Turn of Events

By T Storm

Published on Mar 9, 2007


Disclaimer: This story deals with homosexual men. If it offends you, X out of the story and read something else. If you are not 18, do not read. And if you want a fast fuck story, go elsewhere; this is not a fast sex story, but more of a love story. If that does not interest you, do not waste your time reading. Otherwise, enjoy. Email me for any kind of comments.

Sorry for the huge delay! The time just flew by. I couldn't believe the last time I posted was in early December. Anyway, I should be wrapping up this series pretty soon. Probably only a few more chapters if everything goes according to plan. I don't know how fast I will post them though- a lot is going on in my life, some bad things that I have to deal with, but I will do my best. Thanks to everyone who emailed me. I appreciate greatly and I apologize if I took awhile to respond. Thanks again. T.

Chapter 14

"You got a haircut," Grant breathed out when he got home from his evening class. He threw his bag into the living room, never taking his eyes off of me. I didn't answer him right away. I was busy placing the dumplings I had made into a dish. My mouth was watering, my stomach grumbling as I inhaled the smell of oil, scallion, and garlic. Yum.

Then I processed his question and smiled. I touched my hair, having completely forgotten about my hair.

"Oh yeah. Well, I went to Chinatown after school and got a haircut. The woman I normally go to wasn't there today and this new girl cut it shorter than normal. And she talked to me way too much about her life." I said as I played with the short length.

Grant looked at me intensely. "It looks good."

"Thanks," I said, turning to the sink to wash my hands. "Perfect timing, baby. Dinner is ready. Hope you're hungry. Oh, and I made bubble teas!" I exclaimed happily, nodding at my own bubble tea set.

There was no answer. Instead a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I felt his lips nuzzling the nape of my neck and even into my hair.

I laughed and squirmed as he tickled me. "Hey," I protested.

"Your hair looks really amazing," he murmured.

I spun around in his arms. "So my hair wasn't nice before?" I asked.

Grant hugged me tighter and rubbed his nose against mine briefly. "No, you always looked amazing. But with your shorter hair and dress pants and nice shirt, you look so sophisticated and hot. Like a Manhattan man."

I laughed. "A Manhattan man? Hardly. I ran out of jeans because I forgot to do laundry. Hence, the fancy pants. And the shirt was laying around and I had no choice but to put it on since I was late," I explained

He kissed me. "Doesn't matter. You still look great."

"Thanks. Glad you like," I said, grabbing the plate of dumplings and fluffing the rice.

"Ready to eat?" I asked preparing to bring the dishes to the table.

"Yeah," he whispered in my ear. "But not food," he continued in a husky tone as his hands wandered south and grabbed me. I yelped and fell over slightly into the sink. I was held up only by Grant's arms which were still wrapped around me. He chuckled.

"Clumsy much, baby?" he asked in a teasing tone.

I leaned back into him. "No," I retorted. Then I spun around and mashed my lips against his, pressing forcefully, my tongue hitting his in the middle as we basically slobbered over one another.

I opened my mouth wider and clung onto his curls. I was bending backwards into the sink more and more as Grant leaned into me to deepen the kiss. I pushed away from him and he looked at me lustfully, his mouth red and puffy. I grabbed onto the waistband of his jeans and tugged him out the kitchen and towards the bedroom.

By the time we made it there, Grant already had his shirt off. I started laughing, but he cut me off when his mouth landed over mine, kissing me furiously.

I fell onto my soft bed and let Grant undress me hurriedly. I could tell this was going to be a quickie and not some tender lovemaking. He was filled with lust. I could tell. I was too, by now. Like I said, I was young. I was always ready.

He placed a condom on himself and lubed up. Then he eased three fingers into me, one at a time, and slowly, trying to loosen me up somewhat.

"Ready Pete?" he asked, pausing to look into my eyes.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes."

He pushed in and I hissed and gripped his arms.

"Ok?" he asked, stopping his movement.

"Yeah," I said, closing my eyes as he moved steadily.

Once all the way in, he moved fractionally, pulling out an inch and pushing back in or rotating his hips. All of it felt wonderful. My eyes rolled back and I moaned.

That seemed to encourage Grant and he pulled out completely and pushed back in. I groaned as my legs wrapped around his waist. He was panting hard and I had a feeling he couldn't hold back too long.

"Come on baby," I whispered to him.

Grant started moving faster and more forcefully. He would pull out and plunge back in to the hilt, brushing against my prostate every time he pushed into me. He did this several more times, before he stilled over me, tensing. Then he growled and shuddered and I could feel the ripple coming off his body as he orgasmed.

"Shit," he mumbled, his eyes rolling beneath his eyelids.

He thrust a few more times into me and then exhaled heavily, collapsing halfway onto me. Then his eyes popped open and filled with realization. He eased out of me and I winced slightly. Then he sank to his knees and engulfed my hard cock.

I cried out at the sensation, not expecting it so soon. I pumped my hips into his gently sucking mouth. He moved up and down my length expertly, swirling his tongue along the underside and the head. I bit my lip as my release approached.

"Grant, I'm cumming," I mumbled in warning as I grabbed onto the blankets and pulled them down around my waist.

I moaned and let out a garbled cry mixed with incoherent of words as the pleasurable tingle traveled through my cock and then out of it and right into Grant's waiting mouth. I moved my hips up and down the bed as I rode out the feelings. Grant was still sucking and licking gently as I came down from my high.

I tugged gently on his curls to let him know I was too sensitive. He came back up and kissed me, snuggling along the covers beside my body. I sucked on his tongue eagerly and gripped him tightly.

When we broke apart, we were both panting and looking into each other's eyes.

"So, did you miss me much?" I asked casually, causing Grant to burst into laughter.

After our little impromptu sex session, we took a shower together. Grant and I were both in need in one, after going to school and then having sex. It was early September so there were still some hot days. And in the city, it was always muggy and full of smog.

