Turning Father and Son

By Iain Bell

Published on Jun 5, 2016


Turning Father and Son – Chapter Four

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I pissed in my jeans on the walk home as I wanted them to smell even more for Charlie. I put on a white T shirt that hadn't been washed for months and was also piss stained. I changed my septum piercing for the larger and heavier one. I also changed my four dick piercings for bigger and heavier ones as I wanted Charlie to feel them when I fucked him, after Jesse had fucked him of course. I pulled the braces up and looked for my bleached denim jacket, I had recently taken the sleeves out and wore it like a gilet as I wanted guys to be able to smell my armpits.

I made my way over to Charlie's and when I got to the door Jesse opened it with a huge grin on his face. "I've been looking out for you." He said and I noticed he was still naked and had his long hair tied back into a pony tail. His dick was hard and pointing up to his navel. He closed the door and I kissed him giving him my tongue. "Mmmm you smell nice Sir." He said beaming. "Dad's in the kitchen."

I went through and was shocked at the sight before me, Charlie was also naked and sporting a rock hard dick. Along with his other piercings he had a septum put in and his nipple piercings had been enlarged along with the three in each ear. "Well Charlie, don't you look good."

"Thank you Sir, I thought that I would surprise you. I hope you don't mind?"

"No of course I don't mind, I fucking love it. Come here." And I pointed to the floor in front of me. I grabbed the back of his head and shoved my tongue in his throat. "Well done Charlie."

He turned to get back to the cooking. Jesse and I went into the lounge, I could see he had been watching the DVD's again. I searched through my rucksack and found some more for him. "You can watch these for when you are on your own. They are not like the others and they are more of what I am into, see how you get on." He smiled and kissed me. They were rough skinhead DVD's and of course laced with lots of subliminal messaging.

I sat on the sofa and Jesse sat next to me "Good boy Jesse." And lay his head on my lap as I played with his very long hair. "Do you fancy getting your hair cut Jesse?"

"I'm not sure Sir, It hasn't been cut for so long I feel scared."

"I can understand that Jesse. But I think that the new you needs a hair-cut." I left the conversation there. "Now do you want me to suck your dick Jesse?" He nodded, so I got to the floor and took his hard dick into my mouth and started sucking taking him into my throat. At that moment Charlie came into the lounge and saw what I was doing. He simply smiled "Dinners ready when you are Sir." And left to go back to the kitchen.

Jesse being the horny teenager he was soon shooting his load in my mouth. "Thank you Sir." We went into the kitchen where Charlie served dinner as soon as we sat down. "So Charlie. You up for being fucked tonight?"

"Yes Sir, I thought you would want Jesse instead."

"Actually Charlie, Jesse is going to fuck you and then I will." Charlie looked at me in horror. "Yes that's right Charlie. Jesse wants to experience fucking and as you want to be fucked, then he will fuck you.

"Okay Sir." We ate our dinner and Charlie looked unsure and unhappy about being fucked by his own teenage son. As soon as we had finished we went into the lounge and Jesse and I sat on the sofa and Charlie sat on the floor at our feet.

Charlie licked at my boots cleaning any mess that was on them. "Get on your back Charlie and get your legs in the air. I want you to look into each other's eyes whilst Jesse fucks your arse." Charlie did as ordered and got on the floor and lifted his legs high. I handed Jesse the lube and he spread some on his Dad's arse. He got behind him and put the head of his dick to his arse and pushed inside. Jesse started fucking and as an expert at being fucked he knew what was needed of him to give his Dad a good ride.

Jesse started fucking and leant down and kissed his Dad. They kissed each other and pulled apart "Fuck me son, fuck me hard." Jesse smiled at his Dad and fucked him hard.

"I love fucking." He screamed out and unloaded his teenage cum in his Dad's arse. He pulled out and turned to me "Thank you Sir for encouraging me to fuck that was the best thing ever and much better than being fucked."

"My pleasure Jesse. Now it is my turn."

