Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter Six – Almost What I Wished For

My friend David had tricked me into a long wilderness hike, and had step by step demeaned me with a switch, belt, ropes, and a piss-soaked gag. I'd lost my pit and leg hair after failing two tests, and now hoped to finish the hike without any further degradation...

We began what I hoped was the final leg of our hike. But then what? Would we simply turn around and hike back down the mountain? Rest for the night? I didn't even see a tent with David's backpack, which seemed to only contain things to demean me with. A bit up the trail, I realized I had to pee again, but feared what I'd have to do to be granted permission. Here I was in nothing but a yellow jockstrap David made me wear, socks and hiking boots. Thankfully no other hikers had come along the isolated trail. I decided to take a chance and said the only word I was allowed unless David specifically permitted it.


David was unexpectedly kind. "What, slave? You followed my instructions, for once."

"I'm really sorry," I said, "but I have to pee again." David was not pleased with this.

"You just went a few miles ago, and you just got your boots and socks back on. I know I said nothing more would happen to you until we got to the top of our hike, but this will set us back at least an hour." An hour? Just to pee? "And for that, there will be more than one price to pay. I think I should draw a card from that deck that started the whole mess you're in." My stomach did flip-flops. After losing several hands of cards, I'd been tricked into following his orders. David took off his backpack and found the deck of cards. "You'd better hope it's a low number, slave," he warned.

David drew the first card: a three of spades. That had to be good for me! David continued in a bright tone. "You got lucky. But remember that gay color code I told you about earlier? Do you remember what black means?"

"Um, I, think it meant that MMS thing, right?" I stammered.

"Wrong again, slave. It's S&M, not MMS. Idiot. Sadism and masochism, meaning basically anything I want to do to you. Starting now. The first of your three tasks is to pee." I turned my back and started to lower my yellow jockstrap.

"Not so fast," David ordered. "Take your boots and socks off, and walk down to the stream." David grabbed a couple of things out of his backpack, which was always a sign of something awful to come. "See that flat rock in the middle of the stream? Lie down on it, on your back." I waded out and lay down as David took off his boots and socks, leaving him only in the hiking shorts of mine he had put on earlier. David stood between my legs. He grabbed my ankles with one hand, lifted them up high, then grabbed my jockstrap and whipped it off, leaving me completely naked in front of him for the first time.

"This calls for a photo," he said. "At least you still have your dick hair. How long is your dick anyway?"

"Umm, 7 inches, I'm pretty sure," I answered.

"And what's with the foreskin?" he asked. I blushed.

"I was born with very little foreskin, so my parents just left it," I replied.

David laughed. "Hmmm, well it looks silly. Might come in handy later, though." What did he mean by that? "So, now, your first task is to pee, like you said you needed to. Only you have to pee on your stomach and chest. And be sure to get some in your open mouth. If you don't, the next two tasks will be something you really won't want."

I swallowed hard at the threat. As David still held my ankles up, I felt piss coming strong. It spurted all over my chest and stomach, and arms, and one shot went into my hair. Instinctively, I turned my head just as I stopped peeing.

David got angry. "What did you just do?"

"I'm sorry, I peed like you told me to!"

"Not exactly, slave. You didn't get any in your mouth."

"David, I tried, it was just too gross. After that piss gag in my mouth, I never want to taste that again."

David thought for a second. "Fine. I warned you. Your second task is coming up. Lie still." While I watched, he got a short length of hose out of his backpack, and a funnel. "You brought this on yourself. Remember that large canteen I filled with piss at the beginning of the hike? Every drop is going inside you right now." Before I knew what was happening, he inserted one end of the hose into my asshole. Then he held the funnel to the other end, raised it up, and started pouring the canteen's vile contents in. Immediately I felt his cold, stale piss filling up my ass. I'd never been so humiliated. First David, my friend, was seeing me naked, nearly denuded of any body hair, and now his piss was actually going inside my body. I felt small and insignificant, completely at his mercy.