That and I wanted to feel refreshed as I inhaled my dinner.

"To answer your question," Grant said looking at me as he twirled pasta onto his fork. "I did miss you."

"I could tell," I said grinning. He blushed.

"Well, I was bored in class and playing with my cell phone. I came across some pictures of you and of us and then it got me thinking about you and once that happened," he trailed off.

"Couldn't stop the naughty thoughts, eh?" I asked smirking.

Grant smiled. "Yeah, it was hard." Then he paused and we both burst out laughing.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was real hard," I drawled out winking at him.

He shook his head at me. "So I rushed home and then when you were just standing in the kitchen looking so handsome and with your hair newly cut, it just did me in."

I laughed. "I'll have to remember to get my hair cut more often and wear nicer clothes."

He shook his head again. "No, don't change. You're perfect as you are. I was just missing you."

"I missed you too," I admitted. "Even though we live together and go to the same school, it's like never enough."

"I know!" he whined. "It sucks our schedules are completely the opposite of each other's! Why does life hate us?"

I chuckled at his antics. "It does suck. But we have weekends."

"Not once the semester starts to build up again. We'll be too busy with school," he complained. He pouted. "You leave early in the morning, I come home late. Sucks."

"We manage. Look at us eating dinner together right now!" I exclaimed, holding up my chopsticks which were balancing a large amount of rice. "And we had sex. I think all in all, it was a productive day."

Grant giggled. "I guess so. You think we can have sex one more time before bed?" he questioned.

I tilted my head at him and pretended to think it over. "Well, let me think. How much homework do I have?" I asked myself, looking at the ceiling.

Grant was smiling and fidgeting slightly in his seat.

"I was planning on watching a movie tonight," I said eyeing him with amusement. "But" I paused dramatically. "I guess I can do that tomorrow in class so we can have sex tonight."

Grant laughed. "In class? You're going to watch a movie in class?"

"On my laptop," I said shrugging.

Grant shook his head. "How, Pete. How?"

"I'm brilliant," I answered.

Grant nodded. "Well, that works out for me then."

"That means we'll have to shower again," I pointed out.


"My skin is getting all dry from all the showers we take," I complained.

He snorted. "I'll help you moisturize, you girl."

I rolled my eyes. "Nice sweet talking Grant. Calling me a girl. Way to get into my pants."

"Why would I have to sweet talk you? You're already mine," he said cockily.

I smiled at him fondly. "I won't argue with that."

He grinned charmingly at me and dug into his dinner, popping an entire dumpling into his mouth.

"Thanks for cooking," he said sincerely.

"No problem," I replied easily. "Anything for you," I added.

His blue eyes sparkled in my direction.

I frowned as I was beginning to notice something disturbing.

I was sitting beside Grant in the medium sized classroom where he was having class.

Normally, I'd be home working on assignments for the class I had for that day, but I got a break since the professor canceled class due to some family emergency. So, I went along with Grant to class since he was proclaiming again how much he missed me throughout the day.

Who could resist that kind of sweet begging? Especially on someone as beautiful as Grant.

So here I was, sitting beside Grant, but silently fuming and glaring at the TA.

The attractive and young TA who was staring directly at Grant.

Grant meanwhile seemed oblivious and was staring intently at the teacher, taking notes, his pen gripped tightly in his hand. How could he be so oblivious to someone blatantly staring at him, with a leering expression? Was Grant that stuck in la-la land?

I couldn't help glaring at the TA, but of course he didn't notice since his eyes were glued completely on Grant.

Damn Grant for being so hot. Why must he be so hot? Why, why, WHY?

Peter Liu- and the transformation into the green eyed monster. Is that how it went? Well, jealousy and whatever it was that was green. I couldn't think straight at the moment as I saw my boyfriend practically being undressed by some suck up TA.

A TA that was far too good looking to be a TA. What TA had model like bone structure, brightest blue eyes, second to Grant of course, and dark brown hair that was darker than mine. He must have dyed that shit. Come on! What white dude had darker hair than an Asian person? Well, I was half Asian, but close enough!

Stupid idiot who dyes his hair.

Grant looked over at me and smiled. I forced a smile back as he turned back to the front.

I ran my finger lightly along his wrist. Grant moved his hand up and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers under the desk. Our joined hands rested on his thigh.

I smiled at his profile as his warm hand engulfed mine. It was reassuring that even though TA's and others men and women that were likely scamming on Grant, he didn't pay them any attention. And he was willing to hold my hand in public. In a full classroom no less. That was progress at its best. Someone was becoming comfortable with their sexuality.

That was comforting, but also scary. As he was becoming more comfortable with his sexuality, sometimes I wondered if he wanted to explore what was out there. Especially now that he was in New York where there was so much gay culture to explore. I knew Grant loved me and would never cheat, but I was no longer this fascinating New York guy in Texas. We were actually in New York. There were tons of guys just like me! Someone as gorgeous as Grant could have his pick of the litter, literally. I'm sure his southern good looks and sweet, shy innocence would attract a lot of New York thugs like myself.

Thug, me? Funny.

I could feel the competition brewing, even if there wasn't any real competition, at the moment at least.

I hated feeling this way. I hated the potential for change, unless it worked in my forever.

I glanced at the TA again. His eyes met mine. Apparently he noticed Grant's gesture of holding my hand as Grant and I were pretty close to the front row where he was sitting to the side. We stared at one another for a bit. His blue eyes were drilling into mine, but I refused to look away.

He smiled slowly. Stupid bastard. I arched my brow and narrowed my eyes.

Yup, I was definitely the green eyed monster or whatever it was called.

"Did you know your TA has the hots for you?" I asked Grant bluntly as we were eating hot dogs at Gray's Papayas. It was a fairly nice Friday night where a long sleeve shirt would suffice. So to take advantage of this weather, we decided to eat out.

