Turn of Events

By T Storm

Published on Dec 5, 2006


Disclaimer: This story deals with homosexual men. If it offends you, X out of the story and read something else. If you are not 18, do not read. And if you want a fast fuck story, go elsewhere; this is not a fast sex story, but more of a love story. If that does not interest you, do not waste your time reading. Otherwise, enjoy. Email me for any kind of comments.

Note: I apologize for the long delay. I had written half this chapter awhile back and was stuck on it for so long. A bad case of writer's block. But then an amazing guy emailed me and got me writing again. He's my inspiration. I think I'm falling for him, but that's a different story. Happy reading everyone!

Chapter 12

"Things have not changed one bit," I said smiling goofily as I stuffed a large spoonful of coffee chocolate fudge ice cream into my mouth.

"Not where Jet and ice cream is concerned," Lawrence said good naturedly as he made a milkshake with Jet's huge ass supply of frozen goodies.

"So how's school going?" I asked.

Lawrence shrugged. "Not bad. I mean, school is school. Wish I didn't have to, but I do."

"I hear that," I agreed.

"It's good being with Jet. I mean, going to the same school. I'd be going out of my mind if I had to think about her all alone in Florida with these ridiculously tan, tall, vulture guys hitting on her," he said sounding annoyed.

I snorted. "I never thought you were the jealous type."

Lawrence grinned sheepishly. "I'm usually not, Pete. But over here, in Texas, I never really felt any competition. She hated Texas guys, well most of them. And anyway, going to Florida, these guys hitting on Jet seemed to pop up everywhere. It doesn't help she's super jock, which really seems to attract the opposite sex."

I laughed. "I guess. Even I thought it was cool she was so into sports. She's more into sports than I am."

He shot me a glance sideways.

"And it's not because I'm gay," I said rolling my eyes.

Lawrence laughed. "How come you didn't tell me?"

I shrugged. "Never came up. It would have been an awkward conversation starter and I didn't feel like going into it."

At that moment Jet bounded down the stairs with Grant behind her.

"Ugh, and Grant looks like one of those surfer Florida guys," Lawrence muttered beside me.

I choked slightly on my ice cream and shot him a smile.

"Don't worry Lawrence. With the things we've done together, he is definitely not going for Jet," I said winking at Lawrence.

"Seriously, too much info," Lawrence said opening his arms up to Jet as she walked over.

"How was the tour of the house?" I asked Grant.

Grant smiled shyly and stuffed his hands inside his pockets. He was still a little shy and reserved around my friends, since they knew he was gay. It must have been a new experience for him, never having been out before.

"It was ok," he said quietly, edging closer to me. I smiled at him lovingly as I clasped his wrist gently.

"Just ok?" Jet exclaimed pretending to be offended. "I showed you all my weaponry and even gave you a demo!"

"A demo?" Lawrence and I asked at the same time.

"Yeah, as I showed him some moves and combinations, using my weapons. You know, a demo," Jet said shrugging as if it were no big deal.

I glanced at Grant.

"It kind of scared me. A lot of the things were sharp," he said blushing. "And she was moving fast. And too close to me," he said shyly.

I grinned. I touched his side and rubbed gently. He smiled at me, his blue eyes gazing at my lips before moving up to my eyes.

"Well, I'd never hurt you Grant," Jet said dismissively. "Come on Lawrence, let's bring the food out to grill," she said grabbing her boyfriend's arm.

Once they were gone, I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

He licked his lips. "Mm, coffee."

I laughed. "Yeah, want some?" I asked holding up my spoon.

He shook his head but pulled me closer, his warm hands encircling my waist as he pressed his lips against mine, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I felt his tongue rolling around my tongue and grazing the roof of my mouth and the gums.

He pulled back and smiled. "Mm, tasted good."

I laughed and swatted his arm.

"So they're cool right?" I asked him, referring to Jet and Lawrence.

Grant nodded. "Of course. I just still feel all weird. Being back here and stuff. Normally, I'd be with Blair doing something dumb or whatever. Plus, it's weird having Jet and Lawrence knowing about me. I've been so used to hiding and stuff, I don't know how to act."

I rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. "Just be yourself."

He breathed out. "Yeah."

"So, I haven't called David to let him know I'm in the area. When do you want to go there?" I asked.

Grant looked tense suddenly. "Oh, jeez, I don't know."

I squeezed his shoulder. "Don't worry, remember? See how you feel, ok?"

Grant nodded. "Umm, I guess whenever you plan on going then."

I shrugged. "Well, we just got here. I want to enjoy things with my friends and you before all hell breaks loose."

His eyes widened with alarm.

I became serious instantly. "That was a bad joke. My bad."

Jet poked her head inside. "The food is almost done if you guys want to come out," she said.

I nodded. "Be right out."

I took his hand and tugged him along with me to the backyard.

"Wow, I had no idea Jet had a gay Dad," Grant said with wide eyes as he got into bed beside me.

I kissed his nose.

"Yup. See why she's so cool?"

He nodded, still in awe. "Yeah, wow."

