Turn of An Unfriendly Card

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jan 22, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is the second part to Turn of An Unfriendly Card.

Lyn's Regression By Chris


"Julie, can I move out there with you and Lydia? I can't stay here any longer."

"What has happened? Are you okay?" Julie replied as she motioned for Lydia to pick up the other phone.

"No nothing has happened... or rather is has; you know the girl that you got your first apartment at college with?"

"Yes" Julie said."

"She is back with a vengeance. " Lyn said as a fresh batch of tears started rolling down her face.

"I see." Julie said with hesitation in her voice. "Well, why don't you take the first flight out and then you, Lydia and I can talk about this."

"I am at the airport now. There is a plane leaving in thirty minutes. With the time difference, I should be there at five your time. I can't thank you enough for this. I know we all can be as happy together as we were in college. Thank you!" Lyn said as she hung up. She dried her tears and let out a deep sigh. She felt better already. She was going back to her friends, they were the only ones who could help her to be the person that she wanted to be and not the person she currently was.

As Lyn was picking up her bags and heading for her plane, Julie and Lydia sat down at the kitchen table to discuss their wayward friend. They had just gotten home from work to eat lunch, which was quickly forgotten.

"What do we do with her? I love her to death but she cannot depend on us to straighten her out, every time she gets into trouble. She has to learn how to be the person she wants to be on her own." Lydia told Julie.

"I know. I feel the same way. I would love to have her here with us but as you said, she has to be happy with herself before she can truly be happy with us. So what do we do when she gets here?

"She said she had become the girl you first moved in with, and then we treat her that way when she gets here. We can listen to her story and decide after that." Lydia said.

"I don't know what else we can, but will it work this time?" Julie said as she got up and they headed back to work.

Lyn looked out the window as the plane traveled west across the country. The farther she got from home the better she felt. She knew it would be like old times and everything would be all right. She tried to forget about the past few months but there was a person that she could not forget. That girl's face kept appearing in her mind and no matter what; she could not shake it from her head.

Finally, the plane's wheels hit the ground, Lyn anxiously waited for the plane to pull up to the terminal so she could disembark. She was able to get a first class ticket so she was one of the first off the plane. As she emerged from the walkway that connected the plane to the terminal, she looked for Julie and Lydia. She looked around twice not seeing them but then she saw them walking toward her. She dropped her carry-on and ran to meet them. She hugged Julie first and then Lydia.

"Oh god I am happy to see you. You do not know what it has been like for me without my two best friends around. I can't thank you enough for letting me come to live with you." Lyn said just bubbling over with enthusiasm.

"Let's get your bags, and we can talk about it when we get home." Lydia said in a low- key voice. Lyn looked at her and wondered what she meant but she was so excited about being with Julie and Lydia again that she quickly forgot about it. She took Julie and Lydia by their arms and led them to the baggage area where they waited on her bags to appear. She paid extra to be able to bring more luggage, so they had to get a baggage carrier to get it to Julie's car. Every time Lyn started to talk about what had happened, Julie or Lydia would tell her to wait until they got home. Lyn began to wonder what was going on, Julie and Lydia didn't seem to be as excited as she was.

When they got to Julie's and Lydia's house, Lyn went to the bathroom and when she can back out Julie and Lydia were sitting on the couch and the coffee table had been moved.

"So you have regressed back to the person you used to be right?" Julie said in a stern voice.

Lyn was taken back by Julie's voice and her stiff body language. "Yes, but..." Lyn started to say but Lydia interrupted her.

"Just answer the question." Lydia snapped.

"Yes." Lyn said and she dropped her head, as she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

"Since you have gone back to the beginning, then so will we. Strip!" Julie demanded.

Lyn looked at Julie and then Lydia and she saw that they were both very serious. She quickly remembered that she had been in this position before and she knew that it wasn't going to be fun. Julie and Lydia was a couple of the sweetest people that she knew and she loved them dearly but they could be very demanding and forceful when they wanted to be. Ever since they had reversed the tables on her in college, she was powerless when they told her to do something. This was especially true when they were mad at her. Therefore, she immediately started to unbutton her blouse. She took it off and then looked to Julie to see where to put it but Julie just sat there with her arms folded across her chest. Lyn folded the blouse and laid it beside her. She unhooked her bra and took it off exposing her C cup breasts. She laid that on top of her blouse. Next her shoes and then her slacks were removed. She took a last look at Julie and Lydia and seeing no reprieve she put her thumbs under the waistband of her panty hose and panties and started to push them down. She got them to her knees and then she had to sit on the hardwood floor to get them on off. The bare hardwood floor was cold on her ass and when she leaned forward, she felt the cool floor press against her shaved pussy. When the panty hose and panties were off, she started to get up.

"Stay where you are and open your legs. We want to get a good look at the sweet pussy of yours." Lydia said and once Lyn had done that, Lydia added, "Now lean back a bit, and put your hands on the floor behind you."

Lyn did as she was told. This exposed her pussy even more and she felt her labia open up. In addition, with her hands on the floor behind her, she knew her breasts were pointed toward Julie and Lydia, giving them a great view of her naked body. They had her where they wanted her naked and vulnerable. Lyn knew that whatever was about to happen was about to get started and she deserved what she was going to get.

"Now start from the beginning and tell us what has happened." Julie said.

"It started to go bad when my father sent me to our plant in Morristown, where we have a plastics injection molding plant." Lyn started to say but again she was interrupted.

"I believe Julie said at the beginning, start from when you left college." Lydia said.

"But you know all that..." Lyn started to say.

"At the beginning!" Julie snapped.

"Okay, Okay. After you two graduated, you know my mother and father wanted me to come home and work in my father's business. Since I was an only child, I would eventually inherit the company. I probably should have known better, but I did as they wanted. It started out good as I worked at each of the departments for three or four months. I really enjoyed doing this, I was treated just like any other employee, and I admit I learned a lot about the business. After a year and a half there, my father had me work as his personal assistant. This was where I probability started down the wrong path. You know how my father is. There is nothing that stands in his way, if he wants something then he goes gets it and he does not care about anything but what he is after. I also was able to see how he treats his employees, which is worse than he treated my mom and me. I mean he treated them like dirt. When they didn't do things that suited him, he would fire them. He would chew anyone out at any time. He did not care about anyone's feelings." Lyn began to feel uncomfortable at this point as this was beginning to hit home. The floor began to get harder and she had to shift her butt to relieve some pressure. After she found a better sitting position, she continued.

"I took in everything that he did and I saw how he bought more and more companies thus expanding his empire. Slowly he had me start doing some of his dirty work. He would send me to one of his new companies and then report to him what was going on. At first, I tried to put the best light on everything I saw but after being chewed out by my father a few times, I started to do things his way. I know that was wrong but you do not know what it is like to be chewed out by my father. He would bring up everything I have ever done wrong in my life. I would always end up in tears after talking to him. I did not feel good about it but I saw no way out. I kept telling myself that when I ran the company then things would change. That is what got me through the times that my reports to my father got someone fired." Lyn had to adjust her position again. Her butt was hurting and she knew the worse was yet to be told. Now her shoulders were starting to hurt. What was worse was the coffee she drank on the flight here was working on her bladder.

"I assume that this was when we stopped hearing from you, right?" Julie asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes it is." Lyn responded as she looked away from Julie.

"That is what I thought. Maybe that should have given you a clue that things were going in the wrong direction." Lydia added.

"Yes." Was all that Lyn could say.

"Well, continue on." Julie said, with disappointment in her voice.

"After a year of this my father bought that plant in Morristown, this is the plant I started to tell you about before. I was sent there and by now, I was getting good at making my reports to my father. I knew what he wanted to hear so that is what I looked for. The plant manager was a nice man and he did a good job with the plant. However, I knew my father did not like nice guys. Therefore, I made my report that the manager was coddling his employees and thus not getting the most he could out of them. He was not a slave driver, as my father was. Therefore, he fired the manager and to my surprise, he replaced the plant manager with me. He gave me only one directive, "Get production up by fifty percent."

Lyn felt the tears start to well up and before she knew it, she started to cry. She did not want to tell Julie and Lydia what she did next; she was too ashamed of herself. She felt the tears run down her face and her nose began to run. With her hands on the floor behind her, she could not do anything and Julie and Lydia were not moving. She cried for a good five minutes and when she got herself back under control, Julie got up and gave her a box of tissues. As Julie did this Lydia got up and brought Lyn a tall glass of water. Lyn sat up and blew her nose. She shoulders were sore and her butt was killing her. She calmed herself and drank down the glass of water.

"If you have gotten that out of your system then you may continue." Lydia said flatly. Lyn blew her nose one more time and then she put her hands back on the floor behind her.

"I knew I had two if not three strikes against me with these people. I was the one that got their manager fired and then I was the one who replace him. So the first morning I called a meeting of the managers. I told them that things would change around here and I expected results. I then told them I wanted ideas by the following Monday on how to improve production. I spent the week prowling the plant keeping everyone on his or her toes. When Monday arrived, I told everyone that I expected to hear some good ideas. The first person up was the engineer and he presented his idea. It sounded good to me but then to tell the truth I did not know much about production. When he finished a red headed young woman spoke, and she said that we couldn't do this. I jumped up and asked her who she was and to explain why in the hell that we could not do this as it would increase production. She said that her name was Sharon and that she was the Quality Control Manager, and she gave her explanation. I then pointed to her and said that was the reason why their manager was fired. It was this type of thinking, why something would not work, and not why it would. I knew then that this woman would be the person who I would use to keep the others in line. My father hated quality control people, and so I naturally had to hate them. I saw her face go as red as her hair and she sat down. For the rest of the meeting I would make a point of asking her why this or that idea would not work. To beat it all she would continue to give me reasons if she thought it was the wrong thing to do"

Lyn was now really feeling her bladder and the need to pee was getting worse so she interrupted her story to ask, "Can I go to the bathroom? I really need to pee."

"No finish your story and then we will see." Julie stated.

Lyn was not sure that she could last that long but she had to try. She continued with her story. "When it came to her turn to give her ideas on how to improve production, I passed over her and went to the next person. After the meeting, I made an appointment to see each manager to go over his or her ideas but I intentionally left her out. I wanted her to know that I thought that her ideas were of no concern of mine. Throughout the week, I met with each person and got some good ideas but I was not sure that any would work. They sounded good but I felt like none was what I was looking for."

Lyn felt the pressure on her bladder increase and she knew she would never last, so she interrupted her story. "Ah, I really need to pee. Can I please go to the bathroom?"

"Oh for Christ's sake, can't you hold it?" Lydia asked.

"No I really have to go!" Lyn said as she pleaded her case.

"Okay, just sit there a minute." Lydia said and Lyn watched as she grabbed Julie by the hand, then leading her out of the room. Lyn began to rock on her buttocks. She was about to pee all over herself. A couple of minutes later she saw Lydia enter the room carrying a plastic garbage bag and Julie had a folded blanket in her arms. She watched as Lydia laid the plastic bag on the floor in front of her and then Julie placed the blanket on top of that.

"Sit on that blanket." Julie instructed Lyn, who did as she was told but she still had to go. It was then she realized what they expected her to do. If she were going to pee then it would be on the blanket right in front of them. Lyn decided that she was not going to let them see that, she was going to hold it in.

"You can go on with your silly story now." Julie said and this really pissed Lyn off. This was serious and not a silly story. Lyn got her back up and continued with her story.

"Anyway, the next Monday I had another meeting and everyone presented their revised ideas or a new idea. Again, I skipped over Sharon. I saw her face go red when she realized that she was not going to be allowed to give any ideas. When the meeting ended, I asked if anyone had any reasons why any of these ideas would not work with the exception of Sharon, as we all knew she would find something wrong with all of the ideas. This really turned her face red and I could see she wanted to jump up and tell me off right then and there. Everyone else, of course, kept his or her mouths shut. They had learned to not say anything I did not want to hear." Lyn felt her bladder spasm and she felt a drop or two of pee leak out. She had to stop talking to try to stop her bladder but then she felt another drop leak out. Lyn looked at Julie and Lydia and they were smiling at her. Lyn felt another spasm and she felt her bladder let go. She opened her legs a little further to keep the pee off her thighs. She looked down, saw the pee flow from her pussy, and puddle on the blanket before soaking in. Lyn felt her whole body redden from embarrassment. Lyn did not bother trying stop the flow now and she let her bladder empty, which seemed to take forever. She felt the blanket under her butt warm from her pee. She knew that she was now sitting in her own piss. Finally, her bladder was empty and the last few drops dripped from her pussy.

"I bet you feel better now." Julie stated then she turned to Lydia and said, "Man, did you see that cow pee. I have never seen as much piss come out of anyone before."

"You got that right. I bet she is thirsty now after losing that much liquid. Let's go get her some water before she dehydrates on us." Lydia replied as she got up. Lyn watched as they went to the kitchen. She wanted to get up and go beat the shit out of them. They made her piss on herself and then dared to laugh at her when she did.

"Here drink both of these." Julie told Lyn, handling her first of two big glasses of water.

Lyn started not to take them but she knew better than to cross them at this point. She gulped the first glass of water down and then took a little longer on the second one. She knew they were trying to make her pee on herself again. They knew she could not control her bladder. When she was done with the second glass of water, Lydia got her a third. This one she sipped on as she went back to telling her story.

"As the weeks went on, we tried some of the ideas but none seemed to work and most actually made production worse. My father would call every afternoon to get the day's production reports and then he would pound me on what I was doing. It got to the point that I hated the afternoons and his call. He made me feel like an idiot and I started to take my wrath on everyone else. As they say, "Shit runs downhill" and I made sure that it did. However, I saved my best for Sharon. I let her have it whenever I could and I did not care who was around to see me. If she were out on the floor doing an inspection, I would come up to her and tell her that she was defecting too many parts. I did not care that there were other people standing there listening to what I was saying to her or how I was saying it. Of course, at any meeting that we had, she was chewed out for some reason or another, even if I had to blame her for something she had nothing to do with. "

"And then came today..." Lyn could not go on as she started to cry again. Lyn let it all out and she began to sob. She put her hands to her face and just cried for a good fifteen minutes before she could get herself back together. She got a tissue and blew her nose. She looked at Julie and Lydia who sat there impassively. She so wanted them to come to her and hold her. But who would want to hold her after the way she had treated Sharon. She did not deserve to be treated nicely, beside who would to get close to someone who was sitting in her now cool piss.

"So what happened today?" Julie asked trying to sound hard but this time not quite pulling it off.

"My father called early in the morning and told me to get my shit together or he was going to disown me and put someone who knew what the hell they were doing in charge of the plant. This upset me greatly and I just lost any ability to reason. I called a meeting and told everyone that if we did not get production up then I was going to fire them all. I did not care how long they had been with the company or what their position was. I then pointed to Sharon and said that it was people like her, who were killing production. They only knew how to kill good ideas and not come up with any. She jumped up and said that I would never listen to any of her ideas. Moreover, if I would think then I would know that that what she had been saying was right. The ideas that she had put down didn't work when they were tried. This really pissed me off and I told her to shut up and sit down. I then told the whole group that Sharon would not know what a good idea looked like even if it hit her in the face. She started to stand up but then she stopped as I stared her down, daring her to get up and say anything. However, I could see the hurt in her face and eyes. I ended the meeting repeating my warning that everyone would be fired if they did not get it together. I then went back to my office. I was so pissed and upset then I went to the bathroom that's attached to my office. I splashed some cold water on my face and then looked into the mirror. I saw the dark circles under my eyes and the stress on my face. Then I started to look a little deeper and instead of seeing myself, I saw Sharon's face and the look on her eyes as I told everyone that she was worthless. Then my face reappeared and I could see more than the stress. I saw someone that I thought was long gone. All of a sudden, I realized that I was not seeing myself in the mirror but I was seeing my father. Then I began to think about what Sharon had said and I knew every word was true. I knew it had gone wrong somewhere along the line. I started to cry and I cried all afternoon. Later that afternoon, I found myself at my desk and I saw that picture of the three of us at Six Flags and I knew I had to get back to you two, where I would be away from my father and thus could go back to being a person that I could live with." Lyn said as she finished her story. She looked at Julie and then Lydia in the eyes trying to read them but she was not sure what they were thinking. Suddenly she was afraid that they would not want her back. This hadn't occurred to her until this very moment. Julie and Lydia didn't say anything and the wait for them to speak was driving Lyn crazy. She was about to say something when Julie spoke.

"I think you lied to us."

"No everything I have said is the truth. I swear!" Lyn pleaded as she felt her heart sink.

"Oh, I believe your story. I know what you said was true. But when you said that the old Lyn was back, you lied! What you did to those people at that plant was much worse than anything you ever did to me. In addition, what you did to Sharon was unforgivable. And you want us to just take you back like you had done nothing wrong at all." Julie said with such venom in her voice that Lyn felt scared. She knew she had done people wrong but now she realized how wrong she had really done them.

