Tutoring the Quarterback

By N Y

Published on Feb 9, 2017


After the tutoring session with Mikey, I had a serious love (or more accurately, lust) hangover.

For the next few days I couldn't stop thinking about having his cock down my throat. I was so horny that I ended up hitting up my townie fuck buddy (TFB) four nights in a row - way more than we had ever hung out. TFB is a hot guy but every night while he was fucking me I was thinking about it being Mikey. On Sunday night he commented, "Man, you're thirsty." And he was right. I thought I could get Mikey fucked out of my head but he was still there.

On Monday TFB texted me: "So, you ready for round five?"

I finally decided to say no and just grin and bear it. I ended up going for a hard run on Monday, then another one on Tuesday. When that was paired with a couple long days in the lab, by Wednesday I was tuckered out and felt pretty much back to normal.

And on Wednesday Mikey was back to normal too. He was wearing his usual baggy uniform and came empty-handed aside from his homework assignment.

"Hey man," he said. "How was your week?"

"Nothing special," I lied. "How about you?"

"Pretty quiet. It was our bye week so we just hung around campus."


I started to sense some awkwardness hanging in the air but he quickly broke the tension: "By the way, that was pretty awesome last time." He winked at me.

"No shit," I said. "Who would have thought you could get an A on your exam?"

We laughed and he lightly punched my arm. "You know what I'm talking about."

I looked at him, making sure we were making eye contact. "I'll just say - any time you want a repeat, let me know."

He got a cocky look on his face (or at least even cockier than usual). "You liked it, huh?"

"I'm serious. Any time."

Like when I filed my advisor's offer to help me out sometime in my favor bank, I could see him mentally doing the same.

I didn't let him say anything, though. "But let's get started. We don't want you falling behind, right?"

So we stopped flirting and got to work. And it was a good thing we hadn't begun a reprise of last week's shenanigans because a couple minutes later the door flung open and in sauntered the head football coach. Coach Randall was the most highly paid public employee in the state and even more of a demigod on this campus than Mikey. He was a fat, jowly man with a thick southern drawl and a senator's charisma.

"Hey, boys," he intoned loudly, "how's it hanging?"

"Great, Coach, just working on my science homework for next week." Even the uber-confident Mikey appeared a bit out of sorts, almost submissive, when he saw Coach Randall barge in. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was here late looking at film and thought I'd make the rounds."

He turned to me. "How's this jackass doing? Giving you any trouble?"

"No, sir, no trouble at all. He's a great student."

"I don't know about that, but he's certainly much less of an asswipe than the rest of 'em. Most of the morons on my team can barely write down their own names."

I chuckled nervously. Was that a joke?

"Oh, don't act so innocent, you know what goes on here. What's your name, boy?"

"Paul ______. I'm a Ph.D. student in the biology department."

"You got the easiest tutoring job on campus so I hope you're enjoying it." He looked at his Rolex and let out a long sigh. "Well, I'd better check on the others. Mikey, I'll see your ass in practice tomorrow."

"See ya, Coach," he said.

Once he left we looked at each other, both obviously thinking the same thing: Damn, that was close.

"We should probably stick to studying from now on," I said.

"Good idea."

Chastened by the near-miss, there was no more hanky-panky for the rest of the semester. That said, I never shied away from checking out his body, which he flaunted more with every session. By the final week he was consistently showing up in tank tops and short shorts even though it was freezing outside.

Before the final exam we went through the same routine as for the midterm, walking through barely altered versions of the test questions they had given me in advance.

When it was over we packed up our stuff and I got ready to say goodbye to the guy who would undoubtedly be my hottest student ever. After a quick exchange of pleasantries we were both walking toward the exit when he stopped. "By the way, do you want to check out the locker room?"

Alarm bells were going off in my head - dingdingdingding! Hell yes! But I kept on my poker face. "Sure, is it worth seeing?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. And unless you want to go on the official tour over homecoming weekend you can't get in without a player."

"Let's do it."

He smiled broadly. "Follow me." He was practically skipping down the hall. After about a five-minute walk we came to an atrium that was manned by yet another guard, on top of the guard to get in the complex. This football infrastructure was out of control.

Mikey waved to him. "He's with me, Steve."

"No problem, Mikey. Everything going well?"

"You bet. Paul, come on in."

