Turning Out a Fratboy

Published on Jan 8, 2023



Turning Out a Fratboy

Turning Out A Frat Boy

by Randy MacAnus

© 2023 All rights reserved by the author

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events.

This is a single chapter story.

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I was shooting darts at my local gay leather bar, when this drunken arrogant frat boy sat down next to the board, and started giving me a ration of crap, about how I was always missing the bullseye. I told him I wasn't aiming at the bullseye. There's a lot more to darts than that. If there wasn't, it would get pretty darn dull.

But he was with a bunch of his frat buddies, had too many beers, and was trying to impress, I guess.

"Tell you what, frat boy. I'll make you a bet. Twenty bucks I can hit 10 bulls before you can hit 5."

He smirked and said, "I don't have any money."

I checked him out. Everything he wore was designer. The whole outfit probably set him back $500. $200 for the sneakers, alone.

"Your clothes are worth plenty. And besides, you smart ass little bitch, what I really want to do is humiliate you. You're a total ass-hole and I bet you're an embarrassment to your frat brothers here."

The four boys with him nodded. The arrogant little prick clearly didn't care.

I asked the oldest frat boy, "Why do you put up with him?"

"He's a legacy. We have no choice. His father is a former president of our chapter," said the biggest and oldest of the bunch. "He's a freshman and it's rush, so he's not in yet. We brought him here to make him dance with a few gay guys. But this is better.”

“BOY! You want to be in the frat and make your rich daddy proud? You beat this guy at darts, like he said. You lose he owns your clothes and everything in them. Even your student ID. If you want your stuff or your clothes back, you'll have to negotiate that with him. If he wants to keep your clothes and stuff, you're gonna have to run back to the frat house buck naked. You lose, and we will not be giving you a ride."

I gave the little shit a predatory grin. He went pale and sobered up a little. As he tried to talk his way out of the bet with his frat brothers, I checked him out. Classic muscle twink. Slender, swimmer's build, shaggy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Nice definition under that tight polo shirt, but no real bulk. Maybe 5 feet 8 inches, and 140 pounds. A freshman, so he figured to be 18, which meant he was in here on a fake ID. He wasn't showing much of a package. Good. He wasn't going to have any use for it.

"Here's the rules kid. Since your brothers want a proper match, we'll do it this way. You shoot 3 darts at the bull. The green part counts as one bull, the red part in the center, counts as two. The dart doesn't count unless it stays in the board. We count how many bulls you hit, then it's my turn. If, during any turn, I don't hit at least as many bulls as you, you win and you get $20. If I hit more bulls than you, you take off one piece of clothing for each extra bull I hit. Then we continue, to the next round. It looks like you're wearing seven items. Two shoes, two socks, jeans, underwear and a polo shirt?”

He nodded.

“So we will play seven rounds. If you are not completely naked at the end of seven rounds you get all your stuff back, plus $20, so you don't even have to win outright. Everything in your pockets stays in your pockets and belongs to me if I win. That includes your wallet and its contents. Fair?"

The little bitch was clearly nervous, but there was a look of hope on his face. If he managed to beat me on bulls just once or didn't average losing by more than one bull per round, he'd win. And not being a dart player (or he would have known you don't just throw at the bull,) he had no idea how little chance he had. As a result, he got greedy. I figured he would.

With a sly grin the boy said, "If I beat you, I should get the same thing you would get. All your clothes including your wallet and all your stuff. And since your a fag, and this room is closed off from the rest of the bar, I'm sure you won't mind giving us all blowjobs, once you're naked!"

Clearly, he figured this would make him a hero with the older frat boys. They just smirked. He didn't notice.

"I'm already required to throw seven extra bulls to beat you, but I tell you what. Since you want to up the stakes, I'll take that bet. But if I win you have to be the one on your knees giving everyone blow jobs. And your brothers get to shoot video and pix of the whole match, plus the blow jobs, no matter who wins."

One of the frat bros said, "We don't want to be seen in the videos."