"I think we ought to throw her out on the street right now, naked and with piss all over her." Lydia said and Lyn knew that she meant what she said.

"If I was Sharon, I would have taken her out back and beat the ever living shit out of her. Maybe that is what we should do. Take her outside and beat the shit out of her. You game for that?" Julie asked Lydia.

Lyn felt fear rise up in her throat. Julie and Lydia were not violent but she could tell that they were both mad at her and she was not sure if they were serious or not. Her bladder all of a sudden felt full again. She was truly scared.

"On second thought, I have a better idea. Go get your digital camera." Lydia told Julie.

"Let's take pictures of her sitting in her piss and send them to all her employees. Don't you know they would love to see their boss naked and sitting in her own piss?" Lydia told Julie when she came back into the room with her camera.

"That is a good idea. Hey you slut, open your legs farther. I want a good picture of your pussy and the yellow stain between your legs." Julie instructed.

Lyn looked at both Julie and Lydia and saw that this time they were serious. Lyn opened her legs and she started to cry. This was so embarrassing and the first picture was of her crying. She tried to stop but that only made her cry more. And after every flash of the camera, she felt that much worse. She felt like she was worthless. About this time she felt her bladder let go again and in her misery, she heard Lydia say, "Look, she is peeing again. Get a couple of pictures of that. I know everyone would love the see that and I may keep a copy of that one myself and put it as my wallpaper on my computer." Lyn wanted to strike out at them but she was defeated. They had broken her. When she finally stopped crying, she looked up and saw that Julie and Lydia were standing in front of her naked.

"You got us both horny, looking at that body of yours. I want you to lick our pussies real good and then maybe we will let you watch us make love to each other." Julie said as she walked forward and then straddled her. Lyn looked up at Julie's pussy covered with brown pubic hair. She raised her head and started to lick. She did not notice that Julie was not wet and if fact was far from being excited. Lyn did her best to lick Julie properly but her heart was not in what she was doing. She licked Julie for a couple of minutes and then she did the same to Lydia.

"Well that wasn't great but I guess it will do. Get up and follow us to the bedroom." Julie demanded. Lyn got up and dutifully followed them into the bedroom. Julie turned off the lights and joined Lydia in the bed. "Stand there and watch us make love, bitch."

It was dark in the room; however, there was enough light coming from the full moon outside the window that she could make out their bodies. She watched as Julie moved over Lydia and she kissed her. Lyn could hear the smacking of their lips as they came together and then apart. Julie eventually moved down to Lydia's breasts and Lyn could hear Julie sucking on Lydia's breasts. Lyn so wanted to join them but she knew that Julie and Lydia didn't love her anymore. She was not worth love. Lyn started to cry again. It seemed that was what she had done all day but she couldn't stop the tears. Lyn wiped her eyes and saw that Julie was between Lydia's legs and Lydia was now moaning loudly. Soon she heard a slapping noise and she knew that Julie was fucking Lydia with her fingers and from the sucking sounds; she had her mouth on Lydia's clit. In no time at all, she heard Lydia moan loudly and she knew that she just had an orgasm. Julie and Lydia switched places and now Lydia was working on Julie. Lyn remembered the feel of Lydia's tongue and she wished that she could feel that tongue on her pussy just one more time. She knew now that would never happen. She stood there and listened as Lydia sucked, licked, and fucked Julie to what sounded like a massive orgasm. She had never heard Julie scream that loud when she came. Lyn would swear that the windows raddled. Lyn could see Lydia move up in the bed and she heard them kissing again. It seemed to go on forever before she heard Lydia speak.

"Go take a shower whore; you are stinking up the room. And don't come back in here until you smell better."

Lyn turned and ran from the room. She wanted to get out of here. She didn't know where she wanted to go but out of here and even out of the country. She did not think she could get far enough away. When she got to the bathroom, she turned on the shower and made the water as hot as she could stand it. When she got into the shower, she started to scrub her skin. She scrubbed as hard as she could try to get dirt off her. However, it was not the physical dirt that mattered, it was the dirt inside her she wanted off, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get it off. Finally, she gave up and rinsed her body. She dried herself and then walked slowly into the bedroom. She did not know what Julie and Lydia had planned next but she knew she couldn't take anymore more. When she got into the bedroom, Julie and Lydia were still in the bed and as she got to the side of the bed, they separated making a space between them. Lyn stood there not knowing what to do.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come on into the bed between us." Julie said, this time there was something different in her voice. It was not harsh or cruel.

Lyn was hesitant but she climbed between them. Then they did something that surprised her. She felt Julie and then Lydia each take one of her hands. They entwined their fingers with hers. She then felt Julie's other hand on her chin and she turned it toward her. She felt Julie's lips touch her lightly and sweetly. When the kiss ended, she felt Lydia take her chin and turn her face toward her. She then felt Lydia kissed her just as tenderly.

"Do you both hate me now?" Lyn asked afraid of the answer she would be given.

"No honey we don't hate you." Julie answered her.

"Even after what I told you? You both acted like you hated me." Lyn said as she felt a tear about to fall.

"No we don't hate you, disappointed maybe, we could never hate you." Lydia said as she kissed Lyn again. Lyn began to feel a little better but she knew Julie and Lydia and so she knew they weren't through with her.

"Now we are going to ask you a few questions and it is not to make you feel bad but just to see what you were feeling."

"Okay." Lyn said but she was sure that this was not going to be easy or fun.

"First question; what were you feeling when we made you strip and expose yourself?' Julie asked.

Lyn thought for a second before she answered, "Mostly vulnerable."

"Okay how about when we wouldn't let you go pee?" Lydia asked.

Again, Lyn hesitated before answering, "Very frustrated. I really had to go and you both did not seem to care."

"When I told you to go on with your silly story, what did you feel?" Julie asked this time.

"I got pissed off, this is serious to me and it wasn't a silly story." Lyn said with a little venom in her voice.

"Calm down. We know it wasn't. Just answer the questions for now and we will get to our point in a minute." Julie said as she squeezed Lyn's hand that she was holding. This did calm Lyn down a bit but she could feel her blood pressure rising. "Now what were you feeling when we made fun of you peeing." Julie continued.

"I guess I was both embarrassed and angry. Embarrassed because I peed on myself and then angry at you two for making me do it."

"When we talked about taking you outside and beating the shit out of you, how did you feel then?" Lydia asked.

"I got scared. I thought were serious for a moment."

"Okay how about when we started taking pictures of you and threatened to post them?" Julie asked.

"I was very embarrassed and ashamed of myself, especially when I peed on myself again and you took pictures of me."

"Last question." Lydia said. "How did you feel when we had sex and made you stand there and watch us?"

"That was the worst of all. I felt unloved and lonely. I just wanted to leave and never come back."

"Now think carefully before you say anything. You have described quite a few emotions that we made you feel tonight. Do you think that any of your employees have felt the same emotions recently?" Julie asked.

Lyn didn't want to answer this question but she knew she had too."

"Yes." Was all that Lyn could say.

"Which of your employees would you say felt these things?" Lydia asked.

"All of them." Lyn said and she wanted to cry again.

"Who made them feel this way?' Julie asked.

"I did but it was not all my fault, if it was not for my father..." Lyn started to say but was interrupted by Julie.

"Stop right there. You father did none of those things you told us. You did them, didn't you?"

"Yes, but..."

"There are no buts; you did those things didn't you? You allowed your father to dictate to you how you would act. You have a free will to do things but you allowed your father to influence you. But you are the one who treated her employees like shit wasn't you!"

"Yes I did." Lyn said and this time she did start crying. She had no more tears left but she cried all the same. She cried a few minutes before she realized that Julie and Lydia was holding her tight and kissing her on her cheeks. Lyn slowly stopped crying.

"I know this will hurt but I have to ask you this." Julie said and then she continued, "Is there anyone who you made feel worse than anyone else?"

"Sharon." Lyn said and she wanted to crawl into a hole and bury herself, but there was no hole for her to crawl into.

"You know what you have to do don't you?" Julie said.

"No don't make me go back. You said that I could stay with you two."

"Yes I did and I meant it but still you have done something wrong and now you have to own up to it. You have to make up for what you did. We can't do that for you. You have to do it yourself. We will always be here for you and you can call us any time of the day. When you have done that, you can come back to us. You understand why we have to make you do this don't you?" Julie asked.

"Yes, I know but I can't do it alone." Lyn said suddenly feeling alone and scared again.

"You won't have too. We will be here for you." Lydia said and she hugged Lyn tightly and then Lyn felt Julie do the same. Slowly Lyn began to feel a little better with Julie and Lydia holding her so tightly. She did not feel alone anymore. However, she was still scared. It was only when Julie and then Lydia kissed her passionately, that even that scared feeling started to ebb away. However, it did not go away completely.

Lyn then started to feel Julie's and Lydia's hands begin to roam around her body and it felt good but she stopped them before they got her too aroused.

"Can you just hold me tonight and then maybe tomorrow we can make love. Besides you two already made love once tonight and from the sounds, it sounded pretty passionate." Lyn said.

"Okay if that is what you want but we thought you could use a little loving tonight." Lydia interjected.

"I just want to be loved tonight. I just want to feel your love."

"That will be our pleasure and you do know that we both love you very much. Neither of us enjoyed what we did to you, even the lovemaking we faked. I was about as far from horny as I could get. Couldn't you tell that we were faking?" Julie asked.

"No I was so out of it at that point that I couldn't tell. But I am glad that you told me. And I love both of you so much, even when you have to do mean things to get me back on the right path."

"I think our friend needs lots of hugging and kissing tonight." Lydia said as she started to kiss Lyn. For the next hour, they both took turns kissing Lyn and she happily kissed them back. It felt so nice to be back in their arms again, even if it was only for a short while.

The next morning they slept late then after eating, Julie put on a fresh pot of coffee. They spent the rest of the day going over what Lyn needed to do and gave her ideas on how to go about doing what she needed to do. They gave her an example of how good bosses should act, which was their current boss. The more Lyn listened she more she began to realize that they were describing someone that sounded a lot like the person who she helped get fired and then had to replace. This did not make her feel too good but it did help her in that she had someone that she knew to think about when she had a decision to make. They also made it plain that she didn't have to be everyone's friend but she had to treat everyone with respect. There would be times when she had to be tough but she could be tough without belittling that person. Once that they had taken care of the plant, Julie and Lydia zeroed in on Sharon and what Lyn had to do with Sharon. This was what Lyn was dreading the most. She knew she had treated Sharon like shit and it would take a lot to repair the damage. They made it clear to her that she was going have to earn Sharon's respect and that would take some doing. They gave her some ideas then they sat back and listened to what Lyn's ideas along this line were. They made a few suggestions to Lyn's ideas but over all they agreed with what she suggested. Once everything was ironed out, Julie suggested that they go out to eat and have a nice meal. Julie said that any conversation about Lyn's problems would be not be open for discussion and that way they could all enjoy the dinner. They then went to the bathroom, took showers, and then put on their sexiest outfits. They then went out for a pleasant evening.

"You all had your way with me last night so tonight it is my turn to have my way with you." Lyn told Julie and Lydia then she took them by the hands and led them onto the bedroom. Once there she put them with their backs to the bed. She then started with Julie by taking her face in her hands and kissed her. It was soft at first then she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Julie's mouth. She kissed her for a couple of minutes then she went to Lydia. She took Lydia's face into her hands and kissed her just as passionately. When she went back to Julie, she started to kiss her but as she did this, she began to unzip her dress. When the zipper got to Julie's butt, Lyn took a second to grasp each of her butt cheeks in her hands and gave them a squeeze. She then broke of the kiss and pulled the straps of Julie's dress off her shoulders and she let it fall to the floor. Julie was not wearing a bra so she was left standing in just her panties. Lyn bend down, took a nipple into her mouth, and sucked it into her mouth. This caused Julie to moan. Lyn then went to the other nipple doing the same to it. She gave a last kiss to each nipple then went back to Lydia. She started to kiss her and unbutton her blouse. When it was unbutton, she stopped kissing her and then she removed Lydia's blouse. She then reached around Lydia to unhook her bra and she removed that. She took Lydia's B cup breasts in her hands squeezing them. She lowered her mouth to the right breast and took the nipple into her mouth. She sucked on the nipple and then she bit down gently on the nipple causing Lydia to moan. She moved to the other breast and sucked the nipple into her mouth. As she sucked, Lyn moved her hands to Lydia's hips and she unzipped her skirt. She tried to push it down as she sucked on the breasts but it was too tight. So gave a kiss to the nipple that she was sucking on and dropped to her knees. She took the skirt into her hands and pulled it down and Lydia's panties came partway down with the skirt. Once she got Lydia's skirt to her ankles, she went back up to Lydia's panties and pulled them down revealing her full brown bush. Lyn helped Lydia step out of the skirt and panties and then she made Lydia spread her legs. Lyn glanced over at Julie and saw that Julie had her right hand inside her panties and was rubbing herself. Lyn reached over and slapped Julie's hand, causing Julie to remove her hand from her panties. Lyn then slipped her hand under the leg of Julie's panties and found Julie's wet pussy with her fingers. She started to move her fingers up and down Julie's pussy as her mouth started to lick Lydia's pussy. Lydia was very wet and Lyn lapped the juices from the outer lips before parting Lydia's lips with her tongue. She licked up and down Lydia's slit and at the same time, she forced her middle finger into Julie's pussy. Lyn felt Julie's pussy grip her finger as she started to move it in and out. Lyn's tongue went up to Lydia's clit and she felt Lydia's knees go weak for a second. She sucked another second before she removed her mouth from Lydia and her finger from Julie.

"Sit down on the edge of the bed girls and lay back." Lyn instructed. Julie and Lydia quickly sat down and lay back as told. Lyn moved over to Julie and put her hands to the sides of Julie's panties. Julie lifted her hips to help Lyn remove her panties. Once they were off, Lyn dove into Julie's pussy licking the juices that Julie had produced while she was fucking her with her finger. She did not forget Lydia. She put her left hand to Lydia's pussy, she used her fingers to caress the outer lips, and then she went deeper until she forced a finger into her. As she began to fuck Lydia with her finger, her mouth was busy licking Julie's pussy. She slid her tongue between the lips and pushed her tongue inside Julie. She had both girls moaning and she could feel her own pussy soak her panties with her juices. Lyn went to Julie's clit and began to lick. This really got Julie going and she pushed her hips up forcing her pussy into Lyn's face. Lyn got Julie close to a climax then she switched over to Lydia. She removed her finger from Lydia's pussy and replaced it with her tongue. She then reached over, inserted two fingers into Julie, and started to fuck her. She fucked her harder this time since there were no panties to limit her motion. She also began to lick Lydia hard, moving her tongue around the outer lips and then inside her. She licked her a few minutes before going to her clit. She did Lydia the same way she had done Julie. She licked and sucked on the clit until she had Lydia close to an orgasm. At that point, she again switched places. Both girls were moaning and groaning as they both wanted and needed to cum so bad. Lyn knew that she had teased them about enough so she only licked Julie a couple of minutes before going to the clit. She now had two fingers in Lydia and she was fucking her hard and fast with them. When she got to Julie's clit, she sucked it into her mouth and used her tongue to tease and caress the nub. It did not take her too long to bring Julie to an orgasm and from the way she moaned and cried out, it was a good one. She licked Julie through her orgasm before going back to Lydia. She left her two fingers inside Lydia and continued to fuck her. She put her mouth over the clit and sucked it into her mouth. She licked her hard and Lydia soon cried out as she had her orgasm. Lyn licked and sucked Lydia through her orgasm and then as both of them recovered from their orgasm, Lyn went back and forth licking their pussies gently to get all the girlcum that they were producing.

A few minutes later, Lyn felt two sets of hands under her arms and she was pulled up into the bed. The two girls forced her into the center of the bed laying her on her back. They got on each side of her and started pulling her dress down. Lyn had meant to do a seductive strip for them but she quickly realized that they had other things in mind for her. The dress was forced downward which was the opposite of how it was suppose to be removed. As the dress got to her hips she began to hear it tear, but she did not care. Julie and Lydia could do any and everything to her. Once the dress was off, Julie went to her bra and Lydia attacked her panties. In seconds, she was naked. As Julie kissed her, Lyn felt Lydia open her legs. The next thing she felt was Lydia blowing on her pussy. This sent a shiver through her body and she moaned into Julie's mouth. Then Julie and Lydia stopped what they were doing and it was if Lyn was a part of a well-rehearsed play. At the same time she felt Lydia kiss her pussy, she felt Julie kiss her right nipple. The next thing the Lyn felt was Julie sucking the nipple into her mouth and Lydia start licking her pussy. Lyn felt a moan come from deep within her body and it came out of her throat. The moan was long and loud. This seemed to spur Julie and Lydia on as they increased their intensity. Lydia's long tongue went deep into her pussy and Julie started to bite her nipple. Lyn completely lost control of her body as the two girls worked her over. Lydia was licking deep and hard, Julie switched over to her left breast, and she sucked the nipple into her mouth. Lyn felt like she was in heaven, having the two people she loved most making love to her. Lydia would go up to her clit every couple of minutes and tease it until she was close to a climax. Then she would back off leaving her gasping. Every time Lydia did this, Lyn felt herself getting closer to a massive orgasm. They worked her body for a few minutes more then Lydia closed her mouth over her clit and stayed there this time. Lyn felt her orgasm approach quickly and then it hit her like a brick wall. She cried out and she clamped her thighs against Lydia's head holding it in place as she came.

