Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Oct 20, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter Ten – The Loss of Manhood

Tied to a table with my legs straight up in the air, wearing only pink socks, I wondered what else David could possible do to me...

As I lay there on the table, I reflected on how different my life was after only 24 hours. A day earlier, I'd just finished a bus ride into the mountains, with my hand on David's leg at his insistence. Visions of maybe an actual high school boyfriend danced in my head that whole night on the bus. But now, I was his victim. His servant. He actually called me his slave. And though my hands were now untied, I was still helpless, ass over the end of the table, frantically nervous about what else David had in store for me in that rainy day in the cabin.

"OK, slave. We have a long day ahead of us, but it's gonna be fun. Well, for me. I have several interesting challenges for you, tests I guess, for you to accomplish. If you do, maybe it won't be so bad and I'll let you suck my dick again. Let's start." He wheeled over a small cart that had a towel over it. "How old are you?"

"I'm 14. Um, Sir." The day before I'd blurted that word out unintentionally when he jacked our dicks together, right as I came. Now he wanted to be called that.

"Thing is, slave, your body says otherwise. I mean, look at it: No hair anywhere, from neck to toe, except that dick hair. It really looks out of place. I'm 13, and I have more hair than that. So let's say you're 12." With that, he pulled the towel off the cart he'd wheeled over to the table. There was a small can with red stripes, a large red container, a pair of what looked like black welding gloves, a bowl of water, and several razors. My blood ran cold.

"David, just stop. Wait," I pleaded, forgetting to call him Sir. I remembered he'd promised me one request per day he would have to grant. "I have my request for the day! And you have to do it, you said. Uh, Sir. Don't shave my pubes. I really need them. No one can see me without them. I'm kind of, well, proud of them, since I have more than other 14-year-olds. So now you have to do that," I babbled in desperation.

"Oh I remember, slave. I won't shave your pubes." I was so relieved. But then he added, "You are. In front of me, while I watch. We'll make a game of it. Remember how this is a sheepherding cabin part of the year? I found this red vat of cream in that shed outside. It's used to help sheep who are incontinent. Those black gloves, too. It's like fate: a red-striped can of shaving cream, red vat of ass cream, and black gloves. You remember that color code: red stripes for shaving, red for hands in your ass, and black for S&M. It was meant to be! You even have pink socks, which means toys up your butt. So here's the challenge: If you shave off every hair before I get all five fingers up your butt, I'll stop and let you go. So it's in your best interest to do it quickly. But if you miss any hairs, even one, well, I don't need to tell you what will happen."

I started hyperventilating, and thought I was going to faint. I didn't even know what to say to such a scheme. So I just nodded my head in shame. David handed me the shaving foam, and I sprayed it all over above my dick and balls. Of course David took the opportunity to take a photo. He handed me a new shaver.

"Wait!" David said. "Let me get the glove on. He took some of the sheep cream and rubbed it on the glove, then around my asshole. "Ready, slave? Now, shave your pubes for me." I started as fast as I could, and gasped as he put one finger in me. "That's no problem for you now after that zucchini yesterday, and getting fucked. Keep shaving." I rinsed the blade in the water bowl and kept going, watching the hair disappear. I'd only had pubes for a couple of years at the most, and had never even considered I might one day lose them, let alone by my own hand, in front of my best friend.

David worked two fingers in. "Wow, two! This looks so hot. I can't believe this. Feels really tight, though. Gonna take a minute to get a third one in." I was horrified, but tried to concentrate on shaving myself as quickly as completely as I could.

"Oh, man," David said. "This third one. Have to really push hard...annnd, there!" I yelped and nearly dropped the razor. I was about 75% done denuding myself. With his other hand, David grabbed a small mirror, and held it up behind my ass. "Look, slave! Three fingers." I glanced away from my task and couldn't believe the sight. That much in my asshole. I had only played with my hole in the tub, sticking one finger in. I had even tried a small shampoo bottle once, but there was no way it would go in.

I was just finishing, and trying to make sure I didn't miss anything, but it was hard to see through the foam. And my dick had gotten hard during the process, so it kept getting in the way. "Look at that, slave! Your little penis likes it." I was terrified, but my dick was hard? What was that about?

David instructed, "Take a deep breath." I knew what was coming and clutched the razor to the point I thought it would break in half. "Mmmmmm-mmFFFF! There! Four fingers! They're not in very far—yet—so you better be finishing up, slave." I went over everything as best I could.

"OK, Sir! Stop stop stop stop. Take your hand out. All the hair is gone." Instead, David dipped the towel into the foamy water using his free hand, that was now full of pube hair, and dabbed it around what had been my bush a few minutes before. "Good job so far, I don't see even one—wait." My heart sank. "See here, at the base of your dick?" I looked but didn't see any hair. "There's a little dimple there. Hard to shave, I admit. But you missed one hair."

