Turning Out Pretty Boy

Published on Oct 21, 2022


Turning Out Pretty Boy - Chapter Nine - Fuckup, Pay the Godz

* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.
Personal experiences – images, events, memories, and words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be (and often are) based on facts, the characters are entirely fictional.

* Unprotected sex is depicted. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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Author's Note: I appreciate feedback, from story suggestions to comments. Hearing from readers is the main reason I post on Nifty. It may take me a while, but I try to respond to all. Email: ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

Special kudos to one of my readers, mike, for his help with the prison life depicted in the story. Thanks much!




The morning after Jaxx and Jamar busted Aidan's little business of selling my ass, I was on pins and needles, speculating wildly about whatever dire punishment Jaxx had in mind for me. To my relief, the day started normally enough. I dutifully went down on the Black God, swallowing his morning wood and marveling at the size of the black python, even though I'd been sucking him off every morning for like three months. I never ceased to be enthralled by the weapon between the stud's ripped thighs. I stroked his manhood as I bobbed up and down on it, sliding his silky foreskin to the base of his cock before rolling it back up. I always tried my best when I deep throated his monster, but this time I focused on going above and beyond in the hopes that he might go easier on me. I knew he was awake only when he stirred slightly, moments before clamping his hands on my head, holding me down as he climaxed and firing round after round of thick babymakers into my mouth. The stuff tasted better and better each time I swallowed it.

As we dressed, I summoned the courage to apologize. "Sir, I'm really sorry about last night. I should have known better. I did know better. How can I make it up to you?"

He frowned as if I were asking an absurd question. "You can't. You'll pay... later." With that, he strode off.

Never mind that I'd been in a no-win situation with Aidan. My best friend would never have forgiven me if I told Jaxx about what he was up to, not that I ever would have done that and betrayed him. It would have been monumentally worse if I'd said something that got back to the guards. Prison snitches were perpetual targets – the inmates' saying was "snitches get stiches" – so if I'd ratted on him, my life would have been a miserable exercise in not having any friends while dodging shivs. Gay boys were close to the bottom of the prison pecking order, but a gay boy who was a snitch was below dirt. So as shitty as it was to face Jaxx's punishment, it was and had always been my only option.

Nothing about prison life was fair.

I had a knot in my stomach that persisted throughout breakfast and the morning. It was Saturday, so I didn't have classes or my normal job in the infirmary and time seemed to crawl. Aidan's absence at breakfast had only made things worse, and I wondered if he was okay. He didn't show for lunch either, but by the time I'd eaten I relaxed a bit, figuring I was in trouble but there was no reason to obsess over it.

I relaxed too soon, because Jaxx stopped me on my way out of the dining room. Glowering, he tersely informed me, "You need to take a shower, Sunshine. A long, long shower. Make sure that those blond surfer locks and that pretty boy face get real clean. And pay particular attention to getting that fabulous ass good and clean. You've gotten off too easy for the scene in the hallway when we first met and you have to pay for letting Aidan whore you out."

He paused, clenching his jaws, and added, "You're about to find out that your pretty boy looks can be a big disadvantage."


Nervous about would go down, I undressed, retrieved my towel, and slipped into the shower room. I soaped up and let the water run over my skin, although I was jumpy and every sound put me on edge.

Soon a muscular Latino dude entered, called me a "puto" – I didn't speak much Spanish, but I'd heard "puto" often enough to know exactly what it meant – and proceeded to slap me around before ramming his cock down my throat. Dude had some major dick cheese wedged in his foreskin that made me gag, but I dutifully sucked until he was wet and hard. He pulled his cock from my mouth and slapped it across my face a couple of times. Actually, more than a couple of times. He was totally getting off on seeing his brown rod punishing my white face.

He apparently decided he wanted my ass more than my mouth, so he shoved me down on the shower floor, rammed his rod into my butt and began a frantic fuck of my asscunt. My mind spun as his hard shaft plowed me. Until now, the Black Godz were only inmates Jaxx whored me out to, but the dude ramming his stiff pole into my asscunt wasn't part of the prison royalty. Obviously, things had changed and I wondered what that signified.

After seeding me and wiping his cummy cock on my butt cheeks, the dude hurled a final derogatory term at me and split. There was nothing all that unusual about getting boned in the shower, and I began to think I'd gotten off easy.

Too soon to reach that conclusion.

Protocol dictated that I didn't leave the shower room with anyone who'd buttfucked me, so I waited a minute or two after I was alone before getting to my feet and heading to the exit. However, the guard stopped me and told me I couldn't leave yet. His smirk made it clear Jaxx had something else planned for me, likely involving testing my talent for taking cock up the ass.

Another Latino tough soon appeared, grinned at me like he'd corned a helpless prey, and grabbed his crotch beneath his towel. He spewed some derogatory putdowns in Spanish, delivered a few slaps, and gloated about how he was about to abuse a pretty white puto. I reconciled myself to the coming fuck.

The dude relieved his overflowing balls in my holes, shooting one blast of hot cum down my throat and depositing another in my fuck chute. This time I didn't even make it to the exit before another inmate appeared with a gleam in his eye and a cock beneath his towel that he expected me to service. He was a mixed race stud from the Caribbean who hung with the Latino gangs and took delight in pinning me against the wall and holding my legs off the ground as he drilled his black fuck rod into me until my ass was leaking spunk onto the shower floor. I'm pretty sure he nutted twice before dropping me to the floor and jamming his tool into my mouth, laughing in a deep, lilting voice as he forced me to clean it.