When she came back to her senses, she found Julie and Lydia on each side of her kissing her and gently stroking her body. She started to do the same to them but they slapped her hands away. So Lyn settle for just returning their kisses and enjoying what they were doing to her sensitive body. Slowly she felt her body become arouse again. After her orgasm, she did not think that was possible but Julie and Lydia knew what they were doing. About this time, Lyn felt Julie turn her head toward her and kiss her deeply. As she was kissing Julie, Lyn felt Lydia sit up and then move around on the bed. As she concentrated on kissing Julie, she monetary forgot about Lydia until she felt her move between her legs. She felt Lydia lift up on her hips and a pillow was placed under her butt. The next thing she felt was something hard against her pussy. She felt Lydia part her pussy lips and that something hard began to force its way inside her. Lyn then knew that Lydia had put on a strap-on. The head of the fake cock popped inside her. She then felt the cock slowly fill her pussy up. It did not stop until she felt Lydia's pelvis hit hers. She felt Lydia adjust her knees up under her raised hips and then she felt Lydia withdraw the cock a few inches and then she force it back in. Lyn let out another moan into Julie's mouth. As Lydia began to fuck her, Julie's hands went to her breasts and they began to squeeze and caress them. Slowly Lydia increased her speed and soon she was fucking her hard. Lyn could hear the sound of the cock sliding in and out of her and she could feel what the cock was doing to her pussy. The cock felt so good, as Lydia fucked her. The cock would fill her up and it was withdrawn only to fill her up again. Lyn wrapped her arms around Julie as Lydia fucked her. Lydia fucked her for a good fifteen minutes before Lyn felt her place her thumb against her clit. It was only a matter of time before she felt a second orgasm approach and then hit her. Julie did not stop kissing her as she came so Lyn was forced to moan and kiss at the same time but in reality, she was doing more moaning than kissing at this point.

As she came down from her orgasm, she heard someone tell her to turn over and get up on her knees. Lyn did as the voice told her and then she felt something against her pussy. She looked over and saw that Lydia was beside her playing with her breasts as they hung down. She felt the hard thing force its way inside her pussy and as she looked back, she saw that Julie had put the strap-on on and was now starting to fuck her doggy style. Julie was moving the cock slowly inside her. Lyn started to push back as Julie went forward. Soon they got into a gentle rhythm. Julie fucked her slowly for a long time just moving the cock in and out. Lyn could feel every inch of the cock as it pulled and pushed on her lips. She felt the cock fill her to the max then empty her. Lydia was gently pulling and pinching on her breasts and nipples. They went on like this for what seem like forever but then Lyn started to need more. She started to push back against Julie harder and Julie responded by pushing forward quicker. They were soon fucking hard and fast. Lyn could hear and feel Julie's hips slap wetly against her pussy. Lyn pushed back harder trying to get as much of the cock inside her. When she felt Lydia's fingers against her clit, she knew another orgasm was not far off. When it hit, it hit hard and she lowered her head to the bed and hugged the pillow. Julie did not stop fucking her. She felt one orgasm merge from one to another until she lost count of how many times she had cum. She could feel her pussy start to get sore from the fucking but she tried as best she could to push back until she reached the final orgasm and as it exploded inside her she fell to the bed and somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt the cock finally slip out of her body. She woke up sometime later and she looked beside her and saw that Lydia was lying on top of Julie and from the movement of the bed she knew she was fucking her. Lyn wanted to get up and help but she had no energy, Julie and Lydia had fucked it all out of her.

When Lyn woke up the next morning, she found that she was alone in the bed. She rolled over onto her back and then she reached down and placed her hand on her pussy. She was a little sore but it was worth it. She was not sure when she would be able to come back for good so this had to do her for a while. She got up and took a shower.

"Well they are still running, I see" Lyn said to herself upon finding a note on the kitchen table saying that Julie and Lydia had gone out for their morning run. Lyn got a pan out and started to fry some bacon and then some eggs. Everything was about done, when Julie and Lydia came into the door.

"Hurry and take your showers, breakfast will be on the table when you get done." Lyn called out to them.

"Sounds great and smells great too." Lydia said as she passed by. When the showers were done, they sat down and had a nice breakfast. Lyn had a noon flight back so soon after breakfast, she had to pack up her things and they headed toward the airport. No one talked much on the drive and once Lyn was checked in, she found she had an hour wait before she would board. They kept the conversation light and it was only when the airline started to board the plane did any say anything about what Lyn had to do when she got back to work.

"I know you can do this. You will be fine." Lydia whispered in her ear as she kissed her.

"We are always here for you. Call us anytime." Julie told her as she hugged her then kissed her.

"I know. I love you both so much." Lyn said as she gave each of them a final kiss and hug. She then hurried up the ramp before she lost her nerve. As she fastened her seatbelt, a strange feeling over came her. It was as if she knew that she wouldn't come back the same person. She knew that her relationship with Julie and Lydia had changed. She did not know why she knew that it had, and strangely, this did not scare her.

When she got home, she unpacked her bags and checked her messages. There were several from her father and all were about the plant. She chose not to answer them. She would deal with him on her terms and at the time that she chose. She spent the evening doing her laundry and cleaning up a bit then she took her shower and retired. She tried to sleep but her mind was working to hard and sleep would not come. She then tried to read a book to make herself sleepy but that did not work. She turned on the TV, watched a movie, and tried to sleep but again sleep was not to come. Finally, she turned off the TV and turned over on her back. She decided that she wasn't going to be able to get any sleep so she was just going to relax and think. Before she knew it, she was asleep.

The alarm woke her up, and after shutting it off, she lay back down and thought to herself, "You can do this, you can win them back over to you." She then got up and got ready for work.

She was the first one to the plant, so she walked around the building where the only people there were the nightshift maintenance men. She nodded to them and then toured the rest of the plant. She eventually made it to her office and she reviewed her emails. She had a number from her father but these too she ignored. A little after eight she told her assistant to call a meeting in the conference room for eight thirty. Normally she liked to the last one there so that she could make her entrance and thus make sure that everyone had to wait for her but today she made sure to get there first. She sat at the head of the table and watched as her managers came in the room. As soon as each person saw her, Lyn could see his or her expression change. It was like all the life went out of them. If they were smiling, the smile immediately disappeared. When Sharon entered the room, her expression changed but it was not the same as the others. She was smiling and that did disappear. It was replaced with a determined look. It was almost as if she was saying that she had gotten the best of her for the last time. Lyn knew she would have to go to plan B with Sharon but then she knew all along that she would have to do that. Once everyone had settled in their seats and opened their notebooks, Lyn stood up.

"I have spent the weekend reviewing what has happened to this plant since I first arrived and I have come to some conclusions that I did not like." Lyn saw what life her employees had in their eyes, disappeared. Lyn hoped what she said next would start to bring it back.

"Production has steadily gone down since I have been here. So I decided to try and figure out what had changed to cause this. The only change that I could come up with was that a manager that everyone liked and respected was replaced by me. Therefore, if this was the only change, then that means that I am the problem. You all figured that out long ago didn't you?" Lyn saw everyone trying to figure out where she was going with this. She also saw that there were many heads dieing to nod yes. "So that means that I have to change and I plan to do just that. I need to earn your respect and I plan to do that. The first thing I need to do is to offer my apologies to all of you but before I do that, I need to apologize to a certain person. Sharon," Lyn noticed that Sharon perked up at the mention of her name. "You said some things to me on Friday that I had trouble with. You said that I never would listen to your ideas and that the things you said about the ideas not working were right. Well you are right on both accounts. I didn't listen to you and you were right about some of the ideas not working. I believe I told you that you wouldn't know a good idea if it hit you in the face. I want to apologize to you." Lyn saw the surprise on Sharon's face but also some disbelief. She would have to work hard to win her over. "Now I want to apologize to the rest of you. While I have not treated you as bad as Sharon, I still treated you all badly. I would like us to start over today. I will do my best to earn your respect and I hope that with all of your help that we can get this turned around. I want all of you to think about this and as this week goes along I will come to each of your offices and we can talk and clear all the air. Thank you" everyone was so in shock by what she had said that no one moved for a minute. Luckily, Sharon was the last to leave and as she got to the door, Lyn spoke up. "Sharon, may I talk to you a few minutes."

"I wanted to speak to you too." Sharon replied dryly. Lyn walked with her down to her office and Lyn shut her door.

"Please have a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee or anything?" Lyn asked.

"No, I am fine."

"Well let me get a cup and we can talk." Lyn said.

"I can probably make this conversation short as I would like to turn in..." Sharon started to say but Lyn interrupted.

"I would like to say something before you do what I am afraid you are about to do." Lyn said as she sat down with her cup of coffee. "I have treated you very badly since I have been here and while I apologized to you in the meeting this morning. I would like to apologize to you personally. I could give you a number of reasons on why I did that but they would all just be excuses and wouldn't hold any water. Basically I was being a bitch who was showing her ass." Lyn saw the shock on what she had just said come across Sharon's face. "Like I told everyone else, I would like to earn your respect. I realize that will be hard but I would like the opportunity to try. I am figuring that you are holding your letter of resignation in your hand, but before you give it to me, I would like to make you an offer." Lyn said as she pulled a sheet of paper from her desk.

"What I have here is an agreement between the two of us. If you will agree to stay one month, thus giving me a chance to turn things around, then if you want to leave I will guarantee your current salary for a year. I would hope that you would look for another job during that year but I will not require you to do that. In addition, if you find a lesser paying job, then for that year I will supplement your salary. If you think I just trying to get you to stay another month so that I can make your life miserable, I can only assure you that I am not, but I am also sure my saying that does not mean much to you right now. So are you willing to give me a month?"

"I don't know. I will have to think about it. How did you get human resources to agree to something like this?" Sharon asked but Lyn could tell she was thinking about the offer.

""They don't know anything about the agreement. This is between you and me. My father would never agree to anything like this. This is coming from my own salary; none of the company's monies is involved. I would also ask that you not tell anyone about this."

"That is interesting. How long do I have to make this decision?"

"I would like an answer today if possible but you can take longer, if you need too. Why don't I stop by your office at 4:30 and we can talk more." Lyn suggested.

"Fair enough, I should have made my decision by then." Sharon said as she got up and left the office.

Lyn sat back in her chair and let out a long sigh. The morning had gone well but it was just the beginning. She spent the next hour answering her emails and then spent the rest of the day out and about the plant. She stayed away from Sharon, not wanting her to feel as if she was putting pressure on her. In a way she was dreading her 4:30 meeting as she was afraid that Sharon would turn down her offer. Sharon was the key to wining over the rest of the plant, if she convince Sharon to stay after all that had happen then maybe then the rest would follow. However, it was more than that. Sharon was the key but her plan would not fall through if she left but for Lyn it was more than that. She was not sure why that was so, but she knew it was.

"So how has your day been?" Lyn asked as she walked into Sharon's office at precisely 4:30.

"Not bad, especially since you have not been on my case any today." Sharon quipped, and then she put her hand to her mouth as if she was trying to catch the words that had already left her mouth. "I am sorry. I should not have said that."

"That is okay. I guess I deserved that one." Lyn said as a genuine smile appeared on her face.

"Still I am sorry."

"Tell you what; let's start fresh as of today, no more me berating you if front of everyone of even in private. If I have something to say then we will do it behind closed doors and I promise to be civil."

"Okay, I that sounds fine. I think I can live with that." Sharon said but there was a lingering question on her face as if she did not entirely believe Lyn.

"Does that means that you will agree to stay at least a month longer?" Lyn asked hopefully.


"Great!" Lyn said as she pulled the agreement from her clipboard.

"I see that you come prepared. You knew the offer was too good to pass up."

"No, I was just hopeful. I really do want you to stay longer than a month." Lyn said as she held out the contract. Sharon hesitated a second before putting her name to the paper. Lyn then signed the contract and gave it back to Sharon.

"Do you want me to make you a copy?" Sharon asked.

"No I trust you to keep it." Lyn replied.

"How do you know I won't try to change it in any way?"

"I don't. But I can't expect you to trust me if I don't trust you." Lyn said hoping that this was the starting point for their new working relationship. Sharon took the contract and put it into her case before coming back to where Lyn was standing.

"So do you have an idea on improving production? I never did give you a chance to tell me." Lyn asked.

Sharon stood there a minute and Lyn could tell she was trying to decide whether to tell her or not. "I may have something in mind but I am still studying the idea."

"Okay, well tell me when it is ready. I really would like to know about your idea." Lyn said and then she asked Sharon to tell her about what all her job involved. She let Sharon talk and she made sure Sharon knew that she was actually interested and wanted to learn. Lyn stayed there until five then politely excused herself.

That evening she called Julie and Lydia and told them how the day went and they were happy for her that it went as well as it did. Julie asked her about Sharon, and if Lyn thought, that Sharon would stay longer than the month that she agreed too. Lyn thought a moment and told Julie that she thought that she might but it all depended on how she handled things the next few days. They talked for an hour or so, and then Lyn hung up and went to take her shower. When she got into bed, she reviewed the time she had spent with Sharon and made up a plan on how to handle her the rest of the week.

Tuesday through Thursday Lyn spent her morning in her office and then in the afternoon she spent out in the plant. She made a point to talk to everyone of her employees at least once. She also made sure to save the last half hour to hour with Sharon. Tuesday and Thursday they spent that time in Sharon's office. Wednesday Lyn found her doing one of her inspections so Lyn walked with Sharon as she did that. Lyn kept their conversations mostly about work but she did start to elicit other information from her, mostly general stuff like where she went to school and where she was from.

""So how has your day been today?" Lyn asked on Friday as she came into Sharon's office.

"Not bad, it is Friday so that always helps."

"You can say that again, it has been a long week. I am looking forward to a restful weekend. I may sleep all weekend."

"Does not sound like a bad idea. I may do the same but I am fixing up my parents house that they left to me so I would say that I will not get much a chance to sleep but then again I might fit a nap in there somewhere." Sharon said.

"That sounds like you have two jobs going, here and then when you get home." Lyn said and then almost offered to help but stopped herself. She was then left wondering why she wanted to offer, as it had nothing to do with winning Sharon over at work. It was more than that, but what else it was, Lyn was left wondering. Then she realized that Sharon was talking to her.

"... my idea."

"Excuse me, I missed what you said." Lyn felt embarrassed asking.

"I was asking if you really wanted to hear my idea."

"Yes, I do."

"How much do you know about our mold injection machines?" Sharon asked.

"I know the basic working of the machine and how much they cost as well how much they cost to operate."

"Can I ask you to do something before I explain my idea to you?"

"Sure." Lyn said wondering just what Sharon wanted her to do.

"Would you really watch how the machine operators run the machine as well as the inspectors this coming week? It would help me in explaining my idea."

"Okay I have been meaning to do that anyway. I will just put it on my schedule." Lyn said and then she talked to Sharon for a few more minutes before making her way to her office.

Lyn spent her weekend doing just what she told Sharon she was going to do. She slept late on Saturday and then lounged around her large apartment in her nightgown. As the day went on, she found herself sitting on the couch and she was thinking about Sharon. At first, it was in the context of work and she wondered just what her idea entailed. When she had exhausted that line of thinking, she continued to think about Sharon. She pictured Sharon in her mind, her short red hair, her small but proportional sized breasts and the flare of her hips that led to her long legs. She saw Sharon's hips sway as she followed her through the plant as Sharon did her inspection. She felt her nipples begin to harden and her pussy started to moisten. She let her mind go farther as she imagined Sharon removing her blouse and bra revealing her breasts and she wondered if Sharon's pussy was bare or covered with red pubic hair. The imagine became too much for Lyn as her fingers began to caress her breasts through the silky material of her nightgown. She felt her nipples harden as the picture of Sharon's naked body played out in her mind. She moved her fingers around her breasts and then she would flick her nipples with her fingertips. She began to rub her thighs together getting some friction against her pussy. Finally, she gathered the bottom of her gown in her hands and pulled it over her head. She laid back on the couch and spread her legs. She used one hand on her breasts caressing them and pinching her nipples. The other hand slipped down to her bare pussy. Her labia were wet and slippery and two of her fingers slipped easily inside. She fucked her pussy a few minutes as she pictured that it was Sharon's fingers plunging deep inside her. She then moved her soaked fingers to her clit that was swollen and protruding from its hood. She grasped the clit between her thumb and index finger. Using slight pressure, she began to roll the clit between her fingers. She let out a loud moan that she was sure the people next door could hear. Slowly she increased the pressure until she could take no more. She began to pinch her nipples harder as she felt her orgasm near. She then released her clit and began to rub it hard and her orgasm hit. Again, she let out a loud moan as she felt the released she needed so bad come over her.

