Tutoring Three Jocks

By K Writing

Published on Apr 7, 2014


This story is complete fiction. Any similarities between these fictional characters and any living person is purely coincidental. This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between college students, and has a particular focus on athletic muscular bodies.

In addition, this story contains some foot fetish scenes. If you do not enjoy reading about this fetish, I highly suggest you do not continue. But for those of you who like feet, and/or reading about hot jocks and their sexy bodies, I highly suggest you continue.

Thank you to anyone who reads this story, and I welcome comments to let me know what you thought about the story, and how I can improve. I really enjoyed writing this story in the first person, and felt pretty good about the narrative voice, but I would love to hear any opinions from my readers!

And please consider making a donation to nifty to keep this amazing site up and running!

I looked around the table, and saw three confused faces, each one belonging to the face of one of the athletes I was tutoring. When my algebra teacher, Mrs. Stevenson, personally requested my services from the tutoring department, there was no way I could say no. What if I was in one of her classes during sophomore, or junior year? Would she even remember me? Maybe not, but I wasn't the type to take any chances, even on something as seemingly miniscule as a teacher I may or may not have dislike me.

This was my second semester in college, but very few people knew the name Trevor Ballad. Having a single room was highly beneficial to a shy person like myself, but it also made avoiding other people in my dorm and keeping to myself a whole lot easier. I didn't have the confidence so many of the other guys I saw walking around campus had.

I was a little on the short side, hitting just a couple inches above five feet, and my glasses were pretty big. They weren't the large, round ones that made me look like the quintessential 90s nerd, but their size was noticeable. Contacts were too much of a fuss, and I thought the largeness of my glasses was their charm point.

In spite of PE classes, and my recent frequent trips to the gym, I was still super skinny. Chest muscles were slowly beginning to form but nowhere near as much as I wanted. The studly jocks who could walk around without a shirt, and have girls swooning all over them—that was the kind of build I wanted. Of course, I didn't want or need a gaggle of girls. I wanted boys.

It was kind of embarrassing to enter college not only a virgin, but never have being kissed either. Any crush I had, to varying degrees of attraction and closeness, all were unrequited because they were inevitably straight. I knew my chances were practically impossible with the type of guy that I was attracted to, athletes who had a reputations that preceded themselves, so I was content with getting as close to them as possible. When the tutoring department informed me that I would be teaching three athletes, I was simultaneously throwing myself a party in my head, and freaking out more than I ever had before. How was I going to fit in with three jocks? And when they met me in a math class after dinner, I knew I was in trouble. They were all walking wet dreams.

Dylan was "the freshman ringer" on the football team, and from his muscular build, it was easy to see how he would have no trouble competing with the older boys. He had bulging pecs and washboard abs that were almost always visible through the thin fabric of his shirts. He wore tank tops a lot, which highlighted those powerful arms that I would have given anything to lick. Even his legs seemed to be made of pure muscle, an easy observation to make since he commonly wore shorts. Dylan had an incredible physique, and had no issue showing it off, walking around campus without a shirt, or lying on the lawn, soaking up the sun in a pair of obscenely short shorts.

And it wasn't just his muscles that put him center stage in my fantasies. Dylan had fair skin, light blond hair and these green-gray eyes that lit up whenever he laughed, which he seemed to do more often than not. He was extremely physical, always putting his arm around one of his friends. I could only imagine what it would feel like to be wrapped up in those strong arms, Dylan pressing long, lingering kisses against my lips until they were sensitive from overstimulation.

When Mrs. Stevenson requested me for tutoring, she intended for me to work with Dylan one-on-one. But Dylan decided to bring his buddies along: Colby and Lee.

Colby was on the soccer team, and it seemed like every time I saw him, he was either on the soccer field, or flirting with some girl. He had a voice that carried, so it was hard to miss him, and I certainly didn't want to do that. The soccer team's uniform bore the college's school colors: orange and white. It wasn't the most flattering combination, but it complimented Colby's tan skin so well. And the shorts seemed even shorter than they did in high school. That gave my eyes the perfect journey down those muscular legs, down those bright orange soccer socks, until they zeroed in on Colby's feet. I couldn't tell you how often I pictured shooting my load between Colby's toes.