He frowned at me as he was in the middle of chewing. "Huh?"

"Yeah, he was totally checking you out for the entire lecture," I insisted.

"Really?" Grant asked, genuinely looking and sounding perplexed.

"Yes, really."

Grant smiled. "Were you jealous?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, as if it were obvious. He laughed at my loud answer.

"He wouldn't take his eyes off of you. And when we held hands, he was still looking at you! With his stupid blue eyes and dark hair," I pouted.

"He was just looking," Grant reminded.

"But who does that?" I sputtered. "Undressing someone with their eyes when they know that person is taken?" I demanded.

"Wouldn't you?"

"No," I replied shaking my head. "I wouldn't. I would look at them and appreciate their looks, but I wouldn't stare."

"I hear what you're saying," Grant said. "Like it was how I felt with Deacon. But after Deacon knew we were together, he was more normal."

"See?" I asked.

Grant smiled. "I never noticed the TA. Like, I knew who he was, but I had no idea he was staring at me."

I looked annoyed and was fiddling with my napkin.

Grant reached over and massaged my fingers. "Hey, stop looking that way, Pete. What's wrong? He was just looking. I'm with you."

I sighed. "I was just thinking."

"Of what?"

"It's dumb," I muttered.

"Tell me anyway," Grant said.

"You'll laugh at me."

Grant cocked his head. "Tell me anyway," he repeated. "This is what couples do. They talk. Now talk," he ordered looking at me with his full attention.

Well, he was still eating, but good enough.

"Remember when we were back in Texas visiting Jet and you said you were worried I might leave you if you took too long adjusting to being out? Or wondering if I would leave you for someone more comfortable with their sexuality."

He nodded.

"Well, what if you get bored with me?" I said hesitantly.

Grant frowned. "What?"

"What if you got bored with me or found someone better?" I asked, gaining steam as I talked more.

"Like, I was someone different back in Texas, being from New York and all. But now we're both here. You can have your pick of any New Yorker, male or female. People are ogling you blatantly. What if they have something better to offer?"

"Pete," he said shaking his head.

"I worry too, you know," I said staring him in the eyes. "You're new to all this. You're admitting your feelings and your attraction to guys. Maybe it's too soon to be in such a serious relationship. What if you wanted to explore what other men were out there? I came out in high school and had hook ups with guys, but didn't meet anyone special, until you. But at least I was out there, you know? You never had that. I feel like I'm taking you away from that and you may resent me later on in our relationship."

Grant looked stunned, his blue eyes wide with shock.

"Pete, I had no idea," he murmured, his food forgotten.

I took a long sip of my water and stared back at him.

"I know. So unlike me, right? I'm usually so confident. What are you doing to me?" I joked half heartedly. "Who knew being in love would turn me into some self doubting, insecure loser. I'm even hating myself a little bit right now."

Grant smiled softly and scooted out of his seat and sat beside me, so close our shoulders were rubbing.

He kissed my shoulder blade. "It's ok Pete. I know how you feel, although not exactly the same. Like, you think I want other gay men now that there are plenty of gay men to choose from. I think you'll find someone more comfortable with their sexuality or less awkward about life in general."

I smiled when he said that.

"But let me ask you something," he said. I waited.

"Do we love each other?"

"Yes," I replied easily.

"Do we trust each other?" he continued.

"Completely," I said and he nodded in agreement.

"Are you happy in this relationship?" he asked quietly.

"Definitely. Aren't you?" I asked quickly.

"Very. So happy, I don't know what to do with myself," he said.

I smiled.

"Look, I know there are always going to be worries and doubts and fears. But that's why we have each other. We can talk through all those worries, doubts, and fears. And maybe have awesome sex afterwards," he said grinning.

I laughed and slapped his arm.

"Well, aren't I right?" he murmured. I nodded.

"Like you said, relationships take work and we have to be patient with each other. Technically, this is our first real relationship for the both of us, so of course we're not completely sure of everything and how it's supposed to work," he went on.

"Wow, Grant. Since when did you get so smart?" I asked.

Grant shrugged casually. "NYU is a really good school," he quipped.

I smirked and rested my head on his shoulder. Our dinner was completely forgotten at this point.

"If you're ever attracted to another guy," I began.

"I won't be," Grant said firmly.

I looked at him seriously. "Grant, listen to me, please?" I begged.

He sighed and clenched his jaw. "Ok."

"If you ever feel the slightest attraction to another guy or," I swallowed hard. "want to be with them or something, promise me that you'll tell me?"

"Pete, it's not going to happen."

"Grant, promise me?" I repeated. "I'd rather you be honest and tell me the truth and how you're feeling, instead of you being secretly unhappy or interested in another guy. It will still hurt, but at least I can love and respect you for still being honest."

Grant stared at me and we just looked at one another deeply. My eyes were pleading with him.

"More than anything, I need you to be honest with me, even if it hurts," I whispered. "I never want to hate you."

"You act as if you already know I will cheat on you," Grant said with concern.

I shook my head. "I know you won't. It's just some horrible fear of mine. I don't wanna lose another person I love," I said quietly. "I can't go through that pain again."

Grant took my hand and squeezed tightly. "I love you Pete. I took me awhile to come to my senses before, but I love you. And I'm here now, with you. I don't want anyone else. I mean, I was willing to pretend to be straight for the rest of my life, but when I met you, that all went out the window. It's you that made me see the light. It was you that made me want to face my fear and tell the truth."

He paused and leaned his face close to mine. "And I do promise," he sighed deeply, "to tell you if I am attracted to someone else. I'll do that for you and for us."

"Thank you," I said quietly, looking into his bright eyes.

"You're welcome," he said just as quietly.

He took my bottle of water and offered it to me, as if I were a small kid that he was trying to appease. I smiled and nestled closer to him, taking the bottle.

