Turning Out Pretty Boy

Published on Aug 19, 2022


Turning Out Pretty Boy - chapter four - King of the Black Godz

* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.
Personal experiences – images, events, memories, and words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be (and often are) based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* Unprotected sex is depicted. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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Author's Note: I appreciate feedback, anything from story suggestions to comments from readers. Hearing from readers is the main reason I post on Nifty. It may take me a while, but I try to respond to all. Email: ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

Special kudos to one of my readers, mike, for his help with the prison life depicted in the story. Thanks much!




I had a plan by the next morning and set it in motion by asking the guards to tell Captain Murphy I wanted to speak with him. I was surprised when he showed up not long afterward but happy that the first step of my plan was working. So far, so good.

Summoning my best sincere-boy act, I told him how sorry I was for what happened in the hallway when I gave Jaxx a bloody nose and hurled he N-word at him. I took responsibility for the entire scene, saying it was totally my fault and swearing up and down that I'd never let anything like that happen again. In the back of my mind I was thinking I'd never let it happen because the next time I'd make it clear that Jaxx could take what he wanted.

I called Murphy `sir' whenever I could work it in without it seeming contrived and tried my best to be convincing. After years of presenting sob stories, I was a pretty fucking good actor. I finished by telling him I'd changed my mind and wanted to get my surfer-blond hair cut short because I didn't want my long hair to provoke the other residents. I thought I did an impressive job of suggesting that they shouldn't be blamed for the catcalls and whistles in the hallway yesterday, not when I'd caused the problem with my pretty boy looks and swishy bubble butt. I didn't swish, and I didn't believe I was responsible for how the assholes acted – hell, I'd been the victim of a verbal assault by a group of thugs – but Murphy had no way of knowing what I believed, and my apology dovetailed nicely with his assessment that I'd been the problem yesterday.

He took my apologies in stride. His stiff body language suggested he was unconvinced, but at least he let me talk and I said all the right stuff. However, I still had an ace to play.

Taking a deep breath, I told him that I needed to make a complete apology to Jaxx and thought the only way to do it right was in person, someplace private. Murphy's frown and furrowed brow betrayed how puzzled he was by my request. He probably was wondering why in hell I'd risk being alone with a Black stud who apparently had designs on my cherry ass as well as a very good reason to beat me to a pulp. But he nonchalantly said he'd see what he could do.

I was cautiously optimistic despite Murphy's skeptical reaction, and sure enough an hour later I was summoned back to his office. Handcuffed again, but what could I expect? Jaxx was already there, leaning against the wall with the same bemused smile he'd had the day before. Maybe a bigger smile. It was as if he found the whole situation hard to believe but was humored by it. At least he no longer had tissue stuffed in his nose. He still acted like he owned the damn place. And... he looked magnificent. Once again I felt a strong sensation of dominance and superiority from him that threatened to overwhelm me. I was light-headed and hungry for him.

Murphy pushed me down into the same chair I'd occupied the day before and turned to Jaxx. "Sunshine has something he'd like to say to you." He glanced at his watch and added, "I have to meet with the Chaplain. I'll be back in 30 minutes." He glared at me for a moment, then looked back at Jaxx. "The little shit talks a lot so hopefully that will be enough time." He gave me an evil grin as he disappeared, letting the door slam shut as he left. The room echoed and I heard the lock turn.

I'd gotten an audience alone with Jaxx, which was what I wanted, but now that my plan was unfolding, I questioned the wisdom of it. I couldn't help but stare at tall Black man. I took him for 20, the top of the age limit for the prison, although he might have been 19 or even 18. A very mature 18. The weight he carried was all muscle although his silhouette was still slender. I knew from seeing him in the yard that he was incredibly strong and the other inmates deferred to him. I was stupid to have taken him on. Insanely stupid. And now I was handcuffed and alone with him after giving him every reason to destroy me and issue me a ticket to the hospital. Or worse.

For some reason, my eyes focused on his hands. They were huge, with thick veins on the back that ran up his forearms and across the muscles on his upper arms. When he moved, his biceps jumped, bulging out like balloons. The dude had like zero body fat. He was an intoxicating array of sinewy muscles and strong bones pressing against smooth, tight skin. If his dick were anything like the rest of his body... well, it would be impressive.

