Turn of Events

By T Storm

Published on Dec 7, 2006


Disclaimer: This story deals with homosexual men. If it offends you, X out of the story and read something else. If you are not 18, do not read. And if you want a fast fuck story, go elsewhere; this is not a fast sex story, but more of a love story. If that does not interest you, do not waste your time reading. Otherwise, enjoy. Email me for any kind of comments.

Chapter 13

Kelly's eyes were as wide as saucers and her mouth hung open. She looked ridiculous.

Blair was tense, his face frozen, almost blank.

David was shocked and seemed confused.

If this situation wasn't a serious one, I would have laughed it up! But this was reality and it would have been highly inappropriate to make a joke out of my coming out, as well as Grant's. I knew it was a huge deal for Grant.

Grant and I stood side by side, facing the kitchen table. We finished having dinner at their house and was about to leave. I had made peace with the fact that I wouldn't be coming out this summer and I was ok with that. I realized I had to support Grant and that I could make this sacrifice for him. However,

Grant didn't seem to be done with the issue and had been battling it in his head.

So just as we were about to leave, Grant turned back in, grabbed my hand tightly and stood tall.

"We're gay," he announced.

At first I was stunned. It was nice how he added me into the coming out mix, without giving me any real warning. But we were in this together, after all. I gripped his hand back and stood beside him, shoulder to shoulder. I could feel Grant's tension, his shaking, and I knew he was holding his breath. I was feeling it too. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins and my feet were angled towards the front door, ready to bolt when they started lighting wooden sticks and coming after me and Grant.

Minutes passed and their original reactions were the same. No one had moved a muscle. I was getting tired, being this tense for so long. I could feel a crick developing in my neck.

Then hell broke loose. Thanks Kelly.

"Get out," she said.

Grant let out a breath and his face filled with hurt. He swallowed hard.

"Get out," she repeated. No one else objected. Go figure.

"Mrs. Ryerson," Grant choked out.

"Get out!" she finally screamed. "Get out! Get out, get out, get out!" she screamed, sounding hysterical. "I treated you like a son! Let you into my home! You're disgusting, get out!"

Even I flinched as her shrillness nearly shattered my eardrum. Grant looked like he was going to cry. He was practically breaking my hand, but I remained rooted there, giving him my support.

This was so surreal that I couldn't even come up with a witty comeback. That was so unlike me. But then again I had never been in this situation. When I came out, everyone was really cool about it. No one shouted at me. So this was enlightening to me. In addition, to frightening that is.

"Leave!" she screeched. She looked ugly and demonic. I grimaced.

"Grant!" I whispered in his ear fervently. He was frozen and didn't seem to hear me.

"Kelly!" David yelled. I looked at him with surprise. Our eyes met and he looked confused, torn, angry, hurt, and understanding? I couldn't decipher all the emotions that filtered across his face.

"Calm down," he breathed out heavily.

"David!" Kelly shouted. "How can I be calm! I have a sinner in my home Two sinners! Your own disgusting son! He even lived here!!"

"Kelly!" he shouted back. "He's just a boy! It's Grant, for heaven's sake!" David looked at me. "And Pete's my son."

Kelly was panting and staring at Grant with hate in her eyes. I took a step back. I wrapped my arm tighter around his hand that enveloped mine.

"I want you both out," she hissed and then stalked out of the room.

Blair was still sitting, staring at the table, his face blank. What was he thinking?

David looked at us helplessly, running his fingers through his hair. He looked distraught.

"Grant," I whispered, tugging on his arm. I kissed his shoulder. David took in the action.

"Let's go, baby," I urged, trying to shake him out of his trance. "Grant!" I said a little louder, shaking him harder. Grant finally shook his head and looked at me, tear marks running down his cheeks.

My heart broke. I kissed his hand and wiped the tears from his eyes with my other hand. "Let's go," I whispered, staring into his eyes.

He nodded sadly and followed me, his hand never releasing mine. His steps were heavy, his eyes were aimed at the ground, but I continued to hold his hand as we made it to the front door.


I spun around and saw David looking at me, his eyes full of emotion.

"I'll talk to Kelly and Blair," he said.

I nodded. I felt gratitude. I knew he was making a real effort. All of this was probably a shock to him too.

I wrapped my arm around Grant's waist and propelled him out the door. We walked the short distance to Jet's house, silently, both of our heads full of thoughts.

I glanced at Grant. His brow was furrowed, his eyes were teary still, his nose red as if he were about to cry.

"She was like my mother," he murmured. "A good mother, unlike my real one. And now she hates me," he whispered.

I felt helpless. I felt sad. I felt angry. I felt responsible.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

His head snapped to mine. "What?" he asked softly. "Why are you sorry?"

"This is my fault. You shouldn't have come out. Why bother? It wouldn't accomplish anything. Now you're hurt and it's all my fault," I rambled, my face flushing with guilt.

Grant straightened up and took my face in both of his hands, looking into my eyes.