He kissed my forehead. "So, now that we talked through our worries, doubts, and fears, can we have awesome sex later?" he murmured into my ear.

My heart fluttered at his words and I looked at him, our noses almost touching. He rubbed it gently against mine, his lips brushing against my lips.


I smiled widely. "You don't have to beg to have sex with me!"

"I know," Grant said. "but I'd thought I'd be polite and say please."

"Oh yes, you and your southern manners."

"I know," Grant said sighing, as if it were a terrible burden. "What will I do with them?"

"Nothing," I said nudging him. "Keep them. They make you who you are and I love that."

"Ok," Grant said easily, but then he glanced at me. "So you never answered my question?"

"If we can have sex later?"

He nodded.

I laughed. "What do you think?"

Grant grinned widely as if he won some huge argument.

I merely laughed as Grant stood up to collect our garbage, eyeing me mischievously.

Someone was obviously in a rush to get home. It only made me laugh harder.

And love Grant that much more.

I didn't want to stop.

I didn't want to pull away from Grant. But that voice in my head was telling me to.

I pulled back forcefully. "I really have to go."

"One more," Grant insisted, pulling my face forward, capturing my lips, and slipping his tongue inside my mouth. I sighed and returned the kiss, leaning into his body.

We were in the bathroom, making out. It was very high school of us even though we were juniors in college.

He had class soon; I was late for an evening study group session. Normally, I wouldn't mind being late, but this was different. This was a hard class and I promised Danny I would be there. But damn Grant and his gorgeousness.

Our tongues swirled around each other's, my arms tightened around his neck, and I sighed again, feeling so comfortable in his arms.

"Now, I really have to go," I murmured as I pulled back once again. We were still hugging and it appeared Grant didn't want to let go.

"Ok," Grant said, not releasing me.

I smiled. "I really have to go."

"I know."

I disentangled myself from his arms and he loosened his grip reluctantly. I smiled at his disappointed expression.

I placed one more fast peck on his lips before swinging the door open.

"Tonight beautiful. We'll make up for this tonight," I called out, winking. I watched as his face lit up before I waved and blew him a kiss. Then I was out the door and running with full speed to the lecture hall where the meeting would take place.

I burst in loudly. I always did like to make an entrance. And be fashionably late.

Everyone was already seated and discussing the material. The TA was in the front of the room, talking and she looked annoyed at my interruption.

I flashed her a winning smile and took my seat beside Danny. She shot me a dirty look and continued talking.

"You're late," Danny hissed.

"I know," I whispered back. He narrowed his eyes.

"Were you with Grant?"



"You know me too well," I said easily stretching out my legs.

Danny smirked and I smirked back.

Then we turned our attention back to the TA. I barely acknowledged what she said. My mind was still on Grant.

Maybe it was not so wise to have such a hot boyfriend.

When the meeting was over, Danny asked me if I wanted to get something to eat. I was hungry, not having time to get food due to my mini break with Grant. So we hopped a train to Chinatown.

"Did you understand anything from the study session?" Danny asked.


He laughed. "I figured."

"I can't help it, I can't focus."

"I feel you," Danny said sympathetically. "I find myself dreaming too."

I smiled. "It makes college that much harder."

Danny groaned. "Tell me about it!"

I laughed. "I have to get my head in the game. The first exam is approaching fast."

"Yeah, like next week," Danny reminded.

Yup, it was already the end of September. Time flew by way too fast around here. I swear time was much slower in Texas. Or maybe the people were slower. Hmm.

"I want the semester to be over already," Danny admitted.

"To see Julie?" I asked.

He nodded. "She's coming here for Christmas to see her family, but she goes back earlier than I do. So I'm going to fly to California and spend my remaining break with her."

"Sounds awesome."

"I'm excited."

"You should be."

"You and Grant have any plans for break?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Not yet and not that I know of."

"Well, you're lucky. You see each other everyday already as it is," he reminded.

"True," I agreed. "It's a luxury."

"Totally. I'm jealous." Danny smiled.

"Of me being with Grant?" I asked grinning at him cheekily.

"No, you idiot," he said laughing.

"I know. But don't think about her and get involved in your work and before you know it we'll be done with college."

Danny sighed. "Eh, that's both good and bad."

"That's a can of worms. Let's not open that up," I suggested, hating to venture too far into the future.

"Deal," he said.

We were silent as we waited a couple more stops.

"Want to know something?" Danny asked.


"I plan to ask her to marry me after graduation," he said shyly.

My eyes bulged. "Really?"

He nodded. "I love her, Pete. I think I always have, but we were in that friend mode and I couldn't see the light. And now that we're together, I want to be with her forever."

"Wow," I said in awe. "It just seems, so, well, wow!"

He laughed. "I know. I haven't told anyone else, so keep it on the dl, ok?"

"Sure thing D-man." I paused. "I can't believe you guys are going to get married! Years back, I never would have expected this!"

Danny grinned. "Me neither. I remember I used to resent Julie when we were really young because she got into our group and I thought she was taking you away from me."

I raised my brow. "Really? I never knew that."

He looked away shyly. "Well, we were best friends since babies. And then someone new comes in? Keep in mind, I was still weary of girls when we were 11. I didn't really appreciate them yet or like them that much."

I laughed loudly. "True. Neither did I."

"You still don't," Danny snorted.

I rolled my eyes.

"So I better be the best man then," I said, eyeing him challengingly.

Danny shook his head. "She has to say yes first."

"Of course she will!" I stated, as if it were obvious.

He looked nervous. "What if she doesn't?"

"Why wouldn't she?" I asked frowning.

He shrugged. "You know Julie. She's so ambitious about this fashion stuff and acting. She loves California and she mentioned she may want to move there one day. I mean, remember that how internship thing in California? Yeah, she loves the place. Like, I know we love each other, but love may not be enough when there are so many other factors. We have different goals. She wants to be super successful. I want to be comfortable and raise a family young. I like NY, she likes-"

"California," I finished for him.

