Turning Father and Son

By Iain Bell

Published on May 29, 2016


Turning Father and Son – Chapter Three

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I got indoors and sat down on the bed, the only place I had to sit in my grubby bed sitting room. Oh I knew what I was doing was wrong but I needed a place to stay and manipulating Tommy was not really correct and was only a means to an end. Charlie would look after me and keep me. I hadn't worked since I was 18 that was when I got into man-stink, piss and filth. This bed sit was all I could afford on the dole. Tommy was lucky as he lived with his disabled mother and wouldn't let me in her place.

I wanted to get out, it was late but I always got fed up stuck in this crappy place. The evening was warm and so I went out for a walk round the cruising area, I rarely got any sex as very few guys would come near me because of the smell I gave off.

I got to the cruising area at the back of the park, I knew a way through the fence and into the bushes at the back. I wandered for a while, I saw loads of guys but no-one would come near me. I left for home again and crashed on the bed with a beer.

I woke up the next morning still dressed in my gear, I usually like sleeping naked but never mind. I washed my face and hands and had a bite to eat. I was wondering what to do with myself today when a voice came shouting up the stairs. "Front door for you John" I went down to see who it was.


"Hello Sir" he said looking at the floor and standing very submissively "Please can you" he hesitated for a moment or two "use me again?"

"In what way use you Charlie?"

Still looking at the floor "I need you to fuck me again."

"Look at me Charlie." He looked up and saw me grinning. I grabbed his arm and took him upstairs to my room. He knelt on the floor in front of me and licked both boots before stripping off his clothes and moving up to my piss stained jeans and licked at the crotch area, making my dick hard.

"Can I sir?" I nodded and he pulled down my jeans over my muscled legs. He licked the head of my dick and all around the four piercings, he took the head in and then stopped looking up at me. I smiled and started pissing into his mouth. He swallowed every drop and didn't miss a drop. "Thank you Sir."

"Assume the correct position." He moved and got on the floor doggy style. I knelt behind him and felt his arse. "Lubed up already I see."

"Yes Sir, I took lessons from Jesse as you suggested."

"Good boy Charlie." He knew by saying those three words that I was pleased with him. I put the four large piercings into his arse followed by the head of my dick. I felt him push back onto my dick "Eager aren't you Charlie?"

"Yes Sir. Please fuck me, I need it so very much." I smiled to myself as I couldn't believe that everything I had done to date meant he begged me to fuck him, I could not wish for much so soon. I pushed my dick into his arse inch by inch, I wanted to go in hard but he was still a relative newcomer to anal sex and I wanted his to enjoy it, as soon as he became accustomed to it then it would be time to ramp up to hard sex.

I was soon felt my balls banging at his arse and left myself inside for a minute or two before starting my fuck "Mmmm this feels very nice Charlie, I want to do this a lot to you, you are a good fuck. I couldn't help it and started ramming harder and harder. Charlie yelled out and I felt him tighten his arse as he shot his cum all over the floor. "Oh fuck yeah." And I shot my load deep into his arse.

When I pulled out I sat on my bed and Charlie sat on the floor looking up at me "Now where the fuck is your butt plug eh, I told you never to take it out and you come round here begging me for a fuck without your plug."

"I forgot Sir, I really did forget." He said looking away.

"Do you know what this means?"

"No Sir."

"It means I am going to tan your hide, now get over my lap." Charlie was reluctant "That means an extra five Charlie and every time you fail to move means an added five. He jumped up and got over my lap, I played with his arse and it looked so inviting leaking cum, but I had a job to do. I used my hand and hit him five times very hard, I could feel him tense at every slap. "How many more do you think you deserve Charlie?"

"Not my choice Sir."

"Good boy Charlie." I hit him another 10 times making 15 in total, his arse was nice and red by the time I had finished. I caressed his red arse, my dick was rock hard again. Charlie got off and sat at my feet and kissed my boots. He glanced up and saw my huge dick was rock hard needing more attention. "Yes Charlie, slapping you has turned me on again. Now suck me." He smiled and went down on me taking in my dick into his mouth and slowly down into his tight throat.

"Fuck yeah." I moaned as Charlie started sucking my dick. "Good boy Charlie." He looked up and his eyes sparkled with delight. Charlie continued sucking my huge dick until I got close to shooting. I grabbed hold of his ears and pulled him on to my dick as far as possible until I fed him my load into his stomach.