"Pete, it's not your fault. I don't blame you for anything. This was my decision. I wanted to be honest with myself and everyone around me. Why hide my love for you? I'm not a bad person because of this and I wanted to stop punishing myself and lying about myself and my true feelings," Grant said, sounding composed all of a sudden. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said, tearing up. "That's why I hate when you're hurt. For something that was originally my idea and stuff."

Grant kissed my forehead and then my lips, before yanking me into a tight hug. "I love you Pete. I'm hurt that Kelly couldn't be more open minded and accepting, but I don't regret what I've done. I had to do this eventually. I'm not ashamed. And if this is what I have to face in order to be free and love another man, then so be it. I'll get over it," he said taking a deep breath and flashing me a small smile.

Even his small smile was gorgeous. I buried my face in his chest and let him hug me again. I thought I was going to support him and be all strong, Mr. tough guy from New York, but here I was, about to bawl in the middle of the street.

I guess I took for granted my own family and friend's reactions. I didn't realize hate was still so strong around the world. I mean, I knew it was there, but seeing it in front of my face, and aimed at the love of my life, it was like being thrust into the real world. I was no longer in New York, where people were generally more accepting.

He held me closely as we continued to Jet's house. He kissed my temple every other step as we finally entered Jet's house.

Jet was in the kitchen slicing fruit and listening to her ipod when she caught sight of us. Her smile disappeared when she saw my teary eyes and red face. She ripped off her headphones and walked over to us.

"Are you ok?" she asked the both of us, but her eyes were trained on me. I nodded wordlessly, but still clutched onto Grant.

"Did something bad happen?" she asked, frowning with concern.

Grant sighed and rubbed his head. "We came out to Pete's family."

Jet's eyes widened. "Oh." She already knew their reactions by our behavior.

Grant kissed my forehead again. "Shh, it's ok, Pete."

"Want some ice cream?" Jet asked.

I looked at her worried face and processed the question. It just seemed hilarious all of a sudden. I started smiling and then I started laughing. Laughing so hard that I started to cry.

Grant looked alarmed. Jet looked confused. I continued to laugh.

When you reach a breaking point, you snap. When I snapped, I guess I liked to laugh? Hell, it was better than shooting someone, right?

I wiped the tears from my eyes; my cheeks and stomach started to hurt. Grant put his hand on my back and rubbed gently. I took his hand and held it as I finally started to calm down.

A few straggling laughs came out before I managed to stop.

Grant and Jet looked at me as if I had two heads.

She turned to Grant. "Maybe I should try a career in comedy?"

That set me off on another round of laughter, in which Grant and Jet looked at me with bewilderment. I held up my hand and shook my head.

"Pete, you're annoying me now," Jet said crossing her arms and frowning. Grant smiled.

"I'm sorry Jet. But you asking me if I wanted ice cream, it just, wow. It sounded so funny. Out of context, or something? Like ice cream would solve everything."

A small grin formed on her lips. "Well, what else was I supposed to do?" she asked. "And in my defense, you love eating ice cream here!"

I grinned. "I know. It was just funny. A great tension breaker. Thanks."

She shrugged. "I do what I can."

The three of us laughed.

"But seriously, do you want some ice cream?" Jet asked.

More laughter later, the three of us were silently stuffing our faces with ice cream.

Grant traced a line down my abdomen and then back up again. I smiled and wiggled at the sensation.

I looked at him and he appeared peaceful, despite the day's events. He met my gaze and smiled, his entire palm roaming my stomach and chest. I sighed as he moved closer and kissed my lips tenderly, caressing my face.

"I love this."

"What?" I asked.

"Being free. I love feeling free," he said smiling. "I was so afraid all these years. Afraid of my sexuality, afraid of people finding out, afraid of rejection. Those fears are still there, but a lot weaker than they used to be. They no longer consumer me or control my everyday life. I have you to thank for that. I feel stronger with you. And I know that I have a home to go to, a place where I am accepted for who I am. I don't have to be afraid anymore. I told the truth and let the real me shine through. I feel free."

I smiled and nestled closer to him, sliding under the covers more to be near him. "I'm glad you feel that way, Grant."

"You know what you made me realize Grant?" I asked. He shook his head. "That I'm still vulnerable. The way Kelly reacted, it hurt me too, even if it wasn't aimed at me. I hate that the world is like that still. I hate that people are ignorant and not educated. I hate it," I ranted. "It's not fair."

"No, it's not," he echoed.

"We're not bad people. We're the same as everyone else. We have feelings. Yet people treat us worse than convicted murderers," I said bitterly. "That is so fucked up."

"I know."

"I'm glad we don't live here," I said.

Grant laughed. "I'm glad I decided to move."

I chuckled. "Me, too."

"This was certainly an experience," Grant sighed.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Stop saying that," he said firmly.

"Ok," I agreed.

We lay side by side, silently, still in our contemplative moods.

"I guess we should buy our tickets back to New York soon, huh?" I asked.

Grant smiled. "I think so. Our time is up."

"A few more days?" I suggested.