We walked through the atrium, which had a bubbling fountain and a large sculpture of some long-dead jock, toward two large doors with the words 'PANTHERS FOOTBALL' stenciled in an old-fashioned font. The doors swung open slowly and silently - we were in.

The locker room itself looked more like an oversized display case than somewhere dirty boys changed their clothes. The walls were lined with dozens of large, open wooden lockers, one for each of the 100-plus players on the team. Helmets and clean uniforms were hung up, ready to use for tomorrow's practice. The dark wood on the lockers contrasted with modern stainless steel benches and bright LED lighting. It was a seriously impressive space.

"Damn," I said. "This is huge."

"Yeah, pretty nice, right?" He led us over to his locker, which had a large gold 'CAPTAIN' plaque riveted at the top. "Not much to see when there's nobody here, though. Maybe there are some guys in the lounge."

"The lounge?"

We walked through another set of swing doors and entered the playroom of every teenage boy's dreams. There was ping pong, a pool table, foosball, video games, TVs playing ESPN, the works. And sitting in two large leather chairs were what looked like two shirtless guys playing Wii.

"Mikey!" they both cried out. "What's up?"

When they stood up it became clear they weren't just shirtless - they were buck naked. One of them was a pale redhead and the other a darker Italian-looking guy. They both looked identically sized at about 6'2" and a stacked 220. I recognized them as starting linebackers.

They walked over, dicks swinging meatily back and forth, and gave Mikey one of those bro-hugs. They acted totally casual and appeared to think it was 100% normal to be hanging out here with no clothes on.

"Dudes, what's up? You guys know you can't get a tan in here, right?"

The redhead grabbed his junk. "Just letting the boys get some air!" I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Guys, this is Paul, my science tutor. I'm showing him the facilities."

The guy who had just grabbed his dick reached over to shake my hand. I looked down at his hand, then his dick. It was thick and cut and hung about four inches under a small patch of shaved blond-red pubes, in between seriously worked-out thighs and on top of two huge hairless balls.

He started laughing. "Oh shit dude, sorry. I guess you don't want to shake that hand, huh?"

Of course I desperately wanted to do that and more but I just laughed too and gave him a little wave.

"I'm Stan and this is Michael," the redhead said, pointing at his teammate. Michael had a dark Mediterranean look and was leaner and more cut than Stan. He had a light covering of chest hair that disappeared on his upper abs, then started up again in a line above his belly button to form a thick treasure trail. His torso was flat and his abs rippled all the way down to his groin. His uncut dick was about as big as Stan's but his crotch was much hairier than his redhead teammate, with a big set of pubes on top and hairy inner thighs. Both guys had buzz cuts and little goatees, maybe because they were trying to look older.

I did take the opportunity to shake Michael's hand and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to make both body and eye contact with this naked jock.

After the introduction Stan added, "We only wish we could be important enough to get a tutor. We actually have to do our own homework!" I gave him the same once-over that I did to Michael. He had a meatier look than his more cut teammate, with puffy pecs, arms and thighs - he'd probably get fat once his football life was done, but with a 7-day mandatory training regimen he was pure sex on a stick.

Mikey started laughing. "That's a bunch of bullshit, these guys just have their girlfriends do it for them."

"Guilty as charged."

"Okay guys, I'm going to show Paul around. See you tomorrow."

"See ya, Mikey," they said in unison, then walked back to their chairs. I stared at their firm asses as they moseyed back. Stan's was bright white and hairless while Michael's was compact, nearly as dark as the rest of him and pretty hairy. I felt Mikey yank my backpack like a pet owner trying to get his dog to stop sniffing another dog's asshole.

I took one more look at the naked linebackers before following Mikey back into the main locker room. When the doors closed I got close to him and whispered, "What the fuck was that?"

Mikey laughed. "You don't need to worry about anyone hearing us. But yeah, we aren't very shy around here. Even that was a little gratuitous though."

"Yeah, and fucking hot."

"You liked that?"

"What do you think?"

He smirked. "Atta boy."

"I don't know if I could handle being around that all the time."

"Eh, you get used to it."

"Not if you want to drop to your knees every time you saw those cocks flopping around," I thought, but didn't say.

"So now where are we headed?"

"The place we spend the most time of all - the weight room."

Unsurprisingly, the football fitness palace made the university gym used by plebeians like myself look like a dump. It was a mini-warehouse full of every piece of workout equipment you could ever imagine. Mirrors lined the walls so the football jocks could check out their form (and themselves). It smelled like cleaning fluid, sweat, and horny boys.