"Shoot them horizontal, so twinky boy here is fully visible. With him naked on his knees, the guy he's blowing will only be visible up to maybe his chest. Faces won't show."

The four boys grinned. They clearly had nothing to lose. Twinky boy had really backed himself into a corner, and there was no way out for him, without losing his pride.

His voice shaking, the little freshman said, "Okay..."

He actually hit a bull with one of his three darts, and immediately started talking trash, trying to put me off my game. I had been throwing darts for ten years. He didn't have a chance, but I didn't want him to know that, just yet. Miss. Double bull. Miss.

"I shot one more bull than you, so take off one of those shoes, boy."

He did. If I had thrown a big turn, he might have backed out, pride or no pride. But now he was going to forfeit that super expensive sneaker, if he tried to quit.

In round two he got close a couple of times, but didn't hit any bulls at all. I hit one and took his other sneaker. In round three he was starting to feel the pressure. No bulls, and his last dart missed the board completely. I hit two bulls, and took his socks. He was visibly shaking as he stepped to the board for round four. Three misses, another off the board. I hit two. He trembled and moaned as he removed first, his polo shirt, revealing that pretty torso, and then his designer jeans. I figured him for limited body hair, but was surprised to see virtually zero hair anywhere except his pits and legs.

"How old are you really, boy? You are 18, right?"

The oldest frat boy answered for him. "This is his 18th birthday. And it looks like it's going to be one hell of a party!"

Twinky boy was bent over, with his hands covering his designer bikini briefs, trembling and moaning in despair. "Stand up straight boy! Hands at your sides!" I barked.

I am a 6 foot 2 inch 25 year old deep-voiced muscle stud. The effect of my change in demeanor was immediate and electric. The little coward snapped to, as he gazed up at me with a deer-in-the-headlights look. I found this very satisfying.

"Not as easy as you thought, is it?"

The birthday boy shook his head no, terror still in his eyes.

"You like boys or girls. If you lie, I'll know it!"

He whispered hoarsely, that he only liked girls.

"You a virgin boy?"

He blushed bright red, his eyes cast down, and nodded.

"Tell you what I'll do boy. If you can hit a bull with one of your darts on this turn, I will only throw one dart on each of my turns, the rest of the way. But if you miss with all three darts, then if you lose, in addition to your mouth we all get your ass. You get fucked from both ends until the bar closes.'

"And as it happens, I went shopping for a bunch of sex toys today. If you take this bet and lose, you will be the first to try them out. It only seems right, as you will become a sex toy, yourself. At the very least, I will be putting a slave collar on you, and attaching your wrists to it. Once you are naked, and in that position, you won't be able to say no to any perverted idea that pops into my mind.”

“If you do an excellent job pleasing all five of us, I will remove all the restraints at the end of the night. If even one of us is dissatisfied with your efforts, I will leave you collared, at the very least. Then you can come back to the bar another time, and if I'm here, maybe I'll turn you loose. There will be a price, of course.”

“If we actually get bored with you, because you are not working hard to please us, I will whore you out to anyone in the bar who wants you. When you return to the frat house your naked ass won't be running, you'll be waddling like a duck. But I think you know, this is your only chance to win this game."

If he hadn't been so panicked, he might have realized it was a sucker bet. He had no chance. But he was grasping at straws and accepted the bet. He was shaking so badly that all three of his darts completely missed the board. I threw a double bull, ending the game with one extra bull to spare.

Twinky boy's knees buckled, and he found himself on the floor. He looked up at me, and then at his frat brothers, with pleading eyes. When he saw my stare and their evil grins, he stood and slowly peeled off his little bikini briefs. With eyes downcast, he handed them to me. There were four cell phones recording every second of his humiliation and submission.

I checked his wallet. Sure enough. 18 years old today. I didn't even have to wait until midnight. He also had a very professional fake ID that proclaimed him to be 21. On top of that, his wallet contained over a thousand dollars. It was all mine now. I was not the least bit surprised to find he'd been lying about having money on him, but I hadn’t expected that much. Score! He no doubt cried poor any time he was challenged to a bet, after pissing someone off.

