Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Sep 19, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter Five – Becoming a Boy

My friend David had lured me to a remote hiking trail, and now had me partially tied, gagged, wearing only a jockstrap and hiking boots...

Eventually we got to a flat spot in the trail, a stream, and a small clearing. I was spent, out of breath from the gag in my mouth.

David looked me over like I was a prized possession. "I bet you really want that gag out of your mouth, huh, slave." I nodded immediately. "You know there will be a heavy price to pay for that honor." I nodded, this time much more slowly. Finally, he pulled the piss-soaked gag out. He started to put it in his pack with my shirt and shorts. "Whoa! I don't want this smelly thing in my pack." He went around behind me and put it in my pack, without wrapping it or anything. "Now your whole backpack will smell like your piss." I could only shake my head in embarrassment.

"We'll get to the price you pay in a minute, but first, you're starting to look a little sunburned. Why don't I rub some sunscreen on you! You have my permission to speak." David offered. Why was he being nice again? What was the catch? Maybe he just felt bad about how he'd treated me. Maybe he felt he'd gotten even for how I treated him the year before, although what I'd done was nothing compared to my trial. He started rubbing lotion on my arms.

"Hey, I almost forgot! It's time for your next quiz. Remember how you teased me about not having any body hair a year ago. I do. I remember you bragging about your pits compared to mine. See where that got you. Not a hair on those boy pits of yours now. But what about my legs? Do you think yours are hairier than mine? I want to know your answer, and why you think that."

I thought for a second, then coughed. I hadn't talked in so long, and that gag had been in mouth for at least an hour. "David, please stop this," I began. "I'm really sorry about a year ago. I thought we were just having fun."

David stopped me. "I didn't tell you to beg...yet, heh-heh. Just tell me. Legs. That's all. Or I'll get the gag out of your pack."

"OK, OK!" I stammered. "I was so wrong about your armpits. They're way hairier than mine, I mean, before you put that waxy stuff on my pits. But you have smooth arms, and no hair near your belly button." David continued to rub suntan lotion on my arms, and continued to my legs, which were unprotected from the sun since I was wearing only a jockstrap now. "But I have fairly hairy legs," I continued. I remember you had hardly any a year ago." David finished with the lotion, all the way down to my ankles. "So, logically, I would have to have more hair on my legs than you." David was wearing jeans, so it was my best guess based on seeing them a year before.

David smiled menacingly. "Well, let's find out. Undo my pants and slowly pull them down." I reached out with my bound hands. "Stop. I didn't say you could use your hands. You have to do it only with your teeth." I got on my knees, and gnawed at the snap holding his pants up. It took a couple of minutes, but I finally undid the snap and buttons. Biting the top of his pants, I started to pull them down. "Wait," he said. "Get my belt off first." That was the easy part. Maybe he was going to let me pull his underwear off, too, I thought hopefully. I got his pants down to his ankles. David sat down on a rock, and pulled his boots off so I could pull his pants off completely. I was so focused on a large bulge in his underwear, I'd completely forgotten about his latest quiz.

"Now," David instructed, "Lick my legs. Start with my socks. Remember how you made me smell your socks a year ago? Make sure you get a good sniff, then lick my ankles, calves, and thighs. All the way up." Hands tied, on my knees, there wasn't much I could do but comply. I smelled his socks and instantly regretted having made him do that for me a year before. Then I started with his ankles, and was shocked and dismayed at how hairy they had gotten. Though he had light brown, almost blond hair on his head, his pit and leg hair was nearly black. It was thickest above his ankles, then not as much near the knees, and finally got hairier up near his crotch. Just before I was going to lick his underwear, David stood up.

"That's enough, slave. Stand up and go to that tree." David fished out more rope from his pack, tossed a length over a tree branch, and looped around my bound hands, tying my arms straight up over my head.

"Now, tell me the truth," he demanded. "Legs. Mine are hairier. You were wrong. Admit it."

Oh my god, how could I have been so wrong? Twice. I had seen lots of boys in gym class and was an expert at body hair, or so I thought until now. First the pits, and now this.

"David, I just thought that, you know---"

David grabbed the belt I'd taken off of him with my teeth, doubled it up, and swung at my bare ass cheeks, with only yellow jockstrap straps as useless protection. The sting was immediate and severe. I yelped in pain.

"Admit it. Now. Or instead of 10 strappings, you'll get 50." He swung again, this time on the other ass cheek. Again I yelled.