He nodded. "Sure."

"We'll just-," I began.

"Avoid the Ryersons," Grant finished.

We shared a look.

"Want to celebrate our coming out?" I asked.

"How?" he wondered, his brow furrowing.

I shook my head. "Silly blond," I murmured, my hand wandering below the blanket and settling on his soft cock.

His blue eyes widened. "Oh."

I laughed as I fondled his penis, feeling it harden and lengthen in seconds.

"That celebration," he panted out, thrusting into my hand.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Ok," he whispered back, turning over so he was on top of me. I ran my hands up and down his back. I loved the feel of his strong body on top of mine. I ground my crotch into his.

His lips met mine passionately as we started to make love, our emotions running high.

It was a long day. We were going to release some of that tension.

It would end up being a long, but very blissful, night.


"How did this happen" Grant whined. "I never get sick."

"Never say never," I quipped. He shot me a dirty look and I laughed.

With his nose red and raw, the blanket wrapped around him, he looked downright adorable. I took a tissue and swabbed his nose.

"You're so cute," I murmured fondly. He narrowed his eyes at me. I laughed some more.

I wanted to kiss him so badly, but Grant shot me a warning look. That boy could read my mind.

"No, Pete. Stay away from me. I don't want you to get sick as well."

I bit my lip, but he stared at me hard. "Fine," I sighed. "It's your fault for looking so damn ravishing."

He grinned, but then got caught in a huge coughing fit. I looked at him sympathetically.

"You want anything? Juice, vitamins?" I offered. He shook his head.

"I'm tired."

"Get some sleep, baby," I murmured. "The sooner you get better, the sooner we can go home."

We were supposed to book our flights, but then Grant had literally come down with a cold right before we were going to buy our tickets. I didn't want him to fly and be miserable, so I decided we should stay longer and let him get his rest. After all, traveling could be taxing as well, not to mention the emotional shit he had endured. I wanted him to rest and relax. Period.

Plus, Jet was happy to have us. She got bored over the summer. And she loved my company. Who wouldn't?

"Where are you going?" Grant asked when Jet yelled for me to get my ass downstairs.

"Shopping. She has to buy a gift for Lawrence and wants me to come along," I said sighing.

"You don't want to go?" he asked.

"I want to stay here with you," I said honestly.

He smiled. "I'll be fine, Pete. Go and shop. You shouldn't be holed up with me. You're not sick."

"I don't want to leave you," I said honestly. "I told myself I wasn't going to leave your side at all, ever again."

Grant looked touched. "Pete."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "After what we've been through, I feel clingy sometimes. Like I want to be with you all the time."

He smiled and took my hand. "I want to be with you all the time, too. But we're already together. Go out and do something for yourself and with your friends. It's healthy and good for us as well. We don't want to be one of those suffocating couples, right?"

I shook my head.

"So go and have fun. And bring me something back from the mall. I'm sick," he pouted.

I laughed and handed him the tissue box. "I'll be fast."

"Don't rush," he said waving his hand.

"I will," I promised. He rolled his eyes.

"I love you," I called out.

"Love you too."

I bounded down the stairs and found Jet waiting for me impatiently. "Tearful goodbye?" she asked tapping her foot, but she was smiling slightly.

I sighed dramatically. "As always. I hate leaving my love behind."

Jet groaned as she ushered me out the door. "Stop being a damn woman, Pete! I don't get like that when Lawrence and I separate."

"Forgive me, we're still in the honeymoon stage," I replied. "We're not old and lame like you two."

"Blah, blah," she said, heading to her car with my following behind.

When she parked the car at the mall, she turned to me. "Ok, my goal is to get Lawrence something big, something expensive," she said gesturing.

"Isn't it the thought that counts?" I asked.

"You'd think," she said. "But no. Materials count too. They count a lot."

I laughed as we walked to the entrance. "Got any ideas?"

"I'm thinking electronics? Guys love it and it's expensive."

"Good point," I said. "I'd be happy if anyone bought me a cell or something."

"Pete, you get a new phone every six months," she said eyeing me. "I didn't recognize the phone you had."

I shrugged. "I do like to upgrade a lot. But I broke my phone when I got back to New York."


I looked at her sheepishly. "I threw it on the ground."

Her eyes widened. "Pete!"

"I was mad! Grant and I just broke up, in a way. I threw my phone on the ground. I can't help it. I don't think. I just react."

She snorted. "Anger management Pete."

"Hey, I was distraught!" I protested. She shook her head and smiled at me.

"Want to come with me or you want to shop around a bit?" she asked. "Keep in mind, I'm a girl and I may get sidetracked with clothing stores."

I rolled my eyes. "Then why did you ask me to come if we were going to split up?"

She batted her eyes innocently. "So you could carry my bags to my car later, of course."

I smirked. "Yeah, you wish. Don't you know me by now? I'm hardly that nice."

She laughed and slapped my arm. "How about Grant? You nice to him?"

"He's different. He's nice to me too," I said wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. "In bed," I coughed out under my breath.