After a quick trip to my car for the sex toys, I pad-locked a stainless steel slave collar to his neck, buckled leather restraints on his wrists and ankles, and locked his wrists to the back of the collar. He submitted to all of it, as tears streamed down his face and his whole body shook—all of it documented by four high definition cell phones.

"Get on your knees, bitch. I want that pretty body on full display, so you better keep your knees wide apart, and your elbows out to the side at all times. You will very sincerely beg for the privilege of servicing each and every dick presented to you. I better believe you really want to serve the men in front of you. You do not want to know what will happen if I don't believe you. Time for you to become a cocksucker."

He looked at his frat brothers, hoping for help. He saw evil grins and four cell phones shooting video of the whole thing. He shuddered and sighed, then slid to his knees, spread them as wide as he could, moved his elbows out to the side, and looked up at me. Collared, naked, with his wrists restrained to the back of the collar, his shaggy blonde hair dangling in front of those pretty blue eyes, he was truly a boner inducing sight!

"Please, sir, may I have the privilege of sucking your cock?"

"Well boy, since you asked so nice, yes. You may suck my cock."

With his hands bound behind his neck, he couldn't undo my jeans himself, so I thoughtfully dropped them to my ankles and stepped forward, until the head of my dick was touching his lips. He took a brief look at his frat brothers, unwittingly offering a full view of his face, and my cock, to the four cameras. He quickly turned back, looked up at my impatient expression, and opened his pretty mouth. Finally, his pink tongue slipped out of his mouth and licked the head of my eight inches of man meat.

I grabbed the back of his head, and slowly slid my cock deep into his mouth, instructing him on how to minimize his gag reflex, as his frat brothers took up various positions, to get multiple angles of the boy’s deflowering.

As he was still having significant gagging, I pulled out, and sprayed his throat with a numbing liquid. After that, he was able to take it all. He still had to be reminded to breathe through his nose, whenever I chose to pull back into his mouth, but slowly he started to get the hang of it.

“You’re not making any effort to please my cock, boy. You’re just letting me fuck your throat. You’d best be getting busy with that tongue, if you want to avoid serious punishment!”

That snapped him back to reality, and he promptly started using his tongue on my cock. He had no clue how to use it, of course, so I gave him step-by-step instructions. After several minutes, he was beginning to give adequate pleasure. More than I had anticipated, actually. As I approached orgasm, I grabbed him by his shaggy hair, and began pounding his throat.

“Swallow it all, boy or there will be punishment!”

He did his best, but couldn’t keep up. Some of my load dribbled out onto his face, and down his chin. This pleased me no end!

“You are now officially a cocksucker. Not a very good one, but don’t worry. You’re going to get plenty of practice. Since you failed to swallow every drop, it’s time for your punishment. Stand Up, and keep those legs spread.”

He struggled to his feet and spread his legs. To everyone’s amusement, he was rock hard. We measured it. Four and a half inches. Laughter ensued, as the boy blushed crimson.

“Well, that explains why you were a virgin. You were too ashamed for a girl to see that little thing!”

A guy can function perfectly well with a short dick, but I wasn’t going to tell him that! Humiliation appeared to turn him on. I expected his frat brothers would appreciate me fucking with his head.

“Since you failed to swallow all my cum, you will now be punished. I notice your frat brothers brought a frat paddle with them. Hold your position. You will receive five swats from that paddle—from each of us! If you fail to stay quiet, or fail to hold still, there will be a second punishment that you’ll hate a whole lot more.”

His eyes practically bugged out of his head, as his frat bros smirked. They knew he was a whiner. Sure enough, he started weeping on the first hit, and was blubbering by the third. Plus, he kept trying to move away from the hit. Punishment two, guaranteed! I finished my five and handed off the paddle. Twenty strokes later, Twinky Boy was sobbing, his hot little ass was bright red, and his tiny dick was hard and dripping.

“As you failed miserably in your effort to stay quiet and still, there will be a second punishment. That will be delayed until after your four frat brothers have had your mouth, and all five of us have had your ass.”