I ran my hand along his stomach, feeling the firm muscles rippling as he shifted closer to me. I pulled his body against mine and sighed, enjoying the warmth coming off of him.

"This is nice," I murmured.


"So, I realized," I began. Grant looked at me expectantly.

"That I have spent practically every single day with you since the beginning of October and it's almost the end of May and I'm still not sick of you."

Grant looked amused. "Were you expecting to?"

I chuckled. "No. Well maybe," I admitted. I held up my hand when he looked offended.

"It's just that I get sick of people really easily, if I see them too much. Like, with Julie and Danny, I didn't feel that way, but neither of them lived with me and saw me throughout the school day as well, you know? It's just new to me, to be this close to someone and wanting to be with them all the time," I said looking at him. "I never thought that would happen, but it has with you."

Grant smiled and rubbed my forearm. "I understand how you feel."

I kissed him lightly.

"Want to do stuff?" I asked grinning mischievously.

Grant looked shocked. "Her Dad is home!"

I shrugged. "Please, it's not like they don't do things," I said. "And Jet is staying over at Lawrence's tonight. You know what they're doing. Come on, let's be like everyone else and have sex."

He laughed at my rationalization.

"You must be horny," he said shaking his head.

"For you, always," I said kissing him again, harder this time as I shoved my tongue into his mouth forcefully. I immediately felt Grant kissing me back and as he shifted a bit, I felt his hardness poking me.

"So, you're interested then?" I murmured against his lips.

Grant grunted. "Mm, I definitely am now."

I chuckled as he kissed me firmly.

"You can't be too loud," Grant whispered. "You know how you get loud."

I bit on his lip. "You're one to talk."

"Ok, we'll both be quiet," Grant said pushing me down onto the bed and pinning my hands to the bed as his tongue roamed my mouth. I shifted my legs around, trying to get some leverage, but Grant was heavier than I was and I felt helpless. I didn't mind feeling helpless under Grant, but it was fun to romp around before sex.

To rectify the situation, I lifted my leg up and nudged his stomach with my knee. He pulled away slightly and looked down at me. I swiftly pushed upwards, propelling my torso, and managed to throw Grant off balance. He flopped heavily on his back, staring at me with his blue eyes wide with surprise and I quickly moved up and straddled him. I grinned down at his beautiful, stunned face.

"You may be stronger and bigger my dear Grant, but I'm smaller, more agile, and faster," I said smugly.

He made to move back up, but I pushed him back down, my hands planted on his chest. I watched as his blond curls spread out on the pillow case.

"I want to be on top," I said, straddling his waist.

Grant mock pouted. "You're always on top."

I shot him a stern look. "Are you complaining about our sex life?" I asked.

I then put on a sad, hurt face. He sighed and rolled his eyes, smiling at me as he shut his mouth and made a big show of zipping it up and locking his lips. He then handed me the key.

"Thank you," I said. "Now we can get on with this," I said as I lowered his boxers, letting his hard cock pop out. I lifted my ass up and lined his cock up to my hole. Grant touched my chin and I looked at him.

He signed `I love you'.

I smiled and shook my head. I leaned down and kissed his lips, biting on it gently.

"You can talk, silly," I murmured. "Especially to say that, my silly blond."

Grant grinned at me adorably, his eyes shining before they glazed over with pleasure as I sank down onto him.

"David, David," I said as he hugged the life out of me when he answered the door.

Grant stood by, watching with amusement, his hands stuffed into his pockets. I caught his eye and he grinned at me. I shot him a dirty look for his lack of help.

"Sorry Pete," David said smiling widely as he released me and took a step back, peering at me. "It's just so good to see you," he said. "It's been so long."

"Yeah, sorry," I said not knowing what else to say.

David shook his head. "Don't be sorry. I understand. Life gets busy, being in college and all," he said slapping my arm. "Come in, have something to eat."

We stepped inside as David closed the door.

"Nice to see you again Grant," David said. "How are you liking NYU?"

David didn't know about our relationship yet, but he just assumed Grant had run into me at NYU and since we were friends in Texas, we just continued our friendship.

Grant smiled awkwardly, looking nervous. "It's great. Hard, but great."

"Is New York as great as Pete always says it is?" David asked.

"Yeah, it's awesome. So much to do there. Never a dull moment. Never a quiet moment. But the people there are kinda mean and rude, and pushy."

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess we kinda are."

David waved us in, motioning us towards the kitchen. Kelly's cooking wafted into my nostrils. Some things never changed. I kind of liked that though. I missed the stability.

The three of us walked inside and Kelly greeted us all, smiling like she was in a Miss America pageant or something, her blond hair coiffed perfectly, her smile as bright as ever. But she didn't seem so annoying this time.

"Hi," I said smiling genuinely.

"Come on, sit, sit," she said ushering us to the table.

I took a seat where I normally sat when I lived here. Grant, instead of sitting across from me like he used to, sat next to me. David took notice and cocked his head, eyeing us.

"Blair, lunch!" Kelly called out.

I heard footsteps bounding down the stairs and then Blair emerged. He looked like he got bulkier, but he was still tan, not as tan as Grant, but tan. His dirty blond hair was cut short and his blue eyes were icy as he looked at me and then at Grant who sat beside me.