I was screwed if my plan backfired. I was handcuffed, so if Jaxx wanted, he could pummel me into smithereens. Hell, he could have done that if his hands were handcuffed instead of mine. I knew – and he probably did too – that when Murphy returned I'd get blamed for whatever happened. The Black stud had a free shot at me. And why wouldn't he take it? I was the shithead who'd given him a bloody nose and hurled the N-bomb at him only yesterday. I somehow knew neither transgression could go unpunished.

I was taking a big risk. I'd always been a bit of a gambler – as evidenced by some of the stunts that got me locked up – but this was the biggest roll of the dice I'd ever taken, by far. I steeled myself for whatever would happen.

Jaxx gave me a skeptical look and a little smirk. "So what do you want to say to me, Sunshine?"

I exhaled and plunged ahead. I told him how sorry I was for what I did, vowed never to let it happen again, and made the point several times that I wasn't prejudiced despite having used the N-word. I found several occasions to call him `sir.' I apologized so many times that I sounded like a broken record. I might as well have promised to kiss his feet every time he entered a room. Actually, if I thought that would have helped, I would have done it. Fuck, I might do it anyway.

He stood impassively. Despite everything, he wasn't moved. "So you're sorry. So what?" He wasn't making this any easier for me.

"Well, uh, I thought that maybe we could be friends."

I grimaced. What a goddam stupid thing to say! I hadn't scripted a good line to use once I'd gone through the apologies.

Jaxx apparently agreed that what I'd said was stupid, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. "You wanna be my friend. You and me. What the fuck?"

"Well, I'd uh, try to make it up to you. You know, do your laundry. Clean for you. Do whatever you wanted me to do. I mean, whatever. Anything at all. I'd be at your beck and call day... and night."

Jaxx finally smiled. I'd made it very easy for him. I hadn't overtly offered to be his bitch boy, but in prison code that's exactly what I did. I'd all but begged him to fuck my brains out, come back for seconds and thirds, and then use me to mop the floor. With my hands still cuffed behind me, there was nothing I could do as he walked over and stared down at me.

Again I was overcome with the sensation of his power, dominance and superiority that seemed to emanate from his body. His fricking amazing body. I'd felt the sensation every time I'd been near him, but it seemed to get more intense each time. I was feeling the aura of a Black God.

"Are you a gay boy or a faggot, Sunshine? `Cuz I respect gay boys. Got nothing against them; they have it rough. Faggots on the other hand, are scum. Can't be honest and admit they're gay. After what you did yesterday, I'm gonna have to treat you as a faggot until you convince me otherwise.

"But I reckon it's time to see how sorry you are." He forced my jaws open and stuffed a couple of old rags in my mouth. Socks, I think. "Not likely that anybody will hear you scream down here, but this is just a little precaution." Improbably, my piece stiffened a bit. Sensing how totally the stud was in charge was a turn on.

Jaxx slowly pulled his big black cock from his pants. I almost swallowed the socks stuffed in my mouth. He had the biggest slab of meat between his legs that I'd ever seen, and it was still soft. He clutched it with one hand and swung it into the palm of his other hand, inches in front of my eyes, causing a loud, smacking sound. I was witnessing a weapon being prepared for battle.

The stud leered at the terror in my eyes. "You like what you see, faggot? I'm going to breed you like a cheap ho and seed your little fag pussy. I'm gonna shoot my nut so far up your ass you'll be able to taste it for days."

He continued to smack his expanding cock into his palm. "Jus' so you know what's going down, white boy, I'm about to mark your ass as mine. You'll never forget what I am about to do you. You'll remember it as long as you live, because I am going to hurt you, hurt you bad. My cock is going to rip your tender little boi pussy to shreds. You shouldn't have been a faggot yesterday. You should have been nice when I asked, rather than throwing a temper tantrum. Then I would have taken it easy on you. But now I gotta teach you a lesson. `Cuz nobody fucks with Jaxx, nobody."

As he talked, he stroked his massive dong, getting it harder and harder each time his fist slipped up and down over the shaft. The thing kept growing and growing. He was uncut, and as his long black foreskin slid back with every stroke, the head of his cock popped out as if it were emerging for battle. Each time it seemed bigger, shinier, and harder.