The five of us decided that I would take his ass while the frat boys shot video. Then the four of them would take turns spit roasting their new slut. There had never been a doubt in my mind, that this was just what the frat brothers were hoping for. That one of the gay guys in the club would find a way, short of rape, to turn out pretty boy.

I had no doubt that we were all going to own him for as long as we wanted him. I had been upping the ante with punishments for just this purpose. It never occurred to the boy to challenge the punishments, which were not specifically included in the bet. My guess was, daddy and his school were both very strict, and he had been trained his whole life to just automatically obey.

The dart room had a long table, just right for fucking. And this certainly wouldn’t be the first time it was being used for that purpose! I laid our bound, naked little stud on his back, and had two of his frat brothers hold his legs back.

This was an SM club, so there were chains hanging from anchor points on the wall. I secured the boy’s ankle restraints to the chains, and his collar to the table. The chains had his legs nicely spread and his hole was clearly visible to the camera phones. He was hyperventilating and whimpering a little, but otherwise seemed to be keeping himself under control.

I took lube out of my toy bag and applied to one finger. After getting his virgin hole a little looser, two lubed fingers went in. This time I started to massage his prostate. He went from whimpering to moaning. This pleased all of us. Then the third finger went in. The moaning increased, and he began to move his ass against my fingers.

I didn’t take this to mean he was gay. I frankly didn’t give a damn. This was the first sexual stimulation he had ever received from another human, and the first anal stimulation. And the whole evening had been a highly charged sexual warm up. But of course, as naive and inexperienced as he was, he didn’t know that. His dick was hard and dripping, and his face was as red as his ass, from sheer humiliation.

I asked him when he’d last taken a dump. It was just before he came to the bar. Good. I’m not into scat, and didn’t want his poop on my dick. I told him if he wanted to minimize the initial pain, to relax his sphincter and push back like he was taking a dump. He complied. Definitely trained to obey.

I had lubed up all eight inches, and put more lube in his hole. I didn’t want to cause damage. In fact, I wanted him to cum. That would really fuck with his head, and should make him more willing in the future.

“Maintain eye contact at all times, boy, or the punishments will just keep on coming.”

He nodded, and locked eyes with me.

As I pushed in, he pushed back, and the phone cameras caught it all. It was clear on the video that he was cooperating. I was able to get past his sphincter on the first push. From there, I slowly penetrated. Whenever he clamped down or hyperventilated, I would stop for a short time, to let him adjust. It took about three minutes for me to get balls deep. I held that position for a full minute, until I felt him relax around my cock.

“Listen carefully boy. In order to please me you will relax those muscles as much as you can when I am penetrating you. As I pull out you will clamp down. You will maintain that routine for the entire time I am fucking you. Make me believe you’re excited to have me penetrate your ass, and want desperately to keep me inside you when I pull back. Is that understood, boy?”

He nodded and whimpered “Yes, Sir.” between ragged breaths.

I began to pull out slowly, and he did his best to clamp down. There was clearly still pain for him, so I figured he was doing the best he could, for the moment. I kept the head inside his sphincter and waited a few seconds before pushing back in. He relaxed his sphincter and actually thought to push back again.

I didn’t know if he was getting into this or trying very hard to avoid future punishment. Frankly, I didn’t care which. At this point, the goal was to control his behavior, and I was getting just what I wanted from him.

I slowly long dicked him for several minutes, making sure to hit his prostate every time. The process took his breath away. He was starting to hyperventilate a little, but kept up his with his assignment. As the pain receded, his grip on my cock during withdrawal became stronger, and he became more relaxed on penetration. He was clearly getting more and more into being fucked. Finally, he started to moan, and four camera phones were documenting his conversion to fuck toy.

He continued to maintain eye contact. It was really satisfying to watch his expression change from pain and humiliation, to confusion, to pleasure and enthusiasm. I picked up the pace, and his moaning increased in volume. It was clear he was getting close to orgasm—his first from anything but his own hand! As his big moment approached, he made the mistake I was waiting for. He broke eye contact.