He sat down across from me without saying a word, but instead looked down at his plate.

I glanced at Grant out of the corner of my eye and noticed he looked hurt. I felt anger boiling in my stomach but didn't know what to do or say without outing Grant.

Grant licked his lips and looked nervously at Blair. I could tell he was trying to decide what to say to him. Kelly was oblivious as she fussed with the food; David was eyeing the whole situation curiously.

"Hey Blair," Grant said in a quiet voice.

Blair glared at Grant, not saying a word.

David sighed. "Blair."

"I'm not talking to him. We're not friends anymore."

Grant visibly flinched.

"Blair!" David exclaimed.

"Asshole," I muttered.

Blair ignored me. "He just left, David! We had everything all planned out. Going to college, being roommates, playing football, double dating and you just bailed!" Blair said angrily to Grant. "I thought I was your best friend and then you meet him," Blair hissed nudging his chin at me. "And then you decide you hate Texas and then you pick up and leave? Just like that? You're not a friend, and certainly not a best friend!"

Grant looked like he got punched and his facial expression was pained. I had to resist the urge to hug him and kiss him in front of everyone.

"Meathead, he can't help it if he saw the light and decided to make a change for himself. There is life outside of this little hole called Texas," I sneered.

Blair really looked pissed now.

"Pete," David said sternly.

Ah, step brother fighting. Just like the good ol' days. Brings back memories.

"This is all your fault," Blair snapped. "Coming here and acting like you're some big shit. Thinking your better than everyone. Grant was fine before you came along, until you messed with his head."

"Blair, I wasn't happy," Grant said in a small voice. "I hated it here. I got tired of my Dad and playing football all the time. I wanted to see what else was out there."

Blair looked at him sharply. "You never told me that. And you never had those feelings until-"

Grant interrupted him. "I did Blair. I always did. Since I was 15. I just didn't know how to voice it to anyone. I didn't want to disappoint you or your family. You were all so great to me all these years. You're like my brother. How could I tell you I wanted to leave and find myself or explore? I knew you'd react this way."

Blair fumed for a bit, looking away.

Finally, he looked back at Grant, less angry. "You could have said something you know. You used to tell me everything. If you had said you were unhappy, I would have understood. Instead you acted like an asshole, being a bad roommate, fucking up our games, ditching me all the time. How do you think that made me feel, man? I thought something was wrong with you."

Grant looked apologetic. "I'm sorry Blair. I don't know what was going on in my head. I didn't want it to be that way, you know. I miss you. You're still my brother."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Who would want that loser as a brother? I didn't even want him as a step brother. Hell, I didn't want him as a friend or acquaintance.

Blair smiled slightly. "Yeah, whatever."

Grant grinned.

"Are you coming home for the summer?" Blair asked. "You can stay with us, you know?" Blair said.

For a moment, I didn't hate Blair. I realized he was just an angry guy who missed his best friend. It was probably how Danny felt when I was with Doug.

Too bad my sympathy couldn't last for Blair; the guy was such a dick.

Grant blinked and stammered. "Um, no, I don't think I'm coming back. I'm actually staying with Pete."

David looked surprised as I hadn't mention that before and Blair looked outraged.

"With him?" he practically snarled. "Since when are you two so tight?"

"Relax man. I own two apartment houses there. He rents one room, another guy rents another room," I lied easily.

Grant looked at me and frowned, but I smiled reassuringly.

"So you're never going to come home again, ever? You're just gonna leave everyone behind? People you've known your entire life?" Blair asked folding his arms.

"Blair, I like New York. I feel better there," Grant said helplessly.

Blair still looked pissed and didn't respond. Finally, he just got up and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door loudly. The sound echoed so loudly it made the four of us flinch.

Kelly looked worried. David looked slightly confused. Grant look crushed.

I looked, well probably looked if I could see my own reflection- indifferent.

Inside I was annoyed and angry with Blair for being such a jerk. Why couldn't he be more understanding?

I hated to see Grant looking so hurt. My baby.

"He'll come back honey," Kelly said smiling at Grant sympathetically. "Why don't we just start eating ok?" she asked in a friendly tone.

For a minute I was grateful for Kelly.

So, we ate. It was actually a pretty good meal.

How my taste buds had changed.

I didn't get around to telling David about myself during lunch. We were catching up on other stuff. He had tons of questions for me about school and life and whatever.

I figured I still had time; I could see him again during my extended stay with Jet.

Unfortunately Grant wasn't so pleased with my impeding coming out.

After lunch, Grant and I walked back to Jet's house and passed an angry Blair on the way. An angry Blair who refused to speak to Grant, brushing past the both of us.

When we got back to Jet's place, Jet and Lawrence were hanging by the pool, but didn't invite us to join them. I think Grant's sulking expression stopped them from being their overly cheerful selves.

I followed Grant up to our room.

"Pete, you can't tell David about us," he said as soon as I closed the door.

"What?" I asked. "I was only going to tell him about me."