I pulled him up to my face and kissed him "you are getting better and better at this Charlie, I am pleased."

"Thank you Sir." He said with a genuine tone in his voice. Charlie looked around my bed sit. "Sir, is this really where you live?"

"Yes Charlie, it is all I can afford since I don't work as I cannot get a job without cleaning up and I love my filth."

"So do I Sir." he said looking down at the floor again in embarrassment. "I mean I also love the smell on you Sir."

"Don't get embarrassed Charlie. I take that as a real compliment." He looked up at me smiling once more "That's much better."

"I have to get to work Sir. Please can I go?"

"Of course, don't you dare forget you plug ever again otherwise the beating will be harder, more severe and I won't use my hands. Do you get my drift Charlie?"

"I do Sir."

"Now get dressed and go." He dressed and left me alone. I decided that I was going to have a shower and clean myself up a bit as I needed to shave my head and the rest of my body anyway, I am quite muscled and I love to show it off and the hair I have doesn't show my body off to its best. As always when I shave myself all over I get a raging hard on, I always have ever since I shaved my head for the first time when I was 13 and I have never looked back. I nearly had a wank in the shower but decided against it.

I got dressed in a pair cum and piss stained jeans and as it was another hot day I didn't put a T shirt on and wore my braces over my chest. I wore my cherry red 30 lace hold external steel toe capped boots and looked in the mirror. `Looking good John' I said to myself and headed out. I went to the high street first as I needed a couple of things, first off was a flogger which I would leave at Charlie's place to remind him that he would get severely beaten if he didn't follow instructions, the conditioning would be so strong now that he would agree to almost anything. I got the flogger and noticed that they had a new delivery of butt plugs, I got three more all larger than he was currently using. I had cash as I had taken 75 quid from Charlie's wallet.

Pleased I walked up the road and needed a couple of things in the supermarket. As I was walking round, I noticed a few people staring and smelling me, I could tell that they didn't approve of the stench from my jeans, so I stood still and as they looked on I pissed myself. Gasps of horror came from the mouths from those staring, I just laughed and continued with my shopping.

When I finished I walked back into the hot sunshine. I went to visit Tommy as I wanted to see how his conditioning was going. He smiled when he opened the door "Mum is at the hospital today" Tommy let me in, he had just showered and shaved himself and was just wearing a jock strap that I could smell "Coffee?"

"Yeah please mate." I followed him into the kitchen and I liked his bare arse framed by the straps of the jock, my half hard dick was starting to get rigid. I went and stood behind him, not touching but close enough that he knew I was right behind him as he could either smell me or sense that I was real close. I heard a moan of lust escape his lips, I immediately knew my conditioning was working. "Did you like the DVD's mate?"

"Fuck yeah so fucking horny, I watched five fucking times." He said as he turned and we were face to face, I grabbed hold of his head and planted a kiss on his lips and gave him my tongue, he simply melted in my arms. I pushed him to his knees. "Lick my fucking boots Tommy." He looked up at me unsure. "Good boy Tommy." He smiled this time as he knew he was pleasing me. Tommy fell to the floor and started licking my boots. As a former top he knew what was needed from a sub when boots were being licked and worshipped.

Tommy got into his task quickly and efficiently, after 15 minutes and his licking and worshipping my boots. I kicked him and he knew to stop. He looked up at me smiling. I noticed his dick was rock hard in his jock strap and knew then that I had him. I pulled open my jeans still damp from pissing myself in the shops and hauled out my huge hard dick. The four heavy piercings through my dick was down the head. I pulled Tommy towards my dick and shoved it in his mouth. He looked up at me in as he took all of me into his mouth and down into his throat. "Good boy Tommy." I face fucked him for a while but I was so fucking horny that I wanted to shoot and Tommy was going to get the lot. All too soon I shot my load deep in his throat. I stayed deep in Tommy's throat as I knew that soon after shooting my load I would want a piss.

I rested inside his tight throat and as I got slightly softer the piss came and Tommy also got all of that into his throat. After I pulled out and put myself away I pulled Tommy up from his knees "Good boy Tommy." And he smiled and grinned at me before we kissed. Tommy finally made the coffee and we went into the lounge and I sat down on the sofa and he went to sit next to me. "NO" I said firmly and pointed to the floor. Tommy got the message and sat on the floor at my boots and started rubbing them lovingly as he sat.