"And if even one drop spills, the third punishment will be even worse!" I was shivering from fear and trepidation. At last the canteen was empty, and David washed it out in the stream while holding the hose high to drain into my ass. I could feel my stomach gurgle with discomfort.

"Now, slave, I'm going to take the hose out. Clamp your ass down and keep every drop in you until I give you permission to let it go. If you succeed, what do you want as a reward?"

I knew immediately what to say. "I, um, I want to see your dick." I'd always wanted to see him naked, and maybe now was my chance. After everything I'd been through that day, I deserved at least that.

"Alright, it's a deal. I might even let you put it in your mouth for a while," David promised. Again, his nice demeanor made me nervous. There had to be some trick to this. I kept all the piss inside me for several minutes. Then David reached over, took one tit in each hand, and started slowly twisting them. He flicked them with his fingers, then finally gave them both a really hard pinch and twist. The shock was too much. As he watched, my ass let go and streams of piss went shooting out of me into the stream.

David's jaw dropped. "I told you, didn't I, to keep it in! And you couldn't even do that. You're pathetic. How gross. Piss shooting out of your butt. My piss. You're disgusting."

"But David, you pinched my tits and—" He grabbed my ankles, held them up again, and started spanking me with his bare hand, like a kid on a diaper table. "This. Is. What. Bad. Boys. Deserve. And then some. Rinse off in the stream you just pissed in, get your boots and socks on, and that yellow jock, and meet me by the backpacks. Hurry."

I knew there was a third trial to endure before we could start hiking again. I guess I wouldn't be seeing his dick after all, since I'd failed another test.

"So here's what's going to happen for your third punishment. You wanted to see my dick. I've known that since we met a couple of years ago. I could tell from the way you looked at me. Even though you failed the last test, you get it see it now. Sit on that stump over there." I couldn't believe my luck! I'd get to see him naked after all? That didn't seem like punishment to me. "Hands behind your back, and keep them there or I'll tie you up again."

I eagerly did as instructed. The stump was about a foot high, putting my face at his dick level. As usual, there was a catch. Well, several of them this time. David dug into the now-infamous backpack, which was never a good sign.

"I brought food, since we're going to be here a few days." He pulled out a long, skinny zucchini. "I was going to cook this up later, but it occurred to me we can use it now. On you." What the hell was he talking about? First he used it like a club, beating my face on both sides, then working down my sides and beating my balls, which were inside my yellow jockstrap. I howled in pain. "That's OK—no one can hear you out here. I'm not even close to done yet. Before you see my dick, show me how far down your throat this can go." He slowly put it in my mouth until I gagged. Several times he pushed it in and out. "Open your throat. That's it. A little further." I was able to take about two-thirds of the vegetable into my mouth. "Now bite it so I have a mark." I bit. Out the zucchini came. David brought out a camping knife and carved a notch around the zucchini where the bite marks were. The thing was about 11 inches long, and I'd swallowed about 8 inches of it.

"Now for the fun part," David said. "There's a saying that however much goes in a gay guy's mouth, can also go in his ass."

"David, please! Not that. Anything else. I promise I'll be good. I'll do whatever you tell me with no complaints."

David just shook his head. "I figured you'd say something like that. Thing is, saying `please' won't work this time. This is happening, and there's nothing you can do about it." He got out more climbing rope, and tied my hands behind my back, then tied each leg to small trees on either side of the stump. There I was, sitting helpless, in nothing but hiking boots and a jock strap, ass hanging over the edge of the stump.

"That won't go in my ass—it won't fit!" I pleaded. "Not even up to that notch." David ignored me and got some skin cream out of his pack.

"You'd better hope it does, because then you'll get to see my dick. I'll even sweeten the deal. It goes in to the notch, and you can even put my dick in your mouth. I know you've been dreaming about that."

I didn't respond, because he was right. I had been fantasizing about it for almost two years. But not like this, tied up in the woods. David proceeded to take pictures of the zucchini lying on my bare stomach, my asshole in the air. Then he put it back in my mouth to the notch and grabbed another photo.