"OK-OK-OK!!! I admit it, David! I was wrong again. Your legs are hairier."

David grinned. "Well that's better. But you still have eight strappings for your hesitance." Each one was more painful than the last, and by the eighth and ninth smacks, tears were starting to form in my eyes. "Annnnd that's 10," David concluded. "Holy crap, your ass isn't just red, it's like dark red. I can actually see the belt marks. I gotta get a picture of this." As before, he took an overall photo of me, front and back, arms and legs covered in suntan lotion that hadn't soaked in yet, completely tied, then a close of the yellow jock and red ass.

"Will you untie me now," I pleaded. "That suntan lotion burns a little."

David folded his arms across his bare chest. "No, I don't think so yet. By my watch, you have another 14 minutes until I can let you down." I was puzzled by the exact timing. "You see, the belt wasn't the price you paid for being wrong about my leg hair. That was for hesitating and evading. That `suntan lotion' isn't what you think it is. It will start burning more right...about...now." Sure enough, what I thought was the sun warming my arms and legs became much more uncomfortable. "In 14 minutes, I'll let you wash it off in that stream. Until then, I want to try an experiment." Oh no, I thought, what else could he possibly do to me?

Digging into his backpack always brought horrifying results. David brought out a plastic bag. "Before we left on our trip, I went to a hardware store and bought these. They're clothespins, but I figured they might be interesting to try on you. Too bad for you, they only came in bags of 50." Holy shit. 50?! "Don't worry, I'm not going to use all 50 on you, unless you really fuck up. We'll start with those smooth boy pits of yours." He put two in each armpit, where the skin was thin and sensitive. I moaned between my teeth in pain. "Next: your weak spot. Those tits." He put one on each tit. As he'd already pinched and twisted them a couple of times, they were already sore. And now this. My knees buckled. Only the rope over the tree branch kept me from collapsing. "Only a few minutes to go," he said. "Where else, where else... Hey, that one ball of yours is still sticking out from that tiny yellow jockstrap. That looks ridiculous. I think it needs some company down there."

I couldn't stay quiet at that point. "David, noooooooooo! Come on. It's too sensitive down there."

David glared at me. "You don't get to tell me no. Ever. I told you when we started, you could say `please' and I might grant an alternative, which might be even worse. But not no."

"I'm sorry, David. Really I am. I mean please."

"Way too late now, slave. I was only going to put one on there, but now? Let's see how many will fit." By this point, my arms and legs were on fire with that lotion, whatever it was. David quickly crammed five clothespins on my left nutsack. Each one felt like a separate Hell, so much so I nearly forgot about the ones on my pits and tits.

"There!" David said, proud of his accomplishment. "I think I could get way more on that ball, but we're short on time. Lucky for you, slave. A few minutes left for the lotion, and time for some more photos." He took an overall of all the clothespins, showing my face clearly in agony, then close-ups of each pit, tit, and my left ball.

David untied me from the tree branch overhead, then untied my hands at last. "There. You're free! Now walk to that stream and rinse off. Take your shirt from my pack to rub off that lotion thoroughly from your arms and legs. And don't DARE let any of those clothespins fall off, or the rest of this hike will be worse than you can imagine."

I walked slowly and carefully to the stream, each step agonizing when the clothespins moved or rubbed against my body. David laughed it up watching me. I managed to get my boots and socks off. The stream was only knee-high, but it was enough to wet my shirt and use it as a rag to rub down my arms and legs. David walked up to watch the humiliating process.

"Notice anything?" he asked. I looked down at the stream in horror, which was now full of hair floating away, then at my arms and legs. As the lotion came off, so did every bit of hair.

David commented, "What a difference. You don't even look 13 anymore, my age, let alone your real 14 years. Maybe 12. I mean, the only hair you have left is around your dick. I might let you keep that if you obey me completely. Now get out, dry off with your shirt, and stand spread eagle over in the sun so I can get some good photos. Once again, he took an overall of me with the clothespins, yellow jock, only now with baby-smooth arms and legs. He even took one with his furry leg next to mine for comparison.

"OK, stand still." David reached out and slapped off all the clothespins from my pits, tits, and ball. I gasped as each one flew in the dirt. "Now pick them up, put them back in my pack, get your boots back on, and let's go. It's only a couple of miles to the top. I'll wear your hiking shorts. It's not like you're going to need them," he sneered. "If you're good, nothing else will happen to you before the summit," he promised. Somehow I doubted that was going to be the case.

Next: Chapter 6: Turning the Tables 6

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