Even though I read on the internet that the foot fetish was the most common fetish, I couldn't help but be embarrassed by it. A lot of porn used the fetish as a form of erotic domination, hunks commanding the foot enthusiast to clean their feet with his tongue, while releasing a string of curse words and smug smiles. That was the opposite of what I wanted. I wanted to suck on a guy's toes and lick his bare soles, and have him moaning for me to do more. It turned me on to think I was turning someone else on, but beneath the kinkiness of it all were undercurrents of equal arousal. And if there was a pair of feet that I was dying to get my tongue on, it was Colby's, socks on or off.

Lee was the other athlete I was tutoring and he was on the swim team. I knew nothing about swimming as a competitive sport, but I did know that I was a fan of any sport that featured hot guys in speedos. I went to swim meets just to watch Lee walk around in the red speedo before it was his turn to compete, and the nights after the image of his nearly naked body was burned into my mind, I jerked off furiously.

Lee was half-Korean and half-white, giving him the smoothest skin I had ever seen. Combined with his ritual of shaving his body to assist his swimming speed, Lee was completely hairless, which was a huge plus in my book. I never understood some people's preference for their guys to be "natural." A hairy chest or hairy legs were quick turn offs, so as far as I was concerned, the less hair on a guy's body, the better. Seeing Lee's hairless body after he emerged from the pool only fed my curiosity, made me imagine my tongue dipping down to the most intimate places. And I was willing to sit there and endure the hard-on just to wait until the meet was over, and I was unable to see him again. It may have been a little stalkerish, but wasn't that what everybody did at one point? When it came to guys as hot as Lee, it was easy to abandon shame.

I didn't know what I was going to do when all three boys showed up for the tutoring session. I used to fantasize that I walked with the streets with overflowing confidence, perhaps even bordering on cockiness. And when some creep tried to intimidate me, I imagined seducing him with ease, then flirting with him into submission. It wasn't like I wanted a legion of guys at my feet, spellbound by my every gaze, but imagining having that kind of power over men did the ego good, even if there was no way that kind of thing would happen in real life.

But as I looked across the table, then back at my explanation of the math problem on the board, I remembered why my nerves were taking hold of me. Although I had no problem solving complicated equations, having to explain the intricacies of them was nearly impossible for me. Seeing the stagnant confusion on their faces only made me more intimidated. What would they be like if I couldn't help them? What would Mrs. Stevenson say? I had just set myself up for a domino-line of disappointments.

"Are you sure you can't just tell us the answers?" Colby asked "It's not like we'll tell anyone."

Lee elbowed his friend, before furiously erasing his paper. The eraser, which was full and white at the start of our meeting, was already down to a small nub.

That was about the sixth time Colby had asked for me to just give away the answer, and if it wasn't for Lee, I probably would have caved and done it. I knew it went against the application I signed when joining the tutoring program, but my mind circled around the idea of Colby really appreciating my help, and getting all buddy-buddy with me. And even if I ended up being his answer book for the rest of the semester, it would have been worth it to see him flash his white teeth at me with the smile he usually reserved for girls and close friends.

The other motivation for not revealing the answer was that Colby had kicked his shoes off, and since he was sitting across from me, every so often, his bare feet would rub against my leg. He didn't seem to realize that he was doing it, and every time those toes touched me, I was springing wood in my shorts. It was really hard to position myself in a way that I could help these three jocks, without Dylan, who was sitting next to me, notice how hard I was getting.

"Okay, I need a soda before my mind craps out on me," Colby announced. I fought back a sigh when I felt his feet brush against my leg with more pressure than ever had.

Lee was right behind him, and Dylan was looking at me. At first, I thought he was just spacing out. He was doing that a lot during the lesson, after all. But as the seconds passed, his gaze lingered, and I was simultaneously on the verge of having my face melt from overheating and my balls start aching from how hard I was. When was the last time I jerked off? Probably two weeks. The longest two weeks of my life.

It wasn't really the question I should have been pondering when a hot jock was looking at me so intently. And if I wasn't imagining things, he was trying to hold back a smile. God, this was humiliating. I felt like every secret built inside me was about to come crashing down just from a look.

That was nothing to the mini panic attack I had when I felt Dylan's foot pressing against my leg.

"I knew it."

It wasn't intimidating, or jeering in the least. But the proud look on Dylan's face made me want to bury myself in the nearest accessible space. We were only on the second floor. Probably wasn't enough to do any serious damage if I jumped and managed a good roll on the landing.

"You ever suck on a guy's toes?"

Dylan was asking the question so casually, as if he had just asked me what my plans were for the weekend. My voice was failing me, and that probably wasn't entirely a bad thing, so I just shook my head.