"OK, we're ready. Take a deep breath." Rather than slip it in slowly, David jammed it in an inch or so. I gasped and nearly wriggled off the stump in pain. He zipped down my hiking shorts, which he was still wearing, and undid the snap. I could see his underwear clearly, red boxers. I frantically tried to remember if that meant anything in that color code thing he had mentioned. David moved the zucchini in and out of my aching ass. I couldn't help but rock back and forth. "OK, that's three inches, and four. Good so far. But you're only halfway." It felt like 12 inches was already in my ass, and big around as a baseball bat.

"David, David, David, oh god, no," I begged openly now. Again he ignored my pleas.

"Five, and six, 5-6-5-6, in and out. Two inches to go. Alllmost to the notch, slave. One more deep breath. He reached up with one hand and pinched a nipple, hard, while he plunged the zucchini in suddenly and it popped in at the notch, secure in my butthole.

I screamed. "Aahhhhhhh! Oh my god, David, take it out RIGHT NOW."

"Well, unfortunately, slave, you don't call the shots here. That sounded like you telling me what to do. Big mistake. You're still going to see my dick, but only my dick, not my balls or bush, which I'm pretty sure is hairier than yours. We'll find that out later. But you did pass the test, though not without a lot of complaining."

As I hyperventilated, David pulled his dick out of his red boxers. It was half hard, maybe 6.5", unnaturally thick, and circumcised, with pulsing veins. It looked like a drawing of a perfect cock. On his 13-year-old skinny frame, it looked completely out of place.

"So here we go. I'm going to put my dick in your mouth, like you always wanted. You should be careful what you wish for, though. I don't want you to suck it right now, just take as much as you can in your mouth and hold it. That's all."

I opened my mouth wide, and wider still to accommodate his shaft, which up close looked like a soda can. It barely even fit in my mouth. I managed to eventually get it all the way in, and I could taste pre-cum. My lips felt his pubic bush through his thin boxers. It was the moment I'd dreamed of, whacked off to late at night again and again, though I never thought it would be with a huge zucchini up my ass. Then it all went bad.

I felt the first spurt of hot liquid, and initially thought he was cumming already, right down my throat. But I'd tasted my own cum a few times, and this wasn't that. I realized with sudden shock that it wasn't cum, but his hot piss going right down my throat. I tried to move back but couldn't with the ropes holding me fast. And David grabbed the back of my head to hold me tight on his dick.

"I haven't pissed in hours, and I've been saving it up just for you, slave," he said. "You made me swim, smell your socks, and pee in a bottle, then sleep in my underwear a year ago. You missed your chance to do so much more." I gagged and choked as another wave of piss came, just as I thought he was finally done. "Swallow it all, and don't spit any of it up, either. Not one drop." He held it in my mouth for another couple of minutes that seemed like hours. Slowly, David withdrew his schlong, then slapped my face with it as one final humiliation.

"What is that dribbling down your chin, slave? Answer me."

"Um, David, it's just my spit, I couldn't help it, it's just that your dick was so big and—"

"Don't even try, slave," he said, as he pulled his shorts up. That `spit' is yellow, for one thing. I know my piss when I see it. I just saw it shoot out of your red ass, and now this. And because of that one drop, you have to keep that zucchini inside you until the end of the hike in a mile or so."

"Oh my god David, I can't even walk with that thing in me!"

"Too bad. I'll untie you, you'll put your pack on, and then we'll hike the rest of the way. There's a big surprise waiting for you when we get to the top of this mountain."

As we walked the final mile, it seemed like it took hours. The zucchini was soundly wedged in my ass, with another few inches poking out for all the world to see, since I only had on a jockstrap. David laughed at it. "It looks like a tail!" Occasionally he'd slap it with his hand, making me yip and jump. "Complain, even once, and I'll shove the rest of it all the way inside you. Good luck getting it out after that." I didn't complain, but walked in agony as the sun started to set, wondering what fresh horror awaited me when we got to the top.

Next: Chapter 7: Turning the Tables 7

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