I was scared shitless. I'd wanted this, but now that it was about to happen, it petrified me. I thought about trying to back out, but I'd come way too far for that. And in truth, I didn't want to back out. I might have already become addicted to the sensation of superiority I felt around him, and even faced with losing my cherry to a huge horse cock, I still knew that was what I wanted. My own bone knew it too. I was hard as a rock and leaking pre-cum.

Jaxx hauled me to my feet and slammed me, face down, over a table next to the Captain's desk. He pulled my pants and underwear down to the floor, exposing my ass and slapping it a couple of times. The sound echoed and my butt stung. "Damn, this is an ass made for cock, boy. You aren't gonna enjoy this as much as I am, Sunshine, which is a shame. But this is what you just begged for."

I heard him beating his cock, getting it completely hard. I tried to say something about going easy because I'd never done anything like this before, but nothing other than a muffled sound came out of my mouth. I tried to straighten up but he slammed me back onto the tabletop.

He pulled the cheeks of my ass apart, exposing my hole. I tried once again to lift up, but Jaxx hit the back of my head, hard, with both of his long, bony forearms at the same time. I slumped forward, momentarily stunned, and he pushed my chest back onto the table, this time holding me down with an elbow wedged between my shoulder blades. With my hands still cuffed behind me, I was helpless.

I was prepared for it to be painful. I mean, I knew from the reaction of the guys I'd fucked that getting a stiff shaft in the ass hurt, particularly at the beginning. How many dudes had I coaxed into taking my cock with the sugar-coated assurance that it would feel good if they just relaxed? Uh, plenty. Some guys never got past the point where it hurt, but that never bothered me; I was only buttboning them to get myself off. Jaxx had a monster dong so odds were that it was gonna hurt a lot.

Although I knew what was coming, I still wasn't prepared for the reality. Jaxx spit on my hole several times and then plunged his rock-hard monster dong into my ass. My God! My hole felt like it was being torn apart from the inside out, even though I knew he couldn't be very far inside me. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a gurgling gasp. His black python inched farther and farther into my guts and it seemed like the assault would never stop. He relentlessly powered his tool into my guts, splitting my ass.

"Damn, you tight, white boy, but your white ass feels real good on my cock."

I felt a stab of pain each time the stud forced his fuck tool another inch into my virgin ass. I was helpless to stop the assault and second guessed my plan with every tick of the clock. But I was in Jaxx's control now, and the Black God would dominate me as he saw fit. Somehow, I was a little excited about that and it made the pain in my ass bearable.

Jaxx continued to power his monster shaft into my formerly-virgin hole. In the pain-dazed state I was in, I wondered if I would indeed be able to taste his spunk when he fired it into my hole. Eventually his kinky pubes pressed against my smooth butt cheeks and I realized his big black cock had to be all the way inside me. My ass burned and stabs of pain shot through me. The tears streaming from my eyes weren't the fake tears I manufactured to get sympathy. They were real. Still, I was determined to see it though.

Jaxx bent down and growled in my ear, "How you like it faggot? How you like my black dick inside your lily-white guts? You better be getting used to it. Cuz you my bitch now."

His words sent a little thrill through me, momentarily offsetting the pain before he began to pump in and out of my ass. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks. God, I just wanted it to be over. Or did I?

Jaxx quickly picked up speed and soon was rutting in my ass, grinding his donkey dong into me as far as it would go, pulling all the way out, and slamming into me again and again. As the brutal fuck continued I began to wonder if I could take it, but he kept ramming his cock into my boi hole, fucking me for all he was worth.

I don't remember exactly what happened after that. Jaxx kept drilling his python into my guts, but I sorta zoned out. I didn't black out and lose consciousness, but I wasn't totally there, either. Maybe the pain was too great or maybe the shock of getting brutally buttboned for the first time was too overwhelming. Whatever the reason, I lost track of time. It was as if I was partly there, feeling the Black God's massive black fuck tool ripping into my hole, and partly far away, watching what was happening as a mildly interested spectator.