"So yeah. Even though we love each other, she still may not say yes."

"Maybe not right now?" I suggested. "Maybe you should wait a few years. Let her get settled with her career?"

"I guess."

"Don't be in such a rush Danny. By trying to cage her so soon, she may want to fight for her freedom even more and you'll end up losing her."

Danny shot me a funny look. "When did you get so philosophical. You're not that deep."

"I think it has something to do with Grant," I mused. "But in all seriousness, think about what I said. Give her time, enjoy life together, and then settle down when you're both ready."

"Thanks Pete," he said gratefully.

"Not a problem. But in exchange for my services, I call best man at your wedding, AND godfather of all your babies!"

"All?" Danny asked.

"All," I said firmly. "It's only fair."

"Why is it only fair?"

"I've known you both the longest out of anyone else. That title should go to me. Plus, wouldn't it be good if all the kids had the same god father. It would be like, unity or something," I rambled.

Danny laughed. "That doesn't make any sense."

"It does in my mind."

"Yeah, in your little mind," he mocked.

"Whatever," I said as we got up and exited the train.

Danny took a deep breath as we walked. "Ok, this time, now more serious future talk. I can't think about babies or getting married, or Julie moving or stuff. Let's just deal with the now."

"Fair enough," I agreed.

We locked pinkies, something we had been doing since kindergarten, and headed to our favorite restaurant.

"What do you want to do for Halloween?" Grant asked me.

I glanced at him as I chucked my book on the coffee table. I gave him my full attention.


He laughed at my serious expression.

"Halloween is in two weeks," he stated.

"So?" I asked with confusion.

"We have to dress up," he said, as if I were an idiot for asking.

I burst out laughing. "Are you joking? You never mentioned anything last year about Halloween. Why now?"

"I was overwhelmed with NYU. It's different than Texas. I needed to get adjusted. I'm adjusted now," he said simply. I smirked.

"Do you trick or treat, too?" I teased.

Grant mock frowned. "Hey! I used to do it every year with Blair..." he trailed off.

I smiled. I got his meaning.

"Well, trick or treating isn't that exciting around here," I pointed out. "It's not like most houses. There are three floors. It could take forever for an old lady or whoever to come down and give candy."

He slumped. "Bummer."

"Want to go to a party?"

His brow furrowed. "A party?"

"Yeah, there are tons of Halloween parties in the cities. In the major clubs," I said. "We could go to Webster Hall."

"Webster Hall?" he interrupted curiously.

"I went once in high school. Julie's sister was a bartender and the bouncer let us in," I explained. "We can dance, listen to music, and you're obviously allowed costumes."

"Ooh, costumes!" Grant said, his eyes lighting up.

"Did you have anything in mind for a costume?"

"No, not really. That's why I was asking you," he admitted.

"You want me to come up with a costume for you?" I scoffed dryly.

"For us," Grant corrected.

"Us?" I asked raising my brow.

Grant grinned. "We're both going to dress up."

"Really? Hm, that's news to me."

Grant snuggled closer to me on the couch. "Come on, it will be fun."

"But what will we be? Most couple like things are straight and we're, well not," I said lamely.

I eyed him. "And no, I will not dress up as a woman. Don't even ask. No amount of begging will make me dress up like a woman. I am all man, ok?" I asked with attitude.

Grant fell backwards laughing and I smiled. I leaned over him, stretching out my body on top of his.

I looked at him contemplatively. "Any ideas? I know you were probably thinking about it, so give me your ideas?"

"It's silly," he muttered.

I laughed and pecked his lips. "Tell me anyways. Isn't that what couples do?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yeah."

"Spill it," I murmured.

"A kiss first," he ordered, smiling widely.

I chuckled and leaned my face down, meeting his lips.

"I don't know whether to be freaked out or turned on or a little bit of both," I said as I eyed myself in the mirror.

"Why?" Grant asked laughing as he stood beside me.

I studied my reflection. It was eerily fascinating.

My face was paler than usual due to powder and foundation. Then I had a black eye, a cut eyebrow, a split lip, and blood running down my chin. I wasn't beaten for real, but that was all my costume makeup. Grant did it all. The guy was more artistic than I thought he was.

I never would have thought to be a dead male prostitute for Halloween. And look eerily sexy while I was dressed up in my costume. Who knew a dead male prostitute could look so good? The fact that Grant came up with that was both scary and exciting.

My tight black leather pants hugged my long legs and hung low on my hips, my hip bones popping out. My waist was narrow, creating that skinny V-shape thing, and the outline of my ribs could be seen through my skin, so I could easily pull off that prostitute or cocaine addict look.

"Where did you learn to handle make up this well? I actually looked like I got beat by my insanely jealous boyfriend!" I said.

Grant pretended to look offended. "I don't beat you!"

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to his chest, squeezing me tightly and rubbing my hair affectionately.

"You know what I mean!"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I had this image in my head and I just did it."

"You're really good," I said, studying my face.

"Thanks," Grant said, running his hand up and down my torso, caressing my body. I sighed and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"You look amazing, even like that," he murmured in my ear.

I laughed. "Thanks. I kinda like it, too, but I wouldn't want to look like this on a daily basis."

Grant chuckled. "I agree."

"You look beautiful, too," I said turning to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Makes me want to really make you my slave," I said rubbing our noses together as I eyed his dog collar, tight leather pants, and ripped, muscular body. Grant was the sex slave of the two of us. He would have been a dead something also, but figured he wasn't blessed with the pale skin coloring like I was. So it wouldn't look as realistic and it would take forever to cover his entire torso and face with makeup.

"I'm always your slave. Well, sex slave," he quipped. I laughed loudly and kissed him, slipping my tongue inside his mouth.

Grant hugged me tightly, squeezed my body, and returned my kiss, digging deeper into my mouth with his tongue.