"It's pretty wild. You definitely gotta do it." We sat there for a couple seconds, though it felt like an entire half-hour had passed before Dylan spoke again. "You wanna?"

What did I do to have one of my wildest wet dreams come to fruition? My dick was pressing uncomfortably against the crotch of my shorts, and no amount of readjusting could hide how aroused I was. It was all happening too fast for me to think straight, and I was nodding before my mind fully processed the action. And with a grin that could only be characteristic of Dylan, he was practically beaming at my answer.

"Hey, sorry we took so long." Colby walked into the room and tossed Dylan a can of Coca Cola. Lee followed, and closed the door behind him, his hair wet. I wasn't sure what that was about, but I decided not to ask. My mouth was pretty dry at the moment, anyway.

"Well, it's been three hours and I'm fried. Can we pick this up tomorrow somewhere that's not a classroom? It's making me sleepy."

Even Lee seemed resigned to calling it a day, so I took Colby up on his offer. The three jocks chatted away, and I was only half-listening for my name, though I wasn't expecting to hear it. If it wasn't for tutoring, I would have never crossed paths with these guys, let alone be around them long enough to pick up a scrap of their conversation. I had hoped all that social standing stuff would die after high school, but if anything the jocks were more revered, and in a big college, guys like me couldn't even get near them. I was hardly the one to upset this delicate balance.

Though Dylan seemed to have no trouble doing so, walking with his arm around me and trying to include me in their conversations on the way back. I couldn't offer much more than a nod, or one-word answers, but Dylan didn't give up. His body was so warm, and in spite of my embarrassment, it felt good to be in the position I had always dreamt about.

Dylan's arm remained around me after we separated and we walked to my dorm. It was as awkward as I thought it would be, Lee looking at me as if he wasn't sure why on Earth someone like Dylan would be hanging out with someone like me. And the confused look on Colby's face was replaced with a faint smirk.

Was this whole arrangement some kind of set-up? Was there a video camera set up in my room? My head was spinning as I led Dylan to my dorm room. Trap or not, how could I turn down my first chance to mess around with a guy, especially one as hot as Dylan?

Having a single room was rare for a freshman, but luckily I was a lot better at writing words than saying them. An essay accompanying my housing application that explained how having my own space was not only beneficial, but essential, secured me the singe room on the second floor of my dorm.

It was pretty bare, spare a couple posters of computers on my walls. I really loved technology, and hoped to get a job working on computer software after college. My parents supported me completely, but my career dream was kept a tight secret from anyone else as to not run the risk of sounding too nerdy. Though it wasn't like I was really close enough to anyone to have that sort of conversation.

"Your room is pretty cool," Dylan said. He picked up the Rubik's Cube on my desk and fiddled with it, undoing a week's worth of progress. But I kept my mouth shut. "You're pretty lucky to get your own room. My roommates drive me crazy sometimes."

His roommates were Brett, Lucas, and Jeff, who were all on the football team. Granted, Dylan was the only one on the varsity team, but the junior varsity team was doing pretty well for themselves. With only loss in the season, they would definitely be going to the championships. And they all had the perfect builds for football. What I wouldn't have given to have a cloak of invisibility just to watch all four of them undress. I kept the Harry Potter reference to myself, and mumbled an unintelligible response. There was no side-stepping how nerdy that sounded. And I didn't even like Harry Potter that much.

"Don't you get lonely up here?" Dylan asked. My Rubik's cube was in complete disarray, and I could tell from the concentrated look on his face that Dylan was trying to fix it. "Who do you talk to at one in the morning when you have a problem?"

At one in the morning, I was definitely sleeping. Whatever problem I had would have to wait. I was never into the whole staying up late to finish an assignment. And after coming to college, I came to really treasure sleeping. Between classes, homework, and surfing the internet, it was easy to just doze off in my bed. Luckily my social life was lacking so I didn't miss any obligations.

I shrugged, and Dylan put the Rubik's cube back on my table, making a much louder noise than I had anticipated.

"You don't say much, do you?" He sounded a little irritated.


He studied me for a moment, then smiled, any trace of annoyance from his face completely gone in an instant. "Nah, don't worry about it. Sorry I freaked you out."

Dylan sat down on my bed, and patted a seat next to him. Ignoring how hard my heart was pounding against my chest, I sat down.

I tensed when he put his hand on my thigh, and once he began stroking, I thought I was going to collapse against him. His touch was electric, making my whole body flood with heat. Was my inexperience showing? This whole thing was new to me. I didn't know how to act, or if it was okay to touch him too.