So it went throughout the afternoon, as the Latino gang in our cell block spermed my boi butt over and over in a sort of serial gangbang. I sucked more than a dozen black and brown dicks and bottomed for every one of them, with each dude churning the accumulated nut in my hole into cum butter. The only thing that varied was whether the boys shot two loads or only one. I got several complaints about my ass being sloppy, but that didn't stop them from making it even sloppier.

My head spun from repeated slaps to my face along with the heat and humidity of the shower room. My stomach was queasy from eating spunk. My ass was raw from taking hard shafts. It all became too much and my afternoon caught up with me as I passed out on the shower floor. Later, Ramon told me the Latinos were laughing about continuing to fuck the piece of meat anyway and complaining my ass wasn't tight after I went out.

When it was over, Jamar retrieved me, pulling me to my feet and hoisting me over his shoulder in a fireman carry. I squeezed my butt cheeks to avoid stale cum from flooding from my hole, particularly since my bare butt was inches away from the God's face. With my head dangling upside down behind the stud, I had to fight the urge to puke. Not a minute too soon, he deposited me back in my cell.

I recovered enough to make dinner, although my abused ass was so tender that sitting was a challenge. The entire inmate population seemed to know what had gone down. Even Ramon said my afternoon in the shower was more than he could have taken.

Although my butt was destroyed, I came away thinking it wasn't that bad, considering. Aidan didn't show for dinner and was apparently still in the infirmary, so I'd obviously gotten off easier than he had. I was still worried about him.

I relaxed, thinking that I'd survived Jaxx's punishment for my misadventures. But once again I relaxed too soon; he wasn't done with me. Before I left the dining room, Captain Murphy and a couple of his goons sought me out and greeted me with wicked grins. "Sunshine, how are things going? I haven't had any complaints about you, which is good – very good – but Jaxx told me you need a little attitude adjustment. Come with me." I got a lump in my stomach that wasn't from eating the prison's crappy food. Jarret and Ramon gave me worried frowns and even the Asian twins looked concerned.

Murphy and the guards escorted me to a room that I recognized as the place where they quietly and unofficially "disciplined" unruly inmates. In other words, they beat the crap out of the poor SOBs. I feared the worst when they shackled my ankles and handcuffed me, bringing back memories of my first day in the prison. But then they put a hood over my head and hauled me out of the room.

I was hustled into a van of some sort. I had no idea where we were headed. I didn't think I was being transferred to another prison, since it didn't seem like that would happen on a Saturday night. The other options I came up with were all worrisome, and I got gradually more and more nervous. I was pretty damn sure I wasn't going to enjoy whatever attitude adjustment Murphy came up with. I'd fucked up and I was about to pay a steep price.

The van pulled onto what sounded like a gravel road and then came to a stop. It was dark – it was hard to tell with my head hooded, but I didn't see any light beneath the bottom of the hood – and I was roughly shoved down a gravel pathway and into a building. The hood came off and I blinked as Murphy and two other guards leered at me.

I had to be in Murphy's cabin. Jaxx had revealed its existence my first night in his cell. The place was made of roughhewn logs and was small – a cramped kitchen and dining room, a living room of sorts, and two tiny bedrooms that were barely large enough to hold the beds stuffed in them. A steep stairway led to what appeared to be a sleeping loft.

I'd sorta forgot about the cabin, but now recalled Jaxx's instruction that I was to give Murphy and his troop whatever the fuck they wanted and do it with a smile. Okay, I could handle that, although there was the problem that my ass was sore as hell from the afternoon in the shower. I might be gritting my teeth when I smiled, but I'd smile.

However, the lineup of guards gave me pause. Murphy was a jerk, the high school asshole who never got his fill of bullying and ended up as a corrections guard so he could continue to abuse other dudes. As bad as he was, the other two guards may have been worse. They were known among the inmates as sadistic fucks. Kim was Korean and Lopez was Latino, and they shared in common a lust to inflict pain that didn't bode well for me.

Fortunately, it was late enough that that guards didn't have the energy to torture me, but rather just wanted to get off a quick load. Murphy ordered me out of my clothes and tied me in a sling in the corner of the room. One by one the guards stepped forward to dick my ass. The sling actually wasn't bad. Even better, a big tub of lube sat on a bar stool next to it, so rather than taking raw cock like I'd been for months, the guards greased my ass and their dicks before slamming into my hole. After my afternoon of getting gangbanged in the shower, getting buttfucked made me grit my teeth, but the lube helped and at least none of the guards were hung like Jaxx, or even Jamar. Hell, they weren't even as big as Aidan. They drank whiskey, laughed at me, called me derogatory names, and took their turns sperming my ass.

All in all, I figured I'd been lucky so far, but as Kim and Lopez disappeared to sleep it off, Murphy hauled me out of the sling and attached a heavy iron collar around my neck. He claimed it was the prison's and he was using it keep me from escaping, although I doubted that was the case. It looked more like one of his kink toys. He shoved me outdoors and tied the collar to a post in his dog pen. Being faced with angry looking hunting dogs, I was scared shitless for the first time since I was hustled out of the prison. But miraculously, the biggest of the dogs approached me warily, sniffed me for a long time and then curled up at my feet. I stayed still for a minute and then joined him on the ground. It took me a while to drift off.