When she had recovered from her orgasm, she looked down at her naked body and she could smell the girlcum that she had produced. She began to feel guilty about what she had done. She had treated this young woman like shit and now she was having fantasies about her. This was becoming much too confusing for her. She vowed to herself that she would not do this again. She was going to convince Sharon to stay but she was going to be professional about it. She could not come on to Sharon, as that was the last thing Sharon needed from her. Besides Sharon was probably straight and even if she was not, Lyn knew that she was the last person she would want to have a relationship. Lyn then got up and went to take a shower hoping to wash the fantasy that she just had of Sharon from her mind. Sunday she decided it was better to keep busy so once the stores opened, she went out shopping. She bought things that she did not need but it was a way to keep her idle mind busy.

Monday morning Lyn had her usual morning meeting, this time she had a general discussion about the plant. She kept for the most part quite and just listened. She only spoke when everything got quite, and then she would bring up another subject for everyone to discuss. It was the first productive meeting that she had with her managers since she had been there. She worked on notes from the meeting for the rest of the morning then changed into jeans after lunch and worked with the production people as Sharon had asked her to do. She watched and learned then took over for whatever worker she was watching getting experience at what they actually did. After dayshift had ended and the evening shift came on she worked an hour or so with them before stopping in and seeing Sharon before she left. Lyn saw that Sharon was sitting behind her desk and the picture that Lyn had of Sharon on Saturday popped into her head but she quickly shook it free. She talked to Sharon for a few minutes then headed up to her own office. She worked late that night and before she left, she made another visit to the evening shift talking to most of the people working. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went the same way until she got to Sharon's office on Thursday evening.

"How are you doing today?' Lyn asked as she entered Sharon's office.

"Pretty good, how about yourself?"

"Good but tired. I have been doing as you asked and I have to admit I should have done that when I first got here. I have learned quite a bit about how my plant really runs. I do have a lot of good workers and I need to show them that I appreciate what they do." Lyn replied.

"I think that they would like that, everyone wants to be appreciated." Sharon said.

"Yes they do." Lyn said as she wondered if Sharon was talking just as much about herself as she was everyone else.

"So do you still want to hear about my idea?" Sharon asked.

"Of course I do."

"I hate to ask for anything else but I do need a couple more things from you."

"I am listening." Lyn said, curious as to what else Sharon wanted from her.

"I don't want anyone to lose their job as what I have in mind could eliminate a few jobs but I am sure that we could use them somewhere else." Sharon said as she pleaded with her eyes for Lyn to accept.

"I don't want anyone to lose their job. I will not let anyone go, I promise. If nothing else as people retire or leave we will just not replace them." Lyn said.

"The next thing is that my cousin Bill, who is the supervisor of maintenance on night shift, helped me with this and I need him to help me explain what we have come up with. We could have him stay over but he has to get his kids off to school in the mornings and it will be better if we do this before everyone comes in. We can have the plant to ourselves. Do you mind meeting me here at five in the morning and Bill and I can demonstrate what we have in mind?"

"Well, I admit that is a little early for me but I think I can manage. I need to visit with our maintenance men anyway. Without them doing the nightly maintenance on our machines we would be sunk. I guess I will meet you here at five."

"I appreciate you doing this for me; I know I am asking a lot." Sharon said sincerely.

"No problem, I appreciate you showing me your idea. I know that it will be just what we need."

"I hope so."

"I guess I will see you bright and early in the morning."

"Early yes but I am not sure about the bright part. I don't do mornings well, especially that early in the morning."

"Tell you what, if I fall asleep tomorrow you can pinch me awake and I will do the same for you." Lyn said kidding with Sharon.

"Deal," Sharon replied with a smile coming across her face. Lyn then left realizing that Sharon had a nice smile with pretty, white teeth, now that she had actually seen it.

Lyn slammed her hand down on her alarm clock turning it off. She slowly opened her eyes, looked out the slits, and saw the clock reading 4:00 AM. She groaned loudly and wanted so badly to turn over and go back to sleep but she had work to do so she dug herself out of bed and went to the bathroom. She emptied her bladder then splashed some cold water on her face. That woke her up quickly and she looked into the mirror. The imagine she saw this time was of a sleepy, tired woman but someone that she could look into the eyes of and feel good about it. This was a big difference from the person she had looked at in the mirror a couple of weeks earlier. She then went to the kitchen and heated up a cup of coffee in the microwave. She carried the coffee to the bathroom and began to get ready for work. When she got down on production floor at five, she found Sharon and her cousin Bill waiting for her. They both looked as tired as she felt, Bill because he had been working all night and Sharon, like her, because she had to get up so early.

"Morning everyone, I seen we are all here and raring to go." Lyn said with a smile on her face.

"Right, I am not sure about the raring part but I am ready. You know Bill, right."

"Yes. We have met but I have not had the chance to work a night with him yet but I do promise that I will."

"We look forward to having you with us one night soon." Bill said.

"Shall we get started." Lyn suggested.

Sharon then went on to explain about how the molds work in the injection machines and how they would leave some left over plastic that had to be cut off by the operators or the inspectors. Lyn remembered this well as she spent an afternoon doing this very thing. It was hard work and required muscle and skill in using the knife that they used to cut the excess material. Sharon then turned the explaining to Bill who showed Lyn an old broken mold that he and Sharon had fixed then modified. He put the mold into the machine and fired it up. As he did this Sharon and Lyn talked about what this could do to improve production. Once Bill had the machine going, the three of them compared the old parts compared to the new ones and Lyn immediately saw that this would be a huge cost saver in both personnel and speed of production. Since she had made the promise to Sharon about no one being let go, the cost savings on personnel would have to wait until someone left on their own but once they had all the molds reworked like this one they could really speed up production. She knew her father hated to spend money on anything so she would have to get the money somehow to get the molds reworked but she knew she would figure out a way. They worked until seven, when day shift came in. Bill then left to go get his kids ready for school and Sharon and Lyn went up to Lyn's office to go over the details of the project that was now number one on the list of things that Lyn knew she had to do. At about nine Lyn heard her stomach growl loudly.

"I think my stomach is trying to tell me something. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"No, I left too early and nothing was open as I was coming in this morning." Sharon said.

"Good then lets go get something. I could use a good cup of coffee. Margaret is a great assistant but her coffee making is not much better than mine." Lyn said.

"I really need to get back to my office; my work is waiting for me there. But thanks for the offer." Sharon said.

"Your work can wait and you need to get something good to eat." Lyn said as she got up and ushered Sharon out of her office not giving her a chance to refuse her again.

Lyn took them to the local breakfast place and they both ordered breakfast. As they ate, they talked about Sharon's idea some more but after the dishes were cleared, Lyn had the waitress pour them some more coffee and she changed the subject.

"So what are you doing to your parent's house? I am sure that they appreciate what you are doing for them." Lyn asked hoping to bring a little more out of Sharon and learn what made her tick.

"I guess I need to stop calling it my parent's house. It is really mine now; my mom left it to me when she died a year ago." Sharon said with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"I am sorry to hear that. How did she die? She could not have been that old, you can't be out of your twenties yet."

"I am 26 but my mom was actually 73 when she died. My father died the year before at 72. I was one of those "Ops" babies." Sharon said and Lyn could see her eyes lit up when she said that she was an "Ops" baby.

"You got me curious now. Tell me about how you came about, if you don't mine." Lyn asked sensing that Sharon loved to tell this story.

"My parents always wanted to have children but for some reason they never could. They both went to doctors but no one could find out why they couldn't conceive. They talked about adopting but they so wanted a child of their own that they kept putting it off until it was too late to adopt. My mom told me that they gave up and went on with their lives. When mom turned 46, she began to have some nausea after they had come back for a long cruise. She also had these strange cravings and she passed off the nausea to the weird food she was eating. Then she realized that she had missed her period for a few months in a row and she then figured that she was just going through the change of life early. She finally went to the doctor to get some hormone pills. The doctor did some blood work but held off on the pills until he got the result back. Mom told me the doctor call her and my father into his office a couple of days later. Mom said that she was scared that he had found something serious wrong but when they got there he stated, "Virginia, you are 4 months pregnant." My mom said both she and my father just sat there like neither had heard him. Mom said that the words seem to have gotten inside her skull but did not go any further. The doctor had to repeat what he had said before my mom said that it really sunk in what he was saying. He then refereed them to an ob/gyn doctor that specialized in women with problem pregnancies. With my mom being 46 at the time, she definitely fit into the category. The ob/gyn doctor did many tests and kept a close eye on her and five months after that I popped out. Needless to say; coming so late in their lives they pampered me. I was their miracle baby. I did not want for much but they did make sure that I was brought up right. Early on, I knew that we were a special family so I was close to both of them. We were a tight knit family. My father worked past his normal retirement to put me through college and it was only after I had graduated that my mom told me that he was getting sick. He had told her not to tell me until after I had graduated and I did not know until then. I moved back in with them and help mom take care of father until he died. After he died, my mom lost her will to live and she followed a year later. So now I have the house and the memories but I still miss them so much."

Lyn noticed a tear coming from Sharon's eyes and she got a Kleenex from her purse and gave it to Sharon.

"Thank you." Sharon said as she wiped her eyes.

"That was a beautiful story. Your parents were the best parents a person could ever ask for." Lyn said wishing her own parents could have been half of what Sharon's were.

"They were that. I did not mean to get emotional there but I tend to do that when I talk about them. I am sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry. That is something worth being emotional about."

"I have told you about my family, how about yours?"

"Well you know my father so you can imagine what mine were like. Tell you what, I will tell you about them at another time. I hate to ruin your story by talking bad about my parents. Ask me anything else and I will tell you."

"That could be interesting. What do I want to ask you?" Sharon asked but she had a devious smile on her face and that pleased Lyn seeing this new part of Sharon.

"Now be nice, don't make it too hard."

"I will be nice this time, what do you like to do best?"

Lyn thought for only a few seconds and said "Riding rollercoaster's," then she felt her face blush when she remembered something about that she did not want to tell.

"I love to ride them too but the way your face turned red tells me there is something more to the story. What would that be? Remember that you would tell me"

"I know, I love to ride them but I admit they scare me at the same time and I tend to do something when I go on one."

"And what would that be, might I ask?" Sharon inquired.

"I pee on myself." Lyn said and she felt her face blush again.

"I have got to hear about this; you have to tell me the rest of this story." Sharon said now work was the last thing on her mind.

"You can't tell anyone about this, especially anyone at the plant, okay?"

"I won't. This is just between us."

"I had two friends in college and we went to "LesleysWorld," that country star's theme park by the mountains."

""I have been there a number of times; I know where you are talking about." Sharon interjected.

"They talked me into going onto the then new "ThunderRoad" rollercoaster even though they knew I was scared of heights. We got on and it started. I was so nervous and scared when I got on and they put the bar down to hold us in. As it started, I closed my eyes and I felt my heart beating a mile a minute. It started out slow and I thought that maybe it was going to be okay but then it started going up hill. We reached the top and suddenly we plunged downhill and I let out a blood-curding scream. The ride went on and I kept my eyes closed and screamed all the way. As we waited to get off the ride, I suddenly realized that I loved the thrill of being so scared. It was a blast. Later we were walking away from the ride; I noticed that a couple of young girls were giggling behind me. As we walked, we all three noticed that people were staring at me or rather my shorts. Julie then slowed down and got behind me and then she started to laugh. I was mad at her at first for laughing and not telling me why. She showed Lydia, she started laughing too, and now I was really getting mad. They were laughing so hard that they could not tell me what was wrong. They finally got me to the bathroom, I saw in the mirror that I had pissed all over myself. I was so embarrassed and there was no way to dry my shorts. So we went on a water ride and sat where we knew we would get wet and that solved the problem."

"That is great. I would have loved to see that. But didn't you notice that you were wet after you got off the ride?" Sharon asked and Lyn saw that there was a sparkle in her eyes. She was dieing to giggle but was managing to hold it in.

"No I never felt a thing until Julie and Lydia pointed it out to me. I think my nerves were still getting an overload from the ride that I never noticed my shorts being wet."

"So have you rode any more since then?" Sharon asked.

"Oh yes, we went to a bunch since then but I learned to go to the bathroom first then put on a heavy maxi pad to soak up any pee that is left. It never fails; I pee every time I go on a rollercoaster."

"I just have to see this, this is great!" Sharon said.

"As soon as it warms up a bit, we will go. I haven't been on one in a while and I cannot wait to go. Now I will have someone to go with me. I won't ride them alone as you might expect."

This caught Sharon by surprise and Lyn waited for her response. It took her a few seconds before she finally replied, "We will have to do that." But Lyn could tell that Sharon was fighting the urge at becoming friends with her and she could understand Sharon's conflict. Lyn changed the subject and they talked for a minutes more before they realized that that it was almost one o'clock. Lyn paid their bill and they hurried back to work. As the day ended, Lyn thought about asking Sharon if she want to go grab a bite to eat but decided to wait a week and see how it went.

Lyn spent the weekend trying to stay busy. She did not want to repeat what she had done the previous weekend. She had managed to keep her thoughts about Sharon on a purely professional level all week and she did not want that to change. If Sharon became a friend that would be nice, but she was not going to let her emotions get the better of her. She had to admit that she had really screwed up when she picked Sharon to pick on. She would not have found a nicer person than Sharon. She did not deserve what she did to her, not that anyone would have deserved that. But late at night she could not help it when her mind began to wander.

At the Monday morning meeting, she had Sharon present her idea in general without going into any great detail. She got others input and then assigned herself and Sharon the job of getting cost for reworking all the molds. This really should have gone to the engineer but she made the decision before she knew what she was doing. She set up a meeting with Sharon after lunch to start this process.

At the meeting, Lyn tried to keep all the conversation strictly to business but after the call to the mold maker, she found that she had changed to conversation to more personal things asking Sharon about how the work on the house was going. They talked for a few minutes before Sharon left to get back to work. She studied the cost estimates that the vendor had given them and came up with a plan on getting the money to pay for them from her father. When she could put the call off no longer she picked up the phone and called her father. He was of course against spending money until Lyn told him that they would save on labor cost by spending the money. She did not tell him that those costs would not come until someone left and she did not replace them. She did not mind lying to her father but she would never lie to her employees again. She made a promise to Sharon and she was going to honor that promise. Once she got the approval, she quickly found a way to get off the phone. The less she had to talk to her father the better.

Lyn skipped visiting Sharon's office that afternoon but made sure to stop in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Again, she started talking about business but before long, the conversation turned to things that were more personal. She soon knew everything that Sharon was doing to her house and even gave her some suggestions when Sharon could not decide on something. Friday afternoon Lyn did not get to stop in until it was almost time for Sharon to leave.

"So how did it go today?" Lyn asked after she had knocked on Sharon's door and was invited in.

"Busy, I don't think the phone has stopped ringing all day. I will be glad to get out of here tonight." Sharon replied in a tired voice.

"Me too and then my father decided today was a good day to chew me out. One of these days I am going to tell him where to go and how to get there!" Lyn said.

Sharon laughed at Lyn's remark and it was only then that Lyn realized what she had said.

"I am sorry; I guess I should not have said something bad about the owner of our company."

"He is your father so I think it is allowed. I have never met him but I have never heard anything good about him. The only time our last manager was in a bad mood was when he had talked to your father. I don't know how you ever survived growing up with him."

"It wasn't easy but I will tell you about that another time. I was thinking about going out tonight and getting a good meal, do you want to join me?" Lyn asked.

Sharon sat there a second and Lyn could tell that she was thinking about the offer but then she said "Thanks but I have other plans for tonight."

"That is fine, maybe another time." Lyn said, disappointed that Sharon had declined. "I guess I will let you go, have a good weekend."

"You too." Sharon said.

About fifteen minutes later Lyn glanced up and saw Sharon walk past her office on her way out. A moment later she looked up to see Sharon standing at her door.

"Is the offer for dinner still open?"