"You've never done anything with a guy, right?" I shook my head slowly. "Tell me what you like and don't like, okay?"


Dylan seemed to light up from just hearing me speak. And seeing him happy made me smile, though any deep thoughts were quickly pushed aside when I felt Dylan's tongue in my ear. It was weird, wet, and ticklish. In theory, it didn't sound like the most arousing thing in the world, but the instant felt Dylan's tongue gently probing my left lobe, I felt the familiar strain of my dick pressing against my shorts.

"I like that," I managed to get out. My brain was quickly starting to short-circuit. I was surprised I was able to form a coherent thought, especially with the sounds of Dylan pressing open-mouthed kisses and long licks across my ears and neck.

And as Dylan started touching my chest through my shirt, it was the sounds that continued to drive me wild. It was as if there was proof that Dylan was doing these things to me, each sound lodging itself a little deeper in my mind, and making the memory just a little more vivid.

I couldn't help it. The moment he squeezed my dick roughly through my shorts, I lost it, my entire body tensing as my cock spewed thick cum across the front of my briefs. It was embarrassing how quick I came, how turned on I was, but Dylan kept squeezing my dick, milking me for the duration of my orgasm.

When Dylan pulled his hand away and looked at it, a little of my cum trailing down his palm, I was mortified. And when he grinned, I was sure that this was some kind of cruel joke.

"Felt good, huh?"

The maliciousness I had been expecting was absent from his voice. The warmth which was gradually becoming familiar to me was present even in the huskiness that made my dick throb. When he reached for my crotch again, I stopped him. I was already worked up, not to mention a little sensitive from just cumming. But more than anything, I wanted to reciprocate, to make him feel as good as he had made me feel. My fantasies, more often than not, centered around me exploring a hot jock's body. That was even more appealing than having my body given the same attention.

I kneeled between Dylan's legs, unconsciously swiping my tongue across my lips when I saw how hard his dick was, heavy and straining against the tight fabric of his jeans. I could make out the helmet-head, and my appetite increased rapidly.

But not there, not yet. I was determined to take my time, to taste and touch every inch of Dylan's body.

A grin spread across his face again when I undid the laces of his sneakers, trying not to appear too excited. But it was impossible to hide how much I wanted this, and by the time, my hands were touching his bare feet, I was openly leering.

I sighed when Dylan pressed his right foot against my face, gently, so that his toes were right under his nose. With a deep inhale, I couldn't help but grab my dick through my shorts, feeling my load against my cock and balls. Without an outlet to indulge in my fetish, I tried smelling and even sucking on my own toes, but I never got turned on the way I did when imagining it was someone else's. But not even my most vivid fantasies could come close to the sensation that ran through my body when I felt those soft, but firm feet against my face.

It wasn't anything like the domination-centered foot worship videos that pervaded the internet. Dylan was gentle, pressing his feet against my face, and under my shirt, against my crotch, always allowing me to stop and slide my tongue along those perfect soles, or wrap my lips around those big toes. I practically bathed his feet with my tongue, smiling when he giggled from the ticklish sensation. And by the time he was groping himself through his jeans, I felt my heart flutter.

I was making him feel good, turning him on the same he did me. I wanted him to want it more, want me more.

I sat up and reached for the bottom of his shirt, slowly lifting it up to reveal the six-pack that permeated my wet dreams.

"Fuck," Dylan whispered as I ran my tongue along the outline of those firm muscles. The tensed under my tongue, and as I left a trail of loud kisses across each individual ab, Dylan took hold of his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. The fact that someone like me was making someone as hot and sexy as Dylan was mind blowing.

My breath hitched in my throat after I unzipped Dylan's jeans, and his bare cock stuck out. He had been going commando this whole time. I must have had incredible self-control not to blow a second load right then and there.

Dylan's cock was just as beautiful as the rest of him, six inches hard as steel and pre-cum oozing liberally from the tip. It seemed way too big for me to fit into my mouth, but my determination was solid.

My eyes widened and watered a little when I enveloped Dylan's dick. It stretched my mouth much more than I thought it would, and when Dylan accidentally bucked his hips forward, I pulled off and coughed for breath.

"Sorry," he said. I blushed when he stroked my hair. How experienced was Dylan? He seemed to know exactly what to say, what to do, to put me at ease. "Your mouth feels really good."

Invigorated by his compliment, I pulled down Dylan's jeans, leaving him completely naked, before I took him back into his mouth.