Sleeping in the great outdoors wasn't all that bad. The ground wasn't much worse than the damn prison bed and getting some fresh air made the night worth it. As it turned out, the dogs were happy for the company.

The next morning, Murphy was sober enough to play a game that he clearly relished. He unshackled me, pointed to the woods behind the cabin and told me to run for it. He gave me an evil smile and said, "Let's see how far you can get, Sunshine."

It wasn't like I was in a position to actually escape, given that I was naked, with an iron collar clamped on my neck and iron cuffs around my ankles. I was inclined to tell him to fuck off, but Jaxx's instructions had been clear. Give Murphy what he wanted with a smile. So I took off, running blindly through the forest.

Murphy gave me a head start and then sent his dogs after me. It wasn't long before they cornered me – hell, I was a city boy who had no idea how to maneuver in the wild – and their angry growls once again scared me shitless. But since I slept with them they knew me, and the initial barks turned to friendly yaps. They wagged their tails and wanted their ears scratched. I could have taken off again, but I didn't want to risk them turning mean, and getting caught was a foregone conclusion anyway.

When Murphy arrived, it was almost like the dogs knew they needed to act their part, their yaps returning to snarls. He sneered, handcuffed me, and reattached the shackles. Once finished he admired his work and then intentionally tripped me, causing me to go sprawling, face down in the dirt. It was oddly reminiscent of my entrance into the prison, months ago, when Ryan and O'Rourke deposited me on the floor of the intake cell after yanking my legs out from under me.

This time, however, it wasn't Aidan gazing at my ass crack hungrily but rather Murphy. He was determined to abuse my pale ass and was on top of me in a second, hissing, "I'll teach you a lesson, you faggot blond airhead." He pressed my head into the ground with a heavy elbow on my neck and fumbled with his zipper. Spitting on his cock, he rammed it into my sore fuck chute, although it felt like the dude was precumming enough that he didn't need spit, let alone lube.

"That's what you like, isn't it Sunshine? A big cock in your shitter?"

I debated whether to reply to him, struggling to work through the logic of his statement that he wanted to teach me a lesson but his choice of giving me something he claimed I liked. I didn't know whether to keep up the charade that he was forcing me or gush over how much I loved him abusing my ass. I kept quiet.

He grunted as he ground his dick into my boi pussy. "I'm surprised Jaxx and the other inmates haven't already ruined your asscunt, but your little twat is still nice and tight. The next time you fuck up, I'm gonna let Kim and Lopez have some fun with you." I was relieved to hear that he'd wait until next time. I'd heard rumors that one poor dude Murphy hauled to the cabin came back with burns on his ass after Lopez smoked a cigar and then put it out on the kid's butt while fucking him. As for Kim, he was the prison's reining master of torture.

If it had been someone other than Murphy on top of me, I would have gotten a little turned on by the scene. I sorta liked the idea of being naked, with my arms handcuffed behind me and a hot daddy in a uniform banging my butt. I let my mind wonder as he continued to grind his cock into my bum, imagining being underneath one of the hot prison guards. Maybe Murphy would cut Ryan in on the action in the cabin one day. The dude had a nice body along with a very good reason to take it out on me by rough fucking me in the ass.

Even wilder would be sucking off a guard on duty. It happened; Ramon claimed he'd done it and rumors were that the Asian twin twinks were masters at it. One of the guards who monitored the infirmary was a lanky African stud from Senegal who'd always been nice to me. He had coal black skin and liquid movements that I found sexy. Maybe I'd get him alone one day, find out what his cock looked like, and get a good taste of it. Even better, maybe I'd pull down my pants and face the wall while he slid his fuck stick into my boi pussy and filled my cum hole with a humongous load of his babymakers.

It was fun to think about, but it wasn't going to happen. We'd both would be taking too big of a chance.

Murphy continued fucking me in the ass and hurling a string of derogatory put downs at me. "I knew you were a faggot whore the moment I saw your long blond hair and that pretty face. How does it feel to be nothing but a piece of ass that Jaxx and the other inmates use as a cum dump? You don't mean shit to anybody other than as a way to get off."

He was so turned on that it was over pretty quick. He juiced my ass with what felt like a small load but stayed on top of me after he climaxed, panting. When he gathered his breath and pulled off, he grabbed my collar and yanked me to my feet. I was sure the damn collar would leave a mark, maybe a nasty bruise.

He led me back to the cabin handcuffed, dragging me by a heavy chain attached to the collar. Once there, he washed me down with a hose, making sure to shove it up my ass. I was shivering and dripping wet when he pushed me inside.

By then, Kim and Lopez had rousted themselves. Even though it was still morning, they thought it would be funny to see what happened when I was blitzed out of my mind. So in lieu of breakfast they poured shots of Tequila down my throat. Guzzling booze on an empty stomach when I wasn't used to it was a formula to quickly get tipsy.

My head began spinning, and I felt a little reckless, so I took the opportunity to get wild and let loose, channeling Ramon and Jarret and acting like a desperate cock hound. I morphed into a total slut, hungry for the guards' fuck sticks. I immediately went after Kim's cock, telling him I loved his thick daddy dick. I deep throated his rod and sucked until he shot down my throat. Licking my lips with a big smile, I said, "I know you're good for a couple more rounds, Officer Kim. I really want your big dick in my ass again. I wanna feel you drill my asscunt good."