Somehow, from whatever zone I was in, my ass began to relax. Quickly Jaxx's cock began to feel incredibly good inside me, no longer causing the agonizing pain I'd felt before. Damn. His hard, sweaty body on top of me and his huge slab of manhood buried in my hole were amazing. I hadn't been completely prepared for how much his dong would hurt at first, but I was totally unprepared for how great it felt once I got past the pain. Aidan told me it took him a couple of months for Jamar's dick to feel good, and I was already there with Jaxx. Maybe I was cut out to be a bottom boy. Jaxx's bottom boy.

If I had known how good it felt to get buttboned by a dominant stud with a big dick, I'd have been bottoming for each one who could get it up. Hell, I'd have been all over Aidan, begging him to slide his long dong into my boi pussy and fuck my brains out. Of course, I didn't see a way that another dude's dick could feel as good as Jaxx's. It was all tied to the aura that I felt even more as he pummeled my boi pussy.

He continued to grind his big tool into my boi butt, pulling all the way out and slamming back in. My ass felt stretched and raw, but also wonderful. The realization that the Black God was inside me made me as high as I'd ever been on drugs. A small part of it was the ego boost I got from pulling off my long shot plan, although perhaps regardless of what I did I was destined to end up where I was – face down and ass up, with Jaxx's enormous tool buried in my butt. However, most of the high was from sensing the Black God's dominant, powerful aura and feeling how my ass was singing. I was perilously close to cumming hands-free the way Aidan claimed he did with Jamar. The only thing that probably stopped me was the back-to-back wet dreams I'd had the last two nights. But yeah, with Jaxx's big prick drilling into my ass, I fully understand how a stud could fuck the cum out of a dude.

I have no idea how long Jaxx fucked me, but finally he grabbed my hair and wrenched my head back. His deep voice was in my ear. "Arch that back and lift that ass up, you little cocksucker! Lemme all the way inside your whore hole."

My God! I didn't think the stud's huge bull cock could be any farther inside me. I tried as best I could – it wasn't easy with his body on top of me and my hands still cuffed – arching my back as he powered into my ass one last time. This time he went farther than he'd gone before and actually lifted my feet off the floor using nothing but his rock-hard rod. My body was impaled on his fuck pole. A moment later he tensed up and blasted a huge load of cum deep inside me. His shaft lurched and exploded again and again. Every time I thought his cock was done spewing ball juice, another spurt fired into my fuck chute.

Something wet began to leak from my abused ass. Open question whether it was blood or ball juice. Maybe both.

Finally Jaxx's cock was still. The only sound I heard was heavy breathing as he panted. His hard chest was pressed against my bare back, his arms holding me like I was a bag of potatoes. After several minutes, he exhaled into my ear and said with a deep voice, "Fuck, yeah! That's nice, real nice."

He ground his softening cock into my ass a couple more times before pulling it out. It felt like my guts might shoot out through my hole. Instead, cum was running down the backs of my legs, soaking into my jeans and underwear. He added an exclamation point to the fuck by slapping my bare butt a couple of times. They weren't love pats. The dude could pack a punch and my ass burnt. I'd probably have a bright red handprint on my butt cheeks for hours.

"How's it feel to have nut from a big black dick dripping out of your pussy hole, faggot? You like it? You want some more?" With my mouth still full of dirty sock, I wasn't in a position to answer. If I told him what I really felt, it would have been, "Hell yes!"

Without Jaxx's mammoth pole inside me, my hole felt disappointingly empty. Once again he planted a big hand on my bare ass, spanking me and making the room echo. I gasped but didn't want to move, staying stretched out over the table even after he pulled the socks out of my mouth. He grabbed my face with a big hand, bent down so he was inches away from me and snarled. "You know what just happened to you, bitch? You got bred by a Black man. Know something else? Every Black man can tell if a white faggot has been bred by a black cock. Tell just by looking at you. It's gonna be in your eyes forever. They'll know you're owned by da man. And they won't think nuttin about taking your ass and using it whenever they want. Cuz they know you're a whore. Ain't gonna be a day that goes by in here that your white boi pussy isn't gonna host a black cock. Git used to it." He spat in my face and I slumped back onto the table.

I heard him pulling his pants on. I was still reeling from losing my virginity and my ass was still throbbing from getting fucked. Suddenly the door to the room opened and to my horror, the Captain walked in. I was still bent over his table with my cum spattered underwear and pants pulled down to my ankles and jizz leaking out of my asshole, dribbling down the backs of my legs. I straightened up, maybe a little too fast, and felt dizzy.