"No!" I screamed. "You're lying, David! It's all gone, I promise."

"So you're calling me a liar. Wow. Huge mistake. Well I'll prove it to you." He grabbed a pair of tweezers off the cart, reached over and plucked out the hair. "There. Now do you believe me?" He put the tweezers in my mouth. "Suck the hair off." I did as ordered. David cleaned off the rest of the area, now gleaming white and boy-smooth.

"Put your hands over your head, slave. That fifth finger—my thumb, actually—is going in if I can fit it." I stifled a whimper at that point, and put my hands over my head.

David turned his hand a bit, trying different positions, each time making me jump. Then with one final push, his hand suddenly went past a point of no return and popped inside me.

I started to yell, but David clamped his free hand over my mouth. "Shhhh, you did it, deep breaths, just relax. I won't keep it in there long. This time..." He worked it in as far as he could, maybe to a knuckle, and managed to get a photo of his hand, my smooth dick, and face all in one picture. "That's the money shot. No one would believe this if I told them, which I won't as long as you keep doing what I want."

Slowly, way too slowly in my view, David withdrew his hand, and my ass closed with a plop.

"Slave, you rest now. We might do more later. I'm leaving your hands untied, but don't even think about trying anything." David wiped off my crotch and ass one final time, took a close-up photo of my bare dick, and tossed a blanket over me. I'm not sure if I passed out or fell asleep at that point, but I fell into a dark, dreamless abyss.

When I woke up, David was running a bath that smelled amazing, like mint and some kind of flower.

"Hey, you're awake, Jamesy! Let me untie your legs and you can hop in the tub. You'll feel much better," David said. Again, his mood had brightened. And he called me by my name, not slave. I was immediately suspicious, but my legs and body were too sore from the day's punishments. I could barely stand from the table I'd been tied on all day. David put his arms around me and helped me limp to the hot tub. "Go ahead, climb in. Just take off those pink socks first," he laughed. Naked and tired, I lowered myself into the clawfoot tub. "I'll get a washcloth for you," David offered.

True to his word, he came back with a washcloth that was already soaped up. He rubbed the lather on my face and neck, upper lip, everywhere in that area. It smelled just like the tub water.

"Um, David? Thanks for this. It feels nice," I said. "It smells so good."

"Glad you noticed, James. It's rosemary and some floral extract, from Mexico I think. Hard to find." How did he know so much about it? The whole situation seemed so out of character, but it was better than what I'd gone through earlier in the day. David left the soap on my face while he massaged my sore neck, pecs, and legs. I actually started getting hard, and tried to hide it under the froth. "That's OK," he said. "Let me see it." I raised up my now-hairless dick and balls. "Wow, you don't understand how hot that looks. He gently squeezed my balls, and worked his hands up to my shaft.

"David, is it OK? I'm getting close. You're not going to punish me?"

"Hahaha. That's over for now, James," he assured me. "Just relax and let it happen. You're kind of like my boy now, since you look younger than me. My little 12-year-old. Hell, maybe even 11. This whole week is our secret, OK? I won't show the photos to anyone. They're just for me to jack off to when we're not hanging out together. What goes on between us is just that, between us." As he was talking, he started jacking my tool faster and faster, squeezing a bit hard each time. "Go ahead and shoot for me, James. I really like that smooth body you have. I just wish it would stay like that forever. Cum for me now." The way he talked got me off immediately, being ordered to cum. I shot a huge wad that arced high enough it landed in my hair. "Wow! Great job, buddy. I think you've been in there long enough." The water felt warm and tingly, and the soap on my face tingled too, but not at all painful like that waxy stuff he'd put on my pits, or the leg cream he'd used to remove all the hair there the day before. I stood up, and David even toweled me off. "Turn around." I turned and he admired my ass. "It's really nice. Hope I wasn't too rough on it today," he said apologetically. "But when you fail tests, or lie, there has to be consequences. Hopefully you've learned that by now."

"David, I'm OK. Just tired." He was able to carry me to bed, then made us a quick meal of more camp-style pasta with meat sauce. He climbed into bed with me, and he turned me around so my head was at his legs.

"You know I like your head down there, especially when you hold my legs in my sleep. Can you do that again tonight?" David asked. I was shocked, but couldn't be happier to comply.

"Of course," I said. I think he knew I loved his furry legs. Like the night before, I fell asleep quickly, holding onto his legs. He didn't even mention tying me up, or making me pee in a bottle during the night, not that I ended up having to. Once again, I wondered if the long torment was finally over. What else could he possibly do to me?

Next: Chapter 11: Turning the Tables 11

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