By then Lopez had a good start on getting drunk on the Tequila. I crawled into his lap, wriggled my bare ass on his crotch and cooed, "Last night, when your manhood and your manseed were all the way inside me, it felt great. I bet a stud like you could breed me all day long." It took him a while to get stiff enough to enter me and even then his prick wasn't that hard, but my raw hole wasn't complaining. I rode him and got him off with my ass, bouncing up and down on his pole and moaning about how great he was.

With my whore hole dripping from my second load of the day, I turned my attention to Murphy. He'd already boned me in the forest, but I unbuttoned his shirt, ran my hands over his hairy chest and panted breathlessly, "A man like you takes what he wants and a shithead like me knows when to give it up. I need you to teach me another lesson on how to behave. I'm messed up with a crappy attitude, but you know just how to adjust it." Figuring that every time I sucked off one of the men, I gave my sorry ass a break, I went down on him, getting a mouthful of hair along with his prick. I had to work his tool forever to coax a sad load from his balls, almost to the point my jaws began to cramp and I questioned the logic of using my mouth and not my ass.

After that, Murphy put me to work feeding and watering the dogs and cleaning up their mess. They were happy to see me and feeding them more or less cemented their positive attitude toward me. Once I was done, the Captain had a long list of chores for me, from dusting to cleaning the toilets to shining his boots. I swished and flirted, raving about how big the guards' cocks were and how great they felt in my holes.

Fortunately, it was Sunday afternoon and there was a game on the TV. My job changed to waiting on the guards as they watched, although at least that gave my ass and mouth a break. Well, sort of, because Kim thought it was fun to toss trash on the floor and make me pick it up with my mouth and to stick the handle of the dustpan in my ass and tape it there so that I was waddling around like a duck. Lopez decided to spank my bare ass and drop hot wax onto it every time his team scored, but happily the game was low scoring. When he bored of that he periodically ordered me to get between his legs and suck his cock. He only climaxed once, but he seemed to like my mouth work, and I said everything I could think of to the effect that his cock was great – despite having had better, like lots better.

After the game ended, I endured another round of fucks in the sling. I think I went overboard with Murphy and he figured out that I was bullshitting about how great his cock was. He got angry and threw me onto the floor, telling Kim and Lopez to hold me down. He clamped his hands around my head and rammed his cock down my throat until he got hard, then had the guards hold my legs in the air as he pummeled my boi pussy. He was intent on delivering a rough fuck, but I'd endured much worse from Jaxx. Hell, even Aidan packed more of a punch with his buttbanger. When Murphy was done the others took their turns, but mercifully a day of drinking booze finally caught up with them and it was an early night.

With only three beds in the cabin it was apparent I wasn't going to have the luxury of a mattress. I was spared another night sleeping with the dogs when Murphy chained me to an iron ring on the back of the front door. At least sleeping on the floor was better than spending the night with the dogs.

On Monday morning Murphy had just finished hosing me down in what was becoming my daily outdoor shower when fresh meat arrived, horny and eager to get their rocks off. Two new guards, Lincoln and Redd, replaced Kim and Lopez, and the Captain dressed me in an orange prison suit with the seam in the butt ripped open so the guards could dip their dicks in my boi hole while I was still more-or-less clothed. The suit seemed to emphasize that I was a prisoner, which the guards enjoyed. I wasn't fond of it because it was hot and I had a harder time squeezing and working my own rod. But I continued my act from the day before, begging for cock nonstop, going from one horny guard to another. I urged them to fuck my asscunt harder and gushed about how good it felt, what studs they were, and how I liked daddy dick. The booze flowed – rum this time – and I kept playing the twinky cum dump. The guards knew Jaxx owned me and implying that I liked their tools as much as his big black cock did wonders for their egos.

I think Murphy was disappointed because the sadistic SOB liked forcing unwilling victims, but Lincoln and Redd were happy. Unlike Kim and Lopez, they seemed a little uncomfortable about the whole coercion aspect of Murphy's cabin boys, and I solved that for them by playing the hungry bottom, greedy to get buttfucked by daddies.

The result of my acting like a cum-crazed slut over the two days was that I was in demand for return engagements as the cabin entertainment. My trips became regular occurrences, every couple of months. The guards always got me drunk, so I considered it a win-win. I controlled the action, starred as a power button, and enjoyed plenty of booze and junk food. It was kinda nice to get outside the walls and not have to eat the crap they served in the prison. However, I didn't do much beyond taking guard dick in my holes from a parade of drunks who wanted a boyfuck or two. Or six. It was pretty clear some of the officers weren't getting off regularly because they attacked my ass like hungry wolves. Overall, I found the whole scene fun. My periodic runs into the woods with Murphy and his dogs chasing me were refreshing even if they were short. There was something erotic about being face down in the dirt with Murphy's hairy chest pressed against my back, his bone inside my butt, and alcohol on his breath as he hissed about how'd I'd better learn my lesson. I learned a lesson, all right, just not the one he was supposedly teaching me.