“Maintain eye contact boy! You failed in that, so that’s another punishment!”

He moaned in frustration and fear, but was too far gone to say anything. I could feel his ass humping back against me hard and fast. I moved his legs back a bit further, making sure his dick was pointing directly down at his face. Just then, he cut loose with a steady flow of cum. It landed all over his face and in his mouth.

The flow continued, some landing in his eyes, causing him to break eye contact again. Finally, his flow ended, but I kept fucking hard. It was now my turn!

I came deep into that tight ass, as he whimpered and said, “Oh my God!”

There were big grins on the faces of his frat brothers. Every one of them was tenting and dripping. The boy was in for a long night. It was only 8pm and the bar didn’t close until 2am. I pulled out and walked around to his head. My meat was still hard.

I pulled his head over the edge of the table, put my cock on his lips and said, “Lick it clean, boy!”

And he did. He was so horned up he wasn’t even thinking anymore. He just went for it with enthusiasm! And all of this was captured as video on the four phones. Despite my two orgasms, by the time my junk was clean my cock was hard.

“Since you got me hard, I figure you want my cock back inside you boy. You want it in your mouth or your ass.”

In a hoarse whisper, the boy said, ‘In my ass, please. That was incredible!”

His four frat brothers fist bumped each other. They had all caught the boy saying that on video! I shoved my cock into the twink’s mouth, and he immediately began tonguing it. I guessed he wanted to keep me hard and horny, in hopes of getting fucked again. He later sheepishly confirmed as much.

“I’m not going to fuck you now, boy. By agreement, it’s your frat brothers’ turn to fill you from both ends. But don’t worry. My cock will go back in your pussy.”

He didn’t react to my calling his butt hole a pussy. He was clearly in an erotic fog, but the fact he didn’t object on camera, added to the evidence that he was now a willing cocksucker and pussy boy.

I pulled out of his mouth, and turned him over to his four frat brothers. They had all stripped naked to avoid cum on their clothes, and had been slowly stroking themselves for at least twenty minutes. With his legs held high and wide, and his head hanging over the edge of the table, he made a very hot and vulnerable sight!

And those frat boys really went at it! Well, they’d been watching this erotic display for over 40 minutes! They pounded our new fuck toy for nearly two hours, swapping ends, alternating with each other, and never leaving either of his holes vacant for more than a few seconds. By the time they were done, the boy was a naked, collared, cum covered, exhausted, moaning mess.

He had cum twice more during his spit roasting. Impressive, since the frat bros were making no effort to get him off. I don’t think they even knew about the prostate. They sure weren’t making any effort to stimulate it!

While they were fucking him senseless, I was using my own phone to video the whole thing. I had all five faces, too. They had managed to keep at least one, and usually two phones recording through the entire spit roasting. Amazing, since the four frat bros were so horned up, they were copping feels of each other, when they weren’t fucking our sex toy!

I wasn’t thinking of my video as blackmail, specifically. Either for the boy or the frat bros. I was thinking insurance. If the frat bros had any thoughts of keeping the kid for themselves and cutting me out of the action, well…

Given the fact that our little stud muffin was humping the air when he was no longer full of cock, I suspected he was developing a liking, if not total enthusiasm for being used. It was clear that humiliation and submission turned him on. Getting fucked in the ass certainly did. He’d never been with a woman, so he had no idea how that option would compare. I intended to keep him from finding out for a long time.

“Well, pussy boy, you certainly seem to enjoy being fucked from both ends by real men. And it’s very clear that you are not a real man, and never will be. The good news is, you now have an important purpose in life. Serving and servicing real men.”

I turned to the others and asked, “Were all of you 100% satisfied with the bitch’s performance?”

They all shook their heads no. The boy groaned.

“Neither was I. You still have a lot to learn, boy. But don’t worry. Your frat brothers and I will continue your training.”

The boy whimpered.