I pulled back. "We have to complete your costume." I attached a leash to his collar. I stood back and eyed my handiwork. I felt myself getting a little hard as I looked at the leash in my hand, which was attached to Grant's collar. Made me feel powerful.

I yanked the collar sharply and Grant propelled towards me.

He looked at me with shock.

"Mm, I love your costume," I said raising my eyebrows up and down. I yanked his leash again and he was in my arms now. I grinned and kissed his lips gently.

"Are you going to use me later?" Grant asked gazing at me lovingly.

"If you're a good boy," I whispered back teasingly. Grant smiled.

I got serious again. "I have to put on a jacket though. It's cold. I'll freeze on the way to Webster Hall," I said.

Grant nodded. "I know. Me too. We'll strip once we get inside the club. I mean the jackets."

I smirked. "Yeah, I refuse to be completely naked in the middle of a packed club. This is bad enough," I said waving at my leather pants.

"You look amazing. You should be shirtless all the time," Grant said appreciatively.

"What?" I asked. "My bones are popping out!"

Grant smiled. "You have muscles too. You're lean and wiry. You look great."

I shook my head. "You're biased."

"Uh-uh, definitely not. Others agree with me."

"Who? What others?" I asked curiously.

"I've heard guys talking about you. Some of my classmates have crushes on you."

"Who?" I pressed, feeling flattered and slightly intrigued.

He shot me a look. "I'm not telling you."

I laughed as he pulled me into a hug, nuzzling my neck.

"You're messing up my make up!" I squealed as he tried kissing my face.

"I did it. I can re-do it. Come on, give me a kiss," he said searching out my lips.

"Grant," I said, trying to twist away, but the more I tried to maneuver around him, the more he grabbed at me. Finally he got hold of my wrists and held me still, claiming my lips hungrily.

My mouth opened to accept his tongue and I found myself collapsing comfortably in his embrace. Grant was my one true weakness.

I disentangled my wrists from his grasp and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you," I breathed out as his hands wandered along my back.

"I love you, too," Grant said, rubbing my hip bones. I sighed.

"Now come on. We don't want to be late. So let me re-do your make up," he said, whipping out some creams and a compact.

"Why, you're only going to mess it up again anyway," I said cheekily.

Grant slapped my ass and I shut up, but not before I yanked playfully on his leash, causing him to slap my ass again. I grinned back at him as he reapplied my make up.

When he artfully applied more powder, black and blue for my fake bruises, and fake blood, he tossed me a bottle.

I fumbled with it slightly before catching it.

"Oil?" I asked with slight confusion.

"You have to oil me up. I figured you'd want the honors, Master."

I raised my brows. "Master?"

Grant grinned. "Just do it."

I smiled. "Don't have to tell me twice," I said as I walked over to him. I poured a generous amount of oil into my hands, rubbing it between them a bit and laid them onto Grant's chest. I felt his firm pecs and I brushed over his nipples gently, rolling them under my thumb.

Grant inhaled sharply and I looked at him. His eyes fluttered and he gazed back at me, his eyes bright against his tan skin. I said nothing and added more oil to his body, spreading them across his chest, down his arms. I took a large amount of oil and gingerly coated his abdomen with it, feeling the ridges of his six pack. I realized how much Grant's body had changed since he moved to New York.

In Texas, he was buff and kind of beefy. He still had the broad firm chest, large biceps, and six pack, but he lost weight overall. His muscles appeared more defined because he was sleeker and less bulky. He no longer did insane amounts of weight lifting, but instead had adopted the `on the go' New York mentality where walking or sometimes running to the train, to class, or 20 blocks, was your only form of exercise. And it showed on his body. He looked so defined and perfect.

"Been working out more?" I once asked him over the summer.

"Some light running, crunches, and pushups and stuff," he replied modestly.

I always thought Grant was gorgeous, but you never fully appreciate your lover's perfect body until you're dolling out oil on his tan skin, making him look absolutely edible.

I smoothed oil further down and I noticed Grant was breathing faster and there was something straining against his tight leather pants. I looked into his eyes and they were filled with desire. I kept my face expressionless as I continued massaging his body with oil. I went further south, past his belly button, dipping underneath his leather pants slightly.

Grant gasped and fell forward slightly, shuddering as I took my hand away.

"Turn around," I ordered. Grant swallowed hard, but did as I told him. When his back was to me, I slowly and teasingly rubbed his back, coating every inch of his tan beautiful skin.

Grant moaned and hissed slightly and I grinned, knowing how turned on he was. I was pretty turned on too. Who knew rubbing baby oil on someone could produce such feelings? I would have never thought.

I moved lower down his back, pressing harder and moving more slowly as I got closer to his ass.

"Pete," he whimpered.

As soon as he whimpered my name, with so much need in his voice, I couldn't take it anymore.

I had to have him.

I pushed forward, causing Grant to fall over the bathroom sink, his arms bracing himself.

"Pete?" he gasped out as I silently reached around him and unbuttoned his pants. I gave them a hard yank and pulled them to his knees, but no further. It was kind of nice to see Grant looking trapped, unable to move because of the pants restricting any movement.

His bare ass stared back at me and looked so inviting.

"Don't move baby," I whispered to him and I pushed him forward again, so his ass was even more exposed. He groaned in response, but remained still, waiting in anticipation of what I would do next.

I licked my lips, my eyes glued to his ass. I spread some oil onto my fingers and slowly inserted one inside his tight hole. Grant shook and moaned loudly as I worked my finger in and out of him, massaging that hard knot inside him that made him shiver and cry out with pleasure.

My own cock was dying for release, but I patiently eased another finger inside of Grant, scissoring them slightly. I looked in the mirror and saw that Grant's eyes were closed and he was biting his lip. His cheeks were flushed and he was sweating slightly.