Fortunately, Lincoln and Redd didn't have Kim's and Lopez's sadistic streak. Lincoln was a lumbering Black dude who weighted like 300 pounds and while he wasn't as evil as Kim, Lopez and even Murphy, it was apparent he could pack a punch. I made sure not to do anything to piss him off while I continued to flirt and play the hungry cum slut, taking my ques from Ramon and Jarret as I begged for his daddy dick. At first he was reluctant, but I took things into my own hands, so to speak, getting on my knees, fondling his bone until it hardened into an erection, and then blowing him, sucking down his thick nut. That was all it took to break the ice and after that he pumped plenty of jizz down my throat and into my asscunt.

The other new guard, Redd, was in his twenties and consequently the daddy label didn't fit him all that well. He had a lanky, hot body and I would have done him anytime. As he hovered over me while I was in the sling, piston driving his fuck stick into my whore hole, I was back to thinking that doing a guard on duty would be hot. Engineering a quickie with Redd back in the prison would fun. But that was out of the question. The trouble I'd gotten into for what I did with Aidan would pale in comparison with what would happen if it became known I was a guard's pussy boy.

As night rolled around Murphy and Lincoln fell asleep. I was beat and fully prepared to spend another night on the floor; happily since Murphy was already out of it, I didn't think I'd be chained outside with the dogs. But Redd had other plans.

He ordered me out of the orange jump suit and after raking his eyes over my naked body for a long minute, said, "Get yourself hard, white boy. Jack your dick."

Despite being exhausted, I was happy to take him up on the offer. I didn't need much more than the visual in front of me to get hard. Redd was multiracial with a capital M and at times he looked Black, at times Asian, and at times Latino. With his green eyes and auburn tinted hair – hence the nickname Redd – he sometimes looked white, albeit dark skinned. But his uncut dick was midnight black, with a long foreskin that contrasted starkly with his lighter skin. He was the proverbial tall, dark, and handsome stud. He'd spent time in the military and it showed with his erect posture and steely bearing.

He'd stripped down to his boxers, although he was still wearing his black boots, which made him look even more masculine than he did already, sorta like a cowboy in the bunk room or maybe a soldier in the barracks. His ripped body was incredibly hot, hard, and muscular. Unlike most of the guards, he clearly worked out. His long, straight jaw was covered by a slight scruff; while he was always clean shaven on the job, he was off duty and hadn't shaved for a day or two.

I followed orders, stroking my cock, and staring at the stud. "What are you thinking about, Sunshine?"

I was almost surprised to hear my name – well, nickname – instead of the a variety of derogatory putdowns I'd heard for the last day and a half, from fuck turd to cock whore to cum dump and worse. He probably expected me to say I was fantasizing about some girlfriend or boyfriend on the outside. But I answered truthfully. "You. How hot you are."

He rolled his eyes. "Cut the bullshit. You've been saying that all day long about Lincoln and Murphy, too."

He'd seen through my act, but oddly enough now I wasn't pretending. I took a deep breath. "No bullshit. If I were standing in front of either of them, I'd be having a lot more problems getting hard than I am now. I'd be wanting to get it over with, rather than looking forward to it. I wouldn't have a handsome stud with a body to die for in front of me." I squeezed my boner to emphasize the point. The stud was awesome and the anticipating of what he would do to me had me on the verge of blowing my load.

He raised an eyebrow but didn't react one way or the other. "Step next to my boots."

He'd stretched his legs out on a wooden crate that served as a coffee table in Murphy's shack. I stepped close and he forced one of his boots between my legs, slowly jabbing my taint. I let out a slight gasp, and he ordered me to sit on his boot and keep jerking my cock.

Working my taint with his boot and fisting my slippery cock pushed me to the brink of a climax. I forced myself to hold back, trying to ignore the hunk in front of me and the bulge in his boxers. He wasn't as big as Jaxx – who was – but he wasn't small and when he'd balled my asscunt earlier it was evident he knew how to use what he had.

"Look me in the eyes."

I'd been staring at his body and not really focusing on anything in particular. But I fixed my gaze on his eerie green eyes. Wolf eyes. He was a predator and I was prey that he'd already captured.

"Now cum on my boots."

I gulped but did it, continuing to look directly in his eyes. I couldn't remember the last time I'd nutted without Jaxx's tool stroking my prostate, but it had been three days since that happened and I was horny and turned on. A few quick strokes were all it took to cause my balls to shoot a geyser of jizz, the first couple of spurts blasting into the air and the next ones painting ribbons on Redd's black boots. I was shaking and panting when I finished, ready to collapse onto the ground.

But Redd had other ideas. "Lick your mess off my boots."

Well, it wasn't the first pair of boots I'd licked, but it was the first pair that was covered with my spunk. I didn't hesitate, dropping to my knees, but before addressing his boots, I collected a couple of blobs of cum that had landed on his legs – I'd fired pretty good so a big one had landed above his kneecap. Then I went to work and licked every inch of the hunk's boots, making sure I dug each drop of my goo from the crevices in the leather.

Throughout it all, Redd's expression remained unchanged. He was like that, silent and taciturn. I couldn't read him. But once I was done with his boots, to my surprise he scooped me up, threw me over his shoulder and began scaling the steep staircase to the empty sleeping loft. It was the second time in the last few days that I'd been thrown over a stud's shoulder in a fireman's carry. It wasn't quite like being carried across the threshold on my wedding night, but it was the closest I was likely to come to that.

