Turn of An Unfriendly Card

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jan 16, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Turn of an Unfriendly Card by Chris

At the end of her first year in college, Julie decided that she wanted out of the dorms. There was always so much noise and that made studying hard. She started looking at the bulletin boards at the student center where students advertised for roommates. She checked out a few but either the apartment was in poor shape or the prospective roommate was equally bad. Julie was about to give up when she came across Lyn's posting, so she decided to give it one more try. When she laid eyes on Lyn, she could not imagine anyone more different than she was. Lyn was tall, about 5" 11" Julie judged. She had short black hair with full C cup breasts and rounded hips. To say the least she was a beauty, the type of girl that turns all the boys' heads. Julie meanwhile was barely over 5' tall and she had long light brown hair that came down to her butt. Her breasts were so small that she rarely wore a bra and her hips could be best summed up as boyish. The apartment was very nice but Julie she quickly found out at their meeting that Lyn knew that she was beautiful and she took full advantage of that fact. She was someone that always got her way either by her looks or by any other means necessary. This was something that Julie would eventually find out. Julie made her way in the world by her smarts and her kind nature. However, there was only so far anyone could push that kind nature as her younger brothers quickly found out growing up. Lyn spelled out the rules of the apartment when they met and none were anything that Julie could not live with, especially the no boys over night rule. Julie though about all the pros and cons and decided to give Lyn and her apartment a try.

The day that Julie moved in Lyn gave her the first of many surprises.

Julie had gotten everything put away in her room and she and Lyn had just finished the pizza that they had ordered.

"You know Betty, my old roommate, and I use to draw cards every Sunday night to see who would do the laundry and clean the apartment every week. I know we agreed to swap out but this puts a little excitement into a boring job. In addition, you may get out of doing any housework for a couple of weeks in a row. Now last year, I won a lot less than I won so the odds are with you. But it is up to you."

"Okay, I will take you up on that. I don't mind doing housework or laundry and the odds are that we both will win the same amount of time; though it is possible that one of us will win more than the other would. Anyway let's give it a try." Julie said after thinking it over for a minute or so.

"Great, this will be fun." Lyn replied as she got up and retrieved a pack of cards from the kitchen. She gave them to Julie to shuffle, who looked them over and she did not find anything unusual about the cards. They were not new but then they were not worn out either. She also did not see any cards that were bent or torn. Julie shuffled the cards well making sure that they were well mixed. She then spread them out on the center of the coffee table as Lyn had instructed her to do.

"You go first." Lyn said.

Julie studied the cards a minute then pulled out a card. She looked at it and saw that she had drawn an eight of cubs. Julie resigned herself to doing everything the first week. Then Lyn drew and she got the six of spades.

"Well it seems that I am starting out the year like I ended it last year, doing laundry and housework." Lyn said with a disappointed voice.

"It is a short week so it won't be too bad." Julie said trying not to show her excitement of winning the first draw.

Classes started the next day and Julie quickly got into her studies. She was an economics major with a minor in accounting. This kept her busy with all the math she had to do for both fields. Those first few days Julie set up her routine, which was to come home late in the afternoon and study until supper. Lyn also set up her routine, which was to come home at about eight or nine, then she would take a shower and get dressed up then go back out. Friday came and Julie found herself loaded down with homework. She knew that she would be spending the weekend studying. Lyn came home at about five and headed straight for the bathroom. There she showered and then got ready for a night out on the town. She fixed up her hair and put make-up on. When she came out, Julie took one look at her and she thought she was looking at a movie star. Lyn had on a low cut dress that showed off her breasts. The dress was also short and tight which showed off her round ass. She told Julie bye as she rushed out the door.

Julie was beginning to like this arraignment. She never saw Lyn so it was like having the apartment to herself. Julie studied until nine then watched a movie. At eleven when the movie went off, she turned off the TV and went to bed. At about two in the morning, Julie was awaken by a strange sound. She sat up in bed and concentrated on the sound. She heard loud moans coming from Lyn's bedroom and the sound scared her. She thought that Lyn was sick then a couple of seconds later she started to hear the squeaking of Lyn's bed. Lyn's moans got louder and they were joined by an unmistakably male moan. The moans and the squeaking got louder and louder and soon, she heard both Lyn and the man scream and cry out. The moans quieted down and Julie settled back in bed hoping that she could go back to sleep now that the show was over but just as she was about to fall asleep she heard the moans and squeaking start up again. Julie knew then that the "no boys rule" did not apply to Lyn.

The next morning Julie got up to go to the bathroom and almost ran into Lyn's friend. He was naked as a jaybird with his flaccid penis hanging out in the wind. He was well built both in body and in penis size and from the way he stopped to give Julie a good look, he was obviously proud of both facts. However, Julie just walked on past him as if he was not there at all. This, Julie knew, did not do his male ego any good. When Julie got in the bathroom, she found the toilet seat up and still the man was unable to hit the toilet. She put on some gloves and got cleaner out to clean the toilet before she put her ass on it. A couple of hours later and another tumble in Lyn's bed, the man left but Lyn slept in most of the day. When she did come out it was only to grab a bite to eat and then back to bed. Saturday evening arrived and Lyn was back out to hit the town.

That night was a repeat of the previous one. Julie was awaken in the

middle of the night by moaning and Lyn's bed squeaking. This time Julie put her pillow over her head and went back to sleep. Luckily, the man left early the next morning and Julie avoided the show she got the previous morning. Lyn spent most of the day in bed but she did get up late afternoon to do the laundry and cleaning. The laundry she did do well but the cleaning left much to be desired but Julie did have to say that she held up her end of the bargain.

Late that evening Lyn again brought out the cards and they drew. This time Julie got a jack of hearts but Lyn got a king of spades. Therefore, she had to do the cleaning and laundry. However, unlike Lyn she did a little

each day so that come Sunday she did not have everything to do. The weekend was much the same as the previous weekend. Lyn brought a boy home Friday night but on Saturday she must have went to the boy's place, as Julie did not see her until Sunday evening when it was time to draw cards. This time Julie got a five of diamonds and Lyn got a ten of spades. So once again, Julie had to clean and do the laundry.

The weeks began to pass and every Sunday night they drew cards with Julie always coming up with the low card and Lyn always drawing a spade that was higher. This was something that began to click in Julie's head but she could see anything that was amiss. She just figured that she was not meant to be a card shark and Lyn had the personality and demeanor to be just that. She knew that next year she would not make this bargain with Lyn. Besides, with the way that Lyn had been acting after the first week, she was not sure if she even wanted to room with Lyn next year. Even through they did not see each other much, Lyn never tried to have a conversation. Julie tried but Lyn always brushed her off. Julie was not one to wear her emotions on her sleeve but still it bothered her a bit. Lyn could at least be cordial.

It was about this time that Julie became friends with one of the girls in her calculus class. She was having trouble with some of the problems and Lydia, who was a math major, offered her help. They started to meet after class to go over the day's lectures and the homework that was assigned. Lydia was able to simplify the problems so Julie was better able to understand what the professor was saying. Lydia was very nice and friendly and they quickly became close friends. Lydia was about 5' 6" with an athletic body. Julie discovered, as they talked, that Lydia had played basketball and soccer in high school and while she was good, she was not good enough to play in college. She had a firm and muscular body with short brown hair and b cup breasts. In addition, the tight jeans that she wore, Julia could see the muscles in her thighs and the firm ass that she had. This made Julie wonder if they might just become more than just friends but she would take her time in finding out as she really did not want a real love affair but a friend to have fun with and someone to cuddle with every once in a while. After a week or two, they began to spend more of their free time together. Lydia talked Julie into running with her every morning before classes began. The next morning Lydia got her out on the track at about six in the morning. Lydia showed her how to stretch and then they started to run at a slow pace. When Julie was winded, Julie stopped and walked a lap as Lydia ran a fast lap around the track. When Lydia got back to Julie, they jogged a lap then Julie again stopped and walked as Lydia finished her running.

When Lydia was finished, Lydia escorted Julie back to the locker room where they could take a shower and change before going to class. Julie started to undress but she kept one eye on Lydia as she undressed. She watched as Lydia pulled her top off and then her sports bra revealing her firm breasts with their dark nipples. She felt her pussy begin to moisten and as she pulled her own top off, she knew her own nipples were hard. Julie continued to watch as Lydia pulled her running shorts and panties down past her thighs. She found that Lydia had a full bush of dark brown hair. She watched as her muscular thighs were revealed and she thought about having her face buried between those thighs. Lydia pulled her shorts and panties on off and then she turned to put them on top of the rest of her

clothes. Julie was then able to see that tight ass in a little more detail. Julie quickly pulled her own shorts and panties off before the wet spot on her panties got so big that Lydia would notice. However, when she stood up she saw that Lydia was staring at her body and suddenly Julie wished that she were prettier than she was. Lydia smiled at her then spoke in a husky voice.

"You interested?"

"Yes." Julie replied.

"Good, so am I. How about we meet for dinner this afternoon and then maybe I can give you a massage to work out some of the soreness that you will be feeling from our run this morning."

"That sounds nice, it's a date."

"Well, let's go take a shower and get this day started." Lydia said as the locker room started to fill up with other runners coming in to shower.

Julie could only catch Lydia out of the corner of her eye as they showered but it was enough of a look to keep her going for the rest of the day. By the afternoon, Julie was indeed feeling the soreness begin to move into her muscles and she started to look forward to her get together with Lydia but for more than the original reason. They met at about five and they

went to a pizza place right off campus. They talked about the morning's run and Julie had to admit that she was feeling very sore but she wanted to continue to run. She said that she wanted to get in shape but she was never was one to exercise. Lydia gave her encouragement and said that she would help her along and that she would work out the soreness tonight and then she gave Julie a wicked wink. Julie got the double meaning and felt herself blushing. After that, Julie began to think about what they would soon be doing and less about eating. She saw that Lydia had also pretty much stopped eating. Therefore, they got a box to put the rest of the pizza in and headed toward Julie's place as Lydia still lived in one of the dorms.

"Which is your bedroom?" Lydia asked as they came into the apartment.

"Just go down the hallway. It's the first door on the left." Julie said as she put the pizza in the refrigerator. When she got back to the bedroom Lydia was coming out of the bathroom carrying a couple of towels.

"Get undressed and lay face down on these towels." Lydia told her as she got a bottle from her backpack. Julie got undressed, again wishing that she had a body more like Lyn's than the one she was stuck with. Once she was naked, she laid down, turning her head toward Lydia. Who, she saw, was in the process of undressing. Julie watched as each piece of clothing came off. She felt her pussy get wet again and her nipples tighten.

Again, she took in Lydia firm breasts and her already hard nipples. This time she was able to observe Lydia's body more closely and not out of the corner of her eyes. When Lydia's pussy came into view she saw that there a bit of moisture there. Therefore, Julie knew that at least her body did excite Lydia a little bit. Once Lydia was undressed, she turned around and bent over to get something out of her book bag. Julie's eyes bore in on Lydia's pussy that was peeking from between those solid thighs and she could see the slit. There was indeed moisture there. She could see that the lips were already red and swollen. Her eyes went from there to Lydia's little brown puckered asshole. Julie had a sudden desire to get up and start kissing and licking both holes but then Lydia rose up and turned back around.

"Are you ready?" Lydia asked holding a bottle of oil in her hand.

"Oh yes" was Julie's reply.

Lydia climbed up on to the bed; putting a knee to each side of Julie's body. She then sat down on Julie's butt. Julie could feel Lydia's pubic hair

against her butt and she could the moisture seeping from Lydia's pussy. Julie could not resist wiggling her butt a little, thus getting a little more contact with Lydia's pussy.

"Hold on baby, we will get to that soon enough. First, let us get these muscles worked out. Close your eyes and keep them closed, it will make the massage better." Lydia continued, once Julie had closed her eyes. "Okay now put your arms by your side and relax."

Julie heard Lydia open the bottle then she heard her rubbing her hands together. The next thing she felt was Lydia's hands on her shoulders. They dug deep into her muscles and at first it hurt but then it began to feel good.

"Oooo... that smells good." Julie said when she got a whiff of the oil.

"It tastes good too, but not as good as you are going to taste." Lydia said teasingly. This caused Julie to giggle with anticipation.

Lydia went from Julie's shoulders and neck to Julie's right arm. She

worked the biceps and then on down to her forearm and finally her hand. The oil felt good and the scene was making her horny. Lydia went from the right arm to the left. Once she finished with that arm, Julie felt Lydia scoot down so that she was sitting on her lower thighs. She heard Lydia get more oil from the bottle and then she felt Lydia begin to work on her lower back.

She was sore here and she let out a moan of pain as Lydia worked her fingers deep into her muscles. However, a few minutes later that moan turned into pleasure as her muscles began to relax. Lydia stayed here for a few minutes to make sure that the muscles were completely relaxed. Lydia scooted down a little more and got some more oil. Julie then felt her grasp her ass cheeks in her hands. Lydia massaged them roughly at first working her fingers deep into her butt cheeks.

