Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Nov 19, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Stay tuned for my next story, which details my experiences with three neighbor boys when I was 12 and 13, before I met David...

Chapter 14 – Almost Made It

David and I packed out things and started hiking down from the high cabin where we'd spent three sadistic days. He cooked me a quick breakfast, dressed me in a new color of hiking socks and jock strap. He said they were fuchsia. I didn't even know that was a color, but whatever. Since he let me wear my hiking shorts and a tank top again, I didn't complain. After we cleaned up the cabin, we started the long eight-mile hike down to the road.

As soon as we started, David reached out and held my hand. I stopped and looked at him questioningly.

"What, Jamesy? You don't like this?"

"Um, David," I began. "I like this. A lot. This is what I always wanted."

"I thought so. Well, maybe I like it, too." He reached around the spanked my ass, but gently. "I'm hoping this won't be the end for us."

So we walked, hand in hand, down the trail. A few miles down, we reached one of the clearings where he'd tortured me a few days before. "Let's rest, have a bite to eat, some water, then continue on down," David suggested. We took off our packs, shirts, boots and socks and relaxed in the warm Washington sun. Just then four older boys walked up, all about 17, tall, and built.

"Hey, guys!" a red-haired boy said. The other boys held back. They had black, blond, and brown hair, and only had on shorts and tennis shoes. Clearly they were just day hikers. "Where you headed?"

David spoke up. "Just back to the road. You guys?"

Again the red-haired one, who was trying unsuccessfully to grow some facial hair on his snow-white skin. "Us, too. We've been camping up at the summit for a few days, near that cabin." David shot me a glance. "So are you guys just friends?" Another glance. At this point, two of the guys, with the black and brown hair, wandered around behind us. I started getting really nervous. They put their hands on our shoulders, in a friendly way.

I couldn't contain myself. "Look, guys, we don't want any trouble." Just then the brown-haired boy pinned David's arms behind his back. David was strong, but the brown-haired kid outweighed him by 50 pounds. "Get your fucking hands off him!" I yelled, hoping to scare them off. Then the black-haired guy grabbed me the same way.

"Well, awfully defensive, aren't we?" the buff red-haired boy said—obviously the leader of the group. "Maybe you're a little more than friends. We saw you, James, is it? Running around the cabin naked, then that garden hose, actually in your butt. What did you, lose a dare? And we followed you down the trail. You guys were holding hands. Isn't that cute?"

David spoke up. "Fuck off. It's none of your business what we do."

"Look," I interjected. "We're just fr—"

David corrected me. "We're boyfriends, OK? Satisfied? Now just leave us alone." Suddenly, both our shorts were pulled down at the same time.

"Holy shit!" Red said. "Nice blue jockey shorts, and a pink, no red, jock? How old are you guys? You, David, right? You're like about 14. And James, maybe 12? 11? Hard to tell. You haven't even gone through puberty yet!" I blushed crimson. David continued to struggle, but his arms were held fast. We were shoved together.

"Don't worry, guys, lucky for you we don't have much time until dark, so do as we say, and this will be over fast. First, hug each other. I made a half-hearted attempt, but David held on to me tight.

"I'm sorry, Jamesy," he whispered in my ear. "This is all my fault."

Red's next instruction: "Now kiss. Since you're boyfriends and all." I looked worried, but David's big brown doe-eyes looked soft and welcoming. I pecked him on the lips. Again, he pulled me in and started giving me the longest, tongue-filled kiss. While I'd had sex with a boy before, this was whole new territory for me. It was heaven.

"OK, guys, strip them." Immediately our underwear came off. "Now I know what that color is," Red said. "It's a plant, like fuchsia I think. There's a secret code with the gays, and fuchsia means spanking. You must like that, James." I just glared back. The blond guy walked up and started whalloping my ass with both hands, then he took his belt off and used that, too. I grabbed onto David for dear life as tears of pain came down my face. David just rubbed my back to help however he could.

"On your knees, face away from each other. Enough of this kissing and hugging crap," Red barked.

The blond perked up, and whispered in Red's ear. We couldn't hear it all, just "It will work, yeah, both at the same time." While the blond rummaged through his day pack, Red told Brown and Black to spit on their hands and rub our holes. They eagerly complied. Blond came up with a cylindrical bottle of shampoo, and squirted globs of it on either identical end.

"You guys meet in the middle of that bottle, and we'll think about letting you go," Red explained. Oh, no. I could probably take it, after what I'd been through, but David? I didn't think anything had been in there except my tongue. David started to say something but the end of the bottle was already being roughly pushed into his tight hole. The other end went in mine, and Black and Brown started pushing us toward one another. After both of us grunted and groaned, our asses touched, although I think most of the bottle was in me. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"I think you guys know what's happening next," Red said. Suddenly Brown and Black unzipped their pants, and flopped out two fat cocks, one long, the other like a fire hydrant, both uncut with ample bushes. Each of us took a cock in our mouths. As rough as they were, they came quickly, launching large globs down our throats. Then Blond and Red took their turn. Blond was smaller, had little hair, and chose David. Red turned out to have at least 10" and was uncut. It figured he was charge of the gang. It took longer this time, but they both thrust faster, pulled out simultaneously and shot large loads in our faces and hair.

"Now stay just like that, boys," Red instructed. We're taking your packs and clothes, but we'll leave your boots and socks. We'll leave the packs and stuff at the trailhead—we promise hahahaha!" and off they went down the trail.

David and I slowly pulled the shampoo bottle out of our asses. David immediately rolled over in tears and fell on top of me. "James, Jesus Christ, I had no idea. What did I do? Can you ever forgive me? I liked you, I was just afraid, I didn't know how to say it, I thought kissing and stuff would mean I was gay, so I did all that other stuff. All along I wanted you, so maybe that does mean I'm gay, I don't know yet, I just know I want to be with you, especially at night. I told those guys they could do stuff, but just to you. They totally tricked me."

I started weeping at that point. "David, shhhhh. It's OK. Just relax, breathe deeply, and calm down. We're OK. They're gone. We'll get to the trailhead, together, somehow. I'm just sorry I couldn't stop them. I'll never let anyone do that to you again." Suddenly I felt like I was the one protecting him, not the other way around. After all, I was older by a year, even though my body didn't look it anymore, and never would.

"Come on, David, get up." I brushed all the dust and pine needles off of him. Let's go to the creek and rinse off. We have to get down before dark." By the time we rinsed the cum and dirt off and got our boots back on, we were maybe two miles behind the four bullies. We made good time, naked and hand in hand, and didn't talk much on the way down. Luckily, we didn't meet any more hikers, and sure enough all our stuff was at the trailhead along with a note. "You guys deserve each other." It wasn't meant as a compliment, of course, but we read it as such, and actually smiled at each other.

"Maybe they're right," I said. "You know, my parents are moving out of town soon, and I don't want to start another high school. Do you think your folks would let me rent a room?"

"Are you kidding?" David said. "They really like you. But my sister is in the other bedroom, so we'd `have' to share my room. I'd like that, anyway, and my parents would have no idea what's going on with us. We could still go on hiking trips and stuff, too," he offered. I couldn't believe how this all turned out, from just friends and my years-long fantasies, to brutal domination, to boyfriends. After the bus arrived, we went quickly to sleep in our seats, and David put my hand on his furry leg, then placed my head in his lap. We didn't even care this time who saw.

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