Once up the stairs, he threw me face down on the bed. Looking over my shoulder, I watched as he pulled off his boxers, revealing a hard, uncut cock pointing toward the ceiling. I instinctively lifted my ass, eager to have the black rod inside me. Damn did I ever want the stud.

As I gazed hungrily at the man hovering behind me, I realized I was sensing the same aura, the same feeling of dominance, control and power that I got from Jaxx and, to a lesser extent, the other Black Godz. It had been gnawing at the back of my mind ever since the first time Redd spread my crack and forced his tool inside me, but I hadn't fully grasped it until now. The realization made me light-headed. The hunky guard could do whatever he wanted to me.

I was so focused on getting buttboned that time seemed to move in slow motion as it happened. He never removed his boots as he crawled onto the bed and wrenched open my crack. With a quick thrust, he jammed his manhood inside my cummy whore hole, making me gasp. I really was a slut. I'd taken so much dick up my ass in the last three days that I'd lost count but feeling Redd's rod in my hole again was awesome.

The stud began bonking my butt with methodical thrusts, deep and consistent. Sure he was doing nothing more than using my ass to get off, the same as the parade of men who'd fucked me ever since I entered the prison. My role as a submissive bottom wasn't exactly breaking news. But drunk on the sensation of power that he radiated, I was excited to be underneath his muscular body and to know my ass was gonna take his sperm. My dick hardened again.

He fucked me thoroughly, sliding his shaft out of my butt and then drilling back in with powerful, dominating thrusts. There was no mistaking who was in charge. By the time he jizzed my hole, firing cum rockets into my fuck chute as he held me tight and panted in my ear, I was barely awake, drifting in a sort of happy, peaceful nirvana. The mattress was old and lumpy, but it was by far the most comfortable bed I'd been in during my stint in jail, and after three days of more or less nonstop sex, I happily succumbed to the temptation to sleep.

Not for long, however, because in a couple of hours Redd was back at it, this time spooning me and balling me from the side. As he got close he even stroked my dick a couple of times – yeah, I was rock hard – which took me over the edge almost immediately. Jaxx had trained me to cum when his big black cock was pummeling my boi pussy, and between Redd's dick and his hand, I lost it, spewing my jizz on the sheets. I clenched my ass around his rod as I climaxed and he nutted shortly after I shot. When his cock finished firing cum into my hole, he shoved his fingers into my mouth and made me clean off my goo.

He was the silent type, but he whispered in my ear, "You gotta fucking nice ass, kid. I could get used to having it around whenever I wanted to get off. Somebody taught you how to take dick, but they did it right."

Damn! My mind raced as I considered his words. I'd totally sign up for being in on call bottom boy. Of course Jaxx owned me and my ass was only on loan to the hunky guard, but as he snuggled behind me, all I could think about was how easy it would be to get used to sharing a bed with the horny stud. Being bred by him along with the Black God would be incredibly hot. Once again I went to sleep with his manhood wedged in my asscunt.

The sex continued throughout the night. I woke up one time to find Redd pacing back and forth at the edge of the loft, the silhouette of his body looking incredible in the dim moonlight. He turned to me, stroked his manhood and pulled me to my knees before fucking me doggy style. Another time I came to and discovered his dick was already in my ass – maybe he'd never pulled it out after fucking me earlier – and his strong arms wrapped around me as he drilled deeper and deeper into my spermy fuck chute. He poked my boi pussy one last time as dawn began to break, and then pushed my head into his crotch and made me clean the night's accumulated cum from his cock and from inside his foreskin. I worked him until he boned and shot a final time into my mouth. It was like he hadn't climaxed for days. I gulped wave after wave of hot, fresh nut cream.

The night was eye opening. I'd never actually slept with another man but having Redd next to me all night long was amazing. Just like the first time I took a stiff shaft in my boi pussy, I was sold. My only regret was that I'd waited 18 years for it to happen.

As Redd was pulling on his boxers, I got up the nerve to ask him about sleeping in his boots. He merely shrugged and said it was an old habit he picked up in the military, when he had to be ready to grab a gun at a moment's notice.

Murphy had Sundays and Mondays off, so as Tuesday arrived my inaugural trip to the cabin ended. He took particular delight in what had become his early morning ritual of giving me a freezing cold outdoor shower, courtesy of the hose. No wakeup call is quite like a torrent of icy water ripping into your tender boi pussy. I was still dripping wet when the guards bound and gagged me and trundled me back to the prison.

We arrived before 8:00, but it was after breakfast so once the guards unshackled me I set off for my infirmary job. I'd had a hearty early meal of guard nut, so I wasn't really hungry. The last one was courtesy of Murphy in the back of the van and I thought I'd never get him off.

As luck would have it, I had to take an isolated corridor to get to the infirmary and I ran into the white football star. He stopped, gave me a strange and distinctly predatory look, gritted his teeth and growled, "C' mere Sunshine."

Not knowing what to do, I took a step toward him. The glint in his eyes was scary. He glanced up and down the hallway and, realizing we were alone and unlikely to be disturbed, grabbed my tender throat, and pushed me into a small closet. Once inside, he faced me to the wall, keeping his big hand clamped around my neck. Hissing in my ear, he growled, "You're gonna like this, you fucking little whore." He pulled my pants down and fumbled with his zipper. His rod was hard already and in no time shoved it into my hole and started fucking me.