Once she stopped, Julie felt Lydia pull her ass cheeks open with one

hand and then she felt the cold oil hit at the top of her crack. Julie let out a squeal of shock. She felt the oil start to run down her crack to her asshole. This gave a sexual thrill as the cold oil went over her asshole. The oil ran

on down and she felt it hit her pussy going down her slit. This tickled and she had to force herself to stay still. Julie heard the bottle close and then she felt Lydia's fingers begin at the top of her crack and they rubbed the oil in slowly working their way to her asshole. When the fingers got there, she felt Lydia run a finger around the rim of her anus. Julie let out a real moan. When it was at the center of her asshole, Lydia's finger began to press down a little harder. Julie relaxed her sphincter muscle and the tip of the finger penetrated her asshole. Julie moaned again as the finger entered her. Lydia pushed her finger in a little ways then removed it completely. Julie moaned from the loss but then the finger was pressing into her again. This time it went in farther. Again, it was removed completely. Julie felt her pussy gushing with juices. The finger entered her yet again, this time Julie

felt it go in until she felt Lydia's knuckle hit her ass. The finger was completely inside her and it felt good. She like her ass played with and Lydia was doing a good job doing just that. Lydia move her finger out a little ways then back in. She then began to fuck Julie's asshole and with the oil lubricating Lydia's finger and Julie's asshole. Julie was enjoying this so much as it felt so good. Julie was just getting into the ass fucking when Lydia removed her finger and did not put it back in. Again, Julie moaned from frustration.

She heard the bottle open and when Lydia's hands returned to her body, they were placed on her left thigh. Her leg muscles were obviously, what hurt the most so Lydia spent a lot of time on the upper thigh and hamstring muscle, getting them relaxed. When the muscle was finally relaxed, she went on to the calf, which was as tight as her thighs. Lydia did a good job of getting the muscle to relax and then she went to Julie's foot.

This part of Julie's body was where she was the most ticklish and no matter how careful Lydia was, Julie could not keep from jerking her foot away and giggling. Lydia finally gave up and she started at Julie's left calf. She worked her way back up Julie's leg. Once she got the thigh done, she moved her hands to the inner thighs. Here the massage was more sensual in nature. She would run her fingers close to Julie's pussy but not touching

it. Julie moaned and tried to move her pussy closer to Lydia's fingers but Lydia was always ready for her. Julie felt the fingers get all so close but then they would go away. She was about to beg Lydia to touch her when she felt the fingers finally brush against her outer lips. Julie let out a loud moan of pleasure. The fingers began to touch her harder and then she felt them at her slit. The fingers went up and down her slit and at every pass; they went a little deeper. The fingers parted her pussy lips and then one finger entered her pussy. This made her moan and she knew that she was close to a climax. As the one finger began to move in and out, she felt another rub across her clit and that sent her over the edge. It was not a hard orgasm but enough to release the sexual tension that was in her body. She felt her pussy gush her girlcum. When the orgasm ended, she felt a hard slap against her ass.

"Ouch!" Julie cried out as the sudden pain brought her back to reality.

"Turn over." Lydia said in a much deeper voice.

As Lydia rose up, Julie turned over and lay down on her back. In this position, Julie knew her breasts looked even smaller and with her public hair being so sparse, she felt very unfeminine. She wanted to cover her breasts and her pussy but when she finally looked Lydia in the eyes, she only saw the lust there. That made her feel a little better and she relaxed.

Lydia sat back down this time her pussy was sitting on top of Julie's pussy; even as wet as she was, Julie could feel Lydia's juices. Julie watched as Lydia picked up the bottle of oil and poured some into her hand. She warmed the oil in her hands and then she bent over and started to work on Julie's shoulders. She moved from there to Julie's chest but she worked her hands and fingers around Julie's breasts without ever touching them. Julie was again disappointed as she felt Lydia did not like her small breasts. But Lydia put some more oil in her hands and she placed both hands on Julie's breasts. She moved her palms across Julie's breasts and Julie could feel her nipples getting hard once again. Lydia massaged them gently then she began to squeeze them working her way to the nipples. There she ran her index fingers around the nipple. Julie felt herself getting excited. Lydia went around and around the nipples, teasing them then Julie felt Lydia pinch each nipple. She released the nipples then she pinched them a little harder. Julie moaned from the pain and pleasure. She kept doing this, pinching harder each time until Julie was just beginning to feel

more pain that pleasure. When Lydia released the nipples Julie waited for the next pinch but instead she felt Lydia's lips on her left nipple. Julie let out a loud moan as Lydia gently sucked on the nipple. Lydia knew how to suckle a nipple and the pain Julie just felt made Lydia's mouth feel that much better. Lydia sucked and sucked and Julie began to push her breast against Lydia's mouth. Lydia sucked and kissed the nipple for another minute or two then she released it with a last kiss. Julie waited for Lydia to start to suckle on the right nipple but instead she felt a hard pinch and she let out an "Ohhh..." Lydia then put her soft lips to the nipple a split second after the pinch ended. The "Ohhhh" was then replaced with an "Ahhhhh." Lydia sucked and kissed this nipple as she had the other one. Julie was back in heaven again. Lydia suckled the nipple and ran her tongue around the edge. Lydia worked this nipple for a couple of minutes then she gave a last kiss to both. She sat back up and Julie heard the bottle open again. Lydia began to massage her stomach muscles and she slowly moved down from Julie's stomach to her abdomen. Julie felt Lydia's hands move closer to her mons. She felt Lydia's hands slide through her pubic hair. Julie always though about shaving what little hair she had but never did. Again, Lydia teased her letting her fingers go ever closer to her pussy but not touching her. Julie thought to herself that this girl knew how to tease. Lydia left her pubic hair and went to her right thigh. She worked the muscles there getting them loose and then she went to the shin massaging what few muscles there and hitting the calf again. From there Lydia went to the left thigh and shin. Once she was done, Julie felt Lydia move around and she felt Lydia pull her legs apart and her pussy lips opening up. Julie knew what was coming next and she was more than ready.

The next thing that Julie felt was Lydia's warm breath blowing on her pussy. Julie felt a shiver go through her body. Lydia blew up and down the slit and then Julie felt Lydia's kiss her outer lips. Julie felt Lydia kiss her way up the slit until the kisses reached her clit. Julie heard herself let out a moan that came from deep within her body. Lydia then began to lick. She would start from the bottom edge and go up to Julie's clit giving it an extra lick or two. Lydia licked and licked the outer lips before finally going in deeper and deeper. Julie began to twist and grab onto the sheets. "This girl

is good!" Julie thought to herself. Julie felt Lydia open her lips up with her fingers and then she felt Lydia's tongue enter her pussy. The tongue kept going deeper and deeper. Julie could not believe how long this girl's tongue was but she knew she liked it. Lydia moved the tongue in and around her pussy and Julie started to moan in earnest. Lydia licked and scooped out Julie's juices for a couple of minutes then she went down to Julie's asshole. Julie raised her legs up and spread her knees out farther to give Lydia better access. Julie felt Lydia's tongue go around the rim of her

asshole. It went around and around then Julie felt the tip press against the

center. Julie relaxed as she felt the tongue enter her. Julie felt the tongue open her asshole then being removed, only to be pushed in again.

"Oh God!" Julie cried out as Lydia fucked her asshole with her tongue.

Lydia slipped two fingers in Julie's pussy and she started to fuck Julie with her fingers as she fucked her asshole with her tongue. "Oh God!" came from Julie again. Julie knew she could not last much longer and when she felt Lydia's mouth leave her asshole and latch onto her clit, she could feel that a massive orgasm was about the rack her body. Lydia sucked the clit into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease it as she sucked. Julie felt Lydia's fingers fuck her pussy harder and deeper. Julie tried to hold off as long as possible but she was defenseless. The orgasm hit her hard and she rode it out. Wave after wave went through her body and she moaned and moaned. Lydia kept the fucking and sucking going until Julie was spent. As she relaxed, she felt Lydia gently lick up her girlcum. When she recovered, Julie pulled Lydia up in the bed. Lydia laid down on top of her and looked down into Julie's eyes.

"I knew you would taste as good as you looked."

Julie could not help but to smile as she put her hand behind Lydia head and brought it down for their first kiss. Julie tasted her juices on Lydia's soft lips. It was a soft kiss and went on for what seemed like forever to Julie. "I don't want anything long term but this girl just might be able change my mind." Julie thought as the kiss ended. Lydia came back down for another kiss and this time she opened her mouth, Julie felt Lydia's tongue start to enter her mouth, and she sucked on it. She felt it go farther inside her mouth than any other tongue she had tasted. She now knew she could fall in love with this tongue. Julie used her own tongue to caress Lydia's tongue. Julie pushed Lydia's tongue out of her mouth and she moved her tongue into Lydia's mouth. They kissed and kissed as their mouths came apart and then immediately come back together.

Finally, Julie gave Lydia a last kiss and then she kissed her chin and her neck. Julie planted kisses from one side of Lydia's neck to the other. She sucked and kissed but never sucking hard enough to leave a hickey. Lydia then moved up in the bed and Julie kissed Lydia's skin as it passed above her. When Lydia's breasts were above her head, she stopped. Julie cupped Lydia's breasts in her hands, feeling their fullness and again wishing they were hers. However, they were not so she would enjoy them instead. She squeezed them in her hands and as she did that, she took the right nipple into her mouth. She sucked softly at first then harder. She gently bit the nipple and she heard Lydia cry out "Oh Yes." Julie had discovered that Lydia liked her sex a little rougher. Julie switched the left breast and sucked as much of the breast into her mouth. She sucked hard and got a moan from Lydia. She pulled her mouth off the breast and it left with a wet "Pop." Julie went back to each breast biting and sucking on the nipples.

After another minute or so, Lydia started to move on up in the bed. Julie gave a last kiss to the breast that she was sucking on and followed Lydia's body with kisses. When Julie got to Lydia's full thick bush, she ran

her tongue through the hair and getting her first good whiff of Lydia's feminine aroma. She liked the smell and Lydia kept moving until her pussy was over Julie's mouth. Lydia was now on her knees facing the headboard. She moved her butt down until she was almost sitting on Julie's face. Julie buried her mouth in Lydia's pussy licking up the juices that Lydia had produced and was still producing. Julie ran her tongue up and down the slit and across Lydia's clit. She explored all of Lydia's folds and crevices. She pushed her tongue inside of Lydia's pussy scooping out the juices. She heard Lydia moan as she put Lydia's outer pussy lips between her lips and pulled down on them. Julie licked and sucked some more as she occasionally went to Lydia's clit and giving it some attention. Julie then grasped Lydia's butt cheeks and spread them apart. She licked her way down to Lydia's asshole. She moved her tongue around the rim before pushing her tongue into the center. She twisted her tongue around and she felt Lydia's body shake as she moaned louder. She started to push her tongue in and out of Lydia's butt. Lydia groaned and moaned as Julie's tongue fucked her ass. Julie finally removed her tongue then she took her right index finger; wetting it with Lydia's juices. Once it was nice and slippery she placed the fingertip at the center of Lydia's asshole. She moved her mouth to Lydia's clit and as she took the clit into her mouth, she

forced her finger inside Lydia's asshole. Lydia cried out "Oh Yes baby, that

feels great!" Julie sucked the clit into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease the clit. Julie then started to move her finger in and out of Lydia's asshole. She used just the end of her finger at first but slowly worked her finger in until she was fucking Lydia's asshole with her whole finger. As she heard Lydia's breathing quicken she started to lick harder on the clit and about this time she felt Lydia's sphincter muscle clamp down on her finger and she was flooded with Lydia's juices. Julie drank all the juices in as Lydia came. Lydia had sat down practically smothering Julie with her pussy but Julie kept on licking and sucking in her juices. Lydia seem to just keep cumming and producing more and more juices but Julie did not care, she loved the taste but finally Lydia had enough and she rose up. She slid back down in the bed and lay down beside Julie.

They lay together just gently kissing and cuddling together. Soon the kissing stopped and they fell asleep holding on to each other. The next morning they were up early and after a quick shower together they were off to the track and then to class. They were not able to get together again until Friday night. Lydia was just arriving as Lyn was rushing out the door. Lyn gave her a weird look but did not bother to say anything to her.

"So that is your roommate?" Lydia asked as she came over to give Julie a kiss.

"Yea, she's a looker isn't she?"

"You can say that again. Maybe we can get her to join us sometime."

"You wish! However, she is as straight as she can be. Besides she is

a stuck up bitch."

"I noticed that by her friendly greeting as I came in the door."

Julie laughed and then she took Lydia into her arms giving her a kiss that lasted a lot longer than the first kiss. They hugged and kissed for a few minutes before Julie broke away.

"How are you fixed for homework this weekend?" Julie asked as she led Lydia into the kitchen where she had started to fix their dinner.

"Buried. How about yourself?"

"About the same." Julie replied.

"How about we eat then get our homework done. After that, we can have the rest of the weekend to play." Lydia said as she came up behind Julie and took her into her arms. She began to kiss the back of Julie's neck

as one hand went to Julie's breasts and the other to her pussy. Lydia began to caress Julie through her clothes. Julie leaned back onto Lydia and let her do as she pleased. But after a couple minutes of this Julie broke away.

"You keep doing that and we will never make it to dinner much less get our homework done." Julie told Lydia is a weak voice.

"Your words say one thing but your body is saying another." Lydia came back with as she turned Julie around and kissed her hard. Julie kissed Lydia back with equal passion but again she stopped what they were doing before their passions got too hot.

"Now stop that lover!" Julie said as she gave Lydia a kiss. She then

led Lydia over to where the lettuce and other vegetables were waiting to become a salad.

"Well if you insist." Lydia said with a laugh. She then started to fix the salad as Julie finished cooking the main course.