Jet's eyes widened and she looked like she was going to start laughing loudly.

"Meet you here, at the main entrance in an hour," I said winking at her, walking off to the elevators.

"Make it two!" she called out after me. I waved my hand to indicate I heard her.

I went to some stores, but none of the clothing struck me. The style wasn't the same here. I liked the weird clothing and unique styles of NY stores, especially in the more trendy/ young areas. So basically, I browsed, but didn't buy anything. Then I remembered Grant and buying him something. I knew he was joking, but I did want to bring him a gift.

But then what did he want? Hmm.

Maybe electronics was a good idea, too. Grant was a guy. Guys loved that stuff. I waited for the elevator and was wondering if I would run into Jet.

I walked inside the elevator and waited as it moved at a snail's pace. I bit my lip in annoyance. I would have been better off taking the stairs at this rate. Shit.

My agitation increased when at the next stop, a thousand people decided to get inside the elevator. I swear, we were well over the weight limit. Damn, I was going to die. I backed myself into a corner as one girl's overwhelming perfume threatened to choke me to death.

Finally, the throngs of people thinned out, and my eyes widened when I saw who was left in the elevator. There was me. There was a young girl. And there was Blair.

Yeah, Blair Ryerson. Shit.

His eyes widened too when he saw me and he looked like he wanted to bolt, but the door had closed and we were moving again.

We just ignored each other and in seconds, we would be going our separate ways.

You'd think, right? Apparently, fate or God had a different plan for us.

The elevator got stuck. It just stopped moving.

All three of us jolted and my first emotion was one of annoyance, at having to be stuck in here with Blair. But then I noticed the young girl, around 12, looked panicked and she had trouble breathing. I rushed over to her and knelt beside her.

"Are you ok?" I asked, resting my hand gently on her shoulder.

"She was breathing hard and her eyes were wide as she looked at me.

"Ohmigod, we're going to die!"

"No, we're not," I assured her. "We'll get help soon."

"Haven't you seen the movie, Speed?" she asked.

I smiled. "That was a weird stalker dude. No one is trying to hurt us. It's a malfunction. And plus, there aren't that many floors in this mall. Help will come soon," I said confidently.

She seemed to calm down as I talked with her.

Blair eyed me and frowned when our eyes met. I glared at him slightly, before softening my gaze as I turned to the girl.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Pete."

She smiled at me. "Hi, Pete."

"Hi," I said laughing. "So, what are you doing at the mall today?"

"Shopping for my brother. He's turning 8 next weekend."


She bit her lip and looked nervously around the elevator.

I dug around my pocket and produced my ipod. "Want to listen to some music?"

Her eyes lit up. "What kind of music?"

"All kinds. Here," I offered, holding it out to her. She took it with a smile and put the headphones in. I pressed the menu button and got her to the list of songs.

"Listen to a bit of everything or filter through it," I suggested. She nodded and looked to be preoccupied and no longer worried.

I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair.

Blair was still looking at me.

"What?" I demanded.

He shook his head and looked away from me.

"If you have something to say, just say it," I said, looking hard at him, but trying to keep my actions neutral so as to not alarm Amy. "Stop being such a pansy."

"Fuck you," he hissed.

"Creative," I snapped back, folding my arms. "And watch the language," I seethed, nodding at Amy.

I took the telephone that was supposed to get us help. I didn't speak to anyone, but supposedly, if you took that phone and did something with it, help would eventually come.

Then after I did that, I waited. There was nothing really else I could do but wait.

With Blair. Damn.

I glanced at him and he appeared to be purposely ignoring me.

I snorted. Well, fine. Two could play that game.

I stared straight ahead, thinking about nothing in particular.

"I don't hate Grant."

I turned to Blair and frowned. Blair was looking down at his hands and he looked troubled.

"What?" I asked.

He looked at me, his expression almost soft. "I know Grant. He's probably upset. I just want him to know that I don't hate him. That he's still my best friend."

My mouth must have been hanging open, because he actually smiled at me.

"I think my Mom was a little crazy and out of line," he continued. "Grant has been at our house almost everyday and she loved him. It sucks how she like, turned on him and stuff," Blair said shaking his head.

My mouth was still hanging open. I must have looked like an idiot. But I think I was justified.

"Can you tell him that I'm sorry and I don't hate him?" Blair asked.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, licked my lips, cleared my throat, and finally spoke.

"Why can't you tell him yourself?" I asked. Blair sighed. "I guess I could. I'm just trying to adjust to all of this still? That my best friend is gay. Went off to New York to be with my step brother." He grimaced slightly.

I smirked. "Don't think I'm good enough for him?"

"Precisely," he shot back, but he was grinning as well. "He could do way better."

I stuck my tongue out at him. I would have given him the finger, but the young girl was still there.

"I'll pass the message on. He'll feel so much better."

Blair nodded. "I know."

"I'm surprised," I announced.

Blair's brow furrowed. "About what?"