Spotting my bare ass and leaky hole, Murphy chuckled. I turned to face him and started to say something, but he pointed to my crotch and broke into a big laugh.

I looked down and was stunned to see that my cock was hard. Hard and pre-cumming. Jaxx saw it too, and also burst out laughing. Murphy fought his laughter long enough to snicker, "Fuck, you are a pussy boy! You liked getting your ass raped by Jaxx's big black piece. Fucking turned you on. Gave you a boner!"

Well, yeah I liked it and yeah it turned me on. Still guffawing, the Captain walked over to me, grabbed my jaws with his hand, and leered into my face. "I took you for a little cum slut the moment you set foot in here, Sunshine. I imagine you're gonna like what the bros will be serving up for your asshole. You're fucking disgusting. Getting off on taking it up the ass."

I was silent. I'd never felt more humiliated. Yeah I wanted Jaxx, but I hadn't intended to advertise the fact to Murphy of all people. My dick was rapidly softening, but a long string of pre-cum hung from it.

The Captain unlocked the handcuffs. "Pull your fucking pants up, Sunshine, and stuff your boner into them." I followed orders, wanting to sink into the floor and disappear.

Jaxx, once again leaning on the wall of the Captain's office, announced, "He'll do."

Murphy turned to him with a frown. "Cut me a break. This shithead's too much trouble."

"Nah, I'm serious."

"Ya gotta be kidding me!"

Jaxx shrugged. "Nah. Has good hole. Ain't many white boys who can take a dick the way he did. Little cocksucker took my big cock like a champ. Beneath those pretty blond locks, he's a tough little fucker.

"Hardly any white boys have an ass made for dick, but Sunshine has hole. He's pretty to boot, with a nice, tight little body and a face that ain't bad at all. Boning the boy was just like fucking a hot blond cunt. Except... he's tighter."

"Jaxx, he's an idiot fucktard!" Murphy clearly had already made up his mind about me. I couldn't blame him.

"Sunshine's not as bad as you think. The little dude has some moxie beneath that pretty boy exterior. Walked in here today knowing what would happen and never chickened out. He has some spunk. I like that about him. Gave your guards plenty of shit too."

Murphy wasn't convinced. "He's a ticking time bomb."

"Will be if I don't take him. So, you'll owe me one, Captain. Actually, you owe me plenty, and this is another one. He'll be a constant headache otherwise. With me, though, he'll be perfectly well behaved and won't be a problem for you at all. I'm gonna fuck the faggot out of him and turn him into a gay boy. The bros will know I own him so they won't risk nailing him for that comment in the hallway yesterday. I'm good for all of that. The way I see it, I'll be doing you a big favor by taking the biggest potential disaster you have off your hands."

The Captain shook his head.

Jaxx smiled and added, "Trust me on this one."

Murphy clenched his jaws, still skeptical.

"Trust me. Sunshine's ass was made for cock. You'll like it. Like it a lot."

Whoa! Was Jaxx suggesting what I thought he was? I remembered an offhand comment Aidan made about the guards sometimes using the prison bitches, but at the time I thought it was just another one of his wild stories. However, Jaxx's words hung in the air, putting a different twist on the issue.

The twist got even more bizarre when Murphy glanced at me and gave me a look that I wouldn't have considered strange before Jaxx's comment. Now it seemed like a sexually charged leer. After a long moment, he looked back at Jaxx, shrugged, and said, "If you say so." Returning to me, he got into my face and said, "Guess what, Sunshine. Timing is everything. Maybe you'll think it's good or maybe you'll think it's terrible. Jaxx's last prison bitch got paroled a week ago. And he wants you as a replacement. I can't for the life of me figure out why, but apparently he likes fucking pretty boys. Especially ones that look like surfers. Maybe he imagines you're a bitch and your ass really is a cunt. Maybe he thinks white boys' fuck chutes are tight, at least newbies that haven't had their asses stretched by taking too much bro dick. Maybe he likes boys who squeal when he enjoys their holes. I don't care either way. Like I said, I help Jaxx out with a few things he wants and he helps me keep the peace. And for whatever reason, he wants to own your ass.

