "You're going to say good bye to our hosts and thank them for a wonderful visit. Then you're going to go downstairs and sit in the lobby and wait ten minutes for me. On the ninth minute, you'll go outside and get us a cab, so I won't have to wait in the cold weather. I know you and what you really want. You want me to teach you to be a good little submissive. You're a natural but you need practice. We're going to start tonight with a lesson. Every day you'll learn a lesson and by the end of it, you'll thank me by begging me to do things you've never even thought of right now." He looked at his watch. "Ten minutes.

I walked downstairs and did everything as I was told. I don't know why I did this. I've never had any kind of rough sex. And, even though he was a little taller than me, he wasn't a huge muscleman. He wasn't so handsome that I would have done anything for him. A pretty face doesn't make me swoon much and I had no idea why I felt compelled to do this.

By the time I had a cab waiting he came out the door and I waited, holding the door for him. He gave the cabbie an address and looked out the window, not speaking with me, to me, at all. We got to his place and I followed him inside. He pointed to the closet and handed me his coat and while I was hanging up mine, poured himself a glass of wine. He motioned for me to sit next to him, telling me I could feel free to ask him any questions I might have.

"I'm sure this is nothing like you've ever experienced before, but I can tell, you want it. You may not know you do, and after tonight, if you don't want to continue, we'll remain casual acquaintances and never speak of this again. I'm guessing you'll want to continue. How does that sound to you?" I replied that it was fine, and he smiled. "Take off all your clothes. You won't wear anything."

He watched me as each article of clothing came off and stopped me once or twice, asking me to turn this way or that, staring, appraising, smiling or not. I work out regularly and I'm careful about what I eat. Though I'm not a model, my body is slightly better than average but I felt undeserving of him, even though I might actually have been more muscular. He had me bring him a sturdy chair from the corner of his apartment and sat in it, flat footed. He gestured to me, and I lay across his lap, like I hadn't since I was a child.

"Your first lesson today will be endurance and tolerance. You'll tolerate the pain as long as I want to give it out and you'll endure it. I expect you to whimper and cry, but don't raise your voice so loud that the neighbors will hear you. Do you understand?"

I nodded and he brought his hand lightly to my backside, rubbing each cheek in turn, letting my body get used to his touch. The first spank landed surprisingly and my legs jerked up in shock and pain. I grunted and the next blow landed in almost the same exact spot. This time I was expecting it, and my legs didn't move but I still felt it. Each time his hand landed on my ass, I could feel warmth rushing to my skin. I imagined a red handprint almost tattooed on each cheek. It took me almost five minutes before the first whimper came. He waited almost five swats after I made that noise before he stopped for a minute. His hand started gently stroking me, comforting me, making me feel more loved than punished. It was strange, being stretched across his knees. As if I'd somehow found a place that provided both comfort and structure. It wasn't until after he'd been stroking me that I realized my dick was fully hard and pushing against his thigh.

"It seems you like this, don't you?" He didn't use my name, and it wouldn't be until much later I realized he never used my name in those first few times we met. My cock had started out dangling between his thighs, soft and flaccid. Since it was hard and against his legs, he lifted his leg up and down, causing it to rub against the soft wool of his pants. Taking my hand he rubbed it against the growing bulge in his pants. "This is the only cock that matters when you and I are together. If you come it will be spontaneously. It won't be because I touch your cock and it certainly won't be because you did. We'll get to a point where you won't come in or out of my presence without permission, but for now I'll let you jerk off at home. Whenever you want and however many times you want. There will be a time, though, when I'll prevent that. I won't resort to locking you up unless I have to, but hopefully that won't be necessary." This time, the spanking came without any warning. It was merciless and I couldn't take it. I started bucking, but he held me in place. He was much stronger than I'd thought, and I let out a short, sharp yell.

"Quiet!" He said. He landed a sharp blow on my ass and I bit down the shout forming in my throat. The tears started coming and I whimpered, begging for it to stop one minute and for it to continue the next. "I love it when you beg me." He stopped spanking me for a minute and leaned down. "I want you to remember this when you're jerking your dick off later. Remember that right now, in this moment, you're begging me for your pleasure. Remember that I'm the one who can give and take your pleasure away." He landed a sharp blow and I barely stifled myself from yelping. "Stand up and face away from me." I stood up and looked down at the floor while I turned away from him. I heard him laugh a little and he stood up and walked towards me. I felt his finger touch my back and trace a line across my shoulders. I had stiffened at the touch. "I told you. One lesson at a time. Are you afraid?" I nodded affirmatively, worried that my voice would crack with emotion. He came around and lifted my chin so that I would look at his eyes. "I want you to see something." He showed me a picture on his cell phone of my ass. It was a close-up. Both cheeks were red and white and the edges were purple. I almost winced thinking about sitting down. "Now that you've seen that, here's the more important question: are you afraid of me?" I thought for a moment and shook my head no. As much as I feared the emotions and desires this last half hour had unleashed in me, he didn't scare me. I wasn't worried he'd scar me or hurt me. I wasn't worried he'd tie me up and slit my throat. Especially when he smiled at me. "Go home. I know you want to sleep here tonight, but I want you to think about who you are and who you want to be. I'll see you in three days. Back here. 7 pm." He kissed me lightly on the forehead and stepped towards the window, turning his back to me and totally silent as I slowly got dressed.

Next: Chapter 2

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