"You're a complete homophobe. All those fag comments. Parker and those rumors. Your mother," I pointed out. "How can you be ok with all of this? With Grant and everything?"

Blair sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Listen man, there's pressure ok?"

I frowned and shook my head.

"Gay people aren't widely accepted here. We don't have gay pride marches or anything like in New York. We have the church and religion. If I supported gay people and were best friends with them, what would people say about me? Do you know how my mother would react?"

I narrowed my eyes. "How noble of you. Treating people like shit just so you can uphold this image of the homophobic football player that has it all. Lovely. You're a real winner," I sneered.

Blair's face flushed. "Hey! You don't know what it's like to be here. If you're not like everyone else, you become a target. I don't want to be a target, ok? Sue me! You have to understand that I don't have the freedom to think what I want and do what I want."

I stared at him hard, before nodding fully. "I guess. I have trouble understanding it, but I kind of get it. I still think it's a bit cowardly. You may never see these people ever again."

He frowned, but then nodded, "Fair enough," he said slowly. I could tell he was trying to remain calm and composed about all of this.

We were silent for about ten minutes before Blair spoke up again.

"So, is Grant happy?" he asked. I looked at him, arching my brow.

"I mean, is he happy in New York? Does he like it there and school and stuff?" he clarified.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he does. He's doing great. He's a smart guy and everything. We don't dorm or anything. He lives with me in my house."

Blair nodded. "I guess he won't ever come back, then."

I studied him. "You're still his best friend Blair," I said quietly. "He never stopped talking about you in New York and he was really worried about your reaction and how you'd feel. I think he needed you, but was afraid to go to you."

Blair nodded absent mindedly.

"You should visit," I blurted out.

"What?" he asked.

"Visit us in New York, this summer or next winter or whatever. Grant will be happy to see you," I added.

"Really?" Blair asked skeptically.

"Yeah, of course. I won't be happy to see you, but Grant will be. That's all that matters."

Blair smirked. "Well, what do I care about your happiness?"

"Exactly. We're on the same page then," I replied casually. Blair chuckled.

"I'd like to visit," he said and I smiled slightly in acknowledgement.

Our eyes met and a silent understanding transpired between us.

Grant was important to the both of us. We both cared about him and he would come first. We could deal with our problems and be civil to one another, for Grant.

I nodded at him and he nodded back.

We were good.

The elevator got unstuck about an hour later. That was still one very long hour, even if Blair and I weren't at each other's throats.

That and I had given my ipod to the girl, but I was glad I did that. She was smiling and telling me how much she liked my music. Even the Chinese songs which I'm sure she couldn't understand.

When I finally got out, I let the girl borrow my cell phone to call her parents. Blair waved to me and left.

I walked briskly to the main entrance, hoping Jet was still there, considering we were supposed to meet there a half hour ago. But she was nowhere in sight.

"Shit," I muttered as I checked my phone, noticing there was a new voicemail.

I breathed a sigh of relief when it was Jet telling me she needed another hour to shop. Apparently there was this huge sale and she couldn't resist it.

Girls and shopping. Women.

I walked to the store Jet said she'd be in. And I found her coming out of the fitting room with tons of clothes hanging off her thin arm. It looked like the pile of clothes she was wearing was heavier than she was. I smiled at the sight as I moved further into the store.

"Need help my dear?" I said in a cheesy English accent.

Jet whirled to face me and smiled widely. "Hey Pete. Thanks!" and she dumped a huge pile of clothes and accessories into my arms. I hunched over slightly in order to hold all of them.

"Jeez Jet, how much clothes do you need?" I grunted as I waited on line with her.

"Lots. This is what girls do," Jet responded nonchalantly.

"Have you been in this store the entire time?" I asked.

"No, I went to others, too," she said, holding up several shopping bags. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you get the gift for Lawrence yet?"

She bit her lip and smiled. "No."


"There was a sale!" she exclaimed. I laughed and threw my head back.

"You're such a girl, Jet," I said.

She smiled at me. "You're such a guy," she shot back, nodding at the pile of clothes in my arms.

"Only cause I'm a good friend," I snorted.

The cashier smiled at me as I groaned begrudgingly, chucking the huge pile onto the counter.

I shot Jet a dirty look.

Grant was still sleeping when I got back. He was burrowed under the covers, his face planted firmly in the pillow.

I smiled at the sight. Even though he was sick, he still looked so peaceful.

I loved looking at him. He was so beautiful, but innocent and childlike as well.

His brow was furrowed, his lips slightly pouted as he slept, his arms curled around the pillow.

I leaned over and brushed his hair off his forehead and caressed his skin. He mumbled slightly and snuggled into the pillow further. I smiled.

I took off my shirt and pants and lifted up the covers and climbed into bed with Grant. I wrapped the blankets tightly around the both of us and spooned behind Grant, kissing his shoulder.

He mumbled again, but didn't wake up. I wrapped my arms around his stomach, feeling the ridges of his muscles moving up and down as he inhaled and exhaled. I kissed his shoulder again and inhaled his scent. I sighed and closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.

