Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Oct 11, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter Eight—Almost Free

Arriving at a mountain cabin after a long hike that involved multiple debasements, I slept an entire night holding David's unexpectedly furry legs. David had only said vaguely that we had a big day ahead, but he had hinted that the long punishments were finally over.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" David said. I must have slept 12 hours. He pulled the sheet back to reveal me in the pink socks and cartoon boy's underwear with the red stripes he'd picked out for me. "You know, I forgot to get a picture of you in your new clothes. Don't move." He snapped a few close ups of my socks and underwear, then an overall that included my face. "All the photos I've taken are just for me to look at later, James, as long as you keep behaving. Thanks for holding my legs last night. I kind of liked that. It's pouring rain outside, so for now we're stuck in here. But we can play games and stuff, OK?"

His mood was the same as the previous night. Gone was the dark tone, ordering me around, and calling me his slave. Maybe what I'd dreamed of, us becoming much more than friends, would actually happen starting today. I was hopeful and excited.

"Sure, David. That sounds great." I was wary, but maybe everything was going to be OK.

David reached under the bed, which was apparently where his backpack contents were stored. "Wanna play cards? I promise I won't make you strip or anything like yesterday."

It all sounded perfectly innocent, like two buddies. "That sounds great, David. I'm glad we're OK now," I responded.

"Of course, Jamesy! Why wouldn't we be? It's a brand-new day."

The pet nickname further reinforced my confidence that the storm had passed. David must have felt we were even for the minor torment I put him through the year before.

I won the first hand of cards, so I knew he hadn't rigged the deck this time. When I won a second round, I thought maybe I could turn the tables and at least not be his slave ever again. "Hey, David? If I win again, can you please take your shirt off?" He'd changed in the morning into a flannel shirt, jeans, and heavy hiking socks. He looked like a little lumberjack. It was incredibly sexy to me. I was dying to see his legs again, and maybe actually get him naked for the first time.

David thought about it. "Well, yeah, I guess so. It's all in fun, James."

Incredibly, I was able to barely win the next three rounds. His pants, shirt, and socks were gone. I could have had him take his underwear off before the socks, but felt confident enough I'd win another round shortly.

The next round took a turn, though. I lost badly to his three of a kind.

"Well I said I wouldn't make you strip today," he said. "I always keep my promises." He reached under the bed—what all was under there?—and brought out a long length of climbing rope. "So I'm going to tie this around your ankle."

"But that's it, right, David?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, like I said, Jamesy, we're just having run. I mean, look at me, I'm in nothing but my underwear. I'm one hand away from losing this game completely! You're playing much better today."

David took his time, wrapping the rope around my now-smooth ankle as we sat on the floor across from one another. But then he tied the other end to a large post about six feet away. The same stomach-churning worry I had the day before started to take over. But he seemed so nice right now, no hint of anything bad happening. Maybe I was naïve, but I really believed today would be different. Maybe he'd make me suck his dick. That would be a huge thrill for me.

"Alright James, this might be our last hand, especially if I lose. I'll even let you deal so you're sure I'm not cheating or anything." I dealt the cards and couldn't believe my luck. King, queen, jack, and nine of spades, with a crap card I was going to replace. All I needed was a 10 of spades to beat any hand he had. David took two cards.

I got a little cocky. "If I win, you're naked, David, and I'm untied. What a switch from yesterday, huh?"

David just smiled. "Yeah, but speaking of switches, I still have that switch I used on your legs, ass, and back yesterday, so you'd better be sure. I hadn't planned on anything twisted today. I figured we were even from last year. But now, with your threats, I'm reconsidering that. Maybe you haven't learned your lesson after all. I gave you a chance to play cards, just play cards, and you're the one who turned it into an opportunity to see me naked, even though you're the one wearing little boy clothes right now. So let's see your cards, James."

Now I was worried. I picked up my final card to see if it was a 10 of spades. It was a 10...of clubs. My heart sank, but I was pretty sure that was still a good hand, since they were all black. David revealed his hand: a pair of measly 2s.

"I win!" I said boastfully. "I have a flush. Get those underwear off now." I struggled to untied the heavy knots around my ankle.

David said, "Hold on. There's a book of poker rules on the shelf." He went over to it as I admired him in his underwear that was about to come off. What might I make him do after that? I'd untied one knot, and was working on the other to get free.

"Wow, what a fuckup you are. SLAVE. You don't have a flush. That has to be all one suit, not just all black. Even my pair of 2s beats that." My jaw dropped. David quickly grabbed another length of rope and tied my other ankle to a post on the other side of me, so my legs were spread as far apart as they could possible go. I sat on the floor nearly in tears at my colossal mistake. I could have easily seen him naked, but not only lost, I made him angry in the process.

"David, come on, we're just playing, right? Let's play another hand," I urged. It was no use. His dark tone had definitely returned.

"No way, slave. There was so much more I wanted to do to you yesterday that we just didn't have time for. Now we have all day to take you places you never dreamed of in your nastiest fantasies. Look at you, in boys underwear and socks, legs tied apart, thinking you'd control me. Yeah, right. Sit there, and think about what you've caused, and what's about to happen to you. It's going to take me about 10 minutes to get everything ready. Don't you fucking move or it will be even worse for you." He opened my backpack. "Remember your underwear you soaked in your pee yesterday? Well here they are again, nice and rank after being in that plastic bag all night. This will keep you from seeing what I prepare for you." He yanked the stinking underwear over my head. I heard the click of his camera. "Oh, man. Classic. You can totally see the piss stains all over your face. With that underwear I bought you, you can't tell you have any pubes. You look about 11 years old now, a long way from your 14 years. No leg, arm, or pit hair. Just think about that while I get everything ready." Oh my god, what had I just done? I never thought any day could be worse than the first day of our hike, but today now threatened to be even more humiliating and painful.

Next: Chapter 9: Turning the Tables 9

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