"Don't you see?" Grant asked whirling to face me. "If you tell them you're gay, they're going to know I am too. I can't hide it! We're too obvious. Fuck!"

"Grant, calm down." He was pacing back and forth around the room.

"Don't tell me to calm down. You're always calm. It's not so easy for me! God, my best friend hates me now!"

"You're better off," I snorted. Grant spun around to face me.

"Will you stop?" he snapped angrily.

I froze and my mouth fell open a little.

"Stop being such an arrogant, obnoxious shit for one second, ok? Blair is nothing to you, but he's someone important to me. Can you respect that, huh?" he went on glaring at me.

I closed my mouth and squared my shoulders. "Listen Grant, you know what I'm about, ok? I don't want to hide who I am. I'm going to tell David about me. I won't hide who I am just because you're scared of how you'll look in front of your best friend," I mocked. "Who's a fucking asshole by the way. A real bigoted loser, who you're better off without. Why can't you see that?"

"God Pete, you're such an asshole sometimes. All you ever think about is yourself!" he yelled.

"You're the one being chicken shit!"

"What happened about waiting until I was ready?" Grant asked.

"I didn't know that meant I had to wait also," I argued back. "You never sad anything about that before we came here."

"Well, maybe I need you to do this for me," Grant said looking at me intently.

"For how long?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Until I sort things out!" Grant said in frustration.

"When will that be?" I asked sarcastically. "One year from now? Longer? It took you long enough to make up your mind to come to New York. I'm the selfish one? You're the one who wants everyone to cater to you until things feel right for you or you feel ready. Like, barging into my life when you felt ready to be with me, not caring that I was with Doug! Did you know much he was hurt? I hurt him, really hurt him, because I love you and wanted to be with you! He was good to me, Grant. He took care of me when I was feeling like shit. And now he's gone. We're not even friends anymore!"

Grant looked like I had hit him. "You can't compare Doug to Blair! Blair and I have been best friends for years!"

"It's not the time, Grant. What Doug and I had was quality. Your friendship with Blair was based on a lie. Or at least the past few years of your friendship was based on a lie. You can't even tell him about yourself or the truth.."

"I can't do it!" he shouted. "I need more time or something. This is too hard. It's too much. I shouldn't have come!" he spat out angrily.

"Oh for fuck's sake Grant! Life is hard," I sneered, getting angry myself. "Life isn't easy. You know that, with you mother leaving and your abusive Dad. I know life isn't easy. You think I wanted my Mom to die, to be gay and never give her the grandchildren she wanted? Or that I wanted to break Doug's heart? A part of me did love him," I said. "If you hadn't come back, I might still be with him."

Grant looked a bit sick when I admitted that part.

"But that's life. It's hard and we all have to make choices and decisions. They may not be the best choice or decision, but it has to be the right one for us. You can't live your life for others! You'll be a miserable shit forever!"

Grant looked outraged. I'm sure I did too. I did mention that I had an insane temper, right?

"Fuck you, Pete!" he hissed. "This is hard for me, ok? I'm trying. Not everyone can be as perfect as you, you know. Give the rest of us a break!"

"One of the reasons I wanted to come here was so I could be honest with David!" I shot at him. "Now you're telling me I can't!"

Grant panted, trying to catch his breath. His face looked flushed and his brow was pinched together. I glared at him, with my arms folded, my mouth feeling tight and clenched.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked, in a nasty tone, holding out his arms. "Since you have the answer for fucking everything!"

I groaned in frustration and shook my head. "Forget you Grant," was all I said as I walked out the room and slammed the door behind me. I passed Jet and Lawrence on the way out of the living room. They looked worried.

"I'm going for a walk," I said curtly and then I walked out, slamming yet another door.

This was just so fucked up.

"Where the fuck did you walk to?" Grant demanded angrily, when I entered our bedroom later that evening.

I looked at him coldly. "Around," I answered. I made to walk to the bathroom, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

I snatched my arm from his grip. "What the fuck?"

"You were gone for five hours!" he hissed. "You left your phone here! I was worried about you!"

I rolled my eyes. "I went for a walk and then sat around, doing some thinking, ok? I can take care of myself Grant."

"That doesn't mean I don't worry about you," he shot back.

"Yeah, you worry what will happen to me physically, but you don't care how I feel emotionally or mentally," I said evenly. His eyes widened and filled with hurt. Grant flopped onto the bed and growled angrily, resting his elbows on his knees, his fists clenching.

Even though I was pissed, I had to admit that Grant looked amazingly hot right now. He was brooding, his muscles in his arms twitching, his jaw clenching, his blue eyes flashing. He glared at me, his curls draping over his eyes.

I stood there, panting slightly as I became more aroused. Damn me and my horniness. Being young meant I couldn't focus on my anger. Instead all I could think about was sex. Damn me.

Grant must have sensed what I was feeling as he looked me up and down. Well, he was young like me. He was another horny boy. Plus, make up sex was the best type of sex ever. I licked my lips as I looked at him hungrily.

Grant shook his head and his face hardened. "No, Pete."

I raised my brow in question.

"We're not going to ignore the issue by having sex," he said.