"So, you know what? He does. From this moment on, your ass is his. His to do with what he wants. If he wants to keep you to himself, as his private little cum dump, that's just fine. And if he wants to whore you out, to pass you around the entire fucking complex, that's fine too. And frankly, that's what he should do. It will help both of us. But whatever he does, I don't want to hear anything about it from you. Not now, not ever. You got that? I don't want to hear from you again, period."

He turned to Jaxx and said "You got yourself a pretty white pussy boy. Fuck his brains out." He gave me a sneering smile and said, "Take it like a man, if you know what that means, you little cocksucker. And get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see your pretty face again, got it? When you're back in your cell, sitting in a pool of Jaxx's cum, you can fantasize about getting another load or two up your twat." He gave me a wicked smile.

A guard appeared to escort me back to solitary and Murphy said, "Take him to the barber. Faggot wants to lose his pretty surfer mop. Make it all disappear."

Jaxx interrupted. "No. The long hair stays." He gave me a look that signaled in no uncertain terms that his decision was final. Even though he wasn't that close to me, I once again felt the strength of his dominance and control. I felt sorta flushed and it made me weak in the knees. "You don't cut your hair. Every inch of your body is mine. Understand Sunshine?"

I understood totally and quickly nodded my assent, feeling the last shred of my independence slipping away. I was submitting to the man. He could take what he wanted, but that wasn't his style. He expected me to yield to him willingly, and I was. His words echoed in my mind. Every inch of my body was his. My long hair, once a symbol of my rebellious side, was ironically now a symbol of my subjugation. But I was even more attached to it than I had been.

Murphy didn't seem surprised to hear Jaxx call the shots. "Fine. The hair stays. Take Sunshine back to solitary. I need to reassign some residents before he can be moved into gen pop this afternoon."

I'd had my first lesson in being owned by Jaxx. He decided things, not me. Didn't really bother me. In fact, it left a kinda warm feeling in my stomach, to go along with the tingling in my ass.

I was on cloud nine as I was hustled back to my cell. My plan worked, although given the way things turned out I wondered if it was my plan or Jaxx's. Or Murphy's. It didn't matter because I had what I wanted. To be owned by a Black God.

I spent my last few hours in solitary gazing at the yard. When Jaxx moved through it my eyes were immediately drawn to him. He stripped off his shirt, revealing awesome ripped muscles and a six pack that looked like his abs were smooth, hard river rocks covered by a thin stream of black water. He lifted some weights and did some calisthenics, causing his dark skin to glisten with sweat.

The stud didn't seem to be a member of any particular group of inmates, but from the way he interacted with each group it was apparent that he was respected by all of them, maybe even revered. It dawned on me that not only was he a Black God, but he was also the King of the Black Godz. A fucking stud among studs.

I'd been bred by the King.

I could have watched the show for hours, particularly with my ass still tingling from his assault. I felt like I did when I recovered after a bicycle ride of three or four hours or a long stint in the gym. Relaxed and wonderful.

I pulled my dick from my pants and stroked it, getting myself close to a climax. I'm not certain my tool had stopped precumming after Jaxx inaugurated my virgin hole with his big black cock. With my back to the cell door, the guards couldn't tell what I was doing even if they walked by and looked in. I edged myself until my prick was pre-cumming like crazy. But before jacking myself to a climax I pulled off and let my rod gradually soften. Why I don't know, but in the back of my mind was the thought that Jaxx wouldn't approve of me relieving myself without his permission. I stuffed my dick back inside my pants, but not before squeezing out a generous dollop of pre-cum and slurping it down. I'd never tasted mine or anyone else's before, but I'd be back for seconds.

And yeah, the King of the Black Godz would be back for seconds on my ass.


Author's Note: My plan is to the next chapter in a week or two, luck willing. Hope you enjoy it.

Reactions or feedback? Please send them along! Coltonaalto@gmail.com

My other Nifty stories can be found in the author index (listed as Colton) using this link: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/authors.html#colton. You can also locate them by searching for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button, or by following this link: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance (I like this link better). I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

I've also recently published a book, "Lance & Leo", and fictional account of 1980s gay porn with some sci fi thrown in. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1590217314/

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2020

Next: Chapter 5

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