"Yes." Lyn replied and she found that the depressed feeling she was having since Sharon had turned her down was gone and replaced with a more euphoric feeling.

"When and where to you want to meet." Sharon asked.

"How about here and now? Just let me get my purse and we will be off." Lyn said not allowing Sharon time to change her mind. Lyn did not bother to shut off her computer as she quickly got up and grabbed her coat and purse. She walked with Sharon to the front door and then on out to the parking lot. They were both quite as they walked. Lyn was not sure what to say but she knew she needed to say something. When they got to Lyn's car, she finally spoke up.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Anything would be better than the frozen dinner that I was going to have."

Lyn looked at Sharon knowing what she already knew, that Sharon did not have any plans for the night.

"I am sorry that came out wrong. I did not mean to say that I am just going to get something decent to eat. Maybe this is not such a good idea. I think I will just go on home, I'm sorry." Sharon said as she turned to leave.

"No wait a minute, let me say something." Lyn said as she hurried around her car to where Sharon was standing. "Look, we got off to a bad start with the way I acted toward you and now I am trying hard to make up for that. I know you are confused about my sudden change of face but I really would like us to be friends. I know I am still your boss but still I would like to try. I have gotten to know you and you are someone I would like to one-day call a friend. Maybe I am trying too hard and if I am, I will back off. But I would like for you to give me a chance. You took a chance in staying on here and I have no right to ask you to take another chance on me but I am asking anyway."

Sharon stood there for a moment then answered Lyn's question. "I am hungry enough to eat the south end of a north bound cow, so where are we going?"

"I know a great restaurant about ten minutes from her, get in and we will be there before you know it." Lyn said as she scooted around to the driver's side of the car. Sharon got in the passenger seat and Lyn had them on their way.

"I have always wanted to go here." Sharon said as Lyn pulled into the parking lot of "Pullman's Pub"

"Me too, I have heard the food is great and it is the only place in the state that you can get real English beer. I have just never had anyone to go with since I have been here. I am glad you changed your mind."

"You might not be glad if I get drunk on that beer. You may be stuck with me all night." Sharon said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't mind that." Lyn quipped then she realized what she had said. She looked over at Sharon hoping that she did not catch what she had really said but for the look on Sharon's face Lyn knew she caught every word. Lyn glanced over at Sharon and she saw that Sharon was studying her but to Lyn's relief Sharon did not seem offended, it fact she seemed intrigued. Lyn then quickly changed the subject as she got out of the car and started toward the pub but Sharon's reaction to her slip of the tongue was never far from her mind. The evening went as well as Lyn could have hoped. Sharon did not get drunk so she wasn't stuck with her but they did have a good meal and pleasant conversation. Lyn did open up more about her family life, telling how it had been growing up with an unloving and demanding father and a timid mother. As she talked, she was revealing, without knowing it, how lonely and unloved she felt.

That night when Lyn laid down to sleep, she fell asleep easily for the first time since she had moved there. She woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. She knew that she had a great dream but she could not remember what it was about. She thought a lot about Sharon that weekend but she kept reminding herself not to let her mind go too far for fear of jinxing herself. She wanted Sharon to be a friend first and anything else would be a bonus.

The next week Lyn waited until Wednesday before she asked Sharon to dinner and the response she got pleased her as Sharon said, "Okay, but I treat this time." They went to a Mexican restaurant and the food was great but not as good as the conversation and the company. Lyn found that she had stopped trying to make Sharon be her friend and just let it happen. They talked about books that they had read and movies that they enjoyed the most.

Friday they went out to eat and it was Lyn's turn to treat. She took Sharon to an upscale restaurant where they lingered over a couple of glasses of wine. As they were getting ready to go, Sharon mentioned that she was going to finish the panting on her house, so that the men who were going to lay the carpet and tile in her home could get started.

"I can give you a hand if you like." Lyn suggested.

"My mamma did not raise a fool; I would never turn down help. Besides it will give me a chance to boss my boss."

"I see, so you are the one in charge at home."

"Yes and you better like it."

"I just might." Lyn said and laughed at the sexual innuendoes.

Lyn arrived at ten the next morning and true to her word, Sharon put her to work. They each started in different but adjoining rooms so were able to talk as they worked. They stopped at lunch and had a beer before continuing. They worked until eight that night and Sharon offer to put Lyn up for the night but Lyn declined. She was not sure that she could trust herself and besides, if something was to happen Lyn wanted to be fresh and not sore from painting all day. Lyn came back the next day and all they had left to do was the large living room. Sharon cranked up the stereo and they danced, sang, and painted their way through the room. They finished up at about two and cleaned up the paintbrushes.

"This is something I am sure that your parents would be proud of." Lyn said after they had toured the freshly painted house.

"Thank you. I think they would be too. I just wished they were here to see it." Sharon said wishfully.

"I believe that they are seeing it." Lyn said and then she went over to where Sharon was standing with tears in her eyes. Lyn gently took Sharon in her arms and hugged her. Sharon melted into Lyn's arms and she let out a sob. Lyn let her cry for a minute and when Sharon quit crying, she let her go.

"I am sorry but I still get emotional every once in a while when I think about them."

"I understand." Lyn said.

"Well, how about going to get something to eat. The least I can do is treat you to dinner."

"I accept but I will need to run home and get cleaned up first. I look a mess."

"You don't look to bad to me but if you must, you can take a shower here and I will find you something to wear." Sharon said as she pushed Lyn toward the bathroom.

As she showered, she heard Sharon knock on the door. "Come on in." Lyn called out to her. "I have you something to wear. I will put it on the sink." Sharon said over the sound of the shower. Lyn noticed that Sharon took a long look at her body through the semi-opaque shower curtain and she felt a shiver go through her body. After she got out of the shower, she dried off and then picked up the pair of panties that Sharon had put on top of the clothes. She picked them up and she saw that they were a pair of boy legged panties and she slipped them on. They were not a bad fit, maybe a little tight but the thought of wearing something as intimate as Sharon's panties make her pussy tingle and her nipples harden just a tad. She did not find a bra so she put on the dress that she slipped over her shoulders. It came up about mid thigh to Lyn which on Sharon it would be knee length. The dress was not a bad fit either. But as she looked in the mirror she saw that something was missing. She saw a belt hanging on the towel rack and put it on around her waist. That pulled the dress together around her waist and brought out her breasts and hips. When she was satisfied, she walked out of the bathroom to a whistle form Sharon who said "Not bad!"

"Thank you." Lyn replied as she twirled around showing off and then laughing when she stopped.

Sharon then went in to take her shower as Lyn waited in the living room, and thus left to her own thoughts, she again to think about Sharon becoming more than just a friend. She was afraid to think to far along these lines but with the time that they were spending together, she couldn't help herself. She wondered how Sharon really felt about her. In addition, and most important was she open to being with another woman. They had been exchanging more and more sexual innuendoes and this led Lyn to think that if Sharon was not a lesbian she was at least Bi. She had also taken a long look at her when she was in the shower and that seemed to indicate that Sharon was interested in or at least liked her body. Sharon hadn't mentioned any past boyfriends but then again she had not mentioned any past girlfriends either. This was becoming too confusing and all this thinking was starting to give her a headache. Luckily, Sharon picked this moment to reappear, fresh from her shower. She was dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a snug knit top that showed off her small but nicely proportioned breasts.

"You don't look so bad yourself. I love that top, it looks great on you." Lyn said and she saw that this brought a smile to Sharon's face. They then took off and Sharon had decided she was in the mood for a good pizza. She drove across town to a Pizzeria that had the best pizzas in town. They talked through the dinner and even though there were periods of silence, Lyn no longer felt the need to fill in the pauses. When dinner was over, they took their time getting back to Sharon's house and even longer for Lyn to say good evening and make her way home.

The next week Lyn and Sharon went to lunch four of the five days and went out to dinner on Wednesday night. Friday night Lyn offered to cook supper for them both and Sharon readily agreed. Lyn told Sharon to come by at seven and then she rushed home to get the dinner started. As the dinner cooked, Lyn went to take a shower and then to decide what to wear. She wanted to wear something casual but also something, that would catch Sharon's eye. She decided on a long flowered skirt that was snug at the hips but flowed outward to just above the ankles, next came the bra. She chose one that pushed up her breasts and then a sweater that she left the top two buttons open. That way when she bent over, you could not help to see her mostly bare breasts. She was putting the finishing touches on dinner when she heard the doorbell ring. She glanced her herself in the mirror in the living room before going to the door. When she opened it, she found Sharon standing there with a bottle of wine and wearing a short skirt and a loose fitting blouse.

"Come on in, I never let a woman holding a bottle of wine stand in the hallway long." Lyn quipped.

"I will have to remember that." Sharon said with a sweet smile and then she walked in. Lyn poured them a glass of wine before showing Sharon around the apartment. She then sat Sharon on the couch as she put the dinner on the table not letting her help despite the many offers to do so. When everything was set, Lyn lit two candles on the table and turned down the lights. She then invited Sharon to dinner. Lyn sat Sharon at one side of the table and she sat at the end so that they were close together. As they talked, Lyn noticed that when Sharon turned, her blouse opened up a bit and she got a view of a bare breast. From what she could see of it, the breast was nicely formed and was capped with a pale color areola. She was saying something the first time this happened and it caused her to lose her thought for a second. She hoped Sharon didn't notice but she could not see how she didn't. For the rest of the meal, Lyn felt her eyes drawn to Sharon's breasts whenever she moved. Of course, Lyn was not to be outdone, so she made a point at times to get up and retrieve something and she made sure that she bent over to place it on the table. Lyn saw that like herself, Sharon's eyes were drawn to her chest. After dinner they retired to the living room couch for an after dinner glass of wine. As they sat down Sharon moved her right leg and placed it up under the knee of the left. As she did this, Lyn got a good glimpse of Lyn panties; which were made of a white sheer material. Lyn could see that Sharon had a full red bush and that made her own pussy tingle. Lyn was thankful that she was not taking a sip of wine when Sharon did this, as she was sure that she would have choked. Lyn had trouble keeping up with her part of the conversation without staring down toward Sharon's crotch. Lucky Sharon only sat this way for about twenty minutes before she moved her other leg up on the couch thus closing Lyn's view. Everything went fine until about an hour later when Sharon asked Lyn a very innocent question.

"I am just curious as to why you have that blanket wrapped in plastic sitting on the coffee room table."

Lyn had forgotten about the blanket that Julie and Lydia had made her keep in plain view to remind of her past errors. She tried to think of something to tell Sharon without lying to her.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." Sharon said sensing that it was more than just a blanket left out.

Lyn finally decided that the truth was the only thing she could say but not right now. It was too early to tell the whole story. "There is actually a very interesting story to that blanket but can I ask a favor?"

"Sure." Sharon said.

"To tell the story I would have to go back and tell you some things that I am not quite ready to tell you yet. It is not that I do not trust you or do not want to tell you. Can I promise to tell you later? I promise that I will tell you everything you want to know."

"That is fine, I think that we both may have things that we have yet to say but I feel that we will soon." Sharon said and then she placed a hand on top of Lyn's. Lyn felt a tingle go through her body at the touch and she turned her hand around so that she could take Sharon's hand in hers. Lyn saw Sharon smile and was glad that Sharon did not remove her hand. They sat there for a while just holding hands and not saying a word. Lyn knew that their relationship had just entered a new phase. When the silence began to go too long, Lyn started a new conversation and she was relieved that Sharon did not take the opportunity to remove her hand. They talked untill about midnight, when Sharon started to make her exit. Sharon held on to Lyn's hand until she reached the door. She then turned and quickly leaned in and kissed Lyn lightly on the lips. Then before Lyn could recover her senses, Sharon was out the door and was gone. Lyn was left with the feeling of Sharon's lips on her lips and Sharon's hand in hers even though both were long gone. Lyn finally shut the door and made her way back into the apartment. As she cleaned up the kitchen, her mind was completely on Sharon and the kiss. She knew sleep would not come easy that night and it didn't. Finally, at about three in the morning, she turned on the light and called Julie and Lydia. She woke them up but she did not care and they did not either when she got to telling them about Sharon and the kiss. They were both excited for her and gave her lots of encouragement. They talked for about an hour and then Lyn settled back down in bed and fell off to sleep. Lyn wanted to call Sharon a number of times over the weekend but decided to wait until Monday. She did not want to rush things.

Monday finally arrived and when she saw Sharon at the morning meeting, she got a smile that meant more than just a smile and she couldn't help to give a big smile back. It was like being a teenager with her first crush. She tried to be calm during the meeting but that was beyond her ability. She felt like a bundle of nerves. She didn't get to talk to Sharon, one on one, until they went out to lunch and there they were finally able to talk and for a moment even hold hands. Lyn took Sharon out to dinner that night and when it ended, they sat in Lyn's car at the plant for a while talking. When the conversation died down, Sharon slowly leaned over and put her hand to the back of Lyn's neck. Lyn felt herself being drawn toward Sharon. Then she felt Sharon's lips touch her and this time they stayed in place. The kiss lingered on for a couple of minutes then Sharon drew back. Lyn looked deeply into Sharon's eyes and Sharon looked back with the same intensity. Lyn moved first this time and they kissed again, this time their mouths opened and Lyn felt Sharon's tongue enter her mouth. Lyn pressed forward and she put her hand behind Sharon's neck and held her in place as their tongues caressed and danced together. The kiss finally ended and Sharon left Lyn's car with one last kiss. Lyn spent the night tossing and turning, as she couldn't get Sharon off her mind. Tuesday she figured that she would be dead on her feet, but one look at Sharon put energy back into her body. They went to lunch again but both were busy and it turned out to be a quick lunch and then back to work. That night Lyn went home and by eight was sound asleep on the couch as the woman's basketball game she was watching played on the TV. Sharon took Lyn to an out of the way bar/restaurant on Wednesday evening and they got a booth in the back. They sat close together and at first Lyn was uncomfortable sitting so close together where anyone from the plant could see them. A stocky, rough, looking woman dressed in men's jeans, in a man's short sleeve shirt then came over, and exchanged pleasantries with Sharon before taking their order. After she had left, Lyn began to look around and she realized that all the tables had either two women or two men sitting together.

"You just figured it out didn't you?" Sharon said with a smile.

"We are in a gay bar?" Lyn offered.

"Yep. No one will care who or what we are here."

"It's not that I am ashamed that I am a lesbian but I am the manager of the plant and talk is the last thing I need right now." Lyn explained.

"I know. That is why I brought you here. No one from the plant will come here or if they do, they will not say anything."

"That is fine. I am glad you understand."

"Do your parents know?" Sharon asked.

"No, and that is one of a number of things that I will have to confront my farther about and I am afraid that day is coming soon. How about you, did your parents know?" Lyn asked.

"Yes and that is another reason I loved them so much. They did not care; they only wanted me to be happy."

"I wish I had your parents instead of mine." Lyn said wishfully.

"I don't. We would not be sitting here right now if we were sisters." Lyn said as she leaned over and gave Lyn a kiss on the cheek. Lyn took Sharon's hand in hers and squeezed it tight. The food and another round of beers arrived and they began to eat. Lyn was surprised at how good the food was. From the way the place looked, she wouldn't have had that expectation. They talked, ate, and shortly afterward headed back to the plant, where Lyn's car was waiting.

"You know the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend." Sharon said as they were sitting in her car at the plant parking lot.

"So I have heard; what do you have in mind?"

"I thought that we might go to the mountains and maybe ride a rollercoaster." Sharon suggested.

"You just want to see if I really pee in my pants when I ride one." Lyn said with a laugh.

"No, I thought it would be a nice day to get out. Seeing you pee in your pants is a bonus." Sharon said and she laughed with Lyn.

"I see how you are. I accept your invitation."

"Great, why don't you come over Friday after work and that way we can get up early and go." Sharon said and she looked at Lyn with eyes that was suggesting more.

Lyn looked back and got the message that she knew Sharon was sending. "I would love too." Lyn said and then she leaned over to meet Sharon's lips. The kiss was soft, slow, and lasted for what seemed forever. When their lips parted, Lyn felt like her heart was on fire. She wanted to go home with Sharon right then and there but she knew she would have to wait a couple of more days. Lyn leaned over for one more kiss then she got out of the car and headed home where she knew she would not be able to sleep.

Thursday morning came and all she had done during the night was stare up at the ceiling and think about Sharon. She finally gave up on sleep at about five AM, got up, and took a shower hoping that it would refresh her but the shower did little to do that. She got ready and put extra make-up on hoping to cover the dark circles under her eyes. When Lyn saw Sharon later that day, she saw that Sharon looked as tired as she did. They were only able to talk for a few minutes that day, due to the workload that both had. They did talk at the end of the day and both decided to go home alone that night and get some sleep. Lyn knew that she wanted to be well rested when Friday evening came along. When Lyn got home, she laid out the clothes she wanted to wear to work and what she wanted to wear on Saturday. She also did not forget to pack her maxi-pads for the rollercoaster. She knew she could not forget those. At about eight, she lay down on the couch and put on a movie she knew would put her to sleep. Even as excited as she was about Friday, sleep over came her quickly.