They ate their dinner and after cleaning up the kitchen, they set up

their books and laptops on the kitchen table. It was about one in the morning before Lydia finished the last of her work. Julie had finished earlier but she stayed with Lydia reviewing her calculus, as that was her worse subject. When Lydia finally put down her pencil, she let out a long sigh.

"Tired?" Julie asked.

"Yea, worn out more like it."

"How about a hot shower and then bed?"

"That sounds good to me. Then tomorrow we can enjoy ourselves."

"That sounds fair enough. Let's get to the shower and then get some sleep." Julie said as she got up and pulled Lydia to her feet. They went to the bathroom and Julie started the shower. She then began to undress as she watched Lydia undress. She did love Lydia's body; it was so tight and firm. Her own legs were beginning to firm up from the running that Lydia had her doing now. Lydia was going to help her start work her upper body soon but she made Lydia promise her that she would not end up looking like some bodybuilder. When they were undressed, they stepped into the shower. It was a small bathtub/shower with just enough room for the two of them. They each took a turn getting wet then each got some shampoo to wash their hair. From there they got Julie's body wash and soaped up their bodies.

Julie waited until they were both ready to rinse off to make her move. She grabbed Lydia and pinned her against the wall of the shower. She then pulled Lydia's head down to hers and they kissed. Julie pressed her slick and soapy body against Lydia's equally slick and soapy body. As they kissed, Julie slipped her right hand between their bodies and down to Lydia's pussy. It was wet and slick to the touch. She moved her fingers up and down Lydia's slit and against her clit. Lydia began to moan and gave in to Julie's fingers. Julie slipped a couple of fingers inside Lydia and began

to fuck her. Lydia broke off the kiss and groaned. She then gripped Julie's shoulders to hold herself up. Julie moved her head down to Lydia's right breast and latched onto the nipple. There was a soapy taste at first but that did not stop her as she sucked and bit on the nipple. Lydia moaned and groaned as Julie pushed her fingers inside Lydia's pussy even harder. Julie fucked Lydia's pussy and she could feel the vaginal muscles grip her fingers. Julie moved her thumb up to Lydia's clit and began to rub it as she

continued to fuck Lydia with her index and middle fingers. Julie went the other breast and started to suck and bite that nipple. Lydia cried out about

this time "Oh God you going to make me cum soon!" Julie had no intention of stopping until she had Lydia cumming hard. Julie increased the pressure on Lydia's clit, as she circled the clit with her thumb. Lydia moaned louder and soon Julie felt Lydia's pussy grip her fingers and she felt Lydia's cum leak over her fingers as the orgasm hit. Lydia's knees gave

out and Julie helped her to sit down in the tub. Julie let Lydia rest as she

rinsed off her body. She was about to help Lydia up when she felt two hands on her hips.

Those hands turned her around so that she was facing the wall that Lydia was still sitting against. The hands pulled her in close and pulled down on her hips so that she had to spread her legs out wide. The next thing Julie felt was Lydia's mouth on her pussy. Julie felt Lydia's long tongue run up her slit to her clit. Julie had to let out a long moan herself. The tongue lapped at her clit and Julie moaned louder. As the tongue lapped at her clit, Julie felt a finger at the entrance of her pussy. It went inside her and started to fuck her.

"That feels so good, keep it going." Julie told Lydia as she began to move her hips to the finger fucking her. Soon Julie felt another finger join

the first filling her up more. This felt even better and Julie moaned even louder. Lydia fucked her a little harder but kept the licking of Julie's clit about the same. Julie was just getting use to the two fingers fucking her and she felt an approaching orgasm when Lydia stopped. Julie groaned as the two fingers left her pussy. They were only gone for a second when Julie felt more pressure on her pussy. As the fingers began to enter her, she realized that the two fingers were now joined by a third. Being small in stature, her pussy was also small. The three fingers stretched her wide. This was just enough to fill her but not enough to hurt. The fingers went all the way in and Lydia left them there for a second for Julie to get use to being stretched so much. All the while Lydia was steadily licking at her clit. Soon the fingers began to fuck her. They started slow but quickly picked up speed. Julie felt her pussy stretched by those three fingers as they went

in and out of her. The fingers were fucking her hard and Lydia picked up the pressure of her tongue on Julie's clit. Julie felt her orgasm coming and

coming then it hit her. Julie felt Lydia's fingers leave her pussy and her mouth replaced them. Julie gave completely into the orgasm. If it was not for Lydia gripping her ass cheeks she would have fell down on top of her. When she recovered, Julie helped Lydia up and they washed the girlcum from their bodies in the now cold water. Once that was done, they jumped out of the shower, dried off quickly, and ran into the bedroom. There they jumped under the covers and hugged to get warm again.

"Julie, wake up." Lydia said in a low tone as she shook Julie awake.

"What?" Julie replied sleepily.

"Can you hear that moaning? Is Lyn doing what I think she is doing?"

"Yes, she is getting fucked by her boyfriend, or whatever he is. Now

go back to sleep." Julie said as she pulled Lydia to her. Julie felt Lydia hug her and she went back to sleep as she had heard this many times before so it was not anything new to her.

The next morning Julie and Lydia were out the door before Lyn ever moved from her bedroom. They went to the mall, did some shopping, and then went to the football game that afternoon. Neither was much into football but they had gotten tickets and it was fun being with 109,000 other

fans in the south's largest college stadium. When they returned later that evening Lyn had already left for the evening. They were hot and sweaty so they took a quick shower and fixed a homemade pizza. They took their pizza into the living room and curled up on the couch together eating their pizza and watching a movie.

When the pizza was gone and the movie had ended, their attention turned to each other. Julie was leaning against Lydia, so she turned so that

she was almost sitting in Lydia's lap. Julie put her arms around Lydia, she brought Lydia's mouth down to hers, and they kissed. They just gently kissed at first as Julie took the lead, first kissing Lydia on the lips then

going to her face and neck. When she made her way back to Lydia's mouth, she moved her tongue into her mouth. She moved her tongue around and around Lydia's long tongue. As she did this, Julie felt Lydia playing with her long hair, running her fingers through the tresses. As the kiss ended, Lydia took over and she started to kiss Julie down her neck and up to her ears. There she tenderly nibbled on Julie's earlobes. Julie let out a slight

moan. As Lydia kissed her, Julie moved her left hand to Lydia's breasts. She caressed them through her knit top and bra. She squeezed them and ran her thumb across the nipples. Lydia let out her own moan and the heat between them began to increase. Lydia moved her lips back to Julie's mouth and she forced her tongue into Julie's mouth. Julie felt the tongue move around her mouth and across her teeth. Julie moved her hand up under Lydia's top and she placed her hand over one of Lydia's bra covered breast. This distracted Lydia a moment and Julie ended the kiss.

She then sat up, took Lydia's top, and pulled it off. She kissed each nipple before she unhooked the bra and pulled it off. Julie stared at Lydia's beautiful breasts. The dark nipples began to harden and Julie had to take one into her mouth. Julie slid down on the couch so that she could take the right breast into her hands and she brought her mouth to the nipple. She first suckled on the nipple and she felt it harden in her mouth. She sucked on the nipple for a few minutes then she began to nibble on it. First biting

gently and then licking the tip. A long "Oooooooo" came from Lydia's mouth. When she switched to the other breast, Julie felt a hand moving down her stomach, across her mons and then rest on her pussy. Julie opened her legs and she felt Lydia begin to rub her hand up and down her jean-covered pussy. Julie released Lydia's breasts from her mouth and let out a long "Ooooo" herself. Julie went back to the breasts as Lydia continued to rub her pussy. As Julie went back to the first breast, she felt

Lydia's hand leave her pussy and go to the top of her jeans. She felt Lydia unsnap her jeans and then unzip them. She felt Lydia slip under her panties, through her sparse pubic hair, and on to her pussy. With her jeans still on it was a tight fit but that only served to make the contact of Lydia's hand on her pussy that much better. Julie had to stop a minute as Lydia's fingers ran up and down her pussy. She felt her pussy get wet and that enabled Lydia to slip a finger inside of her. Julie cried out "Oh God" when the finger went deeper and deeper inside her. Julie latched onto one of Lydia's breasts and sucked as hard as she could. She drew the flesh into her mouth, which muffled her moans as Lydia's fingers went to her clit. Lydia's fingers rubbed her clit hard, Julie was soon squirming, and Lydia's breast fell from her mouth. Julie lay across Lydia's lap and she let Lydia bring her to a climax. The orgasm washed across her and she let out a long "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..." When she recovered from her climax, she found Lydia smiling at her.

"It's your turn now." Julie said as she jumped from the couch and got down on her knees in front of Lydia. Julie pulled Lydia's hips to the edge of the couch and she unbuttoned Lydia's jeans. She pulled them and her panties off. She then opened Lydia's legs revealing Lydia's full dark bush and the sweet wet pink lips hiding underneath, just waiting for her. Julie moved forward and buried her face between Lydia's thighs. She first rubbed her face against Lydia's pussy smearing Lydia's juices on her face. Julie then stuck out her tongue and began to lick. She licked up and down the slit drinking in the juices before she parted the lips with her tongue. She licked deep inside Lydia and got another long "Oooooooo..." from Lydia. Julie stayed away from Lydia's clit for the time being; instead concentrating on her lips and the entrance to her pussy. She felt Lydia push her hips against her so she worked her tongue a little harder. After a few minutes, Julie took Lydia's legs and pushed them up. This opened Lydia's dark rosebud to her mouth. Julie licked her way down to that rosebud. She licked around the rim then she pressed the tip of her tongue against the center. Julie felt Lydia relax as she pushed her tongue inside.

"Oh yes baby!" was Lydia's response.

Julie worked her tongue in and out of Lydia's ass, causing more and more groans from Lydia. She did this for a few minutes before she licked her way back up to Lydia's pussy drinking in the juices there. She then went on to Lydia's clit, which was sticking up, from its hood just waiting to be licked. So that is just what Julie did. She used short quick strokes across the clit and Julie felt Lydia's hands grasp her head holding it in place. Julie licked and licked until she felt Lydia jerk and then scream out

as her orgasm hit her. Lydia's thighs clamped down on her head but Julie was just able to move her mouth down so that she could suck up Lydia's girlcum. When Lydia released her head Julie gave a kiss to Lydia's pussy then she got up and sat beside Lydia. Julie looked at Lydia who was naked where she was still dressed except her jeans were unsnapped and pulled partially down. Lydia obviously noticed the same thing as she said "I think one of us is a little over dressed."

Lydia got up and she helped Julie up. She then started to undress her. When Julie's breasts were uncovered Lydia bend down and kissed them both. Julie watched as Lydia got down on her knees and she pulled her jeans down. Julie knew her panties were soaked and she felt them stick to her pussy lips for a second as they were pulled off. Lydia took those panties to her nose and took in a deep breath.

"What sweet aroma, you have my dear."

Julie felt herself blush but Lydia did not stop there, she licked the juices that were on those panties then she went to the source and licked up and down Julie's pussy. This caused Julie to get weak in the knees for a second. But unfortunately, Lydia stopped there and got up.

"Let's head back to the bedroom and continue our lovemaking there." Lydia said as she took Julie by the hand and led her back into the bedroom. When they got there, Lydia moved Julie to the bed and had her lay down. Lydia then went to her backpack and came out with a red vibrator. Julie felt a tingle in her pussy as she got a good look at the vibrator. It was about seven inches long, with a realistic head and veins along the side. The vibrator was about an inch and half wide, just the right

size. Lydia came to the bed and lay down beside Julie. She took Julie in her

arms and kissed her passionately. The kiss went on and on and when it ended, Lydia used some of her saliva to wet the head of the vibrator. She turned it on and she began to run it up and down Julie's slit. The vibrations seemed to go through her body and Julie had to let out a moan. Julie began to secrete more juices and the vibrator was soon slippery. Lydia placed the head at Julie's entrance and began to press down on her. Julie felt her lips part and the vibrator enter her pussy. She could now feel the vibrations deep within her body. When the vibrator was halfway in Lydia pulled it back until, only the head was inside of her. Lydia then pushed it back in going a little farther. She brought it back out and back in until she had most of the vibrator inside. Julie felt filled and the vibrations were doing wonders for her body. Lydia then lay down beside Julie as she got a new grip on the vibrator. Julie felt Lydia's lips on her left breast as the vibrator was pulled out and then pushed back in. As Lydia sucked her breasts, she began to fuck Julie with the vibrator. Julie closed her eyes and enjoyed what Lydia was doing to her. Lydia fucked her slowly and sucked her breast lightly. Julie felt her body get more and more excited. Lydia began to pick up the speed of the vibrator going in and out of Julie's pussy

and she began to suck on Julie's breasts a little harder. Julie groaned and moaned and she started to push back against the vibrator. As the fucking and sucking continued Julie placed her feet flat against the bed and lifted her hips to get a little more action on her pussy. Lydia worked the vibrator

in and out of Julie's pussy faster and harder. She gave a last kiss to each of Julie's breasts and moved on down in the bed. Julie then felt Lydia's mouth on her clit and she cried out "Oh yes baby, make me cum!" that is what Lydia did. She took Julie's clit into her mouth and sucked hard. This sent Julie over the top and she felt the orgasm hit her hard. She gripped the sheets and she twisted around making it hard for Lydia to continue to fuck and suck her but she managed. As one orgasm ended, Julie felt another one wash over her until she could not take it any more and she pushed Lydia away.