I got behind Jesse and inserted my huge dick and the four large piercings and pushed into Charlie, this time I didn't go slowly, I shoved my entire weapon in one push and buried myself into him. I looked at him as I pushed and Charlie only had a look of lust in his sparkling eyes. I leant down and kissed him as I fucked him in and out.

"You okay Charlie?"

"Yes Sir, I'm fine, I just don't understand how and why I love getting fucked so much and to be fucked by my own son was just amazing even if I never knew he had it in him."

"You don't need to understand anything Charlie. Just accept your new place in life. Serving me as my bitch."

He turned and looked at his son. "What about Jesse Sir?"

"Don't worry about Jesse. He will be fine. You don't mind me making your Dad my bitch?"

"No Sir, I think it is great that after all this time Dad has found somebody."

"And what about if I moved in?" I looked directly at Charlie who grinned expectantly.

"Fucking ace." Said Jesse.

Charlie's grin went from ear to ear. "I take it you want me to move in with you?"

"Yes Sir, very much." I now sped up my fucking and was ramming into him harder and harder, building up to a mammoth cum load in Charlie's tight arse.

"Arghhhhhh." And I shot my load deep inside Charlie which mixed with his sons left earlier.

I kissed Charlie "Now bitch, you realise that some changes will have to be made?"

"Okay Sir." He said a little unsure.

"First, as you own your business you can I know work from home as well as working in your office." He nodded. "Good, then you will arrange things and turn the spare room into your office, that way you will be available to me whenever I need to use you." He grinned loving the thought. "Secondly you will be naked at all times, unless you have to go out and then you will wear skinhead gear like me and that will be covered in cum, piss and any other filth I can think of, you will never wash unless I direct you to."

"Yes Sir."

"Good Boy Charlie." He beamed the biggest smile I had ever seen, knowing that he had pleased me.

"Jesse your Dad and I are going to bed, I know it is early but I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight. I want you to watch the new DVD's I bought over before you go to bed and then we'll talk in the morning."

"Yes Sir." Charlie took me by the hand still grinning and still smiling and took me to his bedroom. He sat on the floor at my feet whilst I sat on the bed. Without even thinking he started to unlace my knee high boots licking them as he did so. As soon as he got one off he could smell the football socks, these had never been washed and really stank. He looked up at me still grinning and worked on the other boot and took that off. I noticed Charlie's dick was rock hard and pulsing almost by itself.

"Do you need to cum Charlie?" I said as I took off my shirt.

"Yes Sir, badly, I am managing to just stop myself but it is very hard not to shoot, your smell turns me on so much, I know I need your permission to shoot a load off."

I lifted his head and looked into his eyes. "Open my jeans." He pulled open my jeans and sat back. I pulled them down myself. "Now cum all over my dick and without touching yourself then you can lick it up." Charlie stood up and relaxed and shot a massive load all over me.

"Thank you Sir" he said almost crying from the release I allowed. He got to work licking my body of all his cum.

"Time for bed Charlie." Charlie got into bed and I got in behind him, my dick still hard still needing attention and put it in the cleft of his arse. "If you are very lucky I might fuck you once or twice in the night. I heard a slutty moan from my new bitch as we settled down together my arm over his body pulling him close.

I woke Charlie three time during the night and fucked his arse and deposited a large load each time. I even got him to drink my piss to save me getting up.

The next morning, I kicked Charlie out of bed as I needed a drink "Coffee Charlie."

"Yes Sir." He disappeared and Jesse must have heard as he came into my room naked and hard.

"I watched those DVD's three times since last night, they really turned me on, I don't know quite why because I have always been a sissy.

"Does it really matter Jesse. You remember how you enjoyed fucking your Dad. Well may be you want more and want to fuck other boys and men.

"Yes Sir, I think I do."

"With that in mind are you up for some changes yourself?" He nodded. "Good boy Jesse." He grinned knowing that he had done well. "Right, by tonight, I want you to shave your hair completely, then you will be like your Dad and I. Then change your ear piercings from girly to manly rings like your Dad and I."

