Turned Out

By Mark Hall

Published on Oct 13, 2019


Billy tidied up his apartment in anticipation ofJames's arrival. Normally clean and organized, Billy's busy, new work schedulegot him out of his routine. As he cleaned, he thought about how James couldwork out for him, make his life better instead of being a sponge as other menended up being despite a promising start. James had the physical attributes hedesired, and seemed like a sincere, nice person. But Billy also figured him outto be someone who used people for his sexual gratification, so his plan was toturn the tables on him. His interest in James would be purely sexual, and ifthat didn't work out, he would have no problem kicking him to the curb.

As he finished the final touches on his apartment,Billy realized how inviting his 3-bedroom, 1,300 square foot place was. He hadthe place for a long time so wasn't trapped into paying high rent for a placesimilar to his. Over the years, he managed to get the entire place fullyfurnished to his taste, including the works of art, from sculptures to paintings,mostly of naked men in sundried seductive poses.

When the buzzer rang, he opened the door, slightlyannoyed that James was so early. He opened the apartment door and saw what heleast expected, and wanted, his roommate, and fuck buddy Jeremy who haddisappeared a month ago.

Jeremy was, to many people's standards, a goodlooking, tall, Italian-born young man with a lanky, but muscular build, squarejaw, curly black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a huge cock. But that is whereis positive attributes ended. He couldn't hold down a job, had a shallowpersonality, was unable to hold an intelligent conversation, and, worst of all, completely unaware of his privilege. He also had a definite Mandingo fantasy,seeing Black men as nothing more that sexual objects to satisfy his own selfishneeds. The only reason Billy tolerated him was his enormous sexual drive andphenomenal ability to take multiple large cocks up his ass and fully satisfytop men He was in demand from Billy's friends whenever he threw sex parties,which occurred, at least, monthly.

"Hey Billy," long time no see, said Jeremy as hewalked in and set down his backpack on the couch. "Missed you."

Billy stare at Jeremy was vitriolic and easily read,even by the dimwitted Jeremy. "You need to get the fuck out," Billy said,trying to contain his rage.

"C'mon Daddy, I know it's been awhile, but I'm back.Aren't you glad to see me?" said Jeremy, approaching Billy to gain hisaffection. He knew Billy was extremely attracted to him and was often able touse his charm to soften him.

Instead, Billy backed away. "The next thing I wantyou to touch is your backpack as you pick it up and leave."

"Oh, you don't mean that Daddy, I know I should havecalled but I wasn't meaning to stay away for so long. Don't you want to hearwhy?"

"Not at all, now you get thirty seconds to leave,never calling me or coming back," said Billy, picking up the backpack.

"What the fuck Billy? I don't have a place to go,"said Jeremy, finally realizing the situation.

"You can go back to wherever you've been the pastmonth, I don't care," said Billy, angrily throwing the backpack at Jeremy, ametal buckle striking him on the eye.

"Fuck!" shouted Jeremy, immediately covering hiseye, bending in pain. He took has hands away, noticing a good amount of bloodon them. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Billy's heart sank. While he didn't particularlycare for Jeremy, he certainly didn't want to physically hurt him. He quicklywent to the kitchen, grabbed a roll or paper towels, and attempted to place iton the cut above Jeremy's eye. "Jeremy, I am sorry, didn't mean to......" Jeremysnatched it from Billy's hand, placing it on the wound.

"Keep it there, I'll get some ice," said Billy, nowafraid that the cut may require stitches. When he returned, Jeremy was sittingon the couch, silent, holding the paper towels firmly on his eye. Billycarefully replaced the towels with the bag of ice, causing Jeremy to wince inpain. "Sorry," said Billy, showing regret for his behavior.

"Damn Billy, why the hell you do that?" askedJeremy, looking at Billy, his eyes tearing up.

Billy sat next to Jeremy, anger now replaced by pityand concern. "Didn't mean to Jeremy," said Billy, pulling Jeremy into his arms.

Jeremy wasn't used to much negativity in his life.He was often able to get out of difficult situations through his good looks andability to charm people. He was more shocked than hurt that Billy would try toharm him. And he adored Billy, loved how he looked after him and always madesure he was taken care of. But he was more saddened by him being asked to leavethan the physical hurt. "I know you wouldn't try to hurt me," said Jeremy,sobbing slightly. "But can I please stay here until I have a place to go?" hesaid, taking the ice pack from his eye.

Billy was relieved to see that the bleeding had slowedconsiderably, and the cut was minor. "Well that's a relief, no need forstitches."

Jeremy leaned over, attempting to kiss Billy but wasthwarted when he backed off. "Please Daddy, I missed you," said Jeremy,returning the ice bag over his eye.

"I just nearly put your damn eye out and here youare still trying to fuck," said Billy. "Sorry Jeremy, I'll let you stay herebut you got to go first thing in the morning, once I'm convinced that your eyeis okay."

Jeremy looked dejected, unsure if he should tellBilly that he spent the last month with a rich, Black sugar daddy who dumpedhim due to his infidelity. The one thing Billy always demanded from him washonesty, and in the year or so they had been together he had been able to dojust that. He figured if had a chance at staying more than just one night, hebetter come clean, so he told it all.

Billy just shook his head, not in disbelief, but indismay that Jeremy didn't bother to simply call him. "Man, all you had to dowas call and say what's going on instead of just disappearing. Now let mebandage that cut and then you take a shower, smells like you've been sleepingoutside."

"Thank you, Daddy," said Jeremy, picking up his bagand heading towards the bathroom. Billy followed him in, cleaning the wound andplacing a butterfly bandage of it.