Friday morning Lyn woke up still on the couch and it took her a minute or two to get her bearings. She then looked up at the clock and saw that it was already eight o'clock. "Shit" Lyn said aloud to no one as she realized how late she was. She jumped up, rushed to the shower, and quickly got ready. She did take the time to check her bag one more time before running out the door. When she got to work, everyone watched as she walked through the plant. As she walked by Sharon's office on her way to her own office, she stopped in to say "Hi."

"I was about to think you were going to stand me up." Sharon said as a smile appeared across her face.

"No, never, I just fell asleep on the couch and forgot to set the alarm, not that I could have heard it from the living room." Lyn said as she took a seat.

"I about did the same but luckily I woke up and went on to bed."

"I am looking forward to tonight and tomorrow." Lyn said with a shy smile.

"Me too, I think it will be a fun weekend." Sharon said and Lyn started to say something about the evening when someone walked into Sharon office.

Lyn made her exit and she went on her office where she found a note stating,"Call her father as soon as you decided to show up for work." Lyn knew her father had her assistant quote him. "Well, what a way to start the day, having to talk to my father. I was so looking forward to this day. Well might as well get it over with." Lyn said to herself as she sat down and picked up the phone. At five, Lyn returned to Sharon's office and plopped down in the chair.

"Its looks like you have had a bad day. I have not seen you all day, where have you been?" Sharon asked with concern in her voice,

"I have been in my office with the door closed, fighting with my father."

"May I ask what about?'

"It seems that he got the bill for the dies that I had reworked. To say the least, he was not pleased."

"I'm sorry. I did not want you to get in trouble with him."

"That is okay. I'm the one who didn't give him all the information on the cost. Now he wants to see the savings I am going to get with less people working."

"What are you going to do?" Sharon asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, no one is going to be let go. I made that promise to you and I will keep it. I will come up with something to satisfy him. Maybe put him off for a while until someone leaves." Lyn assured Sharon.

"Well if he forces you to let someone go, then fire me and I won't hold you to that contract. The idea was mine originally so if anyone has to pay for it, then it should be me."

"No one will get fired. Now let's get out of here and forget about work." Lyn said as she got up feeling a little better telling Sharon about her father. It was nice having someone to talk too.

"That sounds like a plan to me. Do you want to stop along the way and get something to eat or head on to my house?"

"To tell you the truth, I am not very hungry. I wouldn't mind heading on to your house and taking a long hot shower and then maybe have a glass of wine, if you have any."

"That I believe that I can provide you with a little wine. I have a nice white wine that might just hit the spot." Sharon said as she got up and headed with Lyn out the door.

Lyn followed Sharon in her car and she felt the day begin to drain away and she felt the excitement of what she knew was about to happen. When they got to Sharon's house, Lyn grabbed her bag and had caught up with Sharon by the time they got to the door. Sharon unlocked the door and let Lyn inside.

"You know where the bathroom is. Why don't you take that shower and I will put the wine into the refrigerator to cool. By the time we both have our showers; I would say that the wine will be the perfect temperature." Sharon instructed Lyn.

The warm water felt great as it hit her body and Lyn took her time as she washed. Her nipples felt especially sensitive tonight and it did not take Lyn long to figure out why. Once the shower was done and she had dried her body, Lyn pulled out her make up bag and fixed her face. She used just very little make-up; just a little eyeliner and perfume in certain key areas. Next was what to wear. Lyn had thought long and hard as to what to wear this night and had finally decided comfort and ease to remove was the key points. She forewent the bra and put on a loose fitting blouse. She then picked up a long flowing skirt and left her panties in her bag. Once she was satisfied with the look, she opened the bathroom door. She loved the feel of going without underclothes. Her clothes brushed up against her breasts and against her ass. Her pussy could feel the air and that made her tingle. As she came into the living room, she heard the front door open and Sharon walked inside.

"I thought we could munch on some cheese and crackers with our wine, so I went to the deli down the street and picked some up. Why don't you be a hun and put this out on a platter as I take my shower." Sharon said in a rush as she put the bag down on the kitchen counter. She gave Lyn a quick kiss on the cheek and was off to the bathroom.

Lyn smiled at the retreating Sharon as she went to the bag and started to put what Sharon had bought. The cheese was not sliced so she searched around the kitchen until she found a cheese cutter and started to fill the plate. She found some vegetables and some ranch dressing and made a nice layout. Once the plate was done, she took it into the living room and then went to the stereo and put on some music. She sat down on the couch and waited on Sharon to reappear. The longer Sharon took the more nervous Lyn got. She knew this was going to be the night and she could not wait but she also began to wonder if she would be able to please Sharon. She had done many things with Julie and Lydia but this was the first woman besides them that she had even been with. Then she began to wonder if Sharon would decide not to do anything after all. As her mind went in this direction, she got more scared, but about this time, Sharon reappeared wearing a long flowing white nightgown. There was a tie just under her breasts that pulled the gown in tight against her breasts and Lyn could see Sharon's nipples pressed against the material. The rest of the gown flowed outward and Lyn suspected that like her there was nothing under the gown. Sharon motioned for Lyn to stay in place as she went into the kitchen. A few minutes she came back with the wine in an ice bucket and two glasses. She put the wine down on the table by the platter of food and then opened the wine and poured them both a glass of wine.

"Before you take a sip I want to do something." Sharon said as she took a sip and delicately moved the wine around in her mouth. She swallowed the wine and stood up. "Come here."

Lyn stood up and came over to where Sharon was standing. She watched as Sharon put her hand to the back of her neck and pulled her in. Lyn closed her eyes and she felt their lips touch. She tasted the wine on Sharon's lips and then Sharon opened her mouth. Lyn opened hers and then she moved her tongue into Sharon's mouth. She tasted more of the wine and she could not believe how erotic the kiss was. The taste of the tangy wine made the kiss even better. Lyn moved her tongue around Sharon's mouth getting more of the wine and she put her hands to Sharon's shoulders and held on tight. The kiss went on for what seemed like forever but sadly, it finally ended. Lyn looked at Sharon and then she moved closer, wrapped her arms around her, and held on tight. She laid her head on Sharon's shoulders. They hugged for a while before Lyn finally pulled away.

"Did you like that kiss?" Sharon asked as they sat down on the couch.

"Oh yes, the wine on your lips was so sweet and tangy. I couldn't believe it. We will have to do that again." Lyn said excitedly.

"Okay but next time you get to sip the wine first." Sharon said.

"That is a deal." Lyn said. Sharon picked her glass of wine back up and Lyn did the same.

"To the beginning of us," Sharon said as she tapped Lyn's glass. "To the beginning of us," Lyn repeated as she smiled at Sharon and then took a sip of her wine. They chatted and snacked on the cheese and crackers. For Lyn the nervousness began to die down and she relaxed. The conversation was light and they stayed away from work, this night was about them and them alone. After a couple glasses of wine, Lyn could feel the alcohol course through her body and she got a warm glow inside. She then watched as Sharon put her glass down and she took Lyn's glass form her. Sharon then took Lyn's hand and pulled her over to her. Sharon turned Lyn around so that she was half lying across her lap. Lyn looked up at Sharon as she put her arm around her shoulders and brought them together. Lyn closed her eyes and she felt their lips touch. They kissed with their lips only for a few minutes then Sharon opened her mouth and the kissing became more passionate. Lyn put her hand to Sharon's face and caressed it as they kissed.

It was not long until Lyn felt Sharon's other hand placed on her stomach. Lyn tensed for a second then relaxed. The hand stayed in place for a while but then Lyn felt it move upward toward her breasts. The hand cupped her right breast and Lyn felt her body tingle and she felt her nipples begin to harden. The hand gently caressed her breast for a moment and then went to the left breast. It tenderly squeezed her breast and then the fingers moved across her nipples. Lyn moaned into Sharon's mouth and she moved her body slightly to give Sharon better access to both of her breasts. Sharon caressed them both for a few minutes then she moved her hand to the top button of Lyn's blouse. Sharon adeptly began to unbutton Lyn's blouse one handed. When it was completely unbuttoned, Sharon opened the blouse and exposed Lyn's breasts. Sharon stopped kissing Lyn to gaze upon her breasts. Lyn held her breath until she saw Sharon smile and she felt her hand return to her now bare right breast. She felt Sharon cup her breast and then gently squeeze it. Lyn let out a soft moan and felt her body relax completely. She knew the fantasies that she was so trying not to have, but never quite succeeding, about Sharon were about to become reality. Lyn started to move her right hand to Sharon's breasts but Sharon brushed her hand away. Sharon caressed the right breast with her fingers, lightly touching the nipple then pinching it gently. As her hand moved to the left breast, Lyn saw Sharon lower her head to the right breast. It seemed that Sharon's mouth kissed her right nipple at the same time that her hand cupped her left breast. Lyn closed her eyes and lowered her head to the arm of the couch. Sharon removed her left hand from Lyn's back and used it to cup the right breast as she kissed and sucked the nipple into her mouth. Sharon kissed and nibbled on the nipple for a few minutes and Lyn felt her pussy get moist.

Soon Sharon's mouth left the right breast and went to the left. Lyn then felt a hand on the top of her left thigh. It tenderly moved up and down this thigh and then went to the left. The hand never got close to her pussy but the caressing got her even moister and her pussy started to get an itch. It wanted some contact. Lyn then felt her skirt being pulled up her legs. The skirt moved up her shins and then over her knees. Lyn got more anxious and the skirt went on its upward journey. The bottom edge of the skirt got to her thighs and continued. It got to mid thigh and stopped. Lyn waited a second but it did not go further. She let out a groan, wanting so bad for Sharon to keep raising her skirt. She had to wait for a few more seconds before the skirt started to move again. Lyn instinctually opened her thighs as the skirt got to the very top of her thighs but there it again stopped. This time Lyn let out a soft, "Don't stop." And she felt the skirt finally uncover her pussy, she hoped that Sharon would like what she found there. She felt Sharon's fingers go to her right inner thigh. The fingers played up and down her thigh getting near her pussy but not touching it. They then went to the other side and did the same. Lyn knew that Sharon was teasing her and it was working. She was to the point that any contact to her pussy would make her cum. Sharon continued to do this until Lyn thought that she could take no more and reach down and grab Sharon's hand and put it on her pussy. Luckily Sharon removed her hand, hesitated a second and then she cupped Lyn's pussy with her hand. She kept it still for only a second or two then she began to move it up and down. Lyn raised her hips to increase the pressure and this time let out a loud moan. Lyn felt Sharon's middle finger part her labia and go inside her. Lyn was getting ever closer to a climax. The finger moved in and out of her pussy as Sharon's palm pressed against her clit. Lyn was moaning loudly and constantly as she approached her climax. Sharon's mouth was still working her breasts and as her orgasm hit, Sharon bit down on her left nipple. Lyn cried out and she felt the pleasure wave that only an orgasm could give her wash over her body. When Lyn opened her eyes, she saw that Sharon was licking her fingers clean. Then Sharon leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft kiss and Lyn curled her hand behind Sharon's neck and held her in place as they kissed.

"How about we retire to the bedroom." Sharon said with a husky voice. Lyn could only nod her approval at Sharon's suggestion. Sharon helped her up and then she got up and took Lyn by the hand. Lyn let Sharon led her to the bedroom and when they got there, Sharon turned Lyn around so that her back was to the bed.

"Do you trust me?" Sharon asked.

"Yes." Lyn said wondering just what Sharon was meaning. Lyn was left there standing as Sharon went to the bottom dresser drawer and pulled it open. She pulled out four cuffs that had small diameter ropes tied to them. Lyn knew she was about to be tied to the bed but she was not scared, for one reason, it would not be the first time she had been tired to the bed and secondly, she really did trust Sharon. Lyn gave Sharon a nervous smile as she approached her. Sharon put the cuffs on the bed and she took Lyn's blouse and finished taking it off her. She then went to the skirt, unbuttoned it, and let it drop to the floor. Lyn was now standing before her stark naked. Lyn waited, as Sharon looked her over. "You are just as beautiful as I thought you would be." Sharon told Lyn as she eased Lyn back onto the bed. Lyn scooted to the center of the bed and put her arms and legs out. Sharon gave Lyn a look and Lyn smiled back giving Sharon permission to tie her up. Sharon put a cuff on her left wrist and looped the rope around the bedpost. Sharon went to her right leg, put the cuff around her ankle, and looped the rope on bedpost. She tightened the rope a bit, went to the left wrist, and tightened the rope a bit. She then went to the left leg, put the cuff on, and looped the rope around the bedpost. She finally went to the right wrist, put the final cuff on, and looped it around the bedpost. Sharon went around the bed one more time making sure that all the ropes were at just the right tightness. Once Sharon was through, Lyn tested her movement and she found that she could move each limb a couple of inches which made her secure but not uncomfortable. Lyn looked up at Sharon who was staring at her nakedness and vulnerability. Lyn could see the lust in Sharon eyes but it was not a mean lust, it was a loving lust. Lyn watched as Sharon stepped back and slipped her arms from her gown. She held the gown in place for a second and then she let it drop. Lyn's eyes opened as she saw Sharon's breasts come into view. They were so lovely in their fullness and the small pink colored areolas. The nipples, Lyn could see were already hard and pointed in her direction. Next, her eyes ventured on down Sharon's slim waist to her full red bush. Lyn felt her pussy get wet again and she was dieing to get a taste of Sharon's juices.

Lyn's eyes followed Sharon as she came to the bed and climbed on. She moved between Lyn's legs and slowly lay down on top of her. Lyn felt Sharon's arms slip under her shoulders and Sharon leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was slow and sensual at first and Lyn wanted to wrap her arms around Sharon but the binds that held her in place prevented her from doing that. Sharon also began to move her hips up and down causing her pussy to press against Lyn's pussy. This caused Lyn to try to move her legs but the restraints prevented her from doing that. She was able to move her hips an inch or two and thus increase the pressure against her pussy a fraction. Sharon had complete control over her and in a way; Lyn liked the feeling. She was no longer in control and she was force to submit to whatever Sharon wanted to do to her. Sharon opened her mouth and forced her tongue into Lyn's mouth. Lyn sucked on the tongue and used her own tongue to caress it. Sharon withdrew her tongue and Lyn moved her tongue into Sharon's mouth. They kissed that way for a few minutes before she ended the kiss and she started to kiss Lyn's face. Sharon increased the pressure of her hips against Lyn's and Lyn let out a moan as she could feel her and Sharon's juices mix together making their pussies slippery. The kisses moved from one cheek to the other and then on down to her neck. Lyn raised her chin to give Sharon better access. Sharon went from her adams apple to her right ear lobe where she nibble a second or two then kissed her way over to the other earlobe. She nibbled there a second then kissed her way back to Lyn's lips. Lyn pulled at her bindings trying to wrap her arms around Sharon but again she could not release herself. When the kiss ended, Sharon raised her head and smiled at Lyn, who struggled a bit more trying to move. Sharon smiled at Lyn's struggling and Lyn could tell that Sharon was enjoying what she was doing to her.

Sharon lowered her head back down and kissed Lyn lightly on the lips. She then moved down in the bed until her head was over Lyn's breasts. This broke the contact of their pussies rubbing together just as Lyn was getting close to a climax. Sharon lowered her head and kissed Lyn's right nipple and then her left. She then sucked the left nipple into her mouth. Lyn closed her eyes and moaned loudly. Sharon sucked hard at first then she eased off and gently teased the nipple with her tongue. Lyn struggle as she moaned but this time she was not struggling to get loose but just because of what Sharon was doing to her body. Sharon went to the left breast and bit the nipple tenderly before sucking it into her mouth. Sharon brought her hands into the action as she cupped both breasts in her hands caressing them as she continued to kiss and bite the nipples. Lyn was moaning and groaning constantly and she tried to push her breasts upward into Sharon's mouth. Sharon stayed there for a minute or two longer then she started to kiss her way down Lyn's body. Lyn would normally spread her legs out wide at this time but she was already spread out as wide as she could be. Sharon eventually got to her pussy. Lyn waited patiently for Sharon to begin and after a second, Lyn felt Sharon's tongue touch the bottom of her slit and go upward to her clit. A shiver went from Lyn's toes and traveled up her legs to her pussy, on to her stomach, to her breasts, and finally exploded inside her head. It was a wonderful orgasm and when she came back to her senses, Sharon was licking her pussy like there was no tomorrow. Her tongue went across her labia and into her slit and then inside her pussy. Lyn tried to get a grip with her feet and push her hips upward forcing her pussy into Sharon's mouth but she was not able to do much but then Sharon did not need any help. Sharon kept licking and she kept away from Lyn's engorged clit until Lyn was ready for another orgasm. She then moved her mouth upward and sucked Lyn's clit into her mouth. Lyn cried out "Oh God that feels great. Please don't stop!" Sharon used her tongue to tease the clit as she sucked on the bud. Lyn twisted and pulled on her restraints. She was shaking the whole bed as Sharon got her ever closer to a massive orgasm and when it hit, it hit hard. Lyn almost passed out from the sheer pleasure.