When Julie came back to her senses, she saw that Lydia was sitting beside her and the vibrator was buried deep inside her pussy.

"Hey, I am supposed to do that." Julie said as she pushed Lydia onto

her back. Julie sat up and she removed Lydia's hand from the vibrator. She then took over pushing the vibrator in and out of Lydia's pussy. Lydia was already worked up to a frenzy, so Julie began to fuck Lydia hard. As Julie fucked Lydia with one hand, she took the other and she began to pinch and twist Lydia's nipples. The sound of the vibrator fucking Lydia and watching it disappear inside Lydia was turning Julie on but she was out of hands. She began to rub her pussy against the sheet and Lydia obviously noticed this as the next thing Julie felt were Lydia's fingers playing with her pussy. The more Lydia played with her pussy the harder Julie fucked her. Julie bent over and she put her mouth on Lydia's clit. This also served to open her own pussy and Julie felt Lydia's fingers enter her. Julie was still sensitive from her own orgasms so it did not take much for her to cum again but she was able to get Lydia off before she had her own orgasm. When her orgasm ended, Julie started back on Lydia's pussy making her cum again then Lydia pushed her away. Julie pulled the vibrator out of Lydia and licked it clean. She then went back up in the bed and hugged Lydia tightly. They hugged and kissed for a few minutes before falling asleep.

The next morning as Julie and Lydia was leaving to go to the library

to do some research; they met Lyn coming in the door. Her eyes were red and there were dark circles under them. Her clothes were wrinkled and out of place. Julie noticed Lyn giving her a long stare as they passed. She did not speak and definitely gave the impression that she did not want to be spoken too. Julie did not give the incident a second thought as she and Lydia went on to study.

"So are you some kind of fucking dike?" Lyn asked that evening as they sat down to draw cards.

Julie looked up at Lyn who had a smirk on her face. Julie took a deep breath and counted silently to ten before she spoke.

"Sometimes, but most of the time I'm a licking dike." Julie replied as she drew a queen of hearts.

Lyn gave her hateful stare and pulled out the king of spades. Lyn then got up and went to her room leaving Julie with another week of house cleaning and laundry. From that point on Julie and Lyn lived in a barely civil peace. But when they were both in the same room you could cut the tension with a knife. When Julie told Lydia about what Lyn had said, she wanted to beat the shit out of her but Julie calmed her down saying that she had to live with the girl.

For the rest of the semester Julie and Lydia continued their relationship, with Lydia staying with Julie every weekend and Lyn having her boyfriend over about every Friday night. On Saturdays, she was gone most of the night. She also continued to be gone most every night during the week. Julie could not figure out how Lyn was keeping up with her school work as she never seemed to study and from what Julie could tell rarely went to class. Julie did not think about this too much but the one thing that did bother her was her never winning at their Sunday night card draws. After the first week, Julie never won a hand again. That sat in the back of her mind, but she knew it was possible that her luck was that bad. Also Lyn began to make the "dyke comment more and more, most of the time it was under her breath but always loud enough for Julie to hear. In addition, if Lydia was there then the "dike" became "dikes." It was all Julie could do to keep Lydia from beating the shit out of Lyn

At Christmas break Lydia and Julie came back a few days early so that they could spend time together alone in the apartment. When Julie heard a knock on the door, she came running. She opened the door and welcomed Lydia into her arms. Julie hugged her tight and then they shared a nice long slow kiss. From there it was back to the bedroom for some lovin' that Julie had been waiting two weeks to do. That evening after dinner, they decided to play some rummy. Julie got up and got the cards that she and Lyn used to determine who would do the laundry and housework. She handed the cards to Lydia to shuffle and then deal. Lydia took the cards and looked at them casually at first then something caught her attention and Julie noticed that she was now studying the cards.

"What is the problem? Hurry up and deal." Julie said urgently.

"I don't think I want to play with these cards, we will both know what cards the other is holding."

"What do you mean?"

"These cards are marked. My older brother brought home a set like this last year. He gotten them he was in the army."

"They are not marked. These are the ones that Lyn and I use to decide who is doing laundry and ..." It hit Julie like a ton of bricks, that she never had a chance of winning when she drew cards with Lyn. "That fucking shit! She has been cheating all this time. No wonder she wanted to draw cards, she knew she would never lose."

"Are you going to let me beat the shit out of her this time because someone needs to put her in her place?" Lydia said angrily.

"No because I am going to beat you to it!" Julie replied then she began to think. Everything began to add up in her head. The cards and then Lyn going out all the time and coming back in the morning, even during the week; Lyn never went to class but she always passed her classes. These things were coming together in her head.

"What is going on in that cute head of yours, I know you are thinking of something." Lydia said as she watched Julie think.

"Beating the shit out of Lyn is too good for her; I think we can come up with something better.

"Well what is it? I am dieing of curiosity." Lydia asked.

"Wait here." Julie said as she got up and went back to Lyn's bedroom. There she carefully looked around the room and she found what she thought might be there. She then went to Lyn's computer and turned it on. It only took her about five minutes before she broke Lyn's password and got to her files. There again she found more information. Julie felt Lydia come up beside her.

"What are you looking at?"

"I will tell you in a minute, go get me a CD so that I can copy these files."

Lydia did as Julie asked and she watched Julie copy the files. Then she helped Julie put everything back in place.

"What is going on? What did you find?" Lydia asked.

"First show me the cards and show me how they are marked."

"Okay but then you must tell me what you found out and what you have in mind."

"I will. Now show me the cards."

Lydia took each card and showed Julie how they were marked. Julie then made Lydia quiz her on the cards and Julie kept Lydia in suspense until she knew she could read each card without thinking. When she had accomplished this, she let Lydia in on her plan.

"Ooo, you are devious. When can we spring this on her?"

"Don't get your panties in a wad. We have some work to do first. I will let you know when we are ready."

"I will have you know that I am not wearing any panties." Lydia said

as she stood up and pulled her tee shirt up revealing that indeed she was wearing not any panties. Julie smiled and held out her hand to Lydia. When she took it, Julie pulled her around the coffee table so that she was standing in front of her. Julie let go of Lydia's hand and placed both of her hands on Lydia's ass. She pulled Lydia to her and she nuzzled her face into Lydia's pubic hair. She inhaled Lydia's feminine aroma. Julie slid down off the couch so that she was sitting on the floor and had her back to the couch. She made Lydia put her knees on the couch and she brought Lydia's pussy down to her mouth. She then started to lick Lydia's pussy. There was some left over girlcum from their earlier lovemaking and Julie licked that up first then she started to lick up the fresh juices that Lydia

was now producing. Julie used her hands to caress and squeeze Lydia's ass cheeks. Julie took her time in her licking; she licked the outer lips and pulled on them with her lips. She sucked and licked the outer surface getting Lydia to moan and want more but Julie kept teasing her. She knew Lydia both loved and hated to be done this way. Lydia was one to get right to the action, she did not need much foreplay but at the same time, Julie knew that Lydia could only be teased so long. Julie stretched this limit to the max before she split Lydia's slit with her tongue and went deeper. This got a long drawn out "Oooooooooooooooooooo" from Lydia and fresh juices from her pussy. When Julie went to Lydia's clit, she began to play with Lydia's asshole with her fingers. She ran her fingers around the rim and pressed a finger against the center but she did not penetrate her. Lydia

smashed her pussy against Julie's face and soaked her face with fresh girlcum when her orgasm hit. Julie kept her licking until Lydia rolled off her and collapsed on the couch. Julie followed her and gently licked Lydia's pussy as Lydia recovered from her orgasm. Lydia finally pulled her up on the couch and they laid there kissing.

The rest of their time alone in the apartment was spent making love and fine-tuning Julie plan against Lyn. When Lyn returned the day before classes were to begin, she was well tanned and appeared quite pleased with herself. Lydia was still there, she made a couple more dyke comments, but Julie and Lydia paid no mind. They both knew Lyn's day would come very soon.

On Friday nights, Julie and Lydia would explore Lyn's bedroom after she left and they would download what was in her computer. On Saturday nights, they would follow Lyn and with the camera that Lydia borrowed from her photography major roommate, they took photos of Lyn and her lovers. This put a crimp into their own love life but they did always make some time for themselves. They would also follow Lyn on weeknights when they could but they made sure it was a night they could stay up and still not hurt their studies. Julie also studied Lyn when they drew cards, she would pick cards and see what cards that Lyn would pick. She wanted to make sure that she had Lyn's pattern firmly in her mind.

It was not until the week before spring break that Julie decided that she was ready. Lyn had told her that she was going to go to Florida with her boyfriend and that they were leaving that Saturday morning. Julie and Lydia spent the week studying for midterms and getting ready for their showdown with Lyn. Julie had Lydia come over early on Friday and they got everything ready. She then had Lydia hid in her bedroom. Julie watched Lyn rush in and then she waited for Lyn to get her bags packed and bring them into the living room.

"Lyn, since you will be out of town on Sunday when we normally draw cards why don't we do it now. That way you will know if you have to clean when you come back."

Lyn gave Julie an irritated look at first then it changed to a look of "Oh well, lets get this over with." Lyn got the cards from the kitchen and came over to the coffee table. She gave them to Julie to shuffle as she got down on her knees in front of the table. Julie missed up the first attempt at shuffling, spilling the cards everywhere, as hands were shaking and she had to make herself calm down before she gave the game away. She gathered the cards together as Lyn let out a loud sigh. This gave Julie the incentive to calm down; she shuffled the cards and spread them out on the table. Julie looked the cards over and pulled out the two of spades. Now was the critical part of the plot. Julie held her breath until Lyn reached out and pulled a card and Julie let out her breath, as she knew that Lyn had kept her pattern of pulling a card just above what Julie pulled. Lyn turned over the card and laid the eight of spades on the table.

"Well I guess you lose again." Lyn said with a superior voice. She started to get up when Julie stopped her in her tracks.

"How about raising the stakes?"

"What do you mean?" Lyn said as she settled back down with renewed interest.

"How about we draw again and the loser has to do the laundry and housework the rest of the semester." Julie paused a second letting this sink in before she added a twist. "And they have to do anything the other says for that same time period."

"Anything?" Lyn asked with a gleam in her blue eyes.

"Anything," Julie answered innocently.

"Okay, if you are willing then so am I. Go ahead and draw." Lyn said

just a little too eagerly.

Julie appeared to study the cards carefully as if she was trying to determine which card she wanted. After a minute or so, she picked a card and she saw the disappointment on Lyn's face as she turned over the ace of spades. Julie watched as Lyn looked over the cards trying to find another ace so that they would have to draw again. The more Lyn looked the more Julie could see the desperation came over Lyn's face. Julie knew the other aces were no longer in the deck, because she and Lydia had taken them out. Julie let her look for another minute before speaking up.

"Having trouble picking out a card? It is all a matter of luck so you still have a chance to tie me." Julie told Lyn knowing that she did not have

a chance in hell. Julie knew that Lyn could not say that there were no aces in the deck or ask for a count of the cards as that would mean she would have to admit that the cards were marked. "Just pick one." Julie said with a

little irritation in her voice.

"I don't think we need to play this anymore, we can just go to cleaning our own messes and our own laundry from now on."

"I don't think so. You agreed to the bet so pick a card!" Julie said

with more than a little forcefulness. Lyn looked at her and knew she was trapped in a corner. So she picked out the king of spades and laid it on the


"Well I guess I finally won. No more cleaning or laundry, that sounds so nice, now for the rest of the bet. What shall I have you do first? You are very pretty and I would love to get a good look at that body of yours that you love to show off. How about you standing up and strip out of those clothes." Julie said in an even voice.

"No fucking way! I am not striping for you, you fucking dike!" Lyn said as she stood up.

"Get back down you cheating bitch. I know those cards are marked and I never had a chance to win."

"It took you long enough to figure that you. I thought you were smart."

"I am. I figured that out long ago. I just needed insurance to make sure that you did what I said from here on out. You can come on in Lydia and bring our insurance with you. And you Lyn, sit back down!"

"What is she doing here?" Lyn said as she looked back to see Lydia coming into the room carrying a thick folder.

"She has been a great help in gathering all the information I am about to share with you. Therefore, I thought she should be here too. Moreover, she has been on the receiving end of a numbers of your barbs that you are so carefree about giving out." Lyn got back down on her knees as Lydia gave the folder to Julie and then sat down beside her.

"Let's see what I have here." Julie said as she opened the file. "Here are some tests from classes you are currently taking but I see these tests haven't been given yet. In addition, here are the finals for all your classes. I wonder how you got these."

"You bitch, you have been in my room! You had no right to go in there." Lyn spat out.

"You are right I didn't have any right to go in there. But I did." Julie calmly replied. "What is next? How about some pictures? Let us see, here is one of your economics' professor at the doorway of a hotel room and who is that waiting in the door for him. Could that be little ole you?"

"You have been spying on me?" Lyn said in a voice that indicated that Julie was getting to her.

"Yes, after I found the tests, then I had to figure out how you got them. It seems that sex was the way."

Lyn sat there and Julie could tell she was trying to figure out a way out of this and still come out on top. Julie was not going to let that happen, she had been taking Lyn's shit for most of the school year and she was not going to let her off the hook.

"Here is a picture of your Spanish professor going into a motel room. Then here is one of you kissing him as he is leaving that very same room. And here is a picture of your English Lit professor and your business professor. It's seems that you have been quite busy. I don't know where you find time to study. Oh yes, you don't need to study do you. You already have all the tests."

