Turned in to a Slut

By moc.oohay@1002gbyhnujM

Published on Mar 12, 2023


It all began innocent enough. As usual Tim's mom grabbed her six-pack of beer after she finished the dinner dishes and retired to her bedroom for the evening. We gave her about a half hour before we slid out the backdoor to burn a joint. Back in his bedroom we played video games for a while when Tim asked me if I wanted to check out the prono's his brother had given him when he moved out a couple weeks ago.

Of course I was game. What teenage guy would say no. He pulled a box off a high shelf in his closet. As we started flipping through them, I was amazed. These weren't the playboys I had seen before. They were hardcore fuck books. They were full of slutty women, sucking and being fucked by guys with huge, hard cocks. I was boned in seconds. I found myself rubbing my bone through my shorts without even thinking about it. "Fuck dude I've got a boner from hell!" I said.

"Ya me too I got to jerk this one off or my cock is going to explode. You going for it too?" He stood up and dropped his shorts. This was the first time I had seen a guy in the flesh with a boner. I knew mine was a good size but his looked bigger. I followed suit and pushed my shorts down too.

"Not a bad size cock but I think I have you beat." He said to me. They looked pretty close to the same length to me, but his was differently fatter, a real pussy splitter. "You ever measure yours?" I shook my head no. He went over to his desk and grabbed a wooden ruler. "Stand up dude." He told me. With his left hand he pulled my dick down straight, so it was sticking straight out. Fuck I almost shot my load right there. This was the first time someone else touched my dick. He laid the ruler on top of my shaft and measured from the base of my cock to the head. I came in at 7-3/4". Tim then laid the ruler on his cock he was 8".

That out of the way we went back to spanking our cocks and flipping through the mag's. "Tim check this out." It was a series of photos of some guy held a chick by her head and burying his huge dick in her face. "Fuck dude I hope I can find a chick that can swallow my pole like that."

"Ya it is hard to find any chick that even put it in there mouth."

"Tim have you had any chick suck you yet?" I asked

"Not yet. But if you promise not to tell anyone I will show you something real cool.


With that he laided cross ways on the bed, threw his feet over his head and walked them down the wall. My mouth fell open as about half of his cock slid into his mouth. Flexing his knees he was giving himself a blowjob. He did this for a few minutes then straightens back out. "You want to see if you can do it?"

"Fuck ya." I got up on the bed and did every thing like he did but my cock was still six inches from my face. He tried helping for a bit by pushing down on my ass. I had to give up after a bit because my back was starting to hurt. God was I let down. I just fell short of getting my first blowjob, even if it was from myself. I knew I wasn't going to get to see what it was like to do myself right away.

Don't ask me why, but I had to see what it was like. "Tim let me try it on you."

"NO way dude that's gay!"

"You just did it."

"Ya, but was my own cock."

Guess I had him there. He stepped up to me on the bed, with his cock inches from my face. I reached out with my right hand and grabbed his shaft and pulled it out straight. I leaned forward and slid it into my mouth. As I started bobbing up and down his shaft, he hissed, "Watch your teeth dude."

I sucked it for a few minutes when he pulled out of my mouth. "I can't do this. Let's just wack `em off."

That's as far as my first time went. A bit after we had finished cleaning the puddles of cum off our bellies, I asked Tim if he would let me try it again another time. He wasn't game, but he told me how last summer, he and two of his friends went camping down at the lake.

Two college guys close to them offered to share their beer with them if Tim shared his weed. They all caught good buzzes. Then called it a night eventually. During the night Tim had to take a piss. He noticed one of his friends were not in his sleeping bag. After pissing he went over to the other tent to see if the partying had re-started. Outside the tent he could hear something was going on. When he peeked in the flap though he about died. His friend and the other college guy were pulling a train on the other guy. His friend was pumping his cock in and out of the one guys face as the other guy fucked his ass. Tim just dropped the flap and went back to his bag.

If I wanted he could mention me to his friend, but Tim didn't wan't to hear about anything if it did happen to work out.

