Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Oct 3, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter Seven – The End of Punishments, or Just a Reprieve?

My friend David had me under complete control after a long hike that involved various tests, punishments, and humiliations...

After a long day of hiking, David and I finally reached the summit, and I saw why he hadn't brought a tent for us to sleep in. There was a large, rustic cabin of some kind that looked surprisingly well-kept.

David gave a hard swat to my ass, which ached from a zucchini he'd shoved in there two miles down the trail. "There it is, slave. Our destination for the night! Just in time, too, with the sun going down. It's getting cold up here, but the cabin has a wood stove, so we'll be plenty warm. It was a firespotting lookout for years, but now it's a sheep-herding base. This time of year, the sheep are down in the valley, so I rented it out for a few days." A few days?! How long was this torment going to go on? And how long had he been planning this? Again, he read my mind. "I rented this a year ago, right after you embarrassed me by making me swim to shore on that trip with my parents, then made me dress you and smell your socks. You remember: The worst part was sleeping nearly naked and having to piss in a bottle in the middle of the night."

Not knowing if I was allowed to speak, I meekly raised my tied hands. David told me I could speak freely at last.

"David, look, you've made your point, OK? You've done way more to me than I ever dreamed of doing to you. You've pissed in both ends of me, taken away all my hair except my pubes, lashed me with a switch, used a few clothespins on me, and spanked me like a little kid. I'm 14, and you're only 13. This whole thing isn't fair and has gone on long enough. I'm tired and just want to sleep."

David paused. "Maybe you're right. I'll have to think about it. For now, let's go inside and get ready for bed. Your request is hereby granted. We'll just sleep tonight. I think you should have one request per day, and this was it for today. Before we go in, though, I'm taking that zucchini out of your ass." All I had on was a yellow jock strap he'd made me wear, and hiking boots and socks, so access was immediate. He wriggled the zucchini past the wedge he'd cut in it to keep it firmly in my hole, and started slowly pulling it out. Without warning, with four inches still in my ass, he yanked it out. I yelped like goat.

He laughed. "That. Was. Awesome. You should have seen it fly out of there. Alright, get inside."

The inside was one large room and really nice, not the dusty rat-trap I'd pictured. There was a huge four-poster bed in a western style, a kitchenette, historic-style rafter below the ceiling, and a modern bathroom that included a toilet, sink, shower and clawfoot tub, all just a few feet from the bed. Obviously it was designed for one person who didn't need a bathroom door for privacy. David untied my hands.

"I'm going to unload my backpack. While I do that, you strip everything off and take a quick shower. There's a small propane hot-water tank, so get in and out fast." What a relief. David's tone was completely different. I couldn't imagine what else he could possibly do to me after a long, embarrassing day. I jumped in the shower and soaped up. My arms, pits, and legs were now impossibly smooth and looked at odds with my developed 14-year-old body. I'd been training for months for the upcoming soccer season in the fall, and wondered how long it would take my hair to grow back. I'd be mortified to have anyone on the team notice me in the showers. But at least I had my pubes so could maybe explain the body hair away as part of my training or something. I was going to do my best to not provoke David into any more punishments.

When I came out, I noticed David had emptied his backpack, and even unloaded the few clothing items I'd packed in mine. But the contents of his backpack were stored away somewhere. Since every time he'd gone rummaging through it on the hike it turned out really bad for me, my hope was he was done with all that, or had used everything in the backpack. He'd even cooked up some kind of pasta dish for us.

"Eat up!" he said brightly. "I'm going to shower off. You don't get to see me naked, not until you've completed many more tasks and passed more tests, so don't peek, OK?"

"No, David, I won't, I promise."

"Good. That's better. It sounds like we understand each other." I sat with my back to him and ate my pasta quickly, but I could hear him undress, his boots hit the floor, and him jump into the shower, which had a clear door. Just before it steamed up I stole a glance: He'd filled out a lot in the last year and developed a bubble butt. I saw the hot water streaming down his furry legs, way hairier than mine even before he'd removed it all with that cream while I sat on a rock in the middle of a stream earlier that day. He raised his arms and I caught a glimpse of his hairy pits, rock-hard abs, smooth chest, and small brown nipples. Every part of his body was flawless. The steam had already prevented me from seeing his dick and balls. I'd only seen the dick for an instant earlier when he plunged it down my throat, and forced me to hold it there until he shocked me by pissing what seemed like a gallon into my stomach.

After he got out, he turned his back and slipped on red briefs. Earlier, he'd had on red boxers. Again, I wondered about the color choice. It probably didn't mean anything. After all I'd gone through in one day, though, I was getting paranoid.

"Hope you liked the pasta," he said. I set out your clothes on the bed. Go put them on. I walked over and saw a tiny pair of briefs with Sponge Bob on them and a red stripe pattern. And there were a pair of small ankle socks that barely fit me. Oddly, they were pink. I started thinking about the color code thing David had talked about that morning at the beginning of my ordeal, but it seemed so long ago, back when I was his mentor, not his unwilling slave. All I remembered was that blue meant fucking. Thankfully, he hadn't done that to me yet. His dick was nearly as big as mine, and I hadn't even seen it hard. Red? Pink? Red stripes? It was probably just a big coincidence, although the yellow jockstrap he'd made me wear most of the day had certainly turned out to mean a whole lot. I tried to put the horrific images out of my mind of him pouring a bottle of his piss into a hose that he'd inserted into my ass, filling my ass to the brim, then pissing in my mouth. It was all too much to think about after a long day.

David got the wood stove going. "That ought to keep us warm tonight. Hey, that underwear and socks look great on you. You're not really 14 anymore, you know. At least that boyish body certainly doesn't look it, heh-heh. Pink socks and red-striped kids' underwear. I told the checkout clerk at Target they were for my little brother. Took a long time to find just the right colors." Oh, no, I thought. The colors again. What was he getting at? I knew anything I said might give him ideas, so I kept quiet.

David hopped into bed. "Come on! We need our sleep for tomorrow." What was happening tomorrow? "You sleep with your head down by my legs, OK?" I did as asked. "I won't tie you up tonight. There's really nowhere you could escape to anyway. But stay in bed. I don't want you waking me up. If you have to pee, and with that smooth body, it's more boy pee than man piss now, right? Anyhow, there's a Gatorade bottle next to the bed. Use that, just like you made me do a year ago." Unexpectedly, he patted my head. "Today was fantastic. I can't wait for tomorrow. Now get some sleep." I could see his hairy legs under our sheet, next to my face, and actually felt good and safe for the first time all day, although his comments about tomorrow stuck in the back of my mind. It would probably all be fine.

Halfway through the night, I woke up with my face nuzzled in his leg fur, and realized I desperately had to piss. Or pee, as he said. Men piss, boys pee. Without getting out of bed, I managed to practically fill the family-sized Gatorade bottle. I quickly snuggled back up under the covers and held his legs close to me. It was the first time I'd ever spent a night with another boy, and though it was under the strangest, most terrifying circumstances, I was still filled with hope that the long torture was over. Maybe David would start treating me like an equal, or maybe even like a kind of boyfriend?

Next: Chapter 8: Turning the Tables 8

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