"So what? I make it through the world my way. I can't help it that I am beautiful and can wrap men around my finger. You can spend your time studying but I found an easier way. You got that stuff illegally so it can't be used in a court of law."

"You know your beauty will not last forever, and then what are you going to do. Men will not want you. But I will still have my education and my career. As far as it being legal, you are right but the university might think differently. The least you will get is expelled and I don't think your

family can stop that. Plus there will be many professors that will lose their positions not to mention what it will do to their families. Once this gets out I am sure that more professors will be in trouble. Something like this does not die; it keeps going until everything is out in the open. You will be in the middle of the biggest scandal to hit this university and we have had more than a few scandals over the past few years. That your family will not like."

"If you were going to turn me in you already would have so what do you want?" Lyn replied still trying to find a way out.

"First off, you will start studying. You are cheating all the other students that are learning the hard way but mostly you are cheating yourself. Lydia and I will help you but you have to do the work. You will earn your diploma."

"I can live with that." Lyn replied a little too easily.

"Don't even think about cheating, we will be watching. There will also be students in your class watching you. Lydia and I have done our homework on this. You will not get away with any more cheating." Julie was bluffing on other people watching but she knew Lyn did not know that. Julie watched as Lyn's shoulders slumped when she realized that she might have to actually start studying.

"Okay you win. Anything else or can I go now?"

"Yes actually there is. What we just went over was for your benefit but now we are going to address the cheating you did with me and the way you have treated me this year. I trusted you when we drew cards and you cheated. I am a very nice person if you allow me to be but there is a line that when crossed can't be uncrossed. You went way over that line and now you will get some of the medicine you have been dishing out.

"Okay I will do the laundry and cleaning for the rest of the year, satisfied?" Lyn said with a little attitude.

"No I am not. You will help with the cleaning and laundry. I will help you there since you will be quite busy studying."

"So what else then?"

"Well remember the 'And they have to do anything the other says for that same time period.' That I added when we went double or nothing."

"Yes, but you only won because you cheated." Lyn replied with a little of her self-confidents showing through.

"You are right, I did cheat but that was only to make you feel what I felt when I found out that you were cheating. I will tell you what I will do. I have a brand new deck of cards. Ones that are not marked and we can draw again. If you win, you are off the hook on the every thing except the studying part. If I win then the bet is back on and you do have to do what I

say over the Spring break. Is that fair enough?"

"I have plans for the week that I can't break."

"Then I would suggest that you not lose."

"Okay let's draw and get this over with." Lyn said with some trepidation.

Julie got the new deck from Lydia and she tore off the plastic wrap that sealed them.

"You can look them over to see that they are not marked. I will even

give you the first draw."

Lyn took the deck and studied them carefully and when satisfied that

they were not marked she began to shuffle them. She did this for an extended period then she laid them out on the coffee table. Julie watched as Lyn again studied the cards before picking one. Julie watched as a smile came across her face as she turned the card over to reveal the jack of spades. Julie hid her emotion at seeing the card. She so wanted to win this time. She had many plans for Lyn this coming week and they were now in jeopardy. Julie kept her face emotionless as she reached forward and picked a card before she could think about it. She turned the card over to reveal the queen of hearts. Inside she was jumping for joy, but outside she again showed no emotion.

"Looks like you lose and this time it was fair, no one cheated. I think you have a phone call to make and then come back here. You have the rest of your penance to pay for what you did to me and to Lydia."

Lyn got up with a deep frown on her face. Julie could tell she did not like the sound of that last statement but Lyn started this and Julie knew she was going to finish it. Lyn came back in a few minutes later with a very

disappointed look on her face.

"You have said some mean things to Lydia and I for the past months and you have treated us like shit. Well now the roles are about to be reversed. Over the next week, we going to have you do things that you may or may not enjoy but remember to refuse us means that this folder goes straight to the President of the University. Therefore, I would suggest that

you do not refuse. Do you understand me?"

"Yes. I understand."

"Good, since we have come to an understanding, let's get started. So


"What! I can't do that. Not in front of a couple of dy..." Lyn started to say when Julie saw the realization come over Lyn's face.

"Yes you can and you will." Julie said as she held up the folder.

"Pleaseeee... not that, anything else. Please." Lyn pleaded.

Julie just sat there not saying anything but the look on her face told Lyn her answer. Tears started to come to her eyes and her shoulders slumped. Julie could see the last of Lyn's uppity attitude disappear. She gave in and started to unbutton her blouse. Julie sat back to watch the show. A part of her hated to do this to Lyn but a larger part wanted Lyn to come down more than a few notches. Lyn unbuttoned her blouse then hesitated a second then she started to slide the blouse off her shoulders. Julie watched as Lyn's full breasts, which were now hidden only by only her sheer bra, came into sight. Julie could see the dark areoles and she felt a stirring in her pussy. Julie thought that Lyn probably regretted wearing that particular bra. Lyn went next to her jeans, she unsnapped them and pulled the zipper down. She put her hands to the sides and began to push them off her hips. Lyn's panties were as sheer as her bra and as they passed her hips, Julie noticed that she could not see any pubic hair on Lyn's pussy. She had never seen a shaved pussy up close before so this would be interesting. The panties were tight and Lyn's cleft was outlined by

the crotch of the panties. When Lyn got the jeans to her ankles, she bent down and slipped off her shoes then finished taking off her jeans. She was now clad in only her panties and bra, both of which were so sheer that there was not much left to the imagination. Julie felt Lydia's hand on her thigh and she put her own hand on top of it. She looked over at Lydia and saw that her eyes were transfixed by the show that Lyn was putting on in front of them. Julie squeezed Lydia's hands and held on to it as her attention went back to Lyn.

When Julie looked at Lyn, she was standing there. The tears had stopped but her eyes were pleading for a reprieve. When Lyn saw she that she was not going to get one, she let out a long sigh. Lyn then reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She slowly brought the straps to the front, keeping her breasts covered as long as possible. Without trying to, she was making it a lot more seductive. Julie waited anxiously for Lyn to remove her bra. Lyn waited a second more then she pulled the cups from her breasts. The breasts drooped only slightly and Julie felt a dab of moisture come to her pussy as she looked upon Lyn full, firm and nicely rounded breasts. Lyn's areoles were about a half dollar in diameter with one half inch nipple that Julie just knew would pop right up when properly stimulated. Julie felt Lydia start to rub her thigh and that only served to make her more excited. Lyn then quickly removed her panties and when she stood up, she covered her pussy with one hand and her breasts with the other. Julie did not bother to tell her to remove her hands so that she could get a better view as she knew that would come soon enough.

"Slide the coffee table back a couple of feet." Julie instructed Lyn.

Lyn stood there a second then quickly bent down to move the table. This made her breasts hang down and Julie wanted so to reach out and grasp them in her hands. When Lyn stood back up she again covered her breasts and pussy.

"Now come around to this side of the table and sit on the edge facing Lydia and myself."

Lyn groaned but she did as instructed.

"Now put your hands to the side of the table and open your legs out wide."

Lyn raised her head and with determination in her face, she put her hands down and slowly opened her legs. Julie's eyes were fixed on Lyn's pussy as it finally came into view. With all the pubic hair removed, Julie watched as Lyn's pink lips opened as she spread her legs out wide.

"Enjoying the view?" Lyn asked in her last act of defiance.

"Very much so, thank you. How about you Lydia?"

"Yes, indeed."

Julie raised her eyes to Lyn's and saw that she was defeated. She would do as she was asked from here on out. She slowly lowered her eyes taking in Lyn's body. Her breasts were just the right size for her body. They were full but not overly so. The nipples, Julie just knew, were made for sucking and the rest were perfect for squeezing and caressing. Julie lowered her eyes to Lyn's flat stomach and on down to her fully exposed pussy. The outer lips were stuck out only slightly and were a nice pink color. Inside of those lips were a darker pink. Julie could just make out her clit hidden from view by its hood. Julie's eyes went on down to Lyn's long legs. There were tight without being muscular. Julie sat there for a minute looking Lyn over then she knew it was time to move on before Lyn decided she had enough and went running.

Julie let go of Lydia's hand and she stood up. Lydia joined her and they both began to undress. They did not bother to be seductive about undressing, as Lyn would not appreciate the jester at this time, if she ever

did. When she was naked she sat back down, but this time she placed her hips near the edge of the couch and she laid back. She and Lydia had discussed all of this so Lydia knew what was going to happen. In addition, she knew the part she was going to play in all of this.

"Now I want you to get on your knees in front of me." Julie instructed Lyn.

Lyn looked at Julie with another pleading look and when a positive look was not returned, she got down on her knees. Julie opened her legs and let Lyn get a good view of her pussy.

"This next part will be hard for you I know, but you will have to do it. Just do as I say and don't think about what you are doing and maybe it won't be so bad. Do you understand me?"

Lyn nodded her head to indicate that she did.

"Now I want you to lick my pussy." Julie said with a calming voice.

Lyn looked up at Julie and then down at her pussy. She bent forward until her mouth was inches from Julie's pussy. Julie watched closely as Lyn closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She then let that breath out and Julie felt it on her wet pussy lips. It sent a shiver through her body. Julie saw Lyn close her eyes and dip her head. Julie saw Lyn stick out her tongue and Julie waited patiently for the first touch of that tongue. But Lyn held her place for what seemed like forever but then Julie saw Lyn's head move forward. Finally, Julie felt the first tentative touch of Lyn's tongue. It was better than she had dreamed. Here was a girl, who had been calling Lydia and herself dykes for the past few months, licking her pussy and it felt great. The first few licks were very slight, barely touching her outer lips. Julie said nothing; letting Lyn get use to licking another woman's pussy. About this time, Julie felt Lydia grab her arm as she moved to get a better look. Julie looked at Lydia and they shared a grin, their plan was working to perfection. After a minute or two of licking, Lyn began to use more of her tongue. Lyn's inexperience at cunnilingus was showing through but Julie did not care. It felt great all the same.

"That is great honey, now dip your tongue into my slit, and lick a little deeper." Julie told Lyn.

Julie felt Lyn part her slit with her tongue and begin to lick. Julie had to let out a moan and this seemed to encourage Lyn as she put her hands on Julie's thighs. Julie then felt Lydia's hand cup her right breast. Julie let out another moan only much deeper this time. Julie turned her head toward Lydia and she kissed her. She now had Lyn licking her pussy and Lydia caressing her breast and kissing her. Lydia's tongue slipped into Julie's mouth and Julie sucked it deep. Julie put her hand down to Lyn's head and ran her fingers through her hair to encourage Lyn and keep her going. Lyn leaned her head into Julie's hand and Julie caressed it. Lydia started to pinch her nipple and Julie felt an orgasm coming on. She did not want to cum this quickly but she was not sure she could hold off for long with Lydia pinching her nipples and Lyn now dipping her tongue deep into her pussy. Lyn seemed to be learning quickly.

"Go to my clit and suck it into your mouth. I need to cum bad, Honey." Julie instructed Lyn.

Lyn moved her mouth to Julie's clit and Julie felt Lyn suck it into her mouth. Lydia moved her hand to Julie's left breast and then she placed her mouth on the right one sucking the nipple into her mouth. Julie cried out "Oh God Yes!" Julie felt Lyn's tongue begin to lick her clit and she exploded with a massive orgasm. Julie clamped her thighs around Lyn's head as she rode out her orgasm. As the orgasm began to subside, she loosened her grip on Lyn's head and pushed her away.

When Julie opened her eyes, she saw Lyn looking up at her with girlcum all over her face and Julie thought she saw a slight smile appear on

Lyn's face.

"That was great honey. But I think Lydia needs some attention now."

Lyn moved in front of Lydia and she placed her hands at Lydia's thighs opening them up as Lydia moved her butt down to the edge of the couch. Without being told what to do this time, Lyn dipped her head down and started to lick. Julie heard Lydia let out a long moan. Julie turned to Lydia and placed her mouth over Lydia's left breast. She lowered her mouth and sucked the nipple into her mouth. As she sucked on Lydia's nipple, she kept her eyes turned to what Lyn was doing to Lydia's pussy. Julie could see Lyn's tongue go up and down the slit licking away. The scene was so surreal and very erotic. The girl who had given her so much grief was eating her lover. Then suddenly Julie felt a moment of jealously. Lyn was so beautiful and she felt a panic sweep over her that Lyn would take her away from her. When Julie heard Lydia let out another load moan, Julie decided to remind Lydia where her bread was butter. She let go of Lydia's nipple and moved higher. She took Lydia's face in her hands and kissed her. She forced her tongue into Lydia's mouth. Julie felt Lydia's hand on the back of her neck holding Julie in place. They kissed as Lyn licked Lydia. When the kiss ended, Julie heard whisper in her ear, "We are going to have so much fun with the girl."

Julie knew everything was okay. She kissed Lydia on the lips again and went back to her breasts, biting and sucking them into her mouth. As she did this, she slid her left hand down Lydia's body to her pussy. Lyn stopped licking for a moment and Lydia groaned. Julie smiled at Lyn and used her fingers to open Lydia's pussy. Lyn went back to licking as Julie went back to sucking and caressing Lydia's breasts. Lydia began to buck and moan constantly now and Julie sensed that Lydia was about to cum. She let go of Lydia's nipple.

"Suck on her clit, she is about to cum."