I was still curious so I told him to go ahead. That was the last we talked about it. It actually went long enough that I forgot the whole conversation about his friend.

Late that summer I was at another party at Tim's. It was winding down. The beer was almost gone and I was out of weed. I was saying later to everyone this guy named Brad asked me if I could give him a ride out to his house. He'd burn one with me when we got there.

That was the magic phrase. I told him, "Cool." He lived about five miles out of town. When we got to his house we went back to his bedroom. He propped a pillow up on the wall, on his bed and started rolling one. I got the wooden chair. I remember his shit was good. Man did I have a mean buzz going. I was zoning when he got up and went across the hall to take a piss. He left the door open and I watched as his stream splashed in the toilet.

I thought it was kind of odd when Brad walked back in from the bathroom with his shorts unbuttoned and his zipper half down. He stretched back out on the bed with his back against the wall and we just kind of chilled and enjoyed the buzz.

Then totally out of the blue he asks," You want to suck my cock?"

Totally caught off guard, "What?"

"Tim told me you might be interested in sucking some dick?"

Now I knew he must be the guy Tim had told me about on the camping trip.

"Are you serious?"

"Does this look serious to you?" He says pulling his shorts down tight to his obvious boner. " I could really go for a blow job right now."

"Dude I don't know."

"You already had Tim's cock in your mouth so it's not like you can say your not a cocksucker. I don't care who's swinging on my meat as long as it feels good. If you don't want it to get around town you've sucked dick, I think you'll suck mine off." I was totally in shock with his comment. He could see the defeat in my face.

"Cool." He says raising his butt off the bed pushes his shorts down, and then kicks them off. "Get over hear and start sucking."

I kind of went into automatic, I kneel next to the bed, reach out with my right hand and lift his Hard cock off his stomach. The head already has a drop of precum oozing out the slit. I licked it. It had no real flavor but the slickness coated my tongue. I take it into my mouth and start bobbing up and down the shaft. After a minute he tells me to push my tongue tighter up against his shaft.

"Oh ya dude your making it feel good."

After a while my jaw started getting tired so I pulled off and started stroking it with my fist.

"Dude I could give myself a hand job, you said you were going to suck it."

"My jaw was getting tired."

"You can do more with your mouth." He stands up. "Lick your lips and hold your tongue between them." With that he grabs his cock and starts rubbing it back and forth on my lips. "It feels real good right where the shaft and the head are." After a few minutes whipping it on my lips. "Look at all the ooze you got pumping out of my piss slit. Give my head a good licking." I swirl my tongue all over the head. The precum coats the inside of my mouth and tongue.

"It also feels when you lick my balls." With that he bends his knees out and pushes his balls to my lips. The musk off his sack fills my nose, not bad, just different. I work his balls for a bit, then Brad tells to get back to sucking his cock.

With that he pokes his cock back into my mouth. I must have been doing it right. He started running his fingers through my hair and telling, "Oh ya, you're making it feel good man! Suck on that pole." He started jabbing his cock in my mouth, occasionally gagging me when he hit my throat. His words turned to grunts as he pumped my mouth. To give myself a break I pulled off and started whipping his dick across my lips.

After a minute he tells me to get it back in my mouth he's almost there. I start bobbing on his cock again.

His fingers tighten a bit more on my head and he stars chanting," Fuck Ya, Fuck ya, FUCK YA!" He holds my head in place and with a final thrust his cock started pulsing and his cum fires my mouth. He grunted with every pulse of his dick and his hips buck a bit. A minute after his cock stopped pumping his juice he fell back on the bed. I swallowed his cum without a thought. It had a strong, sweet banana flavor to it.

"If that was your first time you did great." I look down. His cock is still hard and shiny with my spit and some of his cum slime. "I'm beat, but if you want to smoke another one, go ahead and roll it.

As I'm rolling it, Brad asks if I was cool with what we just did. I told him it was kind of cool, thinking of the compliment he gave me on how good I did. I fired up the joint and we got baked again. As we smoked it I noticed his dick never went soft.