Mikey squeezed my shoulder. In the mirror I looked like a shrimp next to him. "Maybe I could get you in here and you can start getting pumped up!"

"Maybe when I'm reincarnated six inches taller and fifty pounds bigger I can join you and the two naked dudes and get ripped."

"It's a date," he said, winking at me.

He started to look me up and down. "By the way, for someone who says he doesn't work out you are pretty fit. Let me see your biceps."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on dude, just flex for me."

I showed off my excuse for guns and he squeezed them. His big quarterback hands easily wrapped around my arm. "Not half bad actually," he said.

He moved behind me and started to massage my back and shoulders. Tingles ran down my spine. "You need some work back here, though. How often do you bench press?"

"Not often," I muttered.

I jumped when his cold hands went under my shirt and ran over my stomach. "You obviously do cardio because I can feel those abs." I leaned back into him, enjoying the body contact.

Then he started kneading my ass cheeks. For whatever reason I had always had a perky butt. "Now this thing is undeniable. Anyone ever tell you you have a nice ass?"


"I'm not surprised." While his left hand kept grabbing my butt his right hand reached around and pressed down on my cock. He leaned down and said sotto voce into my ear, "Somebody's excited." After giving my shoulders a final squeeze he pointed toward the other side of the room. "Follow me."

He walked over to an unmarked door that I hadn't noticed at first, which opened up to a small room that was bare save for football posters on the wall, two chairs, and a massage table. After we were both inside he shut the door and locked it with a loud "click". All you could hear was our breathing and the soft whirr of the air conditioning. I put my bag on one of the chairs and stood there looking at Mikey.

"Welcome to the massage room, also known as the sex lair."

"Do people really have sex in here?"

"There are stories, who knows. But it's a good joke for when guys get taken in here after workouts."

I noticed that a tent was starting to form in his athletic shorts.

"How are you feeling right now?" he asked.

"To be honest I'm pretty fucking turned on."

He smiled. "Me too. Sounds like we both want to blow off some steam."

I just nodded.

"Before we start, though, one thing. Are you the top or the bottom?"

Since our one time fooling around was oral-only the subject had never come up. "I can do both," I said, "though if push came to shove I'd probably rather bottom."

He was looking at me intently. "I really want to fuck you."

My boner got even harder.

"Would you like that?"

I was so horned up that I didn't even think before blurting out, "Fuck yes."

"I don't have any lube though."

"Well..." I looked at my bag and was about to say something before he interrupted me.

"Dude, you carry around lube with you?"

"I was going to meet a friend..."

He laughed and gave me a shove. "You slut, you were going to get fucked by someone else tonight, weren't you?"

My face reddened a bit and I started laughing too.

"You don't need to apologize. That's hilarious."

I went over to my bag and showed him the bottle. He gave a thumbs up.

"Well with that taken care of, let's fucking get to it."

He ripped off his shirt, dropped his shorts and underwear and was naked almost instantly.

I took my own shirt off, kicked off my shoes, and dropped to my knees to get to work on making his half-boner a full one. While I tongued his balls I took off my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. I was wearing a pair of slutty bright red briefs that were being stretched by my hard cock.

"Nice undies, dude," Mikey said as he ruffled my hair. "Let me see them."

He stepped back and let me stand up to take off my jeans. The underwear popped out loudly against my pale skin and showed a wet spot from my precum. Townie fuck buddy liked this pair.

"Turn around and show me that ass."

I did as he said and he started kneading my butt cheeks again. "Oh my god that is some good shit." He reached inside and I again felt his cold hands on my skin.

When he finished I turned around and took a close look at the naked jock in front of me. Mikey was still even paler than I was and more jacked than I remembered. He had shaved off his shaggy hair and now sported a buzz cut. He had also trimmed his pubes a bit. His big feet pointed outward and his arms were crossed. There was a light covering of dirty blond hair on his lower legs and forearms.

From the neck up he appeared as if he might have been about to ask a question in class, looking intently and seriously at his professor. But his overall demeanor had shifted. Rather than the polite, smart jock he usually came off as, now he was a hot stud ready to fuck, with his toned body primed to go and his hard cock angled upward, pointed directly at me.

"So how should we do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you need to tell me how this is going to work."