Lyn did as she was told and Julie went back to Lydia's nipples biting them harder now. Lydia groaned and moaned as she came closer to the climax. With her fingers still spreading Lydia's pussy lips, Julie could feel Lyn's tongue working Lydia's clit. Julie could feel her own pussy getting itchy again and she felt like she was about to cum herself. Lydia finally gave up the ghost and let her orgasm come. Julie let go of Lydia's nipple and watched as Lydia's girlcum leak over Lyn's face as she tried to keep up with the flow but couldn't.

Lydia finally pushed Lyn away and she relaxed her body. It was a good orgasm and Julie knew that Lyn had done a good job.

"I have gotten a little wet from watching you eat Lydia, so come back over here, and lick up my juices. Go gently; I don't want you to make me cum again quite yet. Then when you are done with me, go back to Lydia and clean her up. Then we will be ready for the next part."

Julie laid back on the couch and opened her thighs up. Lyn crawled over and using her fingers, Julie felt Lyn open her pussy up. She next felt Lyn's tongue begin to lick. She did it gently and Julie let out a long sigh.

She felt like she could just lie here all day, letting Lyn lick her. But just as she felt herself getting excited she told Lyn to go to Lydia. Julie watched as Lyn licked Lydia as she had done to her. Lydia was still a little sensitive and she could not take much before she pushed Lyn away.

Julie had to smile to herself seeing Lyn with both hers and Lydia's girlcum on her face. It was shiny and very wet. It did her heart good just to see Lyn that way.

"Okay stand up and we can begin the next part. You might want to go to the bathroom, as you will be tied up for the next little while. Meet us in your bedroom when you are done." Julie told Lyn. Then she and Lydia watch Lyn leave the room with both their eyes locked on Lyn's swaying ass.

"That was great! I did not think she would actually go along." Lydia

excitedly said.

"I know. I so afraid that she would draw a higher card than I would; I guess the gods were looking down on us."

"Now for the next part and from the way she took to eating us, I think she will love it." Lydia said as she got up and helped Julie up. They rushed

to Julie's room and got the stuff that they needed and were in Lyn's room when she came out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.

"Lay down on your bed." Julie told Lyn.

"Now spread out your arms and legs." Julie said as she and Lydia moved to each side of the bed. When Lyn was in place, Julie pulled the silk scarves from her back and Lydia did the same.

"What are you going to do with those?" Lyn said with a little fear in her voice.

"Julie told you that you that you where going to be tired up for a while and that is what we are doing." Lydia said.

Lyn's eyes opened wide and Julie could see the fear in her eyes but she did not try to resist being tied spread eagle on the bed. When they were

done, Julie joined Lydia at the foot of the bed. Lyn looked so vulnerable lying on her back with her arms and legs tired to the corners of the four- poster bed. Julie saw that Lyn's chest was heaving up and down and her pussy was spread open. Julie also thought she saw a little moisture down there.

"Where are you going?" Lyn asked as Julie and Lydia started to leave the room.

"We have to go to the bathroom. Don't worry; we will be back... eventually." Julie said as she went out the door. When they got to the bathroom, Julie shut the door.

"Oh god, she is hot." Lydia said as she sat on the toilet.

"I know." Julie replied as she listened to Lydia's pee hit the water.

"I can't wait to lick that pussy and send her to another world." Lydia said as she wiped herself and got off the toilet.

"Do your best. I want her to know that having your pussy licked by another woman can be a very good thing." Julie told Lydia as she let her bladder release its contents into the bowl.

"You know I will." Lydia said as she got down in front of Julie. Julie could not believe her eyes as Lydia opened her thighs and put her hands to Julie's butt. Julie felt herself pulled forward until her pussy was exposed over the seat of the toilet. Julie watched as Lydia promptly lowered her head and began to lick. "This is so dirty but so erotic." Julie thought as Lydia snaked her tongue up and down her slit licking up the left over pee and the cum that was still there from Lyn's work. Julie felt Lydia's tongue go deep inside her and then up to her clit. Julie felt Lydia's tongue touch her clit and it stayed there. Lydia licked and licked and Julie knew she was

not going to last long as Lydia was doing her best to get her to climax. Julie let her body relax and soon she felt Lydia bring her closer and closer

to an orgasm. Julie clamped her thighs around Lydia's head and she let loose with a loud moan as she came.

"You are a dirty girl." Julie told Lydia as soon as she could after her orgasm.

"You know it and you love it."

"You know I do!" Julie said as she took Lydia's face in her hands and brought her up for a kiss. They kissed for a few minutes before Julie's legs started to go to sleep from sitting on the toilet.

"How much longer do we let her lay there?" Lydia asked as she helped Julie up.

"Oh a few minutes more won't hurt her." Julie replied as she took Lydia into her arms and kissed her again. They held each other and kissed for a few minutes more then deciding that Lyn had waited long enough they opened the door and went out.

Julie noticed that Lyn's eyes watched their every move as they came into the door. They had talked about this before and they both knew what they were going to do. They also decided that neither would say anything as silence would just add to the tension and heighten Lyn's experience. Julie went to the far side of the bed and Lydia to the near side. Lyn's eyes

went from one to the other as she waited nervously for what would happen to her next. Julie stood there for a minute or so then, she nodded at Lydia.

They both got up on the bed and lay down on each side of Lyn. Their heads were at breast level and at the same time, Julie and Lydia reached out and cupped the breast nearest to them. They gently caressed the breasts, moving their hands around them. Lyn's eyes were watching what they were doing and Julie could feel the tension in Lyn's body as she tried to resist what was happening to her. Their fingers went around the breasts gently caressing and Julie saw that Lyn's nipples were beginning to harden. She knew that they were getting to Lyn. Next their fingers went to Lyn's nipples

gently pinching them and the nipples responded by popping up. Julie saw that Lyn was now biting her lower lip. They flicked the nipples with their fingertips until they were very hard.

Julie then gave another nod to Lydia and they both moved their bodies until their mouths were over a breast. They both lowered their heads at the same time and took a nipple into their mouths. Julie began to suck and she heard Lydia doing the same. The sound of them sucking and biting the nipples seem to echo off the walls and they both put their best effort forward giving Lyn's breasts the best sucking of their lives. Julie brought her hands up and she cupped the breast she was working on between them. There was so much more to caress and squeeze that Julie could get only a little into her mouth. This went on for a couple of more minutes when Julie felt Lyn take in a deep breath and then when she let it out it was a in a loud moan. Julie had heard Lyn moan before, many times in fact, but this time the moan was different. It was more guttural and deep. Julie want to cry out "Yes!" and pump her fist, as she knew that Lyn had let

go and was no longer resisting what was happening to her body. The moans came one after the other and Julie was afraid that Lyn was going to orgasm from just having her breasts sucked. Julie tapped Lydia on the shoulder, then she felt Lydia release the breast she was working on. Julie adjusted her body so that she could get to both breasts. When Julie felt Lyn tense again, Julie hugged Lyn as she sucked a little harder on the breasts. Julie knew that Lydia was now at Lyn's pussy. Julie peeked down just as Lydia lowered her mouth.

"Noooooooo, Please." Lyn wailed at Lydia. Julie decided to change her plans. She moved up in the bed and took Lyn's face in her hands. Julie shook her head at Lydia who had risen up.

"Just relax and enjoy what Lydia is about to do. I guarantee that you will feel nothing better." Julie said as she lowered her mouth to Lyn's and kissed her softly. Lyn resisted the kiss but when Julie ended the kiss, Lyn looked in Julie's eyes for reassurance. Julie smiled at her and she felt Lyn's body relax a bit. Julie lowered her mouth back to Lyn's as Lydia lowered her mouth to Lyn's other lips. Julie wanted to watch Lydia but she concentrated on kissing Lyn, who kept her lips closed tight at first but then they began to relax. Julie kept kissing her and after a few more kisses, she

felt Lyn's lips kissing her back. Julie then slipped her tongue into Lyn's mouth and she felt Lyn's tongue meet it with her own tongue. After a few more minutes of French kissing and Julie heard Lyn let out a little moan. Julie ended the kiss, as she had to see what Lydia was doing.

When she looked down, she saw that Lydia was now working away. She had her fingers at Lyn's pussy opening her up and her tongue was buried deep inside of her. Julie moved her right hand to Lyn's breasts and started to caress them. She then started kissing Lyn all around her face. Julie tasted hers and Lydia's dried juices on Lyn's face. When Julie's lips found Lyn's, she would kiss them and she found Lyn hungrily kissing her back. So Julie kept her lips on Lyn's and she could then feel and hear as Lyn moaned more and more. When Lyn began to twist her body as best as she could being tied up, Julie knew Lydia had gotten to her clit. Julie kissed Lyn one more time then moved down to her breasts and started to suck and nibble on them again. Lyn was now twisting her body all over the place and Julie was afraid that she would pull loose or hurt herself. A few moments later Julie felt Lyn arch her body and the next thing she heard was Lyn crying out "Oh God, I'm cumming, I'm cumminnnnggggg." Her body stayed in that arched position for minute or so then relaxed. Julie released Lyn's breast from her mouth and saw that Lyn was only about half conscious. Julie got up, as did Lydia. They met at the end of the bed and looked down at a very satisfied woman. Julie took Lydia into her arms and kissed her cum soaked face. Lyn's juices tasted good and Julie wanted a taste of her own.

When the kiss ended, they set about untying Lyn. Julie traded places

with Lydia. Julie got down between Lyn's legs and looked at Lyn's swollen and red pussy lips. They looked so tasty and Julie dropped her head and began to lick those bare lips. Lyn indeed tasted good and Julie set about licking up all the girlcum from the outer lips. She heard a groan come from Lyn, which was promptly cut off when Lydia began to kiss her. Julie felt Lyn raise her knees up but she did not close them. Instead, she spread her knees out wider, opening up her pussy to Julie but also exposing her dark and puckered little asshole. Julie could not resist so she moved her mouth down to Lyn's anus and began to lick. She felt Lyn tense up but only for a second, then she relaxed. As her tongue rimmed the hole, she heard Lyn moan louder. When she pressed the tip of her tongue into the center of the dark hole, Lyn really let out a moan. Julie fucked Lyn's asshole with her tongue for a few minutes but she had to get back to that shaved pussy. It was really leaking juices now so Julie licked them up. She then pressed her tongue into Lyn's pussy and scooped the juices contained there out. She licked until her tongue got tired before she moved up to Lyn's clit. However, she did not leave Lyn's pussy unattended. She placed a couple of fingers at the entrance and slipped them in. Lyn's pussy was slippery and very warm. As she licked the clit, she began to fuck Lyn with her fingers. Julie moved her tongue around the clit teasing her before she took the clit into her mouth. Soon she had Lyn bucking and crying out. Julie glanced up and saw that Lydia was now biting Lyn's nipples and twisting them with her fingers. Julie began fuck Lyn harder and licked her clit faster. Lyn let out

with a loud moan and she rewarded Julie with a fresh batch of girlcum. Lyn was now experiencing her second orgasm caused by another woman. Julie kept up her licking of Lyn's clit and the fierce fucking of Lyn's pussy with

her fingers. Julie felt Lyn's vaginal muscles clamp down on her fingers and she heard an almost animalistic scream come from Lyn. Julie knew that Lyn was peaking and she eased off on the fucking and sucking. She gently licked Lyn's pussy until she felt Lyn's body relax. When she lifted her head

from between Lyn's legs, she saw that Lyn was completely out of it.

Julie crawled up in the bad and she laid down on one side of Lyn as Lydia laid on the other. Their lips met over Lyn's body and they kissed. They kissed and continued to kiss until they heard a soft voice under them say, "Could I have some of those?"

"Well, look who has come back to the land of the living. I guess we can spare a few for you. What do you think Lydia?"

"I don't know, I am not sure I have any to spare." Lydia said with a

smile but then she broke away from Julie and kissed Lyn. Julie watched them kiss and this time she felt no jealously. She felt good that Lyn want to kiss them. There might be hope for her yet. Lydia's and Lyn's kiss lasted a long time and when it ended Julie quickly replaced Lydia's lips with her own. Lyn kissed her with passion but there was something else that Julie felt was coming from Lyn's kiss. She could not quite place what that was but it was there. So Julie kissed Lyn with as much passion and love as she could.

As the kiss ended, Julie and Lydia laid their heads to each side of Lyn's. Then they reached across Lyn's body to each other. This way they were holding on to each other and holding Lyn between them. They laid there is silence for a moment, each thinking about what they had just done.

"So what do you think about your first visit to Dikeville." Julie asked Lyn.

"I'm sorry about all those dyke comments. They were not very nice where they? But to answer your question, dikeville might not be a bad place to live. Does that make me a lesbian?"

"No not quite yet, maybe Bi." Lydia answered.

"I really am sorry about all the things that I did and said to the two of you. At first, it was because I was raised in a very conservative family and

being gay was about the worst thing you could be. But after seeing the two of you together and how much you cared for each other, I got jealous of what you two had and I have never had." Lyn said then she started to cry. The tears started slow but they quickly build up to a steady stream.

Julie was surprised by the sudden outburst of emotion coming from Lyn and her heart went out to her. She began to kiss Lyn's cheek and whisper into her ear that it would be all right. Lydia started to kiss Lyn's

other cheek and after Lyn cried a few minutes she started to talk. She spilled out her life story.