"Dude you're still hard."

"Ya it never goes down after the first shot. It usually takes two to three wads before it goes down. I was thinking after we finish this you'd go for another round."

"I Guess I don't have much choice." He smiles and takes another hit. We no more than roach the joint when he looks at me and says, "It's time to eat some more dick. Crawl up here between my legs and get busy with it."

Using all the tricks he worked me through I was able to go a lot longer without my jaw getting tired. He ran his hands through my hair, and occasionally would grab my head to work my face up and down his pole at the speed he wanted. After about a half an hour he pulls me off his cock. And gets off the bed.

"Dude let's try something else. Take your shorts off and stretch out on the bed." I was a little shocked, thinking maybe we were going to get each other off. I lay back on the bed on my back.

"No dude. I want you on your belly. I'm going to cornhole ya." I gave him a puzzled look, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I'm going to butt fuck ya. Roll over." I rolled over on my belly and watched as he went over to his dresser and got a bottle of lotion. He squirted a bit onto his fingertips. He rubbed them into my ass crack and pushed a finger into my ass a few times. I had fingered myself a few times before when jacking off. This much was ok. Then he squirted more into his hand and worked it up and down his fuck pole.

"Dude this is going to feel so good." He went behind me and moved my legs apart enough to climb between them. I felt him crawl on the bed. He placed his ankles over my calves.

"Put your arms down along your sides." Brad lay his body over mine. His chest felt nice against my back. His left arm was tight to mine and I felt him reach between us with his right to aim his cock into my ass crack. Once he had it lined up with my pucker his arm returned to my side. I felt as though he totally owned me.

"OK dude, you ready? Just relax." With that his arms tighten to my sides and he thrust his full pole straight in my ass.

"FUCK." I screamed and tried bucking him off and getting away from his cock. He was ready for me though.

"SSSSSH, relax dude. Just lay still a minute." He rode me till I realized I wasn't going any place. "There you go just relax a few." As I lay there the intense pain did fade to just kinda dull. "Ya there, see it's not so bad now." With that he slowly started to rock his hips just a bit. The pain faded some more. He felt my hole relaxing more and he moaned in my ear. "MMMM Fuck your hole feels SOOO good! Just relax now." With that he raised up on his elbows and began sliding his cock out and back into my ass nice and slow. I could feel my hole pull out as his cock slid out, then push back in me with his in stroke.

"Oh ya man your got one hot ass here." He said as he started pumping harder. His balls started bouncing off mine. After a while he sat back and pulled out. I did fell a bit empty without his cock in me. "Roll over on your back." This was the first time I noticed my cock was hard as hell. "It's feeling good for you too huh?" He reached down and stroked my cock. This much almost brought me off. I moaned as he released my dick. Brad placed my ankles on his shoulders. He trailed a couple stings of spit on to my pucker and rubbed it around with his cock head. The hot sponginess was feeling good now. With the head wedged he leaned down over kinda like in a push up position, folding me in half. He started long fucking me. Pulling almost out, then slamming his hips into my ass. Brad made sure his belly kept contact with my balls and my cock. In no time I felt my balls draw up and I started one of the strongest cums of my life

"Squeeze that ass." He said as he plowed me through my ball dump. "FUCK YA, that was great." Then he went into rabbit fuck speed fucking me hard. "OH dude I'm close. I'm going to cum in your ass. You're a fucking slut. Take it dude." With that he buried his pole as far as it would go in my ass. He continued to buck against me as he pumped his load into me. After he finished filling my ass he looked down at me, and said, "We're going to be getting together more often. But it's time for you to split now."

I got up put my shorts on. As I moved I could feel the greasiness of the lotion between my cheeks. And when I got home I remember thinking I had to shit, but all I did was a wet fart that squirted a pool of his cum into the toilet.

If you want to hear about when he stopped @ my house let me know. Mjunhybg2001@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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