
By Michael Evertte

Published on Jul 16, 2004



I hate high school. High school in Kansas is no place for a gay teen right now, but I refused to have a "coming out" period, so I'm just not in the closet. I've seen what the closet does to people, everyone knows that in your room the monsters hide in two places: under the bed, and in the closet.

I don't like monsters.

High school sucks, but not because of bashings or anything. The most that happens to me is I get called "Fag," but someone always tells whoever says that to fuck off. My school Turner-Smith is a very tolerant school, here the geeks and fags are protected. Well, I am the only fag here, and that is why high school sucks. Or doesn't, or whatever.

A few guys here like getting blown, and since they know I'm gay, from time to time I'll get a quickie in some ones car. Its always in a car. But after the first time I got to blow someone in a car it just stopped meaning anything at all.

I was walking home and a Corvette pulled up next to me with Davis Turner in the front seat. You would think that someone with a high school named after their family would be rich, but no. That money was gone. Thank god he isn't a stuck up prick.

"Hey Greg! Hop in, I'll give you a ride." He wasn't that great looking, but he did have an athletic build, and his smile was top notch. He was also 5'9, just like me.

I stopped dead. "So, Davis. Can I tell the whole school that I'm riding Davis Turner?" His smile faded, but only for a minute.

"You silly faggot, get in the car." The word faggot usually hurt, but he filled it with warmth. It was like he called me Sweet cheeks or something. Touching. I climbed in the car.

"You know, this is a girly car. Dessi drives a car like this, and she only wears pink." I smiled at him.

"So, I drive the same car as a girl. Do you think you're a bigger man then me?" I looked at his body then at mine. I was "bigger," but I doubt that's what he meant. The way he said bigger alluded to something else altogether.

"If I wasn't positive you were a breeder I would have guessed you were asking me to whip it out." The smile never left his face.

"Its not queer, it's like a pissing contest. Biggest cock is more of a man." I just looked at him. He looked down at my crotch then into my green eyes with his blue. His hair was almost blond. Almost.

I sighed and unzipped, pulling out my cock which was easy, seeing as I wore no briefs. Free flyin`. I kept it covered. "Nope, you first Davis."

"You are quite the silly fag, aren't you?" Again with the warmth. "Both hands on the wheel. You're going to have to help." He glanced down to his crotch. I just stared wide eyed. My hand reached over to his crotch and pulled down the tab. It seemed so slow in my mind, perfect. Then the fucker got stuck.

"Damn it." I said.

"What?" He retorted looking down briefly, slightly worried.

"Your zipper's stuck."

I could feel him smile then. "Well lean closer, use both hands." At that moment we just happened to turn, quick, and I flat out fell into his crotch, and the zipper was down. I reached into his jeans and pulled out a mammoth cut cock, the type I dream of. It was only later I found out that mine was bigger.

"Both hands on the wheel?" I asked feeling his hand on the back of my head. His cock was getting harder in my hands, but not bigger, just harder.

"Well, at least I'm still using both my hands to drive." His fingers moved in my hair, the he grabbed a handful of black locks. "Suck it." It was as far from a question as it could be without being a demand.

I aim to please. My book bag fell off my back onto my floor board, my tongue ran along the head. He whispered "oh shit," while I let my tongue play. My left and was holding me up, but my right hand was learning new tricks. Thumb and forefinger were used for stroking the base of his cock, which was greeted with the smallest of hair tugging, then my other three digits went to town on his balls.

Apparently this all was just too much for Davis, and he stopped lightly playing with my hair and pushed my head down while thrusting his cock up, the car accelerating. I had sucked a dick before, in fact up until my latest growth spurt I could blow myself, but this was new to me. The car brought in a new element, as did the fact that his cock was huge, and I was positioned very oddly. He didn't seem to mind.

We had gotten to the back roads, and coasted down them for about fifteen minutes then we turned down a dirt road. "Where the fuck are we?" I asked, getting up from his lap.

"I drove out to Wyandotte County Lake while you were down there, I know a place up here were we can finish, I'm starting to lose control of the car." I was a complement in its own weird way. We parked in this place I had never been, hidden by trees. His chair fell back making his cock stick straight up from his body. I started my routine again, and he started moaning.

"Oh Greg, suck it. It won't be much longer now." That's when his hand found my cock. He pulled it with his arm awkwardly.

"Hey, stop it. You still feel like getting me off when we are done so be it, for now just enjoy yourself." I went down on it in one motion, my lips were on his pubes. Both his hands rested on the back of my head and he thrust his hips in time with my sucking.

"Hey, you boys are mighty fine." Came a voice from outside the car. I sat up but that didn't stop Davis from cumin more then anyone I have ever seen as he screamed "Oh Shit." His shirt was ruined.

A face was right outside the window, blurred by the tinting. "Great show," they said, then it became obvious that they were jackin it. After about thirty seconds they grunted, and put one hand on the car, then zipped up and ran off. We were scared shitless.

"We have to go. I have to take you home." I sat up as he did. We didn't say anything the whole way back to my house.

"Sorry Davis. Here, take my shirt, yours got hosed. " I pulled off my shirt, as did he.

"Well, you do suck a mean dick." He smiled at me.

"Thanks." I handed him my shirt and he pulled me in and kissed me, not for that long, but a kiss is a kiss. I put on his dirty shirt then I got out and walked around the car and turned to say goodbye again.

I leaned in the window. "And just so you know, that perv came all over the side of your car." I smiled and walked to my front door and heard Davis get out of his car and yell "Well FUCK!"

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