Lyn did not know how long she was in that semi-unconscious state but when she came around she found that her legs were free and Sharon was bringing a large triangle shaped object to the bed. She put the object between Lyn's legs and Lyn could feel that was made from firm foam. "Lift your butt up sweetie" Sharon told Lyn who moved her feet so that they were flat on the bed and she raised her butt up. Sharon pushed the foam up under her raising her butt higher. Sharon pushed it in until Lyn felt her feet leave the bed. Sharon then took her right foot, brought it over her head, and hooked the end of the rope to a bar that was just inside the bedpost. She did the same to the left leg so that the only part of Lyn's body touching the bed was her shoulders. Sharon then pushed the foam triangle further up under her.

"Are you comfortable sweetie?" Sharon asked. Lyn looked at the position she was in. Her feet were about even with her head and they were spread wide thus opening up her pussy. She moved a bit and found that she was actually all right. This did not feel too bad. The foam took most of the pressure off her shoulders. She would not want to be in this position all night but she could definitely stand it for a while.

"Yes but what are you going to do to me?" Lyn said.

"Just wait and you will find out." Sharon said with a big smile.

The next thing Lyn felt was Sharon kissing her left butt cheek. She then kissed the right one. She planted kisses to each cheek slowly moving her way closed to her crack. Lyn felt a kiss at the top of her crack and slowly the kisses came down to her rosebud. She then felt Sharon kiss her rosebud. Lyn moaned as she felt Sharon's tongue rim her asshole. It went around and around before settling at the center. Lyn relaxed her sphincter muscle as she felt Sharon's tongue push in. This felt so sexy and dirty that Lyn had to moan out "Oh yes!" Sharon worked her tongue in and out fucking Lyn's asshole with her tongue. As she did this, Sharon put a finger to Lyn's pussy and pushed it in. She began to fuck Lyn's pussy with her finger as she fucked her asshole with her tongue. Lyn had cum three times already tonight but she knew that she was going to cum at least once more. A second finger soon joined the finger in her pussy and that felt ever better. Sharon's tongue was doing wonders with her asshole as it moved in and out and then rimming her before going back in. When a third finger entered her pussy, Lyn knew that was all she could take. The orgasm hit her like a ton of brick and she screamed as she came.

This time when she came back around, she found that the foam was gone and her legs were fastened back to the bottom of the bed. She was hoping to be untied at this point but obviously, Sharon had other ideas. Sharon lay back on top of her, she lowered her head to Lyn, and they kissed. Lyn returned the kiss with as much passion as she could without being able to hug her. When the kiss ended, Sharon moved up in the bed and placed her left tit over Lyn's mouth. She lowered it down and Lyn took the nipple into her mouth. She sucked and bit of the nipple causing Sharon to moan. She sucked and teased the nipple with her tongue before gently biting it again. Sharon then moved so that her other breast was over Lyn's mouth. This time Lyn tenderly bit the nipple and pulled on it for a second or two before sucking it into her mouth. Lyn pulled on her binding so wanting to feel Sharon's breasts in her hands but the ropes would not give. After a minute or two, Sharon moved and placed the first tit above Lyn's mouth and she continued to swapped breasts until she was satisfied. Sharon then moved on up in the bed until she had a leg on each side of Lyn's head and Lyn was looking up at Sharon's beautiful red and swollen pussy. Lyn could see the juices seeping from between the lips and she could smell the rich womanly aroma that Sharon's pussy was giving off. Lyn could not wait to get a taste and Sharon obliged her by lowering her pussy down to Lyn's mouth. Lyn started to lick the juices from Sharon's outer labia and she loved the taste. It was sweet and tangy at the same time. Lyn licked the outer labia clean and then started for the slit. She moved her tongue up and down the slit going deeper at each pass. She was rewarded with more juices and increased moans from Sharon. Lyn stuck her tongue out as far she could and she pressed it into Sharon. She twisted it around and Sharon lowered her pussy to get more of Lyn's tongue inside her. This made it harder for Lyn to breath but she was not going to stop. After fucking her with her tongue for a minute, Lyn licked her way up to Sharon's clit and sucked it into her mouth. She only had to tease Sharon a minute with her tongue to get her to cum. Sharon produced more juices and Lyn left her clit to suck them up. When the juices eased off, Lyn went back to licking Sharon's lips. She licked hard, went from the lips to Sharon's clit, and then back to the slit. She did this until her tongue and neck got tired and she went back to Sharon's clit and she licked hard causing Sharon to cum quickly but Lyn did not stop licking until Sharon had a second and then third orgasm. At that time, Sharon had enough and she collapsed back on the bed lying on top of Lyn.

Lyn was stuck there as Sharon recovered from her orgasms. She could not move and she realized that her muscles were beginning to be tired from being stretched as she was. Soon Sharon began to stir. She rolled off Lyn and took the cuffs from Lyn's ankles and then her wrists. She rubbed Lyn's shoulders getting them loose again and then she lay down beside Lyn and took her into her arms. Finally, Lyn was able to hug Sharon back and she hung on for dear life. It felt so good to be held again and to hold someone. Her world was back to spinning on its axis again. They held each other for a long time before either of them said a word.

"Did you mind me tying you up?" Sharon asked.

"No I kind-of like it to tell you the truth." Lyn admitted more to herself than to Sharon.

"Good, I will admit that I like to make love that way, but tell me when you don't want to be tied up."

"I will but I did so want to use my hands on you at times." Lyn said.

"Tell me and I will unhook you. I like to be in control when I make love but I want it to be fun for both of us." Sharon said as she took her hand and caressed Lyn's face.

"I can live with that. I do not mind someone else being in control at times."

"I thought I saw a little bit of a submissive in you. That is why I went ahead and tried tying you to the bed. However, if you had said no, that would have been all right. Just let me know okay. I want this to last a while. You are very special to me you know and I don't want to ruin it for us."

"Don't worry, I feel the same way. I fucked up once and I don't want to do that again, especially with you." Lyn said as she gently kissed Sharon on the lips.

"Of course, fucking up might be fun every once in a while." Sharon said after the kiss ended. It took Lyn a second before she realized that Sharon was making a dirty joke and then she hit her on the arm and laughed. She then kissed Sharon again, then she turned onto her back, lying with her head on Sharon's shoulder and Sharon wrapped her arms around her. They laid there for a long time with Sharon gently rubbing her fingers up and down Lyn's arms. Lyn had never felt so contented in her life but then she got to thinking. She wanted this to work with Sharon and that meant no holding back. There was a lot about her life that she had put off telling Sharon and she didn't know if now was the time but the more she thought about it the more she felt she had to get it all out.

"You know that blanket that was on my table that you asked me about and I said that it was a long story that I would tell you one day." Lyn said as she felt herself getting scared but it was too late to turn back now.

"Yes, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want too. I was never going to hold you to that."

"I know but I need to tell you everything about me, the good, and the bad." Lyn said.

"Okay, lets go and refresh ourselves and I will pour us a glass of wine and we can talk." Sharon said as she gave Lyn a kiss on the top of her head and then they got up. Sharon went to the bathroom first and when she came out, she went to the living room where the wine was still sitting. Lyn went to the bathroom and peed. She washed her face and gathered her courage before going back into the bedroom where Sharon was sitting cross- legged on the center of the bed. Lyn joined her and took her glass of wine. She took a big sip and started her story.

"To tell the story of the blanket I need to go way back to my childhood. You know all about my father as a business man." Sharon nodded her head. "Well at home he was the same way. He bossed my mom around at home and he made a show of being a good person outside the home making us all attend church on Sundays. Then the rest of the week he would screw anyone he had to, to get his way." Lyn then told Sharon about going off to college, glad to be away from home. The first year went by as anyone's first year went. She explored her freedom at first then settled down to study. It was during her second year that things began to change. She roomed off campus with a senior that she had met. The roommate came up with an idea of them drawing cards to see who would do the laundry and house cleaning for the week. Lyn said she went along and as the year went along, she found that she was averaging doing the laundry and housework three out of the four weeks a month. She also noticed that her roommate only attended about half of her classes but did well in those classes that she never attended. She also spent many weeknights away from the apartment. When the roommate graduated and was preparing to leave, she sat Lyn down and told her some secrets. First the cards were marked so that is why Lyn lost most of the time but the roommate told her that she made sure Lyn won enough to keep her playing. She also told her that any classes she felt were too hard for her or too boring, she would simply seduce the professor and get her A's that way. Lyn said this pissed her off at first but when she got home her father chewed her out for not making all A's during the year. He kept at her all summer and she thought more about what her roommate had done. Then she thought about how her father got his way all the time. He did not care how he played the game, only that he won. It all began to make sense and when she got back to campus, she had a plan. First was to get her new roommate to play along with drawing cards to determine who would do the laundry and stuff. She told Sharon about Julie, her new roommate. She described her as a small thin girl with long brown hair. Lyn went on the say that she got Julie to play along and she lost the first hand to make sure Julie thought she would win some. She then change a couple of her classes that had female professors to older males ones.

Lyn got nervous as she started this part of her story. This was when she had to tell the bad parts of herself. She took a sip of her wine and then took a deep breath. She saw that Sharon was waiting patiently for her to continue. She then told Sharon how she seduced all of her professors and how she won every draw of the cards with Julie not bothering to lose any after the first draw. She also told Sharon about finding the cutest guy on campus to be her boyfriend, just so she did not feel like a whore like she knew she really was. She would bring him home on the weekends thus breaking one the rules she had told Julie, no men at the apartment. Through all of this, Julie did not say anything but she did do something that shocked her. Julie brought home a girl, Lydia. When this happened, Lyn admitted to saying the word dyke anytime Julie and Lydia were together. Every thing went along fine for a while. She got her A's and she had her roommate doing all her laundry and housework. She was the king of her castle

Lyn kept an eye on Sharon to see her reaction to all of this but Sharon remained stoic. She did not say anything or indicate that anything she was telling her was a shock. Lyn continued with her story. She told Sharon the day of reckoning came on the day before she was to leave for Florida for spring break. Julie was sitting on the couch, and she reminded her that they had to draw cards for the coming week. Lyn told Sharon that she was in a hurry so she got the cards and let Julie spread them out on the coffee table. She wanted to get this over with in a hurry so she was impatient for Julie to draw her card but Julie took her time, finally pulling out an ace. Lyn said she was not worried as all she had to do was to find the ace of spades and they would draw again. She then told Sharon that all she had to bother to learn was the spades, not bothering with the other cards. She said she looked and looked but she could not find the ace of spades and she began to feel panic as that meant that she would have to come home early to do the housework for the week. Lyn also said that she began to feel panic for another reason, as the ace of spades was not in the deck. She said she was afraid that she had been caught cheating when Julie popped up and said, "Are you looking for this card?" as she pulled out the ace of spades. Lyn said she knew then that she had definitely been caught but she was not worried until Julie called out for Lydia who then came from somewhere and had a large file in her hand. Julie then presented her with pictures of her with her professors entering a hotel room. They also had copies of test she had gotten from her professors that she was screwing. They also had test that she had yet to take. Lyn said that she started to protest but she knew that they had her by the short hairs. They then presented her with her options; one - do the house work for the rest of the semester and no more cheating or two - let them take everything to the president of the university. Lyn knew she had no real option and accepted the deal but then Julie gave her an out, a fair draw of the cards. If she won, then most all would be forgotten but if Julie won then she would have to do everything Julie and Lydia told her to do. Lyn said she, of course, agreed. Lydia got a new pack and Lyn said she was overjoyed when she drew the jack of spades. She waited patiently as Julie studied the cards and she drew a queen of hearts. Lyn said she knew she was screwed now. She was at Julie and Lydia's mercy. Lyn paused a moment then went on with her story. The first thing they made her do was strip and Lyn said she protested, as she knew the two lesbians just wanted to look at her body. Nevertheless, in the end she did as she was told. They then made her expose herself to them, her most private parts. When Julie and Lydia stripped, Lyn said she knew it was only going to get worse and it did. Julie made her get down on her knees and come to her. Julie spread her legs and she told her to lick her pussy. Lyn told Sharon that she begged Julie not to make her do such a repulsive thing but Julie would not relent. Lyn said that she was almost sick at the thought but she did as she was told. After the first lick she found that it was not as bad as she thought it would be. Then she started to lick more and she found Julie responding to what she was doing. As much as she hated to admit it, this excited her. She went about licking Julie harder and eventually made her cum. Next, she had to do the same to Lydia. Since she had already crossed the line, she found that she wanted to lick Lydia's pussy. What happened next really surprised her. Julie and Lydia took her to her own bedroom and tied her to the bed. They then made love to her as no one had ever had. For the first time in her life, she actually had an orgasm. No one had ever been able to do that. She always faked her orgasms but with Julie and Lydia working her body, she did not have to fake it. What happened next Lyn told Sharon surprised her even more. They lay with her and held her tight. She felt loved for the first time in her life. Lyn was crying during this part, she felt Sharon caressing her thighs, and she welcomed the contact. Lyn got herself back together and went on with her story. She told how Julie and Lydia helped her with her homework and she finished they year actually studying and passing her test without know what the test were going to ask. They had three happy years together, then Julie, Lydia went out west, and she returned home to work for her father.

She did fine without Julie and Lydia with her to keep her straight but the longer she was under her father's influence the more she regressed, and then came the day that it all fell apart for her. The Friday that she gave Sharon hell, then saw herself in the mirror, and found she did not like what she had become. She told Sharon that she called Julie and asked to come and live with them. She told her about the trip out west and then what Julie and Lydia did to her as she told them what she had done and what she had become. She told her about being made to pee on the blanket that Sharon had asked about, and how they made her bring it back to remind her of her errors.

"So what do you think of me now?" Lyn asked, afraid of what Sharon would say.

"The same thing that I thought of you before you told me your story."

"Which is?" Lyn asked desperate to know what Sharon was really feeling.

"Let me try to explain with a story of my own. When I first saw you at the plant I thought you were beautiful and I wanted to be your friend and maybe your lover as I saw the way you looked at me sometimes..." Sharon was saying when Lyn interrupted her. "I was not looking at you." Lyn protested weakly but she knew Sharon was right.

"Yes you were eyeing me and you know it but nothing came of that because then you decided to become a bitch from hell." Sharon was saying and Lyn cringed, as she knew Sharon was telling it as it really was. "Then you came in on a Monday and had completely changed. The bitch was gone and someone replaced her. I admit I did not trust the change and we all thought you were just changing tactics. Then you kept the act up longer than I, and everyone else thought possible. I will admit I took you up on your offer just so I could quit in a month and when you refused to pay, I was going to sue your ass off. But I will also admit that you got to me and I began to dare to think that this was real. I found myself praying, and I do not normally pray, that it was the real you that I was falling for. Your story helped to fill in the blanks but I was falling in love with you before you told me the story. That has not changed. I am still falling in love with you."

Lyn dropped her wine glass, spilling the wine on the bed and started crying. Not a gently cry but full-blown sobs. She felt Sharon put her arms around her and pull her into her body. Lyn could feel Sharon gently rock her as she cried. When she got it back together, she drew back from Sharon and looked into her eyes and all she saw was love. "Oh god, I love you too." And she wrapped her arms around Sharon hugging her tight, then she kissed her trying to show Sharon how much she really did love her. When the kiss ended Lyn saw the wine glass she had dropped, "Oh no, I ruined your sheets. I am so sorry."

"Hell, they can be washed." Sharon said as she put the glass on the nightstand. She then lay down in the bed and pulled Lyn to her. Lyn allowed Sharon to hug her tightly. They lay there silently for a long time before anyone spoke and then it was only about their feelings toward and for each other. They also confessed how much they both needed the other's love and friendship; Lyn because she have never had love given freely to her except by Julie and Lydia and Sharon because she was lost now that her parents were gone. It was about three in the morning before sleep came.

It was ten in the morning when Lyn woke up to find that she was still in Sharon's arms. She almost felt giddy at the thought that maybe she had finally found someone to spent her life with. She lay there for a few minutes just enjoying the moment then she had to kiss her lover awake. She gently moved up in the bed so as not to wake Sharon prematurely. She then started to kiss Sharon's lips tenderly until she saw Sharon's eyes flutter open and she felt Sharon's lips respond to her kisses. Their short kisses soon turned into longer and more passionate ones. After a last long passionate kiss, Lyn put her head down on Sharon's shoulder and hugged her tight.