"That should do it," said Billy, making sure thebandage was on tight. "But seriously Jeremy, if you're okay tomorrow, you gotto go." Billy suddenly realized that he had invited James over for dinner,which he had not even started. "Fuck!" he exclaimed, rushing towards thekitchen. Having less than 30 minutes to put something together, he went with aquick meal of spaghetti and meatballs.

A knock on the door while Billy was putting thefinishing touches on the meal indicated that James had arrived. Just then, Jeremy came out of the bathroom,stark naked, drying himself off. "Hey Daddy, got any clean clothes, mine haveblood all over them," he said, unaware that Billy's company had just arrived.

"Goddamn, could my luck be any worse?" mumbled Billyto himself before shouting to James that he was on his way. "Get your ass inthe spare bedroom and close the door, we'll talk later," Billy said as he ledJeremy in. "And don't make a fucking sound or come out until I tell you to,"said Billy as he closed the door.

He then answered the door, greeting James warmlywith a hug and kiss. "Come on in James, right on time. Dinner is almost ready."

As James walked in, he saw blood stains on Billy'sshirt. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" asked Billy, sensing the suspicioustone in James' voice."

"That looks like blood on your shirt," said James,also noticing that Billy was sweating and breathing harder than normal.

"Fuck James, seeing that I want to start out on theright foot with you, I'll tell you exactly what's going on." He then told Jamesthe entire story of how he and Jeremy met after he placed an ad in Craigslistfor a gay roommate. Eventually, Jeremy became his fuck toy, and many of Billy'sfriends became regular visitors because of his good looks, fantastic blow jobs,and even better at giving up ass. Billy revealed that he only liked watchingmen of color fuck Jeremy, and there were often gang bands that happened overweekends. He would often walk in after work with Jeremy servicing someonesexually, and join in. After Jeremy disappeared, Billy's friends weredisappointed because they relied on getting a piece of ass regularly, many ofwhom were married guys on the down low.

James listened intently, becoming concerned ifJeremy was back in the picture, and how that affected his getting to know Billybetter. "So, where does that put me Billy, now that Jeremy is back."

"C'mon, let's talk about it over dinner," saidBilly, getting up, leading James to the dining room.

"By the way, nice place," commented James as he satdown.

"Thanks. I like you James," said Billy as he sat onthe opposite side. "Most guys would have freaked out by now, but you justcompliment me on my apartment."

"Well, we did forge a bond in a health club steamroom by you putting your dick inside of me."

"Touche'," said Billy as he held up his glass ofwine.

"I really am anxious for an answer Billy," saidJames as he enjoyed the tasty dinner.

"Where that puts you in my life is no different. Itold Jeremy that if he's okay, he must leave tomorrow morning. I let him staythe night because the cut was pretty nasty."

"So, he's here now?" asked James, unaware thatJeremy was trying to listen through the door, but unsuccessfully.

"Yes, in the spare bedroom, with orders to stay inthere until I say otherwise."

"Wow, I'm sorry this happened Billy. I realize thiscaught you by surprise, yet you were able to put this delicious dinnertogether, impressive."

"Well I have to admit I threw it together lastminute after I finished mending Jeremy," said Billy. "Another glass of wine?"he asked, scooping up the dishes and placing them in the kitchen.

James got up to help Billy with the dishes. Hewanted to send a message to him that he prefers to do things for men, particularlyBilly, not the other way around. "Sounds good, I don't have to wake up earlytomorrow since I'm not going to the club."

While sitting on the couch together, Billy and Jamesdrank wine, talked, and drank more wine until Billy stood up, extending hishand. James reached out, gripped Billy's large hand, an allowed himself to beled to the bedroom. In anticipation of sex, Billy had the room ready, dimlight, soft music, and various items sexual in nature positioned on bothnightstand adjacent to the bed, a large black dildo, poppers, bottle of lube,studded collar and a leather studded paddle.

"What do you think?" asked Billy as he began toundress.

"I think...," said James as he walked over to Billy,"that you should save your energy and let me do that," he said as he unbuttonedBilly's shirt, removing it from his large upper body. He then placed his tongueon Billy's extended nipple, gently flicking it, then swirling around the largeareola.

"Ah fuck," moaned Billy, "Yeah, just keep doing that,we got all night." Billy took immense pleasure in seeing a white man enjoy hisbody. The excitement was physical in nature in that the color contrast was aturn on. But what captivated Billy the most was a white man who, for whateverreason, wanted to be submit to a Black man, to please him in every waypossible, sexually and otherwise. As he looked down on James' pink tongueswirling around his dark nipple, he felt he had the perfect candidate for whathe fantasized about, someone he could explore his dominant/sadistic side andnot only enjoy it but inspire it. From what Billy had experienced so far, Jameswas a potential candidate. The question was how and when he would be able tofind out.

"Let's sit and enjoy some of this good weed I got,"said Billy, hoping that James would partake in getting high, a good first stepin finding out if a potential mate liked to party, a must have in Billy's life.

James kissed Billy's chest, then responded, "Yes,I'd love to." He was anxious to have sex with Billy, but also wanted to showhim that he was willing to do whatever it took to spend time with him.

They laid back on the bed and silently passed ablunt back and forth until Billy turned on the TV, then navigated the screenuntil a porn video was on display. "You like watching porn?" he asked.

"Love it, even thought about making it," said Jameswho had actually auditioned for a porn shoot but didn't make the cut.

"Look at you, a big freak!" said Billy. "Yeah, I'mstarting to like you."

James laughed, feeling himself getting high andloosening up. He had only told a few people about his dabbling in the pornindustry. "And I really like you Billy," he said leaning over to kiss his thickshoulder.

"So, tell me about the porn shoot you did," saidBilly. While he was anxious to show James the home made video of Jeremy gettinggang banged by a few of his friends, he really wanted to know more about James'pornography adventure.

Next: Chapter 4

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