"Yes Sir."

"I will go shopping for you and buy you some new clothes to suit your new image." I got out of bed and took his dick into my mouth and sucked on him, he was so horny and soon shot his cum into my mouth and throat. "Now go and get dressed."

I went downstairs naked and Charlie was making coffee and some breakfast, I went up behind him and patted his arse, he turned and we kissed, I kept Jesse's cum in my mouth and passed it to Charlie who swallowed it eagerly. We kissed for a while until the coffee was ready, he turned back and poured. I caressed his arse as he poured the coffee and I couldn't help it, I rammed my dick into his still wet arse. "Oh yeah Sir, please fuck me."

I fucked him hard over the counter top ramming my huge dick in and out of his arse. I was a mean fucker and the coffee mugs smashed to the ground during our love making. Both of us ignored the mess and continued with our rutting. I grabbed hold of his hips and moved his from the counter top and pushed him over the kitchen table. "Yeah that's much better, I have better access to your arse." I rammed in and out Charlie was moaning all the time loving being used and used hard. Jesse came in dressed for school, saw us and grabbed a new mug and some coffee and stood and watched whist his Dad and I made love.

"I love to watch you fuck Sir, it helps me get ideas when I want to try fucking again." His Dad just moaned as I filled his arse with more of my hot cum. "Please Sir, can I lick my Dad's arse before I go to school?"

"Of course, get to work." I pulled my dick away from Charlie's arse and Jesse knelt on the kitchen floor and licked and sucked at his Dad's arse "Push that cum out of your arse Charlie." I heard Jesse slurping and licking my mess away.

After a while he stood up. "Mmmm very nice thank you Sir and thank you Dad."

"Want some breakfast Son?"

"No thanks Dad, I've just had some." He sniggered and turned to go to school.

"Just a minute." Charlie announced.

"Two things Jesse. Are you okay with all of this, I know that this has all happened rather suddenly but if you are not okay with this then I will stop it, you are my real concern, my happiness is of no consequence."

"Dad, I think it is great. I am so happy for you and John." he came over and kissed us both on the lips.

"Oh and I see you are dressed in boy clothes, you haven't done that for as long as I can remember, I am surprised you still have any."

"Yeah well, you've changed and it is time I did, be ready for more changes Dad."


"You'll find out." And Jesse winked at me and he left for school.

"What was all that about?"

"Ask no questions and I shall tell no lies." I pointed to the floor in front of me, Charlie got the message and knelt on the floor looking up, I smiled and nodded and he took me into his mouth. He went down on me taking me deep into his throat. "Yeah very nice, but that's not what I want." I pulled my dick out of his throat and my dick was hanging in front of his face. "You need to be marked." I proceeded to piss all over him, soaking him all over. "Now let that dry and you can get dressed and we'll go shopping. Oh and we can call into your office and tell them that you will be working from home." He gulped. "Problem Charlie?"

"Erm, no Sir." I chose a pair of jeans and a t shirt for him to wear. He dressed and we left for the shops, although I had only pissed on Charlie I could smell me on him but my own whiff was stronger. We hit the shops and my favourite skinhead shop.

"Dress the bitch" I announced to the staff. "Black and cherry red 30 hole boots. Three pairs of bleached jeans as tight as you can get them with rear zips, footballs socks in red, yellow and white. Boot laces in the same three colours and three Fred Perry's and three Ben Sherman, Oh and a couple of stay press trousers just in case." They busied themselves looking after Charlie whilst I work on the same things for Jesse. I didn't want Charlie to know until tonight.

"I'll take all these as well wrap them and he will pay for them." Charlie came out wearing one set of clothes and looked fucking great. "Keep those on Charlie."

"Yes Sir."

"Pay the man." Charlie handed over his credit card. Charlie took all the bags still unaware that he had bought almost the same things for Jesse. "Next call is your office." Again he gulped. "Don't worry Charlie, just introduce me as your boyfriend and you will be taking some time out and working from home, they can call at any time of they need you. I think that they will be a bit shocked but accept it happily."