"My father came from a long line of money and we, as a family, were the social pillars of the community. My father made us to go to church every week but then my father would spend the rest of the week screwing anybody necessary to make more money. Therefore, my mother and I were the perfect family that my father kept around to show off. To say that we were a loving family is about as far from the truth that you could get. When

I got here, I admit I went a little wild and thus I got behind in my studies. Well that is not actually true; I got way behind in my studies. When I realized that I was about to flunk out I started to study. However, I had one class that I just did not have time to make up all the work. I knew my father would cut me off if I were not perfect in everything. That was when I went to the professor and I noticed that he was paying more attention to my body than what I was saying so I decided to do like my father. I would screw to get ahead. So from then on, any class that I could not pass without studying, I would seduce the professor. From there I decided to screw everybody. I screwed my professor to pass, I picked up Hank, the guy I bring home every Friday night, to screw my professors and I screwed you two just for the hell of it. And for that, I am truly sorry. Then you two caught me and when you made me strip, I just knew that you both just wanted me for my body too. Then you did something no one has ever done for me, you brought me in here and your soul purpose was to please me. I know you wanted to show me that making love to another woman was not that bad but you could have stopped after my first orgasm but no, you both continued until I thought I would die from the orgasms I was having. I have never cum like that in my life. You kissed me and held me and now here you are still holding me. I am sorry for what I have done, all of it and I want to make it all up to you. I know you don't believe me yet but you will. I want some of what you two have. I want to be loved just for me and not because of my body or my money. But I don't want to come between you two. What you have is too special; I just want to be a small part of it."

"You can become a part of us but you have to earn respect and love. Do you understand what I am saying?" Julie asked

"Yes I know and I will earn it, I promise."

"Then as far as I am concerned we can start fresh and call off the bet."

"No the bet is still on. I will do everything you both say for not only the rest of the week but also the rest of the semester. Then we start fresh,


"Okay if you say so, but we will be tough on you. And there will be a price to pay if you slip up."

"That is fine with me. I would not have it any other way."

"Then lets seal it will a kiss." Julie said and before she knew it, Lyn had turned to her and she was kissing her. As they kissed, Julie realized what Lyn was trying to tell her earlier when they kissed. It was simply that

Lyn wanted and needed love. Julie made the kiss more passionate so that Lyn would feel some of what she so wanted. When the kiss ended, Lyn turned to Lydia and kissed her. They then held each other for a while before Lydia spoke up.

"I do have one question for you."


"You said you have never cum like you did tonight, what about all that hollering you and Hank do every Friday night?"

"Well that was mostly for Hank's benefit, I never really got off. But you know how men and their ego's are. But I will miss having something inside me every once in a while."

"Oh no you won't. I have many toys we can all play with. They are much better than men are anyway. They are always hard when you need them to be and you can put them away when you don't need them." Lydia said as she started to laugh. Julie and Lyn were soon laughing with her. It was on this note that they settle down and fell asleep.

The next morning Julie and Lydia were up early as they always did. This was their time to do their running. Today was going to be an interesting day and both wondered aloud if Lyn would keep her promises. They knew that they would find that out soon enough. Just as they were going out the door, Lyn appeared from the bathroom wearing a silk robe.

"We didn't hear you get up? How are you feeling this morning?" Lydia asked.

"A little different, I think, sort of like I have entered a new world." Lyn replied with a slight smile on her face.

"You have my dear. Are you still willing to go through with what we discussed last night?" Julie asked.

"Yes. I havn't changed my mind." Lyn said.

"Good, I like your attitude. Then let's get started. We are going out for a run and will be back in an hour. I would expect that we will be hungry

and there will be breakfast on the table when we get back."

"There will be."

"When breakfast is done we will start catching you up on your studies."


Julie started to leave when she suddenly stopped and walked back to where Lyn was standing.

"What are you wearing under that robe?

"Just an old pair of panties."

"Let's see them." Julie instructed her.

Lyn opened her robe and Julie saw that she was indeed wearing an old but comfortable pair of white panties.

"These will never do." Julie said as she got down on her knees and proceeded to pull Lyn's panties down and with Lyn's help, off.

"Now that is better." Julie said as she closed Lyn's robe then gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "We'll see you in a little while, my dear."

"That was a nice touch, taking Lyn's panties off." Lydia told Julie after they had been running for about twenty minutes.

"I don't know that I was going to do it until I did. I just wanted to see if she would actually let me. I think she just may go through with this. But

we need to make sure we don't push her to hard to fast."

"I know. If what she was saying about her family is true then a little love will go a long way. Do you believe her?"

"Yes I do. I think she was speaking from the heart, probably for the

first time in her life."

"I believe her too. But we also must make her keep up her end of the

bet she lost."

"Oh, I plan to do that too. Don't worry you little old heart about that." Julie replied with a smile on her sweaty face.

"What about her joining us in bed? I will admit that I did enjoy the

sex. But I don't want her to come between us."

"I enjoyed it too. But don't worry, you will always be first in my heart and I believe that I will always be first in yours. Right?"

"You know that." Lydia said as she took Julie's hand in hers and squeezed it. Then she let it go so that they could continue running.

"But I think we have enough love to share some with Lyn, either individually or together. If it becomes a problem we will talk about it."

"Deal." Lydia said then they both went silent as they started up a steep hill on their way back to the apartment.

Julie noticed that Lyn was putting breakfast on the table when they entered the apartment. She and Lydia went over to her and each gave her a quick kiss.

"Yuck, you both smell. Go take a shower before we eat. And don't do anything fun without me."

"Hey who is supposed to be telling who what to do?" Julie said laughing.

"You are but when the two of you are soaked with sweat, then all bets are off." Lyn smartly replied.

"Hey women don't sweat, they glow." Lydia whipped back.

"Then go wash all that glowing off your bodies and hurry back, I am starving."

"Yes ma'am" Julie and Lydia said in unison and then they headed back to the bathroom.

After eating, they all cleaned the dishes and got their books and laptops out. Julie and Lydia went to each end of the table and Lyn set up in

the middle. When there were all, set up, Julie and Lydia came over to Lyn and sat beside her.

"So do you know where you need to start?" Lydia asked

"Not really, to tell you the truth. I know we just completed the midterms in all my classes. Which, of course, I did well on since I already had the tests. So I guess we start from there but I don't know exactly where

that is."

"Go get the midterms and see if you still have the syllabus that your professors hand out at the beginning of the class." Julie told Lyn.

It took Lyn about twenty minutes to find all the papers. She handed them to Julie and Lydia and between them they figured out just where Lyn was and where she needed to start for each of her courses. They mapped out a plan for Lyn to follow and got her started. Julie and Lydia went back to their seats and started their own studying. They studied for the next four hours when it was time to take a break. They all were getting tired and Julie knew that since it had been so long since Lyn had actually sat down and studied she would need more breaks. They got up, stretched a bit, and fixed themselves a light lunch. They talked about what Lyn had been studying and then it hit Julie that she had no clue just what course of study Lyn was following so she asked.

"Medieval studies." Lyn replied.

"Why that?" Julie asked.

"I figured it would not be a hard course of study, a lot of reading and I was always good in history. I am speed-reader so the reading part is easy.

But to tell you the truth, I am near graduating and don't have much of a clue as to what I was suppose to learn."

"Well you still have to the end of this year and all of next to learn and Lydia and I will be here helping you. You will be an expert by the time we are through with you."

"I am willing if you are. I really would like to leave here having earned my degree. Maybe I will stay around another year if you two want and retake all the classes I fucked my way through."

"I think Julie and I can stand you for that long."

"I hope so." Lyn said.

"Okay that is a long enough of a break, lets study for a few more hours and that will be enough for your first day." Julie told Lyn.

"Sounds good to me. By the way, this robe is getting old. Can I change into something else?"

"Why don't you just lose the robe." Julie told Lyn.

"I had a funny feeling you would say that." Lyn said as she untied the robe and put it across the back of her chair.

Julie tried her best not to stare at Lyn's body but she did notice that her pussy gave her a tingle. They went back to studying but Julie noticed that it took Lyn about thirty minutes to get used to sitting there naked. Julie also noticed that it was taking her longer to get use to Lyn being naked in front of her. She also saw that Lydia was having the same problem from the way she was shifting in her seat. The next few hours went by slowly for Julie but she made it though and when she saw that Lyn was getting restless she called a halt to the day's studies.

"So what do we want to do tonight?" Julie asked to no one in general.

"How about we go out to eat, my treat?" Lyn suggested.

"You don't have to buy us dinner that is not part of the deal." Julie told Lyn.

"I know but I want too. Let me treat you two to dinner."

"Okay." Lydia said before Julie had a chance to say anything.

"That will be fine. What about after dinner, what do you two want to


"We could come back here and do a little of what we did last night."

Lyn said as she blushed slightly.

"So you are really just trying to get into out panties, I see now." Julie kidded Lyn.

"No I wasn't but then again whatever works." Lyn kidded back.

Julie laughed and came over to Lyn and gave her a long hot kiss. When it ended, she said, "That should hold you until we return."

"I don't know, I think she needs another to make sure she knows what is coming." Lydia said as she came over to Lyn and gave her a kiss to kill.

Lyn had a big smile on her face as she went back to put on some clothes. They met back in the living room about a half hour later. As they started out the door, Lydia stopped them.

"What do you have under that skirt?" Lydia asked.

"Just my panties." Lyn replied.

"Let's see them." Lydia commanded. Lyn pulled up her short skirt revealing a cute pair of red panties. Lydia went over to her and as Julie had done that morning, she pulled them down and then off.

"Get the message?" Lydia asked.

"Yes no panties from here on out."

"Right except when you go to class, then a conservative pair will do. We don't want to tempt any of your professors do we?"

"No, I am done with that."

"Then let's get out of here and get something to eat."

Lyn took them to an old Italian restaurant. The pasta was great and the wine was even better but all three limited their intake. Julie because she was driving but also because she wanted to be fully conscious and able to remember what was going to happen when they got home. She, with Lydia's help, had planned what was going to happen with Lyn. However, from here on out they were winging it. To be honest she did not think that Lyn would so completely succumb to what they asked but neither had known Lyn's past. Lyn's behavior made sense now, through it did not excuse the behavior. Julie listened to the conversation as she planned the beginning of their evening, after that she would go along with whatever happens.

As they got into the car, Lydia put Lyn in the front passenger seat.

Obviously, Julie thought, Lydia had also been thinking of what to do to Lyn tonight and she wanted to get started early. Once they got out on the highway, Lydia got things started.

"That blouse of yours looks uncomfortable, why don't you open it up a little."

Lyn looked back at Lydia and then over to Julie, but Julie only smiled to herself as she kept her face straight. Lyn sighed and moved her seat belt

over off her shoulder before she started to unbutton her blouse. Julie kept one eye on Lyn and the other on the street. When Lyn got it unbuttoned, Lydia moved up in the back seat and opened Lyn's blouse a little. Julie peeked over at Lyn and got a good view of her white bra and the swell of her breasts. They went a little further before Lydia upped the action.

"That bra looks uncomfortable too, why don't you take that off now."

Lyn started to say something but then thought better. She leaned forward and reached back to unhook her bra. It was a tight fit but she was able to manage. When that was completed, she reached under her sleeve, pulled her bra strap down her arm and just able to get her arm out. She did the same to the other side, which was much easier. She was then able to pull her bra away from her breasts. Julie peeked over and she could see the left breast with just a hint of a nipple as they passed under a light. Julie looked in the rearview mirror at Lydia and they exchanged grins. Lydia moved forward in her seat and reached around Lyn's seat. Julie wished she were not driving so that she could better enjoy what Lydia was doing but she did glance over every chance she got. Lydia opened Lyn's blouse completely exposing her breasts. She then cupped the breasts in her hands. Julie noted that Lyn was a little tense and scared of getting caught having her breasts fondled like this, where any passing car or truck could see them. However, as time went on Julie noted that Lyn's eyes closed and she had started to enjoy what was happening to her. Julie decided to get in on the action. She placed her hand on Lyn's left thigh. She rubbed up and down a minute then she moved her hand to the inside of the thigh. Julie felt

Lyn open her thighs to give her hand access. Julie slowly inched her hand toward Lyn's core. The closer that she got to Lyn's pussy the more Lyn moaned. When her fingers finally reached the outer lips, she found them wet. Julie ran them up and down the slit, getting her fingers wet. She brought her hand out and placed them in her mouth tasting Lyn's sweet juices. This caused her own juices to get started. Julie quickly put her fingers back to Lyn's pussy and this time she moved a finger inside Lyn. This was tough while driving but she was just able to get half of her index into Lyn. She moved it in and out as Lydia pinched and pulled on Lyn's nipples. Lyn was moaning up a storm now and about the time that Julie pulled into the parking lot at the apartment, Julie knew that Lyn was near an orgasm.