I didn't know how long I slept for, but I woke up to fingers running through my hair.

I opened my eyes and saw Grant perched against a pillow, staring down at me with a small smile.

"Hey sleepyhead," he whispered.

I didn't answer, I closed my eyes and hugged Grant's waist.

He laughed. "I thought I was the one that was sick."

I didn't answer still, but I ran my hand up his stomach to his chest. His hand enclosed over mine and he brought it to his lips, kissing it. I smiled into his waist and looked up.

"Have fun shopping with Jet?" he asked.

I groaned and he laughed.

"She took forever! You were sleeping, I guess, but we were there for hours! She didn't even buy his gift until three hours later, after she tried on ever piece of clothing ever made!" I exclaimed. "I am never shopping with her ever again," I promised. I kissed his hip. Grant chuckled and coughed slightly.

"Are you feeling a little better, after sleeping so much?" I asked.

Grant nodded. "Yeah, I think I am."

"Hey, I have something to tell you," I started. He looked at me curiously.

"I got stuck in the elevator at the mall," I said.

He smiled. "Really? For how long?"

"An hour," I said. I cleared my throat. "Blair was there too."

"At the mall or in the elevator with you?" Grant asked, his smile fading.

"Well both really," I said. "But I saw him in the elevator. We were both stuck."

"Oh," he said quietly, looking down. I sat up and leaned against a pillow beside him.

"We talked," I continued.

"Oh?" he asked.

I smiled and took his hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. I kissed his cheek.

"It was a good talk, actually."


I nodded. "No yelling, I swear."

He smiled. "That's good."

"He wanted me to relay a message to you."

He frowned and looked at me. "What?"

"He wanted me to tell you that he didn't hate you. He also thought that his mother was out of line for treating you like shit. He also doesn't hate gay people, but felt pressured to act a certain way because of the politics of high school. What else?" I said looking at the ceiling. "Oh, and he would be willing to visit us in New York."

Grant's eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open. He looked too cute at that moment so I leaned over and kissed him. His hand came to my cheek and he returned the kiss, but then he pushed me away.

"I'm sick!"

"I don't care," I said leaning towards him again.

"But then we'll just pass germs back and forth to one another," Grant protested.

"But at least we'll have fun passing germs back and forth to each other," I murmured, latching onto his neck and kissing him.

He tried to pull my arms free, but finally wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. He groaned.

"Make sure to take some vitamins. Maybe you can stop the cold before it gets to you," he said in between kisses.

"Sure," I replied, deepening the kiss.

We both pulled back and took deep breaths. My hand was massaging his chest and Grant sighed.

"I guess it's a bit of a relief that Blair doesn't hate me," he said.

"I know. I kind of figured it would be."

"How come he didn't tell me himself?"

"He still needed time to adjust to it all. I mean, you being gay, me being gay, the both of us being together and all that. It's a shocker," I explained.

"I know," he said. "I guess I should be happy that he reacted well and is still my friend?"

"Exactly," I agreed kissing his nose. "When he's ready, he'll contact you. Can't rush these kinds of things, no matter how much we want to."

"Yeah," he sighed.

"Want to stay longer?" I suggested. "So you can be around for when he wants to see you again?"

Grant looked at me and smiled. His touched my cheek and then my lips. He shook his head. "No, let's go back home. Like you said, he'll talk when he's ready. Until then, we should go home, to our home."

I smiled and gripped his hand tightly. "Ok."

We ended up staying for another week before finally booking our flights back to New York, because Parker had come back from vacation with his parents and wanted to see me and everyone else.

So there was a nice little reunion at Jet's, just like old times. Except, now we had Grant.

Parker was shocked to see Grant there and to find out I was gay and Grant was gay and we were together. Apparently, we were shocking everyone these days.

"You're gay?" Parker sputtered looking at me. I nodded.

"And you're gay?" he asked Grant. He nodded.

Parker gawked at our hands. "No way."

I laughed. "Yeah, way."

He started laughing. Jet and Lawrence looked at him with concern.

"All this time, everyone thought I was gay and you were consoling me and stuff. And you were the gay one! The irony!" he crowed, laughing harder.

It was pretty funny and even I started to laugh. Eventually everyone else soon followed.

Ultimately, Parker was cool with it, just shocked. That was expected. I hadn't even given him a heads up. He was entitled to be shocked.

"You were my friend Pete, no matter what. I'll be your friend, no matter what," he said seriously.

I was touched by his statement.

"Oh and you too Grant," Parker added as a serious afterthought, creating another round of laughter.

We made promises to visit one another. I was excited for that.

So, Grant and I left Texas in high spirits. Grant wasn't hated by Blair. My friends still liked me. Life was good, or at least okay enough, considering the circumstances.

On the plane ride home, I held Grant's hand as he looked out the window.

"You happy we came?" I asked him quietly. Grant turned to me and smiled.

"Absolutely," he replied, kissing me.

"So, I'm thinking of getting an internship next summer," Julie said as she rested in Danny's lap.

