Turning Point

By T O

Published on May 28, 2005



"What's up Jared? You alone" Matt slurred out

"Yeah , Matt, I am, but I am quite busy (trying to get him out as soon as possible.) Chat later k?" a common phrase I always told Matt. It typically made him leave, but not tonight, there was a determined look in his eye.

"No, Jared, not yet, I think we need to talk."

"What about Matt?" A little annoyed that he was interrupting the only study time I have had the past two days.

" Do you want a drink? It may make this run smoother."

"Matt, you already know I don't want a drink, you know that I don't drink, as I have rejected every offer of liquor your have given me in the past."

" Oh wait, I totally forgot you don't drink what's up with that? It hardly ever seems like you have fun at all for that point. I mean I never see you drunk, or with a chick, or doing anything except the laidback shit you do with those losers you hang with."

"Excuse me Matt, who the fuck do you think you are judging those guys" I was starting to be outraged by this line of talk and wasn't going to let it go further. "I would prefer those `losers' over the fine bunch of fucking football kronies that follow you. All it ever seems you guys do is great fucking hammered." I shot back.

"You wouldn't understand." Matt replies. He was starting to get hasty as well.

"I wouldn't understand eh? Yeah your right, because I am a loser right? I am just this guy that sits around and is boring. Hell, I must be, I never drink, it doesn't matter that my dad was an alcoholic, does it? Or does it matter that my uncle and grandfather are as well?" I am yelling at him right now. "That doesn't matter because it doesn't serve you, right? You come in here every time you get drunk, chase anyone out of the room that is in here, just to talk about a Calculus test you bombed cuz you didn't study, or the cute girl you banged last night.." Where was this anger coming from? "Matt, you are one of the most fucking self-centered..." and then it happened.

He Kissed me. It wasn't one of those tonsil hockey type of kiss, it was more of a shut me up type of kiss. It lasted for mere moments and was so soft. This was my first kiss you see, but there was something not right about this kiss. Oh yeah it was me. Was I gay? Did I want this? I was sitting there contemplating all these while this football player's lips were resting so softly against mine. Then, as quickly as it occurred, it was over. Matt looked at me, with a somewhat disappointed look and then walked out without saying a word.

I spent what seemed to be an eternity just staring at him blankly. What just happened here? Why did he kiss me? Was it because he was drunk? It must have been, but why did I like it? Did I like? What do I do now? What's he going to tell everyone? I just kept getting all these questions, but really, no answers were presenting themselves. Wait, he wanted to talk to me though? I know he didn't just come into my room to pick an alcohol fight. Is he trying to mess with my head? Is he like most of the other? More questions, more confusion, no answers. However, the one thing I did know, was that it was not a good idea for me to be in that room, so I went outside to clear my head.

And that I tried to do, as that clearing of the head never came. I walked around for a couple of hours, going nowhere and everywhere trying to sort out the night's events until I came to the Campus Pub. I just examined all the people that went in and out of the bar and how happy they looked. Why wasn't I that happy? Well I knew why I wasn't happy that night, but in general, I really wasn't that happy.

With that, I entered the pub. It was more packed than I had expected it to be at 2:00 am and after paying the cover, I just again walked around, and watched and try to sort out what was going on, until James came over to talk to me. James was another of my classmates, who was out with some of his buds.

"Hey Jared, what's up"

"Not much" (I lied) "Couldn't sleep, just thought I would see where the `fun' is being had". I replied

""Are you okay? You look a little down" James relied

"Yeah, I'm cool, just a little bored that's all" I really am starting to get this lying thing down

James asked " Do you want a drink? My treat"

And typically this is where I respond NO and carry on my merry way, but something about the night's events led me to respond "Sure, but what do you suggest, I am not much of a drinker"

James responded "Tom Collins it is then".

I must admit, that I did really enjoy the taste of those Tom Collins, and it was like I couldn't get enough of them. For the next hour, I was hanging out with James and his friends, talking about Hockey and stuff, and drinking up a storm. It seemed like the more I drank, the more the events of the night were unimportant. So I kept them coming, a drink about every 10 minutes, and by the time the bar was closed at three I was totally plastered.

I didn't want to go back to my room though, so after being quite plastered, the idea I had was to go to the after party. I really can't remember much about me being there, but I remember I was introduced to Tequila. A mistress I never want to meet again. I remember dancing, this one girl dancing topless on a coffee table, but the rest is a complete blur.

Anyway, I woke up the next morning, with the biggest headache in my life. I looked around, and noticed that this was not my room, but I knew that I had been there before. I looked around and saw lying on the floor was an Only-boxer brief- wearing Matt asleep. I thought to myself "Fuck, now how did I end up here" until the alcohol from last night decided it wanted to be tasted again as, I ran to the toilet to throw up.

Next: Chapter 3

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