“You have two more punishments coming, slut. First, since you are not a real man, you should not have any manly body hair. I have a jar of cream that will remove all your body hair. We don’t want to mess up the bar, so we will take you into the courtyard for the hair removal process. It’s outdoors, but it’s part of the bar and has a privacy fence around it. Not that you’ll have privacy. I expect most of the bar patrons will follow us out there to watch the proceeding.”

Our exhausted little stud was trembling, but did not object. I didn’t know if he was being compliant, or just didn’t have the energy to protest. Either way, as his frat bros were getting dressed they were still shooting more video, so it certainly looked on camera like full cooperation. I was determined that all this video was going to get turned into a great porno!

I released him from the table, helped him up, and put a leash on his collar. I left his wrists attached to the back of the collar. I wanted him on full display when I marched him through the bar, and into the courtyard. When I opened the door the dart room and stepped out, the bar went quiet. Everyone had heard what had been going on. It’s not like sex was an unusual occurrence in the dart room!

I gave the leash a tug, and our naked cum covered little stud followed me out into the bar proper. A cheer went up! These guys knew me well enough to know that sooner or later, I share (or rent) my property. I led the boy through the crowd, as the frat boys shot video of him going through a butt slapping, junk groping, nipple twisting, gauntlet.

Not able to use his hands to defend himself, the boy simply endured. I don’t know if he actually liked the attention. But he didn’t seem to mind it. If his hands had been free, I suspect he would have tried to defend himself, so that it wouldn’t look like he enjoyed it. Not having to worry about appearances, he didn’t even try to move his body away from all those hands. Good boy!

I led our boy to the very public shower in one corner of the courtyard. Sure enough, a large crowd followed, including the video shooting frat bros. I removed his leash and turned on the ice cold water. The boy started dancing around under the water. That didn’t accomplish anything, other than to entertain us all. I picked two friends from the crowd to come up and scrub him clean. Using soap and sponges, they very erotically cleaned every inch. My friends knew what I liked.

They then turned his ass to the crowd, retrieved the douche hose from the wall, shoved it into that tender beautiful ass, and filled the boy with cold water, warning him not to expel it until ordered. It was very enjoyable, watching that hot ass wiggle and gyrate!

Finally, he was allowed to turn around, so the audience could enjoy watching his tackle wiggle back and forth. Every time he tried to pull his knees together to keep control, he got a hard smack on his ass for his trouble. The crowd cheered when all of this led to his little dick getting hard. That had been what my friends were hoping for. So they allowed the boy to evacuate over the drain.

Now clean, inside and out, I tossed the jar of cream to my friends. They slowly and erotically applied it to the few hairy areas of that tight defined body. Two total strangers had complete control of our little naked stud, in front a crowd of about 100 more strangers, me, and his four frat bros. And all of it was being recorded on video. It was enough to make his hard little cock drip!

He had to stand there in the display position, wet, shivering, collared, and naked in front of all those people for 15 minutes. And the longer he stood the more the cream burned. A lot of his body hair was around the most sensitive areas of his body, so the boy was moaning and writhing within five minutes. The entire crowd was captivated watching him. I had no doubt that I’d have customers lining up for my new bitch, as soon as I chose to make him available.

Once the fifteen minutes were up, the shower head was turned on, and all the cream and body hair, went down the drain. He now looked like he was twelve. I think I may have forgotten to mention to the boy, that his hair loss was permanent. Oh well. He’d figure it out, eventually.

On my instruction, my friends towel dried him, and led him over to the outdoor bar area. It was now time for his next punishment.

I picked him up and sat him on a bar stool. When his ass hit the stool, he gasped in pain, much to the satisfaction of all. I had two of his grinning frat brothers hold his legs wide apart, as I installed a surgical stainless steel cock cage. It’s a very expensive custom unit that has the lock built into the frame. There are only two ways to remove it. With the one-and-only custom designed key, or by cutting his balls off. I told him as much. I truly enjoyed the way he whimpered and moaned.