I added a third finger, slightly quicker and more roughly, as I aimed all three fingers at his prostate, massaging, poking, and rubbing.

"Pete," he begged, pushing back onto my fingers. "I need you."

"You need me?" I asked, in a low voice as I tugged gently on his leash. His head fell back, his blond curls brushing my face. I inhaled his shampoo an nuzzled my face in his curls.

"I need you, Pete. Please, please," he groaned out as my fingers rubbed his prostate with more pressure.

"You really want it?" I asked as I took away my fingers and shrugged off my own pants and slicked my cock with oil.


"Yes, what?" I asked, grinning. It took him a moment to understand what I was asking and getting at.

"Yes, Master!" he nearly shouted.

I chuckled as I pushed into Grant and we both moaned simultaneously.

I held onto the edge of the sink and pushed it, with one fast thrust, and I was completely engulfed by his tight, velvet like grip, his muscles squeezing my prick every now and then.

"Oh god, Grant," I mumbled, my eyes rolling. He whimpered, but didn't say anything. I could tell we were both hot and needed fast release. My dick was aching inside of him, not moving quite yet.

I pulled out all the way, and shoved back in, to the hilt, causing him to cry out. I rotated my hips and he shuddered and hissed again, his muscles rippling through his back.

I bit on his shoulder gently as I pulled out once again and thrust back in once again. I continued with this rhythm; hard and fast, making sure to hit his sweet spot powerfully on every inward thrust and brush against it teasingly as I pulled out.

"Oh please Pete, I need to cum," he breathed out.

I touched his sweaty chest, his sweat mixed with oil. I moved my hand further down and gripped his hot, throbbing rod.

"Fuck!" he yelled as I very slowly stroked him.

"What if I said you can't cum until I say so?" I whispered in his ear as I banged his prostate.

Grant choked and let out a garbled sound. I increased my stroking a bit, tightening my grip, as I pounded into him faster. I was close; I knew I couldn't hold back long. Hell, I knew Grant couldn't hold back much longer either.

"What if I said I would punish you if you came without my say so?" I said, continuing this little game.

"Oh god, Pete, please," he nearly cried out as I stroked him faster, his rod slick with pre cum. I rubbed my palm over his head, causing him to grip the small hanging cabinet for dear life.

"Don't cum baby. No matter what, don't cum," I said gently into his ear as I jacked him rapidly and thrust into him with very short and powerful strokes.

"Pete, please," he whispered desperately. I knew he was very close. Almost there.

"I can't," he gasped. "I can't hold back anymore. I'm going-"

"Don't baby, don't cum," I urged as I continued stimulating him.

Then I felt his body tense and tighten, his hands practically becoming white as he gripped the cabinet. He let out a loud shout, deep and animalistic, practically a growl as I felt his cock expand and then erupt.

Volley after volley of his hot semen shot out of his cock; some of it getting on my hand, some of it coating the sink. All the while, I never stopped stroking his member. I just continued to milk him as I pounded into him.

He moaned loudly and didn't stop thrashing his body around. I think this was his longest orgasm yet.

Suddenly, I tensed and I felt the ripple of pleasure erupt throughout my entire body and hit my cock. I screamed and collapsed onto Grant, letting him support my body weight.

His muscles continued to squeeze me, intensifying my pleasure and release.

"Grant! Oh god! Grant," I shouted as I pumped my hip into him several times.

Grant continued to groan as he thrust his ass back against me.

When it was over, my hand was still on his flaccid cock, and our sweat soaked bodies were meshed together as we rested against the sink, trying to catch our breath.

"Holy fuck," I muttered, wiping my brow.

"That was amazing," Grant breathed out, caressing my forearm.

"I wasn't too rough with you, was I?" I asked.

I felt Grant laughing and I slowly eased out of him, leaning beside him.

"No, you'd never hurt me baby," he said pecking my lips. "And I really love being your slave," he teased.

I laughed. "You started it! Shit, the whole thing was your idea! And the oil! And the begging. You were asking to be used!" I crowed.

He wrapped me in a huge hug. "It was awesome sex," he mumbled into my ear. "You can control me any time you want," he whispered, causing a tingle to go to my cock at his erotic words.

"I already control you," I said staring deeply into his eyes, enjoying the loving look in his eyes as I playfully pulled on his leash. I pulled harder, so his face was against mine and I kissed him, slipping my tongue inside his mouth.

"Mmm," he moaned into my mouth.

I opened my eyes and pulled away from Grant with shock.


"What?" he asked with alarm.

"We have to go!" I said, noticing the time.

"It's 10:30 already?" Grant asked standing up.

"Totally!" I surveyed our bodies and noticed both our bodies were dripping with sweat, oil, and caked up pieces of my powder and foundation. And my face didn't look much better. All my make up was running. I had red, black, and blue lines coating my cheek and chin.

"Damn," I muttered. "Look what you did, boy!" I mock scolded.

Grant laughed as he turned on the shower.

I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my cell to call Danny.

"Danny, we're going to be a bit late. Head to the club and we'll meet you there," I said.

"Why?" Danny asked.

"Our costumes, well, umm, they're giving us issues," I said vaguely.

"What's wrong with your costumes?" Danny asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I stifled a laugh. "A small malfunction. Nothing that can't be fixed. Just don't want you waiting around for us. We'll meet you there, ok?"

"Sure thing Pete."



I reentered the bathroom and hopped into the shower with Grant, letting the spray wash my sticky body. I soaped myself quickly and followed Grant out and we toweled off as best as we could, but the leather pants still wouldn't come on easily, so we had to wait until our skin dried a bit.

"I think we better get ready separately," I said, eyeing Grant wearily as he picked up the bottle of oil.

"Don't worry, I'll do it myself," Grant said.

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. I can't promise that I won't jump your bones when I see you lathering yourself up."

Grant laughed loudly. "Fine, let me do your face first then," he said as he pulled me close.