I focused my attention on the head at first, swirling my tongue around the tip, lapping up all the pre-cum that came gushing forward. It was sweet, and fueled my desire to feel his cum rushing down my throat. As I bobbed my head between Dylan's legs, I looked up to see him twisting and tweaking his nipples with a glassy-eyed look. I had never played with my own nipples, but from seeing pleasure wash across the hot jock's face, I made a mental note to give it a try. Everything was happening so fast, but I was learning a lot.

"Can I cum in your mouth?" he asked, his expression still glazed with need, as if he wasn't all there. I muffled my approval, which caused Dylan to grunt. Every sweaty chest muscle tightened when he came, and I grabbed onto his strong thighs to support myself as I took his load.

One time, I rolled onto my shoulders and hooked my legs over my bedpost to simulate what it would feel like to have a guy come all over my face, but I never had this much cum going down my throat at once. I was proud of myself for staying on for so long, the last couple spurts shooting across my face.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to swallow or not. It seemed like the polite thing to do, didn't taste bad, but I didn't know if I wanted that much of it. But before I could make the decision, Dylan pulled me up and pressed our lips together.

My first kiss. It wasn't how I imagined it, the innocent pressing together of our lips that slowly escalated into a lingering embrace. Dylan's tongue was practically down my mouth the moment our lips connected, and I was far too stunned to participate actively, only moving my tongue when coaxed to do so. It wasn't until he pulled away that I fully registered the action, and my head was already spinning by then.

"Well, how was it?"

How could I answer that without sounding like a total loser? Was there some sort of hook-up protocol that I didn't know? Somehow, it didn't seem like a good idea to look too eager after you sucked a guy off. I didn't want to seem desperate. But I kinda was.

"Good. Really good." I smiled sheepishly, and he smiled back.

"You wanna study at my place tomorrow?"

Was that a not-so-subtle way of inviting me for a second round? I quickly said yes, effectively crushing any hope of not sounding desperate.

Colby and Lee were unexpected variables when I walked into Dylan's apartment. Even more unexpected was seeing the three of them stripped down to the bare minimum. Whether this was the norm, or for my benefit, I wasn't sure. The possibility of it being the former excited me, like I was getting the chance to be one of the guys. Maybe they felt comfortable enough around me not to care. Or maybe I was reading way too deeply into this, and was carrying my bookbag in front of my trousers for no reason.

Well, not for no reason. Regardless of their motives my body couldn't not react to three gorgeous nearly naked guys in such close proximity. Lee was wearing a thin white tank-top, which had his small nipples practically on display. Dylan was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt that accentuated his muscles, and Colby wasn't even wearing a shirt. If I was a cartoon character, I would have drowned from the waterfall of drool pouring from my mouth and dizzy from a major nosebleed.

And I was only excited further from seeing them all barefoot, and wearing tight white briefs.

It wasn't really a fetish or anything, but no other type of underwear got me going like a pair of white briefs. The way they hugged a guy's round firm butt did wonders for me in a way that boxers never did. It was like my thoughts were transferred to Dylan's mind when we kissed, and he staged another one of my fantasies for me to enjoy.

I was probably overthinking it. I did that a lot. But now wasn't the time for that.

I quickly found out that it wasn't the time for studying either. There books were nowhere to be found, and Colby repeatedly insisted for one more rematch in whatever fighting game they were laying. I watched Colby and Le play for ten straight minutes, Dylan explaining all the combos and items. I hadn't really been able to absorb anything Dylan was saying because I could see the outline of Colby's butt in his briefs, and I couldn't stop imagining pulling his underwear down and seeing those rock-hard muscles in their true glory.

So when Colby handed me a game controller and patted a seat next to him, I had no idea what I was doing, and KOd myself numerous times, which had the other guys, Colby in particular, howling with laughter. And after the initial wave of embarrassment, I started laughing too. It was fun to just hang out and do nothing with the guys. That was something I had never done before, and it made me wish I hadn't wasted all that time in high school keeping to myself. After college, when was I going to get another chance like this?

The first time Colby's foot brushed against mine, I thought it was an accident. But, in spite of his unchanging excitement over the game, the contact was frequent, and purposeful, as I soon realized after I caught Dylan smiling at me.

What had he said? Was this that elaborate plan to embarrass me after all? Reveal my foot fetish and use my desires against me? My face was burning with heat, and with any luck, it would melt right off.

"I've always wondered what it would feel like to get my toes sucked."