I'd been taking cock in my ass nonstop for three days and was hoping to rest my sore hole for a few hours before Jaxx rammed his monster cock into it later, but that wasn't in the cards. At least I was wet and ready. Redd and Lincoln had both cummed my boi pussy that morning, but if the jock noticed how sloppy my asscunt was, he didn't comment.

His prick wasn't that big and after the guards opened my ass, it didn't hurt at all. What hurt was my throat, which was raw from Murphy's collar. But jock boy kept choking me and over and over hissed in my ear, "Fucking little faggot. You like it, don't you bitch?"

Jaxx taught me to always give dudes what they wanted so of course I told him did. "God yeah, fuck my ass. You feel so good inside me!"

I had a weird feeling that it was important to him that I said I liked getting buttboned because, despite outward appearances, maybe he liked it too. He wanted to hear it again. "Tell me how much you like my cock shoved up your whore hole."

"Oh my God, you feel so good inside me. Fuck that ass!"

"You're a fucking little nigger lover. But this is what a real man's cock feels like. I bet you like it better than any black dick you've taken."

Uh, no, not even close. But it didn't seem wise to confront the jerk with that fact. I was a little taken aback hearing the N-word, although I got that frequently behind my back from the white skinheads. However, coming from jock boy it sorta seemed like the kettle calling the pot black; I mean, he took as much black cock up the ass as I did, maybe more since his entire gang shared him. But I opted not to raise that and instead offered a rather mundane gasp, saying, "Fuck me! Shoot inside me!"

"Yeah, take my cum you bitch!"

It was over in a flash. He flooded my hole with like a gallon of spunk. It was pretty clear his bros didn't let him get off when they were using him. Jock boy seemed kinda disappointed and even surprised that it was over so quickly, but he spun me around and shoved his semihard prick down my throat, ordering me to clean it off. That morphed into a full-blown face fuck as he clamped his hands on the sides of my head and forced his dick down my throat. His second load didn't take that long to arrive, but when it did he watched me with a blank stare as his nut fired into my guts.

Once his spunk stopped flowing, he stuffed his cock back inside his pants and, sneering, spit in my face. He stalked away, hissing, "Fucking faggot cum slut!" I licked my lips, savoring my third taste of ball cream even though it wasn't even 9:00.

The whole scene -- the buttfuck and the face bashing – was actually kinda hot. I enjoyed the spontaneity of it, which was different from most of the hookups Jaxx arranged. However, that difference also made me wonder if football jock decided to use my ass without getting permission from the Black God. When he cornered me, I'd assumed that, as part of my punishment for fucking up with Aidan, Jaxx had declared my ass fair game for anyone who wanted to use it. But the more I thought about it, I wasn't sure. Even if it were open season on my holes, jock boy wasn't one of the inmates who would have been given the green light to use them.

I never asked about it. If football boy had the okay, so what, and if he didn't, Jaxx would have been pissed as hell – at both of us. He would have blamed me as much or more than the jock. I'd learned that lesson painfully when he subjected me to the gangbang and turned me over to Murphy for attitude adjustment, and I also recalled Aidan's story about Jamar taking it out on him for blowing another dude without permission. So I shut my mouth and prayed that football boy had the sense to do so too. It was yet another no-win situation, facing me with the dilemma of ratting on the jock and being a snitch, or risking Jaxx's ire if I kept quiet. Nothing novel, as prison was filled with those dilemmas and my life inside seemed to get more complicated with every day.

I skirted the potential disaster when the dude turned 21 shortly afterward and got moved to an adult prison. Ramon told me that some of the jock's "friends" who'd already been transferred were only too happy to own the white bitch boy again. Sort of a seamless transition for him, I suppose, just swapping teenaged dick for man cock.

When I arrived at the infirmary, I was stunned to find Aidan still there. Apparently on Friday night after he was double penetrated, Jamar tied him there spread eagled and let the rest of the Black Godz destroy his ass. He'd been in the infirmary since. I snuck a look at his records and shuttered when I read, "Anal tears, resulting from chair leg forced into patient's rectum." Apparently after the Godz finished with him, they'd turned a chair upside down, shoved a leg up his ass, and bound him in a way that he couldn't extricate himself.

For all that, the hayseed was in good spirits. He was being discharged and eager to get back in the gen pop – and hungry to have Jamar's big cock shoved in his shitter again. He was matter of fact about what happened. "I fucked up, I paid the price, now it's time to get on with life. Lotta work ahead of me to make it up to Jamar." He paused, biting his lip, and giving me a pensive look I'd never seen from him. "You know, I'd never tell anyone this except you but... I kinda wanted it. I got turned on. Am I fucked up?"

Wow. I shrugged, "No more than the rest of us." I'm not certain I totally believed that, but what else could I say?

He gave me a smile, but I came away understanding the farm boy was more complicated than I'd assumed that first day when we were in the cell together. He had an S&M streak, and it ran both ways. Sometimes he wanted to torture dudes – Jennifer's brother Jensen, her uncle, or me for that matter – and sometimes he was totally masochistic. Over time I discovered he wasn't alone in that regard.

For the rest of the day I worried about how Jaxx would react to my reappearance. When he arrived in the cell that night, it was as if nothing had changed. Of course, he was extra horny since I'd been gone for three days, so he pounded my boi pussy relentlessly. He crawled on top of me as usual, shoved his black python into my asshole without warning and fucked me frantically, a nonstop butt pounding that left me high from simply sensing the stud's dominance.