I felt small standing there in front of him, about to tell him how he was going to fuck my brains out.

"Well, I was going to say I need to suck you off a bit to make sure you're hard, but that's clearly already the case. So I guess first I'm going to suck you off because I want to."

He chuckled. "Okay, then what?"

"Then I need to get my ass loosened up. If you are up for it you should blow me a little bit and work me open with your fingers."

He didn't say anything so I kept going.

"Then once you get two or three fingers in there we can try the real thing."

"What positions should we do it in?"

Fuck, this was going to be good, I thought.

"To start I'll just lie on the table and tell you if you're going too fast. After my ass is used to it we can do it however you want."

A dirty look crept across his face.

"Really? Any way I want?"

"Yeah, really."

"Okay, go ahead and get my dick wet."

I dropped to my knees and started shuffling over to him but he stopped me, saying, "No, first take those off."

I slid out of my red undies, my cock popping up against my belly button, and went to work. I filled my mouth with each one of his balls, which were pale and pink-white like the rest of him. Both of us sighed at the same time as I took his dick down my throat and his pubes tickled my nose. His crotch smelled and tasted like hot jock heaven. Then I started to do my usual blowjob routine but after only a few in-and-outs he stopped me.

"Nuh uh, I don't want you to get me off before I have a chance to tap that ass. Get on the table."

I hopped up, shivering a bit when my ass cheeks contacted the cold vinyl. I looked down at saw my nipples were hard and firm. Without asking Mikey ruffled through my bag and grabbed the lube, popping it open and spurting some out onto his fingers.

"Spread 'em."

I did as I was told, and was shocked when he took my dick in his mouth. "Oh fuck, Mikey..." He looked up at me with a twinkle in his eye as he started to suck me off.

It wasn't the best head ever but he did a decent job. Of course it might have been a way to get me distracted while he loosened me up but I bet he liked it. After teasing my hole for a little bit he inserted the first finger, then when I nodded for him to keep going he worked in the second one.

Now that my ass was in business he stopped sucking me off and slowly jerked my dick with one hand while he went to work on getting the third finger inside me with the other. I winced a bit but let's be honest, I've done this before so it wasn't too bad.

"How you doing man?" he asked.

"I'm pretty close to ready. By the way I didn't know you gave head."

I jumped as he shoved his fingers in a little farther. "Well you said you wanted me to do it, didn't you?"

I looked down and saw that his eight-inch tool was rock hard and leaking precum. "Yes I did. Okay Mikey, let's go for it."

He smiled like it was Christmas Day and slowly let his fingers out of my hole. After wiping them off with a towel from my bag (thanks Mikey) he grabbed the lube and slathered it over his cock. The big, red flared cockhead looked much bigger now that it was about to invade my ass.

"Legs up," he said. I put them on his shoulders and braced for impact.

Once we were in position he lined up and slowly but firmly pressed his head against my hole. I let out an audible "ouch" when it was in and he stopped to let me acclimatize.

After a few seconds he moved in another half-inch and waited, and then kept repeating the process. He was slowly but surely filling me up and was not waiting for encouragement, just negative reinforcement if I wasn't ready. It wasn't long before I felt his pubes hit my ass and I gasped involuntarily. This was a lot of cock to take.

"Okay, just hold it there for a little," I said.

"Sure thing babe," he said. "This feels fucking great."

While I was getting used to my ass being filled like this I surveyed the situation. My cock was 100% hard and dripping precum onto my stomach. In between my spread legs I admired Mikey's tight abs, then his pecs and arms, and then made my way up to his face, which had a self-satisfied look as he realized the guy who was buried to the hilt with his dick was checking him out.

"Okay, now slowly start moving it in and out."

He let out a low guttural sound as he started to fuck me. My hole was being seriously stretched but with every thrust it opened up a bit, not totally getting rid of the discomfort but layering on top of it that weird pleasure of getting dicked.

"This feels fucking fantastic," he said.

I didn't say anything, just grunted every time he hit bottom.

"Jesus. I should have done this a long time ago. You sure you're feeling okay?"

Okay? I thought. I'm getting railed by the hottest guy on campus. But I just said "Yeah I'm cool."

"I should have known, your dick is hard. Okay Paul, now hold on."

Hold on was right. He held my thighs against his torso and started going to town with the focus and energy of the athlete he was. He started muttering things under his breath, so softly that I couldn't understand - certainly softer than the sex sounds that echoed through the small room, which included my grunting and heavy breathing as he pounded my hole. I just stared at him while he worked me over, hardly believing this was happening.