There was Colby's talent for not mincing words again. I looked to Dylan to gauge if I should get a running start, but he just nudged me and winked, which was simultaneously adorable and intimidating. I looked at Colby, and then at Lee, who was eyeing me curiously. Was he in on this too? I hoped so.

Colby scooted back a little and stretched his legs out, toes curling occasionally while he focused on his game. Even though the controller was firm in his hand, I knew he was just stalling, attempting to make this as not awkward as possible, which actually did manage to ease me a little bit.

He smiled when I brought his feet into my lap, and I shivered when his toes pressed against my cock. I was already so hard that it was starting to hurt. Then I remembered what Dylan had told me last night, about asking for what I wanted. If Colby was cool wit this why shouldn't I be? I unceremoniously lifted his feet and took both big toes into my mouth.

His reaction was comical, eyes widening so much they were on the edge of bursting. A loud scream from the TV let me know his character had just taken a serious beating, Colby far too distracted to care. Within a few seconds, his breaths were growing heavier.

I wasn't hesitant in the least, rolling my tongue between those perfectly shaped toes. Knowing that Lee was watching through furtive glances, I made a big show about everything, making sounds that were practically obscene as I sucked on each one of Colby's size eleven feet individually. By the time I made one long lick from the bottom of his sole up to his big toe, Colby was pulling down his briefs and stroking his dick.


My mind echoed what Dylan had cursed yesterday from my ministrations. I never had any particular strong opinions on swearing, but coming from these guys, at times like this, nothing could have been hotter.

Suddenly there was another foot inches away from my face, and I began licking and sucking on it without hesitation. Lee whimpered, and I increased the force of my suction, eyes locked on Colby, who was humping his hand, thrusting into his closed fist and eyes glazed over with need.

It was all so overwhelming, and as much as I was enjoying their feet in my mouth, my body was aching for more. I didn't know how far these jocks had planned to go with me, but there was no way any of us could have been satisfied with just this. So I turned Lee onto his back, pulled his shirt over his head in record time, and attached my mouth to his right nipple.

He clearly wasn't expecting it, if his throaty "Oh God" was any indication. I was relentless, sucking on those small pink buds until they were fully erect and hypersensitive, and even then, I didn't let up. He was writhing on the floor, attempting to take fistfuls of carpet, and moaning my name. My name. As inexperienced as I was, I was teasing someone else, and he was liking it. Something like a surge of power ran through my system.

I continued up and sucked on his neck while I groped his chest, getting my fill of his muscles. It was addictive, feeling the firm mounds of his pecs tighten under my touch. I gave his abs the same attention, squeezing them, before I bent down to kiss each one individually. Lee was already starting to sweat, and his dick was throbbing in his briefs. I could see the dark spot on the white fabric, which exposed his circumcised head.

My mouth was watering at the sight, and I could see that he was pleading me to go further with his eyes, but I turned my attention back to Colby. With my shy nature, coupled with inexperience, I always assumed I would be submissive. But there was something to this whole take control thing.

I lifted his arms and sunk my face deep into his left armpit, which elicited a low moan that was the epitome of masculinity. His pits were nearly hairless, which turned me on even more. Colby was sweating even more than Lee was, and I couldn't help the urge to lap up every drop.

Was it possible to smell pheromones? Because the room seemed to be a breeding ground for them, and a quick look to see Lee and Dylan jacking off as they watched me lick every inch of Colby's tight-muscled body showed that they were just as horny as I was. I wanted to touch myself, but I also didn't want to take my hands off Colby. Decisions, decisions.

Lucky for me, I didn't have to decide, because Colby pushed me off the second I wrapped my hand around his dick. At first, I thought I had crossed the line, and had pissed him off, but he guided me to stand up, then he and Lee were tag-teaming to take my clothes off. Now I had fallen into the submissive role I had anticipated, letting them pull at my clothes until I was completely naked. Standing in the middle of Dylan's apartment room, I was hit with two wet sensations: one around my dick, and one between my butt cheeks.

Simultaneously experiencing my first blowjob and my first rimjob had me feeling like my mind was quickly unraveling. There was no way that this was Lee's first time sucking dick, because he was able to take my cock down to the base without gagging even a little.

It wasn't like I had a monster dick like some porn companies advertised as being highly erotic. In fact, those unproportionally long dicks were a huge turn off. It worried me that my own dick, about five and a half inches, wouldn't be enough for the hot studs that I found attracted, but Lee was between my legs, bobbing up and down my dick and fondling my balls like he couldn't be happier.