The four of us were hanging out in Central park. It was a beautiful day. The weather was hot, but there was a wonderful breeze, which was great. Otherwise, I'd be one cranky gay man sitting in a park, stewing in my own sweat. Disgusting.

I lay on the ground trying to tan my pale skin. I doubt I'd get one, but I liked to try. I was a man of attempts. Grant was sitting beside me, rubbing my stomach.

"You have to stop that, otherwise, we'd have to finish it over by that bush," I said, gripping his hand.

Julie and Grant laughed; Danny groaned.

I took Grant's hand and kissed his palm. He smiled down at me affectionately.

Julie grinned. "You guys are cute," she sang out.

I laughed. "I know. You guys are cute too."

"Oh, I know," Julie said looking pleased leaning further against Danny.

"If you do an internship next summer, does that mean you won't be coming home?" Danny asked, looking bummed.

Julie sighed. "Well, I could get an internship over here. New York is a good fashion capital," she said. "It's just important I get something, being the summer of junior year and all that."

I groaned. "Stop thinking of the future Julie. You're stressing us out and it's the summer time. We should be enjoying this beautiful day."

She giggled. "I can't help it. Besides, I'm just telling you my plans."

"You're making the rest of us look bad," Grant complained good naturedly.

Julie laughed. "Ok, no more school talk."

We all paused and stared at her.

"Ok, one more thing. If I do stay in California, you guys can all come," she said quickly.

"I'll come visit you," Danny said kissing her. She smiled.

"New York is cooler Julie. Come here and get an internship. You can go anywhere," I said rubbing Grant's arm.

"I'll try," she promised.

I sighed and looked at all the joggers and rollerblades and mothers walking around with their children.

"Look at all those people being active," I snorted. "Gross."

Grant laughed and kissed my head. "Not everyone likes to be lazy like you."

I buried my face in his waist. "I'm not lazy," I pouted.

"Bullshit," Danny snorted. "You'd wouldn't go running even if your life depended on it."

"That's not true! What about that time I ran away from that club because of your shady ass cousin," I argued. "I put my life on the line that night. For you!"

"Oh please," Danny crowed, laughing loudly, "You were slow as hell! I was faster than you and I`m shorter!"

"What?! I was fast enough. You're just some mutated freak! I swear your legs didn't even touch the ground."

Grant and Julie were laughing as we fought back and forth.

I smiled at Grant.

It was such a nice day.

"David," I said into my cell phone, with a sort of monotone. I was definitely not expecting his phone call, now or even in the near future.

"Hi Pete."

"David," I repeated.

"How are you?" he asked carefully.

"Umm, I'm ok," I replied, still stunned by his phone call.

"And how's Grant," he asked.

"Umm, fine."

David sighed. "I just had to call you Pete," he explained. "You threw a lot at me, and at us when you were here. But I just had to call you and let you know that none of it matters."


"You being gay doesn't matter to me. I don't care about that. You're still Pete. You're still my son. I still," he paused.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously.

"I still love you."

A lump formed in my throat.

Emotional talk. The most dreaded talk on the face of this earth.

Every man's worst enemy. Shit.

How could I abort this phone call?

"I was a bad person all these years. Who knowingly abandons their son or the mother of their son's child like that? What kind of person tries to disappear off the face of the earth like that? The only reason I got to know you was because your mother died," David explained.

I tried to jump in, but he just continued. I think he really needed to get this off of his chest.

"Then I would have missed out on knowing you at all. So now, I've come to a decision," he stated.

I waited expectantly.

"I don't care about you being gay. Despite what Kelly says and everything, I don't care. You are still very much welcome in my home. I'm older now. I like to think I'm wiser and more mature. I consider this a second chance and I refuse to screw it up. I want us to be like real father and son. I have a chance to have you in my life. I won't throw it away. Not again. I already missed out on all these years."

He took another deep breath. "So, that's why I called. To tell you that you're still my son. And I love you."

"Thanks?" I croaked out. I didn't really know what to say. I never went through such emotionally stimulating talk before, even when my mother was alive. I didn't usually breakdown, except for when my mother died and the drama with Grant of course, but David was causing me to become teary eyed.

"Thanks?" David asked, laughing, his voice sounding weird, as if he were crying too.

"Thanks a lot?" I tried again.

He laughed again and I joined him.

I collected myself a minute later. "Wow, David. This was so unexpected and out of the blue."

"I know. This has been torturing me for weeks," he admitted.


"Don't be. You have no reason to be. You're happy and Grant's happy. You're still you and haven't hurt anyone. You're just living life and being you."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I have to admire you for that. I couldn't possibly hate you for doing something as natural as living life."

"Oh yeah, I'm super brave," I said dryly. David burst out laughing.

"How's Kelly?" I asked carefully.

David sighed. "Not well. I mean, we or things between us are not going well."

"I'm sorry," I said sincerely.

"Don't be. I love Kelly, but she's so adamant about her views, so unwilling to change. The way she acted to Grant, the screaming, the look in her eyes. She was a completely different person. One that disgusted me and scared me. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen between us," he said.