Dusk had arrived by now, the sun had set, but the security lights had not come on yet. When they got out, all three met at the front of the car. Julie stood in front of Lyn and without saying a thing she pulled Lyn's blouse from her skirt and then she bunched the bottom of the blouse. Julie moved up against Lyn and she tucked Lyn's blouse into the back of her skirt. Lyn was now standing out in the open with her breasts exposed. Julie had checked before getting out of the car and she saw that no one was around and all the curtains were closed in the apartments so she was sure that no one would see them. Julie then moved to the side and put her arm around Lyn's waist pinning Lyn's arm behind her back. Lydia assumed the same position to Lyn's other side. They then started walking the one hundred feet to their second floor apartment. Julie's could feel Lyn trying to pick up the pace but Julie kept her at a slow even pace. When they got to

the steps, Julie could not resist reaching over with her free hand and pinched each of the already hard nipples. Lyn let out a loud "Ohhhhhh." As they got to the door, Julie let Lyn go to open the door. Lyn was good and stood still not trying to cover up. However, just as Julie got the door open, she heard a door open and people talking. Julie and Lydia acted quickly with Julie flinging the door open and Lydia pushing Lyn inside with anyone seeing her. Julie shut the door and kept it closed until the people passed, then she opened it to find Lyn crying or so she thought. It was not until she and Lydia got inside that Julie realized that Lyn was laughing so hard that she was crying. Lyn's laughter was catching and soon Julie and Lydia were bent over double laughing. It was ten minutes later when the laughing had subsided and all had visited the bathroom that they got back to what they had started in the car.

"Since you are only halfway dressed anyway, why don't you finish losing your clothes." Julie instructed.

Lyn could not help smiling as she let her blouse drop off her shoulders. She flipped off her shoes before unzipping her skirt and letting that drop to the floor. She was now naked and she made the most of that fact. She walked seductively around the room. She gave Julie and Lydia a view of her back and her cute butt. She slowly bent forward opening her ass and pussy to Julie and Lydia's eyes. Julie could feel her juices beginning to run again. Lyn kept going down until her hands were flat on the floor and she held that pose for a minute. Julie so wanted to walk over and grab that ass but she kept still. Lyn stood up and walked over to where Julie and Lydia were standing.

"Now undress us." Julie commanded.

Lyn started with Julie by pulling her knit top over her head. When it was off, Julie saw Lyn come forward and kiss her and as they kissed, she felt Lyn's hands lightly brush her breasts. Lyn then went over to Lydia and did the same to her. Lyn came back to Julie and as she looked Julie in the eyes, Julie felt Lyn unsnapping her jeans and unzipping them. Lyn then dropped to her knees and pulled the jeans down. When they were at her ankles, Julie placed a hand on Lydia's shoulders as Lyn removed her shoes and her jeans. Before going to Lydia, Lyn gave a quick kiss to Julie's

pussy through the nylon material of her panties. Lyn shuffled over to Lydia on her knees and began to undo her jeans. Julie watched as Lyn removed Lydia's jeans and shoes and then kissed her pussy through the panties. Lyn stayed on her knees as she came back to Julie. She put her hands to Julie's sides and pulled her panties down. When they were off, Lyn placed her hands to Julie's hips and Julie felt Lyn's tongue. Julie heard a moan come to her throat and then out. Lyn only licked her a minute or two before going back to Lydia. Julie watched as Lyn pulled Lydia's panties down and started to lick her. It was such a thrilling sight to watch Lyn lick Lydia. Again, she only licked a minute before stopping. She got up and came back to Julie, who raised her arms as Lyn unhooked her bra to pull it off. Julie

then felt Lyn's mouth on her right nipple. Lyn sucked it into her mouth and sucked a few seconds and as she pulled off of it, she gently bit down causing Julie to moan. Julie felt Lyn do the same to her other breast. Then Lyn was gone and she was in front of Lydia. She took Lydia's bra off, sucked, and bit each of her breasts. Lyn was not through, she came back to Julie and put her hand behind her neck. Julie felt herself being pulled forward and then Lyn was kissing her. It was a long deep kiss, with Lyn's tongue entering her mouth. They kissed passionately for a couple of minutes before Lyn broke off the kiss. Lyn then went over to Lydia who was prepared for the kiss. Their lips came together and Julie watched as the kiss went on and on and she could see that their tongues were fully engaged. When the kiss ended, Julie was ready for some real action.

"Let's retire to the bedroom ladies." Julie told the two naked young

women standing in front of her.

When they got there, Julie told Lyn to lie down on the bed, which she did with a lusty smile on her face. Julie then had Lydia get up on the bed with her knees to each side of Lyn's head. Julie then joined Lydia on the bed. She positioned herself in front of Lydia and took Lydia in her arms.

"Now I want you to start licking our pussies as we kiss." Julie instructed Lyn.

Julie felt Lyn's hands on her butt as Lyn got into position. Lydia opened her legs up a little more as did Julie. When everyone was in position, Julie took Lydia's face in her hands and began to kiss her. Lyn had started to lick Lydia first and when she hit a good spot Julie could feel Lydia's body shake and the kiss get more passionate. Julie was beginning to wonder when Lyn was going to get to her when she felt Lyn's tongue touch her pussy. Julie moaned into Lydia's mouth. It felt nice to be kissing

Lydia as her pussy was licked; like having the best of both worlds. She felt

Lyn's tongue go up and down her slit and to her clit. Julie moaned louder and Lydia shoved her tongue deep into her mouth. Julie was just getting close to a climax when she felt Lyn's tongue leave her pussy and go back to Lydia's. She was disappointed for herself and happy for Lydia as she felt

Lydia moan into her mouth. Julie and Lydia's hands were not still during all

of this. They caressed each other's backs and butts before slipping to the front and they caressed each other's breasts. Lyn went back and forth between the two and Julie felt herself getting close to a climax a number of

times before being disappointed. Lyn was learning quickly but Julie was now ready to cum and she could tell that Lydia was too. When Lyn went back to Lydia, Julie slipped her fingers to Lydia's pussy opening up her lips for Lyn. She broke off kissing Lydia only long enough to tell Lyn, "Get

us off now!" Julie felt Lyn's mouth around her fingers as she licked Lydia. She also felt Lydia put her head on her shoulder. Lyn really licked Lydia hard and when her mouth locked on Lydia's clit, Julie heard Lydia let out a loud cry and she felt the juices pour out of Lydia's pussy. Lydia bucked and jerked as she smashed her face down on Lyn's face. When her orgasm ended, Lydia lifted her pussy from Lyn's face and she used her fingers to open Julie's pussy. Lyn quickly moved to Julie's pussy and started to lick. Julie felt Lyn's tongue go in deep inside her pussy and twirl around. Julie knew as excited as she was it would not take her long to reach a climax. Sure enough when she felt Lyn's mouth clamp down on her clit. Julie let herself go and she allowed the orgasm to rush over her. She too bucked, jerked and flooded Lyn with her juices. When her orgasm ended, she climbed off Lyn. When Lydia got off Lyn, they took turns kissing her and licking the vast amounts of juices that covered Lyn's face.

"Now I want you to turn over and put your ass in the air and your head into the pillow. I want you to keep your head there and don't look back at Lydia and I." Julie told Lyn.

"Okay." Lyn replied with an excited voice. When Lyn was in position,

Julie had Lydia go get a few toys. As Lydia did that, Julie adjusted Lyn so that her ass and pussy was in easy access. Once Lydia returned, Julie put Lydia on her back looking up at Lyn's pussy. Julie meanwhile straddled Lydia and at her signal, Lydia started to lick Lyn's pussy as she lowered her mouth to Lyn's asshole. Julie ran her tongue around the rim and she felt Lyn pucker and un-pucker her anus. Julie kept rimming Lyn's asshole until she felt it relax. She then placed the tip of her tongue at the center and slowly pushed it in. Julie felt her tongue squeeze pass Lyn's sphincter muscle and into her. She pushed it in as far as she could before withdrawing it. When it was out, she pushed it back in. she kept doing this getting Lyn's asshole nice and slippery with her spit. She then started to fuck Lyn with her tongue. Lydia was busy while Julie did this and Lyn was moaning and groaning, as she had never done before. As Lyn got close to her first orgasm Julie had to place her hands to Lyn's hips holding her in place so that she could keep fucking Lyn's asshole with her tongue. They went for a few minutes more before Julie heard Lyn cry out, "Ohhhhh Gooddd I am cummmingggg!" Lyn then did just that and Julie felt her tongue squeezed by Lyn's sphincter. As the orgasm ended, Julie and Lydia stopped to let Lyn rest for a few minutes.

Julie got off the bed and got one of the larger dildos. She gave that to Lydia with some lubricant. Julie then got a butt plug, which was 4 inches

long and about an inch at the widest point. When Lydia got the dildo greased, she gave the lubricant to Julie who lubed the butt plug. Julie then

placed the fingers of her right hand to Lyn's pussy and opened the lips up.

Lyn moaned and moaned more as she felt the head of the dildo touch her entrance. Lydia slowly pushed the dildo in. Julie watched as Lyn's lips open up and accepted the dildo. The head popped in and Lydia stopped a few seconds. She then pushed it on in. Julie could not believe how easily Lyn's pussy accepted the dildo. This dildo would really test her but Lyn was a larger girl and could take more. Lydia pushed the 7-inch dildo forward until it was almost completely inside Lyn. She then slowly withdrew the dildo completely. Julie watched the lips close up then reopen as the dildo was pushed back into her. Lydia started to fuck Lyn slowly with the dildo. When they got into a rhythm, Julie got a dollop of lubricant

and put it on Lyn's asshole. She smeared it around the rim getting it greasy. She got another dollop and this time pressed her finger inside Lyn's asshole. She felt Lyn clamp down on her finger but after a second or two, she felt Lyn relax. She put a little more lubricant inside Lyn then she placed the tip of the butt plug to Lyn's asshole. Lyn tensed up again but Lydia countered this by fucking Lyn a little harder. When Lyn relaxed, Julie

put pressure on the end of the plug and it pressed against Lyn's asshole. Julie pressed a little harder and Lyn's asshole began to open and accept the plug. She pushed it in an inch or so then back out. She kept doing this until she had the butt plug going up to the widest part but not going past that part. Julie then started to fuck Lyn's asshole with the butt plug going

in as Lydia was pulling the dildo out of Lyn's pussy. Julie looked up at Lyn

and found that she had her face buried into her pillow and was hugging it tight. Lydia fucked Lyn at a pace that kept her going toward an orgasm but kept her from having one. They fucked Lyn's pussy and asshole for a good fifteen minutes before they let her cum. Lydia put her fingers to Lyn's clit

and started to caress it as she fucked Lyn hard and fast. Lyn cried out and she tensed up as she climax approached. Just as her orgasm hit, Julie pressed the butt plug home. She watched as Lyn's asshole widened and the flared part of the plug disappeared inside her ass. Lydia gave the dildo

a few more thrusts then pulled it out with a loud wet pop. Lyn's legs gave out and she collapsed on the bed with the butt plug still inside her.

Julie and Lydia lay down to each side of Lyn and hugged her as Lyn recovered from the massive orgasm that she just experienced. They caressed her back and caressed her face. Finally, Lyn came back down to earth and she turned over but as she did that, she realized that something was still inside her.

"Didn't you forget something?" Lyn asked.

"No I didn't forget anything, did you Lydia?"

"No, I can't think of anything."

"I still have something in my bottom."

"Oh that lets just leave that in place a little longer."

"If you say so. But now I have to go pee."

"Well go but just make sure that you leave that in place." Julie watched as Lyn got up gingerly and waddle into the bathroom. She knew that the plug was now becoming uncomfortable. So she figured a few minutes more and she would let Lyn remove the butt plug. Lyn waddle back in from the bathroom a few minutes later and crawled back between Julie and Lydia. This time she lied on her back and put her knees up in the air. They talked for a little while until they were all getting sleepy. Julie let Lyn think she was going to have to have the plug in all night before she told her that she could remove it. Lyn again waddle into the bathroom, this time taking a little longer before returning to the bed, they then cuddled together and fell asleep.

The rest of the week Julie and Lydia spent helping Lyn catch up. If it were not for the fact that Lyn was indeed a speed-reader, this would have been an impossible task. They also helped her along by introducing Lyn to new ways of making love and they made sure that love was a part of their lovemaking. They wanted to make sure that Lyn learned the difference between sex and making love.

Now came the real test, it was time for classes to start again. Would Lyn keep the studying up or would she go back to her old ways. The first day of classes, Lyn walked out wearing a pair of jeans, and that made Julie feel a little better. Julie waited through the first week and Lyn seemed to do fine. The second week also went fine. It was only at the end of the third week that Lyn spoke of her old life. The three of them had just finished making love when Lyn started to talk. They also kept up their little bet, making Lyn do odd things, and messing with her body just to make sure she remembered who was in charge.

"You know it sure was a lot easier to pass when I was fucking all my


"I am sure it was." Julie replied with a nervous inflection in her voice.

"But I am actually learning now and for the first time I feel loved by the two of you."

"Well, we do love you." Lydia told Lyn as she kissed her softly on the cheek.

"I know that I am kind of like the third wheel here and you both will eventually want to go back to there being just the two of you but I do hope you will keep me around for a little longer."

"Actually Lydia and I have talked about that very thing." Julie said

and she hesitated just a few seconds before continuing. "And we have decided that instead of us being a two wheeled bicycle, we want to be a three wheeler."

"Are you sure, after the all shit I have given you two?"

"Yes we are sure." Lydia answered her.

Lyn squealed then hugged and kissed both of them. "You won't regret this." Lyn proclaimed.

Lydia waited a few seconds then came back with, "I don't know, I think I am beginning to regret it already."

"Me too." Julie shot back.

Lyn sat up and looked at both of them. She saw the serious look that

was on their faces. She was about to say something when Julie could not hold it in any longer and started to laugh. Lyn grabbed her pillow and swung at Julie.

A pillow fight then commenced.

to be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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