And at my backside, I was experiencing sensations that I could never imagined. I didn't have the nerve to order a dildo or vibrator online. What if my parents found out? Even if I was in college, I wouldn't have been able to live down the embarrassment.

I had tried playing with my butt a few times, and looked up countless sites on the internet on cleaning and relaxing techniques, because regardless if it was a common space to pay with, it was still a pretty gross area no matter how I thought about it.

But here Colby was, his tongue delving deep into my hole, and he was making these wet slurping sounds that would make even the most experienced porn star blush. His tongue was going deeper, deeper. Oh God. Was he going to fuck me?

My toes curled and my chest tightened at the thought of Colby's dick burrowing into the depths of my body. I whined and shot my load into Lee's mouth, each blast racking my whole body with ecstasy. My inner walls repeatedly tightened around Colby's tongue, the soccer stud spreading and squeezing my butt cheeks.

Lee swallowed my cum. The swimmer that I had constantly fantasized about had just swallowed my seed. Not all of it though, because we were kissing, and I could taste it. Snowballing? Was this what this was called? I wasn't able to think too much into it, because there was another tongue rolling around my own.

A three-way kiss. And Dylan was watching the whole time, stroking his dick edging himself so he didn't blow his load. He looked so hot, completely naked and muscles covered in sweat. He must have been pumping out pheromones like a factory.

I moaned into the messy kiss, my attention switching away from Dylan, and landing right on the finger digging into my hole. Then there was a second one, longer and thinner than the first, and I instantly knew the second one was Lee's, and the first was Colby's.

"I'm getting fingered."

Crap. Did I say that aloud? I didn't mean to. It was really like I was losing my mind, but I liked it. I didn't care if my mind went completely blank, as long as I could keep feeling these fingers in my butt, these naked sweaty bodies pressed against my own, these tongues in my mouth.

Four fingers. And I could feel each one moving individually. By the time they withdrew their digits, my hole was itching for it. I felt empty, and only thing could fill it.

"Dick," I groaned. "Give me dick."

I was desperate, and I didn't care if any of them knew it. No. I wanted them to know it.

Even after my body was burning from Colby and Lee's attention, there was no doubt it was Dylan who would be the first inside me.

He lay down in his bed and I crawled on top of him, meeting him for a couple slow wet kisses as if my mouth was on autopilot. There was that familiar itch in my hole again. I thought I would be nervous, but mostly I was just horny. This was my first time, and yet it all felt somehow familiar.

This empty feeling was gone in an instant when I saw down on the head of his dick. His dick was at least a full inch bigger than mine, and a lot thicker. Just the helmet head was stretching me more than Colby and Lee's fingers.

"You okay?"

I nodded. Sure, it wasn't particularly comfortable, but I wasn't dying from pain. And I figured this was part of the first time experience. My body still needed to be broken in. That was only an expression, of course. I trusted Dylan enough to know he wouldn't break me.

Trust. That was what it all came down to. This wasn't some sexy stranger in a club, pounding me in a bathroom stall loud enough for everyone else to hear. I had never carried a conversation with any of these jocks, but I felt implicitly safe. That was enough to propel me on, slowly taking Dylan's dick up my butt.

I placed my hands on his pecs for balance, and he flexed them, a small action that made me smile. It did hurt a little, but the feeling of being filled so completely was wild. And when I rose up and made my descent down, feeling my inner walls being stretched even further had my dick steadily oozing pre-cum.

Dylan let me do all the work, taking my moments to adjust to the penetration, and allowing me to control the rhythm as I felt more comfortable. God, he was big. But I was taking all of him, riding this football jock, and feeling better with every passing second. He laced out fingers together, and I leaned down for another kiss.

My eyes widened when Dylan began thrusting up into me. I squeezed his hands tighter, trying to time his thrusting and my bouncing. His balls were slapping against my butt, full and heavy. My own balls were probably just as ready to burst as his, but I had already cum once.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Dylan moaned into my mouth.

His cum was so warm. I felt it shooting deep inside me. My own dick was trapped between our stomachs, my pre-cum starting to drip onto his six-pack. I was exhausted.

I slowly sat up, clenching my hole in the effort not to let a drop escape from my now stretched hole, not until my insides wee sopping wet with cum. The hunger I was experiencing at that moment was unlike any other feeling I had ever known. This was something natural, an animalistic desire that exceeded craving.

When Lee replaced Dylan on the bed, and pushed into my body, I wrapped my legs around his back, and whispered in his ear.

"Fuck me."