After this few minutes of warmup on the massage table we seemed to do a greatest hits of all the positions Mikey had been fantasizing about his entire life.

He picked me up like I weighed nothing, carried me across the room and held me against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, holding on for dear life while he impaled me. I could start understanding a bit of what he said now, and it was the usual "fuck yeah," "take it bitch," "you like that cock" dirty talk. I kept looking at him straight in the eyes, visually begging him to rail me harder.

Still carrying me he sat down on one of the chairs and had me ride him. With my hands on his meaty shoulders for balance, every time I moved up and down my cock slapped against his abs leaving small dabs of precum. He smiled as he watched me fuck myself on his pole. "That's a good boy," he said as he tweaked my nipples. "Fuck this is good."

Then without warning he picked me up, turned me around and pushed me against the wall. I put my hands up on the wall like I was going to be frisked. He grabbed my ass, pulling it back, and used his feet to spread my legs apart. I yelped as he shoved his dick into me again.

"Fuck Mikey..."

When I looked back I saw that his brow and forehead were starting to get sweaty. He responded with a quick sneer/smile and kept up his thrusting with a serious, focused look on his face. After a while of this he picked up my right leg to get better access to my hole. This is when I heard myself really starting to moan like a bitch.

"You like that?" he asked.

"Yeah, keep hitting me there..." I managed to blurt out. He long dicked me over and over again, slowly pulling out nearly all the way before slamming it back in, rocking me back and forth in the process. Every time he hit bottom I let out a loud moan, which only seemed to encourage him even more.

Partly out of getting tired of standing up on one leg I said I wanted him to do me doggystyle. He grabbed my shoulders and walked me in the direction of the massage table. I hopped up and got on all fours and Mikey positioned himself behind me. He started teasing my hole, slowly moving his cockhead in a circle around it but not giving me what I wanted.

"How does this make you feel?"

I looked back at him with puppy dog eyes.

"What's wrong?" I guess he was going to make me beg for it.

"Come on Mikey, just do it."

"Do what?"

"Fuck me, Mikey."

"By all means," he said as he shoved it in and started going to town. He alternated between slapping my ass, holding onto my shoulders for leverage, and and grabbing my hair so I arched my back. This guy knew what he was doing.

I thought we had exhausted all the possibilities but after a few minutes of getting it from behind I felt his big hand between my shoulders, pushing me down flat. I let out a muffled yell as his body followed mine onto the table, his dick going deeper than ever and his 200-plus pound body pressing down on my 140-pound frame.

I turned my head to the side, about to protest, but melted a bit when I saw him smiling as he slowly impaled me. "You are a great little fucker, you know that?"

I tried to smile back but may or may not have been successful.

Then he winked at me. "You're getting sweaty." He used his thumb to wipe my brow and then stuck it in my mouth. I instinctively started sucking it.

"Damn Paul. I bet you'd love to have another dick in your mouth right now, wouldn't you?"

My lips still wrapped around his big thumb, I nodded my head.

"That's what I thought," he said matter-of-factly. Then he wrapped his arm around my head and started really ramming me. I let out a loud "ungggghhhhhh" sound, physically overwhelmed by his huge cock railing me, his body weight nearly crushing me, and the half-headlock he had put me in.

"Fu-u-u-uck Mi-i-i-key..." I groaned, the vowel sounds elongated and muffled by his piledriving.

His only response was a low, soft taunt: "Yeah bitch, take that cock." I could feel his hot skin and sweat (or my sweat?) on my neck, back, ass and legs as he pressed me against the table. Now I could understand all the shit he was talking. "You're fucking begging for this aren't you... fucking slut... God this is fucking good... I'm gonna fuck the cum out of you..."

Just about when I thought I couldn't handle it any more he pulled out and flipped me over, again like I weighed nothing. Once I was on my back he got directly on top of me and pressed my legs spread-eagle against the table beside me. He was in total control, with all of his muscle and body weight pinning me down. His face was less than a foot away and his eyes were locked onto mine as he rammed his cock in and out of my hole. We stared at each other as he pounded me mercilessly.

"You fucking love this, don't you?" he said. "You fucking love this cock. You can't get enough." The questions had turned into statements. Every time his ballsack slapped against my ass it sent a 'thwack' echoing through the room.