I didn't know what to say to console him. His wife was a crazy bitch. What could you say to that? I really wanted to tell him to pack up his shit and run far away in the opposite direction. Hell, cross the ocean if he could!

"For now, I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom," he went on.

I winced. I guess their situation was worse than David was trying to let on.

"I hope you work things out," I offered, wanting him to be happy.

"I hope so too," he sighed. "But honestly? I don't think we will. This issue won't go away. There will be bitter feelings that will be just waiting to come out at certain times."

"So what does this mean then?"

"As much as I don't want to, a divorce, maybe?"


"I don't know yet. We're still trying to work things out. We're even thinking about counseling."

"I really do hope it works out for you two. I want you to be happy too," I said honestly.

"Thanks Pete."

"And you, too."

"What?" David asked with confusion.

I took a deep breath. "I do, too. As in, I love you too. As a Dad. Well, from what I know of you now and stuff," I said awkwardly. "I may change my mind with time. Who knows?" I joked.

I could practically hear David smiling. "Thanks Pete."

"Don't mention it."

His phone call did brighten my spirits even if it didn't need brightening.

It was nice to know David was still on my side and didn't hate me. As much as I wanted to think that David didn't mean anything to me, deep down, he really did. He was my Dad. No one wanted their Dad to hate them or be ashamed of them. So I was grateful for that.

The rest of the summer was great. There were some disgustingly humid days, but I managed. I either stayed inside or had Grant to cheer me up.

Danny, Julie, Grant, and I did a whole bunch of double date like things. We went to nice restaurants in Little Italy, desserts late at night, walked around in the beautiful summer weather.

We saw shows, shopped on Broadway, ate tons of food in Chinatown, hung out in Times Square into the wee hours of the morning. Grant was enthralled with the bright lights and how crowded it was even at 3 AM. There were so many little things to do and I loved doing each of them. Grant's reactions were always so much fun to experience. It was like a child opening presents on Christmas.

Grant worked with me at the teahouse. I showed him the process. He didn't speak Chinese, so I let him just work the machines. It was cute watching him seal the bubble teas because he always looked like he was in deep concentration. I'm sure many of the customers and workers were wondering about the lone white boy in the shop, with his bright blond curls and blue eyes. It was like, "How the hell did he get a job here?" I felt like telling them it was because he was sleeping with the owner.

We also drove into New Jersey to do some cheap shopping or hang out at the beaches. Jersey beaches were crappy, but it was what we were working with in the tri-state area. Grant was always terrified of my driving style, particularly the way I weaved in and out of traffic, narrowly missing other cars.

Grant always clutched onto the door handle as if his life depended on it.

"Grant, I haven't driven my Mom's Z since I left to go to Texas. I was supposed to ship it out, but my grandmother advised me not to. So now I am making up for lost time!" I explained, as I shifted into 5th and floored it onto the turnpike, merging ahead of another car.

Grant was still scared of New York driving and wasn't so sure about taking my offer to drive my BMW.

"What if I got into an accident?" he asked.

"Well, we'll just have to fix up the car. You can repay me in other ways besides monetary," I suggested winking. Grant only rolled his eyes.

"That's all you think about, you horn dog," Grant said shaking his head. "What if I got hurt?"

I feigned innocence. "Oh yeah. Yeah, I'd be upset to," I said in a neutral tone.

Grant snorted. "Yeah, I can feel how much you care."

The summer flew by, sadly. Before we knew it, it was the end of August, and our junior year would be starting soon. It made me sad that time moved so quickly, but I was also happy because life was going well for me.

I guess it was sad to think what the future might hold and that the future might not hold happy things for me. I was always afraid of the future and change. I mean, senior year in high school was supposed to be the best year of my life. I was going to do all these crazy things with my friends in New York. But instead my Mom died. I was uprooted to Texas. Change just scared me. Period.

"Wait for me," Grant whined as I walked towards the R train for uptown.

I looked behind and saw him hurrying to catch up with me. "Move it, Williams!"

I bounded down the stairs, with him following close behind. The R train was there.

"Come on!" I yelled to Grant and I leapt into the train. Grant slipped in just in time.

He looked flushed and was breathing hard. "Damn New York," he muttered under his breath as we took a seat in the corner.

I laughed and touched his cheek. "You're getting better."

He shot me a dirty look. "Why do you walk so fast?"

"I'm not walking fast. This is how I normally walk. If I didn't walk this fast, I'd get trampled," I said.

He shook his head. "I feel like I just walked a marathon," he groaned.

I smiled at him. "Welcome to New York, baby."

Grant planted a big kiss on my cheek. People noticed and smiled in our direction, but then went back to what they were doing. Grant smiled.

"It's good to be back," Grant said kissing my lips this time.

"Mm, yeah," I said tugging on his curls as I deepened the kiss.

Thank God for New York. Where else could two gay men make out on public transportation?

I was glad to be home.

Next: Chapter 14

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