"Yes Sir." To be honest I had no idea what would say or think but then I didn't really care, I only said it to make the job easier for Charlie.

We got to the office he owns and went inside. The staff looked over and looked shocked but said nothing. "I realise you are all probably shocked, but I have met a great man in John and I have fallen deeply in love with him. He is moving in and therefore I will be working from home for the foreseeable future, you can contact me at any time you want to but you are all professionals and I know that you don't need me breathing down your necks to get the job done." They all stood and applauded. Charlie visibly relaxed and smiled, he thanked his staff and we made our exit.

"Thank you Sir."

"What for Charlie?"

"For making me do that, it did go well as you said it would." We started to make our way home but I took him into the pub instead.

"Get us a drink Charlie."

He soon came back "I don't know what you drink Sir" he said looking at the floor embarrassed.

"Grolsch and you will have the same." He came back with two bottles and handed me mine. As soon as I took a drink he did the same. He looked at me, smiled and sat on the floor at my feet. Rubbing my boots with his free hand as he drank his beer.

I saw Charlie look up at my crotch and my dick automatically stiffened from his staring at it. "Can't wait until you get home then Charlie."

He looked up into my eyes "Sorry Sir."

"Don't be, I can't wait either." He smiled as I took my dick from my jeans and offered it to his mouth. He took the head in and licked round the head and the four large piercings. I hadn't cleaned my dick that morning so it was a bit ripe round the head but Charlie just moaned as he had grown to love the flavour. When he felt he had done a good enough job he took me down into his throat, My balls were bouncing off his chin as he started giving me a great ride with his tight throat.

I took hold of the back of his head and fucked his throat for a while, long in and out strokes. I stopped at pulled Charlie up to his feet. "In the toilet NOW, I need your arse and fucking quickly." We took our bottles and headed into the toilet. I bent him over the sink and lowered the zip on his jeans and pulled out his plug. I shoved my meaty weapon inside and started fucking. "Yeah this is much better." Guys were coming into the toilet to use it for the proper reason, they saw me fucking Charlie, had their piss and walked out. Word must have gone round as a few guys came in and stood and watch me fuck.

Now I love an audience when I fuck, I rammed harder into Charlie who now was moaning all the time. I pulled out completely to let the guys see my huge weapon and the four piercings. I rammed back into Charlie and fucked him as hard as I could, I soon felt my balls getting close and rammed in one final time and shot my cum deep in his arse with a huge sigh. "I needed that Charlie, you okay?"

"Yes Sir, I feel great, thank you for fucking me." He reached for his plug and pushed it back into his arse "That'll keep your essence inside me until you use me again." He said grinning, he fell to the floor and took me into his mouth and down into his throat cleaning my dick for me.

"I need a piss Charlie." He took his mouth away from my dick, looked up at me and smiled. I pissed all over him, his head, T shirt and mostly his jeans, he was fucking soaked all over by the time I had finished. "Come on then let's have another beer." And we went back to the bar. The guys watching couldn't quite believe what they watched.

Charlie went to the bar to get another couple of bottles of beer. He came back and I could see some confusion in his face wondering if he should sit at my feet or stand. I grabbed hold of him and pulled him close "You smell great Charlie." And I gave him a sloppy kiss. He stayed close as we drank our beer.

"Please Sir?" he said looking up at me "can I have permission to piss myself?"

I looked at him grinning "Of course Charlie, his dick was rock hard inside the skin tight jeans, I saw him close his eyes and relax slightly, suddenly his jeans got wet at the crotch. "Yeah that's looks good Charlie. Well done."

He looked up as he was pissing himself and grinned. "Thank you Sir." I rubbed his crotch as he pissed himself "Please don't Sir. I shall cum and you haven't told me I can." I was loving his total honesty and servitude towards me.

"Come on finish your beer, let's go for a walk in the sunshine."


Next: Chapter 5

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