"You would never think it looking at you but you take dick like a fucking champ. Fucking bitch in heat."

He was so close to me that I could feel his hot breath every time he spoke. Each thrust of his pole hit my prostate head on and I could feel the cum start to swell up in my balls. "Fuck Mikey," I said, "I'm going to blow soon."

He got a devilish look as he realized he was about to make me cum and started talking dirtier than ever. "You fucking slut. You were going to get fucked by some other guy but now you're going to get the quarterback's cum instead. You want that?"

"Yeah, Mikey."

"Am I better looking than that other guy?"

"Fuck yeah you are."

"Is my cock bigger than his cock?"

"God yes."

He was half panting, half whispering and a drops of sweat fell from his forehead onto my face. The white skin on his thick delts had turned almost red from the exertion. "That's right. This ass is mine. I'm going to fuck the cum out of you and then dump my load in you and make you my bitch. You want that?"

I don't know what had gotten into Mikey but it was turning me on to no end. "Do it Mikey."

"That's right. You're my bitch. You can't get enough of my cock. I'm going to make you cum and then give you my load just like you want, you fucking slut."

I took a final look down at the hot body railing me, then back up at his face. I could have blown long ago but stopped holding it back. I all but yelled as a giant glob of splooge hit my chin and then started to gush out in waves onto my stomach.

"Fuck yeah," Mikey muttered. "You really do like this shit, huh?"

I couldn't really respond, incapacitated by the orgasm that was exploding through my body. I had never been fucked quite like this, never been talked to quite like this, and certainly never been fucked by the quarterback.

About thirty seconds later I started to get my bearings again. Mikey was still looking straight in my eyes and railing me hard, but more slowly than before. Usually I don't like to keep getting fucked after blowing my load but I was so opened up (and horned up) at this point that if he kept going for much longer I would have gotten another boner.

"That feel good?" he asked, smirking.

I just smirked back myself. "Okay Mikey, now it's your turn. Fucking breed me."

He picked up the pace.

"That's right Mikey. You fucked the cum out of me, you made me your bitch. Now give me your fucking cum."

I'm sure HE had never been talked to like that before and I could see his body start to shake and his shoulders tense up. He looked like a man possessed as he made a couple final long thrusts, closed his eyes and grimaced. He said, loudly, "Oh god, take it bitch..." My half-hard dick started to plump up as I felt that warm, weird sensation of getting my guts flooded with cum. His hot body twitched with every spurt. When he finally finished and his grimace mellowed into a look of satisfaction, he didn't do anything, just pulled out and sighed. My ass felt empty and used. He plopped down next to me on the massage table with his big cock lying softly on his thigh, just like the first time I had blown him.

Like me after I came, he was quiet for thirty seconds or so. Then he started laughing and blurted out, "Holy fucking shit." The old Mikey, not the shit-talking sex monster Mikey, was back.

"You have fun?" I asked.

"What just happened?"

"We had really intense sex."

"No shit. Come here," he said, putting his arm around me so my head was on his shoulder.

I was enjoying the post-coital body contact and wanted to snuggle hardcore, but unfortunately felt the need to break the ice. "Mikey, we're going to need to get up soon."

"Why, so you can get to your hookup?"

"Your cum is going to start leaking out of my ass."

He started cracking up. "Holy shit. You're right. I'm sorry."

"I need a towel."

"No you don't, we can just take a shower."

"But won't people see?"

"Dude, don't worry about it, it's a locker room. If anyone asks we'll say we were working out. Just don't let anything run down your leg."

I was in Mikey's world now - when in Rome, right? Once our dicks had softened up we acted like it was no big deal as we made our way unclothed and reeking of lube and cum to the (palatial, of course) shower room. He was right, nobody was there and they wouldn't have cared or noticed anyway. I openly ogled him soaping up, and he laughed as I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning out my abused hole.

"Shit dude, I'm glad you didn't make me do that." Like I could have made him do anything... but it sure sounded like he had considered the possibility.

As we were getting dressed the two naked video game players sidled up to the lockers next to us. They were apparently ready to put their clothes on and go back to their dorm rooms, but not before some more exhibitionist conversation. "So what do you think of this place?" the hairier one asked me, putting his thick leg up on the bench. His uncut cock bounced softly as he scratched his balls.

"It's fucking awesome."

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