"Why can't we put the issue on hold and get right back to it after we have sex?" I smirked walking closer to him as I kicked off my sneakers.

"Pete," Grant said firmly.

"Fine," I said nonchalantly. "I guess I'll have to take care of myself, then," I said as I pulled off my shirt and slid my jeans past my hips, then ankles.

My boxers were tented and I could see Grant's eyes glued to it.

I also noticed his own bulge in his pants. I smiled as I slowly eased my boxers off, laying flat on the bed, writhing for effect. I spread my legs apart, purposely. A small groan escaped Grant's lips. I wrapped my hand around my hard cock and stroked slowly, letting out a moan. His breath hitched.

"Fuck," he murmured.

I looked at him with hazy eyes and smiled as I stroked faster, my eyes rolling with pleasure.

"Fuck you Pete," Grant whispered.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I said as I roughly grabbed him behind his neck and yanked his face down, sticking my tongue inside his mouth. Grant moved on top of me, stretching out completely, his hands sliding up my chest as he kissed me back.

"Damn you," he breathed out as he kissed me over and over again, his hand coming down to grip my cock where he rubbed it teasingly with his thumb.

I arched my back and hissed. "Grant," I whimpered.

He growled in annoyance. "God, you're so beautiful," he said his hands gripping my hips tightly.

I reached for his jeans and tugged on them.

"Off," I ordered and Grant pulled his shirt over his head and stood up as he shimmied out of his jeans and boxers.

I lay on the bed, watching him strip, feeling waves of pleasure wash over me just watching him undress. His tight, hard, muscular body was made up of perfect angles and lines.

"Get over here," I said holding out my arms.

Grant positioned himself over me once again and I spread my legs.

"Wait," Grant said as he hopped off of me again.

I groaned. "Grant!"

"Coming baby," he said and he hopped back onto the bed, bouncing the both of us slightly. I noticed he had a condom and a tube of lube.

He pecked my lips and spread some lube onto his finger.

I bit my lip as he slipped in a finger, straining my body as he touched my spot.

"Faster Grant," I said and I felt a twinge of pain as he slid in a second finger, more hurried.

"Go on," I urged.

Grant pushed in a third and thrust in a few times, widening me up as he squirted more lube into my hole.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, nudging him closer. "Come on baby."

Grant chucked the tube onto the floor and sheathed the condom over his cock. By now he was an expert at that.


I nodded.

I grabbed onto his arms for support as he pushed into me. Once his head popped in, I pushed my ass back and we both let out groans. With one fast shove, he was completely inside of me.

"Oh god," I breathed out.

"Pete," he moaned into my neck as he remained still so I could adjust.

My hands went to his ass and I pulled him into me more, indicating I was ready. Grant was so turned on that his thrusts were short and fast. He pounded into me nonstop and I felt my climax rapidly approaching.

"Almost there Grant," I said.

He wrapped his hand around my aching cock and stroked furiously, sending me into overdrive. I couldn't even comprehend that I was cumming. My orgasm hit me so fast and I shouted, nearly seeing spots as the pleasure rippled throughout my entire body.

"Grant!" I yelled as I lifted my hips up and down rapidly.

Grant was grunting and then I felt him tense up as he hovered over me.

He let out an animalistic cry as he pumped into me a bit more.

"Shit. Fuck. God. Pete," was all he got out as he breathed in large gasps of air.

I sighed as rubbed my hands over his sweaty chest, rubbing his nipples.

He moaned. "No more Pete. You're killing me baby."

"I love you," I said tugging on his hair.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. A small smile came to his face.

"God, I love you too baby."

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"Me, too."

"That was a fast fight," I said smiling.

He chuckled. "Sex cures all."

"Good one."


"I can wait," I said quietly. "I'll wait for you. We're in this together and that means we both have to be ready."

Grant smiled and kissed my nose.

"No, don't. Blair can accept it or not. I can't structure my life around what others think," Grant said firmly. "Not even him. I tried putting my life on hold for other people before and it didn't work. I was so unhappy and I almost lost you for good," he said looking at me sadly.

I kissed him gently. "Let's take a few days to think about it anyway. No need to run over there and proclaim our gayness. Let's just enjoy our vacation, ok? No more fighting."

Grant grinned. "What?" he asked in mock rage. "And have no more make up sex?"

I laughed. "What, you want to fight some more?"

He pretended to think it over. I swatted his arm gently and he laughed, kissing me gently on the lips.

"You snore when you sleep. It's annoying," he said, trying to goad me.

I rolled my eyes. "You weigh too much. You crush me in my sleep. I think you should go on a diet or hit the gym more."

Grant's eyes widened, but they were full of laughter.

"That wasn't very nice Peter," he said trying to sound menacing and serious.

"Aww, did I hurt your feelings? Are you going to punish me?" I drawled out, licking his lips.

"Yeah, I think you're due for another pounding," he said pinning my wrists together firmly.

"Will you pound extra hard if I say please?" I asked sweetly.

Grant grinned and laughed. "Maybe."

"Please?" I said widening my eyes.

He laughed again and nuzzled my neck, sucking on it gently.