"You okay Tommy?" He looked up at me and smiled then nodded. "Good boy Tommy." He rested his head on my boots and drank his coffee.


"Yes Tommy" I said pleased that he had finally realised he was in the presence of a superior man.

"I want to cum."

"Sorry Tommy, you cannot cum until I or another superior gives you permission. You cannot even wank yourself without specific permission."

"Okay Sir." He said with sadness in his voice."

"Now Tommy I have to go, thanks for the coffee. I want you to get dressed and go and sit on the floor of the local bogs and ask anyone that comes in if you can suck their dick, beg if you have too. I want you to tell me how many dicks you have sucked when I come in to get you." I got up and left.

I looked at the time and realised it was early afternoon and Jesse would be finishing school soon, it was approaching half term and they always finish early on the last day. I went to his school and waited outside, I got a few raised eyebrows as I stood waiting, Jesse appeared, saw me and smiled and came bouncing over. "Hello Sir." He said beaming.

My conditioning was working as I noticed that he was now wearing trousers and flat shoes instead of heels and a skirt or dress. His school was progressive and didn't care what the pupils wore. Okay he still wore a see through white see through blouse and a large filled black bra, but it was working Jesse took my hand and we walked to his house. All the people watching were shocked to see a young pretty sissy with a dirty skinhead like me.

We got indoors and upstairs, he came down a few minutes later and was naked. I had sat on the sofa and he came and sat on the floor "No Jesse up here with me" and I patted the sofa. He came and sat next to me. His dick rose to full erection when he sat down next to me. I smiled when I saw it. "Now Jesse, I know that you love to get fucked but have you ever fucked anyone before?"

"No Sir, I have always been a bit wimpy and with my sissy clothes. Well it wasn't really the done thing."

"Would you like to fuck someone then?"

"I'd love to try Sir."

"Good I hoped you would say that. Tonight when I come round for dinner I am not going to fuck your Daddy, you are."

He looked at me totally shocked and shook his head. "He won't allow it."

"I think you'll find he will, he will do anything for me." I said grinning. "Now have you ever been sucked off, I mean apart from yesterday with Charlie?" He shook his head "Well then you are in for a treat as I am going to suck your dick and show you how good it is."

I knelt on the floor and took his dick into my mouth, I sucked and took him into my throat, as I thought he didn't last long and it was a great sensation for him and his teenage cream was soon filling my mouth. "Now how was that?"

"Wonderful." He said dreamily.

"Now do you want more wonderful feelings?" He nodded vigorously "Good boy Jesse, you can fuck your Daddy tonight then."

"Yes Sir." He said with a huge grin.

"Oh and Jesse, he is not your Daddy anymore, he is your Dad."

"Okay Sir."

"Good boy Jesse." And I left him to his thoughts and walked home with a smile and the taste of boy cum on my lips. I went to the pub as I needed a beer. The place was quite busy but it was Friday afternoon.

I got my beer and walked around a bit looking at who was in, I wanted at least my dick sucked if not a fuck but as I looked round. I found that I didn't want anyone here, all far too boring and dull. I suddenly remembered Tommy, I drank my pint quickly and left for the bogs.

When I got there, Tommy was being covered in piss by two workmen, they saw me, finished pissing and left. "Well Tommy?"

"I have swallowed 15 loads of cum and six loads of piss." He said with delight in his voice. Two guys wanted to fuck me but I told them some else would want that pleasure. I hope I was right Sir."

"Good boy Tommy."

He stood up and kissed me deeply "Thank you Sir." He said with delight and pleasure. I took my dick from my jeans and he looked down and sank to his feet taking me into his mouth and down his tight throat. I grabbed hold of his head and face fucked him like I had seen him do too many men in the past. Yeah HIS past when he was a hard top like me, now with my hypnotism skill he was turning into a nice bottom who will love to be fucked and suck any dick put in front of him.

Tommy looked up at me as I fucked his face and I could see in his eyes he was happy. I felt myself getting close. "Do you want my load of cum Tommy?" He just moaned, he could do little else with his throat full of my large dick. "Well here it comes boi" and I unloaded down into his tight throat.

"Thank you Sir, that was great. When will you fuck me Sir?"

"Soon boi, Soon."

"Thank you Sir."

"You can go home if you wish boi, or you can stay here as long as you want as long as you don't cum or get fucked." Tommy stayed on the floor of the bog and I left to get home and change for dinner with Charlie and Jesse.


Next: Chapter 4

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