Turning the Tables Series

By moc.liamg@1ekibsaj

Published on Aug 28, 2023


Turning the Tables

By James Forbes jasbike1@gmail.com

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults, partly based on my experiences, and partly fantasy of what I wish will still happen. Please read no further if you are underage, if this is illegal in your area, or if you are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. This would have taken place in the pre-AIDS era. The main focus is on domination, submission, various punishments and kink, with of course some actual sex thrown in. But it's more narrative than straight-up fucking. If you're looking for a good sub in San Diego, email me.

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Chapter 1 – Meeting David

I was lucky to grow up in a suburban neighborhood in Washington State, on a private lake surrounded by wooded areas, and on a street with a few boys slightly younger than me. There were no girls in the neighborhood anywhere close to our ages. My first experience was at 12, with an 11-year-old neighbor, at his instigation. The shock and thrill is something I'll never forget. It continued with his younger brother, then another neighbor. They were all hot and into kinkier things; to me, that was "normal" sex. I'll go more into detail about them in later chapters. But I didn't have feelings for any of them. It was just sex, and plenty of it.

Then I saw him. My high school band (I was a freshman, in ninth grade) played a concert at a junior high to encourage its students to join band when they entered high school. A fellow brass player, in 8th grade, walked up to play a solo, and I nearly fainted. David was 5'5", with very light brown hair and darker eyebrows, dimples, and big brown doe eyes. The second I saw him I knew I wanted to figure out a way to be his friend, and hopefully somehow see him naked. By that time, I was 13 and he was 12. I went up to him after the concert and offered to show him around next fall if he wanted. He was more than eager.

That fall I always found a way to play next to him, and we did become friends. His sense of humor and disarming smile always made me melt. His family invited me to go along with him (an only child) and them on a camping trip to Central Washington. I jumped at the chance. We bicycled, hiked, and one day swam in a reservoir. Just seeing his glistening body in swim trunks was a thrill: He had lanky, smooth arms, no armpit hair that I could see, a washboard stomach, no treasure trail, and smooth legs. I assumed he had to have entered puberty by that point, but the curiosity of it was driving me crazy, as there were no outward signs of it. I was taller, with dark brown hair, 5'8", 140 lbs., with more beef and muscle than David. I already had some hair on my arms, a pretty decent nest of pubes, and sort of hairy legs. My dick seemed big to me, but I'd never measured it. I had a plan to see David naked.

"Hey, David, let's get up on that log and try to push each other off," I suggested. Mostly, I just wanted to have physical contact with him that might turn into something else later on. "And if I win, you have to be my slave!" I figured he would balk at that, but he reluctantly agreed, much to my surprise.

We wrestled on that log, slipping and sliding. At one point, he even grabbed my swim trunks. I could already feel myself getting hard. I fell on my ass at one point, but hung on to that log for dear life, kicked my feet out, and David went flying off the log into the cold water.

"Oh, man!" he exclaimed. "Best two out of three, James."

"No way," I told him. "You lost, plain and simple. Now swim back to shore and get my towel."

"Oh, come on! Can't I walk on the logs? This water is freezing!" he whined.

I folded my arms, defiant in my victory. "Nope. Swim. Now." I think my tone put him off a bit, but he swam. I got back to shore long before he did, as it was a long way for him to swim. I made him towel me off completely, then had him use my wet towel on himself while I watched. I told him to raise his arms to make sure they were dry for my inspection, which he thought was weird, but he did it.

"Wow, you're starting to get a few pit hairs," I observed. Finally I knew for sure he was changing. If he had pit hair, I knew he had pubes, too, and might be wanting to have sex, just like I had a year or so before.

"Shut up, dude. You're sick," was his only reply, clearly embarrassed.

At dinner, I made him get me seconds in front of his parents, then had him take my plate away when I was done. He glared at me, but did it without protest. He knew if he refused, his parents would be mad for being rude. Finally in our tent for the night, I had him take my shoes and socks off, slowly, and put my shoes outside the tent.

"But first," I said, taking a chance. "Hold them up to your face."

"No way! I'm not doing that, James," he stated with finality.

"You HAVE to," I reminded him. "You lost. I won. Do it or I'll tell your parents you're my slave."

"Fine. Whatever, dude. After this, I'm going to sleep, though. He held them up his face.

"Smell them," I ordered. He took one halting breath, then quickly put them outside the tent.

"I'm going to sleep," he said again.

"OK," I agreed. He slipped into his sleeping bag. "But you can't sleep in your clothes. Take your shirt off."

"What?! What is this?" he said, obviously frustrated by the whole ordeal.

"You can leave your underwear on...for now. But everything else goes, and stays in my custody until morning." Reluctantly, he took his shirt off while still in the bag, then his shorts, and finally his socks, and handed them over.

"What if I have to pee in the middle of the night? I can't go out there like this!" he pleaded. On the spur of the moment, I drank what was left in a Gatorade bottle we had, and tossed it at him.

"You can go in that if you have to. Just don't spill any, or you'll be in big trouble," I warned.

I was awakened in the middle of the night by a bright light in the tent, and squinted my eyes open, just in time to see the head of David's dick peeking out of his underwear, peeing in the bottle.

"Don't spill any," I reminded him. He was so startled he nearly spilled the whole bottle, and turned his back out of shyness.

The next morning I made him pack up the tent for the return trip with his parents. David didn't say much on the long drive, and wouldn't let me sit next to him in the car. I thought maybe I'd ruined our friendship, but after school started in the fall we played in the band together, and everything seemed normal. I didn't realize how wrong I was until the next summer...

Next: Chapter 2: Turning the Tables 2

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