Turning Point

By T O

Published on Nov 8, 2005


Wow, exam time is not the most pleasant time of the year in a university campus, especially the first set of exams in a frosh dorm. I mean the same people you typically see bubbly and happy talking to everyone for the other 18 weeks of the semester ends up being totally beyond stressed, with hair the size of Alaska and PJ's which are starting to reek as they have worn them for several days without changing and for some without showering.

Matt and I were experiencing the exam stress as well, but handling it in a different way. We both felt really, really unprepared for our finals, but no amount of studying was going to make us feel better. Therefore, we had this awesome system of whenever one of us felt the stress overcome who we are, we would stop whatever was stressing each other, drag the other one into Matt's room (or our chamber) and release the build-up tension through a great fuck session. There were a few times where we both faked the stress in order to get off, and in those times, even though it was obvious, the other really didn't pt up much of a fight. Yeah, like "No, I have to study, please don't give me super hot sex" was really a response I will was willing to give my man.

So one by one, the exams, which had an amazing build-up to most of the students, came and went, with no casualties. No one died, I am sure some failed, but no one I knew, and Matt and I passed with flying colours. 5 exams done and we both felt very confident that we did really well on both of them.

Directly following our Calculus exam, we got our bags packed and headed for the bus station to head to Toronto. We could only stay for two days, as we had to pack up our gear to leave residence as per requirement by the university. As we were walking to the bus station, you could certainly tell that Matt had no desire to get onto that bus. His pace was much slower than normal, his hand was shaking, and as much as I tried to calm his hand by holding onto his, it really didn't decrease in its vibration.

"Hey Matt, are you going to be ok there?"


"Wow, you really should learn not to say so much." This got a quarter smile out of my boyfriend's face.

"I am not sure I can do this. I don't think I am strong enough for this. Maybe, I can just pretend to go back here, but really be out East with you."

"You know Matt, eventually they will have to call you and when they do it will not be a pretty site when someone else answers your phone."

"Stop messing around Jared, I am really fucking petrified about this."

"I know Mattie,"

"No you don't. I have never been without for anything in my life. Anything I have ever wanted, I have had and probably after this, I will be so cut off, that I will not have a cent. I know you are used to it, but I am not. I mean, my so-called parents may not be Parents of the year calibre, but they have provided financially for me." I was taken back by this comment.

"Oh. I am sorry." Wow, the guy can sure make me feel bad really easy.

"Dude, I am so fucking sorry. I am so freaked, that I am taking it out for you. I want you to realize something though. Even though I was never without anything in my life, that only means in a superficial sense. I mean, the one thing I have never had is love, and I have that with you."

"Matty, do you trust me."

"Matty, I like but only when you say it, anyway. Yes, I trust you with my life. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I do, so listen to me when I say this. No matter what happens in Toronto, you may not have every single item in the world that you could desire, but I can assure you, that at the end of the day, I will still be here, with love in my eyes, and a firm cock waiting for you."

"Wow, Jared, you sure know how to ruin a perfectly romantic moment"

"I am to please."

"Don't I know it? and Jared Thanks."

"yeah, remember this when I am about to tell my folks OK. You may be a ball of nerves now, but I will be so much worse when it's my turn."

"Then it will be my turn to be the strong one."

"I am going to hold you to that."

So on the bus, Matt decided his plan of attack. He was going to tell them at dinner tonight, as we would be arriving in time for dinner. I tried to convince him that he should wait, and try to have some good times with them, just in case. His response was that he wouldn't be able to lie to them about me. When Matt makes up his mind, a bulldozer couldn't change it.

When we finally made it to his house after an hour trip to travel 5 kilometres, which Matt introduced me as rush hour traffic, for some reason Matt was not shaking any more. I mean, I knew he was bad back at campus, and I just assumed that he would be totally freaked out. However, he was cool, actually, once we pulled up in the driveway, he was cold in his face. So hardened. What has these people done to this guy. This certainly was going to be interesting.

Once we arrived in his house, the ample pleasantries occur. The hello mother, father, and hello son reply, the introduction of his friend from school (me) and meeting his little brother and grandparents. Then his mother made the snide remark that dinner was already late due to us, and scurried us into the dining room.

The dinner started out interesting. Small talk and simple discussion of nothing of any substance occurred. I mean discussing the weather is not what I would call an important discussion topic. Questions were thrown out about how school went, if Matt was keeping up on his studies, what my folks did for a living, just the prying and uncomfortable discussion that would make a small town country boy feel way out of his league. Then discussion of next semester came up, and I knew the discussion was going to be heated.

"So son, what courses are you taking next semester?"

"Well, about that, there something I must talk to the family about." I move my hand onto his under the table on his knee in a show of support.

"Well I am not paying for your tuition for you to change majors, so what you have to talk to us about."

"Well, I am not switching major for example, but I am transferring to another school."

"Matt, what are you talking about? You can't just change schools on a whim. That typically is a discussion you have with us when you are thinking about switching, not after you decided"

"Well, I really didn't need any your input on this decision."

"But why honey." Matt's mom said almost too sweetly.

"Because Jared is transferring out."

"But that doesn't give you a reason to switch." Good old Grandad.