That was the first time I had ever cursed, and it felt amazing. With just one word, it was as if any remaining inhibitions vanished. And Lee complied with my request, grunting and rolling his hips forward with the power of a piston. It was a far cry from the usually well-controlled boy who was always so serious during my tutoring.

He looked so sexy, biting his bottom lip and digging his fingernails into my hips hard enough to leave marks. A big contrast from Dylan's lingering kisses, Lee's were so full of energy that I could barely catch up. I nearly came when he started sucking on my tongue. It was like a beast had been awoken in Lee, and being on the receiving end of this pounding was making my body teem with goosebumps. My nipples were hard, my balls were aching, and my prostate was being wrecked.

His climax was explosive, thick ropes of cum shooting inside me, adding to Dylan's big load. Was it possible to feel it so deep in my guts. This much cum could impregnate the whole cheerleading team. But I was selfish. I wanted more. I needed Colby's cum.

And he was so horny that he didn't hesitate to get behind me and start slamming into my butt.

He was laying on top of me, his muscled chest against my back, and his breath, hot and wet, against my ear.

"I've wanted to fuck you for a while," he growled. "You're the cutest guy on campus."

How long was "a while?" Had I even the slightest inkling that Colby was interested, I would have done anything and everything to get to this moment months ago. He was always flirting with some girl, but in the back of his mind, he wanted to screw me? I was too far gone to get into what that could have meant.

I grabbed Dylan's sheets when I felt one hand on my dick and the other on my balls, squeezing each nut just hard enough to hurt. But it was a good kind of pain, another stimulus that had my mind reeling.

"Fuck me harder."

I didn't think it was possible, but Colby's tempo increased, and I was spouting nonsense. I was a writhing, moaning mess, unable to produce real words anymore. For a moment, I thought his dick was plowing straight into my stomach, that his cum would be wet along the insides of my body forever. Maybe my wish to lose my mind completely had come true.

"Shit, I'm cumming."

That was an understatement. It felt like he came more than Lee and Dylan combined, his seed shooting so deep into my bowels that I actually thought it would come pouring from my mouth. I was so far gone that I thought I was going pass out, and my balls were about to explode if they didn't get attended to soon.

After Colby pulled out, he flipped me onto my back. I gasped when I felt cum gushing from between my legs. A quick look down had me seeing Colby scooping up globs of it with his hand. The instant he wrapped that cum-soaked palm around my dick, I lost it. I shot so hard that the first blasts hit me in the face. Instinctively, I opened my mouth to taste my cum again, body reeling from how quickly Colby was jacking me off.

Then there two big dicks above my face, Lee and Dylan jerking off of fast that I thought their hands would cramp, before they shot their loads all over my face. The room was spinning, and my body felt like it was on fire. I swear I could feel every bead of sweat on my body.

The last two sensations I could register before I blacked out were the cum pouring down my face and from my wide, wet hole, and Colby feasting on my toes, sucking on them like he was a starving man.

I woke up in the middle of the night in Dylan's bed, Colby's arms around me. Lee and Dylan were nowhere in sight, and neither were Dylan's roommates.

"Good." I shifted onto my side and was face to face with Colby, who looked relieved. "Was starting to worry we fucked you into a coma or something."

I blushed, thankful that we were in the dark so he wouldn't see how red my face was. Not that I wasn't being pounded into oblivion, I felt trapped by my own shyness again. That didn't seem fair.

But when Colby kissed me, it was like a switch went off in me somewhere. I didn't know what the switch was for, but I felt different. There was something more to that kiss than any other one my lips had received in the past twenty-four hours.

"About today," Colby started. I never thought Colby, who radiated confidence twenty-four-seven, would sound so nervous. "I hope you don't think we were taking advantage of you or something. `Cause that's not what it was at all."

"We should sleep. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to give you private tutoring in the morning before class. And we keep our hands to ourselves until after class, okay?"

He grinned. "I'll do my best."

Why did I have the feeling that I was the one who was going to seriously have to work hard to maintain even a shred of self-control? I may have been shy, but I wasn't about to spend the next three and a half years of college pulling away from people who were inviting me into their warmth, especially when I could still feel a little bit of that warmth wet so deep inside me.

Hopefully those who stumbled across this story found it a good read.

I always welcome comments, especially those who can appreciate the hotness of a sexy jock, and enjoy a nearly hairless muscle stud like I do!

Please direct all messages to writingaloud07@gmail.com!

Thanks again, and be on the lookout for my next story!

Next: Chapter 2

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