He gently touched my face as he applied the make up, for the third time that evening.

I forced myself to think neutral thoughts because I really wanted to go to this party.

Grant, for his part, was entirely focused on my make up and costume, so that helped. When he finished dusting powder over my torso, I was dry enough to pull on the skin tight leather pants.

"You better go now baby," he said as he held the bottle of oil up.

I saluted him and left the bathroom, going to the kitchen for a drink of water. Needed to cool myself off. That boy always got me so worked up, without even trying.

Grant emerged five minutes later and tossed me a sweat jacket.

"No hanky panky until we get to the club," he warned with a large grin.

"You're not supposed to be give me orders," I pouted. "I thought I was the master," I said with my hands on my hips.

Grant kissed my lips briefly and handed me the leash. He brushed his fingers across my eyelashes and I smiled.

"Once we step outside that door, I'm all yours," he said as he closed my hand around the leash. "Only yours."

"Grant, Pete!" Danny said with wide eyes as he took in my appearance once we got inside the club and shed our outer jackets.

"Pete, you look, so wow!" Katie exclaimed looking at me. I blushed slightly, feeling a bit self conscious.

James, a guy who lived in our dorm freshman year, looked me up and down, raising his brow. I had the urge to wrap my arms around my stomach. I knew I looked good and normally I loved when people stared at me, but I usually had clothes on. I wanted to reserve my nakedness for Grant, when we were in bed.

"Interesting costumes," James commented.

I smiled. "Thanks. It was all his idea," I said, tilting my head at Grant.

"What are you guys supposed to be?" Danny asked Grant.

"Pete here," Grant paused and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Is a dead prostitute, who obviously got beaten. And I," he said waving at himself, "Am a sex slave, to Pete."

"But Pete's dead," Danny questioned.

"Hey! Even male hookers need pleasure in the afterlife," I drawled out, wrapping Grant's leash around my wrist a couple of times. Grant grinned at me as he stood closer.

"Well, you guys are certainly attracting a lot of attention," Danny observed.

I glanced around. Indeed we were attracting some admiring glances. Guys and girls were checking us out. I couldn't really blame them. We were hot, half naked, young guys wearing tight leather pants. We oozed sex.

I looked at Grant and smiled when I saw him straighten his posture a bit and his muscles looked longer, leaner, and more eye popping, especially with the oil. How the hell did he remain so tan all year round? Especially in four season weather? I felt the little ball of desire building in my groin.

Damn my beautiful, beautiful Grant.

Danny smiled and shook his head. "Gay guys."

I flipped him off.

Danny grinned. "Dance floor?"

"Totally," I responded, tugging on Grant's leash. We made our way in between the pulsating bodies, writhing in time to the music that blared loudly. Some were high or on drugs, or drunk, but it was still a fun night.

I danced with Grant, remaining close to him, grinding my crotch into his.

Grant smiled, his hands wrapping around my back tightly, ensuring no one else would walk in on his territory. My fingers got tangled in his curls and the baby oil he had applied was rubbing off on me. I'm sure my makeup was dripping off of me, the more I danced and sweated.

The music was hypnotic. I couldn't stop moving if I tried. I felt overwhelmed with energy.

"I need a drink!" I yelled Into Grant's ear.

He nodded and we headed to the bar for some water. I wouldn't be 21 until April, so had to enjoy the refreshing taste of good ol' water.

As we got to the bar, some guy grabbed me and yanked me into him. Grant fell into me as well, since I still had his leash wrapped around my wrist.

"What the?" Grant muttered close to my ear as he gripped me.

The guy that had grabbed me must have been drunk. He slithered closer to me and licked my face!

He actually licked my face! I felt his tongue trail along my cheek and I grimaced.

"Hey!" Grant snapped, but the drunk guy didn't pay any attention.

The guy stumbled and his hand grazed my stomach, eventually pulling on my pants, trying to yank them downwards.

"Hey!" I protested, trying to wiggle away.

Grant stepped in front of me or more like wedged himself between the two of us. He nudged the guy firmly away. Then the drunk guy started groping Grant and I got a little angry.

Grant took the guys hands and pushed them away. "Stop," he ordered firmly.

The guy giggled. Grant looked at me questioningly. I shrugged. I had no idea what to do with him. Grant took my hand and wrapped his arm around the guy. Then we pushed our way through the crowd to the lounge area and pushed the guy into a seat.

"Stay there," Grant said and the guy slumped over.

Grant shook his head and faced me again. Then his eyes widened and he spun around.

"Did you grab my ass?" he yelled.

The drunk guy burst out laughing and flopped face forward on the couch once again.

I laughed and took Grant's arm. "Come on! Dance with me!"

I dragged him onto the dance floor again and we started moving together once again.

"Do you still want to be used tonight?" I asked loudly into his ear, biting on his lobe, tasting the sweat.

Grant smiled at me, his eyes bright even in the club lighting. He nodded yes. I wrapped my arms more tightly around his neck and continued to dance.

Later that evening, or should I say morning, because we got home at 4 am, Grant and I were in the shower, washing off the sweat, grime, makeup, and cigarette stench that covered our bodies.

After we cleaned up, my back was pressed against the tiles, my legs wrapped around Grant's waist, and Grant pumped into me slowly. I held onto the wall for support as he made love to me. My eyes rolled back and I moaned into the warm steam of the shower. Grant breathed hard into my chest as I bounced slightly due to the increasing force of his thrusts.

I let out a strangled cry as I was sent over the edge. My fingers were hurting as I pressed them firmly against the tiles. The warm water washed over my body, the steam enveloped the two of us. I moaned as I came and came, biting my lip, and shutting my eyes.

"Pete, I love you!" Grant cried out as he shot into me, shuddering and gripping my thighs with his hands.

He grunted and groaned as I held onto him.

This was definitely one memorable Halloween.

Next: Chapter 15

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