“If you cum while wearing this, when I fuck you, I will leave it on you until you graduate. If you flunk out or leave school, it will never come off. That will be your punishment for having an orgasm. If you don’t cum when I fuck you, I will leave it on for less time. But depending on my mood, and your continued submission, it could still be two or three years.”

The look on his face was priceless! But he didn’t complain or beg. He sagged a little on the bar stool, but that’s all. It’s a good thing his frat bros were still holding his legs wide apart, or he might have fallen off the stool.

“You are to be focused only on our pleasure. I will expect you to reimburse me for the cage’s cost. If you are lucky, I will let you give me the cash. If I decide you don’t deserve any luck, you will get whored out, until you have earned me enough to pay for the cage. After that, I will continue to whore you out for my profit.”

I had decided by this point that I was going to own him. At least until I got bored with him. Then I would sell him, when he was so broken it would never occur to him to object. Needless to say, the frat would get to use him as well. After all, I’m a generous man. And they did make him available to me.

I threw the boy over my shoulder, and carried him back inside, followed by the frat bros, still shooting video. His ass was swatted by anyone who could reach it, as we went back to the dart room.

I stood the boy up, and explained that unless he was told otherwise, when he was naked in the presence of real men, he was always to maintain the display position—hands behind his head elbows out to the side, legs shoulder width apart, and eyes on the feet or crotch of his betters. Tears welled up, but he nodded his head and assumed the position.

“You’re getting to like all this aren’t you, slut?”

I didn’t expect him to admit it yet, but he gave me a startled wide-eyed expression, thought for a minute, then lowered his head and nodded.

“Very well. You may now consider yourself my sex slave. You are my property. And I am giving your frat bros the right to use you for their pleasure, whenever you are at the frat house. Gentlemen, I would appreciate it if you would keep him naked, whenever he is in the frat house. He should always be instantly ready to serve his betters, and continue to know his place. If you are having visitors, just keep him upstairs in his room—naked.”

“The cage will stay on, but you can remove the collar when he needs to leave the building for classes, the library, or to go to the cafeteria to eat. I will require him to be with me on weekends. I will pick him up promptly at six each Friday, and return him at nine pm each Sunday. You should either limit his use to just the four of you, or strictly control his use by others. We don’t want him damaged or fucked out. And he will need time to study. He won’t be available to any of us, if he flunks out.”

I thought the frat bros might push me on the restrictions, but they were cool with it. I asked that they send me all the video, so I could edit it into a porno, to promote my slave’s services. They happily agreed, as long as I sent them a copy.

“Given your new status, I won’t make you run back to your frat house. As you are my property, everything you own, now belongs to me. That includes your bank accounts. Do you agree?

He nodded still looking down.

“Don’t worry. Anything you actually need, I will buy as long as money remains in the accounts. I take care of my property. I have your debit card. Write down the PIN number, on this piece of paper, and I will give you a ride to the frat house. You’ll be sucking my cock during the trip, of course.”

He wrote down his PIN. I attached the leash to his collar, and led him out to my car, still naked and restrained.

“Aren’t you going to fuck me?”

“Next Friday. All weekend. And you’d better not cum! Understood?”

I knew he was all mine, with his next two words.

“Yes, Master.”

I gave all his clothes to the bartender. He also worked at Out Of The Closet. He would drop them off as a donation.

I led the slave to my truck, still naked with his wrists attached to his collar. He was looking around in a panic, but I was parked in the alley, so the only people that saw him, were the ones who followed us out of the bar.

We went to an ATM on a quiet street. I released his hands, gave him his debit card, and ordered him to go withdraw another $1,000 for me, as a down payment on his collar. He started to object, but one look at my expression changed his mind.

He came back with the cash, and as we started the drive to the frat house, I ordered him to blow me. Punishment would follow if he failed to get me off by the time we got to the fraternity.

He leaned across the bench seat, and began to service the cock that now ruled his life.

I love hearing from readers. Those emails are a big part of my motivation to write.

And I certainly don't mind constructive criticism. It's how I learn. Ideas and

suggestions are also welcome.

You can email me at: rmacanus@email.com


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