"I love you," he murmured in my ear.

Grant and I were walking at the park where we had some of our little date meetings during senior year. We were walking and sweating because of the hot weather and naturally I was becoming more irritated.

I hated hot weather. Grant grabbed me and pulled me into him. I looked at him with confusion, until I felt rather than saw, two people on rollerblades pass by. It was a guy and a girl and they appeared to be racing. They were moving so fast, I couldn't get a good look at them, but they seemed familiar somehow. The brown hair.


I had to check them out on the next lap. When I heard the sounds of the couple approaching, I turned and looked at them closely. My eyes widened and I started to smile. The girl screeched to a stop and swiveled around.

"Pete! Oh my god!" she squealed before she jumped onto me.

I caught Stacey in my arms and laughed as her rollerblades hit my ass when her legs came around my waist.

"Nice to see you too," I said.

"I had no idea you were visiting," she said looking at me.

"Well, my friends invited us," I said indicating Grant, "To visit, since she was in Florida for school. So it's a happy reunion."


I noticed Stacey's brother, Deacon was also there. He was the other rollerblader.

I set Stacey on her feet and smiled at Deacon. "Hey man."

Deacon grinned, his green eyes sparkling as he smiled.

"I didn't see you in New York," I stated.

Deacon shrugged. "Finished school. Chilling at home for a bit, hanging with my sister," he said wrapping his arm around her neck as Stacey pinched his stomach.

He returned his gaze back to me. "I plan on going there soon."

His smile was nice and so were his eyes, but the way he was eyeing me made me slightly uncomfortable since my boyfriend was standing right beside me.

I glanced at Grant out of the corner of my eye and he was definitely tense, picking up on the vibe Deacon was giving off.

It didn't help that Deacon was really hot. He wasn't wearing a shirt and sweating, his tan chest heaving as he breathed in air. He was a buff guy and basically was a brunette, green eyed version of Grant, with those head full of curls.

Grant slapped my side and I looked at him. He was staring at me with his eyes narrowed, obviously annoyed with the fact I was checking out Deacon, who was still smiling at me by the way.

I shot Grant a look in return, letting him know there was nothing I could do. I wasn't going to be rude and ignore him. Grant frowned and his jaw clenched as he inched closer to me.

"Hey, we should have lunch," Deacon said.

"Yeah!" Stacey chimed in with excitement.

I laughed. "Well, you guys are in the middle of a workout."

Deacon shrugged. "Nah, we're good, right Stace?"

Stacey nodded. "Yah, I'm bushed."

"Getting old?" Deacon smirked.

Stacey nudged her brother.

"I'm gonna go home and shower. How about you Deacon?"

Deacon wiped his chest. "I have to. I'm gross. A shower would be good."

He turned to me and winked. "Want to come along Pete?"

Stacey slapped his head. "Deacon!" she exclaimed, thinking he had offended me.

Deacon turned to her and they started a mini argument that I couldn't listen in on because Grant had grabbed my wrist. I looked at him questioningly.

"He's hitting on you," he hissed angrily.

"It doesn't mean anything, he's just flirty," I whispered back.

"I don't want to go to lunch with him."

I frowned. "I want to see Stacey though."

"I don't want him around," he said stubbornly.

I sighed as I stared at his set jaw and defiant expression.

"What should I do then?" I asked him, feeling annoyed.

Grant looked conflicted. Then his expression changed and he straightened up, taking a hold of my hand firmly, intertwining our fingers. My eyes widened as I looked at Stacey and Deacon who were still arguing. Finally they looked at us and their eyes immediately fell to our joined hands.

I gaped at Grant with a stunned expression. His attention was focused on Deacon.

"So you are gay," Stacey said in awe.

"Told you," Deacon said smugly.

"And taken," Grant reminded, puffing out his chest. "No more hitting on him," he said evenly. "It's rude."

"Yeah," Stacey agreed.

Deacon met his gaze and they sort of looked at one another. I was feeling strangely uncomfortable although it should have been exciting, having two hot men sort of fighting over me.

Deacon nodded finally, a small smile on his lips, and a hint of respect in his eyes. "Ok."

He took Stacey's arm. "We still have to go home and clean up. Want to come to our house and wait for us?" he asked, in a less leering manner.

I smiled. "Yeah."

They rollerbladed back to their car while Grant and I walked behind them, considerably slower.

"What was that?" I asked smiling.

Grant shrugged. "Well, I was practicing coming out," he said casually. "You know, for later."

I snorted. "That's all?"

He shrugged again. "Maybe I was marking what was mine."

"Yours huh?" I asked smiling.

His eyes met mine. "Well you are mine."

"Hm, didn't know I was a possession."

He kissed my cheek, "You're my favorite possession."

I rolled my eyes.

Grant turned serious. "But I was practicing, sorta. I do want to come out. I don't want to hide and lie to people. It's tiring to do that, you know?"

I nodded. "I do know."

"I love you."

"I love you, too. And for the record, you're mine too."

Grant grinned.

"But you're my second favorite possession," I said with a serious expression.