"Well it does when I am the reason he has to transfer."

"What the hell are you talking about Matt?" His dad's face was turning quite red.

"Yeah, I guess I am being kinda cryptic. Anyway, here goes. Family, I am gay. Jared here is my boyfriend, and he got beat up because he was gay, and when I wasn't there to help him through it due to trying to uphold my 'precious reputation', he transferred to school. Well, Jared is My love, my soul mate, and if he is leaving so am I.

"The hell you are." His father was quite livid. Then his grandfather spoke "no member of the family is to be a fucking queer." Then his mom hysterically crying, "where did we go wrong in the background."

"you can't change my mind father, it's already made up."

"Oh you think so. Well what if I was to cut off all financial support to you, then what."

"Do it, it won't change anything."

"You must think you are one top stud (referring to me) to convert my eldest, and the heir of the company to the sickness that you trashy gay folk have"

"Excuse me dad, you may be angry at me, but there is no way I will tolerate you speaking in that manner to Jared. "

"Oh I am sorry; I wouldn't want to offend the faggot. Oh, seeing how this is my house, and you are no longer a part of this family, I want you off my fucking property now, or I will make you."

"No longer part of this family. What are you saying father."

"That you have a choice Matthew; you choose the good life that we have been put in front of you let me pull some strings and enrol back to school, or you go with that piece of shit and you are no longer a member of the family.

"Well when you put it that way (then his father starts a smile.) Come on Jared, we have outstayed our welcome." We get up.

"You are dead to me Matthew," His father says, as does his grandfather... His mother was still wailing, "where did we go wrong." as he slams the door.

Well, I can honestly say I had never seen Matt with so much rage in him. As we pick up our bags, and start walking down the street, a little old lady comes rushing behind us.

"Matty, oh Matty, are you ok."


"I must be quick. Here is $500. don't tell anyone I gave this to you. I would be crucified if any of those bigots found out. Currently they think I am in the washroom. I will forward you some funds until you finish school."

"But Grandmother, I don't want their money."

"I am only going to say this one Matthew. You only live once. I can see in your eyes, how special this young man next to you is. Hold on to it, and never let it go. Don't for anyone. I love you so very much."

"Grandmother, I love you too."

"You have my email at the country club right. (he nodded) once you get a phone wherever you are going, you must send it to me. I will call you."

"I still don't want their money."

"It's not heir's its mine. You should know by now that I am the true leader in this family."

Then she turned to me. "Treat him well, he's one special guy."

"You don't have to tell me that, I love him."

"I know, please be safe and remember I love you." with that she faded into the darkness.

"Hey Jared, what should we do now"

"I think we need to find a place to sleep."

"Sleeping is not what I had in mind."

"Neither did I" with an evil grin.

We ended back to this really nice hotel. I think it was a Holiday Inn, if I recall correctly, anyway after we checked in, Matt said he needed some time to clean up, so I said I would order up some food, a pizza, and get ready for the night's activities. Well, I ordered the food, got down into my boxer shorts, and sat on the bed and waited... and waited, the food came and Matt was still in the washroom. This really started to worry me, so I went back and knocked on the door.

"Matty, are you okay."

silence. For those of you that don't know me, I hate silence. I really can't stand the lack of noise. It makes me uneasy.

"Matt, you there"

"Jared, I will be right out."

"Ok" at least he said something, but something didn't sound right. So, instead of waiting for him as he asked, I do the complete opposite and barge right in the washroom. I opened the door and there was MAtt, lying in the fetal position with tear lines on the sides of his face. He was crying the whole time.

"Matty honey, what's wrong man?"

"I am fine really." Wow, that was so not convincing at all.

"Alright, but Matt, we have this really special thing going on between us, and I know when I needed it recently, you were there for me. I so want to be there for you and help you."

"Oh Jared, what happened tonight. I mean I thought this was what was going to happen, but still I am shocked, does that make sense? I am not even sure why their rejection is affecting me like this. I mean, it wasn't as they were emotional present for the previous years in my life."

"Even though they may not have been the best of Parents, they are still your parents. You still care what they think, but at least your grandmother surprised you eh."

"Yeah, I am still blown away by that."

"And with her in the corner, maybe the rest of the family will come around." I was doing anything, I could to make the situation better.

"Thanks, Jare, but you and I both know that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Can I ask fro something though."

"You've got it buddy."

"I need you, I want you, and I know typically we have been sensual about our love-making, but I really need a night of passionate animal sex."

I know this is a bad time to laugh, but I couldn't help it. "Animal sex? Do you want me to find the animal?"

"I am looking at him right now" and with that Matty's passionate kiss came right onto my lips. He was trying to get every single ounce of air I had like there was no more left. This was Really, starting to turn me on, and then the passion took me over. I started to undress him. Actually, that is not entirely accurate, as I literally ripped his shirt off him and spent the night, getting all the pent up emotions out of him.

He literally tackled me on the ground, once we were naked and went full throttle. The sex in itself lasted only for a few minutes, but the pent up passion that was built during this was so awesome that orgasm was the best yet, and we stay intertwined together for a couple hours easy in post-orgasmic bliss.

More to come. Actual sex next chapter.

Next: Chapter 10

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