"You don't know how much last night meant to me." Lyn whispered to Sharon.

"I think I do. It meant the same thing to me. I am glad that you trusted me enough to tell me everything. I think that we can go forward from here and not worry what has happened in the past." Sharon told Lyn.

"That is fine with me." Lyn said as she settled back down on Sharon and they stayed that way until the call of nature arrived and they begrudgingly got up.

Once they were up and had their morning coffee, they realized that is was too late to go to the amusement park. Lyn was disappointed about not being able to go, and then Sharon suggested that they go on and get a hotel room. That way they could just get up and go to the park when they wanted to on Sunday. Then they could leave for home Sunday afternoon. Lyn jumped at the idea and set about repacking her bag as Sharon packed her own bag. Lyn did notice that Sharon picked up the cuffs and ropes and placed them in her bag. This made her smile, as she knew it would prove to be an interesting night. The four- hour trip was fun as they talked about everything including work but they limited the work part. They arrived at about four and checked into their hotel room. The clerk did give them a bit of a look when they wanted just one room and a large bed but she did not say anything. They each took a shower then went out for a nice dinner.

When they got back to the room, Sharon took Lyn into her arms and leaned in for a long deep kiss. Lyn felt her knees go weak and she clung to Sharon as the kiss became more passionate. As the kissing continued, Lyn felt Sharon's hands go to her back caressing her and then on to her butt. Sharon softly squeezed her butt cheeks and then she curved her fingers on down and Lyn felt Sharon lightly touch her pussy through her jeans. This made Lyn moan into Sharon's mouth. The kissing finally ended and they took turns removing each other's clothes. First Lyn removed Sharon's blouse and the Sharon did the same to her. They went on that way as their bras, jeans, and finally their panties were all in a pile in the floor. Sharon then started to lead Lyn to the bed, but Lyn stopped her.

"Let me make love to you my way first, then you can do anything to me you want." Lyn said softly. Sharon just nodded and she went to the bed and lay on her back.

Lyn walked slowly over to the bed and climbed on. She moved over Sharon and she lay down on top of her with her legs between Sharon's spread legs. She took Sharon's face into her hands and she lowered her head down for a kiss. Lyn stroked Sharon's cheeks with her fingers as she kissed her. She did not open her mouth at first; instead just using her lips but then she opened her mouth and caressed Sharon's tongue with her own tongue. The kissing became more passionate and Lyn began to move her hips and press her pussy down against Sharon's. Lyn was already wet and she could feel that Sharon was in the same condition. Lyn moved her lips from Sharon's mouth and she began to kiss her cheeks and neck. As she did this, she moved her hands down to Sharon's breasts and she clasped them in her hands. Her breasts were firm in her hands and it felt so nice to be using her hands as she made love to Sharon. Soon she moved down and keeping her hands on Sharon's breasts, she took a nipple into her mouth. This caused Sharon to moan. Lyn used her hands to squeeze her breasts as she used her mouth to gently bite and suck on both breasts and nipples. Lyn could hear Sharon moan louder and longer and she was pushing her breasts upward. Every once in a while, Lyn would move up and kiss Sharon before going back to her breasts. Finally Lyn knew it was time to move on down. She kissed her way to Sharon's bellybutton, she ran her tongue around the edge, and then she stuck the tip of her tongue. This caused Sharon to let out a giggle and Lyn headed on down. She ran her fingers through Sharon's red pubic hair. She loved the feel of the hair as it went through her fingers. In addition, she loved how red the pubic hair was. Lyn then went on down until she was facing Sharon's pussy. She looked down at the pink and swollen lips and she saw the juices were seeping from between the labia. Lyn took her fingers, spread open Sharon's outer labia, and then dipped her tongue in drinking in the juices. She sucked and licked Sharon's pussy going up and down and then sticking her tongue deep into the opening. Sharon raised her hips up and let out a long moan. Lyn moved her mouth up to Sharon's clit and sucked the little nub into her mouth. She licked and sucked until Sharon had a small orgasm. She then went back down to the opening and drank down the girl-cum that Sharon was producing. When Sharon had come back down from her orgasm, Lyn slipped a finger into Sharon's pussy and she felt the tightness and the warmth within her. She moved her finger in and out going slowly but soon picked up speed. Sharon started to push back and once Lyn got her into a rhythm, she pushed a second finger inside Sharon. She began to fuck her in earnest and she moved her mouth to Sharon's clit and lightly licked around it. Sharon bucked, groaned, and begged Lyn not to stop. Lyn pushed her fingers in and out of Sharon a little faster and harder. She then sucked the clit into her mouth. Lyn went for the gold and she drove Sharon toward a massive orgasm. She licked and sucked harder on the clit and after a couple more minutes of this treatment, Lyn felt Sharon's pussy clamp down on her fingers and she was flooded with juices. She slowly stopped fucking Sharon and replaced her fingers with her tongue and she lapped up Sharon's sweet juices. Lyn then went up in the bed and hugged Sharon as she recovered from her orgasm.

"How was that?" Lyn asked when Sharon opened her eyes.

"It was great, darling. But now it is your turn." Sharon said as she pushed Lyn onto her back. She kissed her sweetly on the lips and then got out of the bed. She pulled the cuffs and ropes from her bag and then put them on Lyn's wrists and ankles. Lyn watched as Sharon start to tie the ends of the rope that was connected to her right wrist when she heard Sharon say "Shit!"

"What is wrong?" Lyn asked.

"There is nothing to tie the rope to, the headboard is screwed into the wall and not connected to the bed. And the rope is not long enough to reach the bottom rail." Sharon said in a disappointed voice.

Lyn thought a minute then an idea came to her head. "Just slip the end of the rope under the edge of the mattress. That will hold me."

"That is crazy that will not hold a flea." Sharon said.

"Look at me." Lyn told Sharon in a stern voice and when she finally looked at her, Lyn continued. "It is not crazy. I promise you, it will hold." Lyn kept eye contact with Sharon until she saw that Sharon caught what she was saying. Sharon smiled as she pulled the rope tight and put the end under the edge of the mattress. She did this to Lyn's other three limbs and Lyn knew the game was up to her. Sharon then climbed on top of her and Lyn resisted the urge to wrap her arms around Sharon. Lyn felt Sharon start to kiss her and she closed her eyes. She concentrated on not moving her arms and Sharon continued to kiss her and when Sharon got to her breasts and she felt her mouth suck her right nipple into her mouth. Lyn moaned and twisted around but was able to keep her arms and legs in place. The play-acting she was having to do made what Sharon was doing to her even more exciting. She felt Sharon's hands and lips on her breasts and she was moaning for real. Soon Sharon moved on down to her pussy and she started to lick. Lyn pushed her hips upward into Sharon's mouth. Lyn felt Sharon's finger enter her pussy and begin to fuck her and that made it harder to keep her legs in place but she did. When Sharon's mouth sucked her clit into her mouth Lyn felt her first orgasm wash over her. When she came back around, she found that her arms and legs were still in place but then Sharon forced a second and third finger into her pussy and she was pounding her hard. Lyn moaned aloud as her pussy was filled to the max. Sharon teased her clit with her tongue making Lyn wait for her third climax. When it came, it was a massive one but again she was able to keep her limbs in place.

When she came back around Sharon was beside her, kissing her cheeks and then her lips. "You were right; they did hold you and you did not fake your orgasms either. There was too much girl-cum flowing out of your pussy."

"I told you, but you did not believe me. But to tell you the truth, I was not really sure I could pull it off but I had to try for you."

"Thank you." Sharon said as she lowered her head and kissed Lyn. They kissed for a couple of minutes but then Sharon raised her head. "Aren't you going to hug me?"

"I can't. I am still tied up." Lyn said seriously.

Sharon laughed then said, "You are untied."

"No it does not work that way. You have to get up and untie me." Lyn said.

Sharon smiled and let out a fake sigh, then got up and went to each corner of the bed and "untied" Lyn. "I am not sure you are worth all the trouble." Sharon said as she started to get into the bed.

"You know I am." Lyn said as she held out her arms for Sharon. They kissed passionately for a few minutes then they fell asleep in each other's arms.

They were up at eight the next morning and after getting dressed, with Sharon putting on shorts and Lyn put on a mid-thigh length skirt. She had learned that when she put on tight shorts that her thick pad showed as a budge and she did not want that. She also put on her thickest pair of cotton panties that she owned. While it was not the sexiest outfit she had, it served its purpose. She then put her fanny pack around her waist putting only some money, her driver's license and then filled it up with maxi-pads. Sharon took all this in but she did not say anything. They stopped first to eat breakfast and then if was off to the park. Since it was still spring the park was not as crowded as it would be during the summer but it was the first real warm weekend of the year so there was still a lot of people there. They walked around a while letting their breakfast digest before Sharon suggested getting in line for the rollercoaster. Lyn felt the first tinge of excitement and she directed Sharon to the nearest bathroom. Once there, she emptied her bladder making sure that she expelled all the urine that she could. She then took the first pad of the day out, attached it to her panties, and pulled them up. Again felt the excitement start to rise in her stomach, the feel of the pad against her pussy served to remind her that she was about to get the shit scared out of her but she loved it. She walked out of the bathroom and joined Sharon. They then got in line. The closer they got to the rollercoaster the more nervous Lyn got. Finally, it was their turn and they were seated in about the middle. Sharon put the bar down and Lyn gripped it with both hands.

"You are not scared are you?" Sharon asked casually.

"Maybe just a bit," Lyn replied as she gripped the bar tighter. About this time the car started to move and Lyn let out a "Oh no." this caused Sharon to laugh but she then put her hand on Lyn's thigh which calmed her some but not much. The cars went straight for about five hundred feet and then started to climb a steep incline. On the way up Lyn kept saying "Oh man" repeatedly until they got to the top. The cars hesitated a second and then plunged almost straight down. Lyn let out a loud "Oh God!" and then screamed all the way down. Lyn felt like her stomach was in her throat and when they hit bottom her stomach was slammed into her ass. She continued to scream as the cars twisted and turned and flipped over about ten times. There was one steeper incline and a plunge into hell before they returned. It took Lyn a minute before she realized that Sharon was talking to her.

"What did you say?" Lyn asked.

"I asked if you were all right."

"I am fine now."

"Then let go of the bar so that we can get out."

"Oh okay." Lyn said as she realized that her hands had a death grip on the bar. She worked and loosened her fingers so that Sharon could lift the bar.

"Let me change my pad and let's get back in line." Lyn said now that she was calming back down.

"You screamed the whole time and you want to ride again." Sharon said as she helped Lyn out and with an arm around Lyn's arm helped her off the platform.

"I know I am crazy, but I love it." Lyn said not able to explain her enjoyment of something that scared her that bad.

"You can say that again." Sharon said.

"I know I am crazy, but I love it." Lyn said as she laughed and then Sharon hit her on the butt causing Lyn to yelp. "You said I could say it again, so I did."

"You are crazy but I love you anyway." Sharon said.

Lyn felt her heart melt at Sharon saying that and she could not resist leaning over and kissing Sharon on the cheek, not caring who would see them. When they got to the bathroom, Lyn was surprised when Sharon followed her into the booth.

"What are you doing, someone will see us." Lyn said.

"So, I just wanted to see if you really do pee on yourself when you ride a rollercoaster. I heard you pee before we got on. I don't know how you had any left."

"If you say so but I was telling you the truth." Lyn said as her pushed her shorts and panties down. Then she sat on the toilet. She got some toilet paper and removed the pad feeling the weight before she gave it to Sharon.

"I be damn, you did pee on yourself."

"I told you that I did. I don't know when I do it but the rollercoaster stops, I can feel the wetness and know that I have done it yet again." Lyn wiped herself and then put another pad in place.

They got back in line and this time, they were seated closer to the front. As Lyn started to grip the bar, Sharon took her right hand and held onto to it. Lyn was not sure about not being able to hold onto the bar with both hands but then holding onto Sharon's made it feel like she was sharing her excitement with her. She gripped Sharon's hand harder as they went up the first incline and again as they started to descend she screamed. And she went on screaming until the ride ended. When they got back, Lyn again had to change her pad. This time they decide to take a break from the rollercoaster and then take one last ride before they had to head home. They ate a late lunch and then took in a couple of shows that the park had. At about four, they got back into line, after Lyn made a visit to the restroom. On this ride, they were stuck in the back. After they sat down, Sharon reached over with her right hand and took Lyn's right hand. She used her left arm to pull Lyn in close and hold her tight. Lyn was tempted not to hold onto the bar with her free hand but as the cars started to move, her hand when to the bar on its own. Even with the security of Sharon holding her, she was not ready to let go of the bar completely. She did scream a little less but still when the ride ended, she felt the familiar wetness in her crotch.

They did not get to Sharon's home until about midnight and Lyn did not think twice about whether to go home or slip into bed with Sharon. Lyn snuggled in against Sharon and they were quickly asleep, it had been a long but fun day. When the alarm went off, Lyn groaned and then she heard Sharon let out a curse as she shut off the alarm, which she did none to nicely. They laid there a moment before Sharon gave Lyn a kiss and then pushed her out of the bed, so that they could get their day started. They both took a quick shower and each took their own car to work. They both knew that it was better to keep their relationship kept quite for the time being.

When Lyn got to work, she checked her emails and found that her father wanted a report that Sharon would have to do. This made Lyn pause, "How would Sharon react to being told to do something after they had spent the weekend together." They were no longer just boss and employee. They had been courting for a while now but now they had consummated their relationship. She began to worry that this would set them back to the beginning and she did not want that. She would rather quit than to lose Sharon at this point. She worried about this until she got to the conference room, where everyone was coming in for the Monday morning meeting. Once everyone was in place Lyn got up and decided to get the worse part over with first.

"Sharon, I need to send a report of all out defects for each part for the past year. Can you get that for me by this afternoon?" Lyn asked in what she hoped was her most professional voice.

"Sure, no problem. I have all the data; I will just have to put it together for you." Sharon said in an equally professional voice.

Lyn breathed a quite sigh of relief and then went on with the meeting. The rest of the day, she and Sharon were busy and Lyn did not see her until she came late in the afternoon with her report.

"Here is all the paperwork and I put the data in a spreadsheet and email it to you." Sharon said as she sat down by Lyn's desk.

"I just read it, you did a great job."

"Thanks, and to change the subject, are you as tired as I am?" Sharon asked.

"Yes, I am worn out. I am closing up shop now. I just need to send this to the bastard that impregnated my mother."

"Not bitter are we?" Sharon asked with raised eyebrows.

"Not much, he just was a bastard today but what else is new." Lyn replied.

"He is what he is, I guess. I am sorry you have to deal with him."

"Thanks, but I am learning how to handle him now. Email is my saving grace."

"Let's talk about something nicer, are you coming over tonight?" Sharon asked and smiled.

"That would be nice, I would love to. I just need to stop by my apartment and pick up some clothes and my mail." Lyn replied and suddenly she forgot all about her father.

She rushed home and checked her answering machine and her mail but nothing was pressing in either. She then went to the bedroom. She stood at the closet and looked at her clothes. She then realized that she did not know whether to pick out one outfit for tomorrow or take enough for the week. Her brain told her to be careful and only take one outfit. Sharon had only asked her over tonight. But her heart wanted her to clean out her closet and take it all over to Sharon's. She thought for a few minutes before deciding to take all she could. If the offer from Sharon was really only for tonight then she could bring it back but her heart was telling her that tonight meant more than just tonight. She packed all she could in her two big suitcases and grabbed a bunch of stuff hanging up and after making two trips to her car, she headed to Sharon's.

She was nervous when she got out of the car but then she saw Sharon walking toward her. Lyn bit her lower lip as Sharon looked into the car at the suitcases and the clothes lying on top of them. Then she broke into a smile when Sharon reached for a suitcase. Between them, they carried it all inside in one trip. When Lyn put the suitcase she was carrying down, she found herself in Sharon's arms and she was being kissed passionately. When the kiss ended, Lyn knew there was a question she had to ask. She kept her arms around Sharon's waist as she leaned back slightly.

"How is this going to work?" Lyn asked.

"Do you mean work and home?" Sharon asked.

"Yes." Lyn said and she felt herself getting nervous at what Sharon would say.

"At work, you are the boss. I know that it has to be that way. When you need something, ask me and I will do it." Sharon said simply.

"And at home?" Lyn asked with a smile on her face now.

"At home, the roles are reversed." Sharon said with a wicked grin.

"They are, are they? Well then, I guess we are at home. What is your request?"

"Mmm... I think the first thing you need to do is to get out of the clothes you are wearing..."

The End.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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