He pouted. "What's your favorite?"

I looked around, making sure no one could see us.

I grabbed his package and squeezed gently. Grant gasped.

"This is," I murmured in his ear, licking his lobe teasingly. I felt him harden slightly.

Grant moaned and touched my hips, gripping me tightly as he hissed.

"Jesus, Pete."

Deacon wasn't a bad guy.

Throughout lunch, Stacey and I caught up, talked about college, life, and future plans.

Meanwhile, Deacon was telling Grant that it was important to live life and not care what others thought. I think Deacon gave Grant some perspective. Especially with Deacon's stories on how he went to New York and had the best time and enjoyed so much freedom to do anything, which he didn't get here in Texas.

Grant came out of that lunch hating Deacon a lot less. Well, once Deacon stopped outright hitting on me. But Deacon still looked at me, but Grant was able to get past that. For the most part. We all had eyes after all.

We made plans to get together again sometime before I left.

I drove Jet's car back to her house. On the way there, Grant took my hand and kissed it.

I looked at him.

"I love you Pete. I really do."

"I know baby."

"I know being with me is difficult," he said slowly. "I'm caught in two worlds and trying to transition into the right one for me, but it's hard. I've known this all my life and then to jump into your kind of life is not easy. I'm used to being reserved and hiding. I'm afraid to leave everything I've ever known to enter the unknown. It's not easy for me. I want to be what you want me to be, but I don't know how," he said pleadingly.

My heart went out to him.

"I'm sure it would have been easier to be with Doug or Deacon. People who are comfortable with who they are. People like you," he said sadly. "I don't know why you chose me."

I pulled over on a residential street and looked at him. I grabbed his face and looked into his eyes.

"It doesn't matter Grant. None of that matters, ok? Stop thinking you're not good enough for me just because you're not ready to be out. I fell for you. I love you. Yeah, it's not going to be easy and we'll have to patiently work on our relationship continually, but I want you. I don't want Doug or Deacon, ok? I want you- shy, reserved, Southern, and in the closet. I want you."

He sighed and leaned into my hand. "I love you so much Pete. I don't want to disappoint you."

"You won't. You can't. You're perfect to me. Your imperfections make you perfect."

He cocked his head when I said that and I smiled. "It's true, Grant. Perfection is boring and sickening. Your imperfections make you perfect. They make you. And I love you for them."

"What if it becomes too much one day? Will you leave me?" he asked, gripping my wrist tightly.

I shook my head and pried his fingers lose. I massaged his neck and pulled on his curls.

"Beautiful," I murmured before meeting his eyes. "I love you Grant. I am not going to leave you. Especially not for being yourself and needing more time to adjust to all of this, ok? I know the coming out process can be scary. I was lucky to have grown up in an accepting environment. You weren't so lucky. So I have to remind myself to be more patient with you and more understanding. It's a learning curve for me too. Our worlds are kind of opposites. And for the first time, I kind of have to think of someone other than myself. So, be patient with me, too?"

Grant smiled. He shifted in his seat and pulled me to him. I unbuckled my seatbelt and hugged him back, as best as I could. His arms felt warm and strong around me and I inhaled his scent.

"I was serious when I said we could wait. If you need more time, we'll tell David, Kelly, and Blair next winter or summer, or something," I said when I pulled back. "This is a two way street. I need to be there for you, too."

Grant smiled at me. "Let me think about it more. I want to. I do."

I kissed his nose. "I know you do, baby. But I love you. And I can wait. They will always be there to tell. We have to work on ourselves first. I can't rush you."

"Pete, you're so good to me. So amazing. How did I get so lucky," he murmured, as I started driving again.

I shot him a sideways glance. "I don't know. I never expected this when I moved here senior year."

"I never expected this period," Grant said. "I thought I'd get married, have kids, and be unhappy forever."

I gasped. "That would suck! How could you consider living like that?"

He shrugged. "I thought I had to. I didn't know any gay guys."

"Happy I came, huh?"

Grant grinned. "Absolutely."

I laughed. "Were you hot for me the minute you saw me?"

Grant blushed. "Not exactly."

"Huh, really?"

He looked at me, his eyes shining. "I did think you were attractive and cool, being from New York. But I didn't know you or anything like that."

"So it was my charming and stunning personality that sealed the deal, eh?" I asked, smiling widely.

Grant threw his head back. "Sure."

I nudged his arm playfully. He laughed loudly and kissed my hand.

"You were different Pete. You were outspoken, honest, fun, and smart. You made me feel alive, gave me hope that I didn't have to be miserable."

"Glad to help baby," I said sincerely. "I'd hate for you to be so unhappy. You're far too pretty for that."

He stuck his tongue out at me when I said pretty.

"Well, you are," I responded innocently.

"You're pretty too."

"Not as pretty as you."

"That's true."

I slapped his arm and he lunged to kiss my neck. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"You're not pretty Pete. You're a gem. Unique looking. Exotic. A treasure," he rambled.

I smiled. "You can stop now. You don't have to flatter me to get me into bed, you know. I'm already having sex with you."

He chuckled. "Peter, god."