After he spermed my whore hole, he made me clean off his cock like usual – I always worked in a couple of kisses of his big, beautiful feet when I did that – but rather than heading to bed, he let me get him hard again and then put me on my back, lifted up my legs and rammed his bull cock back into my fuck chute. Watching the intense look on his face and his awesome body, glistening with sweat, was enough to get me off – not to mention the fact that Jaxx's donkey dong always worked my prostate like crazy. Even two times weren't enough for the Black God, and he pummeled my sorry butt a third time before calling it quits. My damn hole had been sore for days and was guaranteed to still be raw the next morning.

As I drifted off to sleep, I realized I'd missed getting overpowered by him and experiencing his control, power, and confidence. Being away for three nights made me much more sensitive to the sense of domination I felt from him. I could almost taste it and smell it. I never quite figured out where it came from – maybe it was pheromones, maybe just Jaxx's aura, maybe it was all in my head. Sometimes I wondered if Aidan hypnotized me during our first stay together – Lord knows I stared at his long dong enough that he might have used that to put me into the zone. Nevertheless, it was as if I was intoxicated by simply being in Jaxx's presence. Yeah, I was addicted and obsessed with the Black God.

I woke the next morning and sucked off his morning wood as usual. I couldn't resist doing more, kissing his feet, and licking his abs and tits. Yeah, I'd worship his magnificent body any chance I got. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but three days of missing Jaxx had certainly whetted my appetite for the Black God.

I went through the rest of the day feeling trepidation about whether he was done punishing me for my fuckup with Aidan. After 24 hours of relative normalcy, I finally put the worry behind me. One thing prison teaches you is to roll with the punches and recognize what you can and can't control. And mostly, you can't control shit. If Jaxx wanted to add another round of punishment, he'd do it and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

That didn't mean things hadn't changed. My Friday nights with Aidan were history and wouldn't happen again, but my Fridays – along with every other day of the week – were soon filled with enough sex to make me forget about by buddy's long dong. Even before the gangbang by the Latinos and my first trip to Murphy's cabin, I'd been passed around to each of the Black Godz once or twice – okay, maybe three or four times. Afterwards, Jaxx moved me down the food chain. Several times a week he'd tell me I needed to take a shower, even though we both knew it was long after the time when inmates normally showered. He had something going with the guards who monitored the shower rooms. Probably it was one of the accommodations Murphy made for him. I'd trudge to the room in my towel and before long be joined by an inmate who knew he had carte blanche to use me as a cum bucket for 20 minutes. Sometimes it was two or three dudes. They were almost all Black, although occasionally Jaxx cut the Latino and Asian boys in on the action. Of course, the shower room wasn't the only place where I took loads and got treated like a cum dump.

It was clear that I had an ass made for cock. Jaxx repeated that phrase frequently, and it was true. I had a lot less trouble taking a hard shaft up my fuck chute than other dudes. Jaxx had been frustrated on more than one occasion to run across a pussy who simply couldn't take his big black cock. That was not me. Not to say that his and some others' dicks didn't hurt at first, but even with the big pythons I soon relaxed and began to enjoy feel of a stiff shaft sliding inside me, occupying my boi pussy and sperming me.

In the end, I accomplished one milestone. Jaxx stopped calling me a faggot and instead referred to me as a gay boy. It was a faint sign that I had his respect. That meant a lot to me, although I doubt anyone else understood the significance. Sure he still fucked me like I was a piece of meat, gave me to whomever he pleased, and treated me like he owned my holes. He always would.

One really weird thing happened. I became the model resident. Go figure. I always operated under the belief that rules were made to be broken, but Jaxx's rules were different and I followed them to a "T". He insisted that I play nice with the guards and inmates, be polite and punctual, work and study hard, and keep my body in good shape. Most importantly, I steered away from any trouble, which was a no-no because of the risk that I wouldn't be around to service him. He'd have considered that result unacceptable and blamed me.

It wasn't long before the authorities noticed. They concluded being in prison had been the perfect thing for me and that for once the place actually reformed someone. I was their poster child. Whatever.

The surprising transformation was due to Jaxx as well as Redd, who became a regular at Murphy's cabin and sorta took me under his wing in addition to taking me to his bed. More than once he diffused a tense situation that could easily have gotten me into deep shit. And more than once I thanked him by relieving the dude's perpetually overflowing balls, sometimes at Murphy's cabin and sometimes inside the prison while he was in uniform. Yep, I finally fulfilled my fantasy of taking cock from a hot guard in uniform. We were both taking a huge chance, but each of us understood that. I'd learned prison was full of hard choices and big risks, and he'd survived for years in combat zones, where every step might have been his last.

My stint inside didn't reform me in the way the authorities thought, but I did change. Totally. I was turned out in record time and learned I was made to fly my freak flag on a black pole. I was gay for the stay. Sometimes you can't go back, and I was gay the rest of the way too.


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the tale! I'd love to hear your reactions and feedback? Please send them along! Coltonaalto@gmail.com

My other Nifty stories can be found in the author index (listed as Colton) using this link: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/authors.html#colton. You can also locate them by searching for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button, or by following this link: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance (I like this link better). I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

I've also recently published a book, "Lance & Leo", a fictional account of 1980s gay porn with some sci fi thrown in. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1590217314/

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2020

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