I parked in Jet's driveway. We walked around the outside, towards her pool. I was expecting to find Jet and Lawrence there, but it was empty. Then I remembered that Jet mentioned a movie and then lunch and hanging out with Lawrence's brother and sister. Her Dads were both at work and were going to dinner afterwards, like they did every Friday and Saturday evenings. Cute, huh?

I looked at Grant mischievously. "We're all alone," I cooed. "We'll be alone for hours," I sang out.

Grant looked at me and smiled.

"Sex in the pool?" I asked, peeling my shirt off. His eyes widened.


"No one is around. I don't have a pool at home. What other chance do we have to do this?" I continued, kicking off my shoes. "This way, we won't get kicked out of a public pool or risk getting arrested. I really don't want a criminal record, you know."

He still looked alarmed. "But it's not our pool. We can't just have sex in it," he sputtered as he blushed furiously.

"I can call Jet and ask her," I said. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"What? No!"

"Kidding," I said, holding my hands up. Then I reached for my jeans and unbuttoned them. "Aren't you going to get undressed?"

Grant looked torn. His eyes were watching me closely as I stripped and I had a feeling he would break. His pants were already tented. I pushed down my jeans and boxers and stood before Grant naked. He was breathing hard and looking at me intently.

"Fine. I'll just go for a swim then," I said jumping into the cool water. I emerged and swam on my back, looking at Grant. "Awfully lonely here," I sang out as I paddled backwards.

"Pete," he groaned. "Why do you always make me do these things?" he whined as he started taking off his clothes. He kicked his jeans and boxers off, stepping towards the pool.

I grinned. "I'm trying to open you up to new experiences. This is good for you." I splashed water at him playfully once he eased himself in.

I waded over to him and jumped into his arms. I smiled down at him and pecked his lips, my hands sliding down his muscular back and down to his hard ass. I squeezed the flesh and he groaned.

I ground my hard cock into his stomach and I could feel his rod pulsating below my ass.

"This is fun, isn't it?" I whispered into his ear, as I bit on his lobe gently.

He panted as his hands wandered along my body. "Very."

"I think you should thank me," I said angling us into a corner of the pool.

"Ok," he gasped out as I pushed onto him and enveloped his cock inside my hole. His eyes closed and he moaned. I kissed his neck as I rocked on his cock, riding him slowly, holding onto his shoulders for support.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, clenching my muscles tightly.

He let out a little cry and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, increasing the pressure on my prostate. My eyes rolled back as I started to move faster.

"I love you, too," he whimpered as I felt my orgasm approaching. This angle was stimulating me so much, that I couldn't hold back. We moved together, in perfect unison, for a few more minutes. All I heard was our panting and the sloshing of the water as we created our own mini waves.

Finally, I was about to reach the point of no return. I bit my lip and released a strangled moan as I gripped Grant's neck tightly.

"Grant, I'm going to cum soon."

"Me too baby," he grunted as he thrust his hips forward as I rode him continuously.

I panted and dug my hands into his arms. I could feel it starting. It was tingling, it was electric, it was ecstasy.

I threw my head back, closed my eyes, and shouted. "FUCK!"

I felt the force of my cum as it shot out of my cock. I kept moving on Grant's cock, riding out the pleasure, prolonging it. The feel of his hot hardness inside of me was such a turn on. I never wanted it to end.

I heard Grant's strangled cries and screams and spasms as he came shortly after I did. When he came down from his high, he rested his head on my shoulder and I held onto him, my legs resting on the side of the pool.

I kissed his forehead gently and opened my eyes. I noticed I made a bit of a mess in the pool. My release was floating around as the water lapped around us.

"Damn," I muttered. He looked at me questioningly, his cheeks still flushed from his orgasm.

"I think we have to clean the pool. Jet might notice this," I said. "She will not be pleased. That demo she gave you? With the weapons and such? She might actually use them on me!" I said with a serious expression.

Grant glanced around and then started laughing, his shoulders and body shaking, his skin around his eyes crinkling. His eyes were sparkling and were brighter than ever. He looked so happy, I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Well, it was your idea to have sex in the pool," Grant reminded, nipping my lips.

I hugged Grant and snuggled into him. "Does that mean you won't help me clean the pool?" I asked, faking a downcast look.

Grant threw his head back, laughing loudly. His arms tightened around me. "I'll help you baby. After all, I am partly responsible. You wouldn't have cum without me."

"That's right," I said, reaching down and fondling his flaccid penis. Grant shuddered and whimpered. "It's partly your fault." I kissed the corner of his mouth as I watched his reaction.

His eyes rolled back as I continued teasing his cock. "Pete." His hands squeezed my back.

"Well, if we're going to clean the pool, we may as well make a bigger mess. That way our efforts won't be wasted," I said, as Grant started to breath harder.

"Pete," he gasped out as I started to move my hand faster.

I watched his face closely as he shouted and tensed, releasing his load into my submerged hand. He shivered, trembled, his face flushing. His eyelids fluttered, his mouth hung open slightly. He looked beautiful. My blond angel.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